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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?祝福每个孩子健康祝福每个孩子健康进步成长。只要用进步成长。只要用心去学英语,你一心去学英语,你一定能学好!定能学好!P90,实义动词的用法1主语为非三单,动词用原形。 主语为三单,动词用第三人称单数。2 含实义动词的句子变否定句,主语为非三单,直接在动词前面加dont,主语为三单,直接在动词前加doesnt,动词用原形。3 含实义动词的句子变一般疑问句,主语为非三单,在句首加Do,回答:Yes,sb+do/No,sb+dont主语为三单,在句首加Does,后面动词用原形。回答:Yes,sb+does/No,sb+doesnt练一练I have (have) an English book.I dont have ( not have) an English book.Do ( do) you have a book ? Jim likes ( like) basketball.Jim doesnt like ( not like) basketball.Do (Do)Jim like basketball ?总结前面学过的知识,完成下面各题。Kate likes (like) Chinese.We know (know) this boy.He and I have ( have) volleyball.Does (do ) he have (have) a basketball.My parent ask (ask) me some questions.My sister doesnt ( not help) me.I do You do They doShe does He does Mary doesI have You have They haveShe has He has Mary has Section APeriod 1 (1a-1c)Unit 5 Do you have 你有一个足球么你有一个足球么a soccer ball?How do you spell it?Whats this ?basketballbasketballsoccer ballsoccer ballfootballfootballvolleyballvolleyballbaseballbaseballtennistennis ball ballping-pongping-pongping-pong bat batB: Yes. I do. B: Yes. I do. B: No. I donB: No. I dont t A: Do you have A: Do you have a basketball? a basketball?B: Yes. he does. B: No. he doesnt. A: Does he have a soccer ball?playplay baseball baseballA:Do you have a baseball?B:Yes , I do /No,I dontplayplay tennis tennisA:Does she have a tennis?B:Yes,she does. /No,she doesnt1a Match the words with the things in the picture. 1.tennis ball _2.ping-pong bat _3.soccer ball _4.volleyball _5.basketball _6.baseball bat _af cedb ping-pong bat soccer ball volleyball ping-pong ball1b Listen and circle the words you hear.A: Do you have a ping-pong bat?A: Do you have a ping-pong bat?B: Yes, I do.B: Yes, I do.A: Do you have a ping-pong ball?A: Do you have a ping-pong ball?B: No, I donB: No, I dont t. .PairworkA:Do you have a / an?B:Yes, I do. / No, I dont. I have a Lets practice! 含实义动词的句子变一般疑问句句型结构:Do /Does+sb+动词原形?含实义动词的句子的特殊疑问句句型结构:特殊疑问词+ do /does+sb+动词原形?1I have a tennis ball(对划线部分提问) ( What )do you ( have )? 2Bob has a volleyball(对划线部分提问) ( What )( does ) Bob(have )? 3They play basketball (对划线部分提问) ( What ) (do ) they play?4Nick plays soccer ball(对划线部分提问) ( What ) (does )Nick play?(一)习题巩固(此部分试题可群学)用以下句型练习: Do you have-? Eg: Do you have a baseball? Yes. I do /No,I dont Does he /she have-? Eg: Does he have a ping-pong ball? Yes,he does /No,he doesnt What do you have?Eg: What do you have? I have a basketball What does he /she have?Eg: What does he have? He has a football.你有一个足球么你有一个足球么? Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?2a Listen to the conversations. Number the pictures (1-4).2342b Listen again. Match the pictures in 2a with the balls.324A: Does Jane have a tennis ball?B: No, she doesnt.2c Ask and answer questions about the people in 2a.2d Role-play the conversation.A: Do you have a ?B: Yes. I do./No. I dontA: Does she have a ?B: Yes. She does./No. She doesnt.A: Does he have a ?B: Yes. He does. / No. He doesnt.do做干做干bat球棒;球拍球棒;球拍let允许允许does做,干做,干soccer足球足球us我们我们(we的宾格)的宾格)have有有soccer ball(英式(英式)足球足球lets=let us让我们一让我们一起起tennis网球网球Volleyball排球排球go去;走去;走ball 球球basketball篮球篮球we我们我们ping-pong乒乓乒乓球球hey嘿;喂嘿;喂late迟到迟到1.has (have的第三人称单数形式)2.get去取,得到3.great 美妙的;伟大的4.play 参加;玩耍5.sound 听起来好像6.interesting 有趣的7boring没趣得得 8.fun 有趣的9.difficult 困难的10.relaxing 放松的11.watch 注视,观看12.TV电视 13.watch TV 看电视14.same相同的 15.love 爱;喜爱16.with 和;在一起17.sport 运动18.them(they的宾格) 19.only 只;仅20.like 喜欢21.easy 容易的22.after 在、以后23.class 班级;课24.classmate 同班同学25.Bill比尔(男名)
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