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THECOURAGEOFAWINNERTHECOURAGEOFAWINNERwarm-uplead-inpre-readingwhile readingpost-reading 1.To Learn Lance Armstrongs special life experiences and get to know his spirit as a winner.2.To review Grammar Summary concerning modal verbs and expressions from the text. 3.To use modal verbs to express obligation, prediction, possibility and speculation.ObjectiveswarmupWho is he? What does he do?How much do you know about him?LeadinWho is he? What does he do?Lance Armstrong. A cyclist.He had been offered contracts by big sporting companies, such as Nike.How much do you know about him?Seven wins in the Tour de France./ rankv.It is not always easy to rank the students inorderof ability.todecidethepositionofsomeoneorsomethingonalistbasedonqualityorimportanceWORDBANKFirst JackSecond TomThird Jerryignorev.The door was blown open, but she ignored it.to deliberately pay no attention to something diagnosev.The test is used to diagnose a variety of diseases. to say exactly what an illness or the cause of a problem is despairn. She killed herself in despair.a feeling that you have no hope at allundergov.Some children undergo a complete transformation when they become teenagers. to experience sth, especially a change or sth unpleasant triumphantlyadv.“Ive got a job,” she announced triumphantly. showing pleasure and pride because of a victory or success While-ReadingStep 1: SkimmingWhat have been his two major battles?His successful fight against cancer and his cycling wins.Step2Scanning&MakinginferencesHowdoyouthinkArmstrongmusthavefeltatthesetimes:TimeArmstrongmusthavefeltBefore he went to the doctorWhen he received the diagnosisDuring chemotherapyWhen he was training for the Tour de FranceWhen he won the Tour de France for the first timeFillinthechart.TimeEventsArmstrongmusthavefeltBefore he went to the doctorWhen he received the diagnosisEverythingmusthavebeengoingperfectly;hadwonamajorrace;wasranked7thintheworld;hadbeenofferedcontractsproud,confident,ambitiousHeshouldhavegoneearlier;couldnothaveknownwhatwasabouttohappen.puthisheadonthedoctorsdeskindespair;madestrongdetermination;desperate,hopeless,butdeterminedChecktheanswer.TimeEventsArmstrongmusthavefeltDuring chemotherapyWhen he was training for the Tour de FranceWhen he won the Tour de France for the first timeunderwentchemotherapytreatment;lostweight;hadtosleepalottough,terrible,difficult,painfuldidntneedtotakemoremedication;rodehisbike30-50milesaday;hardbutrelievedpeopleneednothaveworriedabouthisability;hemusthaveadifferentkindofmotivationhappy,satisfied,excited,motivated,Post-reading:RetelltheexperiencesofLanceArmstrong. Retelling Before he went to the doctor, everything _ perfectly for Armstrong. He had won a major race and was _ 7th in the world. He musthavefelt _.Then, in 1996, Armstrong went to the doctor with a problem. When he received the diagnosis, he knew there was a 40% chance he _ and a 60% chance he _. He musthavefelt_.musthavebeengoingrankedproud,confident,andambitiouswouldsurvivemightdiedesperate,hopeless,butdeterminedDuring chemotherapy, he _ two operations and he _ more than twelve hours a day. He musthavefelt _.When he _ chemotherapy, he was training for the Tour de France. He must have felt _.When he won the Tour de France for the first time, it proved that people need not _ his ability. However, we _ that he is different from other stars.hadtohavehadtosleeptough,terrible,difficult,andpainfuldidnothavetohavehardbutrelievedhavedoubtedmustnotforgetGrammar: Look at the sentences with Grammar: Look at the sentences with mustmust. When does must express:. When does must express:Everything must have been going perfectly.However, we must not forget that he is different from other stars.Money and success do not seem to interest him and he must have a different kind of motivation.But young, strong men must realise that this can happen to them too.a)obligationb)speculationc)prohibitionbcbaprohibitionCars Practice1 What the person with the speech bubble is saying? Use must.obligationWe Look at this photo. Jason speculationPractice 2 Complete these school rules with must, mustnt.1. You _ be on time for class.2. You _ run in the school corridors.3. You _ give your homework to the teacher on time.4. You _ be rude to teachers.5. You _ bring food or drink into the classroom.6. You _ write on your school textbooks.mustmustmustntmustntmustntmustntGrammar Review: Look at the expressions Grammar Review: Look at the expressions in red. Which of them say that someone:in red. Which of them say that someone:a) did something although it wasnt necessary?b) didnt do something because it wasnt necessary? , and did not need to worry about money. He did not need to take any more medication.Many people doubted Armstrongs ability to become a top cyclist again but they need not have worried.bbaSummary“need”作为实义动词时,通常用法是: 人need to do 物need doing 物need to be done “need”作为情态动词时,通常用法是:neednt doneednt have donePractice你不需要再做了。 You neednt do it again/ You dont have to do it again. 他们需要填表吗? Need they fill in the form? 当他问的时候,你其实不必要说。 You neednt have said that when he asked 我们需要告诉他真相。(否定) We need to tell him the truth/ We dont need to tell him the truth. / We neednt tell him the truth. 这些花需要浇水。The flowers need watering他的皮鞋需要修补。 His leather shoes need to be mended Grammar Review: Read these sentences Grammar Review: Read these sentences from the text. Does will express:from the text. Does will express:1. Many people will know about Lance Armstrongs seven wins in the Tour de France.2. Fewer people will have heard of his battle with cancer. a) future b) speculation c) obligationbbWhattimedoeseachsentencetalkabout?presentpast这可能是你正在找的那本书。 Thisll be the book you are looking for. practicespeculation Many people will have watched Kong fu Panda, including Tuan Tuan (团团). Grammar Summary: Which of the modal Grammar Summary: Which of the modal verbs and expressions in blue express:verbs and expressions in blue express:a) obligation b) lack of obligationc) speculation d) predictione) possibility/ability?Answer:must have been going c) should have done a)could continue e) could not have known c)would survive d) might die c) had to have a)had to sleep a) did not have to have b)does not have to worry b) must not forget a)must have c) must realise a)Choose suitable modal verbs below to complete the following dialogues. There may be more than one possibility.SAM: How can I grow thinner, Mum?MUM: Well, you _ eat food with plenty of fibre that helps you digest better. And you _ stop drinking cola or eating sweet food.SAM: Does it mean I _ eat my favourite fried chicken any more?MUM: Not exactly, if you love fried chicken, you _ give it up. Just eat it less often. You _ worry too much: a little fried chicken _ do you good!should/shouldnt mustnt neednt (dont) have to will can/canthavetoshouldshouldntneedntdonthaveto/neednt/shouldntwillSituation1Situation 2DOTOR: You are sick because youve eaten poisonous mushrooms. Where did you get them?LUCY: I picked them in the forest. I know we _ eat fresh vegetables.DOCTOR: Oh, but you _ eat them until youre sure they are not poisonous.LUCY: Thank you, doctor. Ill be more careful next time.havetomustntSpeaking:Voiceyouropinion.Lance Armstrong has written an autobiography, “Its Not About The Bike.”How do you understand his words?Comments on this bookLance Armstrongs autobiography was truly an amazing book to read. It moved very smoothly from topic to topic and gave a full overview of his life. It showed Lances emotions through every phase of his life. It showed how great he felt when he first went to Russia to win his first major bike race, to his devastating feelings when cancer struck. Cancer is such a horrible thing. It is hard to imagine for someone hasnt had it. Lance did an amazing job of showing every last emotion. Lance was able to tell exactly what he was feeling throughout the whole book. I also got a taste of Lances gut wrenching character through the entire book. - From quoting Nick Grover, USA Whatkindofattitudeshallweformtowardsdifficulties?Wherethereisawill,thereisaway.Wherethereishealth,thereishope.HomeworkWrite down your understanding of the saying.Finish the exercises on page 96.
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