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写作句式及模块一. 对立观点型论说文常用句型 点明文章主题的常用句式1. . . . has become a hot topic/issueamong people recently. Opinionstowards it vary from person toperson.已经成为人们谈论的热门话题,不同的人对此有不同的看法。2. There is an argument / muchdisagreement / no consensus ofopinions among peopleconcerning / over / as to / on.关于,人们的看法不尽相同。3. Nowadays, people are divided onthe question as to whether. .如今关于的问题,人们的观点很不相同。4. Different people have / hold /takedifferent views / perspectiveson . 不同的人对有不同的见解。5. When asked about. . . differentpeople will offer differentanswers.当被问及. 时, 不同的人会给出不同的答案。6. There is a public/heated debate /discussion / controversy todayabout the problem of. .如今关于的问题,公众已经展开了辩论/ 讨论。7. The issue of whether or not. . . hasbeen widely argued / debatedcurrently.关于是否的问题,如今公众已经展开了广泛的讨论。 具体介绍两种对立观点的常用句式1. Some people suggest / maintain /hold the opinion that. . . But /However / While /Nevertheless / Yet, other peoplehold a different point of view.有些人认为,但是另外一些人却持有不同的观点。2. Some people are inclined to thinkthat. On the contrary / Incontrast, there are still manypeople who wont agree, and theyclaim.一些人往往认为,但是仍然有些人对此表示异议,他们认为3. When it comes to. some peoplethink / believe that. . . whileothers argue / claim that theopposite / reverse is true.当谈及的时候,有些人认为,但是其他人却站在相反意见的一边。4. Those who criticize / oppose to /object to. argue that. . . . Butpeople who advocate / favor. ,on the other hand, maintain /assert that.那些批评/ 反对的人认为,但是赞成的人认为5. Now it is commonly / generally /widely / universally thought /accepted / believed / held that.But I wonder / doubt whether.现在大家普遍认为,我却对此持怀疑态度。6. To the general public / popularmind, .But despite / in spite of/ . . . I still believe. . 尽管大部分人( 都认为) ,我仍然认为7. Nowadays, an overwhelmingmajority of people think that.Nevertheless, there are still somepeople of the opinion that. . 虽然如今绝大多数人认为,但是还是有些人认为。陈述自己观点的常用句式1. For my part / As to me / As far asI am concerned, Id like to agreeto the former / my favor goes tothe first view.就我而言,我赞同前一种观点。2. I agree to the latter opinion tosome extent.我比较同意后一种观点。3. Im in favor of. . . / Im on theside of. . 我赞成.4. In my opinion, both sides arepartly right. When w e . weshould take into consideration allaspects of the problems and thenmake the right decision.我认为双方都有一定的道理。当我们,我们应该全面地考虑该问题,然后做出正确的决定。5. There is probably some truth inboth arguments / statements,but. .两种观点都有一些道理,但是熟能生巧模板( 一)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic Will FastFood soon Take the Place of ChineseTraditional Food. You should write atleast 120 words, and base yourcomposition on the outline (given inChinese) below:1 .洋快餐在中国日趋流行, 很多人对此感到十分忧虑。如:传统饮食习惯很快会被人们忘记等。2 .然而,我对洋快餐持肯定的态度。3 .我认为那些人的忧虑没有必要。Fast food 点明主题 But this trend has aroused someanxiety that 陈述一二人的忧虑及原因Besides, some people think fastfood can do harmto二 陈述另一zzzz 些人的忧_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 虑及原因Although the popularity maycause some health problems, myattitude towards fast food ispositive. The reasons are just asfollows: For one thing,陈述我需快餐售曾_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 定态度的_ 原因之一Foranother,原因之二As for the worry about thenegative effects onChinese traditional diet caused byfast food, in myopinion, 陈述百巨认为一座_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _人的柝虑_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 没有必要. 的原因In one sense, 结论模 而 三Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic ShouldEuthanasia Be Legalized? You shouldwrite at least 120 words, and baseyour composition on the outline(given in Chinese) below:1 . 有人赞成实行安乐死2 . 有人反对安乐死合法化3 . 我的看法Should euthanasia be legalized?Answers to thisquestion vary greatly. Some people赞成安乐死的观点Ononehand,理由一On the other h a n d ,_ 理由二However, other people thinkthat the legalization may bring aboutsome problems. Firstly,反对观点的理由之一Secondly,理由之二Finally,理由之三In my opinion, there9 s sometruth in both argu m ents.我的结论模板( 三)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic Reduction ofStudents Study Load. You shouldwrite at least 120 words, and baseyour composition on the outline(given in Chinese) below:1 . 一些人坚决主张减负2 . 另一些人对此持矛盾态度3 . 我的看法Chinese primary and middleschool students now grow upunder heavy pressures becausetheyhave to face a huge amount ofhomework and frequent exams. Thishas triggered a heated discussion on_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _提出争论_ _ _ _ _ _ 的话题throughout China.Some people 赞成的观_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 点They argue that, ZZZZZZZZ2Z M由一As a result, 进一步具体说明Second, 理由二To illustrate, _ 一步具体说明However, others _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _反对的观点They believe that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _理由Besides,理由二A case in point is that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _举例说明Personally, Im on the side ofthe former argument. We should(ID我的态度If s easy to see a heavy load(12)_(12)分析学生负2 逅沉重的根Z SMISo it is urgent and necessary that(13)_(13)我的建议模板( 四)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic Is theCollege English Test Band 4 / 6Necessary? You should write at least120 words, and base yourcomposition on the outline (given inChinese) below:1 .有人认为大学英语四、 六级考试有必要2 . 也有人对此持不同看法3 . 我认为Recently there has been a heateddebate on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 点明主题Some students and teachers claimthat_ 赞成的观_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 点To start with, they maintain that理由一Furthermore, they argue that 理由三Others反对的观点They理由一Besides,理由二As a result, 进一步具体说明For all these negative aspects, Iprefer the forme opinion. The main reason isthat我支持第一种观点的原.因之一What s more, _ 原因之二模板( 五)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on The Objective ofStudy. You should write at least 120words, and base your composition onthe outline (given in Chinese) below:1 .大学生中有许多人把拿到文凭视为学习的目的2 .也有一些人认为大学的学习应该以发展个人兴趣和培养特长为目标3 .我的看法参考范文模板( 一)Will fast food soon take theplace of Chinese traditional food?Fast food, such as hamburger andfried chicken, becomes more andmore popular with young people inmodern China. But this trend hasaroused some anxiety that thetraditional cuisine will be forgottenone day if people get used to living ona diet of fast food.Besides, some people think fastfood can do harm to peoples healthbecause this type of food fails toprovide adequate daily requirementsof all nutrition. Although thepopularity may cause some healthproblems, my attitude towards fastfood is positive. The reasons are justas follows. For one thing, it isdifficult to resist the temptation offast food of McDonalds or Kentuckybecause they can provide thecustomers with a kind of completelynew and tempting food as well asexcellent service. For another, in anage when some busy people wouldnot like to waste too much time incooking, eating fast food is a goodchoice to help them make full use oftime.As for the worry that thenegative effects on Chinesetraditional diet caused by fast food,in my opinion, the national cuisinewill not die out because fast food andtraditional food do not go contrary toeach other and they can servedifferent tastes. In one sense, fastfood is a product of an ever-changinglifestyle. We should be brave toaccept this change instead of sayingno to it.模板( 二)Should Euthanasia Be Legalized?Should euthanasia be legalized?Answers to this question vary greatlyfrom person to person. Some peopleare in favor of the idea of euthanasia.On the one hand, it can benefit thepatient. To a terminally ill personwho is suffering unbearable painsday and night or living like a“vegetable to be allowed to end hislife painlessly is a good relief. On theother hand, it can also benefit thepatienfs family. To his family it is aheavy burden both financially andemotionally when they make everyeffort to sustain his life, which, moreoften than not, will eventually be invain.However, other people thinkthat the legalization may bring aboutsome problems. Firstly, they arguethat it is inhumane to make aterminally ill person who does notwant to die feel guilty of remainingalive. Secondly, it is also insensiblethat a patient is killed simply becauseof a mistaken terminal diagnosis.Finally, it is possible that euthanasiacould be taken advantage of forcriminal purpose.In my opinion, theres sometruth in both arguments. It is truethat the legalization of euthanasiawill raise serious moral and socialissues. But without euthanasia, Iwonder whether or not doctors cancome up with better ways to lessenthe pain of the terminally ill patients.模板( 三)Reduction of Students? Study LoadChinese primary and middleschool students now grow up underheavy pressures because they have toface a huge amount of homeworkand frequent exams. This hastriggered a heated discussion onwhether or not we should reduce thestudents9 study load throughoutChina.Some people strongly advocatethat we should reduce the students9study load. They argue that, first, itdeprives children of their free timeand the golden, cheerful childhood,which they are entitled to. As a result,all their weekends and vacations aretaken up by endless homework andmake up lessons. Second, heavystudy load has seriously affectedtheir physical and psychologicalhealth.To illustrate, more and morestudents are either wearing glasses orsuffering from nervous disorder.However, others hesitate aboutit and they prefer to stick to the oldpractice rather than reduce students9study load. They believe that onlyhard work can earn a bright futurefor children. Besides, they think itsjust a waste of time for students toidle around. A case in point is thatmore children were drowned thissummer, which might result from thereduction of study load.Personally, Im on the side ofthe former argument. We shouldmoderately reduce students9 toddled.Its easy to find that a heavy load isthe by-product of the existing examoriented system So it is urgent andnecessary that the current examassessment system be reformed.模板( 四)Is the College English Test Band4 /6 Necessary?Recently there has been a heateddebate on whether or not thenational College English Test Band 4/ B and 6 is necessary.Some students and teachers arein favor of it. To start with, theymaintain that it is an effective way toraise the level of English in ourcountry. Furthermore, they arguethat it may not only inspire teachersto improve their teaching, but alsourge students to attach moreimportance to English so as toimprove their communicative skills.Others hold an opposite point ofview. They maintain that this kind oftest does not help improve thestudents9 actual ability in masteringthe language, although it may helpthem acquire some approach todealing with the test. Besides, it onlymakes learning and teachingtest-oriented. As a result, only suchstudents with high scores but lowerabilities are turned out.For all these negative aspects, Iprefer the former opinion. The mainreason is that thanks to CET Band 4/ Band 6, the overall English level ofcollege students has been greatlypromoted. Whats more, bothteachers and students now placemuch emphasis on comprehensivelearning skills, including listening,speaking, reading, and writing.模板( 五)The Objective of StudyAfter entering colleges, studentshold quite different opinions aboutthe objective of study. Some of themhold that having a diploma iscertainly the objective of study incollege. In their opinion, the diplomawill guarantee favorableopportunities in the job-huntingcampaign. This idea may be theweapon why their college lives arealmost focused on reading books,which helps them pursue decentscores in exams.But a good many collegestudents are inclined to challenge thisbelief. They argue that it is mostimportant to develop the personalinterests and rewarding specialties inthe college study. For this purpose,they often have every reason to pridethemselves on excellent academicachievements in the subjects theytake great interest in, while they mayflunk in other courses in which theyseem rather uninterested.For my part, I think it is quitenecessary that we develop wideinterest in computer, foreignlanguages or any other practicaldisciplines rather than just confineourselves to textbooks. Only in thisway can we keep on learningthroughout our lifetime and alwayskeep pace with the times.二. 问题解决型论说文常用句型引出话题的常用句式1. Nowadays, . has become aproblem we have to fa c e .如今已经成为我们必须面对的问题。2. Nowadays, more and more peopleare concerned about the problemof.现在越来越多的人开始关注的问题。3. A lthough. has broughtconvenience to us, many peoplehave begun to realize that it is thesource of trouble as w e ll.尽管给我们带来了很多便利,但是很多人已经认识到它也会制造麻烦。4. Recently, the rise in thephenomenon of. . . has drawn /aroused / captured worldwideattention.最近. 现象的日益增多已经引起了全世界的注意。5. Recently, the issue / problem /question of.has been broughtinto focus / brought to publicattention / posed among publicattention.最近的问题已经成为人们关注的焦点。6. In recent years, many cities /nations / people have been faced/ troubled with the seriousproblem of. .在最近几年里,很多城市/ 国家/ 人已经面临问题/ 受到问题的干扰。7 . With the increasingly rapideconomic globalization andurbanization, more problems arebrought to our attention.随着日益发展的经济全球化和城市化,更多的问题受到我们的关注。8. Nowadays, an increasing numberof people come to realize / beaware of the importance o f.现在越来越多的人开始意识到的重要性。9. Thanks to Chinas reform andopening-up policy, the past twodecades have witnessed greateconomic development and socialtransformation.由于改革开放政策,在过去的20年中中国经济取得了巨大的发展,社会发生了重大变革。10 . With the rapid / amazing /fantastic development / growth /improvement of economy, greatchanges have taken place in.随着经济的快速( 惊人的, 令人瞩目的)发展,发生了巨大的变化。11 . One of the urgent / pressingproblems / issues we areconfronted with is that.我们正面临的一个紧迫问题是。12. It is undeniable / There is nodenying the fact that.has become the utmost concern amongpeople nowadays. 不 可 否认,已经成为人们最关注的问题。13. Once in a newspaper, I hit upon/ came across a report that. 我曾经在报纸上看到一篇关于的报道。 分析原因的常用句式1 . Here are many / several / anumber of / a variety of reasonsfor it. First.Second.Finally 这件事的起因很多,第一第二第三2 . The reasons can be listed asfollows. For one thing, . Foranother.原因有以下几点,一方面/ 一个原因是另一方面/ 另一个原因是3. What has possibly contributed tothis problem? In the first place.In the second place是什么导致了 这 个 问 题 呢 ? 首 先 . 其次4 . Perhaps the main / primary /most important reason is. 可能最 主 要 / 根 本 / 重 要 的 原 因是5. . is also / partly / solely / chieflyresponsible for theproblem. .也是问题产生的部分/ 主要原因。6. It is no easy job to identify thereasons for. which involvesseveral complicated factors. Forsome. For others.要找出. . .的原因并不容易,因为其中牵涉到几方面的复杂因素。可能也可能6 . One may trace / attribute / owethis problem to. . 有人也许会将这个问题归结于7 . A number of factors could accountfor / lead to / contribute to /result in / be conducive to.几方面的因素可能导致8 . This problem may result from / beattributable to / be largely due to/ stem from a combination offactors.这个问题是由很多因素造成的。9 . The explanation for thisphenomenon involves manycomplex reasons. For one thing.For another, . . .这种现象的发生有很多复杂的原因。其一,其二。10. Some people may think that. isto blame for this problem, but itscauses go still / far deeper.一些人也许认为我们应该把这个问题归咎于,但是,这个问题还有更深层次的原因。11 . It will exert a far-reaching /profound impact / influence /effect o n .它将对. 产生深远的影响。12. Admittedly, it may create / giverise to / bring about a host ofproblems,诚然, 这将会导致很多的问题。13. There are a variety of reasons forthis phenomenon.关于这个现象有各种各样的理由。提出解决方案的常用句式1. The first key factor to solve thisproblem is. Another key factoris.解 决 这 个 问 题 的 第 一 关 键是另一个关键是2. People have found many solutions/ approaches to dealing with thisproblem.人们已经找到了许多解决这个问题的方法。3. We can figure out many ways torelieve the present crisis.我们可以想出很多办法来缓解目前的危机。4. Then, how should we solve thisproblem? Here are somesuggestions, which may be ofsome help.那么,如何来解决这个问题呢?这里有些建议可能会有点帮助。5. Faced with., we should take aseries of effective measures tocope with the situation.面对,我们应该采取一系列的措施来应对目前的形势。6. It is high time that. Here are afew examples of some of themeasures that might be takenimmediately.真的应该/ 必须。这里列举几个可以马上付诸实施的措施。7. Obviously, if we ignore / are blindto this problem, the chances arethat / it is most likely that / thereis every chance that. will be putin jeopardy.显然,倘若我们对这一点置若罔闻的话,很可能就会处于一种危险的境地。8. We need to take a fresh / clearlook at this matter / situation in anew perspective / from a widerstandpoint. Otherwise, we won tcome anywhere near solving it.我们应该从一个新的角度( 一个更广泛的角度) 来看待这个问题。否则的话,我们将很难解决它。9 . It is essential / indispensable thatproper actions / effectivemeasures should be taken toreverse this situation / trend.为了扭转局势,我们有必要采取有效的措施。10 . It is hoped / suggested thatconsiderable / great effortsshould be directed to / focusedon.希望( 据建议) 我们全力以赴11 . There is no easy / immediatesolution / approach to the issueof. but. might be beneficial /helpful.并没有很容易的方法来解决这个问题,有可能会有帮助的。12. No effective / simple solution canbe at hand / in sight to resolve /tackle the problem of. But thegeneral awareness of theimportance of. might be thefirst step in the right direction.虽 然 现 在 还 看 不 到 有 望 解决问题的有效的( 容易的) 方法,但是让大家意识到的重要性可能是解决这个问题的第一步。熟能生巧模板( 一)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic Problem ofPiracy. You should write at least 120words, and base your composition onthe outline (given in Chinese) below:1 . 盗版现象日益严重2 . 盗版造成的不良后果3 . 我对抵制盗版蔓延的看法Nowadays, the problem of 提出问而Forinstance,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 明问题的严重性Piracy has caused a great loss tolegitimateproducts, inventors and writers inmany ways. Tostart with 原因一Whats worse, pirated books 原因三In the long run, 可能给顾客带 来 的 不 航because相关原因In my opinion, its nigh timethat everyonestarted the battle against piracy.First, 解决措施之一Besides, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 解决措施之二Finally,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _解决措施之三Only in this way, can we wipe thepirated products out of our life.模板( 二)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic CollegeEnglish Teaching in China. Youshould write at least 120 words, andbase your composition on the outline(given in Chinese) below:1 . 有人认为中国的大学英语教学很不成功( 如:大学英语毕业生英语说不好,听不懂,写不出)2 . 认为失败的原因是3 . 你的建议Nowadays, there are more and morepeople complaining that 提出一些人对大学英语教学.的看法After four-year English learning,most graduates进一步说明问some extent, I think, it isreasonable forthose people to say so. To begin with,_失败原因一Secondly, 失败原因二Finally, 失败原因三For instance, 举例进一步说 明In conclusion, Chinese collegeEnglish teachingis to be refonued. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _提出解决方案模板( 三)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic FireAccidents in Big Cities. You shouldwrite at least 120 words, and baseyour composition on the outline(given in English) below:1 . Present state2 . Causes of the accidents3 . Suggestions in regard to theprevention of firesIn recent years _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 描述火灾发生. 率日趋上升Fires火灾造成的严重后果What caused this problem? I thinkthe causes of fire accidents can belisted as follows. Firstly,原因一_ Secon祖y,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 原因二Finally, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 原因三In order to minimize fire accidentswe should,first of all, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 解决方法之一Then, 解决方法之二Finally, 解决方法之三模板( 四)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topicReemployment of Laid-off Workers.You should write at least 120 wards,and base your composition on theoutline (given in Chinese) below:1 .下岗工人再就业问题亟待解决2 .解决方法有重视发展第三产业和为下岗工人举行再就业培训等3 .解决问题的动力来自政府和下岗工人双方With the deepening of economicreform, China is now faced with abig problem_提出问题There is no doubt that 说明可能引发 的新问题Confronted with such a seriousproblem, we should take a seriesof measures to cope with theSituation. First of a l l ,解决方法之一Besides, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 解决方法之二To my mind, to solve the problem is atwo-way operation as far asgovernment and laid-off workersare concerned. On one hand,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 政府应采取的态度On the other h a n d ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _下岗工人应采取的态度模板( 五)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic The EnergyProblem you should write at least120 words, and base yourcomposition on the outline (given inChinese) below:1 .能源短缺的问题已经引起人们的关注2 .解决方法之一:实行节能3 .解决方法之二:开发新的能源Energy is one of the biggestproblems that have aroused wideconcern among the public. Manyfar-sighted scholars and scientistshave pointed out _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _说明能源问题的现状So from now on, we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 解决方法之Otherwise,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 相反的做法可_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 能导致的严重_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 后果But this is not all the answer.The best way to keep humanbeings far away from the energycrisis is to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 解决方法之二It is obvious that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _说明方法二的优点参考范文模板( 一)Problem of PiracyNowadays, the problem ofpiracy has become more and moreserious. Books, tapes, VCDs andother high-tech products have beenpirated. For instance, when a newproduct comes onto market, mostprobably, its pirated counterpart willsoon put on its appearance in themarket, too.Piracy has caused a great loss tolegitimate producers, inventors andwriters in many ways. To start with,the pirated products often cost muchless than the genuine ones so thatthey enjoy a better trading positionin spite of their relatively poorquality. The genuine products, on thecontrary, sell poorly. Whats worse,pirated books, sometimes, do greatharm to the authors reputation dueto some misprints. In the long run,pirated products may have anegative impact on customersbecause those legitimate producers5creativity and enthusiasm may bedeeply hurt by the fact that somecustomers are more interested in thepirated products for the sake of smallgains.In my opinion, its high timethat everyone started the battleagainst piracy. First, customersshould develop their consciousness toresist the pirated products. Besides,the government should take effectivemeasures to put an end to piracy.Finally laws must be strictly enforcedto completely ban piracy. Only inthis way, can we wipe the piratedproducts out of our life.模板( 二)College English Teaching in ChinaNowadays, there are more andmoral people complaining thatEnglish teaching at college is acomplete failure. After four yearEnglish learning, most graduatescant properly communicate withforeigners, nor can they translatebetween languages, let alone write inEnglish. Where do the problems lie?To some extent, I think, it isreasonable for those people to say so.To begin with, English teaching atcollege is, to a large degree ,teacher-centered. It is still notuncommon in the classroom that theteacher explains every languagepoint in detail, while students takenotes at times. Secondly, culture isneglected in English teachingbecause of poor text design. With agreat deal of grammear andstructure exercises in the textbook,students are misled into memorizinga large vocabulary and a lot ofEnglish rules. Few students knowhow, when and where to use themproperly. Finally, test-orientededucation, in a sense, misleads andimpedes college English teaching inChina. For instance, college EnglishTest Band Four/Six is sooveremphasized in some colleges thatteachers strive to meet the needs ofthe test, sacrificing learning for thesake of test results, and students onlylearn how to pass the examination.In conclusion, Chinese collegeEnglish teaching is to be reformed.English teaching should bestudent-centered, culture should beintroduced in language teaching, andtextbooks should be well designed toarouse students9 interest in learningto communicate in English.模板( 二)Fire Accidents in Big CitiesIn recent years there has been anamazing increase in fire accidents inbig cities in our country. Fires havenot only resulted in heavy economiclosses but also injured and killedmany people.What caused this problem? I thinkthe cause of fire accidents can belisted as follows. Firstly, some peopleare careless or violate the fire safetyregulations when operating someeledtrical appliances. Secondly, somefire accidents are caused by the poorquality of household electricalappliances. Finally, there are manypremises, such as private net bars,department stores, recreation centers,which focus so much on profits as toignore the importance of fireprotection.In order to minimize fireaccidents, we should, first of all,foster peoples awareness of theimportance of fire prevention. Then,a special department should be setup to inspect whether or not thosepublic places have installed adequatefire engines and facilities. If not, theyshould be fined. Finally, we have toincrease the number of professionalfire fighters. Only in this way, can weensure a reliable fire preventionsystem.模板( 四)Reemployment of Laid off WorkersWith the deepening of economicreform, China is now faced with abig problem-large numbers of staffhave been made redundant. There isno doubt that it would lead to endlesstrouble like social instability if thesurplus were not reorganizedproperly.Confronted with such a seriousproblem, we should take a series ofmeasures to cope with the situation.First of all, the tertiary industryshould be firstly taken into account,since it provides many jobopportunity without too manyrestrictions such as age, culturalbackground, gender differences andso on. Besides, we should set upvarious vocational training coursesfor laid off workers. And laid offworkers are most likely able to takejobs in other fields as they haveacquired mach knowledge, thusbecoming well qualified.To my mind, to solve theproblem is a two-way operation asfar as government and laid-offworkers are concerned. On the onehand, government at all leveb shouldtry every possible means to create awide range of employment optionsopen to laid-off workers; on theother hand, laid off workers oughtnot to sit idle and wait foropportunities to come. So long asthey dont lose heart and constantlystrive to overcome present difficulties,they will definitely have a brightfuture.模板( 五)The Energy ProblemEnergy is one of the biggestproblems that have aroused wideoncern among the public. Manyfar-sighted scholars and scientistshave pointed out that our naturalresources are very limited. If we keepconsuming our resources at thepresent rate, the world will soon beon the edge of a serious energy crisisthreatening mankinds survival. Sofrom now on, we will have to makeserious and continuous efforts topractice economy in using energyand cut down on aster of any form soas to slow down the present drain onour limited resources. Otherwise, wewill leave our descendants adevastated old and a vast stretch ofwasteland.But this is not oil the answer.The best way to keep human beingsfor away from the energy crisis is todevelop new sources of energy. It isobvious that even if we save muchenergy by using it in a controlled way,our natural resources, howeverabundant, will run out eventually.And when they are gone they aregone forever, for resources cannotreproduce themselves. To find newsupplies in unexplored areas seems tobe the only way out or ourpredicament.三. 说明利弊型论说文的常用句型 说明事物优点的常用句式1. There are several advantages in /of.The first / biggest advantageis that.有几方面的优点,第一个/ 最大的优点是2. Nothing / Few things can equal /match with / be comparedwith.in terms of.在方面, ( 几乎) 没有什么东西可以和相媲美。3. For all / In spite of / Despite thedisadvantages / side effects, it hasits compensating advantages /beneficial effects. 尽管存在一些缺点 / 负 面 影 响 ,但它并非一无是处。4 . . has a positive impact /influence / effect on peopleslives.对人们的生活起到一种积极的作用。5 . . is playing an increasinglyimportant role in peoples lives.在人们的生活中起着越来越重要的作用。说明事物缺点的常用句式1 . However, just like anythingelse, .has its negative side aswell.但是,和其他事物一样,也有其不好的一面。2 . Of course, the disadvantages cannot be ignored.当然,缺点也是不能忽视的。3 . However, it still has somedrawbacks.但是它还是有一些缺陷。4. However, just as everything hastwo sides, . also has manydisadvantages.但是,正如每个事物都有两面性一样,也有很多缺点。5 . However, . may also cause /bring about / lead to / result in /contribute to some problems.但是,也可能诱发一些问题。6. However, its often blamed for itsobvious defects.但是,它经常因一些明显的缺陷而受到指责。7. Everything has two sides. is noexception.每个事物都有两面性,也不例外。8. As the proverb goes, every coinhas its two sides / no gardenwithout its weeds / every medalhas its reverse.is no exception.正如有句谚语所说的那样,每件事物都有利有弊。也毫不例外。9. However, the negative aspects arealso apparent / obvious / evident.To begin with, . To makematters worse,. Worst of all,.不足之处也是显而易见的. 首先,;更糟的是,;最后. . .。10. The side effects. have exertedon human beings can be boileddown to several major ones asfollows. First, . Second, . Inaddition,.对人类产生的副作用归纳起 来 有 以 下 几 个 方 面 。 其一, ; 其二, ; 此外O表明事物利大于弊的常用句式1. As to me, I think the advantagesoutweigh / carry more eight thanthe disadvantages.就我而言,我认为利大于弊。2. Anyway, I still believe.has moreadvantages than disadvantages.不管怎样,我仍然相信的利大于弊。3. But for me, I think what is moreimportant is its positive side.但就我而言,我认为它积极的一面更加重要。4 . The advantages of / derivedfrom. far outweigh / are muchgreater than the disadvantages /problems.entails. .的优点远远多于它引发的问题。熟能生巧:模板( 一)Directions: For this part, you ateallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic Keeping aPet. You should write at least 120words, and base your composition onthe outline (given in Chinese) below :1 .养宠物有很多优点。2 .宠物也会引发一些问题。3 .我的态度。Nowadays, it is common to see 描述养宠物的_ 现状There are many advantages ofkeeping a pet.For one thing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _优点之一another,_ 优点之二However, keeping a pet, just likeanythingElse, has its negative side as well.It may alsogive rise to some problems. Forexample, 举例说明缺点之一Worstofall,_forthe reason that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 指出缺点之,并说明其. 中原因To sum up, there are moreadvantages thandisadvantages to keeping a p et,强调养宠物的重要性模版( 二)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic Working atHome. You should write at least 120words, and base your composition onthe outline (given in Chinese) below:1 . 居家办公有很多优点,如:节约上班往返时间等。2 . 居家办公也有很多弊端,如:孤独感、混淆生活与工作等。3 . 我的看法。Nowadays, with the development ofscience and technology ,particularly computer andtelephoneTechnology, it has been made areality that 说明现状Generally, people enjoy working athome for thefollowing benefits. For one thing,z z z 优点之二Foranother,优点之二Most agreeable of a l l ,优点之三While working at home allows muchmore freedom than working in office,some problemscan not be ignored. For example, 举例说明缺点之一Besides, 缺点之二Whats more,缺点之三For all the possible problemsarising fromworking at home, I still believe 对未来前景的M模板( 三)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic StudyingAbroad. You should write at least 120words, and base your composition onthe outlme(given in Chinese) below:1 .留学海外有很多益处。2 .留学海外也会遇到一些问题。3 .我的态度。Nowadays , studying abroadgains popularity in China. Many richparents would rather sendtheir children abroad to receiveeducation than let them beeducated in China.As everything has two sides,studying abroad is not anexception . There are manyadvantagesfor people to attend schoolsabroad. In the first place,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 益处一Secondly, 益处二Thirdly, 益处三Of course, attending schoolsabroad mayalso bring about a series of problems.The mostserious problem is 问题As a result, 由此产生加新Besides . 问题二Inevitably,_由此产生的新问题Furthermore, _问题三Therefore, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 我的态度模板( 四)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic My View onReference Books. You should write atleast 120 words, and base yourcomposition on the outline (given inChinese) below:1 . 各种各样的参考书给学生们的学习提供了一定的帮助。2 . 但是过分依赖参考书会产生许多负面效应。3 . 我认为Nowadays students constantlyfind themselves flooded with allkinds of reference books. Referencebooks themselves are of no harm.Generally speaking, most of them 参考书的好处For example _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 举例说明However, depending too muchon reference books has manynegative effects. To begin with,弊端一Besides, 弊端二_Worst of all, 一 11 -惭 二In my opinion, we should 我的态度模 椀 无Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic ElectronicDictionaries. You should write atleast 120 words, and base yourcomposition on the outline (given inChinese) below:1 . 电子词典有很多好处。2 . 电子词典也有许多弊端。3 . 我的看法是In recent years electronicdictionaries 说明现状Compared with a traditionaldictionary, thiskind of new dictionary has manyadvantages.First,优点之一Besides, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 优点之二Most important of a l l ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _优点之三On the other hand, electronicdictionary hasits disadvantages. First, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _弊端之一In addition, 弊端之二Last but not the le a s t,弊端之In my opinion, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _我的态度及建参考范文模板( 一)Keeping a PetNowadays it is common to seepeople keep a dog or cat or a pet ofanother kind all over the world.There are many advantages ofkeeping a pet. For one thing, pets aregood companions. This is especiallyimportant for people who live aloneand for the old who do not go outmuch. Some pets can also help toprotect the house from thieves. Foranother, dogs and cats like to playand can give hours of amusement tochildren and adults. Taking care ofan animal also helps children todevelop a sense of responsibility andto learn about the nature.However, keeping a pet, just likeanything else, has its negative side aswell. It may also give rise to someproblems. For example, some petsare dirty and tend to transmit somesort of disease. Worst of all, somedogs may attack and seriously injuresmall children for the reason thattheir owners dont train themproperly or actually encourage themto be aggressive.To sum up, there are moreadvantages than disadvantages tokeeping a pet, especially for lonelypeople and children. Meanwhile, it is,however, quite necessary to bear inmind that pets should be well trainedlest they attack people.模板( 二)Working at HomeNowadays, with thedevelopment of science andtechnology, particularly computerand telephone technology, it has beenmade a reality that some people arecapable of working at home, whichhas brought much convenience andpleasure to them.Generally speaking, people enjoyworking at home for the followingbenefits. For one thing, they not onlysave time by not having to travel longdistance to work every day but savemoney on transportation andbusiness clothes. For another,suffering less stress from theiremployers, they can think moreclearly and be more creative in thequiet and peaceful atmosphere oftheir home. Most agreeable of all,they have much freedom to decidefor themselves how and when to dotheir job, enabling them to spendmore time with their family.While working at home allowsmuch more freedom than working inoffice, some problems cannot beignored. For example, sometimes,they cannot separate their personallife from their working life. Besides,if they work at home, it follows thatthey are lack of person-to-personcommunicationwiththeircounterpart, thus having troublekeeping pace with the ever-changingdevelopment. After all, many peoplestill prefer to conduct business faceto face.Whats more, there is evidencethat people working at home aremore likely to catch some mentalillness as sometimes they cannot shyaway from loneliness.For all the possible problemsarising from working at home, I stillbelieve more and more people wouldlove to do most of their jobs at homebecause working at home can reallyprovide them with much morefreedom to manipulate their time.模板( 三)Studying AbroadNowadays, studying abroadgains popularity in China. Many richparents would rather send theirchildren abroad to receive educationthan let them be educated in China.As everything has two sides,studying abroad is not an exception.There are advantages for people toattend schools abroad. In the firstplace, he can use the foreignlanguage in his daily life so that hisability in the second language may begreatly improved, as it is obviousthat there is no better opportunity toimprove second-language skills thanliving in the country where it isspoken. Secondly, while studying in aforeign country, he will most likelyencounter many others fromoverseas and it is possible to makefriends from all around the world.This is not only exciting on a sociallevel, but could lead to importantoverseas contacts in his career aswell.Thirdly, we can get acquaintedwith the latest knowledge in scienceand make use of the first-ratefacilities available. In this way, thereis every chance that he is able towiden his horizon and broaden hismind.Of course, attending schoolsabroad may also bring about a seriesof problems . The most seriousproblem is language barrier.Most of the students who areready to go abroad do not haveadequate presidency in the languagespoken there. As a result, on arrivingthere, they will find it difficult tounderstand what the instruct torsosay. Besides, for lack of knowledge ofthe customs of the local people, theymay constantly run into trouble indealing with various situations.Inevitable, misunderstandings oftenarise. Furthermore, the tuition andthe cost of living is much higher thanthat in our country, which may addmore burden to their family finance.Therefore, given an opportunityto attend a school abroad, one mustconsider both sides of the factorscarefully before making up his mind.模板My View on Reference BooksNowadays students constantlyfind themselves flooded with allkinds of reference books. Referencebooks themselves are of no harm.Generally speaking, most of them arehelpful and beneficial to our studies.For example, when we are teachingourselves a foreign language, goodreference books are really a goodteacher.However, depending too muchon reference books has manynegative effects. To begin with,armed with keys to all the questions,some students seem to know all, andthen they will be less attentive inclass. Besides, some reference bookspublished in such haste that theyoccasionally provide students withwrong answers, thus makingstudents confused about someknowledge. Worst of all, merelycopying from the reference books,students gradually become lazy andget into passive learning habits,which will definitely do great harmto their creativity.In my opinion, we should makeproper use of the books and neveroveruse them by merely copyingwithout thinking.模板( 五)Electronic DictionariesIn recent years electronicdictionaries have become verypopular as a study aid amongstudents. Compared with atraditional dictionary, this kind ofnew dictionary has many advantages.First, in comparison with atraditional dictionary, its obviouslyvery handy and convenient. Besides,due to its multifunction, its also veryhelpful. It cannot only translatewords from English to Chinese, butvice versa. Some even can teach thelearner how to pronounce a word.Most important of all, most of theentries in electronic dictionaries arecomparatively updated.On the other hand, electronicdictionary has its disadvantage tags.First, the definitions in the entriesare very limited. In addition, thereare not enough explanations,patterns, or examples to illustrate thecorrect usage of word. Last but notthe least, constant use of this studyaid can make people too muchattached to the dictionary andbecome lazy, which will lead them toform a passive and lazy attitudetowards learning.In my opinion, we should use itproperly and should have a goodEnglish dictionary at hand and treatthe electronic one as a makeshiftwhen necessary.四. 阐述主题型论说文的常用句型引出格言、谚语的常用句式1. Here is an old saying.Ifs theexperience of our forefathers.However, it is correct in manycases even today.有 一 句 谚语这句话是我们祖先的宝贵经验。然而在今天仍旧是适用的。2. One of our ancient philosophersaid. Chinese people havealways been holding their idea tobe one of their stands of morality.有位古代的哲人说过中国人一直将它视为道德标准之一.3. One of the great early writers saidthat.古代一位作家说过举例说明的常用句式1, say / for example / for instance/ for one,例如.2. Take.for example,以. . . .为例3. A good case in point is一个典型的例子就是4 . Perhaps the most important /telling / dramatic / strikingexample of.is.也许关于最重要/ 有说服力/ 有趣/ 典型的例子是5 . I can think of no better illustrationof this idea than the example of.我无法找到比例子更好的方式来证明这个观点。6. . is often cited / quoted as afamiliar example of.作为一个熟悉的例子经常被引用来证明7 . History / This nation / Oursociety is filled with exampleso f.历史上/ 这个国家/ 我们的社会中随处可见的例子。8. Suppose that假如. . .9. Legend / Rumor has it that.据9 事实证明的常用句式1. No one can deny / doubt / ignore/ overlook the fact that.没人能否认/ 怀疑/ 忽略/ 忽视这样一个事实2 . The idea / view / criticism isbarely / fully supported by facts.这种想法/ 观点/ 批评在事实面前是站不住脚的。3 . Theres considerable evidencethat. / in favor of有很多迹象表明/ 能够证明4. The latest surveys / studies / pollsconducted by.indicate / reveal/ show / prove that.由组织的最新调查/ 研究/ 民意调查说明/ 显示/ 表明/证明5. Nothing could be more obviousthan the evidence that最明显的证据就是6. One may not forget the old dayswhen我们也许不会忘记过去的日子,那时7. All reliable data / evidence / factspile (s) up to show / justify(justifies) / point(s)to the viewthat.所 有 现 有 的 证 据 都 表明8 . Indications are that / evidence isthat有证据表明9 . As indicated / shown in thestatistics证据表明, .10 . This has turned out the case. 事实证明了这一点。结论性结尾的常用句式1. From what have been discussedabove, we may safely come to /reach / draw the conclusionthat.根据以上讨论的内容,我们完全可以得出结沦。2. Taking into account all the factors,we may safely arrive at theconclusion that.考虑到所有的因素,我们完全可以得出一个结论,就是3 . In summary / In conclusion / In aword / In brief / In short / Tosum up / On the whole, it isimportant tha总而言之/ 综上所述,非常重要。4 . In summary, I would like to saythat.is an issue that deservesimmediate attention.总而言之,我想说是一个值得立刻引起注意的问题。5 . Personally / As far as I amconcerned / For my part / As forme, I am in favor of the former /the latter.就个人而言, 我同意前者( 后者) 的观点。熟能生巧模板( 一)Directions: For this part, you ateallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic WhereWhere Is a Will, There Is a Way. Youshould write at least 120 words, andbase your composition on the outline(given in Chinese) below:1 . 怎样理解“ 有志者事竟成”2 . 例如3 . 结论There is an old saying that uWherethere is aWill, There Is a Way”, whichmeans 解释格言In other words, 一步解释Forexample,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 举例说明However, (4)反面论证As a result, 结果Therefore,得出结论,强调意志的重“Where there is a will there is a way”.要性模板( 二)Directions: For this part, you aweallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic Try Luck onLottery. You should write at least 120words, and base your composition onthe outline (given in Chinese) below:1 . 现在不少人热衷于摸彩票。2 . 举例说明其中原因。3 . 彩票行业对社会做出了一定的贡Nowadays, caught by the spell of thelottery,many people 说明状况Obviously, there are manyreasons for it Ithink the primary reason is 举例说明 人们摸彩票的原因suchas_There are, what is true, peoplewho worryabout the negative effects thelottery may have, butI believe it does more good thanharm. Firstly, 彩票的好处一 For example,Secondly, 彩票的好处二In addition, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _彩票的好处三In conclusion, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 结论模板( 三)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic Internet inChina. You should write at least 120words, and base your composition onthe outline (given in Chinese) below:1 . 因特网在中国的现状2 . 因特网的用途3 . 因特网的未来With science and technologyhighly developed and peoples livingstandard greatly improved. Internet,as a new media has come into ourlife.The popularity of Internet canbe boiled downto its great utility. F irst,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 用途之一Besides,用途之二Finally, Internet can have someother uses. For example,用途之三doctorsStudents用途之四Businessmen用途之五With so many uses andadvantages, there is nodoubt that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _前景预测模板( 四)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic My View onDiscount. You should write at least120 words, and base your compo sition on the outline (given in Chinese)below:L 打折是商家吸引顾客的一种手段。2 . 近年来人们对商家打折的兴趣日趋减少。3 . 打折不是市场的万能药。Discount is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _为什么要打折But now 打折面临的困境There have been several reasons forthis. For one thing, 原因之一For another, 一因之二In my view, discount is not acure-ail for Sellers. 我的态度及建议模板( 五)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic An IdealTeacher in the 21st Century. Youshould write at least 120 words, andbase your composition on the outline(given in Chinese) below:1 . 你心目中一位好教师应该具备的一些基本素质。2 . 随着21世纪的到来,你认为一位好教师还应该具备哪些新的素质。In my mind an ideal teachermust possess thefollowing qualities. Firstly,好老师具备的素质Secondly, 二二 好老师具备的素质Thirdly, 好老而真二 盔的素质Now we have entered a newcentury, which is a time of advancedscientific and technologicalknowledge. All teachers have to meetvarious challenges of this time as wellas the increasing demand of thestudents. Therefore, apart from theabove mentioned qualities 9 an idealteacher in the new century mustpossess some other qualities. In thefirst place, 新素质一In the second place, 新素质二To sum up, _ 结论参考范文模板( 一)Where There Is a Will, There Is aWayThere is an old saying that“Where there is a will, there is away”, which means as long as aperson possess a strong will he willcertainly accomplish a task nomatter how difficult it is. In otherwords, one of the most importantthings to achieve success is a firmresolution. This is the case in allwalks of life.For example, Karl Marx spentfive years on his greatest work DasKapital. Cao Xueqin spent ten yearson his world famous book Dreams ofRed Chamber. Without a strong willand firm determination they couldnthave fulfilled such brilliant works.However, some people donthave the fearless spirit. Wheneverthey meet difficulty they draw backfrom it. As a result, they neveraccomplish anything.Therefore, if we wish to succeed,we must first have a resolution andremember the saying “Where there isa will, there is a way”.模板( 二)Try Luck on LotteryNowadays, caught by the spell ofthe lottery, many people are keen onbuying all kinds of lottery tickets,such as welfare lottery tickets, sportslottery tickets and even computerlottery dockets.Some even spend hundreds andhundreds yuan to buy them so as toincrease the possibility of winningthe prize.Obviously, there are manyreasons far it. I think the primaryreason is that the majority of lotterygoers want to realize their longcherished dreams, such as owning acar and a luxurious flat.There are, what is true, peoplewho worry about the negative effectsthe lottery may have, but I believe itdoes more good than harm. Firstly,the lottery is an effective way ofraising funds for welfare programsand other public projects. Forexample, with the participation of somany people, a great deal of moneyis accumulated to promote ourwelfare. Thus in this way the heavyHnancial bur den on the governmentis greatly relieved. Secondly, withsome people, their enthusiasm for thelottery is not about money but fun.They dont care about winningor losing. Instead, they just enjoy theexcitement of exploring thepossibilities. For this portion ofpeople, buying lottery tickets is justone of their hobbies. In addition,although some people are concernedthat the lottery may encouragelaziness and gambling, there isevidence that this is not the case. Ithas turned out beneficial in China.In conclusion, statistics havebeen accumulated to show that theadvantages far outweigh thedisadvantages.模板( 三)Internet in ChinaWith science and technologyhighly developed and peoples livingstandard greasy improved. Internet,as a new media has come into ourlife.The popularity of Internet canbe boiled down for its great utility.First, it is convenient and fast forpeople to get a variety of informationand what they need is just to pressthe key buttons. Besides, it cantransmit your letter quickly, safelyand accurately with the use of E-mail.Finally, Internet can have some otheruses. For example, doctors may use itto diagnose and treat their patientsby discussing or exchangingexperience with doctors in otherparts of the world. Students mayacquire new knowledge from anational long-distance educationalsystem via Internet. Businessmen canconduct E-commerce or E-businesson the Net.With so many uses andadvantages, there is no doubt thatwith its high speed and efficiency,more and more people in China willbe wired to Internet-theinformation expressway in the nearfuture.模板( 四)My View on DiscountDiscount is a business means ofattracting customers and enhancingtheir desire of purchasing. But nowdiscount is losing its appeal afteryears craze about it.There have been several reasonsfor this. For one thing, customers aremore mature and sensible. They aremore careful about their money andhave a more reasonable budget. So itis not so easy for sellers to persuadethem to purchase some useless thingsfor the sake of discount. For another,customers begin to suspect what isbehind the attractive appearance ofdiscount. As we can see, most storesclaim they are offering a discountalmost every day. How much are theitems on sale really worth? And howmuch money may the sellers earn ifthey sell at original prices? Thereforediscount seems to them more likedeception than a good bargain.In my view, discount is not acure-all for sellers. As customers andthe market become increasinglymature, the sellers have to adaptthemselves to the change from acustomer-oriented point of view.模板( 五)An Ideal Teacher in the 21st CenturyIn my mind an ideal teachermust possess the following qualities.Firstly, he should be learned orknowledgeable not only about hissubject but also about other relatedinter disciplines. Secondly, he shouldbe enthusiastic about his professionand determined to dedicate toteaching. Thirdly, he should be kind,encouraging and helpful, and heshould motivate his students to seekknowledge.Now we have entered a newcentury, which is a time of advancedscientific and technologicalknowledge. All teachers have to meetvarious challenges of this time as wellas the increasing demand of thestudents. Therefore, apart from theabove-mentioned qualities, an idealteacher in the new century mustpossess some other qualities. In thefirst place, he should be creative inthinking and devote himself toeducational reform. In the secondplace, he should be skillful inworking on computers and make thebest use of all the latest teachingequipment to facilitate his classroomteaching.To sum up, only a person withthe spirit of devotion, profoundupdated knowledge and all-roundtalents can make a good and quailfeed teacher in the new century.五. 图表作文常用句型对于大多数中国考生而言,图表作文这种题型相对比较陌生,写起来感到特别棘手,因为有时要看懂图表都需要花很长的时间,更何 况 在30分钟内要用英语准确、清晰、简明扼要地描述出来,并且还要分析图表。结合图表写作的特点、难点和考生的弱点,这里,我们提供了大量实用、好用、易学的常用句型和结构,供考生参考。希望对考生在短时间内迅速提高图表作文写作能力有很大的帮助。 表 示 “ 说明”的常用句式在说明图表的时候,要使用下列表 示 “ 说明”的常用句式,它们可以帮助读者弄清楚所引信息的出处,有效地将你要说的话带出来。1. As we can see from the chart /graph / table / diagram,。 从图表中可以看出2 . The chart / graph / table /diagram shows / displays that,.如图所示3. As can be shown in / According tothe chart / graph / table /diagram,如图所示.4. The figures / statistics in the chartreflect / show / reveal that.图表中的数据表明5 . The chart / graph / table /diagram illustrates / describes.图表描述了6. It is clear / apparent from thechart / graph / table / diagramthat.从图表我们可以清楚地看到表 示 “ 数据”的常用句式1. .had the largest percentage /proportion of. .在. . .方面具有很大的百分比。2. .account (s) for / take (s) up10%.占有 10%。3. Compared with A, B has a higherpercentage.与A相比,B有更高的比例。4. On the top of the list is., whichaccounts for 60%.占比重最高的是. ,占60%。5. At the bottom is., which takes up20% , 占最低比重的是,占20% o6. A is second to B. A 仅次于 B。7. A is ranked / rated first, followedby Bat 30% and C at 25%.A占最高比重, 紧随其后的是占30%的B和 占25%的C。表 示 “ 数据变化”的常用句式在描述图表的过程中,考生有必要对图表的数据进行描述,因此,掌握相应地表示变化的句式也是相当重要的。a .表示增加、减少和波动的常用结构1 . The number of (private cars)increased / rose suddenly /rapidly / dramatically /substantially / considerably /sharply / steeply from.to.从到期间, ( 私家车) 的数量有了急剧的增长。2 . There was a sudden / rapid /dramaticsubstantialconsiderable / sharp / steepincrease / rise in the number of(private cars) from.to.A.到期间, ( 私家车) 的数量有了急剧的增长。3 . There was a boom in the numberof (private cars) from.to.从 到期间,( 私家车) 的数量有了急剧的增长。4 . The number of (private cars)climbed / jumped / rosesuddenly / went sharply up /soared toin在 .( 时间) , ( 私家车) 的数量猛增到5 . There was an evident /apparent / obvious increasein.from.to.从到期间,在方面有明显的增长。6 . The number of (private cars)increased / rose steadily /gradually from.to.从到期间,( 私家车) 的数量有了稳定持续的增长。7 . There was a steady / gradualincrease / rise in the number of(private cars) from.to.从到期间,( 私家车)的数量有了稳定持续的增长。8 . There was a slight / slow increase/ rise in the number of (privatecars) from.to.从到期间J ( 私家车) 的数量有了稍微/ 缓慢的增长。9 . The number of (privatecars)increased / rose slightly /slowly from.to.从到期间,( 私家车) 的数量有了稍微/ 缓慢的增长。10 . The number of (private cars)decreased / fell / droppedsuddenly / rapidly / dramatically/ substantially / sharply /steeply from.to. 从. .到期间, ( 私家车) 的数量有了急剧的下降。11 . There was a sudden / rapid /dramatic / substantial / sharp /steep decrease / drop / reduction/ decline in the number of(private cars)from.to.从到期间,( 私家车) 的数量有了急剧的下降。12 . There was a (n) evident /apparent / obvious reduction /decline in from .to从到期间,在方面有明显的下降。13. The number of (private cars)dropped sharply / went sharplydown to.in.在( 时间) ,( 私家车) 的数量急剧下降到( 辆) 。14. The number of (private cars)increased / rose by . %from.to.在( 时间) , ( 私家车) 的数量增加了百分之15. The number of (private cars) fell/ dropped / declined by . %from.to.在( 时间) , ( 私家车) 的数量下降了百分之16. There was a slight fluctuation inthe number of (private cars)from.to.从到期间,( 私家车) 的数量有轻微的波动。b .表示变化不大或没有变化的常用结构1 . The number of (private cars)remained steady / stable /constant bet ween. and.从到期间,( 私家车) 的数量保持稳定。2 . The number of (private cars)stayed the same between.and.从到期间,( 私家车) 的数量并没有发生变化。3 . There was little / hardly anychange in the number of (privatecars ) be tween. and.从到期间,( 私家车) 的数量并没有发生变化。4 . The number of (private cars)remained level bet ween. and.从到期间,( 私家车) 的数量趋于稳定。5 . The number of (private cars)remained steady atapproximately. between. and.从到期间,( 私家车) 的数量稳定在. . .( 辆) 左右。6 . The number of (private cars)appeared to level off.( 私家车) 的数量开始稳定下来了。C .表示最高点或最低点的常用结构1 . The situation / figures reached apeak / a record high a t.% in.情况( 数据) 在( 时间) 达到顶点 , 为 ( 数目) 。2 . The situation / figures bottomedout at . % in 情 况 ( 数 据 )在( 时间达到最低点, 为( 数目) 。3 . The situation / figures peakedat .% in.情况( 数 据 送 ( 时间) 达到顶点, 为( 数目) 。4 . The situation / figures hit a troughat .% in情况( 数据) 在. . .时间) 达到最低点, 为( 数目) 。5. The number soared to a recordhigh of数量剧增至历史新高,为( 数目) 。d .表示倍数的常用结构1. A is twice / three times / fourtimes what it was in与. ( 时间) 相比,A是原来的两倍( 三倍、四倍) 。2 . A is twice / three times / fourtimes the amount in与. ( 时间) 相比,A是原来的两倍( 三倍、四倍) 。3 . A is twice / three times / fourtimes as much / many与( 时间) 相比,A是原来的两倍( 三倍、四倍) :4 . A is twice / three times / fourtimes more than.in. .与. . .( 时间) 相比,A是原来的两倍( 三倍、四倍) 还要多。5 . From.to., A increased /dropped more than sixfo ld .从到期间,A增加( 减少) 了六倍。6 . The output of steel in 1990 was400% up compared with in 1980.与1980年相比,1990年钢铁产量增加了四倍。7 . The figure was roughly doubled /tripled / quintupledbetween. .and. A .至 !J.期间, 数字大概是原来的两倍( 三倍、五倍)熟能生巧模板( 一)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic How Peoplespent Their Holiday. You should writeat least 120 words, and base yourcomposition on the chart and the outline given below:_Year1990 1995 2000Traveling 37% 76% 51%Stayingat home63% 49% 24%1. 上图所示为1990年、1995年、2000年某城市人们度假方式的情况,请描述其变化;2 . 请说明发生这些变化的原因;3 .得出结论。As can be seen from the table, thepast decade have witnessed dramaticchanges in 总的趋势While图表具体描述_ .It isobviousfrom the table that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _剖析图表所揭示的含义What contributed to thesechanges? I think the reasons areas follows. To start with,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 理由一 Secondly, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _理由二Whats more, _ 理由三Last but not least , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 理由四In conclusion, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 总结 Moreover,. 前景预测模板( 二)Directions: For this part, you areallowed 30 minutes to write acomposition of no less than 120words on The Average LifeExpectancy in China. Study thefollowing chart carefully and yourcomposition must be based on theinformation given in the chart. Write3 paragraphs to:1. state the changes in the averagelife expectancy in China2. explain the reasons for the changes3. draw your conclusionsYear195019601970198019902000AverageLifeExpectancy62.965.767.269.773.877.2As can be seen from the table, greatchanges have taken place in 总的趋势_ inthepast few decades. ZZZ2ZZZ图表具体描述Why are there such great changes?There are, I think, various reasonsresponsible for this instance, and thefollowing are the typical ones. Firstly,理由一Furthermore, 理由In addition,理由三Anyway, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 前景预测模面1)Directions: For this part, you areallowed 30 minutes to write acomposition of no less than 120words on Fire Causes in China. Studythe following chart carefully andyour composition must be based onthe information given in thechart. Write 3 paragraphs to:1. state the information given in thebar chart 2 . give yoursuggestions to prevent fire3 . draw your conclusion Defective insulation(防火措施不当)Children playing with matches SmokersFire is 引出话题.This isalso the_casewi t h. Whathas caused fire? It is apparentfrom the bar chart above that 图表总的描绘图表具体数据描述主题句As faras I am concerned, there are severalways to count on. In this firstplace,建议一_. Inthe second place, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _建议_.In addition, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 建议On the whole, it is indispensable that总结模板( 四)Directions: For this part, you areallowed 30 minutes to write acomposition of no less than 120words on Income Sources BetweenChinese Students and AmericanStudents. Study the following tablecarefully and your composition mustbe based on the information given inthe table. Write three paragraphs to:1 . describe the differences of theincome sources between Chineseand American students2. analyze possible reasons for thesedifferences3 . draw a conclusionSources ofIncomeParentsPart-timeJobFellowshiporScholarshipAs demonstrated in the table,Percentageof TotalIncomeAmericanStudents50%35%15%ChineseStudents90%5%5%图表总的描绘In addition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _图表具体数据描述What has led to these differences?I think there are presumablyfour reasons for these differences.First, _ 原因一whereasSecond, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 原因二By contrast,Third,原因三Finally,原因四On thecontrary,However,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _总结一Inaddition, _ 总结二模板( 五)Directions: For this part, you areallowed 30 minutes to write acomposition of no less than 120words on Means of Communicationof College Students. Study thefollowing chart carefully and yourcomposition must be based on thechart and the outline given:letter-writing phone-call e-mail上图所示为2000年某高校大学生使用不同手段进行人际交流的情况。L 请描述表格2 . 请阐述不同手段的优缺点3 .你主要使用哪种手段Nowadays,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _引出话题, with the rapiddevelopment of science andtechnology. As can beseen from the chart, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _图表具体数据描述It is not strange that 使用电话的优缺点. However,When it comes to 飞 使 用 电 子 邮件的优_ _ _ _ 缺点_,some students claimthat_ But as far as intimacyisconcerned,Despite the fact that 写信的优缺点, some students still thinkthat_Whats more, _For all the advantagesof_ _,still prefer 我的选择Maybe it is because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 理由参考范文模板( 一)How People Spent Their HolidaysAs can be seen from the table,the past decades have witnesseddramatic changes in the way peoplespent their holiday between 1990 and2000. In 1990, 63% of people spenttheir holidays at home while thefigure dropped considerably to 24%in 2000. It is obvious from the tablethat people tended to be more andmore mobile, and they wanted to getentertainment in the outside world.What contributed to thesechanges? I think the reasons are asfollows. To start with, with the rapiddevelopment of economy, people earnby far more money than they used to.Thus, people are able to affordtraveling expenses. Secondly, peoplethink it important to getwell-informed about the outsideworld in this new era wheneverything is on the move. Traveling,of course, is a sure way toachieve this goal. Whats more, inthis competitive society, people areusually under great stress. However,it is not difficult to find traveling aneffective way to relieve peoplesstress and get relaxation. Last butnot least, by traveling outside, peopleare close to nature, which is not onlybeneficial to both their health andpeace of mind.In conclusion, people prefer togo traveling rather than stay at homeduring holidays for a combination ofreasons. Moreover, it seems that thistrend will last in the foreseeablefuture.模板( 二)The Average Life Expectancy inChinaAs can be seen from the table,great changes have taken place in theaverage life expectancy in the pastfew decades. Since liberation, theaverage life expectancy in China hasbeen increasing year by year. In 1950,the average life expectancy was only62.9 while it jumped amazingly to77.2 in 2000.Why are there such greatchanges? There are, I think, variousreasons responsible for this instance,and the following are the typical ones.Firstly, important advances inmedicine and health care have beenmade in the past, which, of course,helps cure some diseases which usedto be incurable and promote diseaseprevention, thus greatly decreasingthe number of death caused bydiseases. Furthermore, with theimprovement of peoples livingstandards, peoples diets tend tobecome better balanced, which isalso of great benefit to their health.In addition, people attach moreimportance to their health and theyoften go to health spas to keep fit,which is partly conducive to a longerlife expectancy.Anyway, with the developmentof science and technology, people willenjoy a much longer life in thefuture.模板( 三)Fire Causes in ChinaFire is one of the most terriblekillers in the world, which isreported to have claimed numerouslives and done a lot of damage. Thisis also the case with China. What hascaused fire? It is apparent from thebar chart above that carelesssmokers, defictive insulation andchildren playing with matches arethe three major fire causes.Smokers are the biggest cause ofall, which accounts for 50% of thefires. Another major factor ischildren playing with matches, whichis responsible for approximately 35 %of the fire incidents. Another 12.5%of the fires result from defectiveinsulation.Now that fire has done thatconsiderable damage, it is high timethat measures was taken to preventfire. As far as I am concerned, thereare several ways to count on. In thisfirst place, public awareness shouldbe inspired that smokers should beextremely careful about the cigaretteends. They are not supposed tosmoke where it is easy to catch fire.When they do smoke, they should seeto it that the cigarette ends are putout. In the second place, a closer eyeshould be kept on children and theymight be warned of the danger ofplaying with matches. Sure, matchesshould be kept beyond their reach. Inaddition, the government may urgethat such premises as companies,department stores and recreationcenters should be equipped withadequate fire protection, thusminimizing the damage caused byfire. Meanwhile, staff should betrained to operate fire extinguishersproperly in case of emergency.On the whole, it is indispensablethat everybody should realize theimportance of preventing fire.模板( 四)Income Sources Between ChineseStudents and American StudentsAs demonstrated in the table,income sources of Chinese studentsare quite different from those ofAmerican students. In China,students get 90 % of their moneyfrom their patents. In addition,Chinese students earn only 5% oftheir money from part-time jobs and5% from fellowship or scholarshipwhile income from these tworesources for American studentstakes up 35% and 15% respectivelyof their total income.What has led to thesedifferences? I think there arepresumably four reasons for thesedifferences. First, by virtue ofdifferent social and family values,Chinese students tend to form ahabit of asking for money from theirparents whereas American studentsare inclined to develop more of asense of being financiallyindependent. Second, most Chineseparents devote too much care to theirchildren, even sacrificing themselvesfor their children, as a result ofwhich they would rather save up toafford their childrens educationthan encourage them to holdpart-time jobs. By contrast, inAmerica, many parents pay moreattention to cultivating their kidscapability of coping with problemson their own. Therefore, theyencourage their children to find parttime jobs to earn some money bythemselves. Third, since America ismore developed than China, it isrelatively easy for students to findpart-time jobs. In China, suchopportunities are rather rare. Finally,it is more often than not the case inChinese universities that they do notprovide sufficient scholarship toafford their expenses. On thecontrary, it is quite a different story/picture in America.However, Chinese students willcome to realize and pay moreattention to the necessity ofself-dependence. In addition, moreand more opportunities will beprovided for them to hold part-timejobs. So more students will go out ofthe ivory tower to broaden theirknowledge and to become the masterof their own lives.模板( 五)Means of Communication of CollegeStudentsNowadays, an increasingnumber of means of communicationare available, especially to us collegestudents, with the rapid developmentof science and technology. As can beseen in the chart, on the top of thethree main means of communicationis phone-call, which takes upsomething like 45%. E-mail is ratedsecond, accounting forapproximately 40 % . At the bottom is,not surprisingly, letter-writing,which occupies a little higher than15%.It is not strange that collegestudents prefer to contact each otherby phone-call, as it is rather fast,convenient, and above all, direct.Hearing what your lover, your friendor your family say makes you feelintimacy and warmth. However, it isby far the most luxurious means ofcommunication.When it comes tocommunicating with each other bye-mail, some students claim that it isalso quite convenient and prompt. Itmay merely take a few seconds toreach your contact. But as far asintimacy is concerned, e-mail fails tofulfill this goal because a lot of e-mailis Ccs.Despite the fact thatletter-writing, which is sometimescalled asnail-maiF9, is a slow process,and that it usually takes at leastseveral days to reach your contact,some students still think that thismeans should never be totallyrejected. They hold that letters aresomething that is amiable, enjoyableand familiar. Whats more, lettersare enduring which can be cherishedfor good and reread whenever youwant to.For all the advantages of e-mailand phone-call, I still preferletter-writing. Maybe it is because Iam rather conventional that I clingto this somewhat traditional way.六. 书信作文分类1 . 投诉信当你希望某事得到改善或者某个问题得到补救时,往往会写投诉信。写作策略开头段:说明与收信人的相关性,并主体段:写明投5的原因,要展开说明,可以说具体的理由,也可以说问题的具体体现方式 ,比如,表达你对此事所带来不便的感受、心情。此外,提出你对如何改进或者解决问题的建议,清楚表明你希望问题如何得到解决。结尾段:表达你希望上述问题得到迅速解决的强烈愿望,并对有关人员做出的努力表示感谢,希望尽快得到满意的答复。 常用句型1. I am writing to you to complainabout.我现写信向你投诉有关2 . I am writing to express mydissatisfaction with.我现写信向你表达对的不满。3 . I am afraid that I have to informyou that.我很遗憾地告诉你4 . I am completely disappointed /upset to find.当我发现,我感到非常的失望( 伤心) 。5 . There are some problemswith.that I wish to bring toattention. In the first place, .Inthe second place,.我希望你注意到在方面的一些问题。一方面,;另一方面,. .6 . To reverse this situation, it isadvisable / desirable / recommended / suggested that.为了扭转局势,建议7. To improve the situation, it isadvisable to take the followingmeasures. For one thing, .Foranother,.为了改善局面,建议采取以下措施。其一,;其二,8 . I sincerely hope that it will reviewits management system, with theview to (doing).我真诚地希望能检讨自己的管理方式,以便9. I look forward to a day when wecould.我期盼着有一天我们能够10. I do hope that the problems willbe solved as soon as possible.我希望问题可以尽早得以解决。11. I hope my suggestions will betaken into consideration toimprove the situation.我希望你们能够考虑一下我的建议以便改善局面。12. If it is not properly settled, Iwould like to demand a refund,or would complain to theConsumers9 Association.如果此事未能妥善得到解决,我要求你们退款,否则,我将向消协投诉。13. It is high time that.该是的时候了。14. We believe that you will take thismatter seriously from now on andmake every effort to prevent itsrpciirroricp我们相信你们从现在起会认真对待这件事情的,并努力避免此事的再次发生。2 . 询问信询问信的主要目的是寻求所需的信息或帮助。写作策略开头段:表明写作意图,说明写这封信的目的是寻求什么样的信息或帮助:主体段:询问具体问题,强调所需信息的重要性。结尾段:表达获取信息的强烈愿望,提供联系方法以便收信人与你联系,并对有关人员表不感谢。 常用句型1. I would like to inquire about someinformation about.我想询问有关的一些情况。2 . I would like some detailedinformation on.我想得到有关的详细资料。3. I shall be grateful if you couldhave detailsconcerning. .available.如果您能为我提供有关的详细情况,我将不胜感激。4. I am writing to you in the hopethat I may obtain.我写信给您,希望得到有关的资料。5 . I would be grateful if you would beso kind as to provide me withcertain essential information withregard to the following aspects.如果您能为我提供有关下列方面的信息,我将不胜感激。6. Would you be so kind as to let meknow.您能否告诉我?7. I am greatly concerned about.我很关心8. I would be much obliged to you ifyou could inform me of.如果您能通知我有关的详细情况,我将不胜感激。9 . Your prompt and favorableattention to my inquiry would begreatly appreciated.如果您能尽快给我个满意的答复,我将不胜感激。10 . I am looking forward to afavorable reply at your earliestconvenience.我期待着您的早日答复。4 道歉隹. 道需信的主要目的是向收信人表明歉意,请求对方对自己的某种过失表示谅解。 写作策略开头段:表明写作意图,对某事表示歉意。主体段; 说明道歉的具体原因。结尾段:再次表明歉意,请求收信人的谅解,并表示你愿意为此做补救。 常用句型1. I must apologize to you for.我必须为向你道歉。2 . I am terribly / awfully sorrythat.我感到很抱歉,因为3. It is thoughtless / inconsiderate ofme to do.我做,实在太欠考虑了。4. I am afraid what I have done hascaused many inconveniences toyou.恐怕我给您添了许多麻烦。5 . I sincerely hope that you canunderstand that I offended youunintentionally.我真心希望您能理解我并非有意冒犯你的。6. I regret to inform you that I amunable to do.我很遗憾地告知您我不能7. I must make a sincere and humbleapology to you for.我必须为真诚地向你道歉。8. Please accept my sincere apologyfor.once more.请再次为接受我真诚的道歉。9 . I sincerely hope that you willkindly accept my apologies.我衷心希望你能接受我的道歉。10. I am so sorry to have put you toso much trouble.不好意思给你添了很多麻烦。4 . 感谢信感“信的主要目的是向收信人表明感激之情。 写作策略开头段:表明写作意图,向对方表示诚垫的霸意主体段:高餐评价对方的帮助,列举为何对对方心存感激。结尾段:再次表明感谢。常用句型1. I am grateful/obliged to you for.我非常感谢你的2. I am greatly indebted to you forwhat you have done.我为你所做的一切表示感激。3 . I am thankful / obliged to you foryour unselfish assistanceduring.感谢你在期间给予我无私的帮助。4. I deeply appreciate your courtesyand we hope to have theopportunity of rewarding yourkindness.我非常最谢你的好意,并希望有机会回报你。5. I take this opportunity to expressmy deep appreciation of yourkind help you rendered me.我借此机会对你所给予我的帮助表示深深的感谢。6. It was kind and generous of you todo this for me, and I appreciate itmore than I can say.你为我这样做真是太好了,我感激不尽。7. My appreciation to you for yourgenerous help is beyond mywords. I wish I could repay itsome day.我无法用言语来表达对你的感激之情。但愿有朝一日能回报你的帮助。8 . Please accept my most cordialthanks for your timely help,which I will never forget.请接受我诚挚的谢意,感谢你及时的帮助,我将难以忘怀。9. Words fail me when I want toexpress my gratitude to you.感激之情难以言表。10. Again, I would like to express ourwarm thanks to you.再次向你表示感谢。5 . 邀请信邀请信的主要目的是向收信人发出邀请,请求对方参与或出席某活动。写作策略开头段:表明写作意图,向某人发出邀请。主体段:说明邀请的具体原因,邀请的内容。结尾段:表示强烈的期盼,并希望尽快得到答复。常用句型1 . I am pleased to invite you toparticipate in.to be held我很高兴邀请你参加从到在举行的活动。2. It is my pleasure / a great honorfor me to invite you to.如能邀请你参加是我莫大的荣幸。3. It is my pleasure to extend aninvitation to you to go travelingwith me.我很高兴邀请你和我一起去旅游。4. I hope that you wont decline myinvitation.我希望你不会拒绝我的邀请。5 . I will cover all the expensesinvolved.我会负责有关费用。6. We were wondering if the sessioncould consist of.我们想知道会议是否可以包括7. Would you please let me know assoon as possible if you can acceptmy invitation?你能否早日告诉我是否能接受我的邀请?8. If you accept we shall, of course,pay you a fee plus expenses.如果你能够接受,我们当然会支付你一定的报酬和费用。9. 1 do hope you will be able to acceptour invitation.我确实希望你能够接受我的邀请。10. Do you agree to my arrangement?If you could prefer differentarrangements, we shall fit in withthem.你同意我的安排吗? 如果你有不同的安排,我们将配合你。11. I am looking forward to yourreply, and eventually seeing you.我期盼着你的来信,并希望能见到你。6求. 职求信职常信主要目的是写信人就某一职位向收信人提出请求.写作策略开头段:表明信息来源,并说明写作意图主体段:介绍相关工作经历、学习经历以及个人本性,以表明你可以胜任这个职位。结尾段:表示强烈的期盼,并希望尽快得到答复。常用句型1. I have read your advertisementin.of June 26 for a secretary,and should be grateful if youconsider me favorably as acandidate for the position.我看到贵公司于6月2 6日在上所登的招聘秘书的广告,如果您能考虑本人对本工作的申请,我将不胜感激.2. I wish to apply for the positionof.which you advertised in.onJune 26.通过贵公司于6月2 6日在上所登的广告,得悉贵公司正在招聘我希望应聘此职。3. I am very interested in exploringthe possibility of obtaining a postas a(n).with your firm.本人希望能在贵公司觅得一份的工作。4. I am keen to apply for a jobvacancy with your company.本人非常想应聘贵公司的一个职位。5. I shall be pleased to furnish youwith any further informationconcerning my education andwork experience.我很乐意为您提供更多有关我的学历和工作经历的情况。6. In response to / In reply to youradvertisement, I wish to applyfor.我现拟应征贵公司招聘的职位。7. I graduated with a BA degree / aMaster? s degree / a Doctoratedegree in.from.in 2002.我 于2002年从大学毕业,并已获得专业的学士学位( 硕士学位、博士学位) 。8. I believe that I am well qualifled,both psychologically andacademically, for the post.我认为我无论在学业还是心理素质方面都能胜任该职位。9 . I am fairly experienced /proficient / competent / skillfulin.我擅长于10. I have a fair mastery of. / havea good command of.我精通11. I am available for an interviewany moment. Please contact meat. / I can be reached at.我随时可以接受面试,请打号码与我联系。12. If you have any position available,please grant me a job interview.Thank you for your time andconsideration.如果你有任何职位空缺,请给我一次面试的机会。感谢你的时间和考虑。13. I can come for an interview atyour convenience.我随时可以接受面试。14 . I hope you would take myapplication into accountfavorably and entitle me to aninterview.我希望您能够考虑我的申请,并给予我面试的机会。15. I have enclosed my resume / C. V.with this letter.随信附上我的简历。7 . 求学信求学看的主要目的是写信人申请某所学校就读的信件。写作策略开头段:简单自我介绍,并说明写作意图。主体段:介绍相关工作经历、学习经历以及个人本性。结尾段:表示强烈的期盼,并希望尽快得到答复。常用句型1. I wish to pursue my Mastersdegree in your prestigiousuniversity.我希望到贵校攻读硕士学位。2. I wish to apply to admission toyour department as apostgraduate student.我现申请攻读贵系研究生。3. I am greatly interested in yourgraduate program in College ofLaw and wish to apply foradmission.我对贵校法学院的研究生课程非常感兴趣,并申请到贵系攻读硕士学位。4. Would you be so kind as to provideme with some relevantinformation?您能否为我提供一些相关信息呢?5. I am writing to ask for admissionto your department. Its mylong-cherished dream to pursuemy study in your honoreddepartment.我申请就读于贵系,这是我长久以来的愿望。6. It would be appreciative of you ifyou could send me some relevantinformation at your earliestconvPTiipricp如果您能够京快寄给我一些相关信息,我将不胜感激。7 . Could you send me an applicationform as well as some detailedinformation regarding.?您能否寄给我申请表和有关的资料?8. If further materials are required, Iam only too willing to forwardthem to you.如需其他材料,我非常乐意寄上。9. I will certainly feel honored if Icould be admitted to youruniversity, which, renowned forits long history and a finetradition of scholarship, enjoys aworldwide fame.贵校历史悠久,治学严谨,享有世界声望,如果有幸能够成为贵校的学生,我将感到无比的荣幸。10. Would you please let me knowthe procedures for admission atyour earliest convenience?能够尽快告知我入学的有关程序。11. I shall be glad to furnish you withany further informationconcerning my education andwork experience.我很乐意为您提供我个人学习和工作经历的有关资料。8 . 推荐信推荐信的主要目的是写信人向收信人推荐第三人做某件事情。 写作策略开头段:说明写作意图,并说明推荐人与被推荐人之间的关系。主体段:说明推荐原因,介绍被推荐人的相关工作经历、学习经历以及个人秉性。结尾段:表示感谢和期待。 常用句型1. I am very glad to recommend toyou a former student of mine,Mr. / Miss. to be an idealcandidate for.我 很 高 兴 向 您 推 荐 我 的 学生 ,他 ( 她) 是 的理想人选 。2 . Its my great pleasure to have beenasked to produce a letter ofrecommendation for Mr. /IV fisw我4高兴应邀推荐3 . There is little doubt that.issufficiently qualified for the posthe / she is applying for. I standup for his / her applicationwithout reservation.毫无疑问,完全有资格胜任该 职 位 。我 毫 无 保地 推 荐 他( 她) 。4 . I have no hesitation inrecommending.for admission toyour graduate program.我毫不犹豫地推荐就读贵系研究生。5. I hope the information will makeyou well-informed of. Shouldyou need any information, pleasedo not hesitate to contact me.我希望上述信息有助于为你更好地了解。如果您需要更多的信息,请与我联系。6. If any further information abouthim / her is required, please letme know.如需更多的信息,请告知。7. I should be very grateful if youwould consider his / herapplication seriously.如果您能认真考虑他( 她) 的申请,我将不胜感激。8. I would be much obliged to you ifyou could consider myrecommendation and kindly offerhim an opportunity.谢谢您考虑我的推荐并给予他机会。9 . In view of his / heraccomplishments, I am firmlyconvinced that he / she will makea successful graduate student.鉴于他( 她) 的成绩,我坚信能成为一名好学生。10 . Armed with a strong sense ofresponsibility, commitment,enthusiasm and diligence, Mr./ Miss. will definitely becompetent for.因为富有责任感、忠诚、热情、勤奋,必定能够胜任熟能生巧模板( 一)Directions: For this part, you areallowed 30 minutes to write a letter.Suppose you have a friend who isabout to attend college. He wants youto advise him on which object tomajor in history, in which he is veryinterested, or computer science,which offers a better job prospect.You should write at least 120 wordsaccording to the suggestions given (inChinese) below:1 . 专业选择必须和将来的就业联系起来;2 . 学电脑能给他提供更多的就业机3 . 可以在业余时间阅读历史书籍。July 7,2002Dear Paul,Thank you for your letter of July 3,in which you asked me for my adviceconcerning_ 表明写信意图am rather glad to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 表示乐意提供帮助First of all, you should bear in mindthat铺垫理由.There isno doubt that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 表 明 观点,提出建议Furthermore, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _进一步阐明理由Of course, you dont have to 如何处理另一方 On the contrary,_ Therefore,_Wish you every success,ours sincerely,ames模板( 二)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write anapplication letter. You should writeat least 120 words, and base yourcomposition on the outline given inChinese below:假如你是一名在校大学生,打算在暑假打工:请写一封就职信,内容可以包括你想申请的职位、你的资历以及兴趣爱好等。Dear Sir or Madam,I wish to apply for the position for 点明申请职位_ thatyou advertised in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _广告来源_ _ 介绍自己学历am a student of _, and Ifeel that my qualiflcations and workexperience_make me a suitable candidate forthe job, 工 作 嘉_ . I have a fairmastery of知识能力 As for experience,经历介函Therefore, I am confident that B 袤示信心 _ Incidentally, couldyou please inform me of ? 询问相关信息hope 表示希望can be reached at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 联系方式Thank you for considering myapplication again. I am lookingforward to your reply and eventuallymeeting you.Yours sincerely,ohn Gordon模板( 三)Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write aletter. You should write at least 120words, and base your composition onthe outline given in Chinese below:假定你是一名新生,现写封信给学校有关部门,询问学校有没有可供你参加的社团,告诉他们你的兴趣和爱好。Dear Sir,I am writing in the hope that 说明写信目的I am a student majoring in , 简单自我介绍whoI am longing to join a club orcommunity because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 讲明需求原因Furthermore, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 进一步说明原因In my spare time, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _介绍自己的兴趣Specifically, I would like to 自己的愿望would.If possible,like一选择_ I would bemuch obliged to you if _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 表示感激_ . And I amlookingforward to a favorable reply at yourearliest convenience.Yours sincerely,Janice Lin模板Directions: For this part, you areallowed thirty minutes to write aletter. You should write at least 120words, and base your composition onthe outline given in Chinese below:几天前你全家到一家饭店吃饭,你对饭店的服务及饭菜质量非常不满意。回家后,由于饭菜的不卫生,你和你爸爸肚子痛且拉肚子(haveloose bowels) o现写封信给饭店经理,谈谈你那天的经历和感受,并要求尽快得到满意解决。Dear Manager,说明与收件人的 Now I am关系writing to complain about 简单说明写信原因B u t 讲明事情缘由I am completely disappointed atwhat I experienced there. Firstly, 投 诉 情 况 一 Moreover, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _投诉情况_ . Worst of all,投诉情况三I believe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _要求得到满意答. If itis not properly复settled, I would complain to theConsumers? Association. At thesame time,I sincerely hope that 表示希望I would be glad tosee andIlook forward to a daywhen_Yours faithfully,Chen Zhijie模板( 五)Directions: For this part you areallowed 30 minutes to write a letter.Suppose you intend to follow acourse study at a certain university.Write a letter to one of your teachers,requesting him to write you a letterof recommendation. You should writeno less than 120 words:uly 7,2002Dear Prof. James,As one of your students, I am writingtoyou to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _表明写信意图wish to enrollin_, for which I amrequired to provide a letter ofrecommendation. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _讲明请他写信的_ 缘由As you know, 介绍自己情况 I would be grateful if, inthis letter, you would 希望信中包含内容_. Wouldyoube so kind as to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _希望信中包含内容Besides, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 希望信中包含内容have to submit the letter nextmonth. 三Thank you so much your generoushelp in this matter. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _表示感激ours respectfully,enry Scott模 板 ( 一)A Letter toPaulJuly 7,2002Dear Paul,Thank you for your letter ofJuly 3, in which you asked me for myadvice concerning whether youshould study history or computerscience at university. I am ratherglad to make some usefulsuggestions.First all of all, you should bearin mind that, above all, youruniversity training is a preparationfor your future career. Therefore,your first consideration should be tostudy a subject which will best equipyou to earn a living. There is nodoubt that the field of computersoffers far wider job opportunitiesthan history.Furthermore, we are now in theage of the high-technology revolution.For the foreseeable future, not onlywill it be necessary for everyone to becomputer-literate, it will also benecessary, for them to be armed withcomputer skills merely to earn aliving! History, I am afraid, howeverfascinating it might be, offers fewcareer prospects.Of course, you don t have todedicate all your time at university tostudying computers and nothing else.On the contrary, I would recommendthat you keep on your reading ofhistory in your leisure time.Therefore, you will find that yourleisure hours are enriched while youprepare yourself for a worthwhilecareer in computers.Wish you every success.Yours sincerely,James模 板 ( 二)Dear Sir/Madam,I wish to apply for the positionfor a part-time assistant youadvertised in Qianjiang Eveningduring the coming summer vacation.I am a student of ZhejiangUniversity, which is only five minuteswalk from your shop. I feel that myqualifleations and work experiencemake me a suitable candidate for thejob, which, according to theadvertisement, demands amulti-lingual person with someexperience. Chinese is my mothertongue, and I have a fair mastery ofEnglish. As a keen traveler, I havelearned some Japanese and French,and have acquired an understandingof the cultures of Japan and France.As for experience, I worked parttime as a Walter in a pizza hut.Therefore, I am confident that youwill find my service satisfactory.Incidentally, could you please informme of the rate of payment?I hope you will take myapplication into considerationfavorably and entitle me to aninterview at your convenience. I canbe reached at 88836254.Thank you for considering myapplication again. I am lookingforward to your reply and, eventually,meeting you.Yours sincerely,John GordonDear Sir,I am writing in the hope that Imay obtain some information aboutwhether there is a club or communityfor me to attend.I am a student majoring injournalism who has been studyinghere for two months and has got usedto my new life in this prestigiousuniversity. I am longing to join a clubor a community because I thinkleisure activities are as an importantpart of campus life as study is.Furthermore, I want to communicatewith other students by taking part indifferent kinds of social activities.In my spare time, I take part ina wide range of sports, such asbasketball, ping pong, badminton,and so on. I am also interested inmusic. I have practiced playing thepiano since childhood, and Im quitegood at singing too. Collectingstamps is also my hobby. Specifically,Id like to join some sports clubs,including baseball and soccer teamsrun by students. If possible, I wouldlike to join a student band ororchestra.I would be much obliged to youif you could inform me of theinformation needed. And I amlooking forward to a favorable replyat your earliest convenience.Yours sincerely,Janice Lin模 板 ( 四)Dear Manager,I am a resident living near yourrestaurant, who always goes to dineat your restaurant with familymembers and friends. Now I amwriting to complain about the poorservice you offered me several daysago and hope you would investigatethe matter.Last weekend, my family and Iwent to celebrate my wifes birthdayat your restaurant, which is said tobe famous for its first-rate serviceand high-quality food. But I amcompletely disappointed at what Iexperienced there. Firstly, yourwaiters and waitresses were impoliteto the guests. They all wore longfaces as if we had offended them.When we asked for some hot water,one of them just turned a deaf ear toour request. Moreover, the sanitarysituation was far from satisfactory,the floor covered with dirty water,and flies buzzing over our heads.Worst of all, the food served wasbadly made and of low quality. Wefound sand and even little stones inthe rice and some roaches in the soup.How nauseating it was! Soon afterwe got home, my father and Isuffered from stomachache and hadloose bowels.I believe you will take thismatter into serious consideration andgive a satisfactory reply as soon aspossible. If it is not properly settled, Iwould complain to the ConsumersAssociation. At the same time, Isincerely hope that you will reviewyour management system. I would beglad to see improvements in yourrestaurant and I look forward to aday when I can really enjoy apleasant meal at your restaurant.Yours faithfully,Chen Zhijie模 板 ( 五)uly 7,2002Dear Prof. James,As one of your students, I amwriting to ask for your kindassistance. I wish to enroll in Collegeof Computer at Oxford University,for which I am required to provide aletter of recommendation. As a seniorprofessor in your field, one of mymost respected college teachers and aperson who knows me very well, youare the most suitable referee for me.As you know, I have laid a solidfoundation in computer science. Iwould be grateful if, in the letter, youwould confirm that I have adequatequaliHcations to follow the course.Would you be so kind as to give abrief introduction to my academicperformance during myundergraduate studies, especiallythat under your supervision? Besides,your personal opinion of me willcarry special weight. I have to submitthe letter next month.Thank you so much for yourgenerous help in this matter.Yours sincerely,Henry Scott
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