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一鼓作气 课中强化类训练 Exercises for new words 生词专练 .Match the following words on the left with their opposites on the right. 将下面左边的单词与右边的相应反义词配对; 1.difficult A.useful 2.unpopular B.happy 3.unhappy C.popular 4.unimportant D.easy 5.useless E.interesting 6.boring F.important 答案:1.D2.C 3.B 4.F 5.A 6.E .Translate Chinese in the parentheses into English. 把括号中的中文译成英语; 1.I play 垒球 after school with my classmates once a week. 提示:运动前面不加任何冠词; 答案:softball 2.My 理想的 school has a swimming pool and a shopping mall. 提示:此处用 idea 的形容词形式; 答案:ideal 3.Is that girl in red coat from a 英国 school or an American one 提示:British 意为“英国的”,首字母要大写; 答案:British 4.The teacher teaches us how to know the way on the map in our 地理 class. 提示:此处为名词作定语; 答案:geography 5.How many foreign 语言 can you speak 提示:foreign language 意为“外语”; 答案:languages Exercises for phrases 短语专练 .Fill in the blank with the right verb form. 用动词的适当形式填空; 1.There were many students in Class One than in Class Two. 提示:根据句意,此处应该用比较级形式; 答案:more 2.This pair of shoes is as expensive as that pair,but beautiful than that pair. 提示:as.as 表示“和一样”,中间用形容词的原形;根据句意,后面是比较级形式; 答案:expensive;more beautiful 3.The little girl often helps her mother clean the windows and sweep the floor. 提示:help sb. do sth.是固定搭配; 答案:clean;sweep 4.I spend a lot of time play the piano every day,because I like it. 提示:spend.indoing 表示“花费时间做”; 答案:playing 5.She always tries her good to do everything. 提示:try ones best to do 表示“尽力做”; 答案:best 6.Tell the children not play with fire.Its dangerous. 提示:tell sb. not to do 指“告诉某人不要做” 答案:not to play .Multiple choice 单项选择 1.John and Mike are in school,but they are in classes. A.the same;the different B.a same;different C.the same;different D.a same;the different 提示:特指同一所学校,应该用定冠词 the,从而排除 B、D,而班级并不是特指; 答案:C 2.Nancys school lunch and Johns school lunch is . A.a like B.like C.look like D.alike 提示:like 和 alike 都是指事物相同或相似,但 like 放在句子中,名词前;而 alike 放于句子的最后;答案:D 3.LookKittys trousers Millies.They look the same. A.like B.are like C.likes D.are alike 提示:同上; 答案:B 4.Reading week is always too short because we want to read all our friends books . A.also B.either C.as well D.neither 提示:neither表否定,“两者都不”,应排除;其他三项都表示“也”,但是either用于否定句中,also 一般放于句中,均不合题意,而 as well 放于句尾; 答案:C 5.American students go to shopping malls lunchtime. A.at B.in C.on D.between 提示:固定用法; 答案:A 6.What can you see in the picture A.other thing B.the other things C.others thing D.other things 提示:本题 other 作形容词,修饰可数名词 thing,根据句意,从画里看出的东西不是单一的,所以 thing 用复数; 答案:D 7. He is a driver. A.What is he B.What does his job C.How do you like him D.What do he do 提示:固定用法,问某人的职业用 What is he; 答案:A 8. do you live from your school About four kilometers. A.How long B.How many C.How far D.How often 提示:从 about four kilometers 可以判断此题考查的是对路程的提问; 答案:C Sentence structure training 句子结构专练 .Choose the right description of the part of sentence underlined. 选出对句子画线部分结构描述正确的选项; 1.Chinese students have more weeks off in the summertime than British students. A.宾语 B.补语 C.状语 D.同位语 提示:summertime 是指“夏季”,在此作时间状语; 答案:C 2.My ideal school has a park on one side and a shopping mall on the other. A.状语 B.补语 C.主语 D.宾语 提示:此题考查的是 has 后接两个并列的宾语; 答案:D 3.I usually walk to school because I like walking. A.谓语 B.同位语 C.表语 D.状语 提示:主语 I 后接谓语; 答案:A 4.Johns school shirt is like Daniels school shirt. A.状语 B.谓语 C.表语 D.宾语 提示:like 在此处是形容词,和 be 动词构成系表结构; 答案:C 5.Nancys timetable is different from Johns timetable. A.双宾语 B.主语 C.同位语 D.状语 提示:Nancys 修饰 timetable 共同构成主语; 答案:B .Rewrite the sentence according to the requirement. 根据要求改写句子; 1.Millies handwriting is more beautiful than Judys;Judys is more beautiful than Kates.改为含有最高级的句子 Millies handwriting is the three. 提示:由前两个句子得知 Millies handwriting 是三个人中最好的,表示最高级要用 the+形容词的最高级形式;beautiful 是多音节词,表示最高级需在其前加 most;且在三者中要用介词 of; 答案:the most beautiful of 2.Lucy has big eyes and Kitty has small eyes.改为含有比较级的句子 Lucys eyes are Kittys. 提示:比较级的结构为:形容词的比较级+than; 答案:bigger than 3.Sandys mother cooks much better than Johns mother.用 not so.as 改写 Sandys mother cooks so as Johns mother. 提示:第一句用了比较级,可知有一方不如另一方,故用 not.so.as 结构,表示“不像某人”;so 后面跟形容词或副词的原级,因为修饰 cook 动词,故用副词 well; 答案:not;well 4.John would like to learn how to cook and sew.对画线部分提问 John to learn 提示:对宾语提问要用 what; 答案:What would;like 5.There are only five subjects in the most students ideal school.对画线部分提问 subjects are there in the most students ideal school 提示:对数量提问要用 how many; 答案:How many 6.I left my English book at home this morning.对画线部分提问 did you your English book this morning 提示:对地点提问要用 where; 答案:Where;leave Exercises for function items 交际用语专练 .Choose the best answer according to the meaning of the sentence. 根据语境,选择最佳答案; 1.Im sorry Im late. . A.Im sorry to hear that B.It doesnt matter this time C.Thats all right 答案:B 2.Is Kate at home or at school . A.Yes,shes at home B.Shes at home and at school C.Shes at school 答案:C 3.I dont like playing basketball. . A.I dont,either B.Me,too C.No,I dont 答案:A 4.What did you do last week . A.I went on a field trip B.Ive gone to Shanghai C.I always talk with my friends 答案:A 5.Oh,I cant find my shoes. A.I dont know. B.Where did you put them C.Put them here,please. 答案:B plete the dialogue. 补全对话; A:What will you 1 when you grow up B:Im not certain.I may be a teacher. 2 about you A:I dont have any plans yet.Things change all 3 quickly.Id rather wait and see. B:In the future,teaching may be 4 easier.Students work on computers at home.If they have difficulties,they use 5 network to ask the teacher. A:And teachers can stay at home.No more chalk and talk in 6 of the classroom. B:There may be no teaching profession any 7 puter teachers will teach students _8 of human teachers. A:I dont think 9 .Teachers are 10 any time.At least they need to write learning programs and materials. B:Youre right. 答 案 :1.be 2.How/What 3.too 4.much5puter 6.front 7.more 8.instead9.so 10.needed Exercises for grammar 语法专练 .Multiple choice 单项选择 1.Jim is than Millie. A.clever B.cleverer C.more cleverer D.the cleverer 提示:clever 是双音节词,比较级形式直接加 er; 答案:B 2.Max is a new student here.He has friends here than he had before. A.little B.less C.few D.fewer 提示:litter 修饰不可数名词,less 是 little 的比较级,根据句意,排除 A、 B 两项;few 修饰可数名词,但本题显然考查的是 few 的比较级; 答案:D 3.Your mother looks than her age. A.young B.younger C.the younger D.the youngest 提示:此题考查 young 的比较级形式; 答案:B 4.Kate has five bags. is red, are green. A.One;the other B.One;another C.One;the others D.One;ones 提示:本题将 bag 分为两类:后面要加定冠词,表示特指;其余“四个包”应该用复数形式,所以答案为 C; 答案:C 5. do you usually go swimming Three times a week. A.How many B.How long C.How soon D.How often 提示:问频率,用 how often; 答案:D 6.Fanny helped us clean the kitchen yesterday. Fanny A.; B.; C.; D.; 提示:前面是陈述句,用降调;后面语气是震惊的,用升调; 答案:D 7.Our school football team played badly at first in the match and they did in the second half. A.more badly B.badlier C.worse D.worst 提示:bad 的比较级是 worse; 答案:C 8.Hello,Jim,we are going to work on Blue Sky Farm tomorrow.Will you go with us GreatIts much better than . A.have classes B.to have classes C.having classes D.has classes 提示:动名词形式作宾语; 答案:C 快乐时光 Buying Time Teacher:Time is quite precious 宝贵的,isnt it Mike Mike:Yes,sir.Youre right. Teacher:Then why are you always strolling in the street all day without doing anything Mike:Im looking for the person who sells time. 买时间 老师:时间是非常宝贵的,是吗,迈克 迈克:是的,老师,您说得对; 老师:那么为什么你总是整天在外闲逛而无所事事呢 迈克:我一直在寻找卖时间的人呢
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