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中山市古镇镇南小学中山市古镇镇南小学 蔡淑娴蔡淑娴 Unit 3 ALuckyDayALuckyDay(More reading and writing)JoanneKathleenRowlingJoanneKathleenRowlingThe name of the bookwriterthe name of the bookAndersenAndersen 安徒生安徒生writerWhat books do you like? .Harry PotterSnow WhiteThe Adventures of PinocchioFather and SonCinderella The Old Man And The SeaHelenkellerHelenkellerWhat do you know about Helen Keller?The book is about_.A.Helen Kellers life.B.Helen Kellers books.C. Helen Kellers teacher.A限时阅读限时阅读60秒秒Task1 Skimming :Read and choose任务一:略读文章并选择文章大意。任务一:略读文章并选择文章大意。Helen was a famous writer.Helen wrote 12 books.Helen had no teacher.Helen was deaf and blind.Helen talked with her mouth.THelens lifeT12Task2 Scanning :Read and judge. (“T” or “F”)任务二:寻读。读文章并判断。对的写任务二:寻读。读文章并判断。对的写T错的写错的写F。Helen was a famous writer.Helen wrote 12 books.Helen had no teacher.Helen was deaf and blind.Helen talked with her mouth.TFTHelens lifeT1234Task2 Scanning :Read and judge. (“T” or “F”)任务二:寻读。读文章并判断。对的写任务二:寻读。读文章并判断。对的写T错的写错的写F。deafblindcant seecant hearABTake care of the disabled关爱残疾人关爱残疾人deafblindHelen was a famous writer.Helen wrote 12 books.Helen had no teacher.Helen was deaf and blind.Helen talked with her mouth.TFTHelens lifeT1234Scanning Task2:Read and judge. (“T” or “F”)F5talk with handsWhere did Helen Keller learn to read and write?Where did Helen Keller learn to read and write?She was a famous writer.Task3 Detailed reading: ReadandanswerReadandanswerthenshareingroup.thenshareingroup.任务三:细读。回答问题,然后在小组中讨论。任务三:细读。回答问题,然后在小组中讨论。Where did Helen Keller learn to read and write?Where did Helen Keller learn to read and write?She was a famous writer.She was very sick and became deaf and blind.Task3 Detailed reading: ReadandanswerthenshareinReadandanswerthenshareingroup.group.任务三:细读。回答问题,然后在任务三:细读。回答问题,然后在小组中讨论。小组中讨论。Where did Helen Keller learn to read and write?Where did Helen Keller learn to read and write?She was a famous writer.She was very sick and became deaf and blind.She learned to read and write at school. Task3 Detailed reading: ReadReadandanswerthenshareingroup.andanswerthenshareingroup.Listen and read after the tape.Lets retell.复述复述What do you think of Helen Keller?你觉得海伦是怎样的人?你觉得海伦是怎样的人?She is a famous writer.She is great. She is strong-minded.她是坚强的。她是坚强的。She is a role model for us.她是我们的榜样她是我们的榜样.Word bank: great伟大的伟大的, lazy懒惰的懒惰的,strong-minded,坚强的坚强的 narrow-minded心胸狭窄的心胸狭窄的,role model模范模范, brave勇敢的勇敢的,optimistic乐观的乐观的, pressimistic 悲观的悲观的cowardice懦弱的懦弱的,I read a book. The name of the book is _. The writer is _. The story is about _.HarryPotterHarryPotterJoanneKathleenRowlingJoanneKathleenRowlingHarrypotter.Harrypotter. slifeHelikesdoingmagic.Hewasawitch.HeslifeHelikesdoingmagic.Hewasawitch.HelivedandstudiedinHogwarts.Hisfriendswerealwayshelphim.livedandstudiedinHogwarts.Hisfriendswerealwayshelphim.bookwriterstorynameHarryPotterHarryPotterJoanneKathleenJoanneKathleenRowlingRowlingHarrypotterHarrypotter s slifelifeHelikesHelikesdoingmagic.doingmagic.HeHe sawitch.sawitch.HelivedandHelivedandstudiedinstudiedinHogwarts.Hogwarts.HisfriendsHisfriendshelpedhimalot.helpedhimalot. I read a book Herry Potter. The writer is Joanne Kathleen Rowling. Herry Potter likes doing magic. He was a witch. His parents were a wizard and a witch, they were killed by the evil wizard Voldemort protecting him. Harry still has a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead from that event. So he lived and studied in Hogwarts. Its a magic school. But Herry faced many problems. His friends helped him a lot. Since he deprived Voldemort from his powers, he has been famous in the wizarding world.Michael Jordan Hang TimeBill GatesBob GreenbookwriterstorynameI read a book. The name of the book is _. The writer is _. The story is about _.Task4: Read the passage and finish the mind map, then share in group.任务四:读文章并完成思维导图,然后在小组中分享。任务四:读文章并完成思维导图,然后在小组中分享。 Margaret Cousins Who was Thomas Alva Edison MichaelJordanisoneofthemostfamousbasketballplayersintheworld.HewasborninNewYork.Atfirsthewasveryshort.Hedidntplaybasketballverywell.Butthenextyearhewasmuchtaller.MichaelJordanbecamefamouswhenhewasintheuniversitybasketballteam.HeplayedsowellthatpeoplecalledhimAirJordan.Atlast,MichaelbecameamemberoftheChicagoBullsbasketballteam(芝加哥公牛队篮球队).HewasMostValuablePlayerin1987.Hegot63pointsinonegame.Bob GreenMichael Jordan Hang Time BillGates(比尔盖茨)wasbornin1955andgrewupinUSwithhistwosisters.Hisfatherwasalawyerandhismotherwasateacher.BillGateswantedtowriteprograms(程序)andbegantowriteprogramsinhighschool.BillGateswenttoHarvardbuthedidntgotoHarvardthreeyearslater.Heputallhistimeintowritingprograms.Heworkedveryhard.Microsoftdevelopedveryfastanditssoftware(软件)wasfamous.BillGateshasalotofmoney.Inthesparetime,Billlikesreadingbooksandplayinggolf.Bill GatesTodayIreadabookaboutThomasEdison.ThomasEdisonisafamousscientists.Hehadmanyinventions(发明).ThomaswasborninOhioin1847.whenhewasseven,theylivedonafarmthere.Thomasdidnotdowellinschool.Hismotherteachhimathome.Thomaslikedlearning.Helikedtodoexperiments(实验).Hewantedtobeaninventor(发明家).Hedidmanyexperiments,buthecametonothing.Hedidntgiveup.Atlast,heinventmanythingsandbecameafamousscientists. Margaret Cousins Who was Thomas Alva EdisonI read a book. The name of the book is _. The writer is _. The story is about _.bookwriterstorynameTask4: Read the passage and finish the mind map, then share in group.任务四:读文章并完成思维导图,然后在小组中分享。任务四:读文章并完成思维导图,然后在小组中分享。Read a passage and finish the mind map.
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