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The Normandy Invasion was a massive battlefield action launched by The Antifascist alliance confederates in western Allies in Europe . The battle took place on June 6, 1944, early at 6:30. The campaign in August 19 ended after the confederates went through Seine - Marne River. The Normandy Invasion is the worlds largest sea in combat by far, involving nearly 3 million soldiers crossing the channel in Normandy in France.2021/8/61诺曼底登陆战役,是20世纪最大的登陆战役,也是战争史上最有影响的登陆战役之一。盟军先后调集了36个师,总兵力达288万人,其中陆军有153万人,相当于20世纪末美国的全部军队。从1944年6月6日至7月初,美国、英国、加拿大的百万军队,17万辆车辆,60万吨各类补给品,成功地渡过了英吉利海峡。到7月24日,战争双方约有24万人被歼灭,其中盟军伤亡12.2万人,德军伤亡和被俘11.4万人。至8月底,盟军一共消灭或重创德军40个师,德军的3名元帅和1名集团军司令先后被撤职或离职,击毙和俘虏德军集团军司令、军长、师长等高级将领20人,缴获和摧毁德军的各种火炮3000多门,摧毁战车1000多辆。德军损失飞机3500架,坦克1.3万辆,各种车辆2万辆,人员40万。诺曼底登陆成功,美英军队重返欧洲大陆,使第二次世界大战的战略态势发生了根本性变化。 2021/8/62The heads of The Antifascist(反法西斯)alliance(同盟)had a meeting .2021/8/63 The allied forces were sailing cross the sea2021/8/64Maybe the hero in the text was one of those2021/8/65 The air attack took crucial transport hub, Bridges, beach pathways, and destroyed the German artillery positions even the stability of German defense, making the German passive situation and creating conditions of victory.2021/8/66The allied forces crossed the sea .The American fighter planes and bombers lined up for the campaign.2021/8/67 But the campaign caused a severe personnel sacrifice . The Antifascist alliance forces had 226659 soldiers died and the number was over twice as many as German forces decedents.2021/8/68The cemetery for The Normandy Invasion 2021/8/69
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