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Listening: Ordering food 点餐What is a balanced diet?A balanced diet includes_ every day.plenty of_less_fewer_different kinds of healthy foodfruit, vegetables and grain productsmeatdiary productsand eggsricebeef noodlesdumpingsfengbaoapplespearsbananasgrapeskiwi fruitWhat do you want to have for lunch?salad and sandwhichesFriut saladGreen saladPotato saladBeef sandwichchicken sandwichegg sandwichSnacks (小吃,零食)(小吃,零食)Chicken legshamburgeChicken wingsBefore listeningDrinks (饮料)(饮料)lemon teacolacoffeeBefore listeningPearl milk teamineral water1.What is the relationship between them?A teacher and student B waiter and customer C father and daughter2.Where is the conversation take place?A at home B in Corner Cafe C on the phone3ListeningMary is calling the Corner Cafe to order lunch. Listen to her conversation with the waiter and help the waiter complete the order form.Ordering food数量数量价格价格total price: 总价总价1 11 11 11 11 11 117179 915153 37 72020717111:3011:3012:3012:30Mary TuckerMary TuckerBrittasBrittas15121512DevonDevon
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