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Grammar直接引语和间接引语直接引语和间接引语Direct and Indirect Speech 直接引述别人的原话,叫直接引述别人的原话,叫直接引直接引语语。(Direct speech)(Direct speech)(直接引语一直接引语一般前后要加引号般前后要加引号) 用自己的话转述别人的话用自己的话转述别人的话,叫叫间接引语间接引语。(Indirect speech)(Indirect speech)( (间接引语在多数情况构成间接引语在多数情况构成宾语从句宾语从句, ,不用引号不用引号)。)。1. She said, “I am very happy to help you.”2. She asked me, “ Do you like playing football?”3. My sister asked me, “ How do you like the film?”4. My daughter said, “ I want to buy the skirt in this shop.”5. The students are taking a listening test now.” the teacher said to me.The teacher told me that the students were taking a The teacher told me that the students were taking a listening test then.listening test then.My daughter said that she wanted to buy the My daughter said that she wanted to buy the skirt in that shop.skirt in that shop.My sister asked me how I liked the film.My sister asked me how I liked the film.She asked me if/ whether I liked playing football.She asked me if/ whether I liked playing football.She said that she was very happy to help you.She said that she was very happy to help you.1. Mary said that 1. Mary said that sheshe waswas doing a biology doing a biology experiment experiment thenthen. .2. Mary said 2. Mary said sheshe waswas not free not free that daythat day. .3. Mary said that 3. Mary said that sheshe must finish must finish herher paper paper thatthat week.week.4. Mary 4. Mary askedasked ifif she she wouldwould have to stay in the lab have to stay in the lab until until the next daythe next day. .5. Mary said 5. Mary said sheshe waswas going to write a report going to write a report the the next week.next week.6. Mary said that 6. Mary said that sheshe had watchedhad watched a very a very interesting TV programme interesting TV programme the day beforethe day before. .7. Mary 7. Mary askedasked where where sheshe should wait should wait that that afternoonafternoon. .9. Mary said that by four 9. Mary said that by four the day beforethe day before, they had , they had already already gonegone therethere. .10. Mary 10. Mary askedasked who who waswas going to study abroad going to study abroad the the next yearnext year. .1.1.Anne said that Anne said that sheshe didnt knowdidnt know the address the address of her new home.of her new home.2. Anne told her father that 2. Anne told her father that sheshe hadhad got tired got tired of looking at nature through dirty curtains of looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows.and dusty windows.3. The girl said that 3. The girl said that sheshe neededneeded to pack up to pack up herher things in the suitcase very quickly.things in the suitcase very quickly.4. Her father asked her why she 4. Her father asked her why she had chosenhad chosen herher diary and old letters.diary and old letters.5. “ 5. “ AreAre youyou very hot with so many clothes very hot with so many clothes on?” Mother asked her.on?” Mother asked her.6. “ What else 6. “ What else havehave you you hiddenhidden under your under your overcoat?” Margot asked her.overcoat?” Margot asked her.7. “ When 7. “ When willwill wewe go back home?” Anne asked go back home?” Anne asked her father.her father.8. “ Why 8. “ Why diddid you talk so much to that boy?” you talk so much to that boy?” Father asked Anne.Father asked Anne.1.1.She said that She said that herher mother mother had taken herhad taken her to an to an exhibition exhibition the day beforethe day before. .2. My sister 2. My sister toldtold me that me that she would go there she would go there thethe next week. next week.3. The doctor asked him 3. The doctor asked him how he washow he was feeling feeling thenthen. .4. The woman asked the policeman 4. The woman asked the policeman if/ whether if/ whether he couldhe could tell tell herher how to get to the nearest how to get to the nearest restaurant.restaurant.5. The teacher 5. The teacher toldtold us the sun us the sun isis bigger than bigger than the moon.the moon.6. “ 6. “ Will you goWill you go out with out with meme tonighttonight, Mary?” , Mary?” said Mr. Smith.said Mr. Smith.7. She said to you, “ 7. She said to you, “ I willI will fly to London fly to London tomorrowtomorrow.”.”8. The woman said to him, “ 8. The woman said to him, “ why do you havewhy do you have to sleep in the open air?”to sleep in the open air?”1. He said 1. He said hehe hadnthadnt finished his homework finished his homework that daythat day. .2. The teacher said the earth 2. The teacher said the earth goesgoes round the round the sun.sun.3. The girl said she 3. The girl said she was readingwas reading this book. this book.4. The young man asked Mary where 4. The young man asked Mary where sheshe had had boughtbought the Chinese-English dictionary. the Chinese-English dictionary.5. Tom asked me if / whether I 5. Tom asked me if / whether I wentwent home home every weekend.every weekend.6. “ 6. “ I I dontdont want to stay at home watching TV want to stay at home watching TV all day.” said his mother.all day.” said his mother.7. “ 7. “ I I willwill return these books to return these books to youyou tomorrowtomorrow.” Alice said to Tom.” Alice said to Tom.8. “ 8. “ DidDid you visit Beijing you visit Beijing two years agotwo years ago?” He ?” He asked me.asked me.9. “ How often 9. “ How often dodo you go to the library?” the you go to the library?” the teacher asked the student.teacher asked the student.10. “ What 10. “ What havehave you done recently?” I asked you done recently?” I asked him.him.
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