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.word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . In the following exercises, try to develop your ability to guess the meaning of boldface words by using context clues. Read each sentence carefully and then tick off the correct choice among A, B, C and D. Exercise 1 1. Charles asked the bank for a small loan so that he could repair his house. A. sum of money B. load C. tool D. road 2. One who is destitute has a great need for food and clothing. A. very tall B. very poor C. very rich D. dead 3. The flowers in the vase withered because they had no water. A. became sweeter b. became red C. became dry D. became white 4. The bullet hit and maimed the young soldier for life. A. wounded B. saved .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . C. beat D. made 5. That old man was so decrepit that he could hardly walk. A. weak B. strong c. healthy D. decayed 6. Just for fun, they decided to try a very circuitous country road instead of the more direct highway. A. direct B. indirect C. straight D. round 7. That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day. A. small B. large C. dull D. medium-sized 8. The wind made the kite soar high above the trees in the park. A. run .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . B. fly C. sail D. soak 9. Some of the prospectors who came to California to find gold and silver were successful. A. engineers B. doctors C. miners D. soldiers 10. A lot of men were killed during the fierce battles of the American Civil War. A. peaceful B. violent C. ugly D. fruitful Exercise 2 1. A tropical rain forest is very lush because it receives much rain. A. green b. yellow C. brown D. red 2. Trying to control a wild animal can be perilous. .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . A. dangerous B. easy C. interesting D. peaceful 3. The land is fertile; the farmers can grow many kinds of crops there. A. fruitful B. fruitless C. poor D. hopeless 4. Unfortunately, the farmer discovered too late that the land he had bought was barren. A. fruitful B. poor C. rich D. hopeful 5. The professor was chosen to teach the course because of his expertise on the subject. A. interest .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . B. drive C. knowledge D. expert 6. The cake was so scrumptious that Cindy ate quite a few pieces. A. bad B. delicious C. hard D. tasteless 7. Some children eat too many sweets and their teeth become decayed. A. bad or rotten B. good and strong C. nice and clean D. hard and solid 8. John moved from New Y ork to small farm because he prefers rural living. A. city B. town C. country D. foreign .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . 9. It was difficult to keep law and order in the Old West because of all the outlaws. A. lawkeepers B. lawbreakers C. lawmakers D. lawsupporters 10. The city was devastated by the powerful earthquake. A. destroyed B. repaired C. built D. renewed Exercise 3 1. I begged the family not to kill the wild animal, and they finally listened to my pleas. A. requests B. questions C. suggestions D. pleasures 2. As the fat man sat down, the chair collapsed under him, with a loud noise of tearing .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . canvas. A. rose B. broke C. jumped D. cooperated 3. Y our library permit expires next month. If you want to borrow more books, you must request a new one. A. starts B. begins C. ends D. exports 4. The whole region is sparsely populated; our nearest neighbor lives ten miles away. A. thinly B. thickly C. over D. fast 5. Instead of complaining to me that you are ailing, you should see a doctor to find out .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . whats wrong with you. A. well B. ill C. hungry D. aiding 6. Not wanting to disturb the sleeping little cat, I gingerly lift her from the box and put her on a blanket near the heater. A. carelessly B. hurriedly C. carefully D. hurriedly 7. The man behaved furtively and the policeman thought he might be the thief who stole the money. A. secretly B. bravely C. slowly D. openly .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . 8. My first impression of Tom was really not good. He did his homework haphazardly. 1 In a short essay of 500 words, there were 30 spelling mistakes. A. skillfully B. carelessly C. carefully D. cautiously 9. The old house is in perfect conditions because it has recently been renovated. A. restored B. damaged C. destroyed D. decayed 10. The president resumed his speech after the audience had stopped applauding. A. stopped B. went on with C. gave up D. reviewed .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . Exercise 4 1. Joe built a new house in a remote area of the desert so that he could be away from the city. A. near B. beautiful C. faraway D. ugly 2. Jack was thrilled to find out that he had won a special award for his work. A. angry B. nervous C. excited D. sad 3. V ery small infants who are still feeding on their mothers milk are protected from colds and other diseases. A. babies B. grown-ups C. nurses D. infantry .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . 4. Mary is very prudent with her money; therefore, she never buys expensive things. A. free B. careful C. careless D. proud 5. Jane dominated the conversation so much that nobody else had a chance to speak. A. controlled B. spoke C. dismissed D. started 6. Large freighters carry all kinds of goods or products across oceans to foreign countries. A. trains B. trucks C. ships D. buses 7. The pilot increased the altitude of the airplane in order to avoid the rain clouds. .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . A. height B. weight C. speed D. number 8. Ancient mariners made long voyages across the ocean before finding Hawaii. A. nomads B. seamen C. airmen D. postmen 9. That man is so sick that the doctors will isolate him from the rest of the patients in the hospital. A. put B. separate C. treat D. cure 10. The mountain climbers will reach the summit in a few hours. A. foot B. side .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . C. top D. middle Exercise 5 1. John does not like swimming; therefore he does not take part in aquatic sports. A. relating to air B. relating to water C. relating to land D. relating to gas 2. The newly married couple took a romantic cruise to several islands in the Caribbean on an excellent boat. A. trip by water B. trip by land C. trip by air D. trip on foot 3. Because of the heavy rain, a flood was imminent. A. likely to go B. likely to fall .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . C. likely to come D. likely to die 4. After Mark lost his job, his future looked very bleak. A. bright and cheerful B. hopeless and discouraging C. hopeful and encouraging D. good and rich 5. It was so cozy by the fire that we hated to go out into the cold. A. warm and comfortable B. clean and dry C. dirty and wet D. dark and wet 6. After the attack on civilians or people by army troops, a committee met to try to discover what could have provoked such an action. A. prevented B. led to C. kept D. went to .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . 7. Blind people meet with countless difficulties in their lives but, happily, they succeed in coping with many of them so they can live near-normal lives. A. catching up with B. dealing with C. keeping up with D. cooperating with 8. For example, if a pilot averts a plane crash by making a safe emergency landing, he may laugh as he describes his experience. A. avoids B. awaits C. awakes D. asleep 9. We did not have time to read the whole novel, so the teacher prepared a synopsis for us. A. details B. everything C. summary or outline .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . D. synonyms 10. Since Mr. Walter did not expect to speak and had not prepared anything, his talk was an impromptu one. A. without preparation B. with full preparation C. uninteresting D. impossible Exercise 6 1. The town wakes up, alive and moving. Workmen, wagons, men, boys, all go hurrying from many sections to a common center, the pier, because a steamboat is coming. A. theatre or cinema B. airport or bus station C. a kind of dock or port D. shop or hospital 2 2. There are times when one wants to be surrounded by people; there are also times when one needs solitude. .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . A. rest B. the state of being alone C. a lot of friends D. solid 3. The tired soldiers trudged through knee-deep mud for hours before they found a dry place to sleep in. A. walked heavily or difficultly B. walked lightly and sadly C. walked easily and happily D. walk lightly and happily 4. In the past, the world seemed to run in an orderly way. Now, however, everything seems to be in a state of turmoil. A. order B. disorder or disturbance C. rest and stability D. death 5. Roses seem to thrive under certain conditions; the more sunlight and water they receive, the more beautiful they are. A. grow badly and poorly B. grow just so and so .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . C. be strong and healthy D. throw away 6. Some large houses have a den in addition to a living-room and a dining-room. A. a kind of furniture B. a kind of room C. a kind of bookshelf D. a kind of door 7. People who suffer from emphysema have trouble breathing. A. illness of the lungs B. medicine for colds C. person with troubles D. illness of ears 8. A clogged pipe, like a stuffed-up nose, will not allow anything to pass through it. A. open and clear B. sore and painful C. closed-off D. opened wide .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . 9. He was a green worker and needed a lot of training. A. worker in green B. worker in the green C. worker without experience D. worker with rich experience 10. He is lazy and does not want to work hard. As a result he is in the red now. A. in debt B. wealthy C. in red D. bloody Exercise 7 1. Joe and Sally discussed the itinerary of their vacation to Europe and decided to spend one week in Paris and one week in Rome. A. money B. plan of the journey C. clothes D. cost 2. Alice bought an “I love San Diego” T-shirt as a souvenir of her visit to that city. .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . A. gift or reminder B. house or farm C. factory or shop D. lake or river 3. Someone opened the corral and allowed horses to escape last night. A. house for hens and cocks B. house for dogs and cats C. house for cows and horses D. house for sheep and goats 4. We watched as the cat came quietly through the grass toward the bird. When it was just a few feet from the bird, it gathered its legs under itself and pounced. A. went back B. returned C. jumped D. fell 5. In spite of the fact that the beautiful egret is in danger of dying out, many clothing makers still offer high prices for its long, beautiful tail feathers, which are used as .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . decorations on ladies hats. A. a kind of clothes B. a kind of bird C. a kind of cloth D. a kind of food 6. The snake slithered through the grass. A. walked quickly B. slept soundly C. slid or slipped unsteadily D. ran slowly 7. But suddenly they became the parents of quintuplets, four girls and a boy, an event which quickly changed their lives. A. five children at one birth B. one child at one birth C. four children at one birth D. two child at one birth 8. Mr. Brown was proud of his neat row of marigolds in his flower beds which he .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . looked after with great care. A. flowers B. vegetables C. cotton D. marine 9. Mother was tall, fat, and middle-aged. The principal or leader of the school was an old woman, almost as plump as Mother, but much shorter. A. thin B. tall C. fat D. short 10. A lot of wild animals and birds migrate from place to place during different seasons. A. settle down B. move continuously C. go D. lay eggs .word 可编辑. . 专业.专注 . 3
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