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酒店英语酒店英语酒酒 店店 英英 语语 E EN NG GL LI IS SH H F FO OR R C CA AR RE EE ER RS S新职业英语新职业英语中国劳动关系学院高等职业技术学院酒店英语酒店英语ListeningSpeaking4Warming-Up1Reading23Writing5Project6Vocabulary and Structure7Listening Script8Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语no replyDpicking up the phoneAhanging up the phoneCholding the lineBSuggested AnswersTask 1 Match the expressions on the left with the pictures on the right.Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语AswitchboardBService DirectoryCtelephone receiverDkeep the telephone off the hookEcellphoneFcalling cardSuggested Answers Task 2 Write each of the expressions under its corresponding picture. Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Answers Task 3 Match the telephone English on the left with their responses on the right. 1E 2A 3D 4B 5CUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语More about Switchboard (1):Unit 5 Switchboard A switchboard (also called a manual exchange) was a device used to connect a group of telephones manually to one another or to an outside connection, within and between telephone exchanges or private branch exchanges (PBXs). The user was typically known as an operator. Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语More about Switchboard (2): OperatorUnit 5 Switchboard Public manual exchanges disappeared during the last half of the 20th century, leaving a few PBXs working in offices and hotels as manual branch exchanges. Manual PBXs have also for the most part been replaced by more sophisticated devices or even personal computers. 酒店英语酒店英语More about Switchboard (3): Modern PBXUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语More about Switchboard (4):ModernSwitchboardHotel Switchboard operatorUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Task 1 Try to answer the following questions before you read the passage.1.What telephone service does a hotel normally provide?2. Do you know how to dial an international call from a hotel room?ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Reading A hotel normally provides many kinds of telephone service including room-to-room call, local call, DDD call, IDD call, message service,and confidential service or screen call service.Suggested Answers1. What telephone service does a hotel normally provide?Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Reading To dial an international call from a hotel room, we should dial “0” first, then the international prefix “00”, followed by the country code, area code and the expected telephone number.Suggested Answers2. Do you know how to dial an international call from a hotel room?Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Telephone Service The following is our hotels telephone service guide. 1. How to make a call from your room For room-to-room calls in the hotel, please dial “1” first, then the room number. For local calls, please dial “0” first. Then dial the telephone number after the line-through tone is heard. For domestic long distance calls, please dial “0” first, followed by the area code and the local telephone number. For international direct dials (IDD), please dial “0” first, then the international prefix “00”, followed by the country code, area code and the expected telephone number.ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Telephone Service Please note that while you are dialing IDD, please dial the hotel code, international prefix, country code, area code and subscriber number continuously, with no pause (exceeding 10 seconds) made, to ensure that your dialing will not be interrupted. After completing your call, please see to it that the receiver is properly placed on the telephone hook, otherwise the hour meter will work continuously and the hotel will not be responsible for such disputes.ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Telephone Service 2. How we charge for a call Direct dials are charged on a per minute basis from the moment the call is answered. Calls are automatically charged to your account. The hotel will collect 15% and 10% as service charge from IDD and DDD (domestic direct dial) calls respectively. The hotel will collect 5.00 yuanas service charge for a collect call or a call paid by credit card. For direct dialing calls, you are still requested to pay even if you dial the wrong number. Telephone bills with details will be given to you upon checking out. Local calls made from hotel room are free of charge.ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Telephone Service 3. Message service When you find the green phone light on, please dial “0” for the message left for you. 4. Confidential service or screen call service If you dont want to answer any incoming calls or you just want to let certain calls through, please dial “0” to inform the operator. For any inquiries, please dial “0”.ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语 domestice.g. The Presidents speech covered a range of foreign and domestic issues. 总统的讲话涵盖了一系列的国内外问题。 We never interfere in other countries domestic affairs. 我们从不干涉别国内政。 adj. 国内的ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语e.g. Please note that the bill must be paid within ten days. 请注意该帐单必须在十日之内 支付。 I noted a change come over his face. 我发觉他脸上的表情发生了变化。 notev. 注意ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语pausee.g. After a long pause, she went on. 停顿了很长时间之后,她继续了。 She dropped me outside during a brief pause in the rain. 当雨暂停时,她停车让我出去。n. 停顿ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语 exceede.g. Our production costs have exceeded 60,000. 我们的生产成本已超过60,000英镑。 Working hours must not exceed 42 hours a week. 每周的工作时间不得超过42小时。 v. 超过ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语see to it thate.g. The hotels owners see to it that their guests are given every luxury. 饭店的主人确保客人得到所有的享受。 Lucy saw to it that everyone got enough to eat and drink. 露西确保人人够吃够喝。 确保,保证ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语 ensuree.g. The hospital tries to ensure that people are treated quickly. 医院设法保证人们得到快速救治。 I will ensure that the car arrives by six oclock. 我保证汽车六点钟以前到。 v. 保证,确保ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语receivere.g. She picked up the receiver and dialed his number. 她拿起话筒拨了他的电话。 He hung up the receiver and went out. 他挂上电话听筒走了出去。 n. 电话听筒ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语otherwisee.g. Im not motivated by money, otherwise I would have quit. 我不是为了钱来的,否则我早就退出了。 Youd better go now, otherwise youll miss the train. 你最好现在就走, 要不然就赶不上火车了。 conj. 要不然,否则ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语 automaticallye.g. Join now and you will automatically receive 50% off your first purchase. 现在加入您将自动获得首次购物五折优惠。 Some doors have locks which automatically lock the doors when we close them. 有些门上的锁在关门时会自动把门锁好。 adv. 自动地ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语respectivelye.g. The cups and saucers cost 5 and 3 respectively. 茶杯和茶托的价格分别是5英镑和3英镑。 They received sentences of one year and eight months respectively. 他们被分别判处了一年和八个月的徒刑。 adv. 分别地ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语requestv. 要求,请求e.g. The letter requested him to report to London immediately. 信里要求他立即去伦敦报到。 The chairman requested that the reports be considered. 主席要求考虑这些报告。 ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语 inquirye.g. Were getting a lot of inquiries about our new service. 我们收到了很多问题询问我们的新服务。 You can go to the inquiry office for help. 您可以去问讯处寻求帮助。n. 打听,询问ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语电话服务电话服务 以下是酒店的电话服务指南。以下是酒店的电话服务指南。1. 如何从房间内拨打电话如何从房间内拨打电话 拨拨打打内内线线电电话话,请请先先拨拨1,再再拨拨房房间间号号码码。拨拨打打市市内内电电话话,请请先先拨拨0,听听到到线线路路接接通通音音后后再再拨拨电电话话号号码码。如如果果需需要要拨拨打打国国内内长长途途,请请先先拨拨0,再再拨拨区区号号和和电电话话号号码码。拨拨打打国国际际直直拨拨电电话话,请先拨请先拨0,再拨国际字冠,再拨国际字冠00,再拨国家代码、区号和电话号码。,再拨国家代码、区号和电话号码。ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语电话服务电话服务 请请注注意意,在在拨拨打打国国际际直直拨拨电电话话时时,请请连连续续拨拨号号,酒酒店店代代码码、国国际际字字冠冠、国国家家代代码码、区区号号和和用用户户电电话话号号码码之之间间没没有有停停顿顿(不不超超过过10 秒秒钟钟),以以保保证证拨拨号号不不会会中中断断。在在打打完完电电话话之之后后,请请确确保保电电话话听听筒筒挂挂好好在在电电话话座座机机上上。否否则则电电话话计计时时器器会会继继续续计计时时,酒店对由此而产生的话费争议概不负责。酒店对由此而产生的话费争议概不负责。ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语电话服务电话服务 2. 电话收费电话收费 直直拨拨电电话话自自电电话话接接通通应应答答起起按按分分钟钟收收费费。电电话话费费将将自自动动计计入入您您的的账账单单。对对于于国国际际直直拨拨电电话话和和国国内内直直拨拨长长途途电电话话,酒酒店店将将分分别别收收取取15%和和10%的的服服务务费费。对对于于对对方方付付费费电电话话和和信信用用卡卡付付费费电电话话,酒酒店店将将收收取取每每通通电电话话人人民民币币5元元的的服服务务费费。直直拨拨电电话话如如果果拨拨错错号号码码,仍仍需需付付费费。电电话话明明细细账账单单将将会会在在您您结结账账离离店时出示给您。从酒店客房内拨打市内电话免费。店时出示给您。从酒店客房内拨打市内电话免费。ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语电话服务电话服务 3. 留言服务留言服务 如如果果您您发发现现客客房房内内电电话话的的绿绿指指示示灯灯亮亮时时,请请拨拨0 听听电电话话 留言。留言。 4. 保密服务或屏蔽电话服务保密服务或屏蔽电话服务 如如果果您您不不希希望望接接听听任任何何来来电电,或或者者您您只只想想接接听听某某些些来来电电,请拨请拨0 通知总机接线员。通知总机接线员。 如需询问任何信息,请拨如需询问任何信息,请拨0。ReadingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Task 2 Read the passage and tick off the telephone service mentioned in the passage.ReadingSuggested Answers room-to-room call wake-up call outside call confidential service local call screen call service domestic direct dial person-to-person call international direct dial station-to-station call emergency call collect call message service pay callUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语ReadingSuggested AnswersTask 2 Read the passage and tick off the telephone service mentioned in the passage.Unit 5 Switchboard room-to-room call wake-up call outside call confidential service local call screen call service domestic direct dial person-to-person call international direct dial station-to-station call emergency call collect call message service pay call酒店英语酒店英语Task 3 Richard wants to call his friend Julie in America. The following is the number Richard dials on the phone in his room. Please write the names of the numbers.ReadingSuggested AnswersUnit 5 Switchboardhotelcode 0 - 00 - 1 - 312 - 5541280酒店英语酒店英语ReadingSuggested AnswersUnit 5 SwitchboardTask 3 Richard wants to call his friend Julie in America. The following is the number Richard dials on the phone in his room. Please write the names of the numbers.hotelcodeinternationalprefixcountrycodeareacodeexpectedtelephonenumber 0 - 00 - 1 - 312 - 5541280酒店英语酒店英语 1. You can dial international calls directly from your room. 2. If you dont want anyone to call you, you may need the screen call service. 3. When the green light is on, please pick up the telephone receiver to receive your message. 4. The hotel collects 15% service charge for international calls.Task 4 Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).ReadingSuggested AnswersUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语ReadingSuggested Answers1. T 2. F 3. F 4. FTask 4 Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语TransferringcallsMakingwake-upcallsGivingdirectionsDealingwithcomplaintsResponding toemergenciesDialog 1Dialog 2Dialog 3Dialog 4Dialog 5Task 1 Listen to five short dialogs and decide what each dialog is about and mark () where appropriate.ListeningSuggested AnswersUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Suggested AnswersListeningUnit 5 SwitchboardTransferringcallsMakingwake-upcallsGivingdirectionsDealingwithcomplaintsResponding toemergenciesDialog 1Dialog 2Dialog 3Dialog 4Dialog 5Task 1 Listen to five short dialogs and decide what each dialog is about and mark () where appropriate.酒店英语酒店英语Task 2 A guest is calling the switchboard to speak to her brother, whos staying at the hotel. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks in the information card.ListeningSuggested AnswersUnit 5 SwitchboardGuests name: _Room number: _Callers name: _Purpose of the call: have _ to speak to the guestOutside Call Information Card酒店英语酒店英语Suggested AnswersListeningUnit 5 SwitchboardTask 2 A guest is calling the switchboard to speak to her brother, whos staying at the hotel. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks in the information card.Guests name: David SmithRoom number: 820Callers name: Susan SmithPurpose of the call: have something urgent to speak to the guestOutside Call Information Card酒店英语酒店英语Operator (O): Good afternoon. This is (1) _. How may I help you?Guest (G): I have something urgent to speak to my brother, David Smith. He is staying in your hotel.O: Whats his (2) _, please?G: I think its Room 820, but Im not sure. Can you (3) _ it for me?O: I see. May I know your name, madam?transfer check Operatorgo ahead put you through room numberTask 3 Listen to the conversation in Task 2 again and fill in the blanks with the words or expressions provided in the box.ListeningUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语G: Susan Smith.O: Thank you, Miss Smith. Ill check it for you and (4) _ your call to his room.G: Thanks.O: Yes, Mr. Smith is in Room 820. Hold on, please. I will (5) _.G: Okay.O: Youre through now. Please (6) _.ListeningSuggested AnswersUnit 5 Switchboardtransfer check Operatorgo ahead put you through room number酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Answers(1) Operator (2) room number(3) check (4) transfer(5) put you through (6) go aheadTask 3 Listen to the conversation in Task 2 again and fill in the blanks with the words or expressions provided in the box.ListeningUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Task 4 Mr. Williams needs to get up early tomorrow. Now he is calling the operator to ask for a wake- up call. Listen to the conversation and fill in the wake-up call record sheet with the information you hear.ListeningSuggested AnswersUnit 5 SwitchboardWake-up Call RecordDateGuestNameRoomNo.Time&Date forWake-up CallRecordedbyHandledbyRemarks酒店英语酒店英语Suggested AnswersListeningUnit 5 SwitchboardTask 4 Mr. Williams needs to get up early tomorrow. Now he is calling the operator to ask for a wake- up call. Listen to the conversation and fill in the wake-up call record sheet with the information you hear.Wake-up Call RecordDateGuestNameRoomNo.Time&Date forWake-up CallRecordedbyHandledbyRemarksSeptember11thBillWilliams8156:00 a.m.,Saturday,September12thOperator酒店英语酒店英语 1. When the guest asks to be woken at a certain time, the operator first asks for his name and room number. 2. The operator repeats the time and date of the wake-up call to confirm the facts with the guest. 3. The guest calls the operator on Saturday. 4. At the end of the conversation, the operator wishes the guest a pleasant “Good night”.Task 5 Listen to the conversation in Task 4 again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).ListeningSuggested AnswersUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Answers1. T 2. T 3. F 4. FListeningTask 5 Listen to the conversation in Task 4 again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语SpeakingTask 1 Read and practice the conversation in pairs.Guest (G): Id like to make an international call.Operator (O): Certainly, sir. Which country are you calling?G: America.O: Could you tell me the receivers name and telephone number, please?G: Annie Hofmann in Washington D. C., and her number is 5216907.O: Is this a pay call?G: No, its collect.O: Person-to-person or station-to-station?G: Person-to-person.Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语SpeakingTask 1 Read and practice the conversation in pairs.O: May I know your name and room number, please?G: Tom Bauer in Room 1520.O: Thank you, Mr. Bauer. Could you hang up and wait a moment? We will call you when we are connected with Ms. Hofmann.(The phone rings in Mr. Bauers room.)G: Hello!O: Operator. May I speak to Mr. Bauer?G: Speaking.O: Ms. Hofmann is on the line. Go ahead, please.Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语SpeakingTask 2 Discuss with your partner the job procedure of making international calls with the help of the conversation in Task 1, and put the following steps in the correct order.A. Asking for the type of the phone call;B. Asking the guest to wait;C. Telling the guest the line is through;D. Asking for the other partys name and number;E. Asking for the guests name and room number;F. Calling the other.Correct order: _Suggested AnswersUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Suggested AnswersCorrect order: D A E B F CSpeakingTask 2 Discuss with your partner the job procedure of making international calls with the help of the conversation in Task 1, and put the following steps in the correct order.Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语SpeakingTask 3 Tina Green, a guest in Room 1206, wants to call her friend Fred Blake in London through the hotel switchboard. Make up a conversation similar to the one in Task 1 with the expressions given in the box, and then act it out in pairs.Id like to make an international call.Fred Blake. And his number is 7012890.Ill pay the call.Person-to-person, please.Speaking.Which country are you calling?Which city, please?Could you tell me the receivers name and telephone number, please?Who is paying for the call?Would you like to make a person-to-person call or a station-to-station call?Suggested SampleUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Sample (1)Guest (G): Id like to make an international call.Operator (O): Certainly, sir. Which country are you calling?G: Britain.O: Which city, please?G: London.O: Could you tell me the receivers name and telephone number, please?G: Fred Blake. And his number is 7012890.O: Who is paying for the call?G: Ill pay the call.O: Would you like to make a person-to-person call or a station-to-station call?SpeakingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Sample (2)G: Person-to-person, please.O: May I know your name and room number, please?G: Tina Green in Room 1206.O: Thank you, Miss Green. Could you hang up and wait a moment? We will call you when we are connected with Mr. Blake.(The phone rings in Miss Greens room.)G: Hello!O: Operator. May I speak to Miss Green?G: Speaking.O: Mr. Blake is on the line. Go ahead, please.SpeakingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语SpeakingTask 4 The hotel operator receives a collect call from Robert Clark through international operator. He wants to speak to Andrew Nelson, a guest in Room 1520. She connects the line. Please role- play the situation, following the steps in the boxes with the help of the expressions provided below.Unit 5 Switchboard See Next Page酒店英语酒店英语SpeakingUnit 5 Switchboard International Operator: Connect the line with hotel operator.Tell the operator which place thecall is from, the receivers nameand room number.Tell the operator its a collect call.Tell the operator the callers fullname.Wait until the line is through. Hotel Operator: Step oneAnswer the call.Ask who will pay for the call.Ask for the callers name.Ask the caller to hold on.Step twoCall Room 1520 and ask to speak to Mr. Nelson.Tell the guest the call information, and ask whether the guest will accept the charges.Ask the guest to hold the line.Step threeConnect the line.Tell the international operator the line is through. Guest: Answer the phone.Agree to receive the call.酒店英语酒店英语SpeakingUnit 5 SwitchboardInternational OperatorThis is Chicago for Mr in RoomOperatorStep oneIs this a pay call or a collect call?May I know whos calling, please?Step twoHotel Operator. May I speak toI have a collect call from inWill you accept the charges?Please hold the line.Step threeHello will acceptthe call.Go ahead, please.Suggested Sample酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Sample (1)Operator (O): Good evening! Operator.International Operator (IO): This is Chicago for Mr. Andrew Nelson in Room 1520.O: Is this a pay call or a collect call?IO: Its collect.O: May I know whos calling, please?IO: Yes, Robert Clark.O: Thank you. Just a moment, please.(The operator calls Room 1520.)SpeakingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Sample (2)O: Hotel Operator. May I speak to Mr. Andrew Nelson, please?Guest (G): Speaking. Whats the matter?O: I have a collect call from Mr. Robert Clark in Chicago. Will you accept the charges?G: OK.O: Thank you. Please hold the line.(The operator speaks to the International Operator.)O: Hello. Mr. Nelson will accept the call. Youre through now. Go ahead, please.SpeakingUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语WritingTask 1 The following is a conversation between a guest and an operator who is required to take a message. Read this conversation.Operator (O): Good morning. Friendship Hotel. Operator speaking. What can I do for you?Guest (G): Good morning. I want to speak to Miss Susan Green. I called her room, but no one answered the phone. May I leave a message for her?O: Certainly, sir. Could you tell me her room number, please?G: Room 1221.O: Miss Susan Green in Room 1221.G: Yes, thats it. Please tell her to call me back before 10 oclock this evening.O: May I know your name, sir?G: Stephen Brown.Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语WritingO: Could you give me your phone number, please?G: Yes, my phone number is 13902098035.O: Thank you, Mr. Brown. Now let me check the message with you to see if it is correct. “Mr. Brown asks Miss Green to call Mr. Brown back before 10 oclock this evening. Mr. Browns phone number is 13902098035.” Is that correct, sir?G: Yes, exactly.O: Well give the message to Miss Green as soon as she comes back.G: Thank you.Unit 5 SwitchboardTask 1 The following is a conversation between a guest and an operator who is required to take a message. Read this conversation.酒店英语酒店英语WritingTask 2 The following is a telephone message note. Please complete the note with the information given in the conversation in Task 1.Unit 5 Switchboard TELEPHONE MESSAGEDATE: _ TIME: _TO: _ ROOM NO.:_FROM: _TELEPHONE NO.:_TELEPHONED RETURNED YOUR CALLWILL CALL AGAIN PLEASE CALL BACKMESSAGE: _RECEIVED BY: _Suggested Answers酒店英语酒店英语WritingSuggested AnswersUnit 5 Switchboard TELEPHONE MESSAGEDATE: _ TIME: _TO: Miss Susan Green ROOM NO.: 1221_FROM: Mr. Stephen BrownTELEPHONE NO.: 13902098035TELEPHONED RETURNED YOUR CALLWILL CALL AGAIN PLEASE CALL BACKMESSAGE: Mr. Brown asks Miss Green to call Mr. Brown back before 10 oclock this evening.RECEIVED BY: _酒店英语酒店英语ProjectProject GuidelinesThis project aims to go through the process of making international calls. The whole task is divided into three steps. Step One focuses on a research of a local five-star hotels telephone service. Step Two is a presentation about the hotels telephone service. Step Three calls for a complete role-play of the process of making international calls for guests.Please follow the Task Description to complete the project.Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语ProjectTask DescriptionStep One Organize small groups of 3 or 4 students in your class. Look up information on a local five-star hotels telephone service, including transferring calls, taking messages, telephone dialing, wake-up calls, etc. Focus on what kinds of telephone service the hotel provides, and how the hotel provides different kinds of telephone service.Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语ProjectTask DescriptionStep Two Work in the same group. Prepare a presentation to introduce to the class the hotels telephone service. Use the information you have got in Step One. Choose one student in each group to give a presentation; use multimedia aid if possible.Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语ProjectTask DescriptionStep Three Work still in the same group. Prepare a role-play of the whole process of making international calls for guests. Use the information you obtained in Step One and presented in Step Two. Follow the correct steps that you have learned in this unit in making international calls for guests.Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 1 Match the words in the box with their definitions.operator transfer guide inquiry domestic1. _l a question you ask in order to get informationl relating to or happening in one particular country and not involving any other countriesl to connect the call of someone who has telephoned you to someone elses telephonel someone who works on a telephone switchboardl a book or piece of writing that provides information on a particular subject or explains how to do something2. _3. _4. _5. _Suggested AnswersUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Answers1. inquiry 2. domestic 3. transfer 4. operator 5. guideTask 1 Match the words in the box with their definitions.Vocabulary and StructureUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 2 Write the Chinese meaning of the following hot lines.1. Fire Hot Line_2. Police Hot Line_3. First Aid_4. Ambulance_5. Directory Assistance_6. Time Inquiry_7. Weather Report_8. Information_9. Hotline for Tourist Complaints_Suggested AnswersUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Answers1. 火警热线 2. 警察热线 3. 急救 4. 救护车 5. 查号 6. 报时 7. 天气预报 8. 问询 9. 旅游投诉热线Vocabulary and StructureTask 2 Write the Chinese meaning of the following hot lines.Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 3 Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets.1. The guest _ (hang) up the phone.2. We will call you when we _ (connect) with Mrs. Bellow.3. Telephone _ (charge) vary according to the types and time of your call.4. _(call) directly from your room is cheaper than booking it through the operator.5. Dial “9” to get into international access, _ (follow) by country code, area code and the number you want to call.Suggested AnswersUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Answers1. hangs 2. are connected 3. charges 4. Calling5. followedTask 3 Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets.Vocabulary and StructureUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 4 Complete each of the following sentences with the appropriate word or phrase in the box.1. I wonder _ your hotel has the morning call service.2. Please see to it _ the lights are switched off before you leave.3. Ill tell them _ they come back.4. Youll have to go now, _ youll miss your bus.that otherwise if as soon asSuggested AnswersUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Answers1. if 2. that 3. as soon as 4. otherwiseVocabulary and StructureUnit 5 SwitchboardTask 4 Complete each of the following sentences with the appropriate word or phrase in the box.酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 5 Choose the best Chinese translation for each sentence.1. Im sorry we cant transfer calls from the house phones.A. 对不起,我们不能转移房内的电话。B. 对不起,我们不能转接室内电话。C. 很抱歉,内线电话无法转接。D. 很抱歉,内线电话不能转移。Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 5 Choose the best Chinese translation for each sentence.2. Wait a minute, and Ill put you through to Room Reservations.A. 请稍候,我带你去客房预订部。B. 请稍候,我帮您接通到客房预订部。C. 等一分钟,我带你去客房预订部。D. 等一分钟,我帮您接通到客房预订部。Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 5 Choose the best Chinese translation for each sentence.3. Should you have any questions, you may refer to the Service Directory in your room.A. 您应该会有一些问题,您可以查阅房间内的服务指南。B. 您应该会有一些问题,您可以查阅房间内的服务通讯录。C. 您有任何问题的话,可以查阅房间内的服务通讯录。D. 您有任何问题的话,可以查阅房间内的服务指南。Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 5 Choose the best Chinese translation for each sentence.4. After completing your call, please see to it that the receiver is properly placed on the telephone hook.A. 打完电话之后,请看一下话筒有没有挂好在电话座机上。B. 打完电话之后,请看一下接收器已经放好在挂电话的钩子上。C. 打完电话之后,请确保您的话筒挂好在电话座机上。D. 打完电话之后,请确保话筒已经放好在挂电话的钩子上。Suggested AnswersUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Answers1. B 2. A 3. D 4. CTask 5 Choose the best Chinese translation for each sentence.Vocabulary and StructureUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Task 1 Listen to five short dialogs and decide what each dialog is about and mark () where appropriate.Script (1)Dialog 1: Operator (O): Good morning, Mr. Smith. This is the morning call for you. Its 6 a.m. now. Wish you a nice day! Guest (G): Thanks.Dialog 2: G: Id like to speak to Mr. Peter Taylor. O: Hold on, please. Ill try to get him on the line for you.Dialog 3: G: A room with a king-sized bed is better equipped and the rate is only 120 yuan higher. R: OK, Ill take that.Listening ScriptUnit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Task 1 Listen to five short dialogs and decide what each dialog is about and mark () where appropriate.Listening ScriptScript (2)Dialog 4: G: My sons leg is injured. O: Please stay calm. Where are you now?Dialog 5: G: My luggage hasnt been brought to my room yet. I have been waiting here for 20 minutes. O: I apologize for this inconvenience, sir. May I have your name and room number, please?Unit 5 Switchboard酒店英语酒店英语Listening ScriptScript (1)Operator (O): Good afternoon. This is Operator. How may I help you?Guest (G): I have something urgent to speak to my brother, David Smith. He is staying in your hotel.O: Whats his room number, please?G: I think its Room 820, but Im not sure. Can you check it for me?O: I see. May I know your name, madam?G: Susan Smith.Unit 5 SwitchboardTask 2 A guest is calling the switchboard to speak to her brother, whos staying at the hotel. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks in the information card.酒店英语酒店英语Listening ScriptScript (2)O: Thank you, Miss Smith. Ill check it for you and transfer your call to his room.G: Thanks.O: Yes, Mr. Smith is in Room 820. Hold on, please. I will put you through.G: Okay.O: Youre through now. Please go ahead.Unit 5 SwitchboardTask 2 A guest is calling the switchboard to speak to her brother, whos staying at the hotel. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks in the information card.酒店英语酒店英语Listening ScriptScript (1)Operator (O): Good evening, Operator, how may I help you?Guest (G): Id like to have a wake-up call. O: May I have your name and room number, please?G: Bill Williams, Room 815.O: On what date, please, Mr. Williams?G: Tomorrow.Unit 5 SwitchboardTask 4 Mr. Williams needs to get up early tomorrow. Now he is calling the operator to ask for a wake- up call. Listen to the conversation and fill in the wake-up call record sheet with the information you hear.酒店英语酒店英语Script (2)O: Thats Saturday, September 12th. And the time of your wake-up call?G: 6:00 a.m.O: Okay, Mr. Williams, you will receive a wake-up call at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 12th. Is that correct?G: Yes. Thanks.O: Youre always welcome, Mr. Williams.Listening ScriptUnit 5 SwitchboardTask 4 Mr. Williams needs to get up early tomorrow. Now he is calling the operator to ask for a wake- up call. Listen to the conversation and fill in the wake-up call record sheet with the information you hear.Thank You!酒店英语酒店英语 E EN NG GL LI IS SH H F FO OR R C CA AR RE EE ER RS S新职业英语新职业英语中国劳动关系学院高等职业技术学院
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