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Social entrepreneurship & social enterprise in UK英国的社会企业家精神与社会企业英国的社会企业家精神与社会企业 Definition of Social Entrepreneur社会企业家的定义社会企业家的定义+=Credit: Pamela Hartigan - Schwab FoundationMichael YoungOpen University创办开放式大学Labour Manifesto 1945发表劳工宣言(1945)Consumers Association建立消费者协会Which? Magazine 创办Which?杂志Language Line (TIS)创建Language Line公司(翻译服务)& 40 others还有40项其它成就 School for Social Entrepreneurs创办社会企业家学校(SSE)Sheenagh Day MaisonBengalRos Spearing EbonyHorseClubTokunbo Ajasa-Oluwa Catch22MagazineThe SSE ProgrammeSSE项目项目Programme elements:项目要素:项目要素:Expert witness sessions (group)专家见面会(小组)Mentor / tutor (1:1)导师或辅导老师( 1:1 )Action learning sets (4-5 people) 行动式学习团队(4-5人)Project Visits (group) 项目参观(小组)Residential (group) 寄宿式(小组)Year-long duration1年期Approach:实施方式:实施方式:Diverse mix of age, background, gender年龄、背景和性别均不限No paper qualifications needed / no fees无需资格证书和费用Peer-led / practitioner-to-practitioner同行主导、学员对学员 Learning programmes running for 10 years 有10年历史的学习型项目机构 Nearly 400 SSE Fellows around the UK have completed programmes 在英国有近400多SSE成员完成了项目实施 Active schools in 7 locations (London, Belfast, East Mids, Fife, West Mids, Liverpool, Cornwall)在7个地方拥有活跃学校( 伦敦, 贝尔法斯特, 东米德兰, 法夫郡, 西米德兰, 利物浦, 康沃尔 ) Operates as social franchise (best practice + quality system)作为社会特许企业存在并运营(最佳实践+质量体系) International developments in progress (Australia / China)国际化发展正在进行当中(澳大利亚/中国等)关于关于SSE 85% of organisations established at SSE are still in existence: strong survival rate 在SSE成立的组织中,85%仍在运行:较高的存活存活率 60% report increased turnover after attending SSE; on average, a five-fold increase60%报告说SSE的培训促进了营业额的增长营业额的增长;平均增长达5倍 88% experience a growth in confidence and skills to lead their organisation88%增长了组织领导方面的信心和技能信心和技能 Over 50% make 10 or more useful contacts that they attribute directly to SSE 50%多承认因参加SSE培训而建立了10个或更多的有用人际联系 Over half of SSE Fellows organisations gain more than 50% income from trading SSE会员成立的组织中,一半多获得了过半的贸易收入贸易收入 For every 10 Fellows, 34 jobs and 70 volunteering positions are created 每10个会员就创造了34个工作岗位工作岗位和70个志愿者岗位SSE评估评估Private Business私营部门私营部门Public Sector公共部门公共部门Social Entrepreneurs社会企业家社会企业家Voluntary & Community SectorSocial EnterpriseThird Sector 第三产业第三产业Social entrepreneurs habitat社会企业家的生存环境社会企业家的生存环境社会企业社会企业志愿者和志愿者和社区部门社区部门-What is a social entrepreneur?-何谓社会企业家?A social entrepreneur is someone who works in an entrepreneurial manner, but for primarily social benefit. Driven by a social mission, they aim to address unmet needs to improve peoples lives. -所谓社会企业家是指以创业方式工作、但主要为社会利益服务的人。他们受某种社会使命推动,志在满足社会需求,改善人们的生活。-What is a social enterprise?-何谓社会企业?A social enterprise is a business with primarily social objectives, whose surpluses are reinvested in the business or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit for shareholders or owners. 所谓社会企业是指以社会目标为首要目标、将盈余再投资于企业或社区发展、不追求股东或业主利润最大化的企业。The difference:区别:区别:-individuals creating community-engaged, community-shaped organisations-个人创建与社区接触、基于社区需求的组织基于社区需求的组织-rooted in personal and particular:for sustainable, real, radical, long lasting change-个人化与具体化个人化与具体化:致力于可持续、真正、激烈、长期的变革 -hardwiring diversity in leadership-领导层的多元化领导层的多元化-generating robust, responsive and sustainable solutions-创造力度大、响应性高且可持续的解决方案可持续的解决方案-combining resourcefulness, opportunity and innovation in practical action-在具体行动中体现智慧、机遇和创新在具体行动中体现智慧、机遇和创新-developing business and life skills through practical learning-通过实践式学习开发业务和生活技能业务和生活技能-outcomes, not process-成果成果,而非过程Social enterprise / entrepreneurship:社会企业与社会创业社会企业与社会创业-55,000 social enterprises in the UK with a combined turnover of 27 billion-英国有55000家社会企业,其营业总额达270亿英镑 -Social enterprises account for 5% of all businesses with employees, and contribute 8.4bn per year to the UK economy. 2005SmallBusinessSurvey-社会企业占英国所有雇用雇员企业的5%,每年为英国经济贡献84亿英镑。【2005年小企业调查】-Diverse range of organisations: development trusts, co-operatives, housing associations, social firms, community interest companies (CICs) etc.-组织形式组织形式多样化:发展信托、合作社、住房协会、“社会公司”、社区利益公司(CIC)等-Operating in wide range of industries and sectors: health and social care, youth and childrens services, renewable energy, recycling, fairtrade and many more.-涉及范围广泛的行业和部门行业和部门:保健和社会护理、青年与儿童服务、可再生能源、废物回收利用、公平贸易等Social enterprise in UK英国的社会企业英国的社会企业-Breakthrough organisations: Fifteen, Big Issue, CafeDirect, Hill Holt Wood, Green-Works-突破性的组织突破性的组织: Fifteen, Big Issue, CafeDirect, Hill Holt Wood, Green-Works-Fostering a culture of social enterprise: work in schools (incl. curriculum), raising awareness (Social Enterprise Ambassadors) + entrepreneurship -培育社会企业文化社会企业文化:校园宣传(包括课程提供)、意识增强活动(社会企业大使)+创业活动-Public service delivery: advocating to central government departments + commissioners-提供公共服务提供公共服务: 推动中央政府部门支持+专员-Access to finance: broadening social investment marketplace (grants, loans, quasi-equity, etc)-资金资金获取:扩大社会投资渠道(捐赠、贷款、准股权等)-Improving quality of advice and support-提高咨询与支持服务咨询与支持服务的质量-New legal structures: Community Interest Company-新的法律结构新的法律结构:社区利益公司-Evidence + impact measurement: SROI etc-证据+影响评估影响评估: SROI等Social enterprise growth社会企业的发展社会企业的发展“The SSE is showing how we can take a fresh approach to social and economic renewal”“SSE正在向我们展示如何采用新的方式实现社会与经济的新生。” -PMGordonBrown-英国首相戈登布朗www.sse.org.ukhttp:/del.icio.us/SSEnick.templesse.org.uk+44 (0)20 8981 0300
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