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先熟读背诵精彩句型烂熟于心主体段落常用句型锤炼之二十三:状语从句的省略1.Firstly, people may feel forced when asked to do things that they dont want to.首先,人们在被要求做他们不想做的事情时可能会感到是被迫的。(2016江苏卷写作)2.So while sitting in the classroom and doing my papers, I felt confident and was full of energy.因此,当我坐在教室里做试卷时,感到精力旺盛,信心十足。(四川卷书面表达)3.If necessary,you should turn to your parents for help.如果有必要,你应该向你的父母求助。4.“The prize money is too little to afford even half of a living room in Beijing,” Tu Youyou told the journalist jokingly when asked how to spend the prize money.当被问及如何花这笔奖金时,屠呦呦开玩笑地告诉记者,“奖金少,不够在北京买半个客厅”。 5. Unless necessary, youd better not refer to the dictionary.除非有必要,否则你最好不要查词典。1.如果你被录取做这份工作,你很快就会接到通知。(2015北京卷单选)后临摹仿写妙语佳句信手拈来2.可能的话,他们就让他停下来问他这三个问题。3.吃饭时,一些有天赋的学生表演了精彩的民间舞蹈,这使老人非常高兴。If accepted for the job, youll be informed soon.Whenever (it is) possible,they would stop him and ask him the three questions.While enjoying the meal, some talented students gave a wonderful folk dance performance, making the elderly very happy.重点单词识记联想运用会书写一、核心单词1._ adj.外向的;友好的;外出的;离开的2._ vt. 使适应;改编3._ adj. 同伴的;同类的 n. 同伴;同志;伙伴outgoingadaptfellow4._ adj. 足够的;充分的5._ adj. 方便的;有用的6._ n. 社区;团体;社会7._ n. 行为;品行 vt. 指挥;管理;主持adequatehandycommunityconduct二、阅读单词1.entry n. _2.firm n. _ adj. _3.abolish vt. _4.resign vi.& vt. _5.literature n. _6.companion n. _项目;进入;入口公司结实的;坚固的;坚定的废除;废止辞职;辞去(工作;职位等)文学(作品);著作;文献同伴;伙伴7.certificate n. _8.dignity n. _9.profit n. _10.disability n. _证书尊严;高贵的品质收益;利润;盈利伤残;无力;无能三、拓展单词1._ adj.适合的;适宜的_ v.适合;合适;使适应2._ n.缺席;不在某处_ adj.缺席的;心不在焉的3._adj.有益的;受益的_ n.& v.利益;好处;使受益4._ n.(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性_ adj.可接近(进入/使用)的5._ n.赞成;认可_ v.支持;赞成;同意_ v.不赞成suitablesuitabsenceabsentbeneficialbenefitaccessaccessibleapprovalapprovedisapprove6._ n.鼓励;奖励_ v.鼓励;鼓舞_ adj.鼓舞人心的7._ vt.祝贺;庆贺_ n.祝贺;贺词8._ vt.使不悦;惹恼_ adj.颇为生气的_ adj.使人烦恼的9._ n.雄心;野心_ adj.有雄心的;有野心的10._ n.协助;援助_ v.帮助;援助_ n.助手encouragementencourageencouragingcongratulatecongratulationannoyannoyedannoyingambitionambitiousassistanceassistassistant会积累1.高频复合形容词速记outgoing外向的absentminded 心不在焉的hardworking 努力工作的straightforward 直率的wellknown 著名的widespread 广泛的worldwide 世界范围的2.ance/ence名词后缀一览appearance 外貌,外表insurance 保险,保证performance 演出,表演absence 不在evidence 明显,证据diligence 勤奋preference 偏爱consequence 后果,结果convenience 方便difference 不同3.courage相关单词一览courage n. 勇气encourage vt. 鼓励encouragement n. 鼓励encouraging adj. 鼓舞人心的discourage vt. 使泄气discouragement n. 泄气;灰心4.“生气”相关单词聚焦annoy vt. 使不悦annoyed adj. 生气的annoying adj. 使人烦恼的angry adj. 生气的anger n. 生气upset adj. 心烦的会应用用所给词的适当形式填空1.Many friends came to _ him on his marriage,and some sent emails to express their _.(congratulate)2.The castle is only _ to special people and we ordinary citizens have no _ to it.(access)3.Robert is a very _ man and one of his _ is to travel in Antarctic.(ambition)4.My husbands talking with full food in his mouth _ me.Although I am _ with him about his _ habit,he cant get rid of it.(annoy)congratulatecongratulationsaccessibleaccessambitiousambitionsannoyedannoyedannoying5.The young _ often _ us in preparing tools for experiments.(assist)6.As we all know,fresh air is _ to our health and the new park _ us all,so we should keep it clean.(benefit)assistantassistsbeneficialbenefits.核心短语识记联想运用会书写1._换句话说2._ 适合3._ 切去;省略;停止(做某事)4._ 上气不接下气5._ 总而言之6._ 闲坐着in other wordsadapt tocut outout of breathall in allsit around7.as well as _8.in many ways _9.make fun of _10.never mind _11.all the best _12.meet with _和;也在很多方面取笑不必担心(口语)(祝你)一切顺利遇到;经历;会晤会积累1.“A介词A”型短语一览all in all总而言之face to face 面对面地step by step 逐渐地eye for eye 以眼还眼day after day 日复一日地2.“all the名词”短语集锦all the way 一直;一路上,从头到尾all the time 一直;总是;始终all the same 尽管如此;仍然all the best 祝一切顺利会应用选用上表左栏短语填空1.We ran all the way to the cinema,arriving there quite _.2.Would you like to be my close friend? Of course! Lets share in our troubles _in our joys.3.Some people _ while others are doing all the work.4.The children found it hard to _ their new school.5.He looks like his father _,such as eyes,the nose and so on.6.The book has some weak points,but _,I consider it a success.7.You can _ the unimportant details when reading through the article.8.He is the last to come._,he is the latest.out of breathas well asare sitting aroundadapt toin many waysall in allcut outIn other words.经典句式分析背诵仿写句型公式1:every time引导时间状语从句,意为“每当”,相当于whenever。教材原句Every time I returned after an absence,I felt stupid because I was behind the others.每次我缺课之后,我就觉得自己很笨,因为我比别人落后了。句型仿写_,the whole world will give it much attention.每次中国生产出一种新型战斗机,全世界都会给予极大的关注。Every time a new fighter of China is produced句型公式2:现在分词短语作伴随状语教材原句I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself.我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。句型仿写Tony lent me the money,_ Id do as much for him.托尼借钱给我,希望我也会为他的事同样尽力。hoping that句型公式3:as adj.a(n)n.as结构教材原句Just accept them for who they are,and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.要接受他们,给予他们鼓励,让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满。句型仿写In spite of disability,Jack can live_everybody else.尽管残疾,杰克却和身边的每个人一样过着正常的生活。as normal a life as句型公式4:It is convenient (for sb) to do sth方便(某人)做某事教材原句For disabled customers it would be more convenient to place the toilets near the entrance to the cinema.在影院入口处的附近安排厕所会让残疾人顾客感觉更加方便。句型仿写_and you can also buy a wide variety of goods at a low price.网上购物相当方便,而且还可以买到各种廉价商品。It is quite convenient to shop online.语篇填空回顾补全热诵阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Marty is a boy who looks the same as other people _ has a muscle disease which sometimes makes him very weak.Not being able to climb stairs as _(quick) as others,he gets out of breath after _(run) just a short way and he has to stop halfway up the stairs and rest before he can get to the top,_ makes kids make fun of him.He always feels stupid for being a bit behind the others after a long _ (absent) from school.Although doctors cant give his disease a name and its difficult to know _ the future will be like, Marty _(learn) to adapt to his disability.His motto is: live one day at a time.butquicklyrunningwhichabsencewhathas learntHe has a busy life without time to sit around _ (feel) sorry for himself.Besides writing and computer programming,he goes to the movies as well as football _(match) with his friends and spends a lot of time with his pets.His ambition is _ (work) in the computer industry when he grows up.feelingmatchesto work核 心 词 汇1.adapt vt.使适应;改编 (1)adapt (oneself) to使适应于adapt sth from 根据改编某物adapt.for 为而改写/改编(2)adaptable adj. 能适应的;可修改的adaptation n. 适应;改编;改写本Unfortunately,the doctors dont know how to make me better,but I am very outgoing and have learned to_ my disability.(教材原句)不幸的是,大夫们不知道如何治好我的病,但是我很开朗乐观,学会了适应身体的残疾。As far as I know,he is going to adapt his novel _ a TV play.据我所知,他计划把自己的小说改编成一部电视剧。The TV play series The Legend of Zhen Huan is adapted _ the novel of the same name.电视剧甄嬛传改编自同名小说。adapt toforfrom2.absence n.缺席;不在某处(1)in the absence of sb in ones absence 某人不在时absence of mind 心不在焉(2)absent adj. 不在的;缺席的be absent from. 不参加;缺席Every time I returned after an _ (absent),I felt stupid because I was behind the others.(教材原句)每次请过长假之后,我都觉得自己很笨,因为我比别人落后了。However,learning English as a foreign language is very difficult _ a native language environment.然而,在缺乏英语环境的情况下学习作为外语的英语相当困难。He _ the conference yesterday because of his sudden heart disease.昨天因为他的心脏病突发,他没有参加会议。absencein the absence ofwas absent from3.annoy vt.使不悦;惹恼(1)annoyed adj. 恼火的;颇为生气的be annoyed with sb 生某人的气be annoyed at/about sth 因某事生气(2)annoying adj. 恼人的;烦人的_was that he had received no apology.最令他生气的是没有人向他道歉。Have you ever been annoyed _ yourself when you forget something important?你有曾因忘记重要的事情而对自己非常生气过吗?It was really _(annoy);I couldnt get access to the data bank you had recommended.(2016天津卷单选)真烦人,我无权使用你推荐的资料库。What annoyed him mostwithannoying4.congratulate vt.祝贺;庆贺She congratulated me warmly _ my exam results.她热情地祝贺我考试取得好成绩。I want to express my sincere _ (congratulate) on your success.我想对你的成功表示诚挚的祝贺。oncongratulations5.access n.(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性;权利等(1)have access to拥有的机会;可以接近;进入have no access to 没有的机会;无法接近give access to 准许进入(接近)(2)accessible adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的be accessible to. 可接近;可靠近;可使用In spite of the advanced medical technology,many Americans _health care service.尽管有着先进的医疗技术,但是许多美国人还是享受不到医疗服务。All the sites are free to the public and _ (access) to anyone with an Internet connection.所有这些网站都是免费向公众开放的,通过互联网,任何人都可登陆。名师指津access前通常不加冠词,且access和accessible短语中的to是介词。have no access toaccessible6.in other words 换句话说(1)in a word总之;简言之word comes/came that. 有消息传来说(2)keep ones word 遵守诺言break ones word 失信;不守诺言have a word with. 与谈一谈have words with. 与拌嘴/吵架_,there are not many people like me.(教材原句)换句话说,像我这样的人不多。_ the old buildings in this area would be pulled down to build up an amusement park.消息传来,这一地区的旧建筑物将被拆除以建一个游乐场。You must _,or Ill let you go.你必须遵守诺言,否则我将解雇你。In other wordsWord came thatkeep your word/promise7.out of breath 上气不接下气(1)hold ones breath屏住呼吸catch ones breath 喘息;恢复正常呼吸lose ones breath 喘不过气来take a deep breath 深呼吸(2)breathe v. 呼吸So sometimes some children in my primary school would laugh,when I got _after running a short way or had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs.(教材原句)当我跑了很短的一段路之后,我就会喘不过气来,或者爬楼梯才爬到一半就得停下来休息。因此上小学时有的孩子见了我这种情况就会笑话我。We all _ while Mr.Evans announced the exam results.埃文斯先生宣布考试成绩时,我们都屏息静听。While climbing up the stairs the old man always _.那位老人上楼时总是气喘吁吁的。out of breathheld our breathloses his breath重 点 句 型I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself.我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。feeling sorry for myself为现在分词短语作伴随状语。现在分词短语作伴随状语,表示伴随情况,所表示的动作与谓语动词同时发生,且与句子的主语即逻辑主语是主动关系。(1)现在分词除在句中作状语外,还可以作表语、定语、宾语补足语等。(2)现在分词作状语除了表示伴随以外,还可表示时间、条件、原因、让步、结果和方式等。Do you wake up every morning _ (feel) energetic and ready to start a new day?你每天早晨醒来都感到精力充沛并准备好开始新的一天吗?All of a sudden,he stood directly,_ (represent) his ideas to the people present at the meeting.他突然直接站起来向出席会议的人陈述自己的观点。He went out _(shut)the door behind him.他出去后随手把门关上。feelingrepresentingshutting当 堂 达 标.单词拼写1.His _ (行为) doesnt agree with his words,so few people trust him.2.The businessman wanted to make as many _ (利润) as he could from his products.3.The materials can be _ (改动) for use with older children.4.He _ (辞职) from office and devoted himself entirely to painting at home.conductprofitsadaptedresigned5.People in flooded areas suffered a lot,without drinking water,electricity and _ (足够的) food supply,so they continued to flee the town.6.The disabled boy is very _ (外向的) and gets along well with everyone in his class.7.He likes the Chinese classic _ (文学) very much and spends much time on it.8.There is a _ (便利的) restaurant just around the corner.9.Dogs are loyal and can be humans wonderful _ (同伴).10.All the students should agree that weekend homework should be _ (取消).adequateoutgoingliteraturehandycompanionsabolished.单句语法填空1.The director was fully convinced that this moving story,if _ (adapt) for television,would be a hit.2.While doing my homework,I met _ a problem difficult to solve.3.I get _ (annoy) when someone talks to me while Im reading.4.The Diaoyu Islands have been part of Chinas territory since ancient times,_ (serve) as important fishing grounds to Taiwan.5.My father did all the cooking in my mothers _ (absent).adaptedwithannoyedservingabsence6.Id like to congratulate you _ your wonderful performance.7.With _ (graduate) around the corner,I am writing to express my gratitude.8.All the rooms in this building are so well designed that they are _ (access) to the disabled.9._ (ambitious) plays an important role in our daily life,because it is a guide for us to make decisions and choices.10.The survey _ (conduct) by the company shows there is a large increase in customer satisfaction this year.ongraduationaccessibleAmbitionconducted.单句改错1.Having settled in that remote area,the young man quickly adapted the weather. _2.He has broken his words so many times that I cannot trust him any more._3.He made the boy sit there,promised they would not hurt him._4.It was his absent of mind during driving that resulted in the terrible accident._5.I worry about whether I can find a suit job when I graduate from university because Im not a sociable girl._adapted后加towordswordpromisedpromisingabsentabsencesuitsuitable6.Just as I stepped into the shower the phone rang.It was so annoyed._7.From the flats we have an easy access to shops and schools._8.We offer our congratulation to you on your passing the College Entrance Examination. _annoyedannoying去掉ancongratulationcongratulations.补全句子1.Now I work in a centre for drug addicts,_. 现在我在一家戒毒中心工作,帮助别人停止吸毒。2.We think it quite important for us _. 我们认为我们学好一门外语是很重要的。helping others to stop taking drugsto learn a foreign language well3.At last,I suggest that students _ for their studies and not be on line for long. 最后,我建议学生们应该为他们的学习而擅长使用网络并且不要长时间上网。4.I think of the happy hours we spent together _. 每次看到这些照片,我都会想起我们在一起度过的美好时光。5.She _the fast rhythm of city life,but she is becoming more and more outgoing. 她不仅已经适应了快节奏的城市生活,而且变得越来越开朗。should be good at using the Internetevery time I see these photoshas not only adapted herself to
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