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Unit 7 Films Revision 牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)Fill in the blanks and then retell it.Hollywoodsall-timebest-AudreyHepburnon4May1929asachildin1951twoyearslaterduringherlifetimein1989inthe1950sin1991on20January1993born in Belgiumlove dancing, dream of becoming a successful ballet dancerhave four more Oscar nominationsmake her final appearance in Alwaysbegin to work for UNICEFdiscover cancerpass away peacefully in her sleepmeet Colette, play the lead role in Gigiplay the lead role in Roman Holiday, win the Oscar for Best Actress牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)单词单词1.act-_(n.)2.lose-_(n.)3.final-_(adv.)4.appear-_(n.)5.peace-_(adv.)6.attract-_(adj.)7.amaze-_(adj.)8.dance-_(n)9.cancel-(过去式、现在分词)_ actor actresslossappearancefinallypeacefullyattractiveamazing amazeddancercancelledcancelling牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)10.luck(adj)_adv._反义词_ lucky luckily unlucky unluckily牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)1.你做梦你做梦梦想做某事梦想做某事他梦想成他梦想成为一名成一名成功的舞者功的舞者实现2.进入入电影影业3.适合做某事适合做某事4.你知道我是你知道我是谁吗?5.明日的超明日的超级明星明星这个周六的个周六的讲座座今晚的派今晚的派对短语短语1.in your dreams dream of/about doing sth He dreams of becoming a successful dancer His dream is to become a successful dancer realize/come true2.enter the film industry 3.be suitable for doing be suitable to do 4. Do you know who l am?5. tomorrows superstar this Saturdays talk tonights party牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)6.宁愿当一名宁愿当一名导演演7.史上最史上最伟大的女大的女演演员之一之一8.失去失去9.搬去搬去伦敦敦10从事模特工作从事模特工作11.引起引起这个作家的个作家的注意注意12.当在法国表演的当在法国表演的时候候13.坚持做某事持做某事14.以、为基础以、为基础6.would rather be a director7.one of all-time greatest actresses 8.the loss of 9.move to London10.work as a model11.catch / attract / draw the writers attention 12. While acting in FranceWhile she was acting in France 13.insist on doing sth. insist that .14.be based on/upon 牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)15.标志着志着 的开始的开始16.两年之后两年之后17.被被选择做某事做某事18.扮演天使的角色扮演天使的角色19赢得最佳女演得最佳女演员奥斯卡奥斯卡奖20.在他的一生中在他的一生中21.另外四次另外四次22.她的最后一次露她的最后一次露面面23.与与 密切合作密切合作24.超出、超越超出、超越25.在在20世世纪50年代年代15. mark the beginning of16. two years later 17. be chosen to do sth18. play the role of an angel19.win the Oscar for Best Actress20. in /during his lifetime21. another four / four more22. make her final appearance23. work closely with24. go/be beyond 25. in the 1950s 牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)26.在在这一一领域域27.因因为她的努力她的努力28.平和地去世平和地去世29得癌症得癌症30.已已经上映上映15分分钟31.穿一件穿一件T恤恤32.休息一天休息一天33.把她把她误认为一位一位真正的公主真正的公主34.三个小三个小时的的纪录片片35.这部部电影在影在电影影院放映院放映26. in this area/field27. because of her efforts28. pass away peacefully29.have cancer30.have been on for 15 minutes31.Have a T-shirt on32. have a day off 33.mistake her for a real princess34. a 3-hour documentary35.The film is showing at the cinema.牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)36.把恐把恐龙活生生的活生生的展展现在屏幕之上在屏幕之上37.这部部电影已影已经被被取消了取消了38.在周二在周二39认为怎么怎么样40.我也不我也不41.考考虑做某事做某事 把把.看做看做36. bring dinosaurs alive on screen37. the film has been cancelled38. on Tuesday39. What do you think of/about?How do you like ?40. Neither do l.41.consider doing sth consider .as牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)42.如此如此优秀的秀的讲故事能手故事能手43.你你认为谁适合适合进入入电影影业such a good storytellerSo good a storytellerWho do you think is suitable for entering the film industry牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)1.你知道他们是谁吗?你知道他们是谁吗?Do you know _?2.你知道谁适合这个职位?你知道谁适合这个职位?_would _this position?3.米莉是一个如此优秀的讲故事的人,以至于她能写出令米莉是一个如此优秀的讲故事的人,以至于她能写出令人激动人激动的剧本。的剧本。Millie is _ that she _.4.他已经被选为那部电视剧的主角。他已经被选为那部电视剧的主角。He has _ that TV play.Translate the following sentences.who they areWho do you thinkbe suitable for such a good storytellercan write exciting scripts been chosen to play the lead role in牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)Translate the following sentences.5.她的梦想是当一名成功的舞蹈家。她的梦想是当一名成功的舞蹈家。Her dream is _ _ _ _ _.6.我不得不告我不得不告诉你你这个机器超个机器超过了了维修期。修期。I have to tell you that the machine is _ repair. 7.这个著名的科学家在睡梦中平静的离世。个著名的科学家在睡梦中平静的离世。The famous scientist _ _ _ in his dream.8.赫本在生命的最后几年里与赫本在生命的最后几年里与联合国儿童基金会合国儿童基金会紧密合作,密合作,以便帮助不同地区的以便帮助不同地区的贫困儿童。困儿童。Hepburn spent her _ _ _ _ _ UNCEF _ _ she _ help poor children_ _ _ _ the world.to be a successful dancerbeyondpassed away peacefully last few years working closely withso thatcouldin different parts of 牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)Translate the following sentences.9.张艺谋被被认为是中国最是中国最伟大的大的导演之一。演之一。Zhang Yimou is considered as _ _ _ _ _ in China.10.章子怡在章子怡在电影影英雄英雄中扮演主角。中扮演主角。Zhang Ziyi _ _ _ _ _ the film Hero.11.这部部电影是根据影是根据简. 奥斯汀的一部小奥斯汀的一部小说改改编的。的。This film _ _ _ one of Jane Austins novels.12.徐老徐老师在成在成为一名英一名英语教教师之前想当一名医生。之前想当一名医生。Miss Xu _ _ _ _a doctor before _ an English teacher. one of the greatest directors played the lead roleinis based onwanted to work as becoming牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)( )1. The whole world felt very sad about Audrey Hepburns _ after she _. A. dying;died B. death;died C. dead;dying D. died;death( )2.Not only you but also your brother _ is crazy about playing basketball. A. is B. are C. am D. be( )3. The number of the students in our school _ about 2,500.A number of them _ from the country. A. are; are B. is; are C. is; is D. is; comesBAB牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)( )4. The old man lived alone all his life and he _ a rainy winter evening. A. passed away in B. past away in C. passed away on D. past away on( )5. I tried several jackets on, but _ of them looked good. A. both B. either C. none D. neither( )6. _ it is to go hiking in _ weather! A. What a fun; such fine B. How fun; such a fine C. What fun; such fine D. What fun; such a fineCCC牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)( )7. I am sorry its _ my power to make a final decision on the project . A. over B. above C. off D. beyond( )8. The door is broken. Try to _ who broke it. A. find out B. find C. look D. look for( )9. Girls are _ interested in shopping around. A. special B. especial C. specially D. especially( )10. Mary devoted as much time as she could _for the elderly. A. care B. caring C. to care D. to caringDACD牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)( )11. I dont know if it _ next Sunday. If it _,we wont go to the cinema.A.will rain; will rain B. rains; rains C. will rain; rains D. rains; will rain( )12. She is _ at the _ news. A. surprising; surprising B. surprised; surprised C. surprising; surprised D. surprised; surprising( )13. I have seen the film Titanic, and _ leading actor is my favourite. A. its B. its C. whose D. whichCDA牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)( )14. He doesnt like _very much. Hed rather _a director. A. action; become B. acting; be C. action; to become D. acting; to be ( )15. Thank you for your help. Without your help, I couldnt work out the problem last night. _ . A. With pleasure B. My pleasure C. All right D. No, thanksBB牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)根据句意及根据句意及汉语提示,写出提示,写出单词的正确形式:的正确形式:1.The workers _ (坚持持认为) that they should be given a free lunch and the boss had to give in.2.The cartoon _ (产业) in China is developing faster and faster these years.3.Reading _ (大声地大声地) in the morning is very important if you want to learn English well.4.I like singing, but I dont want it to be my _ (终生生) career.5.Mr Green put a lot of _ (努力努力) into arranging the concert.insistedindustryaloudlifetimeeffort牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)根据句意,用括号中所根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空:的正确形式填空:1.Heres a list of the most famous _ (direct) names.2.With your help we were able to hold the charity show _ (success).3.Although she is not a beauty, many people find her _ (attract).4.Do you think Gong Li id a great _ (beautiful) ?5.He was _ (luck) to lose all the books borrowed from the school library?directorssuccessfullyattractivebeautyunlucky牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)Goodbye牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7(复习专用)
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