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课间课间安全安全提示语提示语1 1、不在楼梯、走廊间追逐打闹。、不在楼梯、走廊间追逐打闹。2 2、上下楼梯是要靠右走。、上下楼梯是要靠右走。3 3、不能在楼梯上推挤、跑跳。、不能在楼梯上推挤、跑跳。4 4、不爬窗户和阳台,不拉爬窗、不爬窗户和阳台,不拉爬窗户防护栏。户防护栏。1凌云书屋Follow me跟我做Follow ,follow , follow me,Hands up, hands downFollow ,follow , follow me,Stand up, sit downFollow ,follow , follow me,Open the window ,open the doorFollow ,follow , follow me,A,B,C,D ,sing a song2凌云书屋3凌云书屋I like the ABC song.Its my favourite song.The monkey says:最喜欢的最喜欢的4凌云书屋Lets sing a song5凌云书屋BLACKCOLORGREENHELLOFINEPENORANGEMAPINUFOUNNBAPMKMKGIBMAMUKHKIDGameID0.080.08秒的挑战秒的挑战秒的挑战秒的挑战说出字母说出字母说出字母说出字母AMUKHKKGKMINUNPMUFONBAIBMPENFINEMAPCOLORGREENHELLOORANGEBLACK6凌云书屋CcGgFfEeHhPpNnIiMmQqKkOoJjGamebcd0.080.08秒的挑战秒的挑战秒的挑战秒的挑战找它左右邻找它左右邻找它左右邻找它左右邻fghefgghidefopqlmnjklpqrijknophijmno7凌云书屋A:What do you like?B:I like . 8凌云书屋A:What do you like?B:I like the _. Its my favourite animal.9凌云书屋A:What do you like?B:I like the _. Its my favourite fruit.10凌云书屋A:What do you like?B:I like_. Its my favourite color.11凌云书屋A:What do you like?B:I like_. Its my favourite sport.12凌云书屋A:What do you like?B:I like_. Its my favourite number.13凌云书屋Homeworkn 练习练习ABC歌,表演给爸爸妈妈看歌,表演给爸爸妈妈看14凌云书屋Goodbye!Goodbye!15凌云书屋外研版(一起点)二年级上册外研版(一起点)二年级上册Module 1Unit2 I like football.16凌云书屋*Lets sing the ABC song together!17凌云书屋Whats this?18凌云书屋球队,运动队Which team is the winner?19凌云书屋I like football. 我喜欢足球。观看活动1动画,跟读句子20凌云书屋Listen, point and say.21凌云书屋Listen, number and say.点击出答案22凌云书屋Listen, number and say.432123凌云书屋Listen and say.24凌云书屋25凌云书屋-I like football. 我喜欢足球。-I like football, too.我也喜欢足球。26凌云书屋Come on, Team A. A队,加油!come on 经常用来鼓励或者催促对方快点27凌云书屋Practice.28凌云书屋Listen and say. Then chant.29凌云书屋Homework1 1、回家后练习、回家后练习ABC song, 表演给爸爸妈妈听;表演给爸爸妈妈听;2 2、用、用 I like, I like ,too. 造出造出3个对话。个对话。30凌云书屋Goodbye!Goodbye!31凌云书屋Module2Unit1 I dont like meat. Module 232凌云书屋Warm-up点击图片播放动画。Lets chant!What do you like?I like 33凌云书屋What do you like?I like your bike.I like your kite.Warm-up34凌云书屋PresentationmeatI like meat.I like meat, too.I dont like meat.35凌云书屋PresentationnoodlesI like noodles.I dont like noodles.36凌云书屋PresentationriceI like rice.I dont like rice.37凌云书屋PresentationsweetsI like sweets.I dont like sweets.38凌云书屋PresentationI like I dont likeMake sentences.39凌云书屋PresentationChildren like sweets.children40凌云书屋Presentation1. Listen, point and say.点击图片播放活动1动画。I like meat.I like meat, too.I like noodles.I like noodles, too.41凌云书屋Presentation2. Listen, point and find “I dont like”点击图片播放活动2动画。42凌云书屋PresentationNoodles are for you. No, no, no! I dont like noodles. Rice? No! I dont like rice. Meat. You like meat, Tom. No! I dont like meat. I like sweets! I like sweets! Tom sweets are for good boys. Are you a good boy? Ok. I like rice. I like meat. You are good children. Sweets for you! Thank you!Find and read.43凌云书屋1、分角色朗读出对话。2、两人一组,试着表演出来。根据自己的情况,选择来做吧!Role playPresentation44凌云书屋Presentation3. Listen and say.点击喇叭,播放录音。45凌云书屋PracticeI like I dont like46凌云书屋Practice47凌云书屋Goodbye!Goodbye!48凌云书屋Unit 2 I dont like ginger. 49凌云书屋I like I dont like50凌云书屋 Listen and chant.Noodles and rice are very ,very nice.Mm,mm,mm!Very,very nice.51凌云书屋ngingern 姜姜 52凌云书屋 onion 洋葱洋葱53凌云书屋nice creamn 冰淇淋冰淇淋54凌云书屋What do you like?55凌云书屋What does Tom like?56凌云书屋Sentcens:nI like.我喜欢我喜欢.nI dont like. 我不喜欢我不喜欢.57凌云书屋同桌之间互相练习句子:nI like ginger.nI dont like ginger.nI like onion.nI dont like onion.nI like ice cream.nI dont like ice cream.58凌云书屋I like ./I dont like .59凌云书屋Learn napple banana60凌云书屋ncatndog61凌云书屋B有关的单词:nbanananB is for bat. 球棒62凌云书屋c有关的单词:ncat 猫nC is for car. 汽车63凌云书屋D有关的单词:ndog 狗nD is for duck.鸭子64凌云书屋A B C D 有关单词:nA is for apple.nB is for banana.nB is for bat.nC is for car.nD is for duck .nD is for dog.65凌云书屋Revisionngingernonion I like ice cream.nice cream I dont likennice children66凌云书屋Goodbye!Goodbye!67凌云书屋Module3Unit1 Do you like bananas? Module 368凌云书屋Warm-upFree talkI like noodles. I dont like noodles.69凌云书屋Warm-upListen, point and say.(单击图片可播放动画)70凌云书屋Listen point and find “Do youlike?”PresentationDo you like bananas, Lingling? Yes, I do. Do you like apples? Yes, I do. Do you like milk? Yes, I do. Do you like oranges? Yes, I do. Do you like oranges? No , I dont. . Bananas, apples and milk. Whats that? Its a fruit milkshake. Here you are. I like fruit milkshake. Thank you, Amy. 单击图片播放动画。71凌云书屋PresentationListen again and find the following words.1.banana2.apple3. milk4.orange5. milkshake单击图片播放动画。72凌云书屋PresentationRole play.两人一组表演一下活动2的对话吧!73凌云书屋PresentationA:Do you like milk?B:Yes, I do.A:Do you like oranges?B:No, I dont. Listen and say.74凌云书屋PracticeDo you like milk?Yes, I do./No, I dont.75凌云书屋PracticeDo a survey.Lily foodname76凌云书屋PracticePractice.77凌云书屋Summary询问、回答某人是否喜欢某物:-Do you like ?-Yes, I do.- No, I dont.78凌云书屋Module3 Unit2Do they like apples?Dongcheng Elementary SchoolMiss Zhong79凌云书屋Sharp eyes80凌云书屋Sharp eyes bananas noodles ice cream gingerorangefruitsweets81凌云书屋They like apples.They like rice.They like meat.Its very, very nice.Listen and chantthey82凌云书屋Listen and sayWhat do they like?83凌云书屋Do they like_?Yes, they do. /No, they dont.Watch and answerWhats their favorite?84凌云书屋tomatotomatoes85凌云书屋Do they like_?Yes, they do. /No, they dont.Watch and answerWhats their favorite?86凌云书屋87凌云书屋Listen and draw or Do they like_?Yes, they do./No, they dont.88凌云书屋E is for elephant.Ee eeeChant89凌云书屋F is for frog.Ff f f fChant90凌云书屋G is for girl.Gg g g gThe girl likes the frog.Chant91凌云书屋ChantEe e, e, e. E is for elephant.Ff f, f, f. F is for frog.Gg g, g, g. G is for girl.The girl likes the frog.92凌云书屋93凌云书屋Look and sayDo you like _?Yes, I do. /No, I dont. tomatoesfishgingerIce creams94凌云书屋Goodbye!Goodbye!95凌云书屋Module 4nUnit 1 nSam likes T-shirts.96凌云书屋97凌云书屋dress likes dresses.dress98凌云书屋dress likes dresses.99凌云书屋dress likes dresses.100凌云书屋dress likes dresses.101凌云书屋T-shirt likes T-shirts.102凌云书屋T-shirt likes T-shirts.103凌云书屋T-shirt likes T-shirts.104凌云书屋T-shirt likes T-shirts.105凌云书屋trousers likes trousers.106凌云书屋trousers likes trousers.107凌云书屋Amy likes .Sam likes .dresses.T-shirts.108凌云书屋trousers likes trousers.trousers109凌云书屋dressdressT-shirtT-shirttrouserstrousers110凌云书屋Module4 Unit2111凌云书屋T恤恤T-shirt空空橙子橙子orange衬衫衬衫shirt香蕉香蕉banana 连衣裙连衣裙dress苹果苹果apple牛奶牛奶milk112凌云书屋Sam like T-shirts.s113凌云书屋Amy like dresses.s114凌云书屋likelikeA AB BC CD D115凌云书屋HeHe doesntdoesnt like like the the yellowyellow T-shirt.T-shirt.HeHe doesnt likedoesnt likethetheT-shirt.T-shirt.HeHe doesntdoesnt likelikethethe redred T-shirt.T-shirt.116凌云书屋 yellow, blue and red T-shirt.He likes the117凌云书屋s s118凌云书屋He doesnt likethe orange T-shirt.119凌云书屋He likes the blue T-shirt.120凌云书屋She doesnt like the red dress.121凌云书屋She likes the blue dress.122凌云书屋likesdoesnt like123凌云书屋Goodbye!Goodbye!124凌云书屋 Module5 Unit 1I get up at 7 oclock.125凌云书屋Step1 warming-up歌曲歌曲玩具玩具时间时间点(钟)点(钟)在在songtoytimeoclockat126凌云书屋twelvesixthreenineonetwofourfiveseveneighttenelevenoclock127凌云书屋128凌云书屋快迟到了快迟到了!129凌云书屋 回家!回家!130凌云书屋Good night!131凌云书屋get upStep2: Presentation132凌云书屋go to school133凌云书屋have lunch134凌云书屋go home135凌云书屋go to bed136凌云书屋go homeget upgo to schoolgo to bedStep3 Practice137凌云书屋 你真棒get uphave lunchgo homego to school138凌云书屋get up7 oclock.Iat Iat+数字数字+oclock. 我在我在.点做点做.139凌云书屋Step4:Consolidation词组:词组:get up 起床起床go to school 上学上学go home 回家回家go to bed 上床睡觉上床睡觉have lunch 吃饭吃饭Step4: Consolidation句子:句子:Iat+数字数字+oclock. 我在我在.点做点做140凌云书屋Step5: HomeworknTask one: To read the phrases correctly.nTask two: To use these sentences in our daily life.141凌云书屋Module 5 Unit 2nI go home at 5.142凌云书屋1 23456789101112am.pm.143凌云书屋Act 演一演演一演144凌云书屋I say you do!145凌云书屋 get upAt 7, I get up. I get up at 7.146凌云书屋At 8,I go to school.go to schoolI go to school at 8.147凌云书屋have lunchAt 12, I have lunch. I have lunch at 12.148凌云书屋play basketballAt 3 , I play basketball. I play basketball at 3.149凌云书屋At 5,I go home.go homeI go home at 5. home150凌云书屋At 8, I watch TV. I watch TV at 8.151凌云书屋go to bedAt 10 , I go to bed.I go to bed at 10.152凌云书屋What do I do at 7?我在我在7点做什么?点做什么?153凌云书屋I get up at 7.154凌云书屋What do I do at 8?我在我在8点做什么?点做什么?155凌云书屋I go to school at 8.156凌云书屋What do I do at 12?我在我在12点做什么?点做什么?157凌云书屋I have lunch at 12.158凌云书屋What do I do at 4?我在下午我在下午4点做什么?点做什么?159凌云书屋I play basketball at 4.160凌云书屋What do I do at 5?我在下午我在下午5点做什么?点做什么?161凌云书屋I go home at 5.162凌云书屋What do I do at 7?我在下午我在下午7点做什么?点做什么?163凌云书屋I watch TV at 7.164凌云书屋165凌云书屋166凌云书屋167凌云书屋Goodbye!Goodbye!168凌云书屋Module6 Unit1What do you do on Sundays?169凌云书屋SundayOn Sundays170凌云书屋swimminggo swimming 去游泳去游泳I go swimming.I go swimming on Sundays.171凌云书屋 play footballI play footballI play football on Sundays.172凌云书屋 play basketballI play basketball.I play football on Sundays.173凌云书屋 I on Sundays.174凌云书屋 I on Sundays.What do you do on Sundays?Lets talk.175凌云书屋Module6 Unit2Where do you live? 176凌云书屋177凌云书屋178凌云书屋A: what do you do on Sundays?B: I A: where do you?B: I at179凌云书屋What do you do on Sundays?I play football.Where do you play football?At the park.180凌云书屋181凌云书屋zootoomoonroom182凌云书屋Listen and answer1.What did the moon and the boy ask? (月亮和小男孩都问了什么?)2. How did they answer? (他们又是怎么回答的呢?)183凌云书屋184凌云书屋Boy, boy! Where do you live?I live in Shanghai.Moon,moon! Where do you live?I live in the sky.185凌云书屋skyI live in the sky.186凌云书屋I live in .Xiamen187凌云书屋188凌云书屋189凌云书屋Tingting190凌云书屋1.What does Tingting like?A.D.C.B.2.Where does Tingting live?A.B.191凌云书屋192凌云书屋1.What does Tingting like?A.D.C.B.2.Where does Tingting live?A.B.193凌云书屋Is Beijing a big city?194凌云书屋Xiamen is a nice city.195凌云书屋East or west, home is best!Love Ximen, protect Xiamen!196凌云书屋3.What school does Tingting go to?A.Qianmen SchoolB. Beijing School197凌云书屋198凌云书屋3.What school does Tingting go to?A. Qianmen SchoolB. Beijing School199凌云书屋I go to Tianxindao school.200凌云书屋201凌云书屋We love Tianxindao School.We behave well and try our best for it!202凌云书屋Listen and imitateP35 听音模仿P35 203凌云书屋Hi,my name is_. I like_and_.I live in_._is a _city.I go to _school.Where do you live? Is it a big city? TingtingTingtingBeijingswimmingbasketballBeijingbigQianmen204凌云书屋Hi,my name is_. I like_and_.I live in_._is a _city.I go to _school.Where do you live? Is it a big city? SamSamShanghaifootballT-shirtsShanghaibigShiyan205凌云书屋206凌云书屋I like _and_.Activities: kites bikes swimming football basketball (活动) pingpong TVFood: fish meat milk noodles rice sweets (食物) ice creams tamatoes onion ginger Fruits: apples oranges bananas (水果) Clothes: T-shirts dresses skirt trousers shoes(衣服) shortsAnimals :dogs cats elephants tigers lions pandas (动物) ducks monkeys snakes horsesHobby207凌云书屋homework:1.Listen and read the text for 5 times.2.Review Module6.3.Preview Module7.208凌云书屋Goodbye!Goodbye!209凌云书屋Module7Unit1 How do you go to school?210凌云书屋Warm-upListen and chant.(单击图片可播放动画)211凌云书屋Lead-inListen,point and say.(单击图片可播放动画)212凌云书屋PresentationWords.train213凌云书屋PresentationWords.bus214凌云书屋Listen, point and find “how”. Presentation(单击图片可播放动画)注意语音语调哟!215凌云书屋PresentationWords.walkwork216凌云书屋PresentationWords.bike217凌云书屋Role playPresentation218凌云书屋PracticeListen and say.219凌云书屋PracticeLets try.How do you go to school?I 220凌云书屋PracticePractise. by bikeby busby carwalkAbout you.221凌云书屋I go by train.M7 U2222凌云书屋223凌云书屋224凌云书屋225凌云书屋226凌云书屋 walk 227凌云书屋How do you go to school?I walk and run to school?228凌云书屋229凌云书屋run230凌云书屋Where is your school?231凌云书屋My school is at the zoo.232凌云书屋Hainan233凌云书屋I go to Hainan on holiday.234凌云书屋holiday235凌云书屋I go by train.236凌云书屋Then I go by ship.237凌云书屋238凌云书屋We go to China on holiday.239凌云书屋We go by plane.240凌云书屋241凌云书屋We love China.242凌云书屋243凌云书屋244凌云书屋245凌云书屋Summary1.本单元我们学习的单词是:train, bus, walk, bike, work。2.本单元我们学习的句型是:问句:How do you go to school?答句:I go to school +by+交通工具。 246凌云书屋Goodbye!Goodbye!247凌云书屋Module8Unit1 She goes swimming.248凌云书屋Warm-upListen and chant.(单击图片可播放动画)249凌云书屋Lead-inListen,point and say.(单击图片可播放动画)250凌云书屋PresentationWords.I watch TV.She watches TV.watcheswatch251凌云书屋Listen, point and find “goes, watches”. Presentation(单击图片可播放动画)注意语音语调哟!252凌云书屋PresentationWords.SaturdaySundayweekendplay football253凌云书屋PresentationWords.read a book254凌云书屋PracticeListen and say.255凌云书屋PracticeLets try.At the weekend, I play football and I watch TV.256凌云书屋PracticeLets try.She goes swimming. She watches TV she reads books.257凌云书屋PracticePractise. readsgoesplayswatchesHe / She at the weekend.258凌云书屋PracticePractise. drawsdoesplaysHe / She at the weekend.259凌云书屋Module8 unit2Does he play the piano?260凌云书屋play footballwatch TVgo swimmingread booksplay the flutelisten to CDsplay the drumsplay basketball play ping-pongCan you read?sing songs261凌云书屋Chant:nGoes, goes, she goes swimming.nWatches, watches, she watches TV.nReads, reads, she reads books.heheheGo, go, I go swimming.Watch, watch, I watch TV.Read, read, I read books.262凌云书屋Amy 的朋友有很多爱好,一起看看会是什么吧!263凌云书屋piano264凌云书屋play the pianoHe plays the piano.265凌云书屋drum266凌云书屋play the drumsHe plays the drums.267凌云书屋CDs268凌云书屋listen to CDsHe listens to CDs.269凌云书屋chant piano, piano, play the piano. drum, drum, play the drums.CD, CD, listen to CDs.270凌云书屋play the piano play the piano listen to CDsplay the drums play the drums listen to CDsplay the drumsFast reaction:He plays271凌云书屋他们马上要筹备一台音乐会,一起来看看他们都要干些什么?272凌云书屋Does he play the piano?Does he play the drums?Does he listen to CDs?No, he doesnt.No, he doesnt.Yes, he does.273凌云书屋Brain storming: Lets readHe reads books.He watches TV.He plays the drums.He plays the piano.He plays football.He listens to CDs.274凌云书屋No , he doesnt.Does he play the drums?275凌云书屋Does he play the drums?Yes, he does.276凌云书屋Does he listen to CDs?277凌云书屋What does your friends do? At the weekend278凌云书屋Summary1.本单元我们学习的单词是:weekend, watches, play, read。2.本单元我们学习的句子是:She / He goes swimming.279凌云书屋Goodbye!Goodbye!280凌云书屋Module9Unit1Module9Unit1Its winter.281凌云书屋这是春天。它是暖和的。这是春天。它是暖和的。我们穿夹克。我们穿夹克。我们不穿我们不穿T恤。恤。282凌云书屋这是夏天。它是炎热的。这是夏天。它是炎热的。我们穿我们穿T恤和戴太阳眼镜。恤和戴太阳眼镜。我们不穿夹克。我们不穿夹克。这是秋天。它是凉爽的。这是秋天。它是凉爽的。我们穿毛衣。我们穿毛衣。我们不戴手套。我们不戴手套。283凌云书屋这是冬天。它是寒冷的。这是冬天。它是寒冷的。我们不穿衬衫。我们不穿衬衫。我们穿大衣和戴手套。我们穿大衣和戴手套。284凌云书屋Its spring.Its summer.Its autumn.Its winter.285凌云书屋springsummerautumnwinterWinter, winter, its winter.Spring, spring, its spring.Summer, summer, its summer.Autumn, autumn, its autumn.286凌云书屋 Its spring. 这是春天。这是春天。Its warm.它是暖和的。它是暖和的。287凌云书屋 Its summer. 这是夏天。这是夏天。Its hot.它是炎热的。它是炎热的。288凌云书屋Its autumn. 这是秋天。这是秋天。 Its cool.它是凉爽的。它是凉爽的。289凌云书屋Its winter. 这是冬天。这是冬天。Its cold.它是寒冷的。它是寒冷的。290凌云书屋jacket 夹克夹克291凌云书屋sweater 毛衣毛衣292凌云书屋 gloves 手套手套293凌云书屋sunglasses 太阳眼镜太阳眼镜294凌云书屋 coat 大衣大衣295凌云书屋jacket spring 296凌云书屋T-shirt summer297凌云书屋sweater autumn 298凌云书屋coatwinter 299凌云书屋jacket 夹克sweater 毛衣sunglasses 太阳眼镜gloves 手套coat大衣T-shirt T恤shirt衬衫300凌云书屋jacketT-shirtsunglassessweatershirtcoatgloves301凌云书屋Its spring. Its warm. We wear jacket. We dont wear T-shirt. 302凌云书屋Its summer. Its hot. We wear T-shirt and sunglasses. We dont wear jacket.303凌云书屋Its autumn. Its cool. We wear sweater. We dont wear gloves.304凌云书屋Its winter. Its cold. We wear coat and gloves. We dont wear shirt.305凌云书屋Its spring. 这是春天。是春天。 Its warm. 它是暖和的。它是暖和的。 我我们穿穿夹克。克。 We wear .We dont wear .我我们不穿不穿T恤。恤。 jackets T-shirts warm306凌云书屋Its summer. 这是夏天。是夏天。 Its hot. 它是炎它是炎热的。的。 我我们穿穿T恤和戴太阳眼恤和戴太阳眼镜。 We wear .We dont wear .我我们不穿不穿夹克。克。T-shirts and sunglasses jacketshot307凌云书屋Its autumn.这是秋天。是秋天。Its cool.它是凉爽的。它是凉爽的。We wear .我我们穿穿毛衣。毛衣。We dont wear .我我们不穿不穿手套。手套。sweatersglovescool308凌云书屋Its winter. 这是冬天。是冬天。Its cold. 它是寒冷的。它是寒冷的。我我们穿穿大衣和戴手套。大衣和戴手套。We wear .We dont wear .我我们不穿不穿衬衫。衫。coats and glovesshirtscold309凌云书屋310凌云书屋311凌云书屋312凌云书屋313凌云书屋314凌云书屋315凌云书屋316凌云书屋317凌云书屋318凌云书屋319凌云书屋320凌云书屋321凌云书屋Notes: Its I wear I dont wearClothes:shirt, T-shirt, dress, jacket, sunglassessweater, gloves, coat seasons :spring autumnsummer winter weather(天气天气):warm暖,暖,cool凉,凉,hot热, cold冷冷322凌云书屋Goodbye!Goodbye!323凌云书屋Module 9 Unit 2What does he do in summer?324凌云书屋这是我的爸爸。这是我的爸爸。他喜欢运动。他喜欢运动。夏天他在干什么?夏天他在干什么?夏天他去游泳。夏天他去游泳。冬天他会去游泳吗?冬天他会去游泳吗?是的,他去!是的,他去!噢,那非常酷!噢,那非常酷!325凌云书屋Self-introductionSelf-introductionRole-playRole-play326凌云书屋back327凌云书屋sport sHe likes他喜欢运动。328凌云书屋This is my father.He likes sport.这是我的爸爸。他喜欢运动。329凌云书屋What does he do in summer?He goes swimming in summer.夏天他在干什么?夏天他去游泳。330凌云书屋Does he go swimming in winter ?Yes, he does.冬天他会游泳吗?Oh, thats very cool!是的,他去。噢,那非常酷!331凌云书屋What do you do in winter ?I go skating.332凌云书屋He goes skating.What does he do in winter ?333凌云书屋What do you do in winter?I go skating.What does he do in winter?He goes skating.334凌云书屋What does he do in summer?Oh, thats very cool!335凌云书屋336凌云书屋337凌云书屋Happy New Year!Module 10 Unit1338凌云书屋nSpring Festival couplets339凌云书屋nNew Year paintings340凌云书屋剪纸剪纸nPaper-cuts341凌云书屋nFirecrackers342凌云书屋 烟花烟花nFireworks343凌云书屋nDragon dance 344凌云书屋团圆饭团圆饭 年夜饭年夜饭Family reunion dinner Dinner on New Years Eve 年糕年糕345凌云书屋春节传统美食春节传统美食nRice cake/ New Year cake年糕年糕nChinese meat ravioli馄饨,饺子子nDumplings made of sweet rice, rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet or spicy fillings汤圆346凌云书屋347凌云书屋Look and chant:nNew Year! New Year! Happy New Year!(抱拳,新年好!)抱拳,新年好!)nCome in, come in, come in, please!nWe eat dumplings at Chinese New Year! (Mm, Mm, Mm)nWe have firecrackers at Chinese New Year! (PiPa, PiPa)348凌云书屋Fill in the blanks.nHappy !n New Year!nA present you.nCome , please!nThank you.n 349凌云书屋Summary:nHappy New Year!nWe eat dumplings at Chinese New Year.n用英语来简单描述中国新年用英语来简单描述中国新年n你能和小伙伴一块说一说吗?回家说给你能和小伙伴一块说一说吗?回家说给爸爸妈妈听一听,考考他们。看看你们爸爸妈妈听一听,考考他们。看看你们谁更聪明?谁更聪明?350凌云书屋n Module10 Unit2 We have Christmas.351凌云书屋Jesus352凌云书屋The birthday of Jesus353凌云书屋Christmas354凌云书屋nWhat do you do at Christmas?355凌云书屋U.K356凌云书屋Listen and draw orn1. In the UK, we have Christmas. ( )n2. Christmas is in spring. ( )n3. We have Christmas trees and Christmas presents. ( )n4. We have a small dinner and sing songs. ( ) 357凌云书屋Fill the blanknIn the _, we have _.nChristmas is in_. nWe have_ and_. nWe have a _and_.358凌云书屋Chinese New Year359凌云书屋In China, we have Chinese New Year.Chinese New Year is in _. We _. 360凌云书屋What do you do ?nat Christmasnat Chinese New yearnon Mothers Daynon Childrens Daynon Halloweennon Fathers Daynon Teachers Day361凌云书屋Homeworkn1.Introduce Christmas to your parents.n2.Make a Christmas card to your friend.362凌云书屋363凌云书屋
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