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Module 4 Unit1 Module 4 Unit1 Do you want some rice?民主小学:屠芸芸1谷风课件#applebananasome pearsWhat are they? Do you want some?这些是什么?这些是什么? 你想要一些吗?你想要一些吗?2谷风课件#fish tomatoeggmeat3谷风课件#Listen and chantNoodles and rice,are very, very nice.Juice with ice, is also very nice.果汁4谷风课件#Do you want some你想要一些你想要一些吗?吗?Important senterce pattern 重点句型重点句型Yes,please。No, thank you。5谷风课件#Lets practice it. 我们一起来练习。1 A: Do you want some B: Yes, please.2 A: Do you want some milk?cakes?B: No, thank you.3 A: Do you want some B: Yes, please. potatoes?6谷风课件#A story of Snow White and an apple 白雪公主与毒苹果的故事白雪公主与毒苹果的故事Black Woman(黑衣女人):Do you want the apple?Snow White(白雪公主):Yes, I want。7谷风课件#8谷风课件#Tasks Cards:Listen and answer任务卡片: 听录音回答问题1 Does Amy want some rice?2 Does Amy want some noodles?3 What is he doing? (他在干什么?)9谷风课件#noodles with tomato and egg西红柿鸡蛋面西红柿鸡蛋面noodles with meat and potato肉块土豆面肉块土豆面10谷风课件# Role Playing 角色扮演角色扮演 分角色朗读课文分角色朗读课文11谷风课件# 游戏规则:先想一想当你饿了,最想吃以下哪种食物。小组用 Do you want some?来询问,看看哪种快餐(fast food)最受欢迎?Game time. 游戏时间12谷风课件#13谷风课件#健康膳食表健康膳食表健康食物+锻炼身体=快乐人生14谷风课件#Homework:1 听录音,熟读课文2 课后用“Do you want some?” 来询问朋友想吃什么3 根据所给图片,请用上今天所学知识制作一段英语小对话。Go to supermarket.15谷风课件#16谷风课件#
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