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Some Differences Between Structuralism and Post-structuralism Structuralismvan intellectual movement developed in Europe from the early to mid-20th centuryva theoretical paradigm that emphasizes that elements of culture must be understood in terms of their relationship to a larger, overarching system or structure v anthropology, sociology, psychology, literary criticism, economics and architectureDe Saussures structural linguistics propounded related concepts 1. Langue: an idealized abstraction of language Parole: language as actually used in daily life2. Linguistic signs consisting of: signifier: the sound pattern of a word signified: the concept or meaning of the word3.Binary oppositions: two ideas, directly opposed, each of which we understand by means of its opposition to the other. Structuralism in literary theory and criticism Literary textsa larger structure:va particular genreva range of intertextual connectionsva model of a universal narrative structureva system of recurrent patterns or motifs Structuralism in literary theory and criticisma structure in every texteverything that is written seems to be governed by specific rules, or a grammar of literatureStructuralism in literary theory and criticismv the structure of literary genresv the structure of narrativev the structure of literary interpretation ( P-176182)potential problem: it can be highly reductive. Catherine Belsey puts it: the structuralist danger of collapsing all difference. Arthur Laurents West Side Story Shakespeares Romeo and JulietPost-structuralism vemerged in France during the 1960s as a movement critiquing structuralism vcame to international prominence in the 1960s and 70s vstresses that the authors intended meaning is secondary to the meaning that the reader perceives.Main Ideas of Post-structuralismvrejects the idea of a literary text having a single purpose, a single meaning, or one singular existence. v every individual reader creates a new and individual purpose, meaning, and existence for a given text. v be able to use a variety of perspectives to create a multifaceted interpretation of a text (class, racial or sexual identity)Table of differencesStructuralismPost-structuralismTimeearly 1900s1960sMajor FiguresRoland BarthesJulia KristevaJacques DerridaRoland BarthesOriginsLinguisticsdate language and worldmethod, system and reasonPhilosophyno facts, only interpretationskepticismTone and Styleabstractiongeneralizationdetached scientific coolness toneneutral styleemotiveurgent euphoric toneflamboyant and self-consciously showy styleAttitude to languageLinguistic mediuman orderly systemconstructing the worldterminal anxietiesfloating free, fluid slippageFundamental aimsto break free of habitual modes of perception or categorizationcelebration and liberationdissolving or constructing
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