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奥美广告消费者洞察奥美广告消费者洞察Ogilvy & Mather2Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcBrilliant advertising must be developed around a consumer insight.杰出的广告必定因应著一个杰出的广告必定因应著一个清楚的消费者洞察而生清楚的消费者洞察而生Why?为什麽为什麽?Ogilvy & Mather3Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcOgilvy & Mather4Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcOgilvy & Mather5Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcOgilvy & Mather6Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcOgilvy & Mather7Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcOgilvy & Mather8Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcOgilvy & Mather9Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcWhy Why should should identifying identifying the the consumer consumer insight insight be be the the critical challenge of a copy development strategy?critical challenge of a copy development strategy?为为什什麽麽寻寻找找 消消费费者者洞洞察察 是是创创意意策策略略发发展展过过程程中中的重要挑战的重要挑战? ? it focuses creative developmentit focuses creative development对准焦点在创意发展的过程对准焦点在创意发展的过程 it drives relevanceit drives relevance 相关性相关性 回应而生回应而生 saves time - right first time!saves time - right first time!节省时间节省时间 - - 第一次就做对第一次就做对! !Ogilvy & Mather10Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcWhere do insights come from?消费者洞察从何处来消费者洞察从何处来It has to do with talking to, and watching human beings, or consumers.与人谈话,观察人性Ogilvy & Mather11Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcThe insight for TWIST chocolates was generated The insight for TWIST chocolates was generated TWIST TWIST 巧克力的消费者洞察是如此产生的巧克力的消费者洞察是如此产生的巧克力的消费者洞察是如此产生的巧克力的消费者洞察是如此产生的 in a conference roomin a conference room在会议室里在会议室里 by creatives and other personnel who were also by creatives and other personnel who were also consumersconsumers创意人员和很多别的部门的成员创意人员和很多别的部门的成员 via observation and anecdotesvia observation and anecdotes对别人的观察及知道的趣事对别人的观察及知道的趣事EAT THE BEST, AND SHARE THE RESTEAT THE BEST, AND SHARE THE REST(SHOW COMMERCIAL FOR TWIST CHOCOLATES)(SHOW COMMERCIAL FOR TWIST CHOCOLATES)把最棒的吃掉,剩下的才分掉把最棒的吃掉,剩下的才分掉! ! Ogilvy & Mather12Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcThe nature of consumer insights消费者洞察的本质消费者洞察的本质So simple to recognise, but so difficult to find!如此简单,却难以寻觅! How to find insights?How to find insights?如何找到如何找到 Insight?Insight? How How to to choose choose the the right right insights, insights, with with the the most most potential? potential? 如何选择正确而又有潜力的如何选择正确而又有潜力的Insight?Insight? Ogilvy & Mather13Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcHOW TO FIND LEVERAGABLE INSIGHTS?HOW TO FIND LEVERAGABLE INSIGHTS?如何寻找可资运用的消费者洞察如何寻找可资运用的消费者洞察? QUALITATIVE RESEARCHQUALITATIVE RESEARCH质化调查质化调查 DEDICATED RESEARCHDEDICATED RESEARCH专门的调查专门的调查 OBSERVATIONS OBSERVATIONS OF OF SELF SELF AND AND FELLOW FELLOW CONSUMAN BEINGS!CONSUMAN BEINGS!观察自己和周遭的人群观察自己和周遭的人群! !Ogilvy & Mather14Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcWhat are we looking for?我们在寻找什麽我们在寻找什麽?an aspect of human behaviouran aspect of human behaviour人性行为的一个层面人性行为的一个层面springing springing from from the the consumer consumer relationship relationship with with the the category, the product or the brandcategory, the product or the brand从从消消费费者者与与该该类类别别、产产品品,以以及及品品牌牌关关系系衍衍生生而而来来! !that that is is sufficiently sufficiently relevant relevant and and motivating motivating to to drive drive the the advertising ideaadvertising idea高度相关,高度激发,定以主导广告的创意高度相关,高度激发,定以主导广告的创意idea.idea.Ogilvy & Mather15Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcConsumer insight research .消费者洞察的调查消费者洞察的调查. . deconstructs the consumers relationship with deconstructs the consumers relationship with . . 解构消费者与下列项目的关系解构消费者与下列项目的关系 the brandthe brand品牌品牌 competitors brandscompetitors brands竞争品牌竞争品牌 the productthe product产品产品 the categorythe category类别类别Ogilvy & Mather16Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rc Research amongst defined target audienceResearch amongst defined target audience对特定的目标对象进行的调查对特定的目标对象进行的调查 Stimulate discussion and interaction with consumers viaStimulate discussion and interaction with consumers via引发消费者的讨论与互动,运用引发消费者的讨论与互动,运用 product mappings (attributes and benefits) product mappings (attributes and benefits) 产品认知图产品认知图 brand and competitive advertising brand and competitive advertising 该品牌或竞争者的广告该品牌或竞争者的广告 brand brand mappings/associations/personification mappings/associations/personification 品品牌牌认认知知图图/ /联想联想/ /拟人化拟人化 laddering techniques laddering techniques 阶梯式阶梯式 渐层渐层 的技巧的技巧 concepts and positioning work concepts and positioning work 概念及定位概念及定位 Probe for relationships and feelings Probe for relationships and feelings 刺探关系及情感刺探关系及情感Consumer insight research .消费者洞察的调查消费者洞察的调查.Ogilvy & Mather17Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcQuestions that help to generate insights.The productThe productUsing itUsing itBrand EnvironmentBrand EnvironmentWhat is it made from?What is it made from?Who buys it?Who buys it?Lots or few; distinctive or similar?Lots or few; distinctive or similar?Where does it come from?Where does it come from?Who consumes it?Who consumes it?Is it Famous, new, traditional?Is it Famous, new, traditional?Who made/makes it?Who made/makes it?What goes through their heads before,What goes through their heads before,Local, cultural, international?Local, cultural, international?How is it made?How is it made? during and after buying/using it? during and after buying/using it?What do people already know/feelWhat do people already know/feelWhere can you buy it?Where can you buy it?Do others see them buy/consume it?Do others see them buy/consume it? about us? about us?Is it exclusive/commonplace?Is it exclusive/commonplace?Do most/few people buy/use it?Do most/few people buy/use it?What trend/issues/topics are we orWhat trend/issues/topics are we orHow long has it been available/How long has it been available/What kind of people use it?What kind of people use it? Could we be linked to? Could we be linked to? made the same way etc.? made the same way etc.?When, where, why, etc.?When, where, why, etc.?What entertainments do we fit in with?What entertainments do we fit in with?Where do you see it?Where do you see it?What else do they typically buy?What else do they typically buy?What is at stake for consumers to changeWhat is at stake for consumers to changeHow do you first discover it,How do you first discover it,How does it fit into their personal, Brands?How does it fit into their personal, Brands? Learn about it? Learn about it? social, roles/relationships? social, roles/relationships?Is advertising for the category distinctive orIs advertising for the category distinctive orWith what values, aspirations, Similar in strategy, execution?With what values, aspirations, Similar in strategy, execution? emotions does it connect? emotions does it connect?What is its tone of voiced?What is its tone of voiced?What trends and issues are/could What trends and issues are/could Are there any elements in our advertisingAre there any elements in our advertising be involved? be involved? history which are positively or history which are positively or negatively associated with us? negatively associated with us?Ogilvy & Mather18Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rc帮助引发洞察的好问题帮助引发洞察的好问题.产品产品 使用使用品牌环境品牌环境用什麽做的用什麽做的? ?谁买谁买? ?多或少多或少; ;突出或相似突出或相似? ?从哪来从哪来? ?谁用谁用? ?有名气有名气? ?新不新新不新? ?是不是很传统是不是很传统? ?谁做的谁做的? ?在购买使用前、中、後,在购买使用前、中、後,本土化本土化? ?有文化的有文化的? ?国际性的国际性的? ?怎麽做怎麽做? ?他们脑子想些什麽他们脑子想些什麽? ?人们对我们既有的认知或感觉为何人们对我们既有的认知或感觉为何? ?到何处去买到何处去买? ?其他人看得到他们购买其他人看得到他们购买 我们可能可以和什麽样的我们可能可以和什麽样的独特独特/ /平常平常/ /使用吗使用吗? ?趋势趋势, ,议题或话题相结合议题或话题相结合在市面上多久了在市面上多久了? ?大部份人或很少人购买使用大部份人或很少人购买使用消费者转换品牌的赌注是什麽消费者转换品牌的赌注是什麽? ?常再哪看到常再哪看到? ?什麽样的人用什麽样的人用? ?在此类别的广告是否凸出在此类别的广告是否凸出? ?或者在策略或者在策略, ,执行上都是相似的执行上都是相似的? ?第一次看到它是麽时候第一次看到它是麽时候? ? 何时何时? ?何处何处? ?为什麽用为什麽用? ? 说话的语调为何说话的语调为何? ?产品使用结合了什麽样的产品使用结合了什麽样的我们过去广告里我们过去广告里, ,有何正面有何正面/ /负面的联想负面的联想价值观价值观, ,抱负或情感抱负或情感? ?可能牵涉什麽样的趋势或议题可能牵涉什麽样的趋势或议题? ? Ogilvy & Mather19Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcObjectives of a consumer insight消费者洞察消费者洞察的目的的目的To To pick pick the the key key nugget nugget of of consumer consumer understanding understanding that that will will lead lead to to a a single single minded minded brief brief and and outstanding, outstanding, relevant relevant creative work. Insights are:creative work. Insights are:撷撷取取对对消消费费者者了了解解的的菁菁华华能能够够引引发发一一个个单单纯纯的的简简报报以以及及卓卓然出众,具有关联性的创意作品,洞察是然出众,具有关联性的创意作品,洞察是: : single minded single minded 单纯单纯 motivating and actionable/executionablemotivating and actionable/executionable 激发人心激发人心/ /可执行的可执行的 long term or short term long term or short term 长线或短线长线或短线 emotional or rational emotional or rational 情感或理性的情感或理性的Ogilvy & Mather20Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcInsights .洞察洞察 .derive derive from from and and work work against against defined, defined, specific specific target target audiencesaudiences来自特定的消费群来自特定的消费群have have a a greater greater role role when when advertising advertising is is trying trying to to change/encourage behaviourchange/encourage behaviour当当广广告告意意图图改改变变行行为为/ /鼓鼓舞舞行行动动时时时时,角角色色益益发发举足轻重举足轻重have have a a lesser lesser role role if if the the advertising advertising is is just just awareness/announcementawareness/announcement当当广广告告只只是是想想增增加加知知名名度度或或宣宣布布某某讯讯息息时时,就就没没有太重要的角色有太重要的角色Ogilvy & Mather21Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcJudging Insights判断判断消费者洞察消费者洞察How do you know when an insight is good?How do you know when an insight is good?怎麽知道洞察好不好怎麽知道洞察好不好? ? they they feelfeel right right 感觉上对感觉上对 consumers agree with them consumers agree with them 消费者也同意消费者也同意 they fit the brand and uplift it they fit the brand and uplift it 符合这个品牌,并能提升它符合这个品牌,并能提升它JUDGMENT AND INTUITIONJUDGMENT AND INTUITION are critical in identifying insights are critical in identifying insights 判断判断 和和 直觉直觉 最重要最重要 once identified they can be corroborated in further researchonce identified they can be corroborated in further research只要能分辨出来,就可以利用进一步的调查来证实只要能分辨出来,就可以利用进一步的调查来证实Ogilvy & Mather22Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRole of creative development research创意发展调查的角色创意发展调查的角色To To identify identify which which creative creative route route maximises maximises the the potential of the insightpotential of the insight确确认认哪哪一一种种创创意意途途径径,将将此此洞洞察察的的潜潜能能发发挥挥到到极致极致 concepts concepts 概念概念 scripts/storyboards scripts/storyboards 脚本脚本Normally done after insight has been found Normally done after insight has been found 通常在通常在 洞察洞察 已出现後,才举行已出现後,才举行Ogilvy & Mather23Ref: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRef: TN/BRIEF/INSIGHT/rcRange Rover insight .Range Rover 的洞察的洞察 not about status or prestige, but about the driving experiencenot about status or prestige, but about the driving experience无关地位无关地位, ,权责权责, ,而是驾驶的经验而是驾驶的经验 but but not not about about over-seeing, over-seeing, superiority, superiority, arrogance, arrogance, not not from from a a practical practical view view point, point, not not earthly, earthly, not not mundane mundane or or everyday, not even related to carseveryday, not even related to cars无无关关炫炫耀耀,优优越越感感,傲傲慢慢,不不是是从从实实用用的的角角度度; ;不不脚脚踏踏实地,不平易近人实地,不平易近人- - 甚至与车子无关甚至与车子无关 about about an an emotion emotion or or a a feeling feeling - - a a feeling feeling of of perspective, perspective, of of confidence, confidence, a a feeling feeling that that comes comes from from seeing seeing from from a a secure secure vantage pointvantage point事事关关一一种种情情感感/ /情情绪绪: :有有眼眼界界,有有未未来来,从从一一个个安安全全点点观看全局的感受观看全局的感受结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!24
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