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定语从句 1关系代词引导的定语从句 【关系代词引导的定语从句】 (一)、定义:在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。 定语从句是指在一个句子中作定语的句子,定语从句要放在所修饰的词后。 如:1) The man who lives next to us is a policeman. 2) You must do everything that I do. 上面两句中的 man 和 everything 是定语从句所修饰的词,叫先行词,定语从句放在先行词的后面。 引导定语从句的词有关系代词that, which, who(宾格whom, 所有格whose)和关系副词where, when、 why 关系词常有三个作用:1、引导定语从句 2、代替先行词 3、在定语从句中担当一个成分 (二)、关系代词引导的定语从句 指人,在从句中做主语 (1)The boys who are playing football are from Class One. (2)Yesterday I helped an old man who lost his way. 2. whom 指人,在定语从句中充当宾语,常可省略。 (1) Mr. Liu is the person (whom) you talked about. 注意:关系代词 whom 在口语和非正式语体中常用 who 代替,可省略。 (2) The man who/whom you met just now is my friend. 3. which 指物,在定语从句中做主语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略 (1) Football is a game which is liked by most boys. ( which 在句子中做主语) (2) This is the pen (which) he bought yesterday. ( which 在句子中做宾语) 4. that 指人时,相当于 who 或者 whom;指物时,相当于 which。 在宾语从句中做主语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略。 (1) The people that/who come to visit the city are all here. (在句子中做主语) (2) Where is the man that/whom I saw this morning? (在句子中做宾语) 5. whose 通常指人,也可指物,在定语从句中做定语 (1) He has a friend whose father is a doctor. (2) I lived in a house whose roof has fallen in. whose 指物时,常用以下结构来代替 (3)The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repaired. =The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired. (4)Do you like the book whose color is yellow? =Do you like the book is yellow? 【总结】: 一、 关系代词引导定语从句时,可作主语、宾语、定语等句子成分。如: 代替人 代替物 代替人或物 主语 who which that 宾语 whomwho which that 定语 whose(of whom) whose(of which) is the doctor who came from London. 2.The book whichthat I am reading is written by Thomas Hardy. 3. The desk whose leg is broken is very old. 4. This is the room thatwhich Shakespeare was born in. 二、使用关系代词时应注意以下几点: 1如果先行词是 all, anything, something, nothing, everything, little, none 等不定代词,关系代词一般只用 that,不用 which。 例如:All that are present burst into tears. 2如果先行词被形容词最高级以及 first,last,any,only,few,much,no,some,very等词修饰,关系代词常用 that, 不用 which。 例如:The first lesson that I learned will never be forgotten. 3which还有一种特殊用法,它可以引导从句修饰前面的整个主句,代替主句所表示的整体概念或部分概念。在这种从句中,which 可以作主语,也可以作宾语或表语,多数情况下意思与 and this相似。 例如:He succeeded in the competition, which made his parents very happy. 4先行词中既有人又有物时,关系代词应该用 that。 例如:The boy and the dog that are in the picture are very lovely. 5“介词关系代词”可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。此结构中的介词可以是 in, on, about, from, for, with, to, at, of, without等,关系代词常常只可用 whom或 which,不可用that。 例如:The room in which there is a machine is a workshop. 像 listen to, look at, depend on, pay attention to, take care of 等固定短语动词,在定语从句中一般不将介词与动词分开。 例如:This is the boy whom she has taken care of. 一、 典型例题 ( )1、 -Do you know the man _is talking with your father? -Yes, hes our headmaster. A. he B. who C. which D. whom ( )2、The girl _ is reading under the tree _my sister. A. which; is B. whom; was C. who; is D. who; was ( )3、Have you seen the film Titanic _actors are very famous? A who B whose C that D whom ( )4、Ann asked the policeman _he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident. A with him B with whom C who D whom ( )5、A child _parents are dead is called an orphan. A which B his C whose D with ( )6、This is the reason _ he told me. A、that B、why C、on which D、for that ( )7、Do you know the scientist _ gave us a talk just now? A. who B. whom C. which D. whose ( )8、This is the dictionary _ Mum gave me for my birthday. A. which B. what C. whose D. whom ( )9、Shaolin Temple _ lies in the west of Zhengzhou welcomes the visitors both at home and abroad. A. where B. which C. who D. what ( )10、Do you know the girl _ is standing under the tree? She is my little sister. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 三、课后练习 ( )1. Beijing is the 29th city _ holds the Olympic Games. A. where B. that C. which D. what ( )2. Have you read the book _ I gave you yesterday? A. that B. when C. where ( )3. The man _ came to our party with a present is my old friend. A. when B. which C. who ( )4. I like writers _ write short stories. A. which B. what C. whom D. who ( )5. This is the question _ we are talking about now. A. that B. who C. where D. when ( )6. What are you looking for? I am looking for the book _ I bought yesterday. A. who B. which C. whose ( )7. Jack, there is someone in the office _ would like to speak with you. A. who B. which C. whom ( )8. If a bag is filled with books and pens, it must belong to someone _ works hard. A. which B. / C. whom D. who ( )9. Many young people prefer the songs _ have great lyrics. A. which B. who C. where D. whom ( )10. Even teachers cant understand some expressions _ their students use in daily life. A. whose B. who C. that D. whom ( )11. The bridge _ a big ship can go has been built. A. under which B. under that C. in which D. on which ( )12. The book _ is torn is mine. A. the cover of which B. the cover of that C. which the cover D. whose cover of ( )13. He talked about the classmates and the school _ he had visited. A. who B. that C. which D. about which ( )14. You have seen the girl _ sister is a Chinese teacher. A. whom B. of whom C. whose D. of which ( )15. We should do all _ is useful to people. A. / B. that C. it D. which ( )16. We came to a place _ they had never paid a visit before. A. which B. in which C. on which D. to which ( )17. Those _ finished doing it put up your hands. A. who have B. who has C. which have D. have ( )19. The man _ was a friend of mine. A. that you just talked to B. whom you just talked to him C. who you just talked to him D. which you just talked to ( )20. I went to the school _ my father once worked. A. that B. which C. where D. on which ( )21. I shall never forget those years _ I lived in the country with the farmers, _has a great effect on my life. A. that; which B. when; which C. which; that D. when; who ( )22. The weather turned out to be very good, _was more than we could expect. A. what B. which C. that D. it ( )23. Carol said the work would be done by October, _ personally I doubt very much. A. it B. that C. when D. which ( )24. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, _ , of course, made the others unhappy. A. who B. which C. this D. what ( )25. Have you seen the film Titanic, _ leading actor is world famous? A. its B. its C. whose D. which =Word 行业资料分享-可编辑版本-双击可删= 源-于-网-络-收-集 典型例题 1B2C3b4b5c6a 7a8a9b10a 课后练习 1B2A3D4D 5-9ABADA 10C 11 解析:考查定语从句随意性关系引导词。基本常识:定语从句随意性关系引导词由搭配介词+which/whom 构成,先行词指人用前者,先行词指事/物用后者。定语从句引导词的判断方法为将先行词想方设法放入从句, 使从句成为一个完整且有先行词成分的陈述句。 此句中,先行词为 the bridge; 从句为 a big ship can go, 二者构成的完整句为 A big ship can go under the bridge. 因此, 答案为 A 12 解析:考查定语从句随意性关系引导词以及所属关系引导词。 此句中先行词为 the book, 从句应为 cover is torn, 二者构成的完整句为 the cover of the book is torn. 因此随意性关系引导词结构为 the cover of which 或所属关系引导词结构 whose cover. 因此,答案为 A 13 解析:考查先行词即指人又指物的定语从句相同意思引导词。 定语从句相同意思引导词基本要点, 无论限定性还是非限定性定语从句的主宾表引导词均为相同意思引导词。 先行词指事物的情况,用引导词which.此句中,先行词为 the classmates and the school, 从句为 he had visited, 二者构成的完整句为 He had visited the classmates and the school. 所以不难发现先行词在限定性定语从句中作 visited 的宾语使用,先行词既指人又指物。 因此,答案为 B 14 解析:考查定语从句所属关系引导词。此句先行词为 the girl,定语从句为 sister is a Chinese teacher,二者构成的完整句为 The girls sister is a Chinese teacher. 先行词的s 所有格构成的所属关系结构在从句中作定语。因此, 答案只能为 C. 定语从句固定关系引导词相关要点:先行词在定语从句中除作从句主宾表成分以外的成分,均为相关意思引导词,其中包括固定关系引导词和随意性关系引导词。固定关系引导词只有 when(时间关系),where(地点关系) ,why(先行词为 the reason,原因关系)whose(所属关系,包括s 所有格关系和 of 所有格关系,由 whose 修饰的名词成分前不能用冠词成分,whose 应为名词的前置性定语成分) ;随意性关系引导词为相关搭配介词+which/whom 构成的引导词结构充当。 15 解析:考查限定性定语从句中先行词为不定代词的相同意思引导词。 此句中先行词 all 为不定代词,从句为 is useful to people,从句缺主语, 二者构成的完整句为 All is useful to people.为了便于理解,All =All the things/ everything.所以从句的完整句还可以写成 Everything is useful to people; 或 All the things are useful to people. 因此,答案为 B 16 解析:考查定语从句随意性关系引导词。此句先行词为a place, 从句为 they had never paid a visit before, 二者构成的完整句为 They had never paid a visit to the place before. 因此,答案为 D。此句的可转换概念进行相同意思引导词的考查,题干为 We came to a place _ they had never visited before. 其答案可以为 which/that/省略引导词。 17 解析:考查为指示代词在从句中作主语的指代分析以及引导词的数量。此句中, those 为定语从句的先行词,相当于 those students/clerks, finished diong it 为定语从句成分,从句缺主语以及谓语动词的完成时态助动词。主语指人,用一般引导词 who, 引导词数量与先行词一致为复数。 因此, 答案为 A 19 解析:考查完整的定语从句。此句中先行词在从句中作介词宾语,先行词相同意思用引导词充当, 先行词指人。因此,答案为 A 20 解析: 考查定语从句相关意思引导词。 此句先行词 the school, 定语从句 my father once worked,二者构成的完整句 o 为 My father once worked in the school. in the school 可以用固定关系引导词中的地点关系引导词 where 表示, 也可以用随意性关系引导词 in which 表示。 因此,答案为 C 21 解析:前一空考查定语从句相关意思引导词;后一空考查定语从句整句先行词相同意思引导词。前一定语从句的完整句为 I lived in the country with the farmers those years. 先行词在从句中作非主宾表成分,先行词与时间相关。后一定语从句的完整句在理解基础上的意思转换为 The experience has a great effect on my life. The experience= I lived in the country with the farmers those years。所以为整句先行词在从句中作主语。 因此,答案为 B 22 解析:考查定语从句整句先行词在从句中作主语。非限定性定语从句在意思理解基础上的完整句为This natural phenomenan was more than we could expect. This natural phenomenan= The weather turned out to be very good. 因此,答案为 B 23 解析:考查定语从句整句先行词在从句中作宾语。 非限定性定语从句的完整句为Personly I doubt that the work would be done by October very much. 因此, 答案为 D 24 解析: 考查非限定性定语从句整句先行词在从句中作主语。非限定性定语从句完整句为 It made the others unhappy that Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play. It=Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play. =Word 行业资料分享-可编辑版本-双击可删= 源-于-网-络-收-集 在从句中构成形式主语与真实主语关系。因此,答案为 B 25 解析:非限定性定语从句引导词考点, 先行词the film,放入从句为The leading actor of the film is world famous, 先行词放入从句为of所有格作后置性定语,用相关意思引导词中的所属关系引导词。 答案为C
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