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备 注:本套试卷附有答案解析, 答案解析字体为白色,预览无法观看,如需观看试题的答案解析,请下载试卷CTRL+ A选中全部文字,然后将答案字体调整为黑色即可。【 自考英语】2022年 1 月江苏省泉山区英语( 一)模拟题( 解析版)第1题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their rolein pollination ( 授粉) and for producing honey and b e e s w a x . T h e best-known bee speciesis the European honey bee, which, as its name suggests, produces honey, as do a few other types ofbee.A、There is only one queen in a hive.B Every bee does a job without being told.C、There are nearly 20,000 known species of bees.D、Bees do not like ice and snow.【 正确答案】C第2题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Once upon a time there was a rich village. The wealthiest of the villagers decided tohide a huge lump ( 堆) of gold to protect it from robbers.A、A poor old farmer decided to plow the field.B、When you are always ready to share your own things with others, you are doomed to benefitfrom it.C、And I will receive the honor with the fourth by giving it to the needy.D、So he buried it in a nearby rice field.【 正确答案】D第 3 题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Jamie was worried about the junk food which he saw being servedwhich included burgers, pizzas and chips. So he decided to ban the junk and startedcooking some good soup and curries for the children instead. So he improved theschool dinners in that particular school, and trained the dinner ladies to cookhealthy food. Then he put pressure on the government to improve the standards ofschool food across the country. And it looks like the changes have takenplace.Generally, schools didn/t serve to students before.A、soup and curriesB hot cooked mealsC、drinks and chipsD、burgers and pizzas【 正确答案】A第 4 题 【 单选题】 阅读理解】Writing for the content sites such as the Yahoo! Contributor Networkalso interests me. Ive been trying creative writing, news, reviews and numerouslifestyle issues. And all of these topics have been of my own choosing. Then there isthe opportunity to meet other writers. The Yahoo! Contributor Network has awonderful in-house messaging system that allows its writers to communicate easilywith one another. Not all your tries are rosy and easy when you write for a contentsite, but you will get much benefit if you try it. What is the benefit that the Yahoo!Contributor Network offers according to the author?A、You can have all your articles published.B、You can get a lot of rewards from the site.C You can easily communicate with other writers.D、You can use its information and messages free.【 正确答案】C第 5 题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】He has also included symbols to show which ions are nutrients, and which arecommon in soil or wa t e r . .A、There have been many attempts to redesign the periodic table since Dmitri Mendeleev drewit up in 1871.B、And the size of elements symbol reflects how much of it is found in the Earths crust.C、 Railsback has still ordered the elements according to the number of protons they have.D Raisback has listed some elements more than once.【 正确答案】B第6题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 We all have our own comfort foods. Interestingly, they may vary according to moodsand gender. One study found that happy people seem to want to eat things like pizza, while sadpeople prefer ice cream and c o o k ie s .R e s e a r c h e r s also found that guys seem to preferhot, homemade comfort meals, like steaks and casseroles. Girls go for chocolate and ice cream.A、 Bored people crave salty, crunchy things, like chips.B、 Emotional eating patterns can be learned.C、Dont let emotional eating disturb your weight.D But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too.【 正确答案】A第7题 【 单选题】【 2007.4 I had never expected you to turn_at the meeting. I thought you were in Shanghai.A、aroundB、onC、inD、up【 正确答案】D第8题 【 单选题】She hasnt decided withshe should first make contact.A、whoB、whomC、howD、which【 正确答案】B第 9 题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Until recently, the science of the future was supposed to beelectronics and artificial intelligence. Today it seems more and more likely that thenext great breakthroughs in technology will be brought through a combination ofthose two sciences with organic chemistry and genetic engineering. Thiscombination is the science of biotechnology.According to the passage, the scienceof the future is likely to be.A、electronicsB、biotechnologyC、genetic engineeringD、nuclear technology【 正确答案】B第 10题 【 单选题】2007.10 If you in taking this attitude, well have to ask you to leave.A、insistB、resistC、persistD、exist【 正确答案】C第11题 【 单选题】2005.4 Other people stop at each new word and look it in the dictionary.A、upB、downC、 backD、 over【 正确答案】A第12题 【 单选题】【 填句补文 But Bali starlings are only found in a small area on the island of Bali in Indonesia. Theylive in the tall grasslands near the c o a s t .T o d a y there are only 14 left in the wild on a singlereserve. More than half of their habitat was converted into farmland, and forest plantation. Many ofthem were captured and sold as pets.A、We should take measures to protect them.B Bali starlings are very beautiful birds.C、They grow fast because of a protein rich diet of insects.D、In 1984, there were only 150 birds left in the wild.【 正确答案】D第13题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Until recently, the science of the future was supposed to beelectronics and artificial intelligence. Today it seems more and more likely that thenext great breakthroughs in technology will be brought through a combination ofthose two sciences with organic chemistry and genetic engineering. Thiscombination is the science of biotechnology.According to the passage, the scienceof the future is likely to be.A、electronicsB biotechnologyC、genetic engineeringD、nuclear technology【 正确答案】B第 14题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】After notifying the nurse of the situation we exchanged cell phonenumbers in case Ed showed up. Once arriving in the parking lot of the restaurantHelen received a call from the nurse, who had found Ed sitting on a bench in frontof the hospital a few buildings down waiting for her. What a relief! Ed was found atl ast.A、in front of the hospitalB in the local restaurantC in the parking lot of the restaurantD、on a bench near the restaurant【 正确答案】A第 15题 【 单选题】2009.7 We so much food last night. Only three guests turned up.A、shouldnt orderB、didnt need orderC、neednt have orderedD、mustnt have ordered【 正确答案】C第 16题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】One of the most common types of nonfiction, and one that manypeople enjoy reading, is stories about peoples lives. These stories fall into threegeneral categories autobiography, memoir, and biography.This passage is mostlya bout .A、the characteristics of autobiographies, memoirs, and biographiesB、famous autobiographiesC、why biography can be difficult to writeD、differences between autobiographies and memoirs【 正确答案】A第 17题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Children think that being grown up means being able to do exactly as they please., The chance to discover whether that freedom is as wonderful as it sounds is a chancemore and more Americans are taking.A、lt*s now socially acceptable, even fashionable, to live alone.B The number one reason given by most people for living alone is that they simply enjoy doingwhat they want when they want to do it.C、Living alone is a luxury.D、It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.【 正确答案】D第18题 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】The first principle is that people are more likely to follow someone who is similar tothem than someone who is not. Wise managers, then, ask peers to help make their cases. Second,people are more willing to cooperate with those who are not only like them but who like them, aswell.Q: People are more likely to cooperate with those who like them.A、TrueB FalseC、Not Given【 正确答案】A第19题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Gang Xiao and Ben Schrag at Brown University, visualize the current by measuringsubtle ( 细微的) changes in the magnetic field of an object and.A、to shrink it to the size of a desktop computerB to make it capable of measuring very weak changes in magnetic fieldsC、as well as revealing microscopic defects in anything from aircraft to banknotesD、converting the information into a color picture showing the density of current at each point【 正确答案】D第 20题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】When it comes to translating basic research into industrial success,few nations can match Germany. Since the 1940s, the nations vast industrial basehas been fed with a constant stream of new ideas and expertise from science. Andthough German prosperity ( 繁荣) has faltered ( 衰退) over the past decadebecause of the huge cost of unifying east and west as well as the global economicdecline, it still has an enviable record for turning ideas into profit.The wordexpertise in line 3 could be best replaced byA、experts.B、scientists.C scholars.D、special knowledge.【 正确答案】D第 21题 【 单选题】is accepted as true is relatively, and not absolutely, true.A、ItB ThatC、WhatD、That it【 正确答案】C第22题 【 单选题】If you in taking this attitude, well have to ask you to leave.A、insistB resistC persistD、exist【 正确答案】c第23题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】The weather of the Caribbean Sea is almost always warm and sunny. Sandy beachesline the coasts of many i s l a n d s . . Many tourists arrive on cruise ships.A、 They are Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Hispaniola.B The Caribbean Islands are known by several names.C、Some of these islands are no more than tiny slivers ( 小片)of exposed coral.D、This is why millions of tourists visit the islands each year.【 正确答案】D第24题 【 单选题】2007.10 If you in taking this attitude, well have to ask you to leave.A、insistB、resistC、persistD、exist【 正确答案】C第 25题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 I entered the hotel managers office and sat down. I had just lost 50and I felt very upset. I left the money in my room, I said, and its not there now.The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing. Everyones losing moneythese days. he said. He started to complain about this wicked world but wasinterrupted by a knock at the door. A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk.It contained 50. I found this outside this gentlemans room, she said. Well, Isaid to the manager, there is still some honesty in this world!What did the writerbelieve had happened to his money?A、He had left his money in the managers office.B Someone had stolen his money.C The manager had the money.D、The girl had stolen the money.【 正确答案】B第 26题 【 单选题】2005.4 It was long supposed that the main difference between animals and plants was that theformer could move about while the could not.A、 otherB、latterC、 anotherD、later【 正确答案】B第27题 【 单选题】2005.4 when you go through the mental exercises to come up with a tentativedefinition should you open the dictionary to see if youre right.A、SimplyB、PreciselyC、OnlyD、Particularly【 正确答案】C第28题 【 单选题】2005.4 The moon merely the light of the sun, like a huge mirror hung in the sky.A、reflectsB、demonstratesC、transmitsD、launches【 正确答案】A第 29题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Gyorgy Buzsaki of Rutgers University and his colleagues analyzed thebrain waves of sleeping rats and mice. Specifically, they examined the electricalactivity emanating from the somatosensory neocortex (an area that processessensory information) and the hippocampus, which is a center for learning andmemory. The scientists found that oscillations in brain waves from the two regionsappear to be intertwined. So-called sleep spindles (bursts of activity from theneocortex) were followed tens of milliseconds later by beats in the hippocampusknown as ripples. The team posits that this interplay between the two brain regionsis a key step in memory consolidation. A second study, also published online thisweek by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, links age-associatedmemory decline to high glucose levels. What is the result of the experiment withrats and mice carried out at Rutgers UniversityA、The electrical activity is emanating from the somatosensory neocortex.B、Oscillations in brain waves are from hippocampus.C Somatosensory neocortex and hippocampus work together in memory consolidation.D、Somatosensory neocortex plays it primary role in memory consolidation.【 正确答案】C第 30题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The other side of a state legal apparatus is a state military apparatus.While the one protects the individual from violence, the other sacrifices theindividual to violence in the interests of the state. In war the state affirms supremepower over the individuals within its own borders. War is not simply a trial bycombat to settle disputes between states; it is the moment when the state makesits most powerful demands upon its people for their commitment, allegiance, andsupreme sacrifice. The word “allegiance is closest in meaning to.A、loyaltyB、objectiveC、survivalD、motive【 正确答案】A第 31题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The ISU wont finally approve the new system until it meets in Junebut already UK Sport, the British Governments sports body, has expressedreservations. I remain to be convinced that the random selection system wouldoffer the guarantees that everyone concerned with ethical sport is looking for, saysJerry Bingham, UK Sports head of ethics ( 伦理).What does Jerry Bingham expressby saying I remain to be convinced?A His anger.B His criticism.C、His agreement.D、His doubt.【 正确答案】D第 32题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 My teacher once said to me, If you dont quit, you will win”. I have nodesire to quit writing as Im having too much fun. My thanks go to AssociatedContent and the Yahoo! Contributor Network for all my progress in writing! And tomy fellow writers thank you so much for your support and friendship. May wecontinue to support each other for many years to come!We can learn from thepassage that.A、the author thinks writing on the Net is very easyB、the author has his first book published on the NetC、two years has passed since the author began writingD、the author is grateful for the content sites sincerely【 正确答案】D第 33题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-abilityteaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. Wefeel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It does not take intoaccount the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect onboth the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging tobe at the bottom of the top grade!The author/s attitude towards Hmixecl-abilityteaching1 1 isA、criticalB、questioningC、approvingD、objective【 正确答案】C第 34题 【 单选题】2008.10 “What were you doing while all this was? the manager demanded angrily.A、getting onB、going onC、holding onD carrying on【 正确答案】B第 35题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 A new study has found no evidence that sunscreen, commonly used toreduce the risk of skin cancer, actually increase the risk.Researchers from theUniversity of Iowa based their findings on a review of 18 earlier studies that lookedat the association between sunscreen use and melanoma ( 黑素瘤) . They said thatthey found flaws in studies that had reported associations between sunscreen useand higher risk of melanoma.The word “flaws“ in the 2nd paragraph most probablyme a n s .A、evidenceB、factsC、faultsD、failures【 正确答案】c第 36题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】You play the lottery ( 彩票)each day and there are two options ( 选择): either you hit the jackpot and your life changes greatly or you lose and youhave to start it from the very beginning. On the contrary, its well known that if youdont take risks, you cant win, so the best solution is always to think over and overagain, to see what your decisions could represent in your future and onlyafterwards to make up your mind.While making a decision, you are advised toA、refer to your experienceB think twice before you leapC turn to parentsD、prepare to take a risk【 正确答案】B第 37题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】In 1994, United States Customs seized 204,391 pounds of cocaine559,286 pounds of marijuana and 2,577 pounds of heroin. Just how much actuallyflows into the country is anyones guess. Some Customs officials estimate that only10 percent of the drugs coming into the country are ever seized. In Miami, theDistrict Attorney ( 检察长) wont even prosecute small fry. Its got to be over fivekilos of cocaine, above a kilo of heroin and more than 5,000 pounds of marijuana orits not something that were going to stop the presses on,“ says Tom Cash, a retiredagent.Which of the following could best replace the expression small fry“ in theparagraph?A、Small dogsB、Small sheep dogsC、Small smugglers ( 走私者)D、Small ringleaders ( 主谋)【 正确答案】C第 38题 【 单选题】填句补文 More and more Americans are living alone. Some live alone because of divorce or thedeath of a p a r t n e r . . According to a recent U.S. census ( 人口普查), 25 percent of allhouseholds in the U.S. are made up of just one person.A、 It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.B He says, /zl like being by myself/C、However, even more people are living alone because they have chosen to.D、 Theres more pressure to get married nowadays.【 正确答案】c第39题 【 单选题】【 概括大意】 Speed Reading courses teach students how to read more quickly. In such courses,teachers often ask students to find out how many words a minute he is reading. You can do this too:look at your watch every 5 or 10 minutes and write down the page number you have reached.Themain idea of this paragraph is.A、Check Your Reading SpeedB、A Way to Increase Your Reading SpeedC、Check Your UnderstandingD Read Something Every Day【 正确答案】A第40题 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】Like Antarctica, the Arctic is a land of ice and snow. Antarctica holds the record for alow temperature reading - 125 Fahrenheit below zero. Readings of 85 degrees below zero arecommon in both the Arctic and Antarctica. Winter temperatures average 30 degrees below zero inthe Arctic. At the South Pole the winter is about 73 degrees below zero .The lowest temperature thatman has ever known was recorded in Antarctica.A、TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【 正确答案】A第 41题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Another problem the village people face is the destruction caused bywild animals such as the elephant. Elephants will walk through and destroy theircrops, trees and huts in just one night. The cheap and easy solution is to soak ropein chili water and put it up around their fence and it will keep the elephants andother wild animals away.In the local village, ElephantsA、are important for farmingB、are the only wild animalsC often cause trouble to villagers cropsD can be found in each family【 正确答案】c第 42题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Gang Xiao and Ben Schrag at Brown University, visualize the current by measuringsubtle (Z田微的) changes in the magnetic field of an object and.A to shrink it to the size of a desktop computerB、to make it capable of measuring very weak changes in magnetic fieldsC、as well as revealing microscopic defects in anything from aircraft to banknotesD converting the information into a color picture showing the density of current at each point【 正确答案】D第43题 【 单选题】【 填句补文 Five-year-old Lani still takes seven medicines with her breakfast every morning. Shesvery good about it, says her father David. Lani is alive today because of her father David, in morethan one way; when she was one year old she received part of her fathers liver in aliver-transplant operation. Lani was born with a liver i l l ne s s . . Doctors advised that atransplant was the only way in which she would live.A She had one operation when she was six weeks old, which was not successful.B David quickly recovered from the operation.C、David was finally able to ride his bike again after about a year.D、Doctors hope that she will continue to get stronger and stronger.【 正确答案】A第44题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 Mexicos current lack of funds is also partly due to oil. The country has rich oil fieldsand a few years ago, when oil was expensive, Mexico was selling large quantities of oil to the USAand earning a lot of mo n e y . . However, the price of oil then dropped, and Mexico has beenleft owing enormous sums of money and with not enough income from oil sales to pay back theloans.A、 But those ruins are in danger of being seriously damaged by pollution.B、Scientists estimate that about one millimeter of stone is worn away every twelve years.C、At others the painted surfaces inside temples are lifting and flaking off and the stone is beingeaten away.D、The government was therefore able to borrow huge sums of money from banks around theworld, thinking they would have no problem repaying their debts.【 正确答案】D第45题 【 单选题】2007.10 Who was the first person today?A、spoke to youB、with you spokeC、you spoke toD spoke with you【 正确答案】C第46题 【 单选题】【 填句补文 Five-year-old Lani still takes seven medicines with her breakfast every morning. Shesvery good about it, says her father David. Lani is alive today because of her father David, in morethan one way; when she was one year old she received part of her fathers liver in aliver-transplant operation. Lani was born with a liver i l l ne s s . . Doctors advised that atransplant was the only way in which she would live.A She had one operation when she was six weeks old, which was not successful.B、 David quickly recovered from the operation.C、David was finally able to ride his bike again after about a year.D、Doctors hope that she will continue to get stronger and stronger.【 正确答案】A第47题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Jamie was worried about the junk food which he saw being servedwhich included burgers, pizzas and chips. So he decided to ban the junk and startedcooking some good soup and curries for the children instead. So he improved theschool dinners in that particular school, and trained the dinner ladies to cookhealthy food. Then he put pressure on the government to improve the standards ofschool food across the country. And it looks like the changes have takenplace.Generally, schools didn/t serve to students before.A、soup and curriesB hot cooked mealsC drinks and chipsD、burgers and pizzas【 正确答案】A第 48题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 Once the characteristics for surviving salty soil are known, Flowers andYeo will try to breed the appropriate genes into all manners of crops and plants.Land that has been abandoned to nature will then be able to bloom again,providing much needed food in the poorer countries of the world.The attitude ofthe author towards the research project is.A、 positive.B、 negative.C、suspicious.D、indifferent.【 正确答案】A第 49题 【 单选题】2005.4 Other people stop at each new word and look it in the dictionary.A、upB、downC、 backD、 over【 正确答案】A第 50题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Two United Nations agencies warned on Tuesday that children aremost at risk of developing skin cancers as a result of the long-term decline in theearths protective ozone layer. The agencies, the World Health Organization (WHO)and the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) , issued the warning as theylaunched a global programme aimed at alerting schools to the dangers of exposureto the sun.Why does the risk of developing skin cancers in children become greaterand greaterA、 Because they pay little attention to their skin health.B Because they are short of physical training.C Because the earths protective ozone layer declines year after year.D、Because the earth is getting warmer and warmer.【 正确答案】c第 51题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】During work Tom always thought of the girl and felt as if he had mether somewhere, but he couldnt remember when. Tom concluded that the girl wasin love with him and he was very excited. This girl maybe looked not as beautiful asthe girl he had dated the other day, but she had a grand ( 豪华的)car. She must bevery rich. So he chose to love this girl. When his work was over, Tom called the girlwho had dated him. He said, “After several days thinking, I think I am not suited forbeing your boyfriend, so I hope you will forget me. We can learn from this passagethat Tom.A、was very poorB、didnt like the biscuitsC walked to work every morningD、compared the two girls carefully【 正确答案】D第 52题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】In 2006, Blackburn, of the University of California, San Francisco, andGreider, of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, shared the Lasker prize for basicmedical research with Jack Szostak of Harvard Medical School. Their work set thestage for research suggesting that cancer cells use telomerase to sustain theiruncontrolled growth. The research by Blackburn and Greider helps suggest the roleof.A、money in medical researchB、proteins in cancer treatmentC、 hormones in the functioning of lifeD、telomerase in the growth of cancer cells【 正确答案】D第 53题 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】 Studies show that children who eat breakfast do better in school. It doesnt take muchfurther thought to believe that adults will feel better and perform better at work as well.Q: Adultswho eat breakfast will perform better at work.A、TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【 正确答案】A第 54题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The withdrawal of Nevadas Yucca Mountain as a potential nuclearwaste repository has reopened the debate over how and where to dispose of spentnuclear fuel and high-level nuclear waste. In an article in the July 10 issue of Science,University of Michigan geologist Rodney Ewing and Princeton University nuclearphysicist Frank von Hippel argue that, although federal agencies should setstandards and issue licenses for the approval of nuclear facilities, local communitiesand states should have the final approval on the siting of these facilities. Theauthors propose the development of multiple sites that would service the regionswhere nuclear reactors are located. Which of the following words can bestsubstitute the word “withdrawal“ in the first paragraphA、 Retirement.B Canceling.C、 Replaced.D、Disposal.【 正确答案】B第 55题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 Finally, many great players come from the same kind of neighborhood- a poor, crowed area where a boys dream is not to be a doctor; lawyer, orbusinessman, but to become a rich, famous athlete or entertainer. For example,Liverpool, which produced the Beetles, had one of the best English soccer ( 英式足球)teams in recent years. Pele practiced in the street with a ball made of rags. AndGeorge Best learned the tricks that made him famous by bouncing the ball off awall in the slums of Belfast.AII great players have a lot in common, but that doesntexplain why they are great. Hundreds of boys played in those Brazilian streets, butonly one became Pele. The greatest players are born with some unique quality thatsets them apart from all the others.ln the last paragraph the statement . but onlyone became Pele/Z indicates t hat .A、Pele is the greatest soccer player.B、 the greatest players are born with some unique quality.C、Peles birthplace sets him apart from all the others.D、the success of a soccer player has everything to do with the family back ground.【 正确答案】B第 56题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The problem of leisure is new. Until very recent times people workedeach day to the limit of their strength. Of course there were always a privileged fewwho had leisure; but most men had to work 12,14, or even 16 hours a day, six daysa week. As late as 1840 the average factory worker labored 72 hours a week.“Sunup to sundown“ was the farmers day, or as another phrase puts it, “from canto cant.The phrase “from can to cant me a n s .A from beginning to endB、from birth to deathC、from morning to nightD、from time to time【 正确答案】c第 57题 【 单选题】 阅读理解】Writing for the content sites such as the Yahoo! Contributor Networkalso interests me. Ive been trying creative writing, news, reviews and numerouslifestyle issues. And all of these topics have been of my own choosing. Then there isthe opportunity to meet other writers. The Yahoo! Contributor Network has awonderful in-house messaging system that allows its writers to communicate easilywith one another. Not all your tries are rosy and easy when you write for a contentsite, but you will get much benefit if you try it. What is the benefit that the Yahoo!Contributor Network offers according to the author?A、You can have all your articles published.B、You can get a lot of rewards from the site.C You can easily communicate with other writers.D、You can use its information and messages free.【 正确答案】C第 58题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Jamie was worried about the junk food which he saw being servedwhich included burgers, pizzas and chips. So he decided to ban the junk and startedcooking some good soup and curries for the children instead. So he improved theschool dinners in that particular school, and trained the dinner ladies to cookhealthy food. Then he put pressure on the government to improve the standards ofschool food across the country. And it looks like the changes have takenplace.Generally, schools didnt serve to students before.A、soup and curriesB、hot cooked mealsC、drinks and chipsD、burgers and pizzas【 正确答案】A第 59题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】It had been boring hanging about the hotel all afternoon. The roadcrew were playing a game with dollar notes. Folding them into small planes to seewhose would fly the furthest. Having nothing better to do, I joined in and won five,and then took the opportunity to escape with my profit. Despite the evil-lookingclouds, I had to get out for a while. Why did the writer want to leave the hotelA、To enjoy the good weather.B、To have a change of scene.C、 To spend all his winnings.D、To get away from the crew.【 正确答案】B第 60题 【 单选题】Mr. Hall understands t hat maths has always been easy for him, it is not easy for thestudents.A、unlessB、sinceC、althoughD、when【 正确答案】c第 61题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 Mexicos current lack of funds is also partly due to oil. The country has rich oil fieldsand a few years ago, when oil was expensive, Mexico was selling large quantities of oil to the USAand earning a lot of mo n e y . . However, the price of oil then dropped, and Mexico has beenleft owing enormous sums of money and with not enough income from oil sales to pay back theloans.A、 But those ruins are in danger of being seriously damaged by pollution.B、 Scientists estimate that about one millimeter of stone is worn away every twelve years.C、At others the painted surfaces inside temples are lifting and flaking off and the stone is beingeaten away.D、The government was therefore able to borrow huge sums of money from banks around theworld, thinking they would have no problem repaying their debts.【 正确答案】D第 62题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】On a September day in 1991, two Germans were climbing themountains between Austria and Italy. High up on a mountain pass; they found thebody of a man lying on the ice. At that height(10,499 feet, or 3,200 meters), the iceis usually permanent, but 1991 had been an especially warm year. The mountainice had melted more than usual and so the body had come to the surface. It waslying face downward. The skeleton( 骨架) was in perfect condition, except for awound in the head. There was still skin on the bones and the remains of someclothes. The hands were still holding the wooden handle of an ax and on the feetthere were very simple leather and cloth boots. Nearby was a pair of gloves madeof tree bark( 树皮) and a holder for arrows. What can be inferred from paragraph 2?A、 The Iceman lived a poor life.B The Iceman could have died from the wound in the head.C The Iceman was struck dead from behind.D、The Iceman was killed while working.【 正确答案】B第 63题 【 单选题】 填句补文】 More and more Americans are living alone. Some live alone because of divorce or thedeath of a p a r t n e r . . According to a recent U.S. census ( 人口普查),25 percent of allhouseholds in the U.S. are made up of just one person.A、It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.B、He says, a like being by myself?C、 However, even more people are living alone because they have chosen to.D Theres more pressure to get married nowadays.【 正确答案】C第 64题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 Some 20,000 tons of antibiotics are used in the European Union and the US each year.More than half are give to farm-animals to prevent disease and promote g r o wt h . .A、 The warning comes from a researcher in Switzerland who looked at levels of the drugs in farmslurry.B、 The drugs could be getting into our food and water.C、Many drugs given to humans are also excreted unchanged.D、But recent research has found a direct link between the increased use of these farmyarddrugs and the appearance of antibiotic - resistant bugs that infect people.【 正确答案】D第 65题 【 单选题】2005.4 Many of the younger buyers say they are turned off by the poor of moderngoods.A、securityB quantityC、 safetyD、quality【 正确答案】D第 66题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The great sea voyages of Europes Age of Discovery, such asChristopher Columbuss trip to the West Indies in 1492, would have beenimpossible without the use of a compass. This great device for sea voyages wasintroduced to the West from China during the thirteenth century We have tothank ancient Chinese for their invention of the compass.What is the paragraphmainly about?A、Columbus was a great sailor and discoverer.B、The compass was invented by Columbus.C、The invention of the compass is important in human history.D、Columbus introduced the compass to the West Indies.【 正确答案】C第 67题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 Five-year-old Lani still takes seven medicines with her breakfast every morning. Shesvery good about it, says her father David. Lani is alive today because of her father David, in morethan one way; when she was one year old she received part of her fathers liver in aliver-transplant operation. Lani was born with a liver i l l ne s s . . Doctors advised that atransplant was the only way in which she would live.A、She had one operation when she was six weeks old, which was not successful.B David quickly recovered from the operation.C、David was finally able to ride his bike again after about a year.D、Doctors hope that she will continue to get stronger and stronger.【 正确答案】A第 68题 【 单选题】2004.10 the saying goes, practice makes perfect.A、SinceB、AsC、ForD、Like【 正确答案】B第69题 【 单选题】2005.10 The traditional view that men are superior women still exists in some remoteareas.A、 overB、toC forD than【 正确答案】B第70题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】He has also included symbols to show which ions are nutrients, and which arecommon in soil or wa t e r . .A There have been many attempts to redesign the periodic table since Dmitri Mendeleev drewit up in 1871.B、And the size of elements symbol reflects how much of it is found in the Earths crust.C、Railsback has still ordered the elements according to the number of protons they have.D Raisback has listed some elements more than once.【 正确答案】B第71题 【 单选题】He began comparing himself the other teammates and found he didnt practice as hard asthem.A、asB、fromC、withD、by【 正确答案】c第72题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known fortheir rolein pollination ( 授粉) and for producing honey and b e e s w a x . T h e best-known bee speciesis the European honey bee, which, as its name suggests, produces honey, as do a few other types ofbee.A、There is only one queen in a hive.B Every bee does a job without being told.C、There are nearly 20,000 known species of bees.D、Bees do not like ice and snow.【 正确答案】C第73题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Gyorgy Buzsaki of Rutgers University and his colleagues analyzed thebrain waves of sleeping rats and mice. Specifically, they examined the electricalactivity emanating from the somatosensory neocortex (an area that processessensory information) and the hippocampus, which is a center for learning andmemory. The scientists found that oscillations in brain waves from the two regionsappear to be intertwined. So-called sleep spindles (bursts of activity from theneocortex) were followed tens of milliseconds later by beats in the hippocampusknown as ripples. The team posits that this interplay between the two brain regionsis a key step in memory consolidation. A second study, also published online thisweek by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, links age-associatedmemory decline to high glucose levels. What is the result of the experiment withrats and mice carried out at Rutgers UniversityA、The electrical activity is emanating from the somatosensory neocortex.B、Oscillations in brain waves are from hippocampus.C、Somatosensory neocortex and hippocampus work together in memory consolidation.D、Somatosensory neocortex plays it primary role in memory consolidation.【 正确答案】C第 74题 【 单选题】2007. 4 They have to stay with us_the time being because they have not found a place yet.A、 duringB、inC、forD since【 正确答案】c第 75题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】In 2006, Blackburn, of the University of California, San Francisco, andGreider, of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, shared the Lasker prize for basicmedical research with Jack Szostak of Harvard Medical School. Their work set thestage for research suggesting that cancer cells use telomerase to sustain theiruncontrolled growth. The research by Blackburn and Greider helps suggest the roleof.A、money in medical researchB、proteins in cancer treatmentC、hormones in the functioning of lifeD、telomerase in the growth of cancer cells【 正确答案】D第 76题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Once upon a time there was a rich village. The wealthiest of the villagers decided tohide a huge lump ( 堆) of gold to protect it from robbers.A、A poor old farmer decided to plow the field.B、When you are always ready to share your own things with others, you are doomed to benefitfrom it.C、And I will receive the honor with the fourth by giving it to the needy.D So he buried it in a nearby rice field.【 正确答案】D第77题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Children think that being grown up means being able to do exactly as they please., The chance to discover whether that freedom is as wonderful as it sounds is a chancemore and more Americans are taking.A Its now socially acceptable, even fashionable, to live alone.B The number one reason given by most people for living alone is that they simply enjoy doingwhat they want when they want to do it.C、 Living alone is a luxury.D It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.【 正确答案】D第78题 【 单选题】2009.1 If he in landing a job, Tom will inform us immediately.A、 succeedsB、 succeededC will succeedD is succeeding【 正确答案】A第 79题 【 单选题】2005.10 Since time is limited, wed better our task.A get onB、get overC、get acrossD get into【 正确答案】D第 80题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Children think that being grown up means being able to do exactly as they please., The chance to discover whether that freedom is as wonderful as it sounds is a chancemore and more Americans are taking.A、Its now socially acceptable, even fashionable, to live alone.B、The number one reason given by most people for living alone is that they simply enjoy doingwhat they want when they want to do it.C、Living alone is a luxury.D、It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.【 正确答案】D第 81题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 Two thousand years ago the Chinese had already developed a workingcompass. A piece of lodestone ( 天然磁石) would be cut into the shape of a ladle( 长柄勺). Placed on a stone board with a smooth surface, the lodestone wouldmove round until the handle of the ladle pointed south while the bulk ( 主体) ofthe ladle was attracted to magnetic north. This interestingly shaped device ismentioned in a book from about 80. Other ancient books may have dated it as farback as the fourth century Jade ( 玉 石 ) finders played an important role in theinvention of the ladle. They travelled great distances to look for jade. In order notto lose directions, they would take a ladle with them.Which of the followingabout the ladle-shaped compass is true?A、The handle of the ladle pointed south.B The handle of the ladle pointed north.C The bulk of the ladle was attracted to south.D、The bulk of the ladle remained unmoved on the board.【 正确答案】A第 82题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Gyorgy Buzsaki of Rutgers University and his colleagues analyzed thebrain waves of sleeping rats and mice. Specifically, they examined the electricalactivity emanating from the somatosensory neocortex (an area that processessensory information) and the hippocampus, which is a center for learning andmemory. The scientists found that oscillations in brain waves from the two regionsappear to be intertwined. So-called sleep spindles (bursts of activity from theneocortex) were followed tens of milliseconds later by beats in the hippocampusknown as ripples. The team posits that this interplay between the two brain regionsis a key step in memory consolidation. A second study, also published online thisweek by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, links age-associatedmemory decline to high glucose levels. What is the result of the experiment withrats and mice carried out at Rutgers UniversityA、The electrical activity is emanating from the somatosensory neocortex.B、Oscillations in brain waves are from hippocampus.C Somatosensory neocortex and hippocampus work together in memory consolidation.D、Somatosensory neocortex plays it primary role in memory consolidation.【 正确答案】C第 83题 【 单选题】2009.1 Dont go shopping during the hour unless you have to.A、busyB、 dashC、 rushD hurry【 正确答案】C第 84题 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】The index of the countries uses data on incomes, health, unemployment, climate,political stability, job security gender equality as well as what the magazine calls freedom, familyand community lifeuJob security is the least important measure of life quality.A TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【 正确答案】c第 85题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The researchers also gave the students tests to tell whether thestudents believed that a math superstar had to be a boy. Then the researchersturned to the teachers To find out which teachers were anxious about math, theresearchers asked the teachers how they felt at times when they came across math,such as when reading a sales receipt. A teacher who got nervous looking at thenumbers on a sales receipt, for example, was probably anxious about math.According to the experiment, those teachers were probably anxious about mathwhen they f el t .A、nervous memorizing the numbers of a sales receiptB、helpless saving the numbers of a sales receiptC、uneasy reading the numbers of a sales receiptD、hopeless filling in the numbers of a sales report【 正确答案】C第 86题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes andpromote long term thinking/ says Dr Gregory Stock of the University Of CaliforniaSchool Of Public Health. It would also raise productivity by adding to the year wecan work. Longer lives dont just affect the people who live them. They also affectsociety as a whole. XNe have war, poverty, all sorts of issues around, and I dontthink any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer/ says USbioethicist Daniel Callahan. MThe question is What will we get as a societys suspectit won/t be a better society/Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of thethings that living longer might enable an individual to doA、Spending more time with his family.B、Having more education.C、Realizing more dreams.D、Working longer.【 正确答案】B第 87题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 As part of their study, the researchers used a special machine to take action photos ofthe students br a i ns . . This is the same part of the brain that becomes active when goodreaders read. This activated brain area appears to include a structure that helps people recognizefamiliar written words quickly.A、Do you have difficulty reading in class?B、 The pictures showed an increase in activity in the back of the brain on the left side.C、As part of the study, 37 struggling readers received special tutoring.D、By the end of the school year, these children could read faster than before.【 正确答案】B第88题 【 单选题】 填句补文Five-year-old Lani still takes seven medicines with her breakfast every morning. Shesvery good about it, says her father David. Lani is alive today because of her father David, in morethan one way; when she was one year old she received part of her fathers liver in aliver-transplant operation. Lani was born with a liver i l l ne s s . . Doctors advised that atransplant was the only way in which she would live.A、She had one operation when she was six weeks old, which was not successful.B、 David quickly recovered from the operation.C、David was finally able to ride his bike again after about a year.D Doctors hope that she will continue to get stronger and stronger.【 正确答案】A第89题 【 单选题】 填句补文The weather of the Caribbean Sea is almost always warm and sunny. Sandy beachesline the coasts of many i s l a n d s . . Many tourists arrive on cruise ships.A、They are Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Hispaniola.B The Caribbean Islands are known by several names.C、Some of these islands are no more than tiny slivers ( 小片)of exposed coral.D、This is why millions of tourists visit the islands each year.【 正确答案】D第 90题 【 单选题】2005.4 Their mother is busy ready for work.A、gotB、getsC to getD getting【 正确答案】D第 91题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】The basic tools for an interview are paper and two or three well-sharpened pencils.But keep your notebook or paper out of sight until you need it. Theres nothing less likely to relax aperson than the arrival of someone with a note-taking pad. . Take a while just to chat,judging what sort of person youre dealing with, getting him or her to trust you.A This fear is almost 100 percent unnecessary.B、Come back another day; it will go better.C、 The rest is instinct, which can all be learned with experience.D、 Both of you need time to get to know each other.【 正确答案】D第 92题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The withdrawal of Nevadas Yucca Mountain as a potential nuclearwaste repository has reopened the debate over how and where to dispose of spentnuclear fuel and high-level nuclear waste. In an article in the July 10 issue of Science,University of Michigan geologist Rodney Ewing and Princeton University nuclearphysicist Frank von Hippel argue that, although federal agencies should setstandards and issue licenses for the approval of nuclear facilities, local communitiesand states should have the final approval on the siting of these facilities. Theauthors propose the development of multiple sites that would service the regionswhere nuclear reactors are located. Which of the following words can bestsubstitute the word “withdrawal“ in the first paragraphA、Retirement.B Canceling.C Replaced.D、Disposal.【 正确答案】B第 93题 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】 In life, you will constantly be facing challenges, times when its tough to feel confidentabout what will happen in the future. Times like these will have different degrees of intensity andduration. The greater the degree and the longer the duration, the greater the fear and sense ofuncertainty will be.The fear and sense of uncertainty will be independent of the degree and theduration of difficult times. ( )A、TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【 正确答案】B第 94题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-abilityteaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. Wefeel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It does not take intoaccount the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect onboth the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging tobe at the bottom of the top grade!The authors attitude towards mixed-abilityteaching is.A、criticalB questioningC approvingD、objective【 正确答案】c第 95题 【 单选题】【 概括大意】Wignail calculated the killing efficiency for these volcanoes by comparing theproportion of life they killed off with the volume of lava that they produced. He found that size forsize, older eruptions were at least 10 times as effective at wiping out life as their more recentrivals.The main idea of this paragraph is.A、Killing Power of Ancient Volcanic EruptionsB、Accounting for the Killing Power of Older EruptionsC、Calculation of the Killing Power of Older EruptionsD、A Mass Extinction【 正确答案】c第 96题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】On the other hand, on the moon there will be an attraction betweenthe butter and the moon; but the butter will weigh only about one-sixth as much asit does on the earth. This is because the moon is so much smaller than the earth.The amount of gravitational pull that a body produces depends on the amount ofmaterial in it. A packet of butter has a gravitational pull of its own; but this is verysmall in relation to the pull of something as large as the moon, or the earth, or thesun.We do not feel the gravitational pull of a packet of butter becauseA、it is too small to have a gravitational pull of its own.B、 its pull is so small that we tend to ignore it.C、 its pull disappears in the presence of the earths gravitation.D it tends to melt and loses its gravitational pull.【 正确答案】B第 97题 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】Like Antarctica, the Arctic is a land of ice and snow. Antarctica holds the record for alow temperature reading - 125 Fahrenheit below zero. Readings of 85 degrees below zero arecommon in both the Arctic and Antarctica. Winter temperatures average 30 degrees below zero inthe Arctic. At the South Pole the winter is about 73 degrees below zero .The lowest temperature thatman has ever known was recorded in Antarctica.A、TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【 正确答案】A第 98题 【 单选题】2004.04 His best film,_won several, is about the life of Martin Luthur King.A、thatB、whereC、whichD、whether【 正确答案】C第 99题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】I have learnt of a plan to build three hundred houses on the landcalled Parsons Place by the football ground. Few people know about this new planto increase the size of our town. For me. Parsons Place is special because it is abeautiful natural area where local people can relax - the small wood has manyunusual trees and the stream is popular with fishermen and bird-watchers. It/s veryquiet because there are few houses or roads nearby. I think that losing this area willbe terrible because we have no other similar facilities in the neighbourhood.Why isParsons Place particularly important, in Alans opinionA Because it is near the football ground.B Because lots of people live near it.C、 Because it is a place near the town where people can enjoy nature.D、Because local people can get there easily by car from the town.【 正确答案】C第 100题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison deals specifically with thelegacy of slavery in her book Beloved. The main character in this novel, a formerslave called Sethe, lives in Ohio in the years following the Civil War, but she cannotfree herself from her horrific memories. Through a series of flashbacks and bitterreminiscences, the reader learns how and why Sethe escaped from the plantationshe had lived on; the fate of her husband, who also tried to escape; and finally,what happened to the child called Beloved. Morrisons scenes of torture andmurder are vivid and strongly convey the desperation of the slaves and the crueltyof their owners. Beloved is set.A、on a slave shipB、on a plantation before the Civil WarC、in Ohio after the Civil WarD、in an African town【 正确答案】C
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