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Unit One 单词单词1.n.市场市场2.n.超市超市3.n.饼干饼干4.n.柠檬柠檬5.n.草莓草莓6.母亲节母亲节7.n.尺码;尺尺码;尺8.v.穿(衣服鞋子)穿(衣服鞋子)9.v.aux可能可能10.v.尝试;试穿尝试;试穿11.试穿试穿(短语)短语)12.adv.当然;行当然;行13.别急;稍等一会别急;稍等一会14.n.降价出售降价出售15.n.价格价格16.v.看起来;显得看起来;显得17.adj.新鲜的新鲜的marketsupermarketbiscuitlemonstrawberryMothers Daysizetake (took)may(might)trytry oncertainlywait a minutesaleprice look fresh记忆单词一记忆单词一定要在正确定要在正确拼读的基础拼读的基础上上按音节音按音节音标来记,注标来记,注意构词法,意构词法,同时同时英语和英语和汉语一定要汉语一定要对上号!对上号!applebananawatermelonstrawberrylemonfruit shop水果店水果店shirt; trousers; dress; coat; sweater; jeans; jacket; overcoat.clothes shop 服装店服装店biscuit; milk; vegetables; water; sugar; meat; bread; cakeSupermarketLearning aims1. Memorize 17 key words and 5 phrases in M5U1;understand the conversation about going shopping .2. Master the way of asking for size, colour and price when shopping by cooperation and discussion. 3. Understand the different way of shopping between China and Western countries; show your passion to learn English. T-shirtssausagesstrawberriesHow much/many do they buy?How much is it/are they?1Half a kilo1 kilo99 yuan19 yuan10 yuanListening activity 3 目标导向:听前浏览题目,养成好的听力习惯目标导向:听前浏览题目,养成好的听力习惯 (In the shop)Shop Worker:What can I do for you?Lingling:Id like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.Shop worker:What colour does she like?Lingling;Purple.Shop worker:All right .What size does she take ?Lingling:Small.Shop worker:What about this one ?Lingling:May I try it on?Shop worker:Certainly.Lingling:Look at the price .Its 198 yuan Thats too much.Shop worker:But wait a minute !Theres a sale on today .Everything is half price.Lingling:OK! Ill take it . What can I do for you?我能为你做点什么吗?这句话一般为售货员见到顾客后询问的话语同样意思的句子还有:Can I help you ?我能为你效劳吗?Is there anything I can do for you ?有什么我可以为你做的吗?Id like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.我想要买一件T恤给妈妈I d like = I would like 我想要 主语+ would like +名词 某人想要某物He would like a cup of coffee.他想要一杯咖啡。主语+ would like + to do sth 某人想要做某事May I try it on?May I try it on?我可以试穿吗?我可以试穿吗?try on 意为:试穿(衣服,鞋子),试戴(帽子),其中 on 为副词,当宾语是代词(them,it) 时,该宾语放在两者之间:try it on, try them on; 如果宾语是名词,该宾语亦可放在后面:try the cap on / try on the cap妈妈给你买了几条裙子。你想试试吗?妈妈给你买了几条裙子。你想试试吗?Mother bought you some skirt.Would you like to_try them ontry 的其他用法try 还有“ 品尝” 的意思。如: I tyr the cheese and it tastes sour.我尝了一下奶酪,它尝起来很酸。和try 相关的搭配还有:try to do sth 尽力做某事try doing sth 尝试做某事(不一定付出很大努力)What size does she take?她穿什么码?take (动词):穿(某尺寸的衣服或鞋子)如: I take Size 6.take 还有“ 拿走;乘坐;花费(时间);选择” 的意思。The cinema is far away from here. You can take a bus to get there.These two pictures are beautiful. Ill take both of them.(In the market)Lingling:Ive got some food to buy too Market worker : Can I help you ?Lingling:Yes.Id like some sausages. How much are they ?Market worker : Thirty-eight yuan a kilo. How much would you like? Lingling:Half a kilo.Market worker:OK. What else would you like ?Lingling:A kilo of beans and two lemons.Market worker : Thatll be 30 yuan.Betty:Oh ,the strawberries look fresh . How much are they ?Market worker : Ten yuan a kilo.Betty:One kilo please .Heres fifty-nine yuan Id like some sausages. How much are they? 我想要些香肠。多少钱?1.how much 常用于询问商品的价格2. how much 还可以询问数量,后面常接不可数名词,而how many 后面接可数名词的复数- How much would you like?你想要多少- Half a kilo. 半公斤How many students are there in your class?你班有多少学生?Complete the question:1._ people in your shop? -Five.2._ do you spend on the clothes?-A lot.3._ are these shoes?- The price is on the ticket.4._ shirts have you got?-12.5._would you like to buy?-Half a kilo.6._scarves can I buy with 48 yuan?-Only one.How manyHow muchHow muchHow manyHow muchHow manyWhat else would you like?你还想要些别的吗?else 意为: 其他,常用于 who, what ,where 等疑问词或something,anything,nothing,somebody anybody somewhere等不定代词之后。你还想喝点别的什么吗?what else would you like to drink?在这条村子里,我们不认识别的人了。We dont know anybody else in the village特殊疑问句本模块中出现了很多特殊疑问句,我们来看一下:(1) What is Lingling going to buy for here mother on Mothers Day?(2)What can I do for you?我能为你做什么(3)What about this one?这个怎么样(4)What colour does she like?她喜欢什么颜色?(5)What size does she take?她穿多大号的她穿多大号的?(6) How much are they?它们多少钱?它们多少钱?(7)When are they going to the shops? 她们什么时候去商店的?她们什么时候去商店的?(1)-(3)中)中what 为疑问代词,单独使用,为疑问代词,单独使用,后面不需要接名词;(后面不需要接名词;(4)-(5)中,)中,what为为疑问形容词,后面需要接名词来表达询问的疑问形容词,后面需要接名词来表达询问的具体方面,类似的结构还有具体方面,类似的结构还有“which/whose+ 名词名词”,(,(6)-(7)是由疑问副词引导的问)是由疑问副词引导的问句,其他疑问副词还有句,其他疑问副词还有where, why等。等。时间:时间:5分钟分钟内容内容: 要求:要求: 1.组长带领快速理解文中的疑难,挑选出常用的购物组长带领快速理解文中的疑难,挑选出常用的购物所用句型。所用句型。2. 完成后,组长安排组员大声朗读对话完成后,组长安排组员大声朗读对话 内容 小组 地点1.购物中常用句型(顾客) 2.购物中常用句型(售货员) 售货员用语售货员用语What can I do for you? 我能为你做什么吗?我能为你做什么吗?Can/May I help you? 我能帮助你吗?我能帮助你吗?What size do you take? 你你穿什么尺码穿什么尺码?What else would you like? 你还想要什么?你还想要什么?Would you like something else to drink? 你还想要些喝的吗?你还想要些喝的吗?How many/much would you like? 你要多少?你要多少?Thirty-eight yuan a kilo 每公斤每公斤38元元There is a sale on today. 今天有打折活动。今天有打折活动。half price 半价;五折半价;五折 顾客用语顾客用语Id like to buy 我想买我想买I am looking for 我正在寻找我正在寻找May I try it on? 我能试穿一下吗?我能试穿一下吗?How much is it/ are they? 这这/这些多少钱?这些多少钱?I ll take it 我就买它了我就买它了a kilo of beans 一公斤豆子一公斤豆子all right 好的好的当堂检测当堂检测 1. 贝蒂想给她的妈妈买什么?贝蒂想给她的妈妈买什么? _ _Betty want to _ _her mother? 2. 我想买这件我想买这件T恤衫,我可以试穿吗?恤衫,我可以试穿吗? I want to take this T-shirt, may I _it _? 3. 香肠香肠38元一斤。元一斤。Sausages are 38_ _. 4. What can I do for you? (同义句转化同义句转化) _ 5. Betty likes purple.(对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问) _ 6. _is the dictionary?Its $22.95. 7. Lisa wants to buy me a present.(改为同义句)改为同义句) Lisa wants to _a present _me.What does buy fortry ona kiloCan/May I help you?What colour does Betty like?How much buy for 学科班长总结学科班长总结
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