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雅思阅读是非题技巧讲解雅思阅读是非题技巧讲解 Candy薛是非题介绍v要求:题目是若干个陈述句,要求根据原文所给的信息,判断每个陈述句是对(True)、错(False)、还是未提及(Not Given) v难点:Not Given增加了考题的难度,很多考生容易混淆Not Given和False的差别v出现情况:A类考试每次考1-2组,共5-10题左右。G类考试一般考3组,20题左右,最多的一次超过30题。所以,G类考生更应重视此种题型 解题步骤v步骤一:定位定位,找出题目在原文中的出处。v(1)找出题目中的关键词关键词, 最好先定位到原文中的一个段落。v(2)从头到尾快速阅读该段落段落,根据题目中的其它关键词,在原文中找出与题目相关的一句或几句话。v(3)仔细阅读这一句句话或几句话,根据第二大步中的原则和规律,确定正确答案。v注意:要注意顺序性,即题目的顺序和原文的顺序基本一致。v步骤二:判断判断,根据下列原则和规律,确定正确答案。 基本原则v顺序原则v舍得原则v考点唯一原则v不涉及逻辑理解而考查语言理解v不能添加个人主观看法 一、选“是”的情况v情况一:题目是原文的同义表达。通常用同义词或同义结同义词或同义结构构。 例 1 原文:Frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are at a loss to explain their demise. 题目:Biologists are unable to explain why frogs are dying. 解析:题目中的are unable to与原文中的are at a loss to 是同义词,题目中的why frogs are dying与原文中的their demise是同义词,所以答案应为True。例 2 原文:Gatsbys comments regarding university standards have been roundly criticized as alarmist by most educationists who point out that, by any standard of measurement, Australias education system overall, at both secondary and tertiary levels, is equal to that of any in the world. 题目:Australias education system is equal to any in the world in the opinion of most educationists. 解析:原文中的划线部分is equal to与题目中的意思一样,所以选True。v情况二:题目是根据原文中的几句话做出推断或归纳推断或归纳。不推断不行,但有时有些同学会走入另一个极端,即自行推理或过度推理。例: 原文:For example, it has been demonstrated that rapid response leads to a greater likelihood of arrest only if responses are in the order of 1-2 minutes after a call is received by the police. When response times increase to 3-4 minutes -still quite a rapid response-the likelihood of an arrest is substantially reduced. 题目:A response delay of 1-2 minutes may have substantial influence on whether or not a suspected criminal is caught. 解析:从原文的两句话可以推断出:1-2分钟,抓住罪犯的可能性很大,3-4分钟,可能性就实质性的降低。所以,1-2分钟的反应延迟会对嫌疑犯是否被住产生实质性的影响,答案应为True。Eg C2T2Q19原文:The high standing of professionals, including doctors, has been eroded as a consequence.题目:in the past, Australians had a higher opinion of doctors than they do today.难点走向:剑七中Ant intelligence 名词也在“变形”了,是雅思7分的分水岭, 想想下面的名词是否有同义词可以替换?City life?Legs or arms?Mating?Boundary?C2T3Q4Eg, 原文:other causes, in decreasing order of frequency, were illness in family, family social function, work to do at home and bereavement. 题目:The study found that “ illness in the family” was a greater cause of absenteesim than “work to do at home” 二、选“否”的情况v情况一:题目与原文直接相反直接相反。 通常用反义词、反义词、not加同义词及反义结构加同义词及反义结构。 例 原文:Individuals of all ages are being driven by social pressures to achieve academic success solely for monetary considerations instead of for the joy of enlightenment. 题目:Most people who upgrade their qualifications do so for the joy of learning.v情况二:原文是多个条件并列,题目是其中一个条件原文是多个条件并列,题目是其中一个条件。 原文是两个或多个情形(通常是两种情形)都可以,常有bothand、and、or及及also等词。题目是题目是“必须必须”或或“只有只有”其中一个情况,常有其中一个情况,常有must及及only等词。例 原文:Booking in advance is strongly recommended as all Daybreak tours are subject to demand. Subject to availability, stand-by tickets (剩余的票子)(剩余的票子)can be purchased from the driver. 题目:Tickets must be bought in advance from an authorized Daybreak agent. 解析:原文是提前预定、直接向司机购买都可以,是多个条件的并列。题目是必须提前预定,是必须其中一个情况。所以答案应为False。v情况三:原文为人们对于某样事物的理论或感觉,题目则强调是客观事实或已被证明。 原文强调是一种“理论理论”或或“感觉感觉”,常有,常有feel, sense, theory等词。题目强调是一种“事实事实”,常有常有fact及及prove等词。例 原文:Another theory is that worldwide temperature increases are upsetting the breeding cycles of frogs. 题目:It is a fact that frogs breeding cycles are upset by worldwide increases in temperature. 解析:原文中有 theory,强调是“理论”、“推测”,还没有得到证实。题目中有fact,强调是“事实”。所以答案应为False。 v情况四:原文和题目中使用了表示示不同范围、频率、可能不同范围、频率、可能性性的词的词。 原文中常用many(很多)、sometimes(有时)及unlikely(不 太可能)等词。题目中常用all(全部)、usually(通常)、 always(总是)、及impossible(完全不可能)等词。例 1 原文:Almost everyone with or without a computer is aware of the latest technological revolution destined to change forever the way in which humans communicate, namely, the Information Superhighway. 题目:Everyone is aware of the Information Superhighway.例 2 原文:Without a qualification from a reputable school or university, it is unlikely to find a good job. 题目:It is impossible to get a good job without a qualification from a respected institution. 解析:原文中有unlikely,强调是“不太可能”。题目中有impossible, 强调是“完全不可能”。所以答案应为False。 v情况五:原文中包含条件状语,题目中去掉条件成份原文中包含条件状语,题目中去掉条件成份。 原文中包含条件状语,如if、unless或或if not也可能是用介词短语表示条件状语如in, with, but for或或except for。题目中去掉了这些表示条件状语的成份。这时,答案应为False。例 原文:The Internet has often been criticized by the media as a hazardous tool in the hands of young computer users. 题目:The media has often criticized the Internet because it is dangerous. 解析:原文中有表示条件状语的介词短语in the hands of young computer users, 题目将其去掉了。所以答案应为 False 三、选“不确定”的情况v情况一:题目中的某些内容在在原文中没有提及原文中没有提及或找不到找不到依据依据。Eg water is cold water is hot. water is clean. (当原文和题干的两个对应句可以在真实当原文和题干的两个对应句可以在真实条件中同时存在,就选条件中同时存在,就选NG)例: 原文:Already, millions of people around the world are linked by computer simply by having a modem(调制解调器) and an address on the Net, in much the same way that owning a telephone links us to almost anyone who pays a phone bill. 题目:Using the Internet costs the owner of a telephone extra money. v情况二:题目中涉及的范围小于原文涉及的范围,也就是涉及的范围小于原文涉及的范围,也就是更具体更具体。 原文涉及一个较大范围的范筹,而题目是一个具体概念。也就是说,题目中涉及的范围比原文要小。例1 原文:Our computer club provides printer. 题目:Our computer club provides color printer. 解析:题目中涉及的概念比原文中涉及的概念要小。换句话说,计算机俱乐部提供打印机,但是是彩色还是黑白的,不知道或有可能,文章中没有给出进一步的信息。所以答案应为Not Given。例2 原文:Tourists in Cyprus(塞浦路斯)come mainly from Europe. 题目:Tourists in Cyprus come mainly from the UK. 解析:题目中涉及的概念“UK”比原文中涉及的概念“Europe”要小。原文只说到塞浦路斯旅游的游客主要来自欧洲,有可能主要来自英国,也可能主要来自欧洲的其他国家,文章中没给出进一步的信息。所以答案应为Not Given。v情况三:原文是某人的原文是某人的目标、目的、想法、愿望、保证、目标、目的、想法、愿望、保证、发誓发誓等,题目是等,题目是事实事实。 原文中常用aim(目的目的)、purpose(目的目的)、promise(保证保证)、swear(发誓发誓)及及vow(发誓发誓)等词。题目中用实意动词实意动词。例 原文:Wealthy parents have always been willing to spend the vast amounts of extra money necessary to send their children to schools with a perceived educational edge. 题目:Some parents spend extra on their childrens education because of the prestige attached to certain schools. 解析:原文中说有钱的父母愿意付更多钱让孩子名气更响的学校,但这不是事实。所以答案应为Not Given。 v原文:Quite often, governments try to kill off a minority language. 题目:national governments could do more to protect endangered language. v原文:a survey carried out in 1988 by Britains Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) revealed that 78% shares were female, the majority of whom were between the ages of 20 and 40. 题目:The majority of male job shares are between 20 and 40. 总结考点:Paraphrasing AbilityThe original sentenceUntil recently, criminologists could not Afford to analyze DNA evidence for all homicide cases.crime labs now can use DNA for all murder cases. 1.Replace a phrase with a word 单词和词组的转换Until recently 转换成 nowCriminologists 转换成 crime labs2.Start the sentence differently 句型结构转换3. Change passive into active voice/negative slant to positive主被动/肯定否定的转换语法出题方式语法出题方式1.比较结构Eg. Girls are more likely than boys to hold mistaken views about the rainforests destruction.2.因果关系Eg, Literacy has improved as a result of recent academic conference. The Navajo language will die out because it currently has too few speakers.3.假设条件Eg,If one partner in a marriage smokes, the other is likely to take up smoking.原文:a married couple where one partner is a smoker and one is a non-smoker, the latter is believed to have a 30 percent higher risk of death from heart disease because of passive smoking.4. 复杂从句Eg, The fact that childrens ideas about science form part of a larger framework of ideas means that it is easier to change them.词汇测试的出题方式词汇测试的出题方式1.频率副词Eg, ports often have river connections.2. 情态动词Eg, national governments could do more to protect endangered languages.3. 介词词组Eg, Howard and Tracey Kendler studies under Clark Hull.4. 难词理解 The loss of linguistic diversity is inevitable.真题分布vC3 (P21, P26, P40, P49, P62, P67, P71, P87, P91)vC5 (P22, P27, P42, P45, P50, P65, P69, P73, P88, P93, P96)vC6 (P24, P43, P51, P65, P70. P73, P88, P92)vC7 (P25, P29, P42, P46, P51, P67, P76, P91, P94)注意事项总结1. 可以依据原文做适当的推断,但不能做无根据的自行推断或过度推断。2. 题目中若出现must、only、all及always,答案一般不会是True。3.要相信自己的第一感觉,不要轻易改答案。4. 要注意上述规律和方法的运用,不要钻牛角尖。5. 注意时间分配
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