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Lesson Fourteenv知识目标:v课文 Weatherv语音 特殊问句的语调 读音规则v语法 1.特殊问句 2.对各种句子成分提问举例 3.基数词 4.非人称it A LETTER TO A FRIENDv Beijingv October 21, 1961vDear Liying,v How time flies! This is already my seventh week at college. We are very busy here and life is very interesting. There are so many new things to learn. We have English lessons every day and I like them very much. We also study Chinese and the History of Chinese Communist Party.v After class we have all kinds of activities. Sometimes we work on the college farm. On Saturday afternoon we usually have our class meeting. Sometimes we listen to a report. On Saturday evening there is a film or a dance.v Autumn is the best season in Beijing. The days are warm and sunny. We are planning an outing for next Sunday.v How are you? Are you still busy with the harvest? Please write to me soon and tell me about your life as a teacher.v Yours ever,v Wu Mingv英语书信格式:英语书信格式:v (1)寄信人的地址和写信日期写在信纸右上角,地址在上,日期在下。如果地址只写地名,也可写成一行。v Beijing, Dec. 1, 1961v (2)收信人的称呼写在左上角,后面在正式信件中用冒号(:),较熟的人用逗号(,)。收尾一般用Yours sincerely (诚恳地),或Sincerely;特别亲近的人可以用Yours ever 或With love。v (3)信封格式如下(注意要先写姓名后写地址):Wu Ming StampvEnglish Department (邮票)vBeijing Foreign Studies UniversityvBeijing 100081v Mr Wang Liyingv Department of Foreign Languagesv Fudan Universityv Shanghai 200433 v书信中的日期:书信中的日期:v 21 October, 1961 the twenty-first of October,1961(英)v October 21, 1961 October (the) twenty-first, 1961(美)v书信中的称呼:书信中的称呼:v 英文书信中的开头称呼一般用Dear,后面可跟名或姓,后面跟姓时一般要在姓的前面加上先生 / 太太 / 女士 / 小姐等。v Madam 女士(社交场合对妇女的尊称)v Ms 女士(未婚或已婚均可)v Mrs 太太(已婚,用夫姓),如:Mrs. Smith 史密斯太太v Miss 小姐(未婚)v Dear Liying 熟人间直接用名字,这里Liying是名不是姓。v称呼之后英国人习惯用逗号,美国人习惯用冒号。 Notes to the textvHow time flies! 时间过得真快!(岁月如流)时间过得真快!(岁月如流)v这是由how引出的感叹句,how没有实际意义。v注意:英语书信一般不用“你好”开始,因此这里没有说 “How are you?”。vThere are so many new things to learn. 有很有很多新的东西要学。多新的东西要学。v 不定式to learn是名词修饰语,修饰名词things,在结构上与things有动宾的关系。这里learn不能用study来代替,study也是“学习”但更多地带有“钻研、研究”的含义。 vWe have English lessons every day and I like them very much.v 由every, this, next等词开头的时间状语前面不要加介词,例如:v every Saturday eveningv this afternoonv next weekv 注意:“很喜欢”的“很”要用very much, 不可以只用very, 而且经常放在动词like的宾语之后。vWe also study Chinese and World History. 我们还学我们还学习汉语和世界史这两门课程。习汉语和世界史这两门课程。v Chinese 和 World History,因为是课程名称,所以每个单词的头一个字母要大写。 vAfter class we have all kinds of activities.v all kinds of activities 各种各样的活动v all kinds of 各种各样的(后面所接名词要用复数形式)vOn Saturday evening there is a film or a dance. 星星期六的晚上,不是有电影就是有舞会。期六的晚上,不是有电影就是有舞会。v a film or a dance是主语;连词or表示选择,意思是“或者”,在意义上表示单数,所以be动词用is。vAutumn is the best season in Beijing. 秋天是北京最秋天是北京最好的季节。好的季节。v the best表示“最好的”,best前面一般要用冠词the。 vWe are planning an outing for next Sunday. 我们我们正在计划下星期天去郊游呢。正在计划下星期天去郊游呢。v are planning是动词plan的现在进行时态,表示“正在做事”;outing的读音以元音字母o开始,所以前面的冠词用an;介词for表示约定的时间,例如:v a meeting for Monday 星期一的会议va dance for tomorrow 明天的舞会vare planning 是“现在进行时”,(详见下课语法注释)vHow are you?v 你好吗?/ 你近来情况怎么样?(问候语)How are you doing?/How is everything?/How is everything going?v回答:Im fine, thank you. / Very well, thank you. 我很好,谢谢。 vAre you still busy with the harvest? 你们还在忙着你们还在忙着收割庄稼吗?收割庄稼吗?v be busy with 忙于干事,例如:v Im very busy with my work. 我工作很忙。vPlease write to me soon and tell me about your life as a teacher. 请尽快给我写信,给我讲讲你当老请尽快给我写信,给我讲讲你当老师的生活情况。(祈使句)师的生活情况。(祈使句)v write to me = write a letter to me 给我写信;介词短语as a teacher意为“作为一名老师”,修饰life;tell me about“给我讲讲”,例如:v Tell me about your work. 给我讲讲你的工作情况。v I want to tell him about my plan. 我想给他说说我的计划。 WEATHERv Whats the weather like in your hometown?v Its very nice. Its usually warm and sunny in spring and autumn.v Does it often rain there?v Yes, it does, especially in summer.v Is it very cold in winter?v No, it isnt. It seldom snows there vWhats the weather like in your hometown?v Whats it like?是习惯用法。like可以看作是介词,意思是“是个什么样子?”或“怎样?”。学习时不必孤立地理解它的意思。 v 英语中询问天气有两种表达方式: Whats the weather like? How is the weather?vIn Britain the weather changes a lot, so talking about the weather is a good and safe way to start conversation with someone especially with stranger.v 在英国天气经常发生变化,所以人们比较喜欢谈论天气,一方面通过谈论天气大家可以了解天气的变化,另一方面谈论天气还有助于自然地引起话题,尤其是和陌生人交谈。有时人们借助天气来表达感情,例如:When it rains, it pours. 祸不单行。 Its very nice. Its usually warm and sunny in spring and autumn. (1)非人称代词it作主语,在此表天气。英语中表示天气、季节和时间的句子常用非人称代词it作主语,v表时间:v It is eight oclock in the morning.现在是早上八点。v It takes an hour to go there. 到那去要一小时时间。v表天气:v It is hot in summer and cold in winter. 夏天热冬天冷。v It often rains here.这儿常常下雨。v描述天气的形容词:nice, warm, sunny, hot, cold, awful糟糕的, cool凉爽的, windy风大的,有风的, cloudy有云的, foggy有雾的, clear晴朗的, dry干燥的, damp潮湿的, humid湿润的(指空气), stormy有暴风雨的 特殊问句特殊问句v问“谁”,“什么”,“在哪里”等这一类的问句叫做特殊问句。这种问句以疑问词开头,用降调。v 疑问词有两类,一是疑问代词,一是疑问副词。疑问代词有:who, whom (who 的宾格),whose(谁的),what, which (哪一个)等。疑问副词有:when, where, how, why(为什么)等。v 特殊问句的语序在多数情况下和一般问句是一样的,只是疑问词和它所修饰的名词或形容词要放在句首。例如:v When does Wang Ching get up?v (比较:Does Wang Ching get up at six?)v Where do they come from?v (比较:Do they come from Shanghai?)v What do you do after lunch?v (比较:Do you take a short rest after lunch?)v How do you like the film?v (比较:Do you like the film?)vWhat language does she study?v (比较:Does she study German?)v Which class is he in?v (比较:Is he in Class Five?)v How many pictures are there on the wall?v (比较:Are there any pictures on the wall?)v Whose textbook is this?v (比较:Is this your textbook?)v 如果疑问词表示的是主语,或是修饰主语,这时问句一般用陈述句语序,例如:v Who lives in this room?v (比较:Li Ying lives in this room.)v How many comrades live in this room?v (比较:Four comrades live in this room.) 对各种句子成分提问举例:对各种句子成分提问举例:v 例 A:Wang Ching reviews his English lessons in the reading room every evening.v(1)对主语提问:v Who reviews his English lessons in the reading room every evening?v(2)对谓语提问:v What does Wang Ching do every evening?v(3)对宾语提问:v What does Wang Ching review every evening?v(4)对定语提问:v What lessons does Wang Ching review every evening?v (5) 对状语提问:v When does Wang Ching review his English lessons?v Where does Wang Ching review his English lessons?v注意:(1)对主语提问时一般用陈述句语序,不加助动词。v (2)对其他句子成分提问时要加助动词,后面的动词要用原形。v (3)对定语提问时,它所修饰的词要跟着一起提到前面来。v例 B:The teachers room is on the second floor.v(1) 对表语提问:v Where is the teachers room?v(2)对定语提问:v Whose room is on the second floor?
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