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Units 34 八年级上册八年级上册 当堂效果检测当堂效果检测当堂效果检测当堂效果检测课前自学反馈课前自学反馈课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈类别类别课标课标考点要求考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展1.shine v1.shine v _ /_ (_ /_ (过去式过去式/ /过去分过去分词词) _ (adj.) _ (adj.)2. help v. & n. _(adj.) 2. help v. & n. _(adj.) _(_(形容词的反义词形容词的反义词) )3 3lucky adj. _ (adv.)lucky adj. _ (adv.)_ (_ (形容词的反义词形容词的反义词) )4 4mean v. _ (n.) mean v. _ (n.) 意义意义 (adj.) (adj.) 有意义的有意义的 ( (形容词的反义词形容词的反义词) ) _/_ ( _/_ (过去式过去式/ /过去分词过去分词) ) shiny shiny shone shone helpful helpful helpless helpless shone shone luckily luckily 第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测unlucky unlucky meaning meaning meaningful meaningful meaningless meaningless meant meant meantmeant类别类别课标课标考点要求考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展5 5they pron. they pron. ( (反身代词反身代词) ) 6 6it pron. _ (it pron. _ (反身代词反身代词) )7 7spell v. _ /_ (spell v. _ /_ (过去式过去式/ /过去过去分词分词) _ (n.) _ (n.)8 8finish v. _ (adj.) finish v. _ (adj.) 9 9terrible adj. _ (adv.)terrible adj. _ (adv.)1010possible adj. possible adj. (n.)(n.)_(adv.) _(adv.) ( (形容词的反义词形容词的反义词) ) themselvesthemselves itself itself spelt spelt spelt spelt finished finished spelling spelling 第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测terriblyterriblypossibility possibility possibly possibly impossible impossible 类别类别课标课标考点要求考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展1111cheer cheer n n. _ (. _ (adjadj.).)1212exact exact adjadj. _ (. _ (advadv.).)1313correct correct adjadj. _ (. _ (advadv.).)1414brush brush n n. _ (. _ (复数复数) )1515shelf shelf n n. _ (. _ (复数复数) )1616final final adjadj. _ (. _ (advadv.).)1717active active adjadj. _ (. _ (advadv.).)1818certain certain adjadj. _ (. _ (advadv.).)cheerful cheerful correctlycorrectly exactly exactly shelves shelves brushes brushes 第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册finally finally actively actively certainly certainly 中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测类别类别课标课标考点要求考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展1919paint v. _(n.) paint v. _(n.) 绘画绘画2020wide adj._(adv.)wide adj._(adv.)2121main adj. _(adv.)main adj. _(adv.)2222culture n. _ (adj.)culture n. _ (adj.)2323instruct v. instruct v. (n.) (n.) 指示指示2424climb v. _ (n.) climb v. _ (n.) 登山者登山者2525support v. _ (n.) support v. _ (n.) 支持者支持者2626colour n. _ (adj.)colour n. _ (adj.)2727advise v. _ (n.) advise v. _ (n.) painting painting第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测widelywidelymainlymainlyculturalculturalinstructioninstructionclimber climber supporter supporter colourfulcolourful advice advice 短短语语归纳归纳1. 1. 需要做某事需要做某事 _ _ 2 2来吧,赶快来吧,赶快 _3. 3. 独立地,独自独立地,独自 _4 4为为欢呼欢呼 _5. 5. 在某人的支持下在某人的支持下 _6 6保重保重_need to do sthneed to do sth come on come on by oneself/on ones own by oneself/on ones own cheer forcheer for with ones support with ones support take care take care 第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测短短语语归纳归纳7. 7. 景点;名胜景点;名胜 _8 8计划做某事计划做某事 _9. 9. 保密保密 _1010对某人免费对某人免费 _1111前天前天 _1212代表;象征代表;象征 _ _ 1313对对着迷着迷 _1414用用填充填充/ /装满装满 _ _place of interestplace of interest plan to do sth plan to do sth keep it secret keep it secret be free for sb be free for sb the day before yesterday the day before yesterday stand for stand for be crazy about be crazy about fillfillwithwith 第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测短短语语归纳归纳15. 15. 一组,一群一组,一群 _1616一把剪刀一把剪刀 _17. 17. 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事 _1818用用造句造句 _19. 19. 在在的顶部的顶部 _2020收拾妥;整理好收拾妥;整理好 _21. 21. 弄错;弄错;( (机器机器) )出故障出故障 _2222将某物切成小块将某物切成小块 _23. 23. 到达到达 _2424最好做某事最好做某事 _2525例如例如 _ _ a group ofa group of a pair of scissors a pair of scissors advise sb to do sth advise sb to do sth make sentences withmake sentences with at/on the top ofat/on the top of tidy up tidy up go wrong go wrong cut sth into small pieces cut sth into small pieces arrive in/at arrive in/at had better do sth had better do sth for example for example 第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测短短语语归纳归纳2626不能相信我的眼睛不能相信我的眼睛 _2727伤到某人自己伤到某人自己 _2828张贴张贴 _2929付钱让某人做某事付钱让某人做某事 _3030参加参加的课程的课程 _ _ cant believe my eyescant believe my eyes hurt oneself hurt oneself put up put up pay sb to do sth pay sb to do sth take a course in take a course in 第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测句型句型再再现现1. 1. 昨天我坐船游览了著名的港湾大桥,途中经过了悉昨天我坐船游览了著名的港湾大桥,途中经过了悉 尼歌剧院。尼歌剧院。 Yesterday I _ under the famous Yesterday I _ under the famous Harbour Bridge and _ the Sydney Harbour Bridge and _ the Sydney Opera House.Opera House.2. 2. 我们所有人都迫不及待地要下车。我们所有人都迫不及待地要下车。 All of us _ the bus. All of us _ the bus. 3. 3. 但是这次旅途有点儿无聊,而且路上交通拥挤。但是这次旅途有点儿无聊,而且路上交通拥挤。 But the journey was _But the journey was _, and and there _ on the way.there _ on the way.took a boat triptook a boat trip went past went past couldnt wait to get off couldnt wait to get off a little boring a little boring 第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册was too much traffic was too much traffic 中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测句型句型再再现现4 4埃菲尔铁塔没有法国的真塔高。埃菲尔铁塔没有法国的真塔高。The Eiffel Tower is _ the real The Eiffel Tower is _ the real one in France.one in France.5.5.它们它们( (书书) )无法摆在上面,因为架子的一端比另一端要无法摆在上面,因为架子的一端比另一端要高得多!高得多!They couldnThey couldnt stay there because one end of the t stay there because one end of the shelf was _shelf was _!6 6你应该知道一点关于你应该知道一点关于DIYDIY的知识。的知识。You should _ DIY.You should _ DIY.not as tall asnot as tall as much higher than the other much higher than the other 第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测know a little about know a little about 句型句型再再现现7 7比赛于比赛于在月光镇举行。在月光镇举行。 The match_ onThe match_ onin Moonlight in Moonlight Town.Town.8 8进行进行DIYDIY时,你自己动手制作、修理或装饰东西,而时,你自己动手制作、修理或装饰东西,而 不是花钱请人来做。不是花钱请人来做。 When you do DIY, you make, repair or decorate When you do DIY, you make, repair or decorate things yourself _ payingsomeone to do it. things yourself _ payingsomeone to do it. 9 9现在,不仅客厅的墙,而且天花板和地板都成了蓝色现在,不仅客厅的墙,而且天花板和地板都成了蓝色的。的。 Now the living room has _ blue Now the living room has _ blue walls _ a blue ceiling and floor. walls _ a blue ceiling and floor. takes placetakes place第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测instead ofinstead ofnot only not only but also but also 句型句型再再现现1010一次,他试图在卧室装一盏更亮的灯,但是他犯了一次,他试图在卧室装一盏更亮的灯,但是他犯了一个错误。一个错误。 He once _ a brighter light in He once _ a brighter light in his bedroom, but he _his bedroom, but he _1111你的手表坏了。你最好买一只新的。你的手表坏了。你最好买一只新的。 Your watch _. You Your watch _. You _ a new one. _ a new one. 第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测tried to put intried to put in made a mistake made a mistakeis broken is broken had better buyhad better buy语语法法结结构构1.1.掌握掌握asasas as 的用法。的用法。2 2掌握反身代词的用法。掌握反身代词的用法。 详见详见P86P86,语法互动,语法互动( (三三)3 3掌握祈使句的用法。掌握祈使句的用法。 详见详见P110P110,语法互动,语法互动( (十三十三)4 4掌握用掌握用shouldshould和和had betterhad better提建议的方法。提建议的方法。 第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测A A 词词 汇汇 点点 睛睛1 interest 1 interest n.n. 令人感兴趣的事令人感兴趣的事( (或人或人) );兴趣;兴趣I have no interest in such things. I have no interest in such things. 我对这样的事不感兴趣。我对这样的事不感兴趣。【拓展拓展】 interest interest还可以作动词,意为还可以作动词,意为“使感兴趣使感兴趣”。American football doesnt interest me at all. American football doesnt interest me at all. 美式足球一点也提不起我的兴趣来。美式足球一点也提不起我的兴趣来。【搭配搭配】 be/become interested in be/become interested in 对对感兴趣感兴趣have an interest in have an interest in 对对有兴趣有兴趣have/feel/take no interest inhave/feel/take no interest in对对不感兴趣不感兴趣show (an) interest in show (an) interest in 对对表示关注表示关注( (有兴趣有兴趣) )take (an) interest in take (an) interest in 对对感兴趣感兴趣中考考点聚焦第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测2 cheer vi.& vt. 2 cheer vi.& vt. 欢呼,喝彩欢呼,喝彩 n. n. 欢呼声,喝彩声欢呼声,喝彩声【搭配搭配】 cheer up cheer up高兴起来;振奋起来;打起精神来高兴起来;振奋起来;打起精神来cheer sb up cheer sb up 让某人开心起来让某人开心起来cheer for sbcheer for sb为某人欢呼为某人欢呼Cheer up! The news isnt too bad. Cheer up! The news isnt too bad. 振作起来吧!消息还不算太糟糕。振作起来吧!消息还不算太糟糕。中考典例中考典例 【20162016贺州贺州】Dave failed in the singing competition. Dave failed in the singing competition. Hes very sad now. Lets go to _.Hes very sad now. Lets go to _.A Awake him up wake him up B. cheer him up B. cheer him up C. pick him up D. take him upC. pick him up D. take him up第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测B B3 not only3 not onlybut alsobut also 不但不但而且而且【点拨点拨】 not only not onlybut alsobut also意为意为“不但不但而且而且”,also also 可省略,用来连接两个并列的主语、谓语、表语、宾语、可省略,用来连接两个并列的主语、谓语、表语、宾语、状语等。连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词的数和离其最近的状语等。连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词的数和离其最近的主语的数保持一致,即遵循主语的数保持一致,即遵循“就近原则就近原则”。 Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of watching Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of watching television.television.不仅我,而且汤姆和玛丽也喜欢看电视。不仅我,而且汤姆和玛丽也喜欢看电视。 Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor.Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor. 莎士比亚不仅是一位作家,而且是一名演员。莎士比亚不仅是一位作家,而且是一名演员。 He is famous not only in China but also in the whole He is famous not only in China but also in the whole world. world. 他不仅在中国出名,而且在全世界出名。他不仅在中国出名,而且在全世界出名。第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测【拓展拓展】 either eitheroror意为意为“或者或者或者或者;不是;不是就是就是”;neitherneithernornor意为意为“既不既不也不也不”。它们连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词的数也遵循它们连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词的数也遵循“就近原就近原则则”。 Either you or I am going there tomorrow. Either you or I am going there tomorrow. 明天要么你去那里,要么我去那里。明天要么你去那里,要么我去那里。 Neither you nor she is good at drawing. Neither you nor she is good at drawing. 你和她都不擅长绘画。你和她都不擅长绘画。第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测中考典例中考典例 【20192019咸宁咸宁】What have you learnt after three What have you learnt after three years study in China, Maria?years study in China, Maria?I was taught _ knowledge _ good I was taught _ knowledge _ good manners.manners.A Aeither; oreither; orB Bnot only; but alsonot only; but alsoC Cneither; nor Dneither; nor Dnot; butnot; but第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测B B4 advise vt. & vi. 4 advise vt. & vi. 建议,忠告,劝告建议,忠告,劝告【点拨点拨】 advise sb to do sth advise sb to do sthadvise sbs doing sthadvise sbs doing sth,意为,意为“建议某人做某事建议某人做某事”。 He advised us to leave early.He advised us to leave early.He advised our He advised our leaving early.leaving early.他建议我们早点出发。他建议我们早点出发。【拓展拓展】 advise advise的名词形式为的名词形式为adviceadvice,意为,意为“建议,忠告建议,忠告”,为不可数名词;要表达,为不可数名词;要表达“在某方面的建议在某方面的建议”时,用介词时,用介词onon。 Could you give me some advice on how to keep fit?Could you give me some advice on how to keep fit? 你能给我一些关于如何保持健康的建议吗?你能给我一些关于如何保持健康的建议吗?第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测1 1 be be made made of, of, be be made made from, from, be be made made in, in, be be made made by, by, be be made intomade into和和be made up ofbe made up ofB B 巧辨异同巧辨异同第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测词词条条含含义义用法用法be made ofbe made of由由制成制成后接原材料,从成品可以看出原材料。后接原材料,从成品可以看出原材料。be made frombe made from由由制成制成后接原材料,从成品不能看出原材料。后接原材料,从成品不能看出原材料。be made inbe made in在在制造制造后接地点。后接地点。be made bybe made by由由制造制造后接某人。后接某人。be made intobe made into被制造成被制造成后接成品。后接成品。be made up of be made up of 由由组组成成后接人或物,指后接人或物,指结结构成分。构成分。 The desk is made of wood. The desk is made of wood. 这张书桌是由木材制成的。这张书桌是由木材制成的。 The paper is made from trees.The paper is made from trees.纸是由树制成的。纸是由树制成的。 This car is made in China. This car is made in China. 这辆轿车是在中国制造的。这辆轿车是在中国制造的。 The card is made by me. The card is made by me. 这张卡片是我做的。这张卡片是我做的。 The trees are made into paper. The trees are made into paper. 树被制成纸张。树被制成纸张。 The BRICS is made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China The BRICS is made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.and South Africa.“金砖国家金砖国家”由巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非组成。由巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非组成。第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测2 arrive2 arrive, get toget to和和reachreach第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测词词条条含含义义用法用法arrivearrive到达到达其后接地点名词作宾语时,常接介词其后接地点名词作宾语时,常接介词inin或或at, inat, in表示到达大地方,表示到达大地方,atat表示到达小地表示到达小地方。后若接地点副词,则不需要加介词。方。后若接地点副词,则不需要加介词。 get toget to为及物动词词组,常用在口语中。其后若为及物动词词组,常用在口语中。其后若接地点副词,则不用介词接地点副词,则不用介词toto。 reachreach及物动词,其后直接跟宾语。及物动词,其后直接跟宾语。 The train arrived in/got to/reached Beijing The train arrived in/got to/reached Beijing ten minutes ago. ten minutes ago. 火车火车1010分钟前到达了北京。分钟前到达了北京。1 All of us couldnt wait to get off the bus.1 All of us couldnt wait to get off the bus. 我们所有人都迫不及待地要下车。我们所有人都迫不及待地要下车。 【点拨点拨】 (1)cant wait to do sth (1)cant wait to do sth 意为意为“迫不及待地做某迫不及待地做某事事”。此结构形式上是否定的,但表达的意思是肯定的。此结构形式上是否定的,但表达的意思是肯定的。 Tom cant wait to go home after school.Tom cant wait to go home after school. 放学后,汤姆迫不及待地想回家。放学后,汤姆迫不及待地想回家。 (2)get off (2)get off 意为意为“下车下车( (公交车公交车/ /火车火车) )”,其反义短语为,其反义短语为get get onon,意为,意为“上车上车( (公交车公交车/ /火车火车) )”。get in/into get in/into 意为意为“上车上车( (轿车轿车/ /出租车出租车) )”,其反义短语为,其反义短语为get out ofget out of,意为,意为“下车下车( (轿轿车车/ /出租车出租车) )”。C C 句句 型型 透透 视视第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 When I got the present from my good friend, I couldnt When I got the present from my good friend, I couldnt wait _ (open) it.wait _ (open) it.第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测to opento open 2 2 but he hit a pipe and filled the room with but he hit a pipe and filled the room with water.water.但他敲裂了一根水管,弄得房间里到处是水。但他敲裂了一根水管,弄得房间里到处是水。 【点拨点拨】 fill fillwithwith意为意为“用用装满装满”。 He filled the bowl with water. He filled the bowl with water. 他把碗装满了水。他把碗装满了水。 【拓展拓展】 be filled with be filled withbe full ofbe full of,意为,意为“充满充满”,前者强调动态的过程,后者强调状态。前者强调动态的过程,后者强调状态。 This room is full of people. This room is full of people. 这个房间里满是人。这个房间里满是人。 The bottle is filled with water. The bottle is filled with water. 那个瓶子里装满了水。那个瓶子里装满了水。第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测 3 Youd better get some tools. 3 Youd better get some tools. 你最好拿一些工具。你最好拿一些工具。【点拨点拨】 “Youd betterYoud better”意为意为“你最好你最好”,后接动词,后接动词原形,表示提建议,其否定形式是在动词原形前加原形,表示提建议,其否定形式是在动词原形前加not, not, 即即“Youd better notYoud better not”,意为,意为“你最好不要你最好不要”。 Youd better go there by taxi. Youd better go there by taxi. 你最好乘出租车去那里。你最好乘出租车去那里。 Youd better not be late next time. Youd better not be late next time. 下次你最好不要迟到了。下次你最好不要迟到了。【注意注意】 had better had better句型变反意疑问句时,疑问部分用句型变反意疑问句时,疑问部分用hadhad。 Youd better work harder, hadnt you? Youd better work harder, hadnt you? 你最好更加努力学习,好不好?你最好更加努力学习,好不好?第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1 1Linda and her friends enjoyed _ (they) on Linda and her friends enjoyed _ (they) on the Great Wall yesterday.the Great Wall yesterday.2 2She had to stay at home instead of _ (go) She had to stay at home instead of _ (go) swimming because it was very cold outside.swimming because it was very cold outside.3 3Its _ (possible) for me to finish the Its _ (possible) for me to finish the hard work in ten minutes. Can you help me?hard work in ten minutes. Can you help me?4 4Experts advised us _ (not keep) the Experts advised us _ (not keep) the windows open all the time on hazy(windows open all the time on hazy(雾霾雾霾) days.) days.5 5Dont _ (drop) litter everywhere. Always Dont _ (drop) litter everywhere. Always keep our school clean.keep our school clean.themselves themselves going going impossible impossible not to keep not to keep drop drop 当堂效果检测第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1 1到达北京之后,他首先参观了一些名胜。到达北京之后,他首先参观了一些名胜。 After heAfter he Beijing, he Beijing, he visited some visited some first.first.2 2你已经工作几个小时了,你最好停下来休息一会儿。你已经工作几个小时了,你最好停下来休息一会儿。 You _ for several hours. You You _ for several hours. You _ to have a rest._ to have a rest.3 3我和尼克都对这次汽车展览没有兴趣。我和尼克都对这次汽车展览没有兴趣。 _ Nick _ I _ the car _ Nick _ I _ the car exhibition.exhibition.arrived in/got to/reachedarrived in/got to/reached places of interestplaces of interest第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测have worked have worked had better stop had better stopNeither Neither nor nor am interested in am interested in 4 4我们迫不及待地想知道考试结果。我们迫不及待地想知道考试结果。 We _ know _ the We _ know _ the exam.exam.5 5格林先生建议我们写日记,他的建议有利于我们的写作。格林先生建议我们写日记,他的建议有利于我们的写作。 Mr Green _ keep a diary. His Mr Green _ keep a diary. His suggestion is _ our writing.suggestion is _ our writing.cant wait tocant wait to the result of the result of advises us to advises us to 第6课时 Units 34 八年级上册中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦课前自学反馈课前自学反馈当堂效果检测当堂效果检测 good for good for
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