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新技能英语English for New Skills外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社Unit1Welcometoourdepartment!l Whats your first impression about the college?l Can you say something different between high school and college?l Please describe your learning plans in the coming years?Look at the picture and discuss:Large and beautiful campus; friendly classmates and kind teachers; different cuisines in the school canteen.For high school: a lot of homework, busy school life, lack of sleep, pressure of learning, etc.For college: colorful campus life, lots of books in the library, much freedom, etc.Study hard and smart, read more books, pass the exam, to learn English well, read for a second degree, broaden horizons and experience more.After learning this unit, you will be able to:1. talk about college life;2. ask for and give suggestions;3. fill in registration forms.CONTENT01Warmingup02ListeningandSpeaking03ReadingandVocabulary04GrammarforUse05PracticalReading&Writing06Project07AroundtheWorld08MyProgressCheck01WarmingupChoose three items you will take to college as a freshman.a guitara mobile phonebooksa credit carda laptopphotosF FExample02ListeningandSpeaking01WarmingupListen to the dialogue between two friends. The first part of the dialogue is given. The following words and expressions may help you. the dialogue registrationadmission noticefill ine-commercemajorrecent photo 01Warmingupregistration n. the registration of something such as a persons name or the details of an event is the recording of it in an official list. 登登记记; ; 注册注册e.g. Marriage without registration is not recognized by law.法律不承认未经登记手续的婚姻。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupadmission notice 录录取通知取通知书书e.g. My mind was set at ease at last after receiving the admission notice.收到录取通知书后,我的心才踏实下来。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupfill in填写,填充,替代填写,填充,替代e.g. Time to fill in your decision table with some conditions!现在应该为您的决策表填入一些条件了! Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupe-commerce 电电子商子商务务e.g. Paying, at least for e-commerce, can be tough.支付,至少对电子商务而言,可能是困难的。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupmajor n. at a university or college in the United States, a students major is the main subject that they are studying. 专业专业e.g. English majors would be asked to explore the roots of language.英语专业的学生会被要求探究语言的根源。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warminguprecent photo 近照近照e.g. Ask for a picture, too, preferably a recent photo.也可以要张照片,当然,最好是近期照片。 Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingup Tim: Good morning. What can I do for you?Linda: Morning. Im a new student. My name is Linda. Im here for registration. Tim: Hi, Linda, my name is Tim. May I have your ID card and Admission Notice, please?Linda: Sure, here you are. Tim: Thank you. Now please fill in the registration form.Linda: OK. Thanks. Linda: Heres my form.蒂姆:蒂姆:早上好。我能为您做什么?琳琳达达:早上好。我是位新生。我叫琳达。我来这里注册。蒂蒂姆姆:你好,琳达,我叫蒂姆。我能看一下你的身份证和录取通知书吗?琳达:琳达:当然。给你。蒂蒂姆姆:谢谢。现在请你填写注册表格。琳达:琳达:好的。谢谢。琳达:琳达:这是我的表格。译译文文01Warmingup Tim: OK. So, youre an e-commerce major. Welcome to our department! Im a second-year student.Linda: Thanks, Tim. What should I do next? Tim: You also need to give me two recent photos of yourself.Linda: Here you go. Tim: Now, you can go and get your room key. Ill show you the way.Linda: Thanks.蒂蒂姆姆:好的。那么,你是电子商务专业的一员了。欢迎来我们学院!我是二年级的学生。琳琳达达:蒂姆,谢谢你。我接下来该做什么?蒂蒂姆姆:你还需要给我两张你的近照。琳达:琳达:给你。蒂蒂姆姆:现在,你可以去拿你的房间钥匙了。我来跟你带路。琳达:谢谢。译译文文介绍自己专业时可用此句式。1What can I do for you?2May I have yourplease?3Im here for4Excuse me, but could you tell me the steps for registration?5Is there anything I can do for you?6Would you mind passing me a piece of paper to write my suggestion on?Will you lend me a hand?7 Useful expressionsUseful expressions01WarminguppShe is a new student.pShe is Tims classmate.pShe is a second-year student.pShe is an English major.pShe is an e-commerce major. Listen again and choose the information about Linda.Work in pairs and put Lindas registration steps in order.A. Get her room key.B. Fill in the form.C. Show her ID card and Admission Notice.D. Hand in her photos.C. Show her ID card and Admission Notice.B. Fill in the form.D. Hand in her photos.A. Get her room key.TIPS对话中经常有些提示语可以帮助我们更好地了解事情发生的顺序,如本对话中的now,so,next等。Read the following words and expressions. Then listen to the dialogue between Linda and Tim.seniorhesitateattendreviewmake it curious depend onthe dialogue 01Warmingupsenior n. a student in the final year of high school or college. 最高年最高年级级的学生的学生e.g. Im a senior undergraduate student at the University of Vermont. 我是佛蒙特大学最高年级的本科生。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warminguphesitate v. to be unwilling to do something because of doubt or uncertain. 犹豫犹豫e.g. He hesitated about accepting the job. 他犹豫是否接受这份工作。Dont hesitate to call if there is a problem.如果遇到问题,请不要犹豫,及时联系。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupattendv. if you attend a meeting or other event, you are present at it. 参加,出席参加,出席e.g. Thousands of people attended the funeral.数千人参加了葬礼。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupreviewv. when you review for an examination, you read things again and make notes in order to be prepared for the examination. 复复习习e.g. Lisa: Yes. I gotta review all of them for the final exam.利莎: 是的,为了期末考试,我得把它们全部复习一遍。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupmake it好好转转;达到;达到预预定目定目标标;及;及时时抵达抵达e.g. Together, I think we can make it.团结一致,我认为我们可以做到。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupcuriousadj. if you are curious about something, you are interested in it and want to know more about it. 好奇的好奇的e.g. Steve was intensely curious about the world I came from.史蒂夫对我是从哪里来的有强烈的好奇心。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupdepend on v. to need (someone or something) for support, help, etc. 依依赖赖;依靠;依靠e.g. He no longer depends on his parents for money.他不再问父母要钱。They depend heavily on her income to pay the bills.他们严重地依赖她的收入来支付账单。 Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01WarmingupLinda: , Tim! Tim: My pleasure. You know, last year, when I was new here, senior students also helped me. Were a family. If you need any help, dont hesitate to ask.Linda: Thank you. In fact, I do have some questions. I know very little about e-commerce. Are the courses in our department difficult?琳达:琳达:蒂姆,你人真好!蒂蒂姆姆:我很荣幸。去年,当我还是新生时,高年级的学生也这么帮我。我们是一家人。如果你需要任何帮助,尽管找我。琳琳达达:谢谢。实际上,我确实有些问题。我对电子商务了解很少。我们学院的课程难吗?译译文文Its very kind of you日常生活中表达感谢;注意此处的介词是to01Warmingup Tim: Take it easy. If you attend every class and review a lot, youll make it. Linda: Wonderful! Are there any student clubs in our college? I am Tim: Of course. You can join some, depending on your interests.Linda: Wow, thats great!蒂蒂姆姆:放轻松。如果你每堂课都能出席并经常复习,你就可以完成。琳琳达达:太好了!我们学校里有学生社团吗?我对此很好奇。蒂蒂姆姆:当然啦,你可以根据自己的兴趣参加一些社团。琳达:琳达:噢,这太好了!译译文文curiousabout that.be curious about sth.: 对好奇1Do you agree.?2What are your comments / idea about .3What do you think about.4How do you see.5What do you think of / about.6How do you think.Is this all right with you?7How do you feel about that?8 Useful expressionsUseful expressions Listen again and choose the information you hear.p Senior students helped Tim a lot when he was new.p Linda doesnt know much about e-commerce.p Linda wants to join Tims club.p Linda is excited about her future college life. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions.n1. Why did you choose your major?n2. What student clubs do you want to join? Why?03ReadingandVocabulary01WarmingupRead the conversation about college life with the help of the following words and expressions.the conversation independencefreedomrely onmake a decisionbe responsible formake use ofprivacybelongingspermissionfrankly01Warmingupindependence n. freedom from outside control or support. 独立性独立性;自主性;自主性e.g. He has shown a fierce independence of spirit. 他展示出了强烈的独立精神。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupfreedom n. the condition of being free. (行(行动动的)的)自由自由e.g. He thinks children these days have too much freedom. 他认为这些天孩子们得到的自由太多。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warminguprely on 依依赖赖,依靠,依靠e.g. And all of these freedoms rely on one thing: tolerance.所有这些自由都依赖于一样东西:宽容。 Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupmake a decision 作出决定作出决定e.g. Let me pause on these matters for a time before I make a decision.让我仔细考虑一下这些事情,然后再做出决定。 Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupbe responsible for对对负责负责e.g. Do you want to be responsible for your own life decisions?你是否真的想要为你自己的人生决定负责?Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupmake use of使用,利用使用,利用e.g. Make use of overhead cabinets for folders and files you need but dont use all the time.充分利用头上的柜子来装那些你需要但是并不常用的文件夹和文件。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupprivacy n. the state of being away from other people. 隐隐私私e.g. He saw the publication of this book as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy.他觉得这本书的出版侵犯了他的隐私,让他十分难堪。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupbelongings n. items that belong to someone and that are small enough to be carried. 行李行李e.g. Be sure to take your personal belongings with you when you get off the bus.下公交车时,确保带好你自己的行李。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warminguppermission n. the right or ability to do something that is given by someone who has the power to decide if it will be allowed or disallowed. 允允许许e.g. The teacher gave me her permission to go home early. 老师允许我早点回家。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01Warmingupfrankly adj. in an honest and direct way 真真诚诚地;坦白地地;坦白地e.g. You can speak frankly to us.你你可以与我们真诚交谈。可以与我们真诚交谈。Back to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to VocabularyBack to Vocabulary01WarmingupMrs Brown: I know you all have questions about college life. Just ask, and Ill try my best to answer. Catherine: Mrs Brown, whats the major difference between high school and college? Mrs Brown: Independence. As college students, you will have a lot of freedom. That means you must mainly and . On the other hand, you must be responsible for everything you do. Steven: I heard that the library is very important for college students. Is that true? 布布朗朗女女士士:我知道你们都有关于大学生活的问题。尽管问我,我会尽力解答。凯凯瑟瑟琳琳:布朗女士,高中与大学的最大区别是什么? 布布朗朗女女士士:独立。作为大学生,你会有很大的自由。这就意味着你必须主要依靠自己,做出自己的决定。另一方面,你必须对你所做的事情负责。史史蒂蒂文文:我听说对大学生来说,图书馆非常重要,是这样的吗?译译文文Some new students of Blue Sky College want to learn more about college life. They are now talking with Mrs Brown, their counsellor.rely on yourselvesmake your own decisions形容独立的词组表达01WarmingupMrs Brown: Sure. Reading in the library is an important part of college life. You should make full use of the library. Linda: How about campus activities? Mrs Brown: There are many interesting activities on campus. They are organised by different student clubs. If interested, you can join them. Its a good way to improve communication skills, to make friends and to enjoy your hobbies. Peter: with strangers. I feel a little bit uncomfortable. What should I do? 布布朗朗女女士士:当然。在图书馆里阅读是大学生活中的一个重要部分。你应该充分利用图书馆。琳达:琳达:校内活动怎么样?布布朗朗女女士士:校内有许多有趣的活动。它们是由不同的学生社团组织的。如果你感兴趣就可以参加。这是提高沟通技巧、交朋友和享受爱好的一种好方式。彼彼得得:这是我第一次和陌生人一块儿住一个房间。我觉得有点别扭。我该怎么办?译译文文This is my first time to share a room 表达第一次做时可用此句式01WarmingupMrs Brown: Good question. First, dont roommates as strangers. Theyll probably become your lifelong friends. Second, respect privacy dont use their belongings without permission. Of course, you can speak frankly about your habits. Communicate often and youll get along well with one another.布布朗朗女女士士:问得好。第一,不要将你的室友看作陌生人。他们也许会成为你一生的朋友。第二,尊重隐私在没有得到允许时不要动他们的物品。当然,你可以坦率地说出自己的习惯。经常沟通,那么你就会和其他人相处融洽。译译文文TIPSschoolcounsellor:学校里协助学生解决问题的指导老师。中国大学里的辅导员老师就属于这类职位。 see your see.as.:将看作 ;视为Put the following items into Dos and Donts according to Mrs Browns advice.DosDontsG. Tell others about your roommates family problems.F. Tell your roommates that you dont expect to be disturbed while reading.E. Join at least one club.D. Play your roommates guitar when he is absent.C. Treat your roommates friendly.B. Make full use of the library. A. Be responsible for everything you do.ADGB CFEComplete the sentences with the words or expressions in the box. Make changes when necessary.permissionorganisebe responsible fordecisionmake use of1. The course was _ by a training company. 2. We are new machines to produce more products.3. College students should depend on themselves and make their own .4. You must ask for _ before taking photographs inside the church.5. Mike designing the entire project.organised making use ofpermissiondecisionsis responsible forDiscuss with your partner and fill in the form with the details of Mrs Browns advice.Can you give more advice on a happy college life?make full use of the libraryIf youre interested, you can join them.Dont see your roommates as strangers. Respect privacy.1. Do some part-time jobs. 2. Learn more knowledge. 04GrammarforUseComplete each one by deciding on most appropriate answers from the 4 choices.1)Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the peoples Hospital? Walk along this street _the end and youll find h on you A. in C. by D. at2)Mary, does your brother go _ work by bus? No, he rides a bike. Sometimes he walks. A. in B. on D. for3) Looking forward to_ from you soon. B. be heard C. hear D. seeB. to C. to A. hearing 1. You also need to give me two recent photos of yourself.2. Just ask, and Ill try my best to answer.3. Welcome to our department!4. Were looking forward to seeing you then.to的用法读下面的句子,注意to的用法。TIPS上面这些句子中,to的用法不同。在例句1、2中,to作动词不定式的标记,后面接动词原形。在例句3、4中,to作介词,后面接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。翻翻译练习to 有两种基本用法:1.做介词,表示“到,向,往”,如go to,fly to,后面跟名词作定语,构成介宾结构。2.动词不定式的标志,很常见的,如:want to do,be happy to do。注意有一些看似不定式但实为介词的结构,如 look forward to,pay attention to ,他们后面跟动词的ing。to的用法1. Pisa is to the west of Florence. 比萨在佛罗伦萨的西面。2. She made no reference to her personal problems. 她没有提及自己的个人问题。3. His paintings arent really to my taste. 他的画真的不符合我的口味。4. I prefer theatre to opera. 我喜欢戏剧,甚于歌剧。译文文05PracticalReading&WritingRead the following registration form. Pay attention to its format.1 First name or Given name : a personal name given to someone after birth or baptism as the case may be. The person is usually called by this name.Family name or Last name or Surname: the name common to all members of a familyMiddle name: It is an additional name placed before the surname and after the first name. Other members of the family may or may not have the same middle name.Practical Reading New wordsNew words1nationalityn. the fact or status of being a member or citizen of a particular nation 国籍e.g. He has held French nationality for the past 20 years.他在过去20年里一直持有法国国籍。2gendern. the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. 性别e.g. Please state your name, birth date, and gender.请说明你的姓名、出生日期和性别。Practical Reading New wordsNew words3occupationn. the work that a person does; a persons job or profession 职业e.g. “Whats your occupation?”Im a stay-at-home mom.”“你是做什么的?”“我是一名家庭主妇。”4signaturen. a persons name written in that persons handwriting签名e.g. There is a place for your signature at the bottom of the form.请在表格底部签名。Practical ReadingRead again and fill in the blanks.21. Bernice Parshiers major is _ .2. Bernices mother is a(n) _ and her father is a(n) _ .3. Bernice needs to for at least a year.e-commerceteacher engineeraccommodate on campus Practical ReadingPractical ReadingWork in pairs. Ask for and give information about Bernice using the above form.3Match the items with their corresponding information according to the form in Practical Reading.1Full nameNationalityDate of birthCity of birthMarital statusName of high schoolMajorTorontoBernice Allen ParshierCanadaSingleE-commerceUnionville High School23/07/1996Practical Writing2Personal informationYou are applying for the Oral English Club in your college. Fill in the form with your own information.Practical Writing06ProjectInvestigate your school facilities1. Work in groups of four and choose a school facility to investigate.2. Investigate your school facilities and fill in the form below.3. Make a group presentation on the investigation result.07AroundtheWorld Life in vocational colleges is very different from that in high schools. Here are three students “showing off” their favourite places at college.There is so much to college!Image salon The image salon in our college is amazing! You can go there to have your hair cut, to have your shoulders and back massaged, to have nail treatment, etc. The services are professional and the prices are reasonable. The image salon is run by the teachers and students from the Beauty and Hairdressing Department of our college. 职业院校的生活与高中的大有不同。以下是三位学生“炫耀”自己在学校里最喜欢的地方。There is so much to college!形象发廊形象发廊我们学校的形象发廊真是太棒啦!你可以去那里剪头发、享受肩部和背部按摩、修指甲等。服务专业,价格合理。形象发廊是由校内美容美发系的师生们经营的。 New wordsNew words1Salonn. a business that gives customers beauty treatments (such as haircuts). 沙龙e.g. I went to a hair salon in London the other day.我前几天去了伦敦的美发沙龙。2massagen. the action of rubbing or pressing someones body ina way that help muscles to relax or reduces pain in muscles and joints. 按摩e.g. She gave him a neck massage.她为他做了颈部按摩。CafI like the caf in our college. The atmosphere there is friendly and relaxing. We usually have group discussions there. Sometimes we just sit and chat over a cup of coffee. The waiters and waitresses there are mostly students of our college.GymI like sports, but sometimes I dont want to spend much time on the playground. The gym becomes my best choice. It is air-conditioned and has many exercise facilities. I go to the gym at least twice a week. I often meet students doing part-time jobs there.咖啡厅咖啡厅我喜欢校内的咖啡厅。那里的气氛融洽,让人放松。我们通常在那里进行小组讨论。有时我们只是坐着,喝杯咖啡,聊聊天。大部分服务员都是学校里的学生。健身房健身房我喜欢运动,但有时我不想在操场上待太长时间。健身房成了我的最佳选择。那里配备了空调和许多健身设备。我一周至少去两次健身房。我经常碰见在那里兼职的学生。 New wordsNew words1atmospheren. a surrounding influence or environment. 氛围;气氛e.g. And I see a big difference between the atmosphere here and the atmosphere in Oakland.这里的氛围与奥克兰大为不同。2gymn. a special building or room that has equipment for doing physical exercise or playing sports 健身房;体育馆e.g. He works out at the gym.他在健身房锻炼身体。08MyProgressCheck1 Listen to the dialogue and choose the information you hear.pKate is happy about her college life.pThe teacher at college are friendly and knowledgeable.pKate thinks that the study at college is harder.pThe college has excellent facilities.01WarmingupDavid: Hi, Kate. How do you find your college life here? Kate: Im pleased about it now.David: How is your study going? Kate: It seems that college is much harder than high school.David: Yes, I agree. Because you have to do a lot by yourself. Teachers no longer give you all the answers. They just lead you to think. Kate: Exactly. But the teachers are knowledgeable and the schoolmates are friendly and helpful. Besides, the facilities here are excellent.大大卫卫:嗨,凯特。你觉得这里的大学生活怎么样?凯特:凯特:现在我感到很满意。大卫:大卫:你的学业怎么样?凯特:凯特:大学好像比高中要难得多。大大卫卫:是的,我同意。因为你必须独立完成很多事情。老师不再给你所有的答案,他们只启发你去思考。凯凯特特:确实。但是老师们知识渊博,同学们友好又乐于助人。另外,这里的设施真的很棒。译译文文2 How do you find your college life?1. The schoolmates friendly and helpful. 3._2._4._Vocabulary and Structure1 Complete the sentences with the proper form of the given words.1. We should not forget our _ (responsible) for protecting nature.responsibility2. Nobody can touch the clock without_ (permit).permission3. College students are not totally _ (depend) on their parents.depending4. Not knowing anyone at the party made her feel _ (comfortalbe).uncomfortable5. We should repect others_ (private).privacy6. Whats the _ (different) between high school and college. In my opinion, college life means more _ (free).differencesfreedomVocabulary and Structure2 Complete the sentences with the proper form of the given verbs.1. It is a little difficult for me to (answer) the question.answer2. Henry is used to (live) in the city.living3. We look forward to your (come).coming4. She needs to (finish) her assignment before tomorrow.finish5. He used to (play) tricks on his classmates.play6. The author devoted all his time to (write) this book.writingTranslation Translate the sentences into English using the given words or expressions.1.大学生应对自己的行为负责。(be responsible for)College students should be responsible for their own behaviors.2.你必须依靠自己,自主决定。(rely on)You must rely on yourselves and make your own decisions.3.这是提高交际能力的一种好方法。(Its a good way to)Its a good way to improve communication skills.4.这是我平生第一次独自出行。(Its my first time to)Its my first time to travel alone.Reading and WritingRead the paragraph and write down your understanding of the underlined parts in about 50 words.First, dont see your roommates as strangers. Theyll probably become your lifelong friends. Second, respect privacy dont use their belongings without permission. Of course, you can speak frankly about your habits. Communicate often and youll get along well with one another. As roommates, we should respect each persons privacy, including their state of being free from public attention and belongings. Without their permission, we cant use their belongings even though they are not in the dormitory at that moment.Thank you!
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