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真 题1994.1fTn.pr couple sb/sth with sb/sth: link or associate sb/sth with sb/sth 将某人/某事物与某人/某事物联系在起 The bad light, coupled with (ie together with) the wet ground, made playvery difficult. 光线不足兼之地面潮湿, 比赛难以进行。 The name of Mozart is coupled with thecity of Salzburg. 莫扎特的名字是与萨尔茨堡城联系在一起的。 尤用于被动语态 Tn, Tn.pr eliminate sb (from sth): exclude sb from further stages in acompetition, through defeat, etc 淘汰某人 He was eliminated (from the contest) in thefourth round.他在第四轮( 从比赛中) 被淘汰。permit v. (-tt-) (fml 文) Tn, Tg, Dn.n, Dn.t: give permission for (sth); allow 允许, 许可, 容许( 某事物) We do not permit smoking in the office.在我们的办公室里不准吸烟。 Permit me toexplain.容我解释 下。 The prisoners were permitted two hours9 exercise a day.允许才日人每天有两个小时户外活动。contract n. contract (with sb) (for sth/to do sth): legally binding agreement, usu in writing 合同,契约 We have a contract with the Government for the supply of vehicles/to supplyvehicles . 我们在提供车辆方面与政府订有合同。1994.2 1994.3(idm 习语) on the horizon: about to happen; just becoming apparent; imminent 即将发生的, 已露端倪的, 临近的 Theres trouble on the horizorr很快就会出事ring sth up: record (an amount, etc) on a cash register 将( 款项等) 记入现金出纳机 ring upall the items, the total, 6.99把所以款项、总额、6.99英镑的一笔钱记入现金出纳机pass sth on (to sb): hand or give sth (to sb else), esp after receiving or using it oneself 各 某 物 彳 专 、交、给( 某人) ( 尤指自己收到或用过后) I passed her message on to his mother.把口信带给opportunity n. C, U opportunity (for/of doing sth); opportunity (to do sth): favourable time,occasion or set of circumstances 良机, 机会 have no/little/not much opportunity for hearinggood music没有/很少有/不大有机会听到好的音乐 I had no opportunity to discuss itwith her.我没有机会和她谈这件事。occasion, opportunity, chance都表示有可能做某事的时候。 occasion指社交上从事某活动的合适时机。 A wedding is an occasion for celebration.婚礼是欢庆的时刻。Pll speak to him if theoccasion arises.有机会我跟他说说。opportunity和 chance指有做某事所必需的实际环境。I took the opportunity of visiting my aunt while I was in Birmingham.我利用在伯明翰的机会探望了我的姨母。I hope you get a chance to relax. 希望你有机会松弛, 下. chance还可以指可能性的程度。What are your chances of being promoted?你晋升的可能性如何? occasion可指某事发生的时刻. Ive met her on several occasions recently. 我最近见到过她好几次。Tn, Tn.pr, Tnt adapt sth (for sth): make sth suitable for a new use, situation, etc; modify sth 使某事物适合于新的用途、 情况等, 修改某事物 This machine has been specially adapted for useunderwater.这机器是为水下使用而特别改装的。 These styles can be adapted to suitindividual tastes.这些式样均可改动以适应个人不同的爱好。1994.4 1994.5prospects pl: chance of success; outlook 成功的机会, 前景, 前程 The prospects for thisyears wine harvest are poor. 今年的葡萄酒产量前景不佳。 The job has no prospects, ieoffers little possibility of promotion.这工作毫无前途( 晋升的机会很小) 。there and then; then and there: at that time and place 当场立即, 当时当地 I took one lookat the car and offered to buy it there and then.我看了 眼那辆汽车当时就出价买了下来。shoot v. (pt, pp shot) fl, Ipr shoot (at sth): (in football, hockey, etc) try to kick, hit, etc the balldirectly into the goal (足球、曲棍球等中) 射门 Shes looking fro an opportunity to shoot (atgoal).她正在寻找机会射门ogo with sth: be included with or as a part of sth包括在某事物中,附属于某事物 A new cargoes with the jo b .获这份工作还附带一辆新汽车。 Do the carpet and curtains go with (ieAre they included in the price of) the house?房价中包括地铁和窗帘吗?go with sth; go together: combine well with sth; harmonize with sth 与某事物配合良好, 与某事物协调 Her blouse doesnt go with her skirt/Her blouse and skirt dont go (together).衬衫和裙子不协调。I need some new shoes to go with these trousers. 需要双新鞋来配这条裤子work v. (pt, pp worked) I, Ipr, Ip work (away) (at/on sth); work (for sb/sth); work (under sb):do work; engage in physical or mental activity 做工作, 从事体力劳动或脑力劳动 Mostpeople have to work in order to live, ie to earn a living. 大多数人均须工作以维持生活。 Ivebeen working (away) (at my essay) all day.我整天都在( 不停地) 做着( 我的论文) 。 The minerswork (for) 38 hours per week.这些矿工每星期工作( 达)38 小时。 He is working on a newnovel.他正在写一部新小说。 She works for an engineering company.她在一家工程技术公司工作。 Ive worked under her (ie with her as my boss) for two years.我在她手下工作两年了。This craftsman works in leather, ie makes leather goods, etc.这个手艺人是做皮货的。follow sth through: carry out or continues sth to the end; complete sth 将某生物进行到底, 完成某事物 Starting projects is one thing, following them through is another.set out to do sth: begin a job, task, etc with a particular aim or goal ( 带着某目的) 开始做某事She set out to break the world land speed record.她决心要打破陆上速度的世界纪录。 Theysucceeded in what they set out to do.他们打算做的事已经做成了。adj. ignorant (of sth): knowing little or nothing; lacking education or information; unaware 无知的,愚昧的, 没有学识的, 不知道的 He, s not stupid, just ignorant.他并不蠢, 只是无知罢了。To say you were ignorant of the rules is no excuse.说自己不知道规则是不能成为借口的。n. expert (at/in/on sth/doing sth): person with special knowledge, skill or training in a particularfield 专家, 能手 an expert on ancient Greek vases 古希腊花瓶专家 an expert inpsychology心理学专家adj. expert (at/in/on sth/doing sth): done with, having, or involving great knowledge or skill 熨 练的,老练的, 需有专门知识或技术的 He, s expert at/in cooking good che叩 meals.他善于烹制又好吃又便宜的饭菜。an expert rider熟练的骑手adj. diligent (in sth/in doing sth): showing care and effort (in what one does); hard-working 认真刻苦的,勤勉的, 勤奋的,用功的 Theyre very diligent in keeping records. 他们做记录十分认真。 a diligent worker, pupil, etc勤奋的工作者、学生等1995.1serve v. I, Ipr, It, Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.n/a 不用于被动语态 serve (sb) (for/as sth) (fml 文) : satisfy (aneed or purpose); be suitable (for)满足( 需要) , 达到( 目的) , 适合( 于) This room can serveas/for a study.这个房间可作书房用。 This serves to show how foolish you have been.这足以说明你有多蠢。 Its not exactly what I wanted but it will serve my purpose.这个根我想要的不太一样, 但也算可以。C difference (between A and B); difference (in/of sth): state or way in which two people orthings are not the same, or in which sb/sth has changed 差别, 差异, 不同之处, 变化, 变化之处Its easy to tell the difference ( ie distinguish) between butter and margarine.区别黄油和人造黄油是很容易的。 Did you notice a difference ( in her) ? 你注意到( 她) 有什么变化吗?1995.3Tn, Tn.pr bombard sb/sth ( with sth) : 1、attack ( a place) with bombs or shells ( esp from bigguns)轰炸( 某地) , / ( 某地) Enemy positions were bombarded before our infantry attacked.炮轰敌军阵地之后, 我步兵开始进攻。2、 ( fig比喻) attack sb with persistent questions, abuse,etc ( 以连珠炮式的问题、 辱骂等) 攻击某人 Reporters bombarded the president with questionsabout his economic policy.新闻记者提出许多有关经济政策的问题围攻总统。encounter v. Tn ( fml 文) : meet or find oneself faced by ( sth/sb unpleasant, dangerous, difficult,etc)遇到或发现自己面临( 令人不快的、危险的、困难的某事/ 某人)I encountered manydifficulties when I first started this job.我开始做这项工作时,遇到许多困难。confront v. Tnl : face ( sth) defiantly 对抗或面对( 某事物) A solider often has to confrontdange匚士兵常常要身临险境。take a risk/risks: do sth that involves the possibility of failure, danger, etc 冒险做可能失败、有危险等的事 You cant get rich without taking risks. 人不冒险不富。open adj. open to sth: willing to receive sth 乐于接受某事物 open to conviction, ie willing tobe persuaded about sth愿听取有说服力的不同意见 open to suggestions乐于听取建议take sth up: accept sth 接受某事物 take up a challenge 接受挑战 She took up hisoffer of a drink.他邀请她喝酒,她也就接受了。 face difficulties and take up challengesapproach n. C: way of dealing with a person or thing 方法, 手段 a new approach tolanguage teaching语言教学的新方法method n. C : way ( of doing sth) 方法, 办法 modern methods of teaching arithmetic 现代教算术的方法 various methods of payment, eg cash, cheques, credit card 各种付款办法( 如现金、支票、信用卡)way n. C ( usu sing 通常作单数) : method, style or manner of doing sth ( 做某事的) 方法, 方式,手段 What is the best way to clean this?用什么办法能把这个弄干净? I like theway youve done your hair.我喜欢你头发的样式。 a new way of storing information 储存信息的新方法 She spoke in a kindly way.她说话态度很和蔼。curiosity n. U curiosity (about sth/to do sth): being curious; inquisitiveness 好奇心, 爱打听的癖性 curiosity about distant lands 对于遥远国家的好奇心 her burning curiosity toknow what, s going on她想知道发生了何事的强烈欲望1996.1Tn, Tf, Tt, Tnt, Tg, Cn,n/a, Dn.n intend sth (as sth): have (a particular purpose or plan) in mind;mean 打算, 意欲, 想要 I hear they intend to marry/intend marrying.听说他们要结婚了。He intends you no harm, ie does not plan to harm you.他对你并无恶意。 I intended it as a joke.我不过说笑罢了。 I meant it to be an informal discussion, but it didnt turn out as I intended(it should). 我本想随便商量一下,结果事与愿违。fl, Ipr talk (to/with sb) (about/of sth/sb): say things; speak to give information, discuss sth, etc说话,谈话 We talked (ie to each other) for almost an hour.我们谈了近一个小时。 He wastalking to/with a friend.他在和朋友谈话。 What are you talking about?你们说什么呢?She talked of applying for another job. 她谈到要另申请一份工作。manner n. sing (fml 文) : way in which a thing is done or happens 方式,方 法 the manner inwhich he died 他死的方式 He objected in a forceful manner. 他表示坚决反对。 Do it in abusinesslike manner.要郑重其事做这件事。fpred 作表语 be ready to do sth: on the point of doing sth; about to do sth 即将做某事, 正要做某事 She looked ready to collapse at any minute.她看样子随时都可能垮下来。pred 作表语 be ready (for sth/to do sth): in a fit state for immediate use or action; fullyprepared or completed 准备好 get ready for a journey 准备旅行 Ive got my overalls on, soFm ready to start work.我已经穿上了长罩衣,准备开始工作了。 ( idm习语) make readyfor sth: prepare 做好准备 make ready for the Queen visit 为女王莅临做好准备spend v. (pt, pp spent) 1、I, Tn, Tn.pr spend sth (on sth): give or pay out (money) for goods,services, etc 用( 钱) , 花( 钱) He spends too much (money) on clothes.他在衣着上花费太大。He spends as if he were a millionaire.他用起钱来像个百万富翁似的。 Shes spent all hermoney.她把钱都花光了。 2、Tn, Tn.pr spend sth (on sth/in doing sth): use (time, etc)for a purpose 花( 时间等) spend a lot of time on a project / (in) explaining a plan 花 彳 艮 多 时间进行某项目/ 解释某方案 spend ones energy cleaning the place up用力气把那地方打扫干净 3、 Tn, Tn.pr pass (time)度过, 消磨( 时间) spend aweekend n 6ris 在巴黎过周末 How do you spend your spare time?业余时间怎么打发? spend summerholidays by the sea在海滨过暑假Ipr wish for sth/sb: have or express a desire for sth/sb (esp sth/sb that is likely to be achieved orobtained only by good fortune)想要某事物/ 某人( 尤指靠运气方可得者) Its no use wishingfor things you cant have.想要得不到的事物是徒劳的。application n. U application (to sb) (for sth): formal request 申请, 请求 Keys are availableon application to the principal.向校长申请就可得至钥匙。 We received 400 applicationsfor the job.对这份工作,我们接到400人的申请。indication n. C,U indication (of sth/doing sth); indication (as to sth/that.): remark, gesture,sign, etc that indicates sth 表示某种意思的语言、姿势、记号等 She gave no indication ofhaving heard us.看不出她听见我们的声音了。 Can you give me some indication as to yourintentions?你究竟是什么用意,能向我透露一点吗? There are indications that thesituation may be improving.有迹象表明情况可能好转。enable v. Cn.t make (sb) able to do sth by giving him the necessary authority or means 使( 某人)能够做某事物 This pass enables me to travel half-price on trains.我用这张通行证坐火车半价1996.2dozens of (infml 文): lots of 许多 Shes got dozens of boy-friends.她的男朋友多极了。in doubt: uncertain; undecided 不肯定的,不确定的 Their acceptance of the contract isstill in doubt.他们是否接受那合同还说不准。reason n. C, U reason (for sth/doing sth); reason (to do sth); reason (why./that.): (fact putforward as or serving as the) cause of, motive for or justification for sth 原因, 动机, 理由 forone/some reason or other 由于某种原因 have adequate/sufficient reason for doing sth 有充分的/ 足够的理由做某事 Give me your reasons for going/the reasons for your going.告诉我你去的动机。 There is/We have (good) reason to believe that he is lying.有/ 我们有( 充分的) 理由认为他说谎。 The reason why Im late is that/because I missed the bus.我迟到的原因是没赶上公共汽车。 We aren9t going, for the simple reason that we can9t afford it.我们不去,原因很简单:我们负担不起。compete v. I, Ipr, It compete (against/with sb) (in sth) (for sth): try to win sth by defeatingothers who are trying to do the same 竞争, 对抗, 比赛 Several companies are competing (against/with each other) for the contract/to gain the contract.儿家公司正为争取一 项合同而互相竞争extension n. U : process or action of extending; state of being extended 延长, 伸长, 延展, 伸展,提供, 给予 The extension of the garden will take several weeks.扩建花园需要几个星期potential n. U potential (for sth): possibility of being developed or used 潜在性, 可能性 Sherecognized the potential for error in the method being used.意识到在所采用的方法中可能出错relationship n. relationship (between A and B); relationship (of A with B): links or contacts;dealings 关系, 联系, 交往 a purely business relationship 纯业务关系 The author had a goodworking relationship with his edito匚该作者与编辑之间工作关系很融洽。none other than ( 用以加强语气) 不是别的,正是 The new arrival was none other thanthe president. 刚到达的不是别人,正是总统。1996.3away adv part away (from sb/sth): to or at a distance in space or time (from sb/sth)(在空间或时间上) 向或在离( 某人/ 某事物) 某距离The sea is 2 miles away from the hotel.大海距离旅馆2knowledge n.U understanding 了 解, 理解 A baby has no knowledge of good and evil.不解善恶(idm 习语) for sbs benefit: in order to help, guide, instruct, etc sb 以对某人进行帮助、指引、指导等 The warning sign was put there for the benefit of the public. 那儿设立了警告牌以引起人们的警惕。 Although she didnt mention me by name, I know her remarks wereintended for my benefit. 虽然她没有提到我的名字,但我明白她的话是为我好。detach v. Tn, Tn.pr detach sth (from sth): unfasten sth from sth; disconnect sth 将某物拆下,拆开某物,分开某物 detach a link from a chain从链子上拆下一个链环 a coachdetached from a train从火车上脱离的一节车厢spring up: appear, develop, grow, etc quickly or suddenly 迅速地或突然地出现、发展、生长等weeds springing up everywhere 很快长得到处都是的杂草 New houses were springing upall over the town. 全镇各处很快盖起了新房子。 Doubts have begun to spring up in mymind我突然起了疑心。relation n. UI relation (between sth and sth); relation (to sth): way in which one person orthing is related to another; similarity, contrast or connection between people, things or events ( 人或事物与他者的) 联系, 关联, 关系 the relation between rainfall and crop production 降雨量与作物产量之间的关系 The cost of this project bears/has/shows no relation tothe results, ie It does not justify them.此项目的费用与其成果不相称。I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr dictate (sth) (to sb): say or read aloud (words to be typed, written down orrecorded on tape) 口授, 读出( 文字, 作听写或录音) dictate a letter to ones secretary 向秘书 口授信稿 The teacher dictated a passage to the class. 老师读出一段文章让全班听写。Tn, Tn.pr dictate sth (to sb): state or order sth with the force of authority 强行规定, 指令, 指定dictate terms to a defeated enemy向战败的敌人指定条件act for/on behalf of sb: perform sbs duties, etc on his behalf; represent sb 代理某人的职务,代表某人 During her illness her solicitor has been acting for her in her business affairs. 在她患病期间,她的律师一直代理她的业务。render v. (fml 文) Cn.a: cause (sb/sth) to be in a certain condition 使( 某人/ 某事物) 处于某种状况 Your action has rendered our contract invalid.你们的这种做法导致双方的合同无效。(idm 习语) on equal terms (with sb): (meeting or speaking) as equals, with no difference instatus or rank 平等相处,地位相等 Now that she has been promoted she is on equal termswith her ex-boss. 她既然已升级,就和原先的上司平起平坐了。lack n. U, sing: absence or shortage (of sth that is needed)( 所需事物的) 缺乏, 短缺 Theproject had to be abandoned for (ie because of) lack of funds.工程因资金匮乏只得放弃。 alack of care, money, water 缺乏关心,金钱,水separation n. separation (from sb/sth): separating; state of being separate 分离, 分开, 隔开 theseparation of infectious patients from other patients 传染病人与其他病人之隔离 Separationfrom his friends made him sad.他离开了朋友,十分难过 play a positive role in sthunderstanding n. U, sing understanding (of sth): knowledge of the meaning, importance orcause (of sth)对( 某事物的) 意思、重要性或原因的了解 I have only a limitedunderstanding of French.我懂的法语很有限。adj. critical (of sb/sth): looking for faults; pointing out faults 找出毛病的, 指出缺点的, 批评的, 非难的 The inquiry was critical of her work.该项调查对她的工作提出了批评。a critical remark, report, etc批评性的议论、报道等1996.4(phr v) single sb/sth out (for sth): select sb/sth from others, eg for special attention 挑出或选出某人/ 某事物 Which would you single out as the best?你觉得哪一个最好? He wassingled out for punishment.把他挑出来予以处罚。be at home in sth: familiar and relaxed with sth 熟练掌握某物,驾轻就熟 Is it difficult tofeel at home in (ie confident when using) a foreign language? 精通一门外语难不难?relate v. relate sth to/with sth: connect (two things) in thought or meaning; associate sth with sth( 在思想上或意义上) 将( 两事物) 联系起来, 将某事物与另一事物相联系 The report relateshigh wages to/with labour shortages. 该报告把工资高与劳动力短缺联系在起了。 It isdifficult to relate cause and effect in this case.这个案件中的动机与效果很难联系起来。stimulus n. (ph -li) stimulus (to sth/to do sth): (fml 文) thing that encourages or excites sb/sth toactivity, greater effort, etc 起鼓舞或激励作用的事物,促进因素 the stimulus of fiercecompetition 引起激烈竞争的事物 Her words of praise were a stimulus to work harder.她赞扬的话鼓舞人工作更努力。multitude of sth/sb: extremely large number of people or things (esp of people gathered ormoving about in one area) 多数, 大 君 匕 vast multitudes of birdsgiven prep. : taking (sth) into account 考虑到( 某事物) Given the governments record onunemployment, their chances of winning the election look poor.鉴于政府在解决失业问题上成绩不佳, 他们在选举中获胜机会似乎不大。 Given her interest in children /Given thatshe is interested in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her.考虑到她喜欢孩子,我可以肯定教书时最适合她的职业。take to sth/doing sth: begin to do sth as a habit 逐渐惯于作某事 He took to gardening inhis retirement.他退休后就搞起了园艺。 Shes taken to drink, ie has started to drink a lot ofalcoholic drinks.她喝酒已上瘾了。think about sb/sth: take sb/sth into account; consider sb/sth 考虑到某人/ 某事物 Dont youever think about other people?你从来就不考虑考虑别人吗? All he ever thinks aboutis money.他想的只是钱。Tn.pr reduce sth to sth: change sth to a more general or basic form 将某事物概括或简化成某种形式 reduce a problem to two main issues把某问题归纳成两个要点genius n. (pl geniuses) sing genius for (doing) sth: exceptional natural ability for sth 对( 做)某事物的天生的非凡才能 have a genius for languages, making friends, saying the wrongthing有学语言的、交朋友的、说错话的本事Tf, Cn.a, Cn.n, Cn.n/a, Cn.t consider sb/sth as sth: be of the opinion; regard sb/sth as sth 认为,视某人/ 某事物为 We consider that you are not to blame. 我们认为不该责怪你。We consider this (to be) very important.我们认为这非常重要。 He will be considered aweak leader.彳也会被认为是个软弱无能的领导人。 a painting previously considered asworthless, but which now turns out to be very valuable.一幅先前认为毫无价值的画,现在却变成了珍品。 Hes generally considered to have the finest tenor voice in the country.现在公认他是该国最佳的男高音歌手。interact v. I, Ipr interact (with sth): act or have an effect on each other 相互作用,相互影响chemicals that interact to form a new compound相互作用形成新化合物的化学物质ideasthat interact相互影响的想法strive v. (pt strove; pp striven) (fml 文) Ipr, It strive (for/after sth): try very hard (to obtainor achieve sth)( 为获得或实现某事物) 努力,奋斗 strive for success力争获得成功strive to improve ones performance 努力提高演技in part: to a certain extent; partly 在某种程度上,部分地 His success was due in part toluck.他成功的部分原因是运气好。1996.5 1997.1(idm 习语) in the pipeline: (of changes, laws, proposals, etc) being prepared or discussed; aboutto happen ( 指变化、 法令、 建议等) 在准备、 讨论或酝酿中, 即将发生 New laws to dealwith this abuse are in the pipeline. 正在制定处理这种弊端的新法令。allow v. 1、Tnt: permit (sb/sth) to do sth允许, 许可, 准许( 某人/ 某事物) 做某事物 Myboss doesnt allow me to use the telephone.老板不许我使用电话。 Passengers are not allowedto smoke. 乘客不得吸烟。 2、Tn: let (sth) be done or happen 容许( 某事物) 发生Photography is not allowed in this theatre.本剧院内不准摄影。 We dont allow smoking inour house.在我们家里不容许吸烟。wish v. Tn, Tt, Cn.t ( fml 文) : demand or want ( sth)要求或想要( 某事物) ril do it if thatswhat you wish.要是您要求这样做,我定照办。 I wish to leave my property to my children.我想把财产留给子女。 Do you wish me to serve dinner now?你想让我现在开饭吗?hope and wish比较 1、 hope ( that) 指与过去、现在或未来有关的希望 I hope you werentlate.我希望你没有迟到。 I hope you5re ready.我希望你已经准备好了。 We hope youll bevery happy.我们希望你非常幸福。 wish ( that) 表达的是过去、现在或将来发生的令人遗憾的事。 I wish I hadnt gone to that party, ie but I went. 我那时要是不去参加聚会就好了( 但是我去了) 。 I wish I could speak Chinese, ie but I cant.我要是回说汉语该多好( 但是我不会说) 。I wish I was going on holiday next month, ie but Im not.我要是下个月去度假多好哇( 但是我不能去) 。 2、 hope和 wish亦可与不定式连用, 此时两者意义较为接近。Shehopes to get a job overseas.( 她希望找个海外的工作) 意为她有此强烈愿望并极有可能实现。She wishes to get a job overseas.( 她盼望找个海外的工作) 是表达她有此愿望的郑重说法。( phr v) sink in/sink into sth: ( of words, etc) be fully understood ( 指话语等) 完全理解 Thescale of the tragedy gradually sank in .这一悲剧事件涉及的范围已逐渐完全清楚了。 Mywarning obviously hasnt sunk into your thick skull.我对你的警告,你显然全部理解。turn ( sb/sth) back: ( cause sb/sth to) return the way he/it has come ( 使某人/ 某物) 循原路折返, 往回走 The weather became so bad that they had to turn back.天气变得很坏,只好原路而归 了。( fig 比喻) The project must go ahead; there can be no turning back.这计划必须坚持下去,不能打退堂鼓。put an end/a stop to sth: stop sth from happening any more; abolish sth 终止或废止某事物 Thegovernment is determined to put an end to terrorism.政府决心遏止恐怖主义活动。Tn, Cn.n/a diagnose sth ( as sth) : find out the nature of ( esp an illness) by observing itssymptoms判断,( 尤指) 诊断( 疾病) The doctor diagnosed measles.医生诊断出麻疹。diagnosed the tumour as benign 诊断该肿瘤为良性( phr v) cool ( sb) down/off: ( cause sb to) become calm, less excited or less enthusiastic ( 使某人)冷静、 镇静或降低热情 Shes very angry; dont speak to her until shes cooled down a bit.她气极了, 等她消消气再跟她说话。 A day in jail cooled him。 任. 一天的铁窗生活使他冷静了下来unlikely (-ier, -iest): not likely or expected to happen 不大可能发生的, 未必会发生的 It isunlikely to rain/that it will rain.不太可能有雨。 His condition is unlikely to improve.他的情况不太可能好转。 In the unlikely event of a strike, production would be badly affected.罢工未必能发生,若一旦发生,生产势必受到严重影响。likely adj. (-ier, -iest) likely (to do sth/that.): that is expected; probable 预期的, 可能的 thelikely outcome, winner 预料的结果、胜者 It isn9t likely to rain.不大像要下雨。 Shesvery likely to ring me tonight.她今晚很可能给我打电话。 Its very likely that shell ringme tonight.很可能今晚她给我打电话。get on with sth: 1 continue doing sth, esp after an interruption 继续做某事( 尤指中断后) Bequiet and get on with your work.安静下来,继续做你们的工作。 2、(also get alongwith sth)( 后尤接副词或用于疑问句的how 之后) : make progress with a task取得进展Hows your son getting on with his French?你儿子的法语学得好吗? Im not getting onvery fast with this job.我这份工作进展不太快。fight for sth: strive to obtain or accomplish sth 争取获得或完成某事物 fight for freedom,independence, human rights 争取自由、独立、人权 pred 作表语 be willing (to do sth): having no objection (to doing sth); prepared 不反对( 做某事) ,愿意 Are you willing to accept responsibility?你愿意承担责任吗?wait and see: wait and find out what will happen before taking action; be patient 等等看, 耐心等待 We shall just have to wait and see; theres nothing we can do at the moment.我 行 只好等等看,现在无能为力。1997.2bring sb/sth back: return sb/sth 送回某人/ 某事物 Please bring back the book tomorrow. 请明天把书送回来。 He brought me back (ie gave me a lift home) in his car.他用汽车把我送回家。bring sb back sth: return with sth for sb 为某人带回某物 If youre going to the shops,could you bring me back some cigarettes?你要是到商店去,可以给我捎些香烟来吗?distant adj.( 有时与测量单位连用) : far away in space or time ( 空间或时间) 远隔的,遥远的The airport is about ten miles distant from the city.机场距离城市大约十英里远。 a distantland, past, horizon遥远的地方、过去、天际on the part of sb/on sbs part: made or done by sb 由某人做出It was an error on mypart.那是我的过失。 The agreement has been kept on my part but not on his, ie by me butnot by him. 我一直遵守协议,但他并不遵守。take sb in: allow sb to stay in ones home, sometimes for payment 允许某人寄宿家中 She takesin lodgers.她招收寄宿者。He was homeless, so we took him in.他无家可归, 我们就收留了他interpret v. Cn.n/a interpret sth as sth: understand sth in a particular way 理解, 了解 Howwould you interpret his silence? I would interpret it as a refusal.你认为他的沉默是什么意思?我认为意思是拒绝。different adj. be different (from/to sb/sth); esp US be different (than sb/sth): not the same (assb/sth)不同的, 不一样的, 有区别的 Their tastes are different from/to mine.他们的爱好与我的不同。 the same product with a different name名称不同的同一种产品in the eyes of sb/ in sb,s eyes: in the opinion or estimation of sb 在某人的心目中,在某人看来In your fathers eyes youre still a child.在你父亲的眼里你仍是个孩子。in view of sth: taking sth into account; considering sth 鉴于, 由于, 考虑到 In view of theweather, we will cancel the outing.因天气关系,我们要取消此次郊游。in my, etc view (fml 文) : in my, etc opinion 依我. . 之见1997.3I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p slow (sth) (up/slow): (cause sth to) go at a slower speed( 使某事物) 缓行, 减速 She slowed the car down and stopped.她把汽车速度减慢后停了下来。 Lack ofdemand will slow (down) our economic growth.市场需求低就要拖慢我们的经济增长速度。Output has slowed (up) a little.生产已放慢了一点。dependence on/upon sb/sth: 1、state of having to be supported by others 依赖 Find a joband end your dependence on your parents. 找个工作, 另ll再依赖你父母了。 2、 state of beingaffected by or needing sb/sth 依靠,指望 the dependence of the crops on the weather 收成靠天medical treatment for drug/alcohol dependence 戒除毒瘾/ 酒瘾的治疗 3、trust in sb/sth;reliance on sb/sth 信赖, 信任 my complete dependence on her skill and experience 我对她的技巧和经验的完全信赖application U, C application (of sth) (to sth): act of applying one thing to another 敷用,施用quantitative application of them to the treatment of diseases1997.4under pressure: 1 influenced by urgency or compulsion 被催逼的, 被迫的 work underpressure 在压力下工作 put sb under pressure (to do sth)被迫( 做某事) 2、sufferingstress 承受压力的 She is constantly under pressure and it is affecting her health.她 经 常 负担很重,因而影响了健康。(phr v) sell off: sell (esp items which are unwanted or have not sold well) often at very low prices甩卖( 尤指要处理的或滞销的货物) sell of oil dock甩卖旧存货ground C esp pl 尤作复数 ground(s) for sth/doing sth/to do sth: reason(s) or justification forsaying, doing or believing sth 说、做或相信某事的原因或理由 I had to retire on medicalgrounds/on the grounds of ill health, ie because I was ill.我因健康的缘故不得已才退休了。Her claim was disallowed on the ground(s) that she had not paid her premium. 她要求赔款遭到拒绝, 原因是她事先没有交纳保险费。 You have no grounds for complaint/for complaining.你没有抱怨的理由。 They had no grounds to arrest him.他们没有理由逮捕他under fire (fig 比喻) : being criticized severely 受到严厉批评 The government is underfire from all sides on its economic policy.政府在经济政策上受到各方的严厉批评。Cn.n/a describe sb/sth as sth: state sb/sth to be sth; call 叫做,称作 I hesitate to describehim as really clever.我很难说他真聪明。 He describes himself as a doctor.他自称是医生。(idm 习语) to some, what, such an, a certain, etc extent: to the degree specified 达到某程度To some extent you are correct.在某种程度上你是正确的。 To what extent can he be believed?可以相信他到什么程度? The carpet was badly stained, to such an extent that (ie so muchthat) you couldnt tell its original colour.这块地毯已经脏得辨认不出原来的颜色了。 I agreewith you to a certain extent, but我在定程度上同意你的意见,但I, Ipr communicate (with sb): exchange information, news, ideas, etc 交流情况, 交换消息, 交流思想等 The police communicate (with each other) by radio.警察通过无线电( 互相) 联络2、I convey ones ideas, feelings, etc clearly to others 将想法感情等清楚地传达给别人A politician must be able to communicate.政治家必须善于表达自己的观点。emphasis n. (pl -ases) C, U emphasis (on sth): (placing of) special meaning, value orimportance (on sth)( 付予某事物) 特殊的意义、价值或重要性 Some schools put/lay/placegreat emphasis on language study.有些学校极注重语言学习。 The emphasis here is on hardwork, not enjoyment.这里至关重要的是努力工作,而不是享乐。support n.U support (for sth): supporting or being supported 支撑,扶持, 支持,支援,资助, 供养,维持 I need some financial support for this venture.我 需 要 , 些财务赞助来兴办这一企业。 a proposal that received no, little, not much, etc support 没有人、 很少有人、没有多少人支持的建议I, Tn, Tn.pr, Tsg criticize sb/sth (for sth): point out the faults of sb/sth 批评某人/ 某事物, 挑剔 ,非难 He was criticized by the committee for failing to report the accident,他由于未对事故进行汇报而受到委员会的批评。 He criticized my taking risks.他批评了我的冒险举动。1997.5touch n. C usu sing 通常作单数 : act or fact of touching 触, 接触 I felt a touch on my arm.我觉得有人摸了我胳膊一下。 A bubble will burst at the slightest touch.气泡稍微, 碰就破。link n. : person or thing connects two others 联系两者的人或事物, 关系, 联系 Policesuspect there may be a link between the two murders.警方怀疑这两起谋杀案可能有联系link v. Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p link A with B /link A and B (together); link sth (up): make or suggesta connection between people or things 将人或物连接或联系起来 The newspapers havelinked his name with hers, ie implied that they are having an affair.报纸报道把他和她的名字联系在一起( 暗指他们有染) 。liken v. Tn.pr liken sth to sth (fml 文) : show the resemblance between one thing and another 显示两事物的相像 Life has often been likened to a journey.生活常常比作旅行。expect v.Tn, Tn.pr, Tf, Tt, Tnt expect sth (from sb/sth): think or believe that sth will happen orthat sb/sth will come预料, 预计, 期待, 盼望( 某事物会发生或某人/ 某事物会来到) We expecthim to arrive yesterday. 我们原以为他昨天能至lj。 You cant expect to learn a foreign languagein a week.不要指望个星期就能学会一门外语。 You would expect that there wouldbe/there to be strong disagreement about this.可以预料到此事会有严重分歧。This is the parcelwhich we have been expecting (from New York). 这是我们一直在期待的( 从纽约来的) 邮包。(idm 习语) as a whole: 1、as one thing or piece and not as separate parts 作为整体 Is thecollection going to be divided up or sold as a whole?这批收藏品是零卖还是一起卖? 2、 ingeneral 普遍说来,一 , 般地说 The population as a whole is/are in favour of the reform.全体人民普遍拥护改革。end n. final part of sth; finish; conclusion某事物的最后部分, 结束, 结论, 终止, 终 结 at the endof the day, month, year, century, etc 在一日、月、年、世纪等之终结时 the end of a story故事的结尾 the end of an era 一个时代的终结 He said he9d love me till the end oftime, ie for ever.他说天长地久永远爱她。relationship n. relationship (between A and B); relationship (of A to/with B):state of beingconnected 关系, 关联 the close relationship between industry and trade /of industry to trade工业与贸易间的密切关系effect n. C, U effect (on sb/sth): change produced by an action or cause; result or outcome 效应,结果, 后果 The film had quite an effect on her.这影片对她影响极大。 the effects ofheat on metal 热对金属产生的效应 Did the medicine have any effect/ a good effect?这药有什么疗效/ 疗效好吗?be disappointed (about/at sth); be disappointed (in/with sb/sth); be disappointed (to dosth/that.): sad or dissatisfied because sb has failed, some desired event has not happened, etc 失望的, 失意的, 受挫的 I was disappointed not to be chosen.我没被挑中,感到很沮丧。Fm disappointed in you: I expected you to win.你让我失望了,我本来指望你能赢的。 Iwas disappointed with his performance.他的表现令我失望。1998.1bidding n. U (fml 文) order; command 吩咐, 命令 do sbs bidding, ie obey sb 服从 At hisfathers bidding he wrote to his lawyer.他遵照父亲的吩咐给律师写信。bid v. (-dd-; pt, pp bid) I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr bid (sth) (for sth); esp US bid (sth) (on sth): 1、offer (aprice) in order to buy sth, esp at an auction ( 购物时) 出价,( 尤指拍卖时) 喊价 She bid500 (for the painting).她喊价 500 英 镑 ( 买这幅画) 。 2、offer (a price) for doing work,providing a service, etc 投标 Several firms have bid for the contract to build the newconcert hall.有儿家公司投标,争取建造新音乐厅的合同。threaten v. It, Tn give warning of (sth)预示( 某事) It keeps threatening to snow, ie Snowseems likely all the time.天总像是要下雪 The clouds threatened rain.有乌云预示要下雨。do more harm than good: have an effect which is more damaging than helpful 弊大于利 Ifwe interfere, it may do more harm than good.倘若我们进行干预,那可能弊多利少。deprive v. Tn.pr deprive sb/sth of sth: take sth away from sb/sth; prevent sb/sth from enjoyingor using sth剥夺某人/ 某事物的某事物, 阻止某人/ 某事物享有或使用某事物 deprived ofones civil rights剥夺某人的公民权 trees that deprive a house of light遮住房中光线的树heart n. C :central, innermost or most important part of sth 某事物的中心,核心部分、要点,实质 in the heart of the forest 在森林中央 get to the heart of the matter, subject,mystery把握住事情、问题、难解事物的实质send sb in: order sb to go to a place in order to deal with a situation 指示某人去某地处理某局面 Soldiers were sent in to quell the riots.已派士兵去镇压动乱。independence n.U independence (from sb/sth): state of being independence 独立,自主,自立young people who want independence from their parents 不想依赖父母的年轻人 attrib 作定语 independence celebrations, eg of a newly independent country 独立庆典help v. I, Ipr, It, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.t, Cn.i help (sb) (with sth): be of use or service to (sb);make it easier for (sb) to do sth; assist帮助( 某人) ;协助( 某人) 做某事, 援助, 救助 May Ihelp with the washing-up?我帮你洗餐具好吗? Your advice helped (me) a 10t.你的意见对我大有帮助。 We must all help each other.我们都应该互相帮助。 A man is helping thepolice with their enquiries. 有一男子在协助警方进行调查。 This charity aims to helppeople to help themselves.这一慈善团体的宗旨是帮助人们实行自助。 I helped (him) (to)find his things.我帮( 他) 找东西。shut/close ones eyes to sth: refuse to see or take notice of sth 对某事物视而不见 Thegovernment shuts its eyes to poverty.政府对贫穷问题置若罔闻。 She closed her eyes to herhusbands infidelities. 她丈夫有不忠,她却视而不见。bring sth in: 1 pick and gather (crops, fruit, etc)摘取并收集( 作物、 水果等) bring h a goodharvest 获得好收成 2、 introduce (legislation)提出( 议案) bring in a bill to improveroad safety提出改善道路安全的法案1998.2(idm 习语) for real (infml 口) : 1、genuine 真正的 I dont think her tears were for real.我认为她的眼泪不是真的。 2、seriously; in earnest严肃地,认真地 This isnt a practicegame; we9re playing for real.这可不是练习,我们是在认真地比赛。Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p lump sb/sth (together): put or consider people or things together; treat peopleor things as alike or under the same heading将人或物归并起或合并考虑,将人或物同等对待或分类 Can we lump all these items together as incidental expenses?我们可否把这些项目者E归在“ 杂费” 项内? Weve lumped all the advanced students into a single class.我们把程度高的学生都编在一个班里。mass n. C mass (of sth): large number 大量,大批,众多 a mass of spectators 大批观众 Sheelbowed her way through the masses of tourists. 她用胳膊肘开路从游客中挤了过去。Ipr point to sth (fig 比喻) : suggest (the likelihood of) sth; indicate sth 暗示某事物( 的可能性) ,指示某事物 All the evidence points to his guilt.所有证据都表明他有罪。 I cant point toany one particular reason for it.那件事我找不出具体原因来。I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p switch (sth) (over) (to sth): (cause sth to) shift or change, espsuddenly ( 使某事物) 转变或改变( 尤指突然) switch the conversation to a different topic 改变谈话的话题 Could you switch the TV over?请你改换电视频道好吗? switch tomodem methods改用现代方法fashion n. sing : manner or way of doing sth 样子, 方式 He walks in a peculiar fashion.他走路的样子很怪。bunch n. C : number of things (usu of the same kind) growing, fastened or grouped together 串 ,束, 卷, 团 a bunch of bananas, grapes, keys, etc 一 串香蕉, 葡萄, 钥匙等 bunches of flowers 花束Tn, Cn.n/a dismiss sb/sth (as sth): consider sb/sth not worth thinking or talking about 对某人/某事物不予理会或不屑一提She was dismissed as a dreamer.人们认为她是个空想家而不予理睬。 dismiss a suggestion, an objection, an idea, etc 不理会- - 建议、异议、注意等(idm 习语) be, come, etc, near to sth/doing sth: almost experience, reach or do sth 几乎,差点儿I came near to screaming.我险些喊叫起来。 She was near to tears, ie almost crying.她差点儿就哭了。 He felt near to death.他觉得快要死了。fall short of: not reach sth 未达到( 某目的) The money collected fell short of the amountrequired.筹集的资金没达到所需的数额。 His achievements had fallen short of his hopes.他的成就没有达到他期望的那么大。1998.3afford v. 1 不用于被动语态 Tn, T t( 通常与 can, could 或 be able to 连用) : have enoughmoney, time, space, etc for (a specified purpose)为( 某目的) 有足够的钱、时间、地方等They walked because they couldnt afford (to take) a taxi.他们因为坐不起计程车而步行。You cant afford (ie are not in a position to spend) 90.你可不能花 90 英镑。 Id love to goon holiday but I can* afford the time.我倒想去度假, 可是抽不出时间来。 We would givemore examples if we could afford the space. 假如我们能匀出篇幅来,就可以多举些例子了。2、Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr afford sth (to sb) (fml 文) : provide sth; give sth 供给某事物, 给予某事物The tree afforded (us) welcome shade.这颗树下好乘凉。 Television affords pleasure to many.电视给很多人带来乐趣。be concerned with sth: be about sth 与某事物有关,涉及某事物 Her latest documentaryis concerned with youth unemployment.她最近的一部记录片是关于青年人失业问题的。be concerned (about/for sth/that.): worried; troubled 担心的, 烦恼的, 忧虑的 Concernedparents held a meeting.忧心忡忡的家长们开了一次会。 Were all concerned for her safety.都为她的安全担忧。 Im concerned that they may have got lost. 担心他们可能迷路了Tn, Tn.pr blame sb (for sth)/blame sth on sb: consider or say that sb is responsible for sthdone (badly or wrongly) or not done 责怪, 指责, 埋怨, 归咎于 She blamed him for thefailure of their mamage/ blamed the failure of their marriage on him.她把婚姻的触礁归咎于他1998.4I, Ipr emerge (from sth): 1、come out or up (from water, etc)( 从水中等) 出来, 现出, 露出The swimmer emerged from the lake.游泳者从湖中出来。 The moon emerged from behind theclouds.月亮从云层后露出。 2、 come into view or prominence 显现, 显露 He emergedas leader at the age of thirty. 他二十岁时初露锋芒担任了领袖。C, U implication (for sb/sth): thing that is suggested or implied; thing not openly stated 含意,暗示, 暗指 The new report has far-reaching implications for the future of broadcasting. 这一新报告对广播业的前途有些意味深长的暗示。U influence (on sth): power to produce an effect; action of natural forces 影响力, 作用 theinfluence of the moon (on the tides), of the climate (on agricultural production), etc 月球( 对潮汐)的作用,气候( 对农业生产)的影响(idm 习语)in that ( 不可重读): for the reason that; because 基于. . . 的理由, 因为 Privatizationis thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition.私营化的优点在于能促进相互竞争。trend n.: general tendency or direction 趋势, 趋向, 动向 The trend of prices is still upwards.物价仍有上涨趋势。 a growing trend towards smaller families家庭日益小型化的趋势following the latest trends in fashion 追求最新的流行款式 contemporary trends inpsychiatry当今精神病学的动态1998.5be known to sb: be familiar to sb 为某人所熟知 Hes known to the police, ie has acriminal record.警方很熟悉他( 曾犯案)(idm 习语)beyond/past dispute: certain 无可争辩的,确定无疑的 Her courage is beyondall dispute她的勇气是无可置疑的。Tn, Tn.pr inject sth (into sb/sth); inject sb/sth (with sth): force (a drug or other liquid) intosb/sth with a syringe or similar implement 给某人/ 某物注射( 药物或其他液体) a drugthat can be injected or taken by mouth 可供注射或口服的药 inject penicillin into sb/sbsarm, leg, etc给某人/ 某人的胳膊、腿等部位注射青霉素 inject sb/sbs arm, leg, etcwith penicillin给某人/ 某人的胳膊、腿等部位注射青霉素remind v. 1、Tn, Dn.f, Dn.w, Dn.t: inform (sb) of a fact or tell (sb) to do sth he may haveforgotten 提醒( 某人)注意某事或做某事 Travellers are reminded that malaria tablets areadvisable. 旅客须知要服用预防疟疾药。 I reminded her how much the fare was.我提醒她车票的价钱。 Remind me to answer that letter.提醒我回复那封信。2 Tn.pr remind sb/of sb/sth: cause sb to remember or be newly aware of sb/sth 使某人回想起或意识到某人/ 某事物 He reminds me of his brother.我见到他便回想起了我的哥哥。This song reminds me of France.我一听到这首歌就想起了法国。reminder n. : thing which reminds sb of a fact or person 使某人回想起某事或某人的事物,帮助记忆或起提醒作用的东西 The statue is a lasting reminder of Churchills greatness.这尊塑像使人永远缅怀丘吉尔的伟大功绩。1999.1(phr v) light (sth) up (infml 口): begin to smoke (a cigarette, etc)点上( 烟等)吸起来 lightup a pipe点上烟斗Tn, Tn.pr protect sb/sth (against/from sth): keep sb/sth safe from harm, injury, etc; defendsb/sth 保护、保卫某人/ 某事物 You need warn clothes to protect you against the cold.你需要穿暖些以免着凉。burn (sth) down: (cause sth to ) be destroyed to the foundations by fire ( 将某物)焚为平地, 烧得精光 The house burnt down in half an hour.那所房子在半小时之内被焚为平地。 Don飞leave the gas on 一you might bum the house down.别忘了关煤气炉,不然会把房子烧掉的。burn down: (of a fire) bum less brightly or strongly ( 指火)渐渐烧完,火力减弱 The roomgrew colder as the fire burnt down.随着炉火逐渐减弱,房间越来越冷。warn v. Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.f, Dn.w warn sb (of sth): give sb notice of sth, esp possible danger orunpleasant consequences; inform sb in advance of what may happen 提醒某人( 尤指可能有危险的或有不良后果的事) , 预先通知某人,警告 She has been warned of the danger of drivingthe car in that state. 已经告诉过她, 汽车这个样子开起来有危险。 They warned her that ifshe did it again she would be sent to prison.他们警告她说她再这么干就把她送进监狱。 Ihad been warned what to expect. 事先已经告诉过我要出这种事。take sb to court: make a charge against sb, to be settled in court; prosecute sb 起诉某人, 控告某人 I took her to court for repayment of the debt.我为索取债务而起诉她。(phr v) side with sb (against sb): support sb in an argument, dispute, etc ( 在争论、辩论等中) 支持( 某人) , 立姓( 某人) 边 She sided with her brother against the others in the class.她在班上支持哥哥反对其他同学。sea of sth (fig 比喻): large amount of sth covering a large area 在大范围中的大量事物 I stoodamid a sea of com.我站在茫茫一片庄稼之中。 The lecturer looked down at the sea of facesbeneath him.讲演的人俯视着下面无数的面孔。list n. : series of names, items, figures, etc written or printed 一览表,清单 make a list ofthings one must d o 把要做的事列出清单 a shopping list购物单make the best use of sth: use sth as profitably as possible 充分利用某事物 Shes certainlymade the best use of her opportunities.她充分利用 了 切机会。be popular with sb: liked, admired or enjoyed by sb 某人所喜爱、 赞赏或欢迎的 measurespopular with the electorate受选民欢迎的措施(fml 文) Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.n/a view sth (as sth): consider sth in the mind; regard sth (as sth)考虑或认为某事物 The attack on the ship was viewed as an act of war.攻击了那条船已被视作战争行为。 Future developments will be viewed with interest.未来的情况令人向往。1999.2(phr v) revolve around sb/sth: have sb/sth as its chief concern; centre on sb/sth 以某人/ 某事物为中心 My life revolves around my job.我的工作是我生活的中心。 He thinks thateverything revolves around him.他认为切事情都要以他为中心。transmit v. (-tt-) Tn, Tn.pr transmit sth/itself (from.) (to.): send or pass on sth/itself fromone person, place or thing to another将某事物传递、传送、传递或传染给对方 sexuallytransmitted diseases 由性生活传染的疾病 transmit knowledge from one generation toanother 把知识由一代人传给另一代人 The tension soon transmitted itself to all themembers of the crowd.这种紧张情绪很快感染了人群中所有的人。stream (of sth/sb): flow (of liquid, people, things, etc)(液体、人群、事物等) 流、流动或涌出streams of shoppers, traffic购物者的人流、车辆的川流不息 a stream of blood 股血a steady stream of abuse, complaints, etc 一连串的辱骂、抱怨等proceed Ipr (fml 文) : make ones way; go 前进,彳 亍 进 I was proceeding along the HighStreet in a northerly direction when.我那时正沿着大街向北去,走着走着I, Ipr, It proceed (to sth): go to a further or the next stage; go on 继续前进,继续进行,继续下去 Let us proceed (to the next item on the agenda).让我们继续进行( 下个议程) 吧。Having said how much she liked it, she then proceeded to criticize the way Id done it.她先表明她非常喜欢这个,然后在批判我方法不当。I, Ipr proceed (with sth): begin or continue (sth)开始或继续做( 某事物) Please proceedwith your report.请继续做你的报告。 Shall we proceed with the planned investment?我们着手进行有计划的投资好吗?think the world, highly, a lot, not much, poorly, little, etc of sb/sth ( 不用于进行时态) : have agood, poor, etc opinion of sb/sth 对某人/ 某事物评价高、不高等 His word is highlythought of by the critics.他的作品深受评论家推崇。I dont think much of my new teacher.我认为我们的心老师不怎么样。 think highly of sthC, U distinction (between A and B): difference or contrast between one person or thing andanother 差 另 !J, 对比 He drew a quite artificial distinction between men and women readers. 他把男读者和女读者硬是人为的区分开来。make money: make a profit; earn a lot of money 赚钱, 发财(idm 习语) take the plunge: take a bold decisive step, esp after thinking about it for some time 采取大胆果断措施( 尤指曾经番考虑) They have finally decided to take the plunge and getmarried.他们最后毅然决定结婚。Ipr speak (to/with sb) (about/of sb/sth): have a conversation (with sb); express oneself inwords; talk ( 与某人) 交谈,用语言表达,谈话 She didnt speak of her husband at all.她完全没谈到她丈夫。 She was speaking about it for hours.那件事她谈了好儿个钟头。Iwas speaking to him only yesterday.昨天我还跟他说过话呢。 speak ofU faith (in sb/sth): trust, strong belief; unquestioning confidence 信任,信仰,信心 Have youany faith in what he says?你相信他的话吗? Ive lost faith in that fellow, ie I can no longertrust him.我再也不相信那个家伙了。be important to (sb/sth): very serious and significant; of great value or concern 重要的,重大的, 非常有价值的 It is vitally important to cancel the order immediately.最重要的是要立即取消这一定单。 Its important to me that you should be there.你应该在场,这对我来说彳艮重要。 It is important that students (should) attend /for students to attend all the lectures.所有的课学生都应该去听,这是很重要的。be independent (of sb/sth): not connected with each other; separate 不相关联的, 单独的, 独自的, 分开的 Two independent investigators have reached virtually the same conclusions.两个调查人员各自做出的结论简直完全一致。be independent (of sb/sth): not dependent (on other people or things); not controlled (by otherpeople or things)独立的,自主的,自立的 old enough to be independent of ones parents年岁已大不必依赖父母1999.3I, Ipr, Tf argue (for/against sth): give reasons for or against sth, esp with the aim of persuadingsb说理, 争辩, 辩论 argue for the right to strike为争取罢工权利而辩论 I argued that weneeded a large office. 我据理力争我们需要大些的办公室。pred 作表语 be wrong (with sb/sth): in a bad condition (and not working properly)有故E 章 ,有毛病 Whats wrong (ie What is the problem) with the engine? Its making an awful noise.发动机出什么故障了 ?噪音太大了。 Theres something wrong with my eyes- I cant seeproperly.我眼睛有毛病了,看不清楚了。spread v. (pt, pp spread) Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p spread sth (out) (on/over sth): extend the surfacearea, width or length of sth by unfolding or unrolling it 展开, 铺开, 摊开 The bird spread(out) its wings.那只鸟张开了翅膀。 spread a cloth on the table把桌布铺在桌子上(idm 习语) a couple of people/things: 1 two people/things 两人,两件事物 I saw a couple ofmen get out.我看见有两个人出去了。 Fil stay for a couple more hours.我再多呆儿个小时。2、 a small number of people/things 儿个人, 儿件事物 She jogs a couple of miles everymorning.她每天早上要慢跑几英里。 a couple of monthsbe complementary (to sth): combining well to form a balanced whole紧密结合成相称的整体,补充 His personality is complementary to hers. 他的个性与她的相反相成。 They havecomplementary personalities, ie Each has qualities which the other lacks.他们二人的性格可取长补短? ( 各自有对方缺乏的性格) 。host n. host of sb/sth: large number of people or things 大群, 众多, 许多( 人或事物) He has hostsof friends.他有很多朋友。I cant come, for a whole host of reasons . 由于种种原因, 我来不了。necessary adj.: essential for a puipose; that cannot be done without or avoided 必须的, 必需的,必不可少的, 不可避免的Is it necessary for us to meet/necessary that we meet?我们非见面不可吗? be necessary to doin disguise: disguised 伪装的,假装的,假扮的 I didnt recognize him: he was in disguise.我没认出他来,他化了装了。come into being: begin to exist 开始存在 When did the world come into being?世界是何时开始存在的?root v. fusu passive 通常用于被动语态 Tn, Tn.pr : establish (sth) deeply and firmly 使( 某事物)深深扎根, 牢固地树立( 某事物) a story firmly rooted in reality深深扎根于现实中的小说(berooted in sth) He has a rooted objection to cold baths.他 * 向反对冷水浴。1999.4opposed adj. be opposed to sth: strongly against sth 强烈反对某事物 She seems very muchopposed to your going abroad.她好像很反对你出国。propose v. Tn, Tt, Tg: have (sth) as ones plan or intention; intend 打算, 计划( 某事物) , 意欲I propose an early start /to make an early start/making an early start tomorrow.打算早早出发propose v. Tn, Tf, Tg: offer or put forward (sth) for consideration; suggest 提议, 建议( 某事物)The committee proposed that new legislation should be drafted.委员会建议着手起草新法规report back (to sb/sth): give a spoken or written account of sb/sth one has been asked toinvestigation将调查的某人/ 某事物的情况做口头或书面报告 He was requested to reportback to the committee about/on the complaint.委员会要求他对投诉事件做出调查报告。on paper: 1 in writing 以书面形式 Could you put a few ideas down on paper?把你的一些想法写出了可以吗? 2 when judged from written or printed evidence; in theory 据书面材料,在理论上,从道理上说 Its a fine scheme on paper, but will it work in practice?那计划不错,不过实践上是否可行? She looks good on paper, ie has good qualifications. 她看来资历很好。stem v. (-mm-) stem from sth: arise from sth; have sth as its origin or cause 来自或起源于某事物,由某事物造成 discontent stemming from low pay and poor working conditions 因工资、工作条件差而产生的不满情绪in the air: 1 uncertain; undecided 未确定的,悬而未决的 Our plans are still (up) in theair.我们对计划仍悬而未决 2 in circulation; current在流传中,流行的 Theres (afeeling of) unrest in the air.四处充满 了不安( 的感觉) 。plan v. Tt make plans (to do sth); intend 计划,打算( 做某事) , 意欲 When do you plan totake your holiday?你打算什么时候休假?appeal n. appeal (to sb) (for sth): earnest request 恳求,呼吁 an appeal for help, food,extra staff恳求援助、食物、增添职员authorize v. Tn, Dn.t :give authority to (sb)授权, 委任, 委托 I have authorized him toact for me while I am away.我已经委托他,当我不在的时候代我处理。hesitate v. It: be reluctant 不情愿 I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes.我舍不得把这么多钱花在穿衣服上。1999.5be curious (about sth/to do sth): (approv 褒) eager to know or learn 富于好奇心的,有求知欲的,感兴趣的 curious about the origin of mankind/the structure of atoms 对人类的起源/ 原子的结构有兴趣的 Im curious to know what she said.我真想知道她说了什么。I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tw, Dn.n, Dn.w ask (sb) (about sb/sth); ask sth of sb: request information(about sb/sth) (from sb) 问, 询问 Ask (him) about the ring you losthe may have found it.问问( 他) 你丢的戒指,也许他捡到了。 I had to ask the teacher what to do next.我得问问老师下一步做什么。 She asked them their names.她问他们的姓名。 He asked if I coulddrive.他问我会不会开车。worthwhile adj. : important, interesting or rewarding enough to justify the time, money or effortthat is spent 值得的,值得花时间、钱或精力的 Its worthwhile taking the trouble to explaina job fully to new employees.给新雇员详细解释一下工作要求, 费点事也是值得的。 Nursingis a very worthwhile career.护理工作是很值得干的职业。 be worthwhile doingU conformity (to/with sth) (fml 文) : (behaviour, etc) conforming to established rules, customs,e tc 符合,依照( 法规、习俗等) ( 的行为等)Tn, Tn.pr replace sb/sth (with sb/sth): provide a substitute for sb/sth 更换、替换某人/ 某事物He is in efficient and must be replaced.他不称职,必须撤换。 replace a broken window (with anew one)( 用新窗户) 更换破了的窗户neglect v. no passive 不用于被动语态 Tt, Tg : fail or forget to do sth, esp carelessly; leaveundone (what one ought to do)未做或忘记做某( 尤指因粗心) , 疏漏, 未做完( 该做的事) Heneglected to write and say thank you.他因疏忽而未写信道歉。 Dont neglect writing to yourmother.别忘了给你母亲写信。2000.1 on he opes a crisis of nfidencewarning n. C statement, event, etc that warns 提醒或警告的言语或事情 She has receiveda written warning about her conduct.她已接获对她操行的书面警告。a warning of futuredifficulties将有重重困难的先兆 Her warnings were ignored.她提出的警告没有引起注意。Ipr yield to sth: be replaced or superseded by sth 被某事物代替或替换 Increasingly,farm land is yielding to property development.地产的发展逐渐占据了农田。 The cinemahas largely yielded to the home video.电影业在很大程度上已让位给家庭录像电影。impetus n. fU, sing impetus (to sth/to do sth): thing that encourages a process to develop morequickly 推动, 刺激,促进 The treaty gave (a) fresh impetus to trade.这条约使双方的贸易又推进了一步。(idm 习语) pave the way (for sb/sth): create a situation in which sth specified is possible or canhappen ( 为某人/ 某事物) 创造条件,做准备 His economic policies paved the way forindustrial expansion.他的经济政策为工业的扩展铺平了道路。2000.2 2000.3amaze v. Tn esp passive 尤用于被动语态 : fill (sb) with great surprise or wonder 使( 某人) 惊异或惊奇 We were amazed at/by the change in his appearance.他的样子变得使我们大为惊讶。She was amazed/It amazed her that he was still alive.他居然还活着使我感到惊讶。 He amazedeveryone by passing his driving test.他驾驶考试合格使大家很惊奇。(phr v) pour (sth) out: (cause sth to) be expressed freely (and fully)( 将某事物) 尽情表达出来When he realized we knew the truth, the whole story came pouring out.他意识到我们已了解真相,便把事情的原委和盘托出。 She poured out her troubles to me over a cup of coffee. 她边喝咖啡边向我倾诉她的苦恼。Tn, Cn.n/a class sb/sth (as sth): place sb/sth in a class; classify sb/sth 将某人/ 某事物归入某类, 把分类 Immigrant workers were classed as resident aliens. 移民来到工人已归入外侨类。avoid v. Tn, Tg : keep oneself away from (sb/sth)避开, 躲避( 某人/ 某 事 物 ) avoid (driving in)the centre of town避开市中心( 行驶) I hink hds avoiding me.我觉得他躲着我。at will: wherever, whenever, etc one wishes 随意, 任意 The animals are allowed to wander atwill in the park.这些动物可以在公园里随意走动。2000.4Tng, Cn.n/a see sb/sth as sth( 不用于进行时态) : visualize; imagine; envisage 设想, 想象 Ican,t see her changing her mind.我无法想象她会改变主意。 Her colleagues see her as afuture Prime Minister.她的同事设想他将来能当首相。n. U dissatisfaction (with sb/sth); dissatisfaction (at doing sth): lack of satisfaction 不满意,不t曲足 Letters from viewers express their dissatisfaction with current programmes.电视观众来信表示对当前节目不满。 MPs voice public dissatisfaction at having to pay highertaxes.下议院议员道出了公众对增加税收的不满。be dissatisfied (with sb/sth); be dissatisfied (at doing sth): not satisfied; discontented 不满意的, 不满足的 a dissatisfied customer 感到不满意的顾客 Fm thoroughly dissatisfied withyour work.我完全不满意你的工作。 Shes very dissatisfied at not getting a bonus.她因未能获得奖金而深为不满。Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.t lead sb (to sth): influence the actions or opinions of sb 引导某人, 影响某人的言行 Her constant lying led me to distrust everything she said.她总是撒谎,我完全不相信她的话了。 What led you to this conclusion?你是怎样得出这个结论的? Dont beled astray (ie tempted to do wrong) by him.不要被他引入歧途。on the decline: becoming weaker, fewer, etc 在消减, 在衰退 She is on the decline, and maydie soon.她身体越来越弱, 恐不久于人世。 The number of robberies in the area is on thedecline.这地区的劫案在减少。be tolerant (of/towards sb/sth): having or showing tolerance 容忍的, 忍受的, 宽容的 Tm atolerant man but your behaviour is more than I can bear.我是个能忍的人, 但你的行为我已忍无可忍。 Her own mistakes made her very tolerant of/towards (the faults of) others. 她因 自 己有错误,对别人( 的错误) 就概不计较了。2000.5ride v. (pt, rode; pp ridden) Ipr, Ip ride on sth; ride away, off, etc: sit on a horse, etc and becarried along 骑马等 children riding on donkeys 骑着驴的孩子 ride off into the distance 骑马奔向远方 riding on her fathers shoulders骑在她父亲的肩上Ipr ride in/on sth: be carried along (in a vehicle) as a passenger 搭乘( 交通工具) ride in abus, on a train, etc 坐公共汽车、火车等 You ride in the back (of the car) with your brother.你跟你弟弟坐( 汽车的) 后座。(idm 习语) in demand: much wanted; popular 非常需要的,受欢迎的 Good secretaries arealways in demand.好的秘书总是很多人都需要的。 She is in great demand as a singer.她是个十分受欢迎的歌手。confess v. I, Ipr, Tn, Tf, Dn.pr confess (to sth/doing sth); confess (sth) (to sb): say or admit,often formally (that one has done wrong, committed a crime, etc)承认( 错误、罪刑等) , 供认, 坦白The prisoner refused to confess (his crime).该犯拒不招供( 罪刑) 。 She finally confessed (tohaving stolen the money). 她最后招认 了( 偷 了 那笔钱) 。 He confessed that he had murderedher.他供认他杀害了她。treat v. Tn, Tn.pr treat sb/oneself (to sth): give sb/oneself sth enjoyable, eg special food orentertainment, at ones own expense以某事物( 如食物或娱乐) 款待某人或使自己获得享受She treated each of the children to an ice-cream.她请孩子每人吃个冰激凌。 We were treatedto the unusual sight of the Prime Minister singing on TV.我们有幸目睹首相上电视一展歌喉的难得场面。 I decided to treat myself to a taxi, eg instead of walking.我决定坐他一次计程车。attack n. C, U attack (on sb/sth): strong criticism in speech or writing 抨击, 非难 an attackon the Governments policies 对政府政策的抨击(be) at an end: finished 结束,终结 The war was at an end.战争结束了。get on: be successful in ones life or career 出人头地 Parents are always keen for theirchildren to get on.父母总是热望子女有出息。2001.1response (to sb/sth): C, U act or feeling produced in answer to a stimulus; reaction 反应,响应a poor, generous, united, etc response to the appeal for funds 对征集资金的呼吁反应甚微、 积极响应、群起响应等 The tax cuts produced a favourable response from the public.税额削减受到了公众的欢迎。split v. (-tt-, pt, pp split) Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p split sth (up) (into sth): break sth into parts; divide andshare将某事物分成若干部分, 分某事物 They split (up) the money between them.他们把钱分I, Tn, Tn.pr integrate (sb) (into sth/with sth): (cause sb to) become fully a member of acommunity, rather than remaining in a separate (esp racial) group ( 使某人) 与社区融合( 尤指种族间) integrating black people into a largely white community 使黑人融合进以白人为主的社区foreign immigrants who dont integrate well未能完全融入当地社会的外国移民in ones own right:because of a personal claim, qualification, etc 凭本身的权利、 资格等 Shes apeeress in her own right, ie not merely by marriage to a peer.本身就是贵族( 并非因嫁给了 贵族)I, Ipr, Tf, Tw 不用于被动语态 reflect (on/upon sth): think deeply about, or remind oneself of,past events; consider 沉思或思忆( 往事) ,思考 I need time to reflect (on your offer/onwhat you offered). 我需要时间来考虑( 你的建议/ 你提出的建议) 。 She reflected that hisargument was probably true.她心想他的理由也可能对。 How distant those times seemed now,he reflected. 他在想那些日子现在已显得多么遥远。n. U entrance (to sth): right of entering; admission 进入的权利,准予进入 They wererefused entrance to the club.他们被拒于俱乐部门外。 attrib 作定语 a university entranceexamination 大学入学考试 an entrance fee, ie money paid so that one may enter anexhibition, etc or join a club, society, etc 入场费,入会费under way: having started and making progress 已经开始并进行着 The project is nowwell under way.这项目现在顺利进行。 be/get under way, ie (esp of a ship) move/start tomove through the water ( 尤指船) 在航行中/ 启航reckon v. Tn.pr, Tf, Cn.a尤用于被动语态;Cn.n尤用于被动语态;Cn.n/a尤用于被动语态;Cn.t 尤用于被动语态 reckon sb/sth among sth; reckon sb/sth as sth (infml 口) ( 不用于进行时态) : be of the opinion or consider that sb/sth is as specified 认为某人/ 某事物是 Wereckon her among our best reporters.我们认为她是我们最好的记者。 I reckon (that) he is tooold for the job.我认为他年龄太大,不适于做这工作。 The price was reckoned high.价钱未免太高了。 She is reckoned (to be) the cleverest pupil in the class. 她是班上最聪明的学生。 Onequarter of the country is reckoned as unproductive.全国四分之一的上地是不毛之地。n. discrimination (against/in favour of sb): treating a person or group differently (usu worse)than others 歧视/ 偏袒( 某人) This is a clear case of discrimination (against foreign imports).这显然是( 对进口货的) 排斥。 racial, sexual, religious, political, etc discrimination 种族、 性别、宗教、政治歧视2001.2work against/for sth: make efforts to defeat sth or to achieve sth 竭力反对/ 促成 work againstreform竭力反对改革(idm 习语) be better off (doing sth): be wiser (to do sth specified)( 对于做某事来说) 是较为明智的 Hed be better off going to the police about it.他最好把这件事报告警方。in the interest(s) of sth: for the sake of sth 为某事物的缘故 In the interest(s) of safety, nosmoking is allowed.为了安全,严禁吸烟。(idm习语) in sb?s interest(s): for or to sb, s advantage为某人的利益, 对某人有好处, 有利于某人 sth that is not in the public interest 不符合公众利益的事 It would be in your intereststo accept.接受下来对你有利。(phr v) guard against sth: use care and caution to prevent sth 预防某事物 guard againstdisease 预防疾病 Theyve been doing very well, but they should guard againstover-confidence, ie not become over-confident. 他们一直干得挺好,但应防止过于自信。importance n. U importance (to sb/sth): being important; significance or value 重要性,重大,有价值 They attached very great importance to the project, ie They considered it to bevery important.他们对这项目极为重视。 a matter of the utmost political importance 有重大政治意义的事情 the importance of industry to the economy工业对经济的重要性Tn, Tn.pr prejudice sb (against/in favour of sb/sth): cause sb to have a prejudice; influence sb使某人抱偏见,影响某人 Newspaper gossip had prejudiced her against him.报上那些不三不四的文章使她对他抱有偏见。 Her charm prejudiced the judges in her favour.她姿色迷人,因而评委都偏向她。 n. She has a prejudice against modem music.她对现代音乐怀有偏见2001.3sad to say ( 尤用于句首) : unfortunately 不幸的是 Sad to say, she hasnt given uspermission to do it.不幸的是,她没准许我们做这件事。Tn, Tn.pr combine A and B/A with B: do (two or more things) at the same time or have (two ormore different qualities) as a characteristic 同时做( 不止一件事) , 兼有( 不止一种) 特性 combinebusiness with pleasure 寓工作于娱乐之中 He combines arrogance and incompetence inhis dealings with the staff.他在与工作人员交往中既傲慢乂无能。fpred 作表语 be alien to sth/sb: contrary to sth; hateful to sb 与某事物相反,使某人憎恨Such principles are alien to our religion.这些原贝ij与我们的宗教信仰相抵触。Cruelty was quitealien to his nature/to him.残忍的行为与他的本性/ 与他格格不入。open (sth) up: 1 (cause sth to) begin business ( 使某事物) 开业, 开张 open up a new restaurant开一家信新餐厅 He never opens up shop on a Sunday.星期日他的商店从不营业。2、(cause sth to) be available for development, production, etc ( 使某物) 供开发, 生产 openup undeveloped land, new territory, etc 开发未开发的地区等 His stories opened up newworlds of the imagination.他的小说开拓了想象力新天地。n. tendency (to/towards sth)/(to do sth): way a person or thing tends to be or behave ( 人或物呈现的) 倾向,趋势 a tendency to fat/towards fatness/to get fat 发胖的趋势 homicidaltendencies有杀人的可能2001.4 take sth upon oneselfthere is some/no question of: there is a/no possibility of 有/ 没有的可能性 There wassome question of selling the business.有可能将公司转让。 There will be no question ofanyone being made redundant.决不 口 J 能裁掉任何人。be detrimental (to sb/sth): harmful 有害的, 不利的 activities detrimental to our interests损及我们利益的活动 The measures had a detrimental effect. 这些措施已产生不良影响。concern n. U concern (for/about/over sth/sb); concern (that*): worry; anxiety 担心, 忧虑樵虑, 焦急 There is now considerable concern for their safety. 现在对他们的安全相当担心。There is growing concern that they may have been killed.现在越来越担心他们可能已遭杀害。Tn.pr warn sb about/against sb/sth; warn sb against doing sth: put sb on his guard againstsb/sth让某人警惕或提防某人/ 某事物 He warned us against pickpockets.他告诉我们要小心扒手。 The doctor warned us against overtiring the patient. 医生让我们注意病人不可过劳。The police have warned shopkeepers about the forged banknotes.警方已通知各店主留意伪钞。trade v. I, Ipr trade (in sth) (with sb): engage in trade; buy and sell 做生意,做买卖 anincrease in the number of firms trading with japan 同日本贸易的公司数目增加 a firm whichtrades in arms, textiles, grain经营军火、纺织品、谷物的公司2001.5prompt v. Tn, Dn.t : cause or incite (sb) to do sth 促使或激励( 某人) 做某事 What promptedhim to be so generous?是什么原因使得他如此大方呢? The accident prompted her torenew her insurance.这一事故促使她为投保续期。settle for sth: accept sth that is seen as not quite satisfactory 勉强认可某事物 I had hopedto get 1000 for my old car but had to settle for a lot less.我那辆旧汽车原指望卖上 1000 英镑,后来少卖了很多也认了。persuade v. Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.t persuade sb (into/out of sth): cause sb to do sth by arguing orreasoning with him 说服或劝说某人做某事 How can we persuade him into joining us?怎样才能说服他参加我们的活动呢? He persuade his daughter to change her mind.他说服女儿改变主意。seek v. (pt, pp sought) It: attempt (to do sth); try 设法( 做某事) ,试图 seek to bring theconflict to an end试图结束冲突 They are seeking to mislead us.他们竭力误导我们。urge v.Tn, Tf, Tg, Tsg, Cn.t: try earnestly or persistently to persuade (sb)诚恳地或持续地催促( 某人) He irged that we Sould go/urged (our) going/urged us to go.他催我们走。risk v. Tn, Tg : accept the possibility of (sth)甘愿承受可能发生的( 某事) risk failure失败亦在所不惜 risk getting caught in a storm不怕赶上暴风雨risk v. Tn : expose (sb/oneself) to danger 使( 某人/ 自己) 面临危险 risk ones health,fortune, neck (ie life)冒丧失健康、财富、生命之险compel v. (-11-) Cn.t (fml 文) : make (sb) do sth; force 使( 某人) 做某事, 强迫 We cannot compelyou to (do it), but we think you should. 我们不能强迫你( 去做) ,但认为你应该做。 I wascompelled to (ie I had to) acknowledge the force of his argument.我不得不承认他的论据有力2002.1(idm 习语) in sympathy (with sb/sth): show support or approval for a cause, etc 对某事业等表示支持或赞同 The steel workers came out in sympathy with the miners, ie went on strike toshow support for them.钢铁工人为声援矿工举行了罢工。 Pm sure she will be insympathy with your proposal.我确信她一定赞成你的建议。sympathy n. U sympathy (for/towards sb): (capacity for) sharing the feelings of others; feelingof pity and sorrow (for sb )同情,同情心 feel great sympathy for sb 对某人深为同情Out of sympathy for the homeless children he gave them shelter for the night.他,怀着恻隐之心,留那些无家可归的孩子过夜。position n. C 尤作单数 : situation or circumstances, esp when they affect ones power to act 处境,情势( 尤指影响自己的行动能力者) Their failure to come to a decision put her in animpossible position.他们未能做出决定,这使她进退无门。 What would you do in myposition?你处在我的地位,你怎样做呢? I am not in a position (ie I am unable) to helpyou.我没有能力帮助你。 The economic position of the country is disastrous.国家的经济形势非常糟糕。 He was in the unenviable position of having to choose between imprisonmentor exile.他已陷于进退维谷的地步,不是坐牢就是流放,必须在两者间做出抉择。a play on words: pun 双关语 The advertising slogan was a play on words.那条广告口号是双关语。(phr v) turn about ( 常用 about turn 这一形式作为军事口令) : (esp of soldiers) move so as toface in the opposite direction( 尤才旨军人) 向后转 The colonel ordered the troops to turnabout.上校命令部队向后转。entitle v. Tn.pr 尤用于被动语态, Tnt entitle sb to sth: give sb a right to have or do sth 给予某人获得某事物或做某事的权利, 使某人有资格获得某事物或做某事 You are not entitledto unemployment benefit if you have never worked.从未参加过工作,就没有资格领取失业救济金。 This ticket dosen* entitle you to travel first class. 你这张票不能坐头等位。2002.2common sense: practical good sense gained from experience of life, not by special study 常识,情理 attrib 作定语 I like her common-sense approach to everyday problems.我喜欢她在处理日常问题上通情达理的方法。spell n. : period of time during which sth lasts ( 某事物持续的) 一段时间 a long spell of warmweather持续很久的温暖的天气 rest for a short spell歇一会儿quest n. ( fml or rhet 文或修辞) quest ( for sth) : act of seeking sth; search or pursuit 寻求, 寻找, 搜索, 追求 the quest for gold, knowledge, happiness勘探黄金、寻求知识、追求幸福quest v. I, Ipr quest ( for sth) ( fml or rhet 文或修辞) : try to find sth; search 试图找到某事物,搜索 His questing fingers found the light switch.他用手指摸到 了 灯的开关。continueto quest for clues继续寻找线索improve v. I, Tn: ( cause sth to) become better ( 使某事物) 改进,改善 Her health isgradually improving, ie after an illness.她的健康状况逐渐好转。 The Post Office aims toimprove its quality of service.邮局锐意改善服务质量。2002.3 2002.4up to sth: as a maximum number or amount 作为最大数量,多达 I can take up to fourpeople in my car.我的汽车最多能坐四个人。 count up to twenty slowly慢慢数到二十not lose sleep/lose no sleep over sth: not worry unduly about sth 不为某事物操心 Its notworth losing sleep over.不值得多虑。right n. U right to sth/to do sth: proper claim to sth, or authority to do sth 对某事物的正当要求,做某事的权利 What right have you to do that?你有什么权利做那事? What givesyou the right to do that?谁给你的权利做那事? have no right/not have any right to do sth无权/ 没有任何权利做某事Tn, Tn.pr shield sb/sth (against/from sb/sth): protect sb/sth from harm; defend sb/sth fromcriticism, attack, etc 保护或庇护某人/ 某事物 shield ones eyes (from the sun) with oneshand 用手( 挡住阳光) 保护眼睛 I tried to shield him against prying journalists. 我竭力为他挡驾,拦住那些锲而不舍的记者。take steps to do sth: take action in order to achieve a desired result 采取步骤达到某目的The government is taking steps to control the rising crime rate.政府正采取措施,控制不断上升的犯罪率。commit suicide自杀be unconcerned (with sth/sb): not feeling or showing concern; uninterested 不关心的, 不感兴趣的, 冷漠的unconcerned with questions of religion or morality对宗教问题或道德问题不感兴趣2003.1fascinate v. Tn : attract or interest (sb) greatly 使( 某人) 着迷、神魂颠倒或极感兴趣 Thechildren were fascinated by the toys in the shop window.孩子们让商店橱窗里的玩具给吸引住take (a) pride in sb/sth: be proud of sb/sth 对某人/ 某事物感到自豪 She takes great pride inher children success.她为自己的孩子取得的成绩感到无比骄傲。(idm 习语) give birth (to sb/sth): produce young 生孩子, 产仔 She gave birth (to a healthybaby) last night.她昨天晚上生了( 个健康的婴儿) 。 (fig 比喻) Marxs ideas gave birth tocommunism.马克思的思想孕育了共产主义。on the (off) chance (of doing sth/that):in the hope of sth happening, although it is unlikely 希望某事发生( 虽然可能性不大) ,抱( 一线) 希望 I didn9t think youd be at home, but I justcalled on th off chance.我想你不会在家的,只是抱着一线希望给你打个电话。2003.2rule sb/sth out (as sth): exclude sb/sth (as irrelevant, ineligible, etc)排除某人/ 某事物( 因其无关、不合格等) That possibility cant be ruled out, ie It must continue to be considered.不能排除这种可能性( 有待继续研究) 。 He was ruled out as a possible candidate,他已经没有可能成为候选人。n. U cruelty (to sb/sth): readiness to cause pain or suffering to others; cruel actions 残暴,残忍, 残酷 his cruelty to his children 他对自己孩子的虐待 He saw a lot of cruelty inthe prison camp.他在集中营里看到许多惨不忍睹的事。staff v. Tn 通常用于被动语态 : provide (sth) with staff; act as staff for 为( 某部门) 配备人员,担任( 某部门) 的工作人员 Theres nobody to staff the office today.今天这个办事处没有职员。 The school is staffed entirely by graduates.这个学校的教职员全是大学毕业生。 awell-staffed hotel工作人员齐全的旅馆Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.t encourage sb (in sth): give support, confidence or hope to sb 鼓励或支持某人Dont encourage bad habits in a child.不要助长孩子的坏习惯。 Her parents encouraged her inher studies.她的父母鼓励她好好学习。 encourage sb to lose weight鼓励某人减轻体重He felt encouraged by the progress hed made.他取得了成绩而欢欣鼓舞。Tn, Tn.pr communicate sth (to sb/sth): 1 make sth known; convey sth 使某事物被人知晓,传送某事物This poem communicates the authors despair.这首诗流露出作者的绝望心情。The officer communicated his orders to the men by radio.军官用无线电向士兵下达命令。 2、pass on sth; transmit sth 传递某事物,传播 communicate a disease 传播疾病make sth clear/plain (to sb): make sth fully understood 使某事物被充分理解 I made itclear to him that I rejected his proposal. 我清楚地告诉他,我拒绝了他的建议。quick adj. (-er, -est) quick to respond, react, learn 反应、学得快的be open (to sb/sth): that anyone can enter, visit, etc; public 公开的, 任何人都可以( 进入、 参观等)的, 公共的 This garden is open to the public.这座花园向公众开放。 an open competitionC connection between sth and sth; connection with/to sth: point where two things areconnected; thing that connects 连接点,连接物 Is there a connection between smoking andlung cancer?吸烟 艮月市癌是否有关? His dismissal has no connection with (ie is not due to) thequality of his work.他被解雇一事与他的工作好坏无关。I, Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.n/a recruit (sb) (to sth) (from sth); recruit sb (as sth): gain (sb) as a recruit;enlist吸收( 某人) 为新成员, 征募 recruit new members (to the club)吸收新成员( 进入俱乐部) recruit sb as a spy 招募某人为特工 a recruiting officer, poster, drive 征募新兵的军官、布告、运动n. U discontent (with sth): lack of satisfaction 不满, 不满足, 不满意 The strikers were asign of discontent (with poor pay).那些罢工事件是( 对低薪) 不满的种表示。n. U indifference (to sb/sth): state of being indifferent; absence of interest, feeling or reaction漠不关心,冷淡,无兴趣、感觉或反应 He treated my request with indifference.他对我的请求置若罔闻 o Its a matter of complete indifference to me, ie I do not care about it.这件事对我来说完全无所谓。her indifference to their appeals她对他们的请求所抱的漠不关心的态度2003.3I, Ipr, Ip,Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p merge (with/into sth); merge (together); merge A with B/merge Aand B (together)( 尤用于商业) : (cause two things to) come together and combine ( 使两事物) 合并 Where does this stream merge into the Rhine?这条小河在什么地方和莱茵河合流?We can merge our two small businesses (together) into one larger one.我们可以把我们那两个小企业合并成一个大企业。I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr consolidate (sth) (into sth)( 商) : (cause things to) unite or combine (into one)( 使事物) 联合或合并 All the debts have been consolidated.所有债务均已合并。leave v. Cn.a, Cn.g: cause or allow (sb/sth) to remain in a certain condition, place, etc 使或让( 某人/ 某事物) 处某状态、某地等 Leave the door open, please.让门开着吧。 Don5t leaveher waiting outside in the rain.别让她在外边雨中等着。(phr v) subscribe to sth (fml JC): agree with (an opinion, a theory, etc)同意,赞成( 某观点、理论等) Do you subscribe to her pessimistic view of the state of the economy?你是否同意她对经济状况所持的悲观看法?acquire v. Tn: gain (sth) by ones own ability, efforts or behaviour( 靠自己的能力、 努力或行为而) 获得, 得 至 U ( 某事物) acquire a good knowledge of English, an antique painting, a taste forbrandy, a reputation for dishonesty学好英语, 得到幅古画, 学会喝白兰地酒, 得到不诚实名声(phr v) cheer sb on: encourage sb to make greater efforts by cheering 鼓舞或鼓励某人更加努力The crowd cheered the runners on as they started the last lap.赛跑进入最后一圈时, 观众为运动员加油鼓劲。pay v. (pt, pp paid) I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.n, Dn.pr pay (sb) (for sth); pay sth (to sb) (for sth):give (sb) money (for goods, services, etc)付钱给( 某人) ( 作为货物、服务等的费用) How nuchdid you pay for your house?你买房花了 多少钱? We paid 50000 for our house.我们买房花了 5 万。 Her parents paid for her to go (ie paid the cost of her travel) to America.她去美国的旅费是父母给的。 Have you paid the milkman this week?这星期给送奶人钱了吗?You haven91 paid me the money you owe me.你欠我的钱还没还给我呢。 She paid a dealer2000 for that car.她用 2000 元从汽车行买的这辆汽车。 Have you paid that money to thebank yet?你把那笔钱付给银行了吗? Youre not paid to sit around doing nothing!花钱雇你来可不是让你光坐着不干活的!grip n. sing grip (on sb/sth): action of gripping; firm hold 紧抓,紧握 take a grip on arope 抓紧绳索 (fig 比喻) The plays exciting at first, but in the third act it loses its grip onone,s attention.那剧开始很精彩,但到第三幕就没看头儿了。2003.4programme v. 通常用于被动语态 Tn, Cn.t: cause (sb/sth) to do sth or behave in a particularway, esp automatically or in an unthinking w ay使( 某人/ 某事物) 按预定的步骤进行( 尤指自动地或不假思索地) Their early training programmes them to be obedient and submissive.他们早先受过的教育已把他们训练得俯首贴耳、 唯命是从。 The video is programmed to switchitself on at ten oclock.这台录像机已调好在十点钟自动开机。Cn.n/a treat sth as sth: consider sth in a certain way 把某事物看作, 视某事物为 I decided totreat his remark as a joke, eg instead of being offended by it.把他的话当作笑话( 如不为此生气)(idm 习语) be prepared for sth: be ready for sth (esp sth unpleasant)对某事物( 尤指令人不愉快者) 做好准备 She was prepared for anything to happen.她已准备好应付, 切。be prepared to do sth: be able and willing to do sth 能够并愿意做某事 I am prepared tolend you the money if you promise to pay it back.我愿意把钱借给你, 你得答应还给我。 I amnot prepared to stay and listen to these outrageous insults. 我可不愿意在这儿受这种奇耻大辱。2004.1use v. (pt, pp used) Tn, Tn.pr, Tnt, Cn.n/a use sth (for sth/doing sth); use sth (as sth): employsth for a puipose; bring sth into service , 使用,运用,利用 We used the money to set upan irrigation project.我们把钱用在兴建灌溉工程上 了。 May I use your name as a reference?ie may I quote it, eg when I apply for a job?我可以请您作我的荐举人吗?( 我可否在求职信中把您的名字列入其中) ? A hammer is used for driving in nails?锤子是用来钉钉子的。send v. (pt, pp sent) Tn, Tn.p send sth (out): transmit (a signal, etc) by radio waves 用无线 电波发送( 信号) The radio operator sent (out) an appeal for help to headquarters.无线电报务员向司令部发出求救信号。sign (sb) on/up: (cause sb to) sign an agreement to work for sb, become a solider, etc ( 使某人) 签约受雇、应征 sign on for five years in the army 签约服兵役五年 sign up more workersto boost production 再签约雇用工人以促进生产 The club has signed up a new goalkeeperthis season.俱乐部这一季节已签约雇用名新守门员。(idm 习语) be/keep abreast of sth: be or remain up to date with or well-informed about sth 品 艮 上某事物 You should read the newspapers to keep abreast of current affairs.应看报以便了解时事keep a close eye/watch on sb/sth: watch sb/sth carefully 密切注视某人/ 某事物keep ones ears/eyes open: be alert and quick to hear or notice things 留心听/ 看,密切注意U demand (for sth/sb): desire of customers for goods or services which they wish to buy or use( 顾客的) 需要,需求 Demand for skilled workers is high; but there is no demand forunskilled ones.非常需要熟练工人,但却不需要生手。 We blame poor overseas demandfor the cars failure.我们将汽车滞销归咎于海外需求量太低。2004.2fpred 作表语 be unaware (of sth/that):ignorant or not conscious of sth 不知道, 未觉察 Hewas unaware of my presence/that I was present也不知道我在场。dream up sth (infml 口) : think of (esp sth imaginative or foolish)想入Trust you todream up a crazy scheme like this!亏你想得出这种异想天开的计划。plough (ones way) through sth: 1 force a way through sth 费力穿过某处 plough onesway through the mud 在泥泞中艰难跋涉 The ship ploughed through the waves.那轮船破浪前进。 2、make progress slowly or with difficulty through sth 缓慢或费力地在某方面取得进展 plough through legal text books, a pile of documents, mountains of work,etc吃力地钻研法律教科书、缓慢地阅读一堆文件、费力地处理堆积如山的工作(I, Ipr escape (from sb/sth): get free; get away (from imprisonment or control)( 从监禁、 管制中)逃脱,逃走 a lion has escaped from its cage.有一头狮子从笼中逃走了。 She longed toescape from her mothers domination.她渴望摆脱父母的操作。pay attention (to sb/sth): listen carefully to sb/sth; take notice of sb/sth 仔细听某人说的话/ 某事物,注意某人/ 某事物 Pay attention when Pm talking to you!我跟你说话的时候,你要留心听。pay attention to ones teacher注意听老师讲课2004.3 2004.4be optimistic (about sth): expecting the best; confident 乐观的, 有信心的 an optimistic viewof events对事情的乐观看法 Shes not optimistic about the outcome.她对结果不很乐观。be vulnerable (to sth/sb) (fig 比喻) : exposed to danger or attack; unprotected 暴露于危险面前的, 易受攻击的,无防御的 vulnerable to abuse, blackmail, criticism易受凌辱、敲诈、批评be difficult (to do sth): (of tasks) requiring effort or skill; not easy ( 指任务) 需要精力或技术的,困难的, 不易的 She finds it difficult to stop smoking.我觉得戒烟很不容易。 This mountain isdifficult to climb/It is difficult to climb this mountain. 这座山很难爬/ 爬这座山可不容易。They made it difficult for me to see her.他们从中作梗,让我不易见到她。distaste n. U sing distaste (for sb/sth): dislike; aversion 不喜欢, 厌恶 turn away indistaste厌恶地走开 a distaste for violent sports不喜欢剧烈的运动restraint n. (fml 文) C restraint (on sb/sth): thing that checks or controls; restriction 起至U 遏制作用的事物,管制措施,约束力 impose restraints on wage settlements对工资的协议加以限制 throw off the restraints of convention 打破常规resent v. Tn, Tg, Tsg: feel bitter, indignant or angry about (sth hurtful, insulting, etc)(因受至U 伤害、侮辱等) 对( 某事物) 感到愤恨、怨恨或气愤 I bitterly resent your criticism.我对你批评我的话十分反感。 Does she resent my being here?她讨厌我呆在这里吗?shut sb/sth up (in sth): confine sb; put sth away 将某人关在( 某处) , 将某物藏在( 某处) Weshut him up in his room.我们把他关在他的房间里。2005.1U, C reputation (for sth): what is generally said or believed about the abilities, qualities, etc ofsb/sth have a reputation for laziness/for being lazy 以懒惰出名 establish, build up,make a reputation (for oneself)( 为自己) 树立声誉,博得名声n. candidate (for sth): person considered to be suitable for a particular position or likely to getsth被认为适合任某职位或可能得到某事物的人 The company is being forced to reducestaff and I fear Im a likely candidate (for redundancy).公司被迫裁员, 恐怕我是其中之, ( 冗员)clear adj. (-er, -est) be clear (to sb): evident; obvious; definite 明显的, 显然的, 明确的 have aclear advantage/lead, eg in a contest 明显的优势/ 领先( 如在比赛中) It is quite clear thatshe is not coming.很清楚,她不来了。be inclined to do sth: having a tendency to be/do sth; likely to be/do sth 有某种倾向, 很有可能做某事 Hes inclined to be lazy.他爱偷懒。 The car is inclined to stall when its coldoutside.这辆汽车天冷时爱熄火。be attentive (to sb/sth): giving attention (to sb/sth); alert and watchful ( 对某人/ 某事物) 注意的,留心的,警惕的 an attentive audience聚精会神的听众/ 观众 A good hostess isalways attentive to the needs of her guests. 好客的女主人能随时留心客人的需要。2005.2(phr v) awaken sb to sth: cause sb to become aware of sth使某人意识到某事,唤醒某人警惕某事 awaken society to the dangers of drugs唤醒社会警惕毒品的危害(idm 习语) get moving: begin, leave, etc quickly 迅速开始、 离去等 Its late; we?d better getmoving.天晚了,咱们快走吧。for sure (infml 口) : without doubt 无疑 I think he lives there but I couldnt say for sure.我想他是住在那里的,但我不敢肯定。(idm 习语) take sb/sth seriously: regard sb/sth as important and worth treating with respect 认真对待某人/ 某事物 You cant take her promises seriously: she never keeps her word.她答应的事不必当真,她从来说话不算数。I take this threat very seriously. 我认为威胁非同小可。press for sth: make repeated and urgent requests for sth 一再迫切要求某事物 The chairman ispressing for a change in the procedure. 主席 再要求改变程序。 The unions are pressingfor improved working conditions. 工会再三要求改善工作条件。press ahead/forward/on (with sth): continue (doing sth) in a determined way; hurry forward 坚决地继续( 进行某事物) ,坚持( 做某事) ,加紧 The firm is pressing ahead with themodernization plan.公司竭力实施现代化计划。 We must press on with the project withoutwasting time.我们要不失时机地加紧进行这项工程。take the initiative: take the first step in an undertaking, esp one that encourages others to act 带头, 彳 昌 导 , 发起 Its up to this country to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons.这个国家应该主动提出禁止核武器。incentive n. C, U incentive (to do sth): thing that encourages sb to do sth; stimulus 激励某人做某事的事物,刺激,奖励 the offer of cash incentives现金奖励的提供 an incentive towork harder对更加努力工作的刺激 attrib作定语 an incentive scheme鼓励方案U freedom (of sth); freedom (to do sth): state of being unrestricted in ones actions; liberty 个人的行动自主,自由 freedom of action, choice, decision, etc行动、选择、决定等的自由He enjoyed complete freedom to do as he wished.他享有完全按照自己的意愿行事的自由。U, C freedom (of sth): right (esp political) to act, speak, etc as one pleases without interference( 随意行动、讲话等的,尤指政治的) 自由权 freedom of speech, thought, worship, etc言论、思想、礼拜等的自由权 press freedom出版自由 preserve the freedoms of thetrade-union movement保护工会运动的自由权2005.3wake v. I, Ip, It wake (up): stop sleeping 醒 酉 星 来 She had just woken up form a deep sleep.她刚从熟睡中醒来。 She woke up with a start when the door slammed.关门声把她惊醒了。He woke (up) to find himself alone in the house.他一觉醒来发现房子里只剩下他一个人了。keep oneself/sb from sth/doing sth: prevent oneself/sb from doing sth 使自己/ 某人不能做某事物 The church bells keep me from sleeping. 教堂的钟声吵得我睡不着觉。I hope Imnot keeping you from your work.希望我没有妨碍你的工作。keep (oneself) from doing sth: prevent oneself from doing sth; stop (oneself) doing sth 克制自己不做某事 She could hardly keep (herself) from laughing.她忍不住大笑起来。 I justmanaged to keep myself from falling.我差 点跌倒。be susceptible to sth pred 作表语: easily influenced or harmed by sth 易受某事物影响或损害highly susceptible to flattery 听几句好话就忘乎所以 plants that are not susceptible todisease不易受病害侵袭的植物2005.4Ipr, It aspire after/to sth: desire strongly to achieve sth; have ambition for sth 渴望成就某事物,对某事物有雄心或野心 aspire after knowledge渴求知识 aspire to become anauthor 热望成为作家 Aspiring musicians must practise many hours a day.有抱负的音乐家每天要练习很多小时love n. U: warm liking or affection; affectionate devotion 喜爱, 热爱, 钟爱 a mothers love forher children 母亲对其子女的爱 love of (ones) country, ie patriotism 对祖国的热爱I, Ipr grieve (for sb); grieve (over/about sb/sth): feel a deep sorrow because of loss( 因失去而)感到悲痛 Their daughter died over a year ago, but they are still grieving. 他们的女儿死去已一年多了,但他们现在仍很悲痛。 grieve for ones (dead, lost) child为( 死去的、失去的)孩子伤心 grieve over the death of sb为某人之死而悲哀U, C controversy (about/over sth): public discussion or argument, often rather angry, about sthwhich many people disagree with 公开辩论, 论战 a bitter controversy about/over the siting of thenew airport 对新机场选址问题的剧烈争论 The appointment of the new director aroused a lotof controversy, ie Many people publicly disagreed with it.新负责人的任命引起 了激烈的争论contempt n. U contempt (for sb/sth): feeling that sb/sth is completely worthless and cannot berespected 轻视, 蔑视 I feel nothing but contempt for people who treat children so cruelty.我鄙视如此虐待孩子的人。 I shall treat that suggestion with the contempt it deserves.我对那项建议理所当然嗤之以鼻2006.1 2006.2immune adj. usu pred 通常作表语 be immune (to sth): not affected by sth; not susceptibleto sth不受某事物影响, 不易感受某事物 immune to criticism, abuse, opposition, etc不为批评、谩骂、反对等所动摇 be immune (from sth): protected or exempt from sth ( 对某事物) 免除,豁免 immune from additional taxes 免纳附加税 immune from prosecution 免予起诉 be immune (to/against sth): that cannot be harmed by a disease or illness, eitherbecause of inoculation or through natural resistance 有免疫力( 因接种疫苗或自发的) Fmimmune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.我种过牛痘了,所以对天花有免疫力。take sth in: go to see or visit (a film, museum, etc) when one is in a place for a different purpose顺便看( 电影) 或参观( 博物馆等) I generally try to take in a show when Tm in New Yorkon business. 我到纽约公干时常顺便看场演出。bring (sb) in sth: produce (an amount) as profit or income (for sb)( 使某人) 获得( 某数额) 作为利润或收入His freelance work brings (him) in 5000 a year.他从事自由职业每年可获5000英镑。 He does odd jobs that bring him in about 30 a week. 他做零工每周可赚约 30 英镑。(idm 习语) be on good, friendly, bad, etc terms (with sb): have a good, etc relationship 关系好、密切、 不好等 I didnt know you and she were on such intimate terms, ie were such closefriends.我不知道你和她关系这么密切。be sympathetic (to/towards/with sb): feeling, showing or resulting from sympathy I司 T 青的,表示同情的,出于同情的 a sympathetic look, smile, remark表示同情的目光、笑容、言语feel sympathetic towards sb who is suffering 对遭到不幸的某人十分同情2006.3 2006.4Ipr happen to sb/sth: be the experience or fate of sb/sth 成为某人/某事物的体验或命运, 临到某人/某事物头上 If anything happens to him (ie If he has an accident), let me know. 万一他有什么不测,就请通知我。Ipr happen on sth (fml 文) : find sth by chance 偶然发现某事物 I happened on just the thingrd been looking for.我偶然发现了我一直在寻找的东西。Tn.pr 尤用于被动语态 saturate sth/sb with/in sth: cause sth/sb to absorb a lot of sth; fillsth/sb completely with sth 使某物/ 某人大量吸收或充满某物 We lay on the beach, saturatedin sunshine.我们躺在沙滩上, 沐浴在阳光里。 The market is saturated with good used cars,ie There are too many of them for sale.市场上质量好的旧汽车供过于求。suited adj. pred 作表语 be suited (for/to sb/sth): suitable or appropriate (for sb/sth)适合( 于某人/ 某事物) He is better suited to a job with older pupils.他较适合教小学高年级学生。 Heand his wife are well suited (to each other).他和妻子十分般配。be skeptical (of/about sth): unwilling to believe sth; often doubting that claims, statements, etcare true ( 对某事物) 不肯相信的, 常怀疑的 Im rather sceptical about their professedsympathy for the poor.他们声称同情穷人,我对此有些怀疑。sceptical=skepticalTn, Tn.pr surround sth/sb (by/with sth)( 尤用于被动语态) : be all round sth/sb 包围或环绕某物/ 某人 Trees surround the pond.树木围绕着池塘。 The house was surrounded byhigh walls.房子的四周有高墙。 (fig 比喻) The new plan is surrounded by much speculation,ie Everyone is wondering about it.新计戈U 备受猜疑。 She has always been surrounded withfashionable friends.她周围总有许多爱赶时髦的朋友。(idm 习语) in the wake of sth: coming after or following sth 随某事物之后到来 Outbreaks ofdisease occurred in the wake of the drought.那场旱灾过后疾病丛生。 The war brought manysocial changes in its wake.经过这场战争,社会发生了很多变化。replace v. Tn, Cn.n/a: take the place of (sb/sth)代替,取代( 某人/ 某事物) Robots arereplacing people on assembly lines.机器人逐渐代替了装配线上的工人。 His deputyreplaced him as leader.他的副手接替他当了领导。more often than not; as often as not: very frequently 往往, 大抵 When its foggy thetrains are late more often than not.雾大时火车往往误点。U, sing balance (in sth/between A and B): condition that exists when two opposites are equalor in correct proportions 均衡状态, 均势 Try to achieve a better balance between work andplay.争取把工作和娱乐更好地结合起来。 This newspaper maintains a good balance in itspresentation of different opinions.这家报纸登不同意见始终做到不偏不倚。Ipr function as sth: work as sth; operate or perform the function of the thing specified 起某物的作用,具有某物的功能,起到所述事物的作用The sofa can also function as a bed.这沙发也可以当床。 Some English adverbs function as adjectives. 英语中有些副词可. 作形容词用。2007.1 2007.2 2007.3Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.n/a, Cn.t train sb (as sth/in sth): bring (a person or an animal) to a desiredstandard of efficiency, behaviour, etc by instruction and practice 培养,训 I 练( 某人或某动物)There is a shortage of trained nurses. 受过正规训练的护士十分缺乏。 He was trained as anengineer/in engineering.他受过担任工程师的/ 工程学方面的培训。 Fve trained my dog tofetch my slippers.我把狗训练得能给我叼拖鞋。ability n.U: capacity or power to do sth physical or mental 做体力、 脑力或机械工作的能力或力量 He has the ability to do the work.他有做这项功能工作的能力。 a machine with theability to cope with large loads能处理大负荷量的机器Faith will move mountains. One reaps what one sows. Practice makes perfect.Like father, like son.(I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr correlate (with sth); correlate A and/with B: have a mutual relation orconnection, esp of affecting or depending on each other; (try to) show such a relation orconnection between sth and sth else相关或相互关联,( 尤指) 相互影响或相互依存,( 试图) 显示某事物与他事物的上述关系或联系 The results of this experiment do not correlate withthe results of earlier ones.这次试验的结果与以往试验的结果毫不相干。 We can oftencorrelate age with frequency of illness. 年龄的大小往往与发病率有关。 Researcherscannot correlate the two sets of figures.研究者们看不出这两组数字有什么联系。fTn.pr reduce sb/sth (from sth) to sth: bring sb/sth into a specified (usu worse) state orcondition使某人/ 某事物陷入某种( 通常指更坏的) 状态或状况中 Overwork has reducedhim to a physical wreck.他过度劳累而损害了健康。 The fire reduced the house to ashes.这场火灾把那所房子化为灰烬。Tn.pr, Dn.n trade (sb) sth for sth: exchange sth for sth else; barter sth for sth 用一物交换另 *物, 以物易物 She traded her roller-skates for Billys portable radio.拿旱冰鞋换了 比利的手提收音机。Ill trade you my stamp collection for your model boat.用我搜集的邮票换你的模型船n. sing, U need (for sth); need (for sb) to do sth: circumstances in which sth is lacking, ornecessary, or which require sth to be done; necessity 缺乏, 必须, 需要 There?s a great need fora new book on the subject. 非常需要有本这方面的新书。 I feel a need to talk to you aboutit.我觉得有必要跟你谈谈那件事。 Theres no need for you to start yet.你现在还不必动身。(idm 习语) on the alert (against/for sth): watchful and prepared 警惕, 提防 Police warnedthe public to be on the alert for suspected terrorists.警方警告群众警惕涉嫌的恐怖分子。in ruins: in a severely damaged or decayed condition 严重受损、破败不堪 An earthquakeleft the whole town in ruins. 那次地震之后,全城到处是颓垣断壁。 His career is/lies inruins . 他已前途尽毁。2007.4Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p sort sth (out) (into sth); sort sth (out) from sth: arrange things in groups;separate things of one type, class, etc from things of other types, etc 将事物分类,整理 Hewas sorting his foreign stamps (into piles).他正在整理外国邮票( ,都分成一摞一摞的) 。 Wemust sort out the good apples from the bad.咱们得把好苹果拣出来,同坏的分开。threaten v. Tn, Tt :use (sth) as a threat 用( 某事) 相要挟 He threatened legal action.他以起诉相要挟。 The hijackers threatened to kill all the passengers if their demands were not met.劫机者扬言若不满足他们的要求,就把乘客都杀死。(idm 习语) in search of sb/sth: searching for sb/sth 寻找某人/ 某事物 go in search of acheap hotel 寻找便宜的旅馆 Scientists are in search of a cure for the disease. 科学家想研究出治疗这种疾病的方法。bring sth up: call attention to sth; raise sth 使注意某事物,提出某事物 These are mattersthat you can bring up in committee.这些事你可以在委员会上提出。U, C solution (to sth): (action or way of finding an) answer to a problem, question, difficulty,etc 解决, 解答, 解释, 答案, 解决方法 She can find no solution to her financial troubles.她经济困难无法克服。the lead sing: first place or position 首位, 最先的地位 take (over) the lead (from sb)/losethe lead (to sb)( 从某人处) 夺得领先地位, 将领导地位丧失( 给某人) move/go into the lead进入领先地位I, Ipr attend (to sb/sth): apply ones mind steadily; give careful thought 专心, 仔细考虑 Whywerent you attending when I explained before?我以前解释的时候,你怎么不注意听呢?Attend to your work and stop talking.专心工作,不要说话。(idm 习语) go astray: become mislaid 误置,被放错地方 Have you seen my book? Itseems to have gone astray.你看我的书了吗?不知道搁哪了。2008.1stress n. U, C: (pressure or worry resulting from) mental or physical distress, difficultcircumstances, e tc 精神上或肉体上的痛苦、困难的情况等( 所造成的压力或忧虑) beunder/suffer from stress 在压力下/ 受到压力 in times of stress, ie difficulty, trouble, etc 在困难时期 the stresses and strains of modern life现代生活的压力和紧张sing capacity (for sth): ability to produce, experience, understand or learn sth 生产、体会、理解或学习的能力 She has an enormous capacity for hard work.她有苦干的巨大能力。be determined (to do sth): with one s mind firmly made up; resolute 有决心的, 意志坚定的, 坚决的 a determined fighter, look, attitude 坚定的战士, 神情, 态度 Im determined to succeed.(idm 习语) wear and tear: damage, deterioration, strain, etc caused by ordinary use ( 正常使用造成的) 损耗、 损坏、 用坏 The insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normal wearand tea匚保险单内容不包括正常使用所导致的损坏。n.2008.2rest with sb (to do sth) (fml 文) : be sbs responsibility (to do sth)( 做某事) 是某人的责任 Thechoice rests entirely with you.这完全由你来做。 It rests with the committee to decide.这事要由委员会来决定。I, Ipr subscribe (to sth): (agree to) buy (a newspaper, periodical, etc) regularly over a period oftime订阅,订购( 报刊等) Which journal(s) do you subscribe to ? 你订阅哪一种杂志?under pressure: 1 influenced by urgency or compulsion 被催逼的, 被迫的 work underpressure 在压力下工作 put sb under pressure (to do sth)迫使某人( 做某事) 2 sufferingstress 承受压力的 She is constantly under pressure and it is affecting her health.她经常负担很重,因而影响了健康。Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tw, Dn.w, Dn.t ask (sb) for sth; ask sth (of sb): request that sb gives sth or doessth要求某人给某事物或做某事物 Did you ask (yours boss) for a pay increase?你请求( 老板) 加薪了吗? ask sbs advice, opinion, views, etc征询某人的高见、意见、看法等May I ask a favor (of you)?能不能( 请你) 帮我 个忙? She asked (me) if I would drive herhome.她请求我开车送她回家。I asked James to buy some bread.我叫詹姆斯去买些面包。Tn.pr, Tn.p, Dn.t ask ab (to sth): invite sb 邀请,请某人 ask them to dinner 请他们吃饭Shes asked him to come to the party.她邀请他来参加聚会。 Hes asked me out severaltimes already.他已经儿次邀请我外出。threat n. C usu sing, U 作可属名词时通常作单数, 亦作不可数名次 threat (to sb/sth) (of sth):indication or warning of future danger, trouble, etc ( 对险阻等的) 前兆, 预兆 This constitutesa threat to national security.这对国家安全是不祥之兆。 The railway is under threat ofclosure.那条铁路有停止运营的迹象。2008.3more than happy, glad, willing etc (to do sth): very happy, glad, etc (to do sth)非常乐意( 做某事)Im more than happy to take you there in my car.我非常愿意用汽车把你送去。 Managers havebeen more than willing to adjust team uniforms to fit the growing number of bigger, longerframes. (2008.3)(I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr adjust (sth/oneself) (to sth): become or make suited (to new conditions); adapt使适合( 新环境等) ,适应 former soldiers who have difficulty in adjusting to civilian life 很难适应平民生活的退伍军人 The body quickly adjusts (itself) to changes in temperature.身体迅速( 自行) 调节以适应气温的变化。appear La, Ln, I, It : give the impression of being or doing sth; seem 显得, 好些,似乎The streets appeared deserted.街上彳以乎行人绝迹。 Dont make him appear a fool.另 ij把他弄得像个傻子似的。 There appears to have been/It appears that there has been a mistake. 看来一 直就有错。 You appear to have made/It appears that you have made a mistake. 似乎你弄错TI, Ipr, tn, Tn.pr increase (sth) (from A to B): become or make (sth) greater in number, quantity,size, etc 增 力 口 , 增大( 数目、 数量、 体积等) The population has increased from 1.2 million10 years ago to 1.8 million now.人口从10年起前的120万已增加到现在的180万。 The rateof inflation has increased by 2% ,通货膨胀率已增长了 2%I, Ipr, Ip struggle (with sb): fight (with sb)( 与某人) 争斗, 搏斗, 打斗 two boys struggling(together)( 在一起) 扭打着的连个男孩 The shopkeeper struggled with the thief. 店主与那窃贼搏斗起来。by and large: taking everything into consideration 大体上, 一般而论, 总的来说 By and large,the companys been pretty good to me.总的来说,公司对我一直很好。withstand v. (pt, pp withstood) Tn (often fml 常作文雅语) : endure (sth) without giving in,collapsing, wearing out, etc; resist 承受住( 某事物) , J withstand attacks, pressure, wind禁得住攻击、压力、凤吹 shoes that will withstand hard wear耐穿的鞋role n. : function or importance of sb/sth 作用, 重要性 the key role of the teacher in thelearning process 教师在教学中的关键作用 the declining role of the railways in thetransport system在运输系统中,铁路的重要性逐渐下降 play a key role in sthadd to sth: increase sth 增加某事物 The bad weather only added to our difficulties.这种坏天气更增加 了我们的困难 The house has been added to (ie New rooms, etc have beenbuilt on to it) from time to time.这所房子不时进行扩建。tend v. It be Hkely to behave in a certain way or to have a certain characteristic or influence 彳 顷向, 趋向, 趋于 Women tend to live longer than men.女人多比男人长寿。 It tends torain here a lot in summer.这里夏天较为多雨。2008.4spur v. (-IT-) Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p, Tnt spur sb/sth (on to sth/on): strongly encourage sb/sth to dobetter, achieve more, etc; incite or stimulate sb/sth 激励或刺激某人/ 某事物 The magnificentgoal spurred the team on to victory.他们那一球进得漂亮, 鼓舞了全队的士气夺取胜利。 Hewas spurred on by ambition.彳也胸怀大志。Tn, Tn.pr extract sth (from sb/sth): take or get sth out, usu with effort or by force 取出,拔出extract a cork from a bottle 拔出瓶塞 have a tooth extracted 拔牙(phr v) part with sth: give away or relinquish sth 放弃或出让某物 Despite his poverty, herefused to part with the family jewels.他尽管贫穷, 却不肯变卖家中的珠宝。 He hates partingwith (ie spending) his money.他很不喜欢花钱。Cn.a, Cn.n, Cn.n/a count sb/sth (as) sb/sth: consider sb/sth to be sb/sth 认为( 某事物或某人) We count her as one of our oldest friends.我们把她看作交情最久的一个朋友。I count myself lucky to have a job.我有工作实在很幸运。 I count him a good judge ofcharacter.我认为他很会判断别人品性的好坏。Dn.n, Dn.pr grant sth (to sb): give sth formally or legally 正式或依法给予某物 These landswere granted to our family in perpetuity. 这些土地依法永远归我们家族所有。 She wasgranted a pension.她得到了养老金。in ones days: in ones lifetime; in a period of success, prosperity, power, etc 生,成功、兴盛、强大等的时期, 鼎盛时期 In his day, he was a very influential politician.他在走红时是非常有影响力的政治家。 She was a great beauty in her day, ie when she was young.她年轻时是个绝代美人。Tn.pr confront sb with sb/sth: make sb face or consider sb/sth unpleasant, difficult, etc 使某人面对或正视令人不快、令人头疼等的人/ 事物 When confronted with the evidence of herguilt, she confessed. 她面对罪证供认不讳。 They confronted the prisoner with his accusers.他们让犯人与原告对质。to begin with: 1 in the first place; firstly 首先, 第一 Tm not going. To begin with Ihaven9t a ticket, and secondly I don9t like the play.我不去, 一来我没票, 二来我不喜欢这出戏2、at first 起初 To begin with he had no money, but later he became quite rich. 他起初没钱,可是后来相当富有了。
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