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Unit Unit 2 2 Whats the matter?Whats the matter? 崔家桥中学崔家桥中学崔家桥中学崔家桥中学 熊纯熊纯熊纯熊纯 一、根据句意,完成下列句子。一、根据句意,完成下列句子。1 1、-Whats the matter?-Whats the matter? -I _ _ _. -I _ _ _.(受凉,感冒)(受凉,感冒)2 2、If someone _ _ _,he is very anxious.(If someone _ _ _,he is very anxious.(紧张的,压力大的)紧张的,压力大的)3 3、Im not feeling well _ _ _.Im not feeling well _ _ _.(此刻,现在)(此刻,现在)4 4、Could you _ _ _ _ on improving my English?Could you _ _ _ _ on improving my English?(提一些建(提一些建议)议) .advice.advice是不可数名词是不可数名词, ,因此没有复数形式因此没有复数形式; ; 如要表示一条建议,只能说如要表示一条建议,只能说 a a piece of advice ( an advice X ); piece of advice ( an advice X ); 表示数量只能用表示数量只能用much,a lot of,somemuch,a lot of,some等词等词修饰。修饰。表示建议的另一个词是表示建议的另一个词是suggestion,suggestion,它是可数名词。它是可数名词。advice & suggestionadvice & suggestionhave a coldhave a coldis strssed outis strssed outat the momentat the momentgive me some advice give me some advice 1.1.ago & beforeago & beforeI saw Tom three days ago.I saw Tom three days ago.He said they had left five days before. He said they had left five days before. I visited him three days ago, but he had gone to Shanghai a week beforeI visited him three days ago, but he had gone to Shanghai a week before我三天前去访问他,但他一周前到上海去了。我三天前去访问他,但他一周前到上海去了。 I have never seen Tom before.I have never seen Tom before.Call me before noon.Call me before noon.He looked through the passage before he answered the questions. He looked through the passage before he answered the questions. 都表示都表示“ “以前以前” ”。 ago ago 从现在向前回溯,即现在的过去,因此通常与一般过去时连用;从现在向前回溯,即现在的过去,因此通常与一般过去时连用;而而 before before 则从过去向前回溯,即指过去的过去,因此通常与过去完成时连用则从过去向前回溯,即指过去的过去,因此通常与过去完成时连用( (尤其用于尤其用于宾语从句中宾语从句中) )。如:例如:。如:例如:His parents died ten years agoHis parents died ten years ago他父母十年前都去世了。他父母十年前都去世了。 He said that his parents had died ten years beforeHe said that his parents had died ten years before他说他父母亲十年前都去世了。他说他父母亲十年前都去世了。beforebefore可以和完成时态连用,也常常与可以和完成时态连用,也常常与nevernever连用,表示在早先或过去的某时间连用,表示在早先或过去的某时间.( .(以前以前) )例如:例如:He has never seen the film before. He has never seen the film before. 他以前从未看过这部电影。他以前从未看过这部电影。beforebefore可以单独使用,可以单独使用,agoago必须与别的表示时间的词连用。例如:必须与别的表示时间的词连用。例如:I have read the book before.I have read the book before.我以前读过它。我以前读过它。I read it 3 years ago.I read it 3 years ago.我三年以前读了它。我三年以前读了它。表示在某一点时间或事件以前时,只用表示在某一点时间或事件以前时,只用beforebefore不用不用agoago,这种用法是将,这种用法是将beforebefore当作介当作介词或连词使用。词或连词使用。agoago不具有这一功能。如:不具有这一功能。如: They will come back before six oclockThey will come back before six oclock It is hoped that this will be finished It is hoped that this will be finished before the year 1995before the year 1995希望这件工作将在希望这件工作将在19951995年以前完成。年以前完成。 ExercisesExercises1 1、 MrSmithexplainedthatTomhadtoldhimabouthispast_.MrSmithexplainedthatTomhadtoldhimabouthispast_.A.threeweeksago B.beforethreeweeksA.threeweeksago B.beforethreeweeksC.since three weeks D.three weeks before C.since three weeks D.three weeks before 2 2、Have you been there _?Have you been there _?3 3、He bought a violin a week _. He bought a violin a week _. 4 4、From his letter I knew that he had bought a violin a week _.From his letter I knew that he had bought a violin a week _.5 5、I have heard the man _. I have heard the man _. D Dbeforebeforeagoagobeforebeforebeforebefore2. ill & illness2. ill & illnessHisillnessadded to the familys troubles. Hisillnessadded to the familys troubles. I am very sorry to hear of herillness. I am very sorry to hear of herillness. He looksillthese days. He looksillthese days. I am ill and dont feel well today.I am ill and dont feel well today.3.so3.so的用法的用法的用法的用法 Youve got a fever,you should lie down and have a rest. Youve got a fever,you should lie down and have a rest. Yes,I think so. Yes,I think so. Will it be fine tomorrow? Will it be fine tomorrow?明天天气会好吗?明天天气会好吗? I hope so.I hope so.但愿如此。但愿如此。 Are you late?Are you late? Im afraid so. Im afraid so. ( Could you please lend me your dictionary? Im afraid not.) ( Could you please lend me your dictionary? Im afraid not.)代词,这样,如此代词,这样,如此I am so glad to see you.I am so glad to see you. Dont walk so fast. Dont walk so fast. Why are you so late? Why are you so late?可用在可用在“ “so + so + 形容词形容词/ /副词副词 + that + + that + 从句从句” ”中中这个袋子太重了,我拿不动。这个袋子太重了,我拿不动。天气太热了,我吃了很多冰激凌。天气太热了,我吃了很多冰激凌。他太小了不能去上学。他太小了不能去上学。雨下得很大,我们不得不待在家里。雨下得很大,我们不得不待在家里。我高兴地跳了起来。我高兴地跳了起来。他气得说不出话来。他气得说不出话来。他们玩得如此高兴以至于忘了时间。他们玩得如此高兴以至于忘了时间。他吃得太多了,因此长得越来越胖。他吃得太多了,因此长得越来越胖。刘翔跑得很快,没有人赶得上他。刘翔跑得很快,没有人赶得上他。副词,如此,这样,很,非常副词,如此,这样,很,非常The bag is so heavy that I cant carry it.The bag is so heavy that I cant carry it.It is so hot that I ate so much ice-cream.It is so hot that I ate so much ice-cream.He is so young that he cant go to school.He is so young that he cant go to school.It is raining heavily that we have to stay at home.It is raining heavily that we have to stay at home.I was so happy that I jumped up.I was so happy that I jumped up.He was so angry that he couldnt say a word.He was so angry that he couldnt say a word.They played so happily that they forgot the time.They played so happily that they forgot the time.He eats so much that he gets fatter and He eats so much that he gets fatter and fatter.fatter.Liu Xiang runs so fast that no one can catch up with him.Liu Xiang runs so fast that no one can catch up with him.Anot so + Anot so + 形容词形容词 / / 副词副词 + as B A+ as B A不如不如B (not as+as)B (not as+as)I think maths is not so easy as P.E.I think maths is not so easy as P.E.He is not so tall as Tom.He is not so tall as Tom.It is not so good as I thought.It is not so good as I thought.It is not so hot in Beijing as in Wuhan.It is not so hot in Beijing as in Wuhan.so+so+助系情助系情+主语;主语;Imastudentandsoishe.Imastudentandsoishe.Carol is very pretty and so is her sister.Carol is very pretty and so is her sister.ShecanswimandsocanI.ShecanswimandsocanI.I have been to Beijing and so has my friend Tim.I have been to Beijing and so has my friend Tim.Lucy will go on a holiday and so will Lily.Lucy will go on a holiday and so will Lily.IlikeChinesefoodandsodomyparents.IlikeChinesefoodandsodomyparents.DickspeaksFrenchandsodoeshisbrother.DickspeaksFrenchandsodoeshisbrother.I went to the park yesterday and so did my classmates.I went to the park yesterday and so did my classmates.Idontlikeplayingfootballandneither/nordoeshe.Idontlikeplayingfootballandneither/nordoeshe.表示前句叙述的情况也同样适合于后者,表示前句叙述的情况也同样适合于后者,“ “也(怎么样)也(怎么样)” ”(此结构中前后主语不(此结构中前后主语不同,时态一致)。同,时态一致)。so+so+主语主语+ +助系情;助系情;A:Tomorrow is a holiday.A:Tomorrow is a holiday.B:So it is.B:So it is.A:You looked very tired.A:You looked very tired.B: So I did.B: So I did.A: Hua Chenyu sang very well in the Happy Boy.A: Hua Chenyu sang very well in the Happy Boy.B: So he did.B: So he did.A:Tonyworksveryhardatallthesubjects.A:Tonyworksveryhardatallthesubjects.B:Sohedoes. B:Sohedoes. 表示前者所说内容,表示前者所说内容,“ “确实如此确实如此” ”,对前面提到的肯定事实予以确认,对前面提到的肯定事实予以确认,表示乙赞同甲的话(此结构中前后主语一致,时态一致)。表示乙赞同甲的话(此结构中前后主语一致,时态一致)。 Speakclearly,sotheymayunderstandyou.Speakclearly,sotheymayunderstandyou.Ididntgotobeduntilelevenlastnight,soIgotuplatIdidntgotobeduntilelevenlastnight,soIgotuplate.e.Itwaslate,soIwenthome.Itwaslate,soIwenthome.Theshopisclosed,soIcantbuythebread.Theshopisclosed,soIcantbuythebread.连词,所以,结果是连词,所以,结果是and soand so on on 诸如此类,等等诸如此类,等等WestudyPolitics,Chinese,Englishandsoon.WestudyPolitics,Chinese,Englishandsoon. 我们学政治、中文、英文等等。我们学政治、中文、英文等等。1.A:Tom doesnt like this one.1.A:Tom doesnt like this one.B:_.B:_.A. So am I B. So do I C. Neither do I D. Neither am IA. So am I B. So do I C. Neither do I D. Neither am I分析:此句考查了分析:此句考查了NeitherNeither,倒装句。因为前面句子为否定句,故用,倒装句。因为前面句子为否定句,故用Neither +Neither +助动词助动词/ /情态动词情态动词/ /系动词系动词+ +另一人称。表示另一人称也不这样,又因句子助动词为另一人称。表示另一人称也不这样,又因句子助动词为dodo。故选。故选 C C。答案为:答案为: C C2.He went to school on foot yesterday,_. 2.He went to school on foot yesterday,_. A. So do I B. So did I C. Neither do I D. Neither did IA. So do I B. So did I C. Neither do I D. Neither did I4.-I usually go to bed late at night. And you?4.-I usually go to bed late at night. And you?(20052005福州中考题)福州中考题) -_.-_.A. So I doB. So do IC. So am ID. So I amA. So I doB. So do IC. So am ID. So I am3.You cant speak Japanese._.3.You cant speak Japanese._.A. So can IB. Nor I doC. So I doD. Neither can IA. So can IB. Nor I doC. So I doD. Neither can I5. You arent allowed to smoke here. _ they.5. You arent allowed to smoke here. _ they.A. So do B. Neither do C. So arent D. Nor are A. So do B. Neither do C. So arent D. Nor are 7.A:Dad,could you buy me a computer like this?7.A:Dad,could you buy me a computer like this?B: Yes,we can buy _ one than this,but _ it.B: Yes,we can buy _ one than this,but _ it.A.A.a better,better than B. a popular,as good as a better,better than B. a popular,as good as B.B.C. a more popular,not as good as D. a cheaper,as good asC. a more popular,not as good as D. a cheaper,as good as8. The boy is _ clever that everybody _ him. 8. The boy is _ clever that everybody _ him. 【20112011湖北恩施湖北恩施】A. suchA. such; likes B. solikes B. so; likes C. solikes C. so; likelike9.Theproblems are_.Itisfarfrombeingsettled.9.Theproblems are_.Itisfarfrombeingsettled.A.A.as easy as you think B. not so easy as you thinkas easy as you think B. not so easy as you thinkB.B.C. so easy as you thinkC. so easy as you think6.She runs very fast, _ _ _. 6.She runs very fast, _ _ _. 她跑得很快,的确如此。她跑得很快,的确如此。10.Travelling by air may be_,but not so _.10.Travelling by air may be_,but not so _.A.A.quicker,cheaper B. more quickly,cheaperquicker,cheaper B. more quickly,cheaperB.B.C. quicker,cheap D.more quickly,cheapC. quicker,cheap D.more quickly,cheap4. until/till 4. until/till 的用法的用法的用法的用法延续性动词用于肯定句,表示延续性动词用于肯定句,表示“ “做做直到直到”He slept until 10 oclock.He slept until 10 oclock.I waited until midnight.I waited until midnight.He watched TV until I called him.He watched TV until I called him.非延续性动词用于否定句,表示非延续性动词用于否定句,表示“ “直到直到才才”等到你过生日那天再打开等到你过生日那天再打开 。她八点钟才睡觉。她八点钟才睡觉。 直到车停了,我们才下了公交车。直到车停了,我们才下了公交车。直到昨天我才记起这事。直到昨天我才记起这事。 直到电影开始她才到。直到电影开始她才到。 她不说话我还一直不知道她是个外国人。她不说话我还一直不知道她是个外国人。Dont open it until your birthday.Dont open it until your birthday.She didnt go to sleep until 8 oclock.She didnt go to sleep until 8 oclock.We didnt get off the bus until it stopped.We didnt get off the bus until it stopped.I didnt remember it until yesterday.I didnt remember it until yesterday.She didnt arrive until the film began.She didnt arrive until the film began.I didnt realize she was a foreigner until she spoke.I didnt realize she was a foreigner until she spoke.5. maybe & may be5. maybe & may beI like to drink coffee,so maybe Im not healthy.I like to drink coffee,so maybe Im not healthy.I may be not healthy.I may be not healthy.He may be in the office.He may be in the office.Maybe he is in the office.Maybe he is in the office.maybe maybe 副词,意为副词,意为“ “可能可能” ”、“ “也许也许” ”,通常用于句首,有时也放在句中或句末;,通常用于句首,有时也放在句中或句末;may may be be 是情态动词是情态动词“ “may”may”加动词加动词“ “be”be”,意为,意为“ “可能是可能是” ”、“ “可能在可能在” ”等。比较以下各组句子,等。比较以下各组句子,含义相同,但结构不同:含义相同,但结构不同:你也许是对的。你也许是对的。正:正:Maybe you are right.Maybe you are right.正:正:You may be right.You may be right.他可能迷路了。他可能迷路了。正:正:Maybe he has lost the way.Maybe he has lost the way.正:正:He may have lost the way.He may have lost the way. 副词副词 maybe maybe 可单独用作答语,但可单独用作答语,但 may be may be 不能这样用。如:不能这样用。如:A A:Do you think hell come back? Do you think hell come back? 你认为他会回来吗你认为他会回来吗? ?B B:Maybe. (Maybe not.) Maybe. (Maybe not.) 也许会回来吧也许会回来吧( (也许不会回来吧也许不会回来吧) )。一、短语一、短语1. 1.受凉、感冒受凉、感冒2.2.紧张的、压力大的紧张的、压力大的3.3.此刻,现在此刻,现在4.4.提建议提建议二、词意与辨析二、词意与辨析1. 1.建议建议2.ago/before2.ago/before3.ill/illness3.ill/illness4.so4.so的用法的用法5.maybe / may be5.maybe / may be 一、用一、用agoago和和beforebefore填空。填空。 1 1Irememberseeingyousomewhere2years_.Irememberseeingyousomewhere2years_.22Ihavereadthenovel_.Ihavereadthenovel_.33ShesaidshehadmetTomtwodays_.ShesaidshehadmetTomtwodays_.44Shehasbeenthere3years_.Shehasbeenthere3years_.55Howlong_didyougettoknowher?Howlong_didyougettoknowher?二、试译下列句子:二、试译下列句子:1. 1. 等到我打电话来为止。等到我打电话来为止。2. 2. 我们会等到汤姆来后才出发。我们会等到汤姆来后才出发。3. 3. 他们一直谈到天亮。他们一直谈到天亮。4. 4. 她六点才到。她六点才到。5. 5. 接到指示后你才可离开这幢房子。接到指示后你才可离开这幢房子。三、用三、用maybe / may be /may maybe / may be /may 填空并翻译句子。填空并翻译句子。1 1、_theywontcomeheretonight. _theywontcomeheretonight. 2 2、Yourpen_inoneofyourpockets.Yourpen_inoneofyourpockets.3 3、_yourpenisinoneofyourpockets.yourpenisinoneofyourpockets.4 4、 _shell come this afternoon. shell come this afternoon. 5 5、You _ call him Tony,but you cant call him Sir.You _ call him Tony,but you cant call him Sir.6 6、 _ you put the pen in your bag. _ you put the pen in your bag. 7 7、 I cant find my watch. It _ in your pocket. I cant find my watch. It _ in your pocket. 8 8、He _ come,or he _ not.He _ come,or he _ not. 二、试译下列句子:二、试译下列句子:1. Wait until I call.1. Wait until I call.2. We wont start until Tom comes.2. We wont start until Tom comes.3. They talked until dawn.3. They talked until dawn.4. She didnt arrive until 6 oclock.4. She didnt arrive until 6 oclock.5. Dont leave the building until youre instructed to do so.5. Dont leave the building until youre instructed to do so.Key:Key:1. 1. 等到我打电话来为止。等到我打电话来为止。2. 2. 我们会等到汤姆来后才出发。我们会等到汤姆来后才出发。3. 3. 他们一直谈到天亮。他们一直谈到天亮。4. 4. 她六点才到。她六点才到。5. 5. 接到指示后你才可离开这幢房子。接到指示后你才可离开这幢房子。Maybetheywontcomeheretonight. Maybetheywontcomeheretonight. Yourpenmaybeinoneofyourpockets.Yourpenmaybeinoneofyourpockets. Maybeyourpenisinoneofyourpockets.Maybeyourpenisinoneofyourpockets.Maybe shell come this afternoon. Maybe shell come this afternoon. 她可能今天下午来。她可能今天下午来。 Maybe you put the Maybe you put the pen in your bay. pen in your bay. 大概你把笔放在包里了。大概你把笔放在包里了。 在在may bemay be中,中,maymay是情态动词,是情态动词,bebe是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语形成系表结构,意为是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语形成系表结构,意为“ “也许是、也许是、可能是可能是” ”。 I cant find my watch. It may be in your pocket. I cant find my watch. It may be in your pocket. Thank you Thank you for for listening! listening!
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