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Approaching WorkplaceWorkplace CommunicationMini Text TextGrammar ReviewApplied WritingSyndicate ActivitiesTask 1Discuss the following diagrams with your neighbor and tell how sales happen in each channel. Approaching WorkplaceBackBackThe manufacturer sells its products to wholesalers, and then the wholesalers resell the products to retailers, finally the retailers sells the products to consumers.The manufacturer sells its products retailers, and then the retailers resell them to consumers.The manufacturer sells its products directly to consumers.Work in pairs and answer the following questions.1. As a consumer, whom do you usually buy goods from?2. Can you find out the differences between the three distribution channels?Task 2I usually buy goods from the retailer.Distribution Channel 1: The manufacturer sells its products directly to consumers.Distribution Channel 2: The manufacturer sells its products retailers, and then the retailers resell them to consumers.Distribution Channel 3: The manufacturer sells its products to wholesalers, and then the wholesalers resell the products to retailers, finally the retailers sells the products to consumers.Back3. How does the retailer operate as you know?4. How does the wholesaler operate?5. If you were the manufacturer, which channel would you like to use? Why?Task 2I guess the retailer purchases goods from the manufacturer and then sells them to the consumers.I think the wholesaler purchases goods from the producer and then resells them to the retailer.BackI may choose the third channel because it can save time and labor.Workplace CommunicationBack You will hear five statements. Listen to them carefully and match each statement with the corresponding picture.Statements 1 2 3 4 5PicturesbadceBack Listen to the statements again and decide whether these sentences are “Right” or “Wrong”. If there is not enough information to choose “Right” or “Wrong”, choose “Not mentioned”.1. Wal-Mart is an American retailer, selling goods to consumers directly. a. Right. b. Wrong. c. Not mentioned.2. As a modern wholesaler, Metro serves about one million retailers around the world. a. Right. b. Wrong. c. Not mentioned.Back3. Unilever sells its products directly to consumers. a. Right. b. Wrong. c. Not mentioned.4. Most of consumers buy their daily necessities from retailers such as Carrefour. a. Right.b. Wrong. c. Not mentioned.5. 7-Eleven is an international retailing chain store, serving 24 hours on weekdays. a. Right.b. Wrong.c. Not mentioned.Scripts BackUse the Right WordChoose the right phrase from the box and complete the following flow charts.BackSelling Activitiesdistribute to sell to resell to purchase from buy fromdistributes tosells toresells toUse the Right WordChoose the right phrase from the box and complete the following flow charts.Backdistribute to sell to resell to purchase from buy frombuy frompurchases fromBuying Activitiespurchases fromListening InSituation: Tom and Mary are employees from a famous smart phone manufacturer. They are talking about the distribution channels.Listen to the model dialogue and fill in the blanks with what you hear.BackModel DialogueMary: Tom, could you tell me what _ are used more often nowadays?Tom: I think, mainly two channels. One is that the manufacturer _ consumers through retailers; the other is that goods are sold through wholesalers to retailers, and then the retailers resell them to consumers. Mary: What is the benefit of the _?Tom: You know, with the wholesaler, the manufacturer can save a large amount of time and labor. Meanwhile, the wholesaler can _ and administration costs for the manufacturer. Mary: Yes. Then what channels do we use?Tom: We use both of them. 65% of our products are sold through the _ and 35% through the wholesale channel.Mary: Understood. Thanks.distribution channelssells goods tosave storage costsretail channelwholesale channelBackListen to the model dialogue again and check your answers. Then practice the dialogue and try to role-play it with your partner. When you role-play it, you are expected to use the Mind Map below, but do NOT look at the model dialogue. Speaking OutScripts BackBackListen to the dialogue and fill in the missing information on the following Mind Map.Situation: Jenny is an employee in Wal-Mart. She is talking with her friend Mark about Wal-Mart and Sams. Listening InBack8500 Wal-MartstoresretailerwholesalerretailersBackdirectly to consumersListen to the dialogue again and check your answers. Then role-play it with your partner by using the above Mind Map.Speaking OutScripts BackTask 1Read the following Mini Text and find the word or expression that matches the context meaning given.a) _ : to take part in a particular activityb) _ : a connection made between two or more thingsc) _ : to look after someoned) _ : a shop, business, or an organizatione) _ : a person or company that does business for another person or companyf) _ : a person or company that buys things from producers and sells them to customers at a profit be engaged in linkageattend establishmentagent middlemanMini TextBackWholesaler and Retailer A wholesaler is a type of middlemen between the producers and retailers. They generally sell goods to the retailers, industrial consumers and professional users. There are two types of wholesalers like manufacturer agents and merchant wholesalers. The manufacturer agents and merchant wholesalers sell goods in small quantities to the retailers who serve the final consumers. A retailer is the last linkage in the channel of distribution between the producers and the consumers. The establishment engaged in selling goods for personal consumption is known as retail trade. The retailers have close contact with the customers or consumers because they attend them personally. Retailing establishment is an old age business and is found in every area of the country.1Back2Word TipsNotesWork with your partner and answer the following questions according to the Mini Text.Task 2Pair Work1. What is the wholesalers role between producers and retailers? 2. Whom do wholesalers sell goods to?Middleman.Wholesalers sell goods to the retailers, industrial consumers and professional users.BackPair Work3. How many types of wholesalers? What are they? 4. What is retail trade engaged in? 5. Why do the retailers have close contact with the customers or consumers? There are two types of wholesalers like manufacturer agents and merchant wholesalers.Retail trade is engaged in selling goods for personal consumption.Because retailers attend customers or consumers personally.BackReading TextReady to Go!Comprehension Task 1Task 2TranslationTask 1Task 2Vocabulary Task 1Task 2TextBackNew Wordsconsumern.消费者,用户Manufacturern.制造商,厂商distributev.分送,配送wholesalern.批发商retailern.零售商resellv.转售,再销售situatev.使位于resortn.度假地;游览胜地obtainv.获得occupyv.占用;占有warehousen.仓库,货仓cash-and-carryn.(可以进行低价大宗购物的)现付自运商店criticismn.批评,批判;指责time-consumingadj.耗时的;花费大量时间的channelv.输送;传送administrationn.管理;经营reductionn.减少,缩小;降低general store杂货店place ones order下订单,订货come in for遭到(批评等)result from源于;因而发生in terms of就而言;在方面 Phrases and ExpressionsReady to go!Distribution ChannelsI. Two ways for a manufacturer to distribute goods: A. directly to the final consumer; B. through wholesalers or _ .II. Roys ways of dealing with wholesalers: A. to place his orders with _ ; B. to visit wholesale warehouses and buy goods in the way of cash-and-carry. Skim the text for the key points and fill in the outline with necessary information. retailerswholesalers sales repsReading TextBackReady to go!III. Wholesalers Role: a middleman between _ ; Criticism (Disadvantage): _ ; Advantages: 1. to save time and labor for retailers; 2. to save transport costs and administration costs for _ _ ; 3. to save warehouse rent and labor costs both for manufacturers and retailers. manufacturers and retailersThey increase costs of goodsmanufacturersReading TextBack Distribution Channels Goods reach the consumer by a number of routes. A manufacturer can distribute the goods to the final consumers directly, or through wholesalers, or retailers. Wholesalers purchase goods from manufacturers and then resell them, often to retailers. Retailers sell goods to the final consumers. Roy Goldman owns a general store situated in a busy holiday resort in the South of England. As a retailer, Roy sells a wide range of goods. Although the shop is a very busy one, Roy does not stock large quantities of any one type of goods, and this means that he obtains few of his goods direct from the manufacturer.1212Back3 In fact, most of Roys orders are placed with wholesalers. The wholesaler occupies a place between the manufacturer and retailer and is therefore sometimes known as a “middleman”. Roy deals with wholesalers in a number of different ways; in some cases, particularly for tobacco, cigarettes, sweets and chocolate, he places his orders with wholesalers sales reps who visit his shop from time to time. For other goods he will visit wholesale warehouses, select what he feels will sell well and then place orders. As the term “cash-and-carry” suggests, he pays for the goods and takes them away on the same day. Wholesalers have come in for criticism because some argue that they increase costs of goods since they occupy a stage in the process of goods reaching the consumers. In fact, they play an important part in the process of goods distribution.34Back4567 Retailers may wish to order goods from large numbers of manufacturers and this would surely be very time-consuming. By channeling orders through a wholesaler, the retailer needs to contact only one source for most of his goods. On the other hand, by selling a lot of goods to one source, the manufacturer can save transport costs and administration costs. The following figure shows the reduction in the number of contacts which results from the presence of a wholesaler, and how a wholesaler helps manufacturers save transport and administrative costs. 589MMRRRMMRRRWholesalerM Manufacturers R Retailers Back 76 As mentioned above, Roy does not stock large quantities of any one type of goods and often goes to the wholesale warehouses for his goods, and this means the wholesaler will often store his goods in warehouses. These are expensive in terms of rent and labor and these costs are also saved by the retailer and manufacturer. The wholesaler provides one link in the chain of goods distribution. As we have seen, the wholesaler performs important functions for both manufacturers and retailers. He is paid for these services, though these payments add to costs. 7BackTask 11. How does a manufacturer distribute the goods to the final consumers? 2. How does Roy deal with the wholesalers?ComprehensionWork in pairs and answer the following questions according to the Text.A manufacturer can distribute the goods to the final consumers directly, or through retailers and / or wholesalers.He places his orders with wholesalers sales reps who visit his shop from time to time, or visit wholesale warehouses and do cash-and-carry.BackTask 13. What is the wholesalers role in the distribution channel? 4. Whats the criticism for wholesalers?ComprehensionA wholesaler is a middleman between manufacturers and retailers. He purchase goods from manufacturers and resell them to retailers.Some people say wholesalers increase costs of goods.BackTask 15. What are the advantages of wholesalers?ComprehensionThey have three advantages:1) to save time and labor for retailers ; 2) to save transport costs and administration costs for manufacturers; 3) to save warehouse rent and labor costs both for manufacturers and retailers.BackTask 21. Whom do the wholesalers often resell goods to? a. Final consumers.b. Retailers. c. Manufacturers.d. Roy.2. What is the context meaning of the underlined word in “this means that he obtains few of his goods direct from the manufacturer”? a. sells b. resells c. buys d. distributesComprehensionChoose the best answer to the following questions.Back3. Why is the wholesaler sometimes known as a “middleman”? a. Because the wholesaler will often store his goods in warehouses. b. Because the wholesaler increases costs of goods. c. Because the wholesaler occupies a place between the manufacturer and retailer. d. Because the wholesaler is very important.4. By channeling orders through a wholesaler, how many sources does the retailer need to contact for most of his goods? a. Two. b. Several. c. Only one.d. Not mentioned.BackTask 2Comprehension5. What will happen to the number of business contacts without the presence of a wholesaler? a. No change. b. Reduced. c. Increased. d. Unknown.6. Whats the authors attitude towards wholesalers? a. Positive. b. Negative. c. Suspicious. d. Dissatisfied.BackTask 2ComprehensionMaking Distribution ModelsSyndicate ActivitiesBackWork in groups. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of direct sales and indirect sales, and then complete the form below.Action OneNote: Indirect Sales refers to a manufacturers selling and distributing products or services by a third-party, such as a distributor or wholesaler, rather than a companys personnel.BackDistribution MethodsAdvantagesDisadvantagesDirect Sales better customer service; better implementation of price policy; better control of market; better understanding of customer needs as closer to market better feedback from market & customers develop business slower increase company cash cost; increase transport costs & administration costs increase warehouse rent & labor increase personnel and equipment costAction OneBackDistribution MethodsAdvantagesDisadvantagesIndirect Sales help operate business on a larger scale and gain more market share; help expand business faster; save transport costs & administration costs for the manufacturer; save warehouse rent & labor for the retailer and manufacturer; businesses dont have to employ more staff or bear more personnel costs increase costs of goods; easily lose control over price; may offer poorer customer service; lead to worse competition if not managed wellAction TwoBackKoofood is a company that makes snack foods (休闲食品) including potato chips, sweets and biscuits. The company started up three years ago, and the business is growing quite well. Now the company wants to develop quickly and gain more market share. They want to change their existing direct sales model into a new distribution model, in which they keep direct sales to some key accounts and use wholesalers to serve most of retailers.Company ProfileWork in groups and make a new distribution model for Koofood Company according to the following company profile.Action TwoBackKoofoods Existing Distribution ModelAction TwoBackKoofoods New Distribution ModelWholesalersSmall StoresOnline ShopsKey Accounts(Super Stores)Koofood CompanyConsumersConsumersConsumersConsumersChain Convenience StoresWholesalersTask 1VocabularyMatch the following vocabulary items with their definitions, referring to the Text for clues.BackTask 2VocabularyFill in the blanks with the words or expressions given in the box. Change the form where necessary.distributeresellobtainoccupycriticismresult fromthroughreduction1. _ hard work and determination the team has achieved remarkable success. 2. Storekeepers bought them in bulk and _ them for $150 each.3. Plans for the new road have drawn fierce _ from local people.4. Her blindness of both eyes _ a traffic accident.Throughresold criticism resulted fromBackTask 2Vocabulary5. She has to _ her parents permission before she does anything. 6. We didnt understand how difficult it was to _ a national paper.7. Her career _ all of her time. 8. This kind of medicine _ the risks of heart disease.obtain distributeoccupies reducesBackdistributeresellobtainoccupycriticismresult fromthroughreductionTask 1Translation1. Due to several reasons, _ _ (这些计划已遭到激烈的批评). ( come in for, criticism)2. (零售商在开店前必须获得营业执照) _ _ from the government. (obtain, license)Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese parts into English. these plans have already come in for fierce criticism Before opening the shop, the retailer must obtain the business licenseBackTranslation3. You should _ _ (下订单前仔细检查样品). (place ones order)4. The wholesaler_ _ (从厂家进货再分销给零售商). (purchase, distribute)5. (仓库占据了大部分场地) _ _ of the factory. (warehouse, occupy)6. The companys financial problem _ _ (是由于过分投资造成的). (result from, investment ) purchases goods from manufacturers and then distributes them to retailers Warehouses have occupied most of the site resulted from too much investment check the samples carefully before placing your orderBackTask 2TranslationTranslate the following paragraph into Chinese. Wholesalers and retailers are ways that manufacturers get their products to a specific group of people. A wholesaler markets items to business owners, who will in turn sell the products to consumers. Retailers sell products directly to consumers. These channels may change when businesses grow; sometimes, a retailer will become a wholesaler and vice versa, and many companies do both retailing and wholesaling. 批发商和零售商是生产商把商品售给特定人群的媒介。批发商把商品售给经营者,接着这些经营者把商品售给消费者。零售商直接把商品售给消费者。当生意发展壮大,这些渠道也是会变化的。有时一个零售商会变成批发商,有时则相反。还有许多公司既做零售也做批发。Back 1. If I _ (be) you, I should make full use of time.2. If he _ (work) carefully enough, he would not have been injured. 3. If I were to do the job, I _ (do) it in a different way. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verb given in the brackets.Subjunctive Mood (1)Task 1werehad workedwould doGrammarBack4. Tom might not have made such a serious mistake if he _ _ (follow) your advice. 5. If I lived near my office, I _ (walk) to work.6. If I _ (have) another chance, I would love you for ten thousand years. 7. What _ (do) if you had been in my position?8. If someone _ (call) you a fool, what would you do?9. Had we made adequate preparations, we _ (succeed).10. I would have met you at the airport if I _ (know) you were coming. had followedwould walkwere to havewould you have doneshould callmight have succeededBack had known Categorize the above sentences according to different forms of the verb.Task 2Subjunctive Mood (1)(1, 5)(2, 4, 7, 9, 10)(3, 6, 8)BackBusiness ReportsSample Situation: Wendy works for TESCO, Britains leading retailer, in China. Her company is planning to invest in a local retail market. She is asked to assess the local purchasing power. Here is her report on the subject.Applied WritingBackReport on Local Purchasing Power in Shunde Market IntroductionThe aim of this report is to assess the local purchasing power in Shunde district. As is known, the purchasing power is closely related to the family income. So its sensible to look into the local family income first.FindingsFrom our survey, we find that about 50% of the families have a yearly income over 100,000 RMB (after taxes), about 30% of the families have a yearly income over 50,000 RMB and under 100,000 RMB, while only about 20% of the families have an income under 50,000 RMB. Besides, the average income of the families in this area is 5% higher than that in other areas.BackBackConclusionThe average family income in the given area is fairly high, and accordingly the market must have a good potential purchasing power.RecommendationOn the basis of the above analysis, I believe that the investment in the market will have good prospects. I recommend that we invest in it as soon as possible.BackWork in pairs and study the above sample. Tell what sections a business report is normally composed of and write their subheadings in the form below.Composition of a Business ReportBusiness Report1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction FindingsConclusionRecommendationApplied WritingBackWriting Tips 1. Determine the purpose of the report. 2. Determine the audience of the report.3. Gather your information. 4. Structure your report in an outline.5. Determine what to say in which part. 6. Use proper expressions and sentence patterns.7. Be concise and keep it to the point. 8. Take the time to check and revise.Back1. The aim / purpose of this report is to.2. This report aims to.3. This report sets out to.4. It was found that.5. The graph / survey / statistics.clearly show(s) that.6. From the survey / graph we find that7. It was concluded / decided / agreed / felt that.8. No conclusions were reached regarding the issue.9. In conclusion / On balance, .10. We would recommend that.11. It is recommended / proposed / suggested that.12. Furthermore / Moreover / In addition, . Task 1BackPut the above expressions and sentence patterns into proper sections or functions.Parts of a Report Expressions and Sentence PatternsIntroductionFindingsThe aim / purpose of this report is to.This report aims to.This report sets out to.It was found that.The graph / survey / statistics.clearly show(s) that.From the survey / graph we find thatTask 1BackPut the above expressions and sentence patterns into proper sections or functions.Parts of a Report Expressions and Sentence PatternsConclusionRecommendationAdding ideasIt was concluded / decided /agreed /felt that.No conclusions were reached regarding the issue.In conclusion / On balance,.We would recommend thatIt is recommended / proposed / suggested that.Furthermore / Moreover / In addition, .Task 2Backa. The aim of this report is to assess whether Sunshine Technologies Co. (STC) would be a suitable supplier of electrical goods for us.b. It is recommended that we remain in contact with STC and reconsider a supply contract once the factory modernization is completed.c. At present STC would not be suitable for large orders requiring quick delivery.d. However, the out-of-date machinery means a long delivery time of up to three months. This situation may change when their planned modernization takes place next year.The following paragraphs are taken from the business report given below, but they are not in the right order. You are required to restore the report by putting the following paragraphs in the right place.BackIntroduction_FindingsA recent visit to the company showed that its facilities are quite old, which results in a rather limited production capacity. Despite this, STC produces a wide range of high-quality electrical products including radios, CD players, cassettes and video recorders._Conclusion_Recommendations_Report on Sunshine Technologies Co. As a SupplierThe aim of this report is to assess whether Sunshine Technologies Co. (STC) would be a suitable supplier of electrical goods for us. aHowever, the out-of-date machinery means a long delivery time of up to three months. This situation may change when their planned modernization takes place next year. dAt present STC would not be suitable for large orders requiring quick delivery. cIt is recommended that we remain in contact with STC and reconsider a supply contract once the factory modernization is completed. b
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