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外研版必修五module2-a-job-worth-doing-优秀课课件Brainstorm pilotdoctoractorengineerpostmanteacherdirectorjobsfirefighternurseHotel connoisseurfireman/firefighterdoctorelectricianpilotbarberexcitingstressfulwell paiddangerouscool-lookinghave gun on dutyDescribe the job with as many words as possible.the first periodIntroductionYou may use:Now describe the following jobs with these words.eg. Shes a doctor. Doctor is a well paid job. badly paid dangerous exciting intellectual manual satisfying stressful well paidDiscuss what sort of job you would (not) like to do and why.Example: I want to be a _, because it _ _. OR: I dont want to be a _, because it_.The Human Traffic SignalVolunteerListen to the text and fill in the blanks.Match the headings Part1 The man Part 2 The road Part 3 The reason why he does itWhere is La Paz?It is in Bolivia and is the highest capital in the worldIt is in Bolivia and is the highest capital in the worldWhich road is the most dangerous there?Which road is the most dangerous there?Are there any rules of using it? Do people Are there any rules of using it? Do people respect them?respect them?The road going north from La PazThe road going north from La PazYes. Few drivers respect the rules.Yes. Few drivers respect the rules.1.Many roads are _(处于不好的状态) and accidents are frequent. One road _(尤其), which goes north from La Paz, is _(被认为)the most dangerous road in the world.2. Although there is not a lot of traffic ,_ (平均),one vehicle _(驶出) the road every two weeks.3._(在理论上),the road can be used by trafficbut _(在实践中), few drivers respect the rules.in bad conditionin bad conditionin particularin particularconsideredconsideredon averageon averagecomes offcomes offIn theoryIn theoryin practicein practiceT The he secondsecond paragraph : paragraph :1. 1.What is Timoteos job?What is Timoteos job?2. 2. A. Hes a policeman. A. Hes a policeman.3. 3. B. Hes a lorry driver. B. Hes a lorry driver.4. 4. C. Hes a volunteer who directs the traffic. C. Hes a volunteer who directs the traffic.5. 5.2. Where does he work?2. Where does he work?6. 6. A In a small village in the Andes. A In a small village in the Andes.7. 7. B At the side of a road in the mountains. B At the side of a road in the mountains.8. 8. C In La Paz C In La Paz3. What does Timoteo get from directing the traffic?3. What does Timoteo get from directing the traffic? A. A small amount of money from some drivers. A. A small amount of money from some drivers. B A small salary from the state. B A small salary from the state. C No money at all. C No money at all.4. How does Timoteo direct the traffic?4. How does Timoteo direct the traffic? A.He waves his hands. A.He waves his hands. B.He waves a flag. B.He waves a flag. C.He holds a large circular board in his hands,which is red C.He holds a large circular board in his hands,which is red on one side and green on the other. on one side and green on the other. 1.Then one day while he was working as a lorry driver he _ (与死神擦肩而过与死神擦肩而过) .2.This last experience _ _(对对产生重大影响产生重大影响) Timoteo.3.And so every morning _,_ _ , (一周又一周一周又一周 ) from dawn to dusk, Timoteo _ (站好站好位置以备位置以备)his place on the bend and directs the traffic.had a close encounter with deathhad a close encounter with deathhad a profound effect onhad a profound effect onweek inweek in week outweek outtakes uptakes upParagraph 3Summary Timoteo is a gentle 46-year-old man who lives in a village near the most dangerous part of a road in Bolivia. The road is in bad_ because it is in high mountains, which rises steeply, and there is a sheer _ drop on one bend. Anyone who can survive from such a travel is lucky. But thanks_ Timoteo, the _ toll has fallen. Every morning he _ up to the bend with a large circular board in his hand, which is _ on one side and _ on the other. When two vehicles approach from _ directions, they cant see each other and situation may be _. But they can see Timoteo. In this way Timoteo _ the traffic.condition droptodeathclimbsredgreenoppositedangerousdirects1.What do you think of this man?2.Is it worth doing?3.Look at some pictures Tell me if you have a chance to be a volunteer, what do you want to do for our society? Why?DiscussionIf I have a chance to be a volunteer,If I have a chance to be a volunteer,I want to do a job which helps /I want to do a job which helps /BecauseBecauseHomeworkWhat kind of jobs do you want to do in the future?What kind of jobs do you want to do in the future?Write a short passage about it.Write a short passage about it.The title isA job worth doingThe title isA job worth doing1.合同;契约合同;契约 2. 必不可少的;绝对重要的必不可少的;绝对重要的 3. 感激感激的;感谢的的;感谢的 4. 可获得的可获得的 2.5. satisfying,satisfied,satisfy,satisfaction3.6. stressful,stress,stress4.7. apply,application5.8. organizational, organization,organize6.9. require,requirement7.10. demand, demanding8.11. suffer, suffering9.12.quality, qualified, qualification10.13.intelligent, intelligence, intellectualB二单词练习答案:1.offered 2.mission3.circular4.qualified5.profound6.respected 7.encounters8.volunteers 9. demand 10. available三短语互译三短语互译答案:1. in particular 2. on average,3. in theory 4. in practice 5. pass by6. take.for granted7. have an effect on8. come off 9. thanks to10. take up四短语练习四短语练习答案:答案:1. had a profound effect on 2. never;pass by3. took it for granted 4. takes up 5. in particular 6. in theory六课文总结答案:altitude, condition, dangerous, sheer, average ,signal, direct, volunteer, encounter, survived, effect, mission1.But in practice,few drivers respect the rules.但实际上几乎没有司机遵守这些规则。本句中 respect 为及物动词;表示“ ”的意思,另外,还可用作名词,表示“ ”。固定搭配show respect for 。If you dont _ yourself,how can you expect others to _ you? 自己不自重,又怎能受到别人尊敬呢?I _ you for your honesty.由于你为人正直,我对你十分敬重。We must _ the laws of a country we are in.我们必须遵守所在国家的法律。Children should_ _ _ their teachers.学生要尊敬老师。 答案:“遵守(交通规则)”, “尊敬”, “尊敬,尊重”respect,respectrespectrespectshow respect for2. Every morning he climbs up to the bend with a large circular board in his hand.每天早晨,他手里都拿着一个大圆板爬上弯道。每天早晨,他手里都拿着一个大圆板爬上弯道。此句中的此句中的with a large circular board in his hand 是是with 复合结构的一种形式:复合结构的一种形式:with宾语宾语介词短语介词短语,在,在句中作伴随状语,表状态。除介词短语作宾补外,还可以句中作伴随状语,表状态。除介词短语作宾补外,还可以用用形容词形容词,副词副词,过去分词过去分词,v.-ing 形式,形式,动词不定式动词不定式。对非谓语动词形式的选择要注意把握宾语与动词之间的关对非谓语动词形式的选择要注意把握宾语与动词之间的关系,主动可采用不定式或现在分词,表将要发生时用不定系,主动可采用不定式或现在分词,表将要发生时用不定式,表正在发生的动作时采用现在分词;被动可采用过去式,表正在发生的动作时采用现在分词;被动可采用过去分词的形式。分词的形式。 The teacher came into the classroom _a book _ his hand.老师手里拿一本书进入教室。He likes sleeping _ the windows _/_.他喜欢开着(关着)窗子睡觉。He lay on the ground, _ both of his hands _.他躺在地上,双手被捆着。We could see nothing in the dark _ all the lights _.所有的灯都灭了,黑暗中我们什么都看不见。 _ only two days _ _ we cant afford to relax.只有两天时间了,我们可不能松懈。People cant afford to buy expensive things _ the prices of daily goods _ up. 随着日用品价格的上涨,人们无法买得起贵重物品。答案:答案:with, in with, open/ closedwith, tiedwith, offWith, to gowith, going 3. Timoteo stands on the bend and directs the traffic.铁穆特欧站在拐弯处指挥着交通。自我探究 direct 在本句中是动词,意为“_”。还可以用作形容词,意为“_”。其名词为direction,副词为directly。Chaplin _ many films in his life.卓别林一生导演了许多电影。Can you _ me to the railway station?你能指给我去火车站的路吗?He is very _,so you always know what his real views are.他为人很直率,所以总能知道他的真实想法。Please answer my questions _.请直接回答我的问题。On hearing the sound,the birds flew away in every _.听到声音,鸟向四面八方飞去。答案:答案:“指挥;指导;指引指挥;指导;指引”,“直接的,坦白的直接的,坦白的”directeddirectdirectdirectlydirection4. But often they just pass by,taking the human traffic signal for granted.但经常他们只是从他身边驶过,把人体交通标志看作理所当然的事情。take.for granted 的意思为“ ”。如果跟宾语从句,则用 作形式宾语,把实际宾语放在后面。He never praises his wife;he just _ her _ _. 他从不夸妻子,只觉得她一切理所当然。Dont _ anything _ _.凡事不要想当然。I _ _ _ _ that you have read this book.我认为你一定读过这本书。答案:答案:“认为认为理所当然;认为某事属实理所当然;认为某事属实”,ittakes,for grantedtake,for grantedtake,it for granted5. He was driving a lorry load of bananas when he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain.当他正开着装满香蕉的卡车要驶过一个弯道的时候,他连人带车翻到了300 多米深的山崖下。本句中的when为并列连词,表示“ ”的意思,相当于 。be doing.when.的意思为“正在这时”。We were watching TV _ suddenly the lights went out.我们正在看电视,突然灯灭了。I was about to go out _ someone knocked at the door. 我刚想出去,这时有人在敲门。I was thinking of this _ I heard my name called.我正想着这件事时,突然听到有人叫我的名字。答案:答案:“就在那时就在那时”, and at that time。whenwhenwhen6. This last experience had a profound effect on Timoteo.那次经历给铁穆特欧留下了极其深刻的印象。have an effect on/upon sb./sth.的意思为“ ”;have no (little/some/much/a bad )effect 的意思为:“ ”。归纳拓展同同义词归纳义词归纳:对对产产生影响生影响 have effect on/upon sb./sth. have an influence on have an impact on affectSmoking can _ _ _ _ _ your body.吸烟会对你的身体产生很坏的影响。Punishment _ _ _ _ _ him.惩罚对他不起作用。When will the new law _ _?这项法律何时生效?The games _ _ _ _ _ me but affect him a great deal. 这些游戏对我没有影响,但是对他影响很大。答案:答案:“对对产产生作用或影响生作用或影响”; “无效;没有影响无效;没有影响(几乎没有影响几乎没有影响/有些影响有些影响/影响很大影响很大/有不良影响有不良影响)”。have a bad effect onhad very little effect ontake effectdont have an effect on练习练习 答案:1.in bad condition 2.in particular, considered 3.on average4.In theory, in practice, respect 5.taking, for granted 6.had a profound effect 7.week in, week out; takes up his placeSection Grammar & WritingModule 2A Job Worth Doing语语法法精精讲讲专专项项突突破破品味品味经经典典1I got up early,washed my face,had a quick breakfast and hurried to school.2He was watching TV at home from 300 to 500 yesterday afternoon.3He had just finished sweeping the classroom when the teacher returned from the office.自我探究自我探究这这三句都使用了三句都使用了过过去的去的时态时态。第第1句是句是_,表示,表示“_”“_”动动作;第作;第2句是句是_,表示,表示“_”_”;第;第3句是句是_时时,表示在,表示在“_”“_”。一般一般过过去去时时发发生在生在过过去的去的过过去去进进行行时时在在过过去某一去某一时时刻或某段刻或某段时间时间正在正在发发生的生的动动作作过过去完成去完成过过去某一去某一时间时间之前已之前已经经完成的完成的动动作作一、一般过去时一、一般过去时1表示在确定的过去时间内发生的动作或状表示在确定的过去时间内发生的动作或状态。态。Did you watch the football match broadcast on TV yesterday evening?你昨?你昨晚观看电视转播的足球赛了吗?晚观看电视转播的足球赛了吗?讲解归纳讲解归纳讲解归纳讲解归纳2表示过去经常发生的动作或习惯性动作。表示过去经常发生的动作或习惯性动作。I always got up too late,and never had enough time for breakfast.我总是起床很晚,从来没有足够的时间吃早饭。我总是起床很晚,从来没有足够的时间吃早饭。【温馨提示】【温馨提示】这这种情况也可用种情况也可用 used to 和和 would 表示。表示。3描述几个相继发生的过去动作。描述几个相继发生的过去动作。The students got up early in the morning,did morning exercises and then read English aloud in the open air.学生们起床很早,做早操,然后在室外朗读英学生们起床很早,做早操,然后在室外朗读英语。语。4有时动词的一般过去时形式上为过去,而实际有时动词的一般过去时形式上为过去,而实际上却指现在,即上却指现在,即“原来想的原来想的”与现在的实际情况不相与现在的实际情况不相符。符。I thought you were out.我原以为你出去了。我原以为你出去了。I didnt know you were here.我不知道你在这里。我不知道你在这里。5since 从句一般用过去时。从句一般用过去时。She has been living a hard life since her husband died.自从丈夫死后,她一直过着艰苦的生活。自从丈夫死后,她一直过着艰苦的生活。二、过去进行时二、过去进行时1表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。This time yesterday we were having an English lesson.昨天这个时候,我们正在上英语课。昨天这个时候,我们正在上英语课。2表示过去一段时间内正在进行的动作。表示过去一段时间内正在进行的动作。Shirley was reading a book last night but I dont know whether she has finished it.雪莉昨晚一直在看一本书,不过我不知道她现雪莉昨晚一直在看一本书,不过我不知道她现在看没看完。在看没看完。3表示从过去某一时间的角度看将要发生的表示从过去某一时间的角度看将要发生的动作,仅用于动作,仅用于 come,go,start,leave,stay,arrive 等动词。等动词。He told me he was leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.他告诉我他明天将要去上海。他告诉我他明天将要去上海。4表示礼貌,并不表示过去的时间,而表达表示礼貌,并不表示过去的时间,而表达现在的客气或礼貌。现在的客气或礼貌。I was wondering if you could help me look up the word “erg”不知你能否帮我查一下不知你能否帮我查一下 “erg” 这个单词。这个单词。三、过去完成时三、过去完成时1表示在过去某一具体时间或动作之前已经表示在过去某一具体时间或动作之前已经完成的动作,常用完成的动作,常用 by,before 等介词短语或等介词短语或状语从句表示。状语从句表示。I had learned maths all by myself by the age of fourteen.我我14岁时就已自学完了数学。岁时就已自学完了数学。2表示过去某一时间以前的经历,常与表示过去某一时间以前的经历,常与 for,since 引导的表示过去的时间状语连用。引导的表示过去的时间状语连用。John and Jane had known each other for a long time before their marriage.约翰和简在结婚前就认识很长时间了。约翰和简在结婚前就认识很长时间了。3某些动词如某些动词如 hope,plan,think,want,mean,intend 等的过去完成时表示未曾实现等的过去完成时表示未曾实现的愿望、打算、意图和想法。的愿望、打算、意图和想法。I had intended to call on you,but I was prevented from doing so.我本打算去看你的,我本打算去看你的,但没能去成。但没能去成。四、一般过去时与过去进行时的区别四、一般过去时与过去进行时的区别一般过去时侧重说明发生某动作的事实,表一般过去时侧重说明发生某动作的事实,表示动作已完成;过去进行时侧重强调某动作的示动作已完成;过去进行时侧重强调某动作的持续过程或动作持续的长度,表示动作未完成。持续过程或动作持续的长度,表示动作未完成。I sometimes walked to the office to avoid the heavy traffic.为避开交通拥堵,我过去有为避开交通拥堵,我过去有时步行去上班。时步行去上班。He was working from 4 oclock until supper time.他从他从4点一直工作到晚饭时间。点一直工作到晚饭时间。.用动词的适当时态填空用动词的适当时态填空1Your phone number again?I_(not catch)it.Its 69568122.2The students _(write) busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _(leave) in the office.专项训练专项训练专项训练专项训练didnt catchwere writinghad left3As she _ (read) the newspaper,Granny _ (fall) asleep.4He kept looking at her,wondering whether he_(see)her somewhere.was readingfellhad seen5Professor Liu in our school has become one of the top experts in this field.Yes,I know him very well.He once _(work) in Africa with wild animals.worked6How did you damage your car so badly?I _(run) into a tree yesterday.I suppose you _(drive) too fast.ranwere driving.单项单项填空填空1You speak very good French!Thanks.I _French in Sichuan University for four years.AstudiedBstudyCwas studying Dhad studied解析:解析:选选A。考。考查时态查时态。句中我在四川大学学。句中我在四川大学学过过4年法年法语语是指是指过过去去发发生生过过的事情,所以的事情,所以谓语谓语动词动词用用过过去式,去式,该题该题由于有由于有for four years 造造成一部分学生作出成一部分学生作出错误错误的的选择选择,而,而选择选择D项项。2Edward,you play so well.But I _you played the piano.Adidnt know Bhadnt knownCdont know Dhavent known解析:解析:选选A。句意。句意为为:爱爱德德华华,你,你弹弹得好。但得好。但我我(以前以前)不知道你不知道你弹钢弹钢琴。所琴。所谈论谈论的是的是过过去的去的行行为为,故用,故用过过去式。去式。3We got to the station at 8 00,but the train_at 7 30.Aleft Bhad leftCwas leaving Dhas left解析:解析:选选A。有具体的。有具体的过过去去时间时间at 730,应应用用一般一般过过去去时态时态。4(2011年南通第一中学质检年南通第一中学质检)John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather _ with them to school.Atook Bhad takenCwere taking Dwould take解析:解析:选选B。题题干中的干中的suitcase 是指是指“约约翰的翰的父父亲亲和祖父和祖父”曾曾经带经带去上学的箱子,由此可知去上学的箱子,由此可知此此处处需用需用过过去完成去完成时时。5Hi,if you cant enjoy that at a sensible volume, please use the earphone.Im sleeping.Im sorry.I _ realize it _ you.Adont;bothers Bdidnt;botheringCdont;was bothering Ddidnt;was bothering解析:解析:选选D。表示。表示过过去一直打去一直打扰扰着着别别人,故人,故选选D项项。6I dont believe youve already finished reading the bookI _ it to you this morning!Awould lend Bwas lendingChad lent Dlent解析:解析:选选D。句意:不相信你已。句意:不相信你已经读经读完了那本完了那本书书今天早晨我才借今天早晨我才借给给你的。根据句中明确的你的。根据句中明确的时间时间状状语语 this morning 判断用一般判断用一般过过去去时时。7The telephone _,but by the time I got indoors,it stopped.Ahad rung Bwas ringingCrings Dhas rung解析:解析:选选B。句意:。句意:电话电话一直在响,但是我一直在响,但是我进进去以后,它却停了。表示我去以后,它却停了。表示我进进入房入房间间之前的之前的时时间间里里电话电话一直在响,所以用一直在响,所以用过过去去进进行行时时。8Did you watch the basketball match yesterday?Yes,I did.You know,my brother _ in the match.Ais playing Bwas playingChas played Dhad played解析:解析:选选B。句意:。句意:你看昨天那你看昨天那场篮场篮球球赛赛了了吗吗?是的,看了。你知道的,我弟弟也是的,看了。你知道的,我弟弟也参加了比参加了比赛赛。比。比赛赛中中“我弟弟在打我弟弟在打篮篮球球”是是过过去某一去某一时间时间正在正在进进行的行的动动作,用作,用过过去去进进行行时时。9We first met on a train in 2000.We both felt immediately that we _ each other for years.Aknew Bhave knownChad known Dknow解析:解析:选选C。句意:。句意:2000年在火年在火车车上我上我们们初次初次见见面。那一刻我面。那一刻我们们都感到彼此已都感到彼此已认识认识多年。根多年。根据句意,从句据句意,从句动动作作 know 发发生生谓语动谓语动作在之作在之前,故用前,故用过过去完成去完成时时。10(2011年安徽安庆一中高二测试年安徽安庆一中高二测试)Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday?Yes,he did.He _ his old friends for a long time.Adidnt see Bwouldnt seeChasnt seen Dhadnt seen解析:解析:选选D。句意:。句意:艾艾伦伦昨天和老朋友昨天和老朋友们们玩得高玩得高兴吗兴吗?是的,很高是的,很高兴兴。他已。他已经经很久很久没有没有见见到他的老朋友了。由到他的老朋友了。由时间时间状状语语 for a long time 知知应应用完成用完成时时,而,而“很久没有很久没有见见到朋到朋友友”又是昨天之前的事,故用又是昨天之前的事,故用过过去完成去完成时时。写写作作指指导导妙妙笔笔生生花花写作要求写作要求假设你是李华,现就读于美国的一所中学。因假设你是李华,现就读于美国的一所中学。因为课余时间比较充裕,你想找份兼职工为课余时间比较充裕,你想找份兼职工作让自己的课外生活充实起来,并赚点生活费。作让自己的课外生活充实起来,并赚点生活费。下面的一则招聘广告引起了你的关注。正好你下面的一则招聘广告引起了你的关注。正好你曾有过帮人搬家的经验,并且有驾驶执照,满曾有过帮人搬家的经验,并且有驾驶执照,满足招聘的要求。现在请你写一封应聘信,并询足招聘的要求。现在请你写一封应聘信,并询问具体的报酬。问具体的报酬。Parttime High School Student Helper Needed ImmediatelyWe are to move sometime in the next several months.We have lots of stuff and need a helper to work parttime at our home after school,maybe on weekends.You are expected to pack boxes,run_errands(跑腿跑腿),move furniture,place advertisements,and take boxes to the post office.As we sell guitars online,students with the following skills are preferred:Computer skills.Home repair skills.We would PREFER a local high school student living near US Smith Street.You will be paid in cash at the end of every week.Please send your application letter to job.写作要点写作要点1申请这份工作申请这份工作_2在美国史密斯街附近的一所高中上学在美国史密斯街附近的一所高中上学_3能帮忙搬家具能帮忙搬家具_apply for the jobstudy in a high school near US Smith Streetcan help move furniture4擅长电脑擅长电脑 _5急需这份工作急需这份工作_be good at/be proficient in the computerbe eager for the job句式结构句式结构1我是这份工作的合格人选。我是这份工作的合格人选。Im _ this job.2我能为你跑腿感到高兴。我能为你跑腿感到高兴。Im glad to _ for you.the right person forrun errands3我写信应聘你在网上招聘的那份工作。我写信应聘你在网上招聘的那份工作。Im writing _.4我一直想找份兼职工作让自己的课外生活我一直想找份兼职工作让自己的课外生活充实起来,并赚点生活费。充实起来,并赚点生活费。_ a parttime job_ and keep me busy after school.to apply for the job you posted onlineI have been looking forto earn some pocket money 连句成篇连句成篇_佳作欣赏佳作欣赏Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to apply for the job you posted online.Im Li Hua from China.Now Im studying in a high school near US Smith Street.I have been looking for a parttime job to earn some pocket money and keep me busy after school.Im the right person for this job.First,I have experience in helping move furniture and repair facility.Second,Im strong and careful,Im glad to run errands for you.Third,I am proficient in the computer.Fourth,Im a good driver as well.Im eager for this job.Will you please reply and tell me the exact pay you may offer?Your early reply is appreciated.Yours,Li Hua类文点津类文点津求职信是日常生活中较为常用的一种应用文体,求职信是日常生活中较为常用的一种应用文体,在写作时应注意以下几点:在写作时应注意以下几点:1介绍消息来源,表明求职心愿。为使求职介绍消息来源,表明求职心愿。为使求职信不显得突然、意外,应恰当介绍消息来信不显得突然、意外,应恰当介绍消息来源,表明求职心愿。源,表明求职心愿。2及时摆出个人优势,介绍个人简历,以证及时摆出个人优势,介绍个人简历,以证明自己有足够的能力获得所求工作。明自己有足够的能力获得所求工作。3提出获职打算,以进一步奠定自己的优提出获职打算,以进一步奠定自己的优势,此时可用势,此时可用“If I am accepted,Ill work hard.”等句式。请求对方答复,并提供自己的等句式。请求对方答复,并提供自己的联系方式。联系方式。4表明感激之情。无论你的请求是否能够得表明感激之情。无论你的请求是否能够得到满意的答复,你给用人单位写信就是给对方到满意的答复,你给用人单位写信就是给对方添了麻烦,因此你应向对方表明感激之添了麻烦,因此你应向对方表明感激之情。常用句子有:情。常用句子有:Thank you for your consideration.或或 I am looking forward to your meeting.课时课时作作业业词词语语串串串串练练As a youngster,what sort of job will you do when you choose a post?A traditional one or a newgrowing one? An accountant, an electrician or a biochemist,a bioinformatician?I think every individual has his own choice.Someone chooses to be a volunteer,who offers to do a job to help others without salary.My neighbour,Mr.Lee,is one of the volunteers.Mr.Lee used to be a barber and had a satisfying job.But three years ago,he suffered from a terrible accident at a crossroads near his home because a truck driver didnt respect the traffic rules.The crossroads is very busy,in_particular at rush hours.Mr.Lee had a close encounter with death and the accident had a profound effect on him.Thanks to his outgoing_personality,he didnt lose heart.He felt it was his mission to make people obey the traffic rules.After recovery,Mr.Lee applied for a post as a crossing policeman and got refused,because he wasnt qualified for the job.But he was allowed to be a temporary rather than permanent worker.Mr.Lee signed a contract,but now doesnt earn much.Mr.Lee realizes that its essential for everyone to respect the traffic rules.Every day,Mr.Lee takes up his place in the street directing the traffic.Some people who pass_by take notice of him and feel very strange,but with time going by,they take it for granted that Mr.Lee does this.Sometimes,he helps the elderly or kids cross the street and they are grateful to him.He also requires everyone to obey the traffic rules.In response to his work,people who often pass by the crossroads never break the rules.In_practice,the toll here has dropped to zero.作为一名年轻人,作为一名年轻人,当你选择职位时,你将做哪种工作呢?当你选择职位时,你将做哪种工作呢?是传统的,还是新兴的职业?是当一名会计师、是传统的,还是新兴的职业?是当一名会计师、电工,还是一名生物化学家或生物信息学者?电工,还是一名生物化学家或生物信息学者?我想每个人都有自己的选择。有的人会选择当我想每个人都有自己的选择。有的人会选择当一名志愿者,即不要薪水主动帮助别人的人。一名志愿者,即不要薪水主动帮助别人的人。我的邻居,李先生就是这样的一个人。我的邻居,李先生就是这样的一个人。李先生原来是一名理发师,有着一份令人满意李先生原来是一名理发师,有着一份令人满意的工作。但三年前,由于一位卡车司机不遵守的工作。但三年前,由于一位卡车司机不遵守交通规则,李先生在家附近的一个十字路口发交通规则,李先生在家附近的一个十字路口发生了一次可怕的交通事故。这个十字路口很繁生了一次可怕的交通事故。这个十字路口很繁忙,尤其是上下班高峰期。李先生跟死神打了忙,尤其是上下班高峰期。李先生跟死神打了个照面,并且这次事故对他产生了深刻的影响。个照面,并且这次事故对他产生了深刻的影响。多亏了他外向的个性,才没有失去信心。多亏了他外向的个性,才没有失去信心。他感到让人们遵守交通规则是他的职责。他感到让人们遵守交通规则是他的职责。痊愈以后,李先生申请当一名交警,但被痊愈以后,李先生申请当一名交警,但被拒绝了,因为他达不到做这份工作的合格条件。拒绝了,因为他达不到做这份工作的合格条件。但他被允许当一名临时的而不是永久的工作者。但他被允许当一名临时的而不是永久的工作者。李先生签了合同,但现在他挣的很少了。李先李先生签了合同,但现在他挣的很少了。李先生意识到让每一个人遵守交通规则是非常重要生意识到让每一个人遵守交通规则是非常重要的。每天,他站在自己的位置上指挥着交通。的。每天,他站在自己的位置上指挥着交通。有些过路人注意到了他,感到很奇怪,但随着有些过路人注意到了他,感到很奇怪,但随着时间的推移,人们认为他做这样的事是理所当时间的推移,人们认为他做这样的事是理所当然的了。有时候,他还帮助上了年纪的人或小然的了。有时候,他还帮助上了年纪的人或小孩过马路,他们都很感激他。他也要求每个人孩过马路,他们都很感激他。他也要求每个人都遵守交通规则。作为对他工作都遵守交通规则。作为对他工作的回应,经常从这里走的人从未违反交通规则。的回应,经常从这里走的人从未违反交通规则。实际上,这里的事故伤亡人数已下降到了零。实际上,这里的事故伤亡人数已下降到了零。本部分内容讲解结束本部分内容讲解结束按按ESC键键退出全屏播放退出全屏播放谢谢大家! 结结 语语
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