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新世纪大学英语视听说 3(第三版)听力原文 视听说 3 unit1 unit6 Unit l, Lesson A Track 3-1-1 Track 3-1-2 Leticia: Hello? Paula: Hi, Leticia. Its Paula. Leticia: Hi, Paula. How are you? Have you finished packing yet? Paula: Almost. Leticia: You must be excited. Whens your flight? Paula: Tomorrow. At 9 a.m. Listen, Leticia, I need your help. Leticia: OK. Whats up? Paula: Well, as you know, Im going on vacation for two weeks. Do you think you could water my plants while Im away? Leticia: Sure. No problem. Paula: Great. They need water twice a week. Philippines. W: Sounds like you were busy. J: I was. I only had only four hours in so. So I have to finish my shopping very quickly. Sometimes I had to run between connecting flights. W: Wait a minute. What about your baggage? Didnt you have to wait for it? J: No, I didnt have much, only one carry-on bag, it just fits the overhead compartment. W: So let me get this straight. You spent your weekend in an airplane flying around? J: Basically yes. I fly standby. W: Standby? J: Yes, as a standby passenger. I dont have a reservation. At the last minute, they let me know if theres a seat available. They give me a boarding pass and I get on. W: All these flying must be expensive. J: Well, Im an airline employee. Im a sales representative for Twin Star Airlines. So I know most of the flight attendants and I can almost fly for free. W: Lucky you! Track 3-1-6 Matt: Have you done all the errands? Tina: No, I havent finished them yet. Matt: You dont have to go to the post office, Ive canceled the mail delivery. Tina: Well, Ive picked up the plane tickets. But I havent taken the dog to the kennel. What about you? Have you washed the dishes? Matt: No, I havent cleaned the kitchen. But Ive already watered the plants, and Ive given our keys to Mrs. Smith. Tina: What about your suitcase? Have you packed it? Matt: Not yetBut dont worry: theres still lots of time! Track 3-1-7 S: Are you almost ready? J: Yes, I think so. But we always forget so many things. Did you get the travelers checks at the bank yesterday? S: Yes I did. And I paid the bills too. J: Well, I changed our voice mail message and I confirmed all of our flights. S: Great! Lets remember to give the house keys to Mr. Jacobsen so he can come in and water our plants. J: This afternoon I have to stop the mail delivery at the post office. S: And could you please take the dog to kennel? J: No, I hate that. He always looks so scared. S: And this time lets remember to empty the trash before we leave. J: And well give away all the fresh food. Last year there were black tomatoes and green meat in our refrigerator after our vacation. S: I made a note to myself unplug the computer. J: And I promised to turn off all the lights. The electric bill was terrible last time. S: Maybe we should write a list, they may be used again on our next vacation. Track 3-1-8;3-1-9 Tips for better packing Are you planning to travel for a weekend or several months around the country or overseas? Here are some tips to help you pack your bags. 1. Pre-trip planning. Make a packing list to help you remember everything. Reveal it about a week before your trip. Plan a time to go shopping for things you need for your trip. Dont pack the night before you travel. Youll forget things when youre in a hurry. 2. Tagging luggage. Before packing, put names tags on valuable items like cameras and cellphones. Make sure that each piece of luggage, including carry-on has a luggage tag on it. If you know your hotels address and phone numbers, put it on your luggage tags. 3. Saving space. Pack small items: socks, belts and etc inside your shoes. It uses the empty space and helps the shoes to hold their shape. Pack your clothes in plastic bags. If youre traveling with a friend, plan your packing together, share your alarm clock, toothpaste or first aid kit. 4. Your carry-on bag. The most important items for your trip: passport, plane tickets, travelers checks, credit cards keys and etc should go in your carry-on bag. Always keep them with you. Keep your carry-on bag small and light. Put those the heavy items in your checking luggage. Use soft bags such as backpacks or shoulder bags for carry-ons. They fit easily under the airplane seat or into the small overhead compartment. 5. Other ideas. Bring an empty bag for souvenirs from the trip. Remember to pack a few rub of bans, safety pins and plastic bags, they can be very useful. Bring some snacks such as nuts, cookies or dried fruit, you can eat them if you dont have enough time for a meal. Sharing food is a good way to made other travelers. Unit 1 Lesson B Video track 3-1-1 Dave: Before going on a trip I pay the bills, I empty the trash, and I give a house key to a friend. Alejandra: Before I leave on a trip, I have to confirm travel plans and make sure that I have requested a vegetarian meal. Thallus: Before leaving for a long trip, I turn off the lights, I turn off my heater, I give my keys to my roommate, and I water my plant. Video track 3-1-2 Julianna: The funniest story of my traveling experience was when I came to the U.S. for the first time by myself. They lost my luggage and I didnt speak a word of English. I had to use my hands to explain myself. People understood what I meant and they helped me out. Catherine: My recent trip to Africa was one of the most amazing trips of my life, This was my second trip to Tanzania, Africa. We visited a lot of villages, some very remote that we had to travel by helicopter. In Tanzania, its very different from America so there are no maps. So, even traveling in a helicopter, we didnt really know where we were going to go. We didnt really know the village names, so we just kind of had no destination and we got in the helicopter and just flew around. And if we saw some animals or some rooftops of hut houses, we said, Lets go there and we just kind of landed. Dennis: I have a lot of funny experiences on the airline as a flight attendant. But one of the funniest I could recall was, there was this passenger who had a toupee and one of my flight attendants was serving-l think-she was serving food-and she had this tray. And suddenly turbulence happened, and she lost her balance-and her hand landed on the guys head, who had a toupee. When she caught her balance again, the toupee kind of shifted, so his sideburns were on his forehead. And I had to control my laughter because youre not allowed to laugh video track 3-1-3 Dennis: I have a lot of funny experiences on the airline as a flight attendant. But one of the funniest I could recall was, there was this passenger who had a toupee and one of my flight attendants was serving-l think-she was serving food-and she had this tray. And suddenly turbulence happened, and she lost her balance-and her hand landed on the guys head, who had a toupee. When she caught her balance again, the toupee kind of shifted, so his sideburns were on his forehead. And I had to control my laughter because youre not allowed to laugh City Living Mexico-here we come! Video track 3-1-4 Sun-hee: This is going to be a great trip! Ive never been to Mexico, have you? Mike: No, I havent. Have you finished everything? Tara: Oh my gosh! Wheres my bag? Sun-hee: (to Tara) It s in the closet. (into phone) Of course! Im the only one whos organized around here. I ran errands all day and Im ready-exhausted-but ready. Mike: What did you have to do? Sun-hee: (holds up ticket) Well, first I had to confirm my flight- Claudia: My ticket! Wheres my ticket? Have you seen it? Sun-hee: (to Claudia) I saw it in the bathroom. Claudia: The bathroom? Are you sure? So strange . (holds up her ticket) Oh, youre right. Got it! Sun-hee: (holds up travelers checks)- then I had to get travelers checks- Tara: Oh! My money! Ive lost my wallet! (Sun-hee hands Tara her wallet) Whexv! Sun-hee: (into phone)- then I had to pay the electricity and phone bills, (to Tara) because someone forgot- (into phone) and then I had to change my voice mail message. Claudia: My cell phone! I don t remember where I put my cell phone! Sun-hee: (to Claudia) Its in the kitchen. Claudia: (to self) The kitchen-its in the kitchen- (holds up cell phone) Ta-dah! Sun-hee: (into phone) These two-theyre never prepared! What would they do without me? Mike: How true-Hey, dont forget to unplug your TV and electrical stuff before you go. Sun-hee: (holds up plug) Done. Tara: Sun-hee! Were late! Its time to go! Sun-hee: OK! Iley mike, I have to go. Were leaving for the airport. Sun-hee, Tara and Claudia: Bye Mike! Mike: Cool! Have a great trip girls! Bye. Sun-hee: OK! Does everybody have everything? Tickets? Tara and Claudia: Yep. Sun-hee: Bags? Tara and Claudia: Yep. Sun-hee: Coats? Tara and Claudia: Yep. Sun-hee: Everything. Tara and Claudia: Yep. Lets go! Sun-hee: OK. Mexico-here we come!(all exit) Tara and Claudia: (Sun-hee re-enters to get her ticket and travelers checks) Now- Mexico-here we come! Track 3-1-18 Sun-hee, Tara, and Claudia are preparing to go to Mexico for a vacation. While Sun-hee is talking to Mike on the phone, Claudia and Tara have some trouble preparing for the trip. First, Tara cant find her bag and then Claudia doesnt know where her ticket is. But Sun-hee is tatally relaxed because she has already finished getting ready. Sun-hee tells Mike about all the errands she had to do earlier that day. She had to confirm her flight, get travels checks, change her voice-mail message, and pay the bills. Finally, Tara and Claudia are ready to go and Sun-hee checks to be sure they have everything. However, after they leave, Sun-hee soon comes running back in. Why? She forgot to take her ticket and passport! Unit 2, Lesson A Track 3-2-2;3-2-3 Jenna: OK, I think we have two choices. The first place is a little house. Its located in a fruit orchard. Carson: Really? Jenna: Yeah. And you can eat as much fruit as you want. When its in season, of course. Oh-but wait. It says theres no air conditioner. Carson: Thats OK. Its on the rainy side of the island. Its cooler there. We can use a fan. Jenna: Youre probably right Say. It looks pretty basic. No washing machine or dryer not even a TV! Carson: Oh no! What are we going to do without a TV? Thats terrible! Jenna: Very funny. Im just letting you know about the place. Carson: I know. Whats our second choice? Jenna: Its on the opposite side-the sunny side-of the island. Very fancy place with a big swimming pool. It s only three blocks from the ocean. Carson: Who needs a swimming pool? I mean, its only three blocks. Jenna: I see your point. VVell, the pool area also has barbecue grills, beautiful gardens- Carson: You like the second place better. I can tell. .Jenna: Well, it does have everything. Washing machine, dryer, TV, VCR, frying pan* Carson: All we need is a toothbrush and a swimsuit- Lets go with the second choice. Jenna: OK. III call them right now and reserve it. I can t wait to go! Audio track 3-2-4; 3-2-5 Ashley: Excuse me. Im trying to get to the City Zoo. Jose : oh, let me thinkok, um, how are you getting there? Ashley: I want to drive, if its convenient. Jose: well, the directions are easy. See that road over there? Ashley: yes. Jose: thats Second Avenue. Just go straight down second and turn left at the traffic light. Ashley: ok. Jose: youll be on Church Avenue and it goes straight to the zoo. Ashley: oh, so its not too far. Jose: no, but the traffic is usually heavy. And I dont think the zoo has many parking spaces available for cars. Ashley: hmm Jose: maybe you should take the subway. Ashley: where do I catch it ? Jose: theres a sbuway entrance right in front of the park. Take the red line three stops. Cet off at the City Zoo stop. Its pretty obvious. Ashley: thanks a lot. Jose: no problem Ashley: oh, wait. Noe more thing. How much does the sbuway cost? Jose: two dollars. Audio track 3-2-6 Realtor: Hello, Mrs Wills. I think this house is perfect for you. I hope you like it. Mrs. Wills: its nice and roomy. Realtor: Yes, theres a lot of room. Its a four-bedroom house. Mrs. Wills: Great. I need a room for my home office beacause I work at home a lot. And I need two rooms for my kid. Realtor: And theres also a big yard. Mrs. Wills: Great! Id love to have a garden. My kids can play there. Realtor: Shall we go outside and have a look? Mrs. Wills: OK. Audio track 3-2-7 There are seceral ways to improve life in my city. Our biggest problem is transportation. We really need more ways to get around. Id like to ride my bicycle to work, but there is too much traffic on the streets. We need safer places for bicyclingand walking. Another problem is the parks. We have some nice parks, but we dont take good care of them and they are often dirty. We need cleaner parks, where children can play and adults can relax. One more problem is nightlife. Theres nothing to do in the evening! We should build a big theater for plays and concerts. Audio track 3-2-8 Take back your street Two neighbors meet on a city sidewalk. They talk about planting more flowers along their street, or asking the city council to add bike lanes to a busy road. In small but important ways, these people are changing the face of their cities. All around the world, people are speaking up and working hard to make their cities safer and more pleasant for pedestrians. Cities have painted crosswalks on their streets, made streets narrower, put in traffic lights and speed bumps, and made plans to help more kids walk or bike to school. Many people have learned from a man from Brisbane, Australia, named David Engwicht. His book Reclaiming Our Cities and Towns has a simple message. He says that in the past, streets belonged to everybody. Kids played there, and neighbors stopped there to talk. But now, streets are just for cars and trucks. People stay inside to get away from the noise and dangerous traffic, and we lose contact with our neighbors. Engwicht says that we should use streets for more than just transportation. People need to take back their streets. Engwicht travels around the world, helping people think differently about pedestrians, streets, and neighborhoods. Besides his books and articles, he gives many speeches. He has worked in neighborhoods from Honolulu to Scotland. While Engwicht was writing his book, he learned about how neighbors in the city Delft, in the Netherlands, stopped dangerous traffic on their street. They put old couches, tables, and planters in the streets. Cars could still pass, but they had to drive slowly. When the police arrived, they saw the value of these illegal actions to make the streets safer. Soon city officials started planning ways to make cars slow down, and “calm” the traffic. Engwicht says we should think about streeets as our “outdoor living room.” Calming the traffic is just the beginning. In the future, streets will be safe places for childre again, and our neighbors will become our friends. Unit2, Lesson B Video track 3-2-1 Jennifer: I want my dream house to be by a lake with a big yard. Iwant to have three bedrooms, and a big living roomfamily roomkitchen area so I can have parties and everyone can be together. Calum: Id like to have a big swimming pool and a large garden so I could eat outside. Dennis: If I could have anything in rny dream house I would like to have a high-tech stove. VIartin: Of course a 52-inch plasma TV vould be nice. Alejandra: I woulcl love to have a verandaa wide verandawhere I can sit during the evenings and read books and xxratch the sun set. Video track 3-2-2 Dennis: If I could have anything in rny dream house I would like to have a high-tech stove. Video track 3-2-3 Gian : At my work Im not allowed to smoke. Anyone who smokes needs to go outside. Martin: I work for the phone company and were not allowed to give out personal information about our customers. Jennifer: We are not allowed to use our cell phones and we cant eat at our desks. Dennis: In my house you cant smoke. Andumas much as possible. You have to take your shoes off at the door. Nick: Im not allowed to make noise at night w hen my roommates are sleeping. Calum: Well, there are actually too many rules in my dormitory, so Im not allowed to do a lot of things. For instance, Im not allowed to play music thats too loud so that it might disturb other people. Im not allowed to smoke inside. Im not alloxNed to have alcohol in the rooms Video track 3-2-4 Calum: Well, there are actually too many rules in my dormitory, so Im not allowed to do a lot of things. For instance, Im not allowed to play music thats too loud so that it might disturb other people. Im not allowed to smoke inside. Im not alloxNed to have alcohol in the rooms City Living Imaginary Beach Takeshi: I cant believe how hot it is out there. Why didnt we go to Hawaii with everyone else? Mike: Because we didnt have the money. Takeshi: Well, why didn t we get an air conditionerl Mike: Hello? Same reason. And quit complaining! Were got air conditioning. Takeshi: Mike, thats a bowl of ice and a fan. Mike: Takeshi, youve got to be more like me and use rour imagination, then you too can have a beach vacation. See? (pulls down window shade with beach poster) Check our that gorgeous view. Takeshi: Right, but not exactly realistic. Mike: OK, come over here. Close your eyes. Feel that cool, ocean breeze. Takeshi: Mike, thats the fridge. Mike: Come on! I said, Use your imagination! Now close your eyes. Listen to the sound of the sea gulls(makes sound like a seagull) hear the children laughing (makes sound like children laughing) Why, I think I can even smell a barbeque(waves a package of hot dogs) Takeshi: Raw hot dogs? Mike: Dont worry. Im going to cook them up on that grill over there. Takeshi: Mike, you know youre not allowed to use a grill inside an apartment, right? Mike: OK. III use the microwave then. Takeshi: A beach, with a microwave. Sure, Mike. Mike: Thats the beauty of Imaginary Beach. Wex-e got a microwave oven, wexe got a TV with a remote control. Who could ask for anything more? Takeshi: What about water? Thats the main reason people go to the beach. What are you going to use for that? The bathtub? Mike: No, thatd be silly. Here we go! (turns on CD player) Feel the ocean mist- (sprays water on Takeshi) Takeshi: :Mike, thats for spraying plants, not me! Mike: You know, the sound of the waves, the ocean mist- makes me want to surf. Takeshi : Surf? Mike: Yeah, surf. (starts to fold up ironing board) Takeshi: Mike, no. you can t stand on that, youII break it! Mike: No, I Wont. (stands on ironing board and pretends to surf) Look at me, dude- Im hangin ten! Takeshi: Yeah, cool. (takes cap off water bottle) Hey, dude! Watch out for that wave! (throws water in Mikes face) Huh, Im getting the hang of this imagination thing. Mike : Very funny, very funny indeed! (chases Takeshi) Unit 3, Lesson A Audio Track 3-3-1 ; 3-3-2 Lee: Hi, Ellie. Ellie: Hi, Lee. How are you? Lee: Good. Hey there. Brandon. Hes so cute. And youre such a good mother. Ellie: Thanks. Everyone says. Its not always easy with your first child. You know, I agree with them. Lee: How old is he now? Ellie: He just turned two a month ago. Lee: Oh, no The terrible twos. Right? Ellie: Yep. It s so exhausting for both of us! Lee: Does he throw things around? And cry a lot more? Ellie: Yes, exactly. Sometimes he hits me. I dont know. He was so well-behaved before. Lee: It happens to most babies. They turn two and their personality changes. Ellie: It sounds like you have some experience with the terrible twos. Lee: I certainly do. My children are five and eleven now. but I still remember when they were young. Ellie: What can I do? Lee: Well, remember that it will pass it wont last forever. Try to be patient. Audio track 3-3-3; 3-3-4 Audio track 3-3-5 Audio track 3-3-6 Audio track 3-3-7; 3-3-8 Unit 3 lesson B Video track 3-3-1 Kevin: When I was a child my family and I moved to a new town where I had to make new friends and assimilate to a new environment. Miyuki: I came to the United States when I was eight- that was a big event in my life. I had a very difficult time getting accustomed to being here andumbut within three, four years I had learned English and I just started speaking and I adjusted. Alejandra: When I was a teenager I went to this- um camp in Brazil. At the camp there were thirty-three people from different countries. And this was a turning point in my life because it helped me learn about different cultures anci that has helped me in w hat I do today and that is work as an international student advisor. Video track 3-3-2 Miyuki: I came to the United States when I was eightthat was a big event in my life. I had a very difficult time getting accustomed to being here and umbut within three, four years I had learned English and I just started speaking and I adjusted. Video track 3-3-3 Dennis: I plan to retire in my old age, like about 70, maybe somewhere in Europe. But before thatlike as early as mavbe about 50 years old, Id like to put up my own restaurant andumsee how that goes. Miyuki: I dont plan on getting married for a very long time, maybe 2930? I cant even think about having kids yet. Jennifer: I may get married in the future, Id like to have kids someday, but I don t knowwell see. Martin: In my lifetime one of the things that I would like to see is the end of wars. Id like to see men at peace with each other. Vedio track3-3-4 Jennifer: I may get married in the future, Id like to have kids someday, but I don t knowwell see. Martin: In my lifetime one of the things that I would like to see is the end of wars. Id like to see men at peace with each other. City living Go with the flow Claudia: So, when do you start your new job? Roberto: Im not sure. I mav start as soon as next month. Claudia: Wow! Roberto: Yeah, its going to be a lot of fun. expert Ill have to learn how to use that new software program I told you about. Claudia: Dont worry. Im a software expert, III help you figure it out. Roberto: Thanks.Hey,what about your job? Your boss was transferred to the Asian office. Are you going to get promoted? Claudia: I might- might not. Its not a big deal. Roberto: Huh? Claudia: Ive been thinking lately,I dont plan on working my whole life. Someday, maybe in five years or so, Im going to quit my job and get out of this stressful life. You know, relax. Have some fun! Roberto: Oh. What are you planning to do? Claudia: Im definitely going to travel I might even move to another country, maybe work as a VolunteerI could even start a new career! Maybe one where I can hilp peopleor help the world. What about you? What are your plans? Roberto: Well, Ive pretty much got everything planned already, right up to my retirement. Claudia: Really? Roberto: Yep. Im going to work hard and save as much money as possible until Im about 3031. then Im going to become the Vice President of Finance, and then the CEO by the time Im 40maybe 45. Claudia: Yeah? Roberto : Yep. And when Im 35 or 36, Im going to settle down, get married, and have some kids Claudia: Oh you are, are you? You know that for a fact? Roberto :Well, its not a fact- yet. But really, if you want to succeed, you need to have clear-cut, well-defined goals and aspirations Claudia: I dont know, I think you should keep your options open. You knowgo with the flow. Robert: Go with the flovv, eh? So youre not nervous about the promotion? Claudia: I didnt say that. It just wont be the end of the world if I dont get it. What about you? Are you nervous about the new job? Roberto : Not really. Im just going to go xvirh the flow, as long as the floxv follows my plan! Audio track 3-3-17 Claudia and Roberto were talking about Robertos new job. Roberto was excited, but he was a bit nervous about learning a new software program. Claudia told him not to worry and promised to help him learn it. Then Roberto asked Claudia if she might get promoted soon because her boss had been transferred to a different office. Claudia said that getting promoted was not a big deal. She explained that her goal was to quit her job someday and relax. Roberto, however, said his life was planned already, almost right up to retirement. He thought it was important to have well-defined goals, but Claudia said to Roberto should keep his options open, and “go with the flow.” Roberto agreed, but only if the “flow” followed his plan!
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