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阅读教程READINGCOURSE2新交际英语COMMUNICATIVEENGLISHFORCHINESELEARNERS 高等学校英语类专业国标规划教材高等学校英语类专业国标规划教材Unit 2Dealing with peopleContent TextThe Empathy Jolt Saying “ No” Reading Skills and StrategiesHow to Use the Outline to StructureIdeasHow to Use the Diagram to Highlight Key PointsText OrganizationBeforeignorant blamersAfterempathogenic communicators1234Review & Check Review & Check TeachingTeaching ProceduresProceduresSummarySummaryContentsContents5Teaching ObjectivesTeaching Objectives AssignmentsAssignmentsPage 63fall out: to have an argument and stop being friendlytrifling: small and unimportantdeliberately: in an intentional manner, on purposebitter: angry and fiercetolerant: showing respect for the rights or opinions of othersLead-in ActivityPage 74What are the most common reasons for roommate conflicts?What benefits can a harmonious dormitory bring to all the members?How to resolve roommate conflicts in a better way?Lead-in ActivityVocabulary Workshop p241.hemorrhage v.( 病理) 出血2.culprit =criminal 犯人;元凶3.spontaneously 自发地4.sullen 阴沉的;不高兴的5.ticked off 使恼火;使恼怒 tick sb. off=annoy sb.6.sabotage v.妨害,蓄意破坏 7.rift 裂缝,分歧,不和8.antipathy 反感Motto:Courage is daring to do what is right in spite of the weakness of our flesh.真正的勇敢意味着真正的勇敢意味着,即使身处险境也勇于匡扶正义即使身处险境也勇于匡扶正义.Part B The Empathy Jolt Reading & Studyingempathy: 同理心;移情作用;共情移情cultural empathy 文化移情;文化同感;文化认同empatheticadj.移情作用的;同感的(等于empathic)empathic移情作用的;神入的empathizevt.移情;神会jolt: /dlt/v.(使)震动,(使)摇晃,(使)颠簸v.使某人吃惊 to give someone a sudden shock or surprisen.震惊 with a joltjoltjolt震动,晃动震动,晃动可能来自中古英语可能来自中古英语jollen,jollen,击,打,连续猛击。引申词义震动,晃动。击,打,连续猛击。引申词义震动,晃动。The Empathy Joltn震撼人心的移情沟通法Language points P26 early in my careergrow tired of listening to .members who refuse to each other.“ he said /she said” wars:the zero-sum gamesinfantile debatesachieve a temporary trucePara.1.Language points feel like doing sth.put a temorary bandage on a gaping, hemorraging woundPara.1.vvvvvvvvvvvv创可贴创可贴裂着口的裂着口的流着血的流着血的Language points culprit n.ignorant blamersThese were the people who treat communication as a blood sport, ranting relentlessly about another persons failing without giving a seconds thought to how the attacked party felt.我给这类争执的当事人取了个名字,称之为我给这类争执的当事人取了个名字,称之为“ “无知的指责者无知的指责者” ”。这些人这些人把与人把与人交流当成一项血腥的战斗,交流当成一项血腥的战斗,毫不留情地指责毫不留情地指责他人的过错,从不考虑对方的感他人的过错,从不考虑对方的感受。受。Para.2定语从句定语从句现在分词作伴随状语现在分词作伴随状语with doing 伴随状语伴随状语 Language points 译文:我给这类争执的当事人取了个名字,称之为“无知的指责者”。这些人把与人交流当成一项血腥的战斗,毫不留情地指责他人的过错,从不考虑对方的感受。Para.2Language points .let his projects run over the time budget v. =plan act like hes so high and mightyis not a teamplayer不是个好队友;不懂得如何与人合作Para.3Language points presumptuousthey presumed to tell.what the score was.not least bit :not at all 一点都没有be curious about 对.好奇/感兴趣 In the mind of ., the goal was/ wasnt to.Para.4adj. 壮观的,惊人的; 引人注目的not . but.share information分享信息expose every flaw of the other person揭露/暴光/指出对方的每一个错误sit back 坐回来/坐下来 Para.4Language points Para.5n nAttempting to . rarely was effective. 试图做某事 多半是没用的。 rarely :表否定,“稀有地,少有地”n n动名词作主语。 adv. 无意间地,自发地I spontaneously happened upon an intervention that changed everything. 有一天,我无意间发现了一种干预方法,而这种方法改变了一切。偶然发现n.干预;介入;干涉Language points It happened when.Harry refused to do.help.or cooperate in almost any way.Harry 拒绝做作业,也不帮着做家务,什么都不听。time-outs 隔离法/面壁思过taking away the Internet 断网sending him to his room 禁足/关禁闭have little to no effect 不起作用sullen adj. 绷着脸不高兴的,沉闷的Para.6Language points As soon as they sat down. I asked. Joan launched into a list of .Robert sat down quietly in a way . .that communicated that he agreed with., but also understood.Para.7sth tick you off= sth. annoy you 使恼火/恼怒 Language points Meanwhile, Harry sat with his arms crossed and baseball cap pulled downPara.7with 的用法的用法1. with/without-名/代词+形容词; 2. with/without-名/代词+ 副词; 3. with/without-名/代词+介词短语; 4. with/without-名/代词 +动词不定式; 5. with/without-名/代词 +现在/过去分词。 在句子中with结构多数充当状语,表示行为方式,伴随情况、时间、原因或条件;也可做定语。Language points Harry sat with his arms crossed and baseball cap pulled down.signaling that .Para.7n n the last place he wanted to be was in this room.n n好像在说,此时此刻他最不想呆的地方就是这里.n. 信号;暗号;导火线vt. 标志;用信号通知;表示adj. 显著的;作为信号的signalLanguage points engage vt.使参加without alienating JoanPara.8alienate vt. 使疏远;使孤立engage in 从事于(参加)Language points firmly and assertively 语气坚定without any hostility or frustation不带任何敌意,也不灰心丧气Para.9How many times were the following question repeated by the author?nIf I were to ask Harry/Robert/ Joan (why he thinks this meeting is just going to be a waste of time and money,) what would he/she/they say? Repeated Six times: Para. 9; Para. 14; Para. 16; Para. 19 ; Para.22; Para.25Language points with her laundry list of . complaints against Harry not yet expressed 一幅苦水还没倒完的样子Para.10表示抱怨的事情很多, 想洗衣清单一样长put yourself in Harrys shoes Para.11Language points 这个观点Coloin也赞同put yourself in others shoes 设身处地替别人着想Why he thinks this meeting is a waste time and wont accomplish anythingAt that momentRobert gave me a puzzled but curious lookand behatted son loosened his crossed armslifted his chin off his chest slightlyindicating that .分词伴随状语Id caught his interest. 引起他的兴趣/注意。Para.12Language points catch ones interest/attentionthink for a moment 想了一下all that s going to happen is that .moms going to lecture medads going to just go along with it and probably not say anythinglecture V. lecture V. 训斥训斥;告诫告诫; ;说教说教go along withgo along with赞同赞同;附合附合;陪同陪同Para.13Language points thats just what happens at homeemphasize the significance of .强调强调.的重要意义的重要意义shift from attacking to understanding 从攻击对方转变为理解从攻击对方转变为理解对方对方Para.14Language points cant stand it 不能忍受tune it out=turn off, shut off 关掉 get away as soon as possible 尽快逃走rivet on this dialogue =focus on this dialogue注意力集中在谈话上 Paras.15-19Language points rivet n 铆钉; v. ( 目光,注意力) 集中于at this point这时sabotage /sbt/ v. 妨害;蓄意破坏n. 蓄意毁坏;刻意阻碍Para.20-21Language points 努力争取;加油努力争取;加油 J would say I sabotage her 蓄意削弱她的威信by agreeing on the surface with her 表面同意她but communicating to Harry that 但是却向Harry 表示I agree with him about how over the top she can get 我同意他:她怎能如此过分呢Para.21Language points how the top she can get over Para. 22And if I asked Joan how that made her feel, what wouls she say?all alone 孤立无援with everyone fighting her and nobody helping herPara.22-23Language points at that point 这时I hate being such a bitch.fall through the cracks陷入困境;掉向深渊;崩溃all alone 孤立无援with everyone fighting her and nobody helping herPara.24Language points crack down 镇压;取缔;劈啪击下crack n.裂缝裂纹n nat this point这时n nI could finally make out Harrys eyes n nhe uncrossed his arms 交叉的双手放下来n nPara.25Language points How many times were the following question repeated by the author?nIf I were to ask your mom and dad whether theyre more disappointed and frustrated with you or worried about you, what would they say? Repeated Six times: Para. 9; Para. 14; Para. 16; Para. 19 ; Para.22; Para.25Para.25n nreplied n nwith a sense of revelation一种启示感(明白了什么)n nPara.26Language points Id turned out to be a loser and have a shitty lifebut theyre so controllingPara.28Language points shitty /ti/adj. 较差的; 劣等的bullshitn.胡说;废话 nonsense v. 讲废话controlling adj. 控制欲强的担心我变成一个没用的人,生活一团糟但他们管得也太严了,我都快喘不过气来了。”他说道。n nI know their style sucksn nbut stay with the first thingn nPara.29Language points suckvi. 吸吮;糟糕Because . they love meas if realizing this for the first time 似乎第一次意识到这点in a long while长时间以来Para.30Language points n nthats all it tookn n the rest of the sessionn nin a cooperative and collaborative fashion, n nfree of vicious attacks and underhanded shots and unvoiced ragePara.31Language points adj.合作的;协作的free of 免于;不受影响n. fashion方式恶毒的语言攻击不光明的投球:含沙射影的指责无声的愤怒adj.合作的n. session 会议期间;这里指谈话期间n nThe Franklins actually talked with .n ninstead of tearing at each other 而不是象疯狗一样互相撕咬n nlike rabid dogs.n nPara.31Language points adj. 激烈的; 狂暴的; 偏激的After that breakthrough 突破I started using this technique tobridge communication gaps and 搭建沟通的桥梁 repair rifts修复破裂的关系 I call this approachempathogenic communication 移情沟通法empathogenic=empathetic ., empathicPara.32Language points n. 裂缝;冰山的裂缝译文:取得这一突破后,我开始使用这种方法来为人们搭建沟通的桥梁,修复破裂的关系。我将此方法命名为“移情沟通法”,因为它能消除人们心中的厌恶和仇恨,唤起人与人之间情感的共鸣。instantlyfoster empathy among peoplewho ve previously only know antipathy /ntpi/or even outright hatredPara.32Language points antipathy /ntpi/n. 反感; 厌恶; 憎恶; 不相容outright /atrat/ adj. 完全的,彻底的;直率的;全部的adv. 全部地;率直地;立即,当场hatred /hetrd/ n. 憎恨;怨恨; 敌意 译文:取得这一突破后,我开始使用这种方法来为人们搭建沟通的桥梁,修复破裂的关系。我将此方法命名为“移情沟通法”,因为它能消除人们心中的厌恶和仇恨,唤起人与人之间情感的共鸣。Para.32Language points Word study: synonyms同义词同义词 p33同义词同义词:长句分析:长句分析:Analysis of long sentencesn n1.The big benefit will not only be in the housing of this enormous and rapidly growing anount of data, but will also be in the ability to run real time data analytics to extract actionable and ongoing knowledge.( 38 words)2017年12月的六级阅读真题 文章的背景是: 随着科技的发展,我们的家庭中将会出现很多的智能家居产品,他们将给我们的生活带来更多的便利。main structure:句子主体句子主体n nThe big benefit will not only be.but will also be .这个很大的好处不仅在于., 也在于.。去掉修饰成分:去掉修饰成分:The big benefitwill not only be in the housing of this enormous and rapidly growing anount of data but will also bein the ability to run real time data analytics to extract actionable and ongoing knowledge.of引导的后置定语, 修饰“housing ”动词不定式定语, 修饰“housing ”原文理解原文理解:这个很大的好处不仅在于., 也在于.。这个很大的好处不仅是拥有越多数据的住房, 而且具有通过实时数据分析,得到可控的,持续信息的能力。长句分析:长句分析:Analysis of long sentencesn n1.The big benefit will not only be in the housing of this enormous and rapidly growing anount of data, but will also be in the ability to run real time data analytics to extract actionable and ongoing knowledge. 这个很大的好处不仅是拥有越多数据的住房, 而且具有通过实时数据分析,得到可控的,持续信息的能力。这些信息就是括号中描述的内容。译文:译文:n n2. Unfortunately, that comfort can hinder the very learning that can expand your company and your career. ( 16 words)长句分析:长句分析:Analysis of long sentences2015年12月的四级阅读真题。 文章背景讨论的问题是: 身边的人和你的想法一致,是不是一件好事。main structure:句子主体句子主体n nUnfortunately, that comfort can hinder the very learning that can expand your company and your career.译文理解译文理解: 那种舒适可能阻碍学习那种舒适可能阻碍学习.that comfort can hinder learning1)unfortunately1)unfortunately是副词,是副词, 修饰整个句子:修饰整个句子:这句话表达的是整个事情是不幸的。这句话表达的是整个事情是不幸的。2)very 2)very 是个形容词,是个形容词, 修饰修饰learning .learning .这里这里 very very 并不表示并不表示“ “非常非常”, ”,而是强调而是强调, , 理解为理解为: :正是那种学习正是那种学习. .3) that 3) that 引导形容词从句,引导形容词从句, 也修饰也修饰learning. learning. 是什么样的学习呢?就是是什么样的学习呢?就是“ “ 可以帮助你扩张公司和职业生可以帮助你扩张公司和职业生涯的学习涯的学习 ” ”n n2. Unfortunately, that comfort can hinder the very learning that can expand your company and your career. 不幸的是,不幸的是,那种舒适可能会阻碍公司和事业的发展那种舒适可能会阻碍公司和事业的发展。不幸的是阻碍扩张译文:译文:Assignments 作业作业n n3. “ The fact that participants were willing to substitute part of a food item for the mere prospect of a relatively small monetary award is interesting,” says Reimann. ( 27 words)长句分析:长句分析:Analysis of long sentences2016年12月的四级阅读真题 文章的背景是: n n4.Transforming down areas so that they incorporate modern housing and improved walkability to local restaurants, retail, and entertainment-especially when combined with improved infrastructure for cyclists and public transit-makes them appeal to a more affluent demographic. (37 words)长句分析:长句分析:Analysis of long sentences2017年12月的六级阅读真题 文章的背景是:
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