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SOCIAL MEMORY (page 8 of the interdisciplinary study of memory pages) John Sutton, Philosophy Department, Macquarie University, Sydney. Email me. Back to my home page. Back to the main page for the Interdisciplinary Study of Memory Recovered Memory and False Memory See also: links and resources on Dynamical Cognitive Science and Distributed Cognition Notes. May 2008. Ive again added some new material, including four new categories (12-15). March 2005: Ive updated this list with the most important new material Ive found. The artificiality of my categories is glaring but if you scroll around you shouldnt miss. MEMORY: Social Memory, Collective Memory, External Memory/ Memory in History, Anthropology, Sociology, Media Theory 1. Introductions 2. Collections & Anthologies 3. Anthropology and Memory 4. Sociology and Memory 5. History and Memory 6 Material & Place Memory 7. Archives and Memory 8. Family Memory 9 Holocaust/WWII Memory 10. Media, Cinema, Memory 11. The Social Individual 12. Collaborative Recall & Transactive Memory 13. Organizational Memory 14. Social Ontology of Memory 15. Memory & Extended/ Distributed Cognition 1. Introductions and General Work on Social and Collective Memory Jan Assmann, Collective Memory and Cultural Identity, New German Critique 65 (spring/summer 1995), 125-133 * Frederic C. Bartlett, Remembering (Cambridge UP, 1932) * Geof Bowker, Memory Practices in the Sciences (MIT Press, 2005) * Sue Campbell, Relational Remembering: rethinking the memory wars (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003) * Paul Connerton, How Societies Remember (Cambridge UP, 1989). Chapters on Social Memory, Commemorative Ceremonies, and Bodily Practices. * Susan Engel, Context is Everything: the nature of memory (Princeton U.P., 1999), chapters 5 & 6 James Fentress & Chris Wickham, Social Memory (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992) John Frow, Toute la mmoire du monde: repetition and forgetting, in Frow, Time and Commodity Culture (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997) Noa Gedi and Yigal Elam, Collective Memory - what is it?, History and Memory 8 (1996), 30-50 Brian F Havel, In Search of a Theory of Public Memory: the state, the individual, and Marcel Proust, Indiana Law Journal 80 (2005), 605-726 Michael G Kenny, A Place for Memory: the interface between individual and collective history, Comparative Studies in Society and History 41 (1999), 420-437 * Kerwin Lee Klein, On the Emergence of Memory in Historical Discourse, Representations 69 (2000): 127-150. Philip Kuberski, The Persistence of Memory: organism, myth, text (California UP, 1992) * Marius Kwint, Introduction: the physical past, in Kwint (eds), Material Memories (Berg, 1999) Marie-Claire Lavabre, For a Sociology of Collective Memory David Lowenthal, The Past is a Foreign Country (Cambridge UP, 1985). Astonishingly detailed compendium of material on heritage, archives, history, relics, and artifacts. See especially chapter 5 How we know the past. David Manier, Is Memory in the Brain? Remembering as social behavior, Mind, Culture, & Activity 11 (4), 251-266 Doron Mendels (ed), On Memory: an interdisciplinary approach (Peter Lang, 2007), David Middleton and Derek Edwards (eds), Collective Remembering (Sage, 1990) * David Middleton and Steven D. Brown, The Social Psychology of Experience: studies in remembering and forgetting (Sage, 2005) * Barbara Misztal, Theories of Social Remembering (Open University Press, 2003) * Jeffrey K. Olick and Joyce Robbins (1998). Social Memory Studies: from collective memory to the historical sociology of mnemonic practices, Annual Review of Sociology 24, 105-140. * Jeffrey K. Olick, Collective Memory: the two cultures, Sociological Theory 17 (1999), 333-348 * Ross Poole, Memory, History, and the Claims of the Past, Memory Studies 1 (2), 2008 Robert Prus, Human Memory, Social Process, and the Pragmatist Metamorphosis, J of Contemporary Ethnography 36 (4), 2007, 378-437 Paul Ricoeur, Memory, History, Forgetting. Chicago U.P., 2004. * Michael Schudson, Dynamics of Distortion in Collective Memory, in D.L. Schacter (ed), Memory Distortion (Harvard UP, 1995) Daniel Wegner, Transactive Memory: a contemporary analysis of the group mind, in B Mullen & G Goethals (eds), Theories of Group Behavior (NY: Springer-Verlag, 1986), 185-208. Harald Welzer & Hans Markowitsch, Towards a bio-psycho-social model of autobiographical memory, Memory 13 (1), 2005, 63-78 James Wertsch, Voices of collective remembering . New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002 Rob Wilson, Collective memory, group minds, and the extended mind thesis, Cognitive Processes 6 (2005), 227-236 Alison Winter, The making of truth serum, Bulletin of the History of Medicine 79 (2005), 500-533 * Jay Winter and Emmanuel Sivan, Setting the Framework, in Winter & Sivan (eds), War and Remembrance in the Twentieth Century (Cambridge UP, 2000), 6-39 Barbie Zelizer, Reading the Past against the Grain: the shape of memory studies, Critical Studies in Mass Communication 12 (1995), 204-239. Eviatar Zerubavel, Time Maps: Collective Memory and the Social Shape of the Past. Chicago U.P., 2003. perhaps the discussion in Social Memories, chapter 6 of Zerubavel, Social Mindscapes: an invitation to cognitive sociology (Harvard UP, 1997), is more focussed . Centre for the Study of Location, Memory and Visuality in Manchester Cultural Memory in France: margins and centers Bibliography on Memory Politics Lucia Volk, The Anthropology of Social Memory (syllabus, 2004) See also the increasing amount of cross-cultural work in the Cognitive Psychology of Memory and the Developmental Psychology of Memory. See below on The Social Individual for some examples. 2. General Collections and Anthologies Jonathan Boyarin (ed), Remapping Memory: the politics of time space (Minnesota UP, 1994) Thomas Butler (ed.), Memory: history, culture, and the mind (Oxford: Blackwell, 1989). Rebecca Comay (ed), Lost in the Archives (Alphabet City Media, 2002) vast and thrilling Patricia Fara & Karalyn Patterson (eds), Memory (Cambridge UP, 1998): especially papers by Sennett and Hall (sociology), and Goody (anthropology) * Adrian Forty & Suzanne Kuchler (eds), The Art of Forgetting (Oxford, Berg, 1999). See especially Fortys introduction, pp.1-18. J. Gillis (ed), Commemorations (Princeton U.P., 1994) * D. Middleton & D. Edwards (eds.), Collective Remembering (London: Sage, 1990). See especially the editors introduction and contribution; and papers by Shotter on the social construction of remembering, and Bakhurst on social memory in Soviet thought. Susannah Radstone (ed), Memory and Methodology (Oxford: Berg, 2000). Susannah Radstone and Katharine Hodgson (eds), Regimes of Memory (Routledge, 2003) 3. Anthropology and Memory Karen Armstrong, Ambiguity and Remembrance: individual and collective memory in Finland, American Ethnologist 27 (3), 2000, 591-608 F.C. Bartlett, Remembering (Cambridge, 1932). Deborah Battaglia, At Play in the Fields (and Borders) of the Imaginary: Melanesian transformations of forgetting, Cultural Anthropology 8 (1993), 430-442 Kevin Birth (ed), special issue of Ethos 34 (2), 2006 on The Immanent Past - key papers by Birth, Jennifer Cole, Murakami & Middleton etc Maurice Bloch, Internal and External Memory: different ways of being in history, in P. Antze & M. Lambek (eds), Tense Past: cultural essays in trauma and memory (London: Routledge, 1996), 215-233; and see the other essays in Bloch, How We Think They Think (Westview Press, 1998) Pierre Bourdieu, Outline of the Theory of Practice (Cambridge UP, 1977), chapter on habitus. Janet Carsten, The Politics of Forgetting: migration, kinship and memory on the periphery of the Southeast Asian state, J Roy Anthrop Inst N.S. 1 (1995), 317-335 Jennifer Cole, Memory and Modernity, in C Casey & RB Edgerton (eds), A Companion to Psychological Anthropology (Blackwell, 2005), 103-120 Jennifer Cole, Malagasy and Western conceptions of memory, Ethos 34 (2), 2006, 211-243 * Paul Connerton, How Societies Remember (Cambridge UP, 1989). Chapters on Social Memory, Commemorative Ceremonies, and Bodily Practices. Wendy James, The Ceremonial Animal (OUP, 2004), ch.5 Ritual, Memory, & Religion Arthur Kleinman, Joan Kleinman, How bodies remember: social memory and bodily experience of criticism, resistance, & delegitimation following Chinas Cultural Revolution, New Literary History 25 (3), 1994, 707-723 Susanne Kuchler and Walter Melion (eds), Images of Memory: on remembering and representation (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991). Excellent long theoretical introduction, and papers on memory in the production of dance, and case studies of memories in Madagascar, Mexico, and China Michael Lambek, The Past Imperfect: remembering as moral practice, in P. Antze & M. Lambek (eds), Tense Past: cultural essays in trauma and memory (Routledge, 1996), 235-256 Charlotte Linde, Explanatory Systems in Oral Life Stories, in D. Holland and N. Quinn (eds), (Cambridge UP, 1987), 343-366 Michael Rowlands, The Role of Memory in the Transmission of Culture, World Archaeology 25 (1993), 141-151. Andrea Smith, Heteroglossia, common sense, and social memory, American Ethnologist 31 (2), 2004, 251-269 Andrew Strathern, Habit or Habitus? Theories of memory, the body, and change, in his Body Thoughts (Michigan UP, 1996), 25-39 David E Sutton, Remembrance of Repasts (Oxford: Berg, 2001) Elizabeth Tonkin, Narrating our Pasts: the social construction of oral history (Cambridge, 1991). Based on fieldwork in Africa: concluding chapters on memory, & truth & identity. Daniel A. Wagner, Memories of Morocco: the influence of age, schooling, and environment on memory, Cognitive Psychology 10 (1978), 1-28 4. Sociology and Memory * Maurice Halbwachs (1925/1992). The Social Frameworks of Memory, in Halbwachs, On Collective Memory, L.A. Coser (ed.) (Chicago U.P.). Unfortunately this edition omits many important early parts of the work on intersections between society & individual (the first 4 chapters, which cover 145 pages in the 2nd French edition of 1952, are condensed into 13 pages in this translation!). * Maurice Halbwachs (1950/1980). The Collective Memory. New York: Harper Colophon. Introduction by Mary Douglas, pp.1-21. Thanks to Glenn Bowman and Monte Pemberton for help with Halbwachs references. There are also discussions of Halbwachs in many general works on social/ collective memory, such as those listed in #1 above. Annette Becker. Maurice Halbwachs. Un intellectuel en guerres mondiales 1914-1945. Paris: Agnes Vienot, 2003. Annette Becker, Memory gaps: Maurice Halbwachs, memory and the Great War, Journal of European Studies 35 (2005), 102-113 John E. Craig, Sociology and Related Disciplines between the Wars: Maurice Halbwachs andthe imperialism of the Durkheimians, in P. Besnard & L.A. Coser (eds), The Sociological Domain (Cambridge UP, 1983), 263-289 background on milieu, good bibliography Patrick Hutton, Sigmund Freud and Maurice Halbwachs: the problem of memory in historical psychology, The History Teacher 27 (1994), 145-158 Laurent Mucchielli, La mmoire collective selon Maurice Halbwachs, or a summary in English Paul Sabourin, Perspective sur la mmoire sociale de Maurice Halbwachs (1997) Gerome Truc, lecture on 1997 edition of Halbwachs 1950 (2002) Erinnerung und Gesellschaft/Mmoire et Socit. Kolloquium zu Werk und Wirkung von Maurice Halbwachs, Gottingen 2003 Mary Douglas, How Institutions Think (Syracuse UP, 1986), especially chapters 6-7 Paolo Jedlowski, Memory and Sociology: themes & issues, Time & Society 10 (2001), 29-43 * David Middleton and Steven D. Brown, The Social Psychology of Experience: studies in remembering and forgetting (Sage, 2005) * Barbara Misztal, Theories of Social Remembering (Open University Press, 2003) Kyoko Murakami, Orientation to the setting: discursively accomplised intersubjectivity, Culture & Psychology 9 (3), 2003, 233-248 Kyoko Murakami & David Middleton, Grave Matters; networks and summation in remembering and reconciliation, Ethos 34 (2), 2006, 273-296 * Jeffrey K. Olick and Joyce Robbins (1998). Social Memory Studies: from collective memory to the historical sociology of mnemonic practices, Annual Review of Sociology 24, 105-140. * Jeffrey K. Olick, Collective Memory: the two cultures, Sociological Theory 17 (1999), 333-348 Barry Schwartz, The Social Context of Commemoration: a study in collective memory, Social Forces 61 (1982), 374-402. Barry Schwartz, Memory as a Cultural System: Abraham Lincoln in World War II, American Sociological Review 61 (1996), 908-927 Robert Belli & Howard Schuman, The Complexity of Ignorance, Qualitative Sociology 19 (3), 1996, 423-430 T Zhang & B Schwartz, Confucius and the Cultural Revolution: a case study in collective memory, Int J of Politics, Culture, & Society 11 (2), 1997, 189-212 Barry Schwartz, Memory and the Practices of Commitment, in B Glassner & R Hertz (eds), Qualitative Sociology as Everyday Life (Sage, 1999), 135-146 Barry Schwartz and Howard Schuman, History, Commemoration, and Belief: Abraham Lincoln in American Memory, American Sociological Review 70 (2), 2005, 183-203 Howard Schuman & Willard L. Rogers, Cohorts, Chronology, and Collective Memories, Public Opinion Quarterly 68 (2004), 217-254 5. History and Memory T.G. Ashplant et al (eds), The Politics of War Memory and Commemoration (Routledge, 2000) Jan Assmann, Moses the Egyptian: the memory of Egypt in Western monotheism (Harvard UP, 1997): especially chapter 1 on mnemohistory: and see the review by Richard Bernstein in Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 21 (1999), 233-253 Marie-Noelle Bourguet, Lucette Valensi, Nathan Wachtel (eds), Between Memory and History (Harwood Academic Publishers, 1990). Papers on workers memory, Jewish memory, memory in ethnic minorities * Peter Burke, History as Social Memory, in Butler (ed.), Memory: history, culture, and the mind (Oxford: Blackwell, 1989), 97-113 Symposium in American Historical Review (1997): Alon Confino, Collective Memory and Cultural History: problems of method, 1386-1403, and Susan Crane, Writing the Individual Back into Collective Memory, 1372-85 Brian Conway, Active remembering, selective forgetting, and collective identity: the case of Bloody Sunday, Identity 3 (4), 2003 David Cressy, National Memory in Early Modern England, in J.R. Gillis (ed.), Commemorations (Princeton U.P., 1994) Kate Darian-Smith and Paula Hamilton (eds), Memory and History in Twentieth-Century Australia (Oxford UP, 1994), especially * Hamilton, The Knife Edge: debates about memory and history Karl Figlio, Oral History and the Unconscious, History Workshop Journal 26 (1988), 120-132 Patrick Hutton, The Art of Memory Reconceived: from rhetoric to psychoanalysis, Journal of the History of Ideas 48 (1987), 371-392 Gerdien Jonker, The Topography of Remembrance: the dead, tradition, and collective memory in Mesopotamia (Leiden: Brill, 1995) Michael Kammen, Some Patterns and Meanings of Memory Distortion in American History, in D.L. Schacter (ed), Memory Distortion (Harvard UP, 1995) Wolfgang Kansteiner, Finding Meaning in Memory: a methodological critique of collective memory studies, History and Theory 41 (2002), 179-197 Michael G Kenny, A Place for Memory: the interface between individual and collective history, Comparative Studies in Society and History 41 (1999), 420-437 Michael P Levine, Mediated Memories: the politics of the past, Angelaki 11 (2), 2006, 117-136 Matt K Matsuda, The Memory of the Modern (Oxford UP, 1996) review by Patrick Hutton, History and Theory 36 (1997), 378-391 Pierre Nora, Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Memoire, Representations 26 (1989), or in Realms of Memory (Columbia U.P.), pp.1-20. Luisa Passerini, Fascism in Popular Memory (Cambridge UP, 1987) John Stephens, Memory, Commemoration, and the Meaning of a Suburban War Memorial, Journal of Material Culture 12 (3), 2007, 241-261 Richard Terdiman, Present Past: modernity and the memory crisis (Cornell U.P., 1993) Monica Wehner, Typologies of Memory and Forgetting among the Expatriates of Rabaul, Journal of Pacific History 37 (2002) Jay Winter, The Generation of Memory: Reflections on the Memory Boom in Contemporary Historical Studies GHI Bulletin 27 (2000). History and Memory journal 6. Material Memories, External Memory, Architecture and Memory, Place Memory A Appadurai (ed), The Social Life of Things (Cambridge UP, 1986), especially Appadurais introduction on commodities & value, and Kopytoff on the cultural biography of things Ed Casey, Remembering: a phenomenological study (Indiana UP, 1987), chapters 9-10 on place memory and commemoration Ed Casey, Public Memory in Place and Time, in K Phillips (ed), Framing Public Memory (Alabama UP, 2004) M De Grazia et al (eds), Subject and Object in Renaissance Culture (Cambridge UP, 1996) * Merlin Donald, Origins of the Modern Mind (Harvard U.P., 1991), especially pp.309ff Adrian Forty and Susanne Kuchler (eds), The Art of Forgetting (Oxford: Berg, 1999), especially * Fortys introduction, and Kuchler on The Place of Memory Adrian Forty, Words and Buildings (Thames and Hudson, 2000), pp.206-219 Stephen Greenblatt, Memory and Monumentality, The Threepenny Review 64 (winter 1996) Stephen Greenblatt, Expectations and Estrangement, The Threepenny Review 67 (fall 1996) Elizabeth Hallam and Jenny Hockey, Death, Memory, and Material Culture (Oxford: Berg, 2001) Norman Klein, The History of Forgetting: Los Angeles & the erasure of memory (Verso, 1997) Rudy Koshar, From Monuments to Traces: artifacts of German memory, 1870-1990 (California UP, 2000) Marius Kwint et al (eds), Material Memories (Berg, 1999) Michael Leyton, Group Theory and Architecture David Mather, Extended Memory: early calculating engines and historical computer simulations, Leonardo 39 (3), 2006, 236-243 Daniel Miller (ed), Home Possessions (Oxford: Berg, 2001) Neville & Villeneuve (eds), Waste-Site Stories: the recycling of memory (2002) * Alan Radley, Artefacts, Memory, and a Sense of the Past, in Middleton & Edwards (eds.), Collective Remembering (London: Sage, 1990), 46-59 Colin Renfrew & C Scarre (eds), Cognition and Material Culture (1998) Peter Stallybrass & Ann Rosalind Jones, Renaissance Clothing and the Materials of Memory (Cambridge UP, 2000) Lisa Taylor, Collections of Memories, Architectural Digest 38 (1981), 36-42 Daniel Tiffany, Toy Medium: materialism and modern lyric (California U.P., 2000) Research on Place and Space by Bruce Janz 7. Archives, Museums, Organizations, Memory Karen Baker & Geof Bowker, Information Ecology: open system environment for data, memories, and knowing, J of Intelligent Information Systems (2007) Geoffrey Bowker, Lest We Remember: organizational forgetting and the production of knowledge Geoffrey Bowker, Memory Practices in the Sciences, forthcoming 2006 Rebecca Comay (ed), Lost in the Archives (Alphabet City Media, 2002) Barbara L Craig, Selected Themes in the Literature on Memory and their Pertinence to Archives, American Archivist 65 (2002) Susan Crane (ed), Museums and Memory (Stanford UP, 2000) Jacques Derrida, Archive Fever (Chicago UP, 1996) Steven Dubin, Displays of Power: memory and amnesia in the American museum (NYUP, 1999) Kenneth Foote, To Remember and Forget: Archives, Memory, & Culture, American Archivist 53 (1990), 378-392 Chris Healy, Histories and Collecting: museums, objects, & memory, in K. Darian-Smith and P. Hamilton, Memory & History in Twentieth-Century Australia (Oxford UP, 1994) Gaynor Kavanagh, Dream Spaces: memory and the museum (Leicester UP, 2000) David Lowenthal, The Past is a Foreign Country (Cambridge UP, 1985). Astonishingly detailed compendium of material on heritage, archives, history, relics, and artifacts. See especially chapter 5 How we know the past. Laura Millar, Evidence, Memory, and Knowledge: the process of archival reasoning and the extension of social thought (2004) Irving Velody, The Archive and the Human Sciences, History of the Human Sciences 11 (1998), 1-16 (introduction to two special issues on archives and memory which include a number of useful papers on history, museums, archives, and institutions in relation to memory) 8. Family Memory Jennifer Bohanek et al, Family Narrative Interaction and Childrens Sense of Self, Family Process 45 (1), 2006, 39-54 William Hirst and David Manier, Remembering as Communication: a family recounts its past, in D. Rubin ed, Remembering our Past (Cambridge UP, 1996), 271-290 William Hirst, David Manier, and Ioana Apetroaia, The Social Construction of the Remembered Self: family recounting, in J Snodgrass and R Thompson (eds), The Self Across Psychology (NYAS, 1997) Martha Langford, Suspended Conversations: The Afterlife of Memory in Photographic Albums (McGill-Queens University Press, 2001) Anne Muxel, Family Memory, a Sociology of Intimacy Rory Remer et al, Family Members Agreement on Memories of Shared Experiences, Psychological Reports 82 (1998), 1195-1201 9. Holocaust & WWII Memory Peter Novick, The Holocaust and Collective Memory: the American experience (Bloomsbury, 1999) Michael Perlman, Imaginal Memory and the Place of Hiroshima (SUNY Press, 1988) Tzvetan Todorov, The Abuses of Memory, Common Knowledge 5 (spring 1996), 6-26 Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Memory and History, Common Knowledge 5 (fall 1996), 14-20 Harald Welzer, Grandpa Wasnt a Nazi: the Holocaust in German family rememberance (American Jewish Committee, 2005) James Young, The Texture of Memory: Holocaust, memorials, & meaning (Yale UP, 1993) 10. Media Theory, Cyberculture, Information, Photography, Cinema, Memory Erik Davis, Techgnosis, Magic, Memory, and the Angels of Information, in M. Dery (ed), Flame Wars (Duke UP, 1994), 29-60 Mary-Ann Doane, Temporality, Storage, Le gibility: Freud, Marey, and the cinema, Critical Inquiry 22 (1996), 313-343 Douwe Draaisma, Metaphors of Memory (Cambridge UP, 2000) Harvey Greenberg & Krin Gabbard, Reel Recollection: notes on the cinematic depiction of memory, PsyArt Catherine Keenan, On the relationship between personal photographs and individual memory, History of Photography 22 (1998), 60-64 Annette Kuhn, Family Secrets: Acts of Memory and Imagination. 2nd edition, London: Verso, 2002 Annette Kuhn,An Everyday Magic: Cinema and Cultural Memory. London: I.B. Tauris, 2002. Alison Landsberg, Prosthetic Memory: Total Recall and Blade Runner, in M Featherstone & R Burrows (eds), Cyberspace/ Cyberbodies/ Cyberpunk (Sage, 1995), 175-189 Martin Lefebvre, On Memory & Imagination in Cinema, New Literary History 30 (1999) 479-498 Chris Locke, Digital Memory and the Problem of Forgetting, in Susannah Radstone (ed), Memory and Methodology (Oxford: Berg, 2000), 25-36 James Nyce & Paul Kahn, From Memex to Hypertext: Vannevar Bush and the minds machine Academic Press, 1991. Includes Bushs As We May Think and heaps more. Katherine Rowe, Remember Me: technologies of memory in Michael Almereydas Hamlet (2002) Michel Serres, Angels: a modern myth (Paris: Flammarion, 1993) Bernard Stiegler, The Global Mnemotechnical System, Culture Machine 4 (2004) Marita Sturken, Tangled Memories: the Vietnam War, the AIDS epidemic, and the politics of remembering (California UP, 1997) Marita Sturken, The Image as Memorial: personal photographs in cultural memory, in M. Hirsch (ed.), The Familial Gaze (Dartmouth College, 1999), 178-195 Darren Tofts & M. McKeich, Memory Trade: the prehistory of cyberculture (Interface, 1997) Jose van Dijck, Mediated Memories: personal cultural memory as object of cultural analysis, Continuum: journal of media & cultural studies 18 (2004), 261-277 Alison Winter, Screening Selves: Sciences of Memory and Identity on Film, 1930-1960, History of Psychology 7 (2004), 367-401 Jay Winter, Film and the Matrix of Memory, American Historical Review 107 (2001), 857-864 Barbie Zelizer, Reading the Past against the Grain: the shape of memory studies, Critical Studies in Mass Communication 12 (1995), 204-239. Technophonia: Essays in Sound II (1995) Andrea Lunsfords Stanford class on Memory and Media Richard Candida Smith (ed), Art and the Performance of Memory (Routledge, 2002) Media, Materiality, Memory: special issue of Configurations (2002) Memento and the original short story 11. Social/ Ecological Perspectives on Individual Memory C Adams et al, Social context effects on story recall in older and younger women: does the listener make a difference?, J of Gerontology: psychological sciences 57B (1), 2002, P28-P40 Craig Barclay, Autobiographical Remembering: narrative constraints on objectified selves, in D. Rubin (ed), Remembering our Past (Cambridge UP, 1996) Frederic C. Bartlett, Remembering (Cambridge UP, 1932); with Akiko Saito (ed), Bartlett, Culture, and Cognition (Psychology Press, 2000), especially papers by Rosa and by Mary Douglas on psychology and anthropology, and by Brewer on the concept of schema Jens Brockmeier, Remembering and Forgetting: narrative as cultural memory, Culture and Psychology 8 (2002), 15-43 Sue Campbell, Relational Remembering: rethinking the memory wars (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003) Marion Joan Francoz, Habit as Memory Incarnate, College English 62 (1999), 11-29 Mark Freeman, Rewriting the Self: history, memory, narrative (Routledge, 1993) Clifford Geertz, Culture, Mind, Brain/ Brain, Mind, Culture, in Available Light (Princeton U.P., 1999) Yoshihisa Kashima, Recovering Bartletts Social Psychology of Cognitive Dynamics, European Journal of Social Psychology, 30 (2000), 383-403. Michael G Kenny, A Place for Memory: the interface between individual and collective history, Comparative Studies in Society and History 41 (1999), 420-437 Michael Leyton, Symmetry, Causality, Mind (MIT Press, 1992) David Manier, Is Memory in the Brain? Remembering as social behavior, Mind, Culture, & Activity 11 (4), 251-266 David Middleton and Steven D. Brown, The Social Psychology of Experience: studies in remembering and forgetting (Sage, 2005) Ulric Neisser (ed), Memory Observed: remembering in natural contexts (Oxford, 1982, 2nd edition eds Neisser & Ira Hyman, Worth Publishers 1999) Katherine Nelson, Self and social functions: individual autobiographical memory and collective narrative, Memory 11 (2003), 125-136 Monisha Pasupathi, The Social Construction of the Personal Past and its Implications for Adult Development, Psychological Bulletin 127 (5), 2001, 651-672 Monisha Pasupathi & Ben Rich, Inattentive listening undermines self-verification in personal storytelling, J of Personality 73 (4), 2005, 1051- Monisha Pasupathi et al, Reflecting on Life: remembering as a major process in adult development, J of Lang and Social Psych 25 (2006), 244-263 B.M. Ross, Remembering the Personal Past (Oxford, 1991) J. Skowronski & WR Walter, How describing autobiographical memories can affect autobiographical memories, Social Cognition 22 (5), 2004, 555-590 Qi Wang, Culture Effects on Adults Earliest Childhood Recollections and Self-Description: implications for the relation between memory and the self, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 81 (2001), 220-233. Harald Welzer & Hans Markowitsch, Towards a bio-psycho-social model of autobiographical memory, Memory 13 (1), 2005, 63-78 James Wertsch, Voices of Collective Remembering . New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002 Rob Wilson, Collective memory, group minds, and the extended mind thesis, Cognitive Processes 6 (2005), 227-236 12. Collaborative Recall (& Collaborative Cognition) and Transactive Memory a) Collaborative Recall, Collaborative Cognition, Social Contagion (in chronological order) N. Clark, G. Stephenson, B. Kniveton, Social remembering: quantitative aspects of individual and collaborative remembering by police officers and students, British Journal of Psychology 81 (1990), 73-94 O Gould & R Dixon, How we spent our vacation: collaborative storytelling by young and old adults, Psychology and Aging 8 (1), 1993, 10-17 B Basden, D Basden, S Bryner, R Thomas, A Comparison of Individual and Group Remembering: does collaboration disrupt retrieval strategies?, J of Exper Psych: learning, memory, & cognition 23, 1176-1189 VB Hinsz, RS Tindale, DA Vollrath, The emerging conception of groups as information processors, Psychological Bulletin 121 (1), 1997, 43-64 MS Weldon & KD Bellinger, Collective Memory: collaborative and individual processes in remembering, J of Exper Psych: learning, memory, & cognition 23 (5), 1160-1175 R Dixon & O Gould, Younger and Older Adults Collaborating on Recalling Everyday Stories, Applied Developmental Science 2 (3), 1998, 160-171 B Basden, D Basden, S Henry, Costs and Benefits of Collaborative Remembering, Applied Cognitive Psychology 14 (2000), 497-507 S Clark et al, Group Collaboration in Recognition Memory, J of Exper Psych: learning, memory, & cognition 26 (6), 2000, 1578-88 F Finlay, G Hitch, P Meudell, Mutual Inhibition in Collaborative Recall: evidence for a retrieval-based account, J of Exper Psych: learning, memory, & cognition 26, 2000 MS Weldon, C Blair, PD Huebsch, Group Remembering: does social loafing underlie collaborative inhibition?, J of Exper Psych: learning, memory, & cognition 26 (6), 2000, 1568-77 HL Roediger, ML Meade, ET Bergman, Social Contagion of Memory, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 8 (2), 2001, 365-371 O Gould et al, Collaborative recall in married and unacquainted dyads, Int J of Behavioral Development 26 (1), 2002, 36-44 ML Meade & HL Roediger, Explorations in the Social Contagion of Memory, Memory & Cognition 30 (7), 2002, 995-1009 M Pasupathi, S Lucas, A Coombs, Conversational functions of autobiographical remembering: long-married couples talk about conflicts and pleasant topics, Discourse Processes 34 (2), 163-192 F Gabbert, A Memon, K Allan, Memory Conformity: can eyewitnesses influence each others memories for an event?, Applied Cognitive Psychology 17 (2003), 533-543 M Reysen, The effects of social pressure on group recall, Memory & Cognition 31 (8), 2003, 1163-1168 M Ross et al, Going shopping and identifying landmarks: does collaboration improve older peoples memory?, Applied Cognitive Psychology 18 (2004), 683-696 NO Johansson et al, Compensating strategies in collaborative remembering in very old couples, Scandinavian J of Psych 46 (2005), 349-359 Alexandru Cuc et al, On the Formation of Collective Memories: the role of a dominant narrator, Monisha Pasupathi et al, Talking the Talk: collaborative remembering and self-perceived expertise, Discourse Processes 43 (1), 2007, 55-77 Lisa Gagnon & Roger Dixon, Remembering and Retelling Stories in Individual and Collaborative Contexts, Applied Cog Psych (2008) b) Transactive Memory (in chronological order) Daniel Wegner, Toni Giuliano, Paula Hertel, Cognitive Interdependence in Close Relationships, in W Ickes (ed), Compatible and Incompatible Relationships (NY: Springer-Verlag, 1985), 253-276. Daniel Wegner, Transactive Memory: a contemporary analysis of the group mind, in B Mullen & G Goethals (eds), Theories of Group Behavior (NY: Springer-Verlag, 1986), 185-208. Daniel Wegner, Ralph Erber, Paula Raymond, Transactive Memory in Close Relationships, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 61 (1991), 923-9 Richard Moreland, Linda Argote, & Ranjani Krishnan, Socially Shared Cognition at Work: transactive memory and group performance, in J. Nye & A. Brower (eds), Whats Social about Social Cognition? (Sage, 1996), 57-84 Andrea B Hollingshead, Retrieval Processes in Transactive Memory Systems, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 74 (3), 1998, 659-671 Youngjin Yoo, Development of Transactive Memory Systems and Collective Mind in Virtual Teams, Int J of Organizational Analysis 9 (2), 187-208 AB Hollingshead, SN Fraidin, Gender Stereotypes and Assumptions about Expertise in Transactive Memory, J of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (2003), 355-363 Kyle Lewis, Measuring Transactive Memory Systems in the Field: scale development and validation, J of Applied Psychology 88 (4), 2003, 587-604 Manuel London et al, Interpersonal Congruence, Transactive Memory, and Feedback Processes: an integrative model of group learning, Human Resource Development Review 4 (2), 2005, 114-135 Yohsuke Ohtsubo, Should information be redundantly distributed among group members? Effective use of group memory in collaborative problem solving, Applied Cognitive Psychology 19 (2005), 1219-1233 Edward Palazzolo, Organizing for information retrieval in transactive memory systems, Communication Research 32 (2005), 726-761 Devaki Rau, The influence of relationship conflict and trust on the transactive memory, Small Group Research 36 (6), 2005, 746-771 Ray Reagans et al, Individual experience and experience working together: predicting learning rates from knowing who knows what and knowing how to work together, Management Science 51 (6), 2005, 869-881 Johnny Garner, Its not what you know: a transactive memory analysis of knowledge networks at NASA, J Technical Writing and Communication 36 (4), 2006, 329-351 Yuqing Ren et al, The Contingent Effects of Transactive Memory, Management Science 52 (5), 2006, 671-682 Jane Prichard & Melanie Ashleigh, The Effects of Team-Skills Training on Transactive Memory and Performance, Small Group Research 38 (2007), 696-726 Y Connie Yuan et al, Access to Information in Connective and Communal Transactive Memory Systems, Communication Research 34 (2007), 131-155 13. Organizational Memory (in chronological order) See also especially 12 above on transactive memory James Walsh & Gerardo Ungson, Organizational Memory, Academy of Management Review 16 (1), 1991, 57-91. D Stewart & G Stasser, Expert Role Assignment and Information Sampling During Collective Recall and Decision-Making, J of Personality & Social Psych 69 (4), 1995, 619-628 L Bannon & K Kuutti, Shifting perspectives on organizational memory: from storage to active remembering, Procs 29th Annual Hawaii Int Conf on System Sciences (HICSS-29), 1996, 156-167 JM Corbett, Towards a sociological model of organisational memory, Procs 30th Annual Hawaii Int Conf on System Sciences, 1997 MS Ackerman & C Halverson, Organizational Memory: processes, boundary objects, and trajectories, Procs 32nd Annual Hawaii Int Conf on System Sciences, 1999, expnnded version in CSCW 13 (2), 2004, 155-189 F Olivera, Memory systems in organizations: an empirical investigation of mechanisms for knowledge collection, storage, & access, J of Management Studies 37 (6), 2000, 811-832 C Pollitt, Institutional Amnesia: a paradox of the information age?, Prometheus 18 (1), 2000, 5-16 JR Austin, Transactive Memory in Organizational Groups: the effects of content, consensus, specialization, & accuracy on group performance, J of Applied Psychology 88 (5), 866-878 M Paoli & A Prencipe, Memory of the organisation and memories within the organisation, J of Management and Governance 7 (2003), 145-162 DP Brandon & AB Hollingshead, Transactive Memory Systems in Organizations: matching tasks, expertise, and people, Organization Science 15 (6), 2004, 633-644 Kyle Lewis et al, Transactive Memory Systems, Learning, and Learning Transfer, Organization Science 16 (6), 2005, 581-598 Regina Feldman & Steven Feldman, What Links the Chain: an essay on organizational remembering as practice, Organization 13 (6), 2006, 861-887 Nicholas Scalzo, Memory Loss? Corporate knowledge and radical change, J of Business Strategy 27 (4), 2006, 60-69 Nancy Cooke et al, Team Cognition in Experienced Command-and-Control Teams, J of Experimental Psych: applied 13 (3), 2007, 146-157 Steve Kozlowski, Daniel Ilgen, The Science of Team Success, Scientific American Mind 18 (3), 2007, 54-61 Kyle Lewis et al, Group cognition, membership change, and performance, Organizational Behavior and Human Development Processes 103 (2007), 159-178 14. Social Ontology and/ of Memory FC Bartlett, Group Organization and Social Behavior, International Journal of Ethics 35 (4), 1925, 346-367 15. Memory & Extended/ Distributed Cognition Also see resources on Dynamicist cognitive science * Merlin Donald, Origins of the Modern Mind (Harvard U.P., 1991), especially pp.309ff John Gero, Constructive Memory in Design Thinking, in G Goldschmidt & W Porter (eds), Design Thinking Research Symposium, MIT, 1999, 29-35 Rob Wilson, Boundaries of the Mind (Cambridge UP, 2004), chapters 8, 11-12 Rob Wilson, Collective memory, group minds, and the extended mind thesis, Cognitive Processes 6 (2005), 227-236 Back to the main page for the Interdisciplinary Study of Memory Last updated 31 May 2008. Back to my home page.
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