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地理信息系统概述地理信息系统概述数据和信息数据和信息(Data & Information)l数据l原始事实l如:员工姓名,l数据可以有数值、图形、声音、视觉数据等l信息l以一定规则组织在一起的事实的集合。地理信息系统地理信息系统l地理信息系统(Geographical Information System, GIS)是一种决策支持系统,它具有信息系统的各种特点。地理信息系统与其他信息系统的主要区别在于其存储和处理的信息是经过地理编码的,地理位置及与该位置有关的地物属性信息成为信息检索的重要部分。在地理信息系统中,现实世界被表达成一系列的地理要素和地理现象,这些地理特征至少有空间位置参考信息和非位置信息两个组成部分。地理信息系统的三种定义视角地理信息系统的三种定义视角lIn 1991, David Maguire synthesized various GIS definitions into three distinct yet overlapping views, which he termed: the map, the database, and the spatial analysis views. lThe map view focuses on cartographic aspects of GIS, viewing GIS as map processing or display systems in which the emphasis is on the ability of such systems to produce high quality maps and charts.lThe database view of GIS emphasizes the importance of well-designed and implemented database systems in which complex analytical operations that require the use of many types of geographical data can be preformed.lThe spatial analysis view of GIS focuses on analysis and modeling in which GIS is seen more as a spatial information science than a technology. GIS的的组组成成GIS软软件件的的功功能能GIS和相关技术和相关技术l遥感l全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)l测绘l制图l地地理理信信息息的的应应用用以以及及相相关关学学科科GIS&GIScience&GIServicelGIScience la science which deals with generic issues that surround the use of GIS technology, hamper its successful implementation, or contribute to the understanding of its capabilities. lGIService
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