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Lecture 比喻性词语的译法 (II)比喻性词语的比喻性词语的具体译法1Ways of Translation of Idioms n焦点和难点,就是对焦点和难点,就是对“形象形象”地处地处理问题。理问题。n一般情况下的做法是:一般情况下的做法是:2nI. 保保 literal Translation (直译直译) (保留形象)(保留形象)nII. 弃弃 Free Translation (意译意译) (放弃形象)(放弃形象) nIII.改改 Borrowing or Replacing (借用法借用法, 替换法替换法,套用法套用法) (改变形象)(改变形象)nIV. 略略 Omission (省略法省略法)nV. 补补 Addition (增添法增添法) (直译加注法,(直译加注法,补译文形象之不足)补译文形象之不足)nVI、还原法还原法3I. literal Translation (直译直译) nA. E-C translation nTo be led by the noseTo look through colored spectacles nto fish in troubled waters ncastles in the air 4nTo go into the red nAfter ones own heart nHang by a hair nTo show ones cardsn5nBurn the boat nRound-table conference nbaptism of fire ntrump card narmed to the teeth n sour grapes nwar-mongernnew/fresh blood 6ndouble facedn political capital nGolden agennew wine in old bottles nfirst/second-hand n laugh in somebodys face nopen secretntower of ivory 7B. C-E Translation n雨后春笋雨后春笋n易如反掌易如反掌n猫哭老鼠猫哭老鼠n梁上君子梁上君子n调虎离山调虎离山n衣冠禽兽衣冠禽兽n水中捞月水中捞月8保(直译法,保留形象)保(直译法,保留形象)n井底之蛙井底之蛙n鸟瞰鸟瞰n捅马蜂窝捅马蜂窝n狗崽子狗崽子n鳄鱼眼泪鳄鱼眼泪n驼鸟政策驼鸟政策n鸽派;鹰派鸽派;鹰派n 9保(直译法,保留形象)保(直译法,保留形象)牛市牛市熊市熊市披着羊皮的狼披着羊皮的狼也有英借中的:如纸老虎也有英借中的:如纸老虎10保(直译法,保留形象)保(直译法,保留形象)n( (方鸿渐受到两面夹攻,才知道留方鸿渐受到两面夹攻,才知道留学文凭的重要。学文凭的重要。) )这一张文凭,这一张文凭,仿仿佛佛有亚当、夏娃下身那片树叶的有亚当、夏娃下身那片树叶的功用,可以遮羞包丑。功用,可以遮羞包丑。 - -自自己没有文凭,己没有文凭,好象好象精神上赤条条精神上赤条条的,没有包裹。的,没有包裹。 (围城)(围城)11英译文英译文n This diploma, it seemed, would function the same as Adam and Eves fig leaf. It could hide a persons shame and wrap up his disgrace.-nWithout it, it was as if he were spiritually stark naked and had nothing to bundle up in.(12) 12II、Free Translation(Free Translation(意译意译) ) n有些比喻不能从字面来译有些比喻不能从字面来译:切忌望文生义切忌望文生义n提心吊胆提心吊胆n in a pigs whisperndraw blood nhang on sbs lips ntalk through ones hat13Question: happy as a mosquito?nHes happy as a mosquito at a swimsuit shoot.n穿着泳衣拍照,他快乐得像只蚊穿着泳衣拍照,他快乐得像只蚊子?子?14nAt a swimsuit shoot, there is lots of exposed skin so a mosquito is likely to be very happy. nA mosquito is happy because of all the bare skin at a swimsuit shoot.15nas happy as a mosquito at a swimsuit shootn像只蚊子遇上了泳装秀,乐不可支 - 瞧那广阔天地,何处不好大展拳脚?16n as happy as a mosquito at a swimsuit shootn 像只蚊子遇上了泳装秀,像只蚊子遇上了泳装秀,乐不可支不可支 n 瞧那广瞧那广阔天地,何天地,何处不好大展拳脚?不好大展拳脚?17nmake a monkey ofnbend an ear to na skeleton at the feast nbury ones head in the sand 18切忌望文生义切忌望文生义npull sbs leg nmove heaven and earthnchilds playneat ones words19nleave no stone unturned ncall a spade a spadenToo many cooks spoil the broth20弃(意译法,放弃形象)弃(意译法,放弃形象)n他他这这一一阵阵心心头头如如同同十十五五个个吊吊桶桶打打水水,七七上上八八下下,老老是是宁宁静静不不下下来来。(周周而而复复:上上海海的早晨的早晨)nHis mind was in turmoil these days and he was quite unable to think straight.21弃(意译法,放弃形象)弃(意译法,放弃形象)na white elephantnhen-pecked nrat race n油老虎油老虎n炒鱿鱼炒鱿鱼ndismiss, sack people22弃(意译法,放弃形象)弃(意译法,放弃形象)n艺妓回忆录艺妓回忆录nGeisha-party girl,social butterflyn中中文文的的鸡鸡, “妓妓”谐谐音音,故故有有下下等等妓妓女女之之喻意喻意 nA Hooker (A prostitute.) (骂骂人人时时可可 译译 为为 whore,bitch)n起起得得比比鸡鸡早早,睡睡得得比比妓晚。妓晚。23Chick flick?nHot chick? That chick is hot?nThe term chick flick is slang for a movie that appeals mainly to women or young girls.n (Sleepless Seattle)24nchick flick is slang for a movie that appeals mainly to women or young girls25III. Borrowing or Replacing (借用法,替换法)nsix of one and half a dozen of the other n半斤八两n“你真是胆小如你真是胆小如鼠鼠”,他看着小李,轻,他看着小李,轻蔑地说。蔑地说。n“You chicken!” He cried , looking at Xiaowang with contempt.26改(套用法,改变形象)改(套用法,改变形象)n雨后春雨后春笋笋n(前面已经介绍过直译,如何译?)前面已经介绍过直译,如何译?)nspring up like mushroomsn如履薄冰如履薄冰ntread upon eggs n(也可直译,如何翻译?)(也可直译,如何翻译?)27改(套用法,改变形象)改(套用法,改变形象)n中中文文中中的的牛牛与与英英文文的的horse, 虎虎与与lion由由于于喻喻意相同可以替换外,意相同可以替换外,n中中英英文文中中不不同同的的动动物物在在习习语语中中由由于于某某方方面面的的共性,可以替换翻译,共性,可以替换翻译,n对方看来是对方看来是“张冠李戴张冠李戴”,n如如 果果 直直 译译 , 就就 可可 能能 “指指 鹿鹿 为为 马马 ”。28改(套用法,改变形象)改(套用法,改变形象)nas strong as a horse ?na willing horsen英谚英谚a willing horse should not be whipped n吹牛吹牛29改(套用法,改变形象)改(套用法,改变形象)n中文的老虎(中文的老虎(tiger)与英文的)与英文的lion(狮)。(狮)。 n老虎因额头上老虎因额头上“王王”字字-百兽之王。百兽之王。n而英文中的百兽之王是而英文中的百兽之王是lion(狮子狮子)30改(套用法,改变形象)改(套用法,改变形象)na lion in the way nOne should not twist the lions tail.nbeard the lion in den n某人老婆是个母老虎。某人老婆是个母老虎。31n“母老虎母老虎”n与英文中的与英文中的“lioness”也照样对应,也照样对应,32n如说某人老婆是个母老虎如说某人老婆是个母老虎对应英文是对应英文是nHis wife is a lioness. (He is hen-pecked)33改(套用法,改变形象)改(套用法,改变形象)n鸡皮疙瘩鸡皮疙瘩n落汤鸡落汤鸡n如鱼得水如鱼得水34改(套用法,改变形象)改(套用法,改变形象)nHeartthrob指指 人人时是那类人?时是那类人?n心跳心跳-n心如鹿撞心如鹿撞n看看到到自自己己心心爱爱的的人人的的时时候候心心跳跳急急速速加加快,犹如心如鹿撞快,犹如心如鹿撞n美男子美男子35Heartthrob少女杀手少女杀手Ladykiller(保保)36n猫匿猫匿 n“fishy”n可可疑疑的的(suspicious),猫猫鼠鼠天天敌敌竟竟然然喻意相同喻意相同 nto have ones foot in the graven 半身入土37ngo for wool and come back shorn.(shear的过去分词) ncry wine and sell vinegar. nas wet as a drowned rat. nnew brooms sweep clean .nThe burnt child dreads the fire. 38IV.Omission、(省略法省略法) ) n汉汉语语比比喻喻词词语语有有的的是是对对偶偶词词组组,往往往往前前后后意意义义重重复复,英英语语中中一一般般没没有有这这种种形形式式,因因此此翻翻译译时时可可省省略略重重复复的部分。的部分。39n铜墙铁壁铜墙铁壁 nwall of bronzen长吁短叹长吁短叹n sigh deeplyn街谈巷议街谈巷议n street gossip 40V. Addition 直译+意译结合法n为为了了更更清清楚楚地地表表达达原原意意,有有时时要要结结合合上上下下文文的需要在译文中增添一些说明。的需要在译文中增添一些说明。n树倒猢狲散树倒猢狲散n三个臭皮匠抵上个诸葛亮三个臭皮匠抵上个诸葛亮n螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后(比喻只看到前面的利益比喻只看到前面的利益,而不顾身后的危害而不顾身后的危害)n狗咬狗咬吕洞宾吕洞宾不识好人心。不识好人心。41VI、还原法还原法n夹着尾马夹着尾马 nwith the tail between the legsn蓝图蓝图 nblue-printn驼鸟政策驼鸟政策n ostrich policy42
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