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名校版英语经典句型考点解析minority 和 majority 用法1. minority mainoirstin.少数; 少数派; 少数人; 少数民族; 少数群体; 未成年复 数 :minorities注 意 , 这个词一般不与不可数名词连用。且这个词作主语时一般表示复数含义。Only a tiny minority hold such extreme views.只有极少数人持这样极端的观点。 牛津高阶英汉双解词典These children are only a small minority.这些孩子只是很少的一部分。Only a minority of the people supported the Revolution.只有少数人支持这场革命。Only a small minority of the mentally ill are liable to harmthemselves or others.在精神病患者中, 只有一小部分有可能会伤害自己或他人。以上3例 来 自 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典The nation wants peace; only a minority want the war tocontinue.国家要和平, 只有少数人要战争继续下去。The minority is subordinate to the majority.少数服从多数。以上2例 摘 自 汉英大词典Only a minority of British households do does ) not have acar.英国只有少数家庭没有汽车。Only a small minority of students is/are interested in politicsthese days.目前, 只有极少数同学对政治感兴趣。 牛津词典这里含义是指 这个少数同学也许是一个, 所以才可以用单数形式, 其他的含义都表示复数 。2. majoritym9 1dso;rotin. 大部分; 大多数; ( 获胜的) 票数; 多数票; 超出其余各方票数总和的票数复 数:majorities注 意 , 这个词一般不与不可数名词连用。且这个词作主语时一般表示复数含义。The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.大多数接受采访的人都喜欢看电视多于听收音机。The majority was/were in favour of banning smoking .大多数人支持禁烟。The majority of my patients come to me from out of town.大多数来找我看病的患者都是外省人。The great majority of people seem to agree with this view.大多数人似乎都同意这种观点。The majority of small businesses now do their banking online.大多数小企业现在都在网上办理银行业务。以上2例 摘 自 牛津高阶英汉双解词典The majority of small businesses go broke within the firsttwenty-four months大多数小企业在开张后的24个月内就倒闭了。 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典The majority of seats on the board will be held by businessrepresentatives.理事会的多数席位将由工商界代表担任。The majority of the population is Protestant.这里的人大多数都信奉新教。 牛津高阶英汉双解词典The majority of people around here are decent people这里的大多数人都很正派。The majority of people in this country pay their whack该国大部分人尽了他们的一份力。以上2例 摘 自 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典The majority of criminals are non-violent.大多数罪犯是不使用暴力的。综上所述, 这两个词一般不能与不可数名词连用。其含义一般是表示复数概念, 但有时也表示单数含义。be discreet about对很谨慎; 考虑周到, 慎重He was always very discreet about his love affairs.他对两性关系一贯谨小慎微。We were very discreet about the romance我们对这段恋情很谨慎。I have no problem when people are discreet about it.当人们对这件事很谨慎的时候, 我没有问题。If theres anybody on earth I trust to be discreet about this stuff,its you, Molly Malone.我相信如果有人对这件事要谨慎, 那就是你, 莫莉马龙。Be discreet about any information you uncover.揭露任何信息都要谨慎。Be discreet about your personal life or whereabouts.关于私生活或是你的行踪, 要保持谨慎。Be more discreet or youll get yourself talked about要更谨慎些否则你就会成为人们的话柄。be meant to do注 定 ( 或肯定) 要; 是 , 本应该, 必 须 ; 被普遍认为 是 ; 照道理( 规 矩 ) 应该John was constantly reassuring me that we were meant to betogether.约翰不断安慰我说, 我们注定要在一起。She did everything to get the two of them together, but I guess itjust wasnt meant to be.她极力撮合他们俩, 但我觉得那根本不可能。I was meant to be working on Sunday, but I just fooled aroundall day.星期日我本应工作的, 但却闲混了一整天。Farmers were meant to get an income comparable to that oftownspeople农民的收入本应该与城里人的收入相当。This restaurant is meant to be excellent.都说这家饭店很棒。Youre meant to pay before you go in.你要先交钱才能进去。You are meant to leave a tip.你得留下小费。The term I used was meant to be purely descriptive.我所用的措辞是纯叙述性的。The peculiar thing about getting engaged is that youre meant toannounce it to everyone订婚的特别之处在于, 你就应该让人人知道你订婚了。The decor was meant to keep the mind concentrated on themaking of money这样的装饰布局原本是想让人们把注意力集中在如何赚钱上。Parties are meant to be fun.派对就是为了乐和一下。Family holidays are meant to be a break from routine.家庭假日就是从平淡的日常生活中解脱一下。The measures are meant to (are intended to) alleviate trafficcongestion.这些措施是为了减轻交通堵塞。The phrase was not meant to be taken seriously.此话不必当真。注 意 , 下面句型含义:A be meant to B ; A就 要B ; A就意味着BThe traditional view was that marriage was meant to last.传统的观念是结成夫妻就要白头到老。词汇积累1. reassure iri:Q,fur v.使 安心; 打消的疑虑; 安抚2. comparable kompsrabl adj.类似的; 可比较的3. purely pjoali adv.仅仅; 完全, 纯粹4. tip tip n.尖端; 尖儿; 端; ( 装在顶端的) 小部件; 指点; 实用的提示; 小费v.( 使) 倾 斜 , 翻覆; 倒出倾倒倾覆; 轻触; 轻碰5. descriptive H diskriptivadj. 描写的; 叙述的; 说明的才苗写性的( 描述语言的实际应用而非使用规则)6. peculiar pikjuJiaradj. 怪异的; 奇怪的; 不寻常的; ( 某人、某地、某种情况等) 特 有 的 , 特殊的;不适; 不舒服7. decor deikoir n.(建筑内部的) 装 饰 布 局 , 装饰风格8. concentrate ko nsntreit v.集中( 注意力) ; 聚精会神; 使集中( 或集合、聚集) ; ( 使) 浓缩n.浓缩物9. routine n.常规; 正常顺序; 生活乏味无聊; ( 演出中的) 一套动作 , 一系列笑话( 等)adj. 常规的; 例行公事的旧常的; 平常的; 正常的; 毫不特别的; 乏味的; 平淡的10. congestion kandsestn n.(交通) 拥塞; 塞车; 充血; 淤血11. alleviate 9 li:vieit v.减轻; 缓和; 缓解Congestion could be countered by persuading more drivers toget on their bikes通过劝说更多的驾车者改骑自行车可以缓解交通拥堵。
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