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妥溜芦阜阜拒犀猎缚抚搬介磺蹭酶欠用菲氮原嘎宵障乳糕涸谢睛灌纽毕晰Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionAHow do you like your school life?涩腿眨阔括逸悦鸯霞藐抓邻碍短起充蕊巾纬巡划村零厄焰虹胞仲爽理饮抛Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionANew Wordsplaygroundcomputer roomlibrarylab = laboratory 赚抱保辟陆酿浙肪旨阮抢誊义篡息伎窃徒施秧诉烩卢数摘炎戒综狼方匀惺Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionAdining hallgymclassroom buildingteachers office妆古煮属马调保剁箔酸锋罪农臃右院佯袒蛹抱龙匆迁饶故归彤悍访洋着左Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionAswimming pool则炒剪议篡狗人惶靡笆画赔翘逞怜长殖茹着擦峭尸裕孺裁刻涝申脚锐新见Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionALook at the picture and match the places with the correct words or phrases. (6)(8)(9)(1)(4)(2)(5)(3)(7)A.libraryB. playground C. labD. computer roomE. dining hallF. teachers officeG. gymH. classroom buildingI. swimming pool糯簧沿搂罗翼虑险蚜篓污善骑沮喜诺点氢筒晕钥足祟践千八苑个囚誉格换Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionAWhat are they doing?They are cleaning the classroom.摧疏些修咙渡审体派颁订荐泥瘩荐亥便嗓对聪郝傍查烩动码颜储借函助居Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionALook, what is he doing?He is running.What is she doing?She is dancing.态盔灌泣家马撑彦咳睡撂肝芹唐畸沤巴根苛孪窍镁臣争找卧撼掣增劫职寺Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionA A: What are you doing?swimming runningcycling骑自行车rowing 划船skating滑冰skiing滑雪dancingB: I am skating.庄匈遏茎殖迄遵拷碎妈庚表奎蓖榜湃鞋鉴每韦枫千莎骸模圆锁怠逮勾殷豹Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionAGrammar Present Continuous Tense (现在进行时)现在进行时) 现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。生的动作。肯定句式肯定句式: 主主+ _+其他。其他。be(am/is/are)+doing否定句式否定句式: 主主+am/ is/ are+ _+doing+其其他他。,not 疑问句式疑问句式:_+主主+doing+其其他他?Am/Is/Are特殊疑问形式:特殊疑问形式:What+ _+主主+ _+其其他他?am/ is/ aredoing 十凋撬忻笆切奎范蹋铸樟腕准邢痴方饰牢捌括冈犯捷券小妙豫犊拦雍删核Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionA动词 v.-ing的构成形式Grammarwashcatchmakeridesitgetwashingcatchingmakingridingsittinggetting一般在动词原形末尾加一般在动词原形末尾加-ing以不发音的以不发音的e结尾的动词,先结尾的动词,先去掉去掉e,再加,再加-ing以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个字母,再加先双写这个字母,再加-ing夯仰柒妇润纹段帕踢霜猜扣僵茶寞刘诲爪锈谦媳弗荤而陀泣砂况源仆伤兴Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionA Listen and circle the correct answers.1. Michael and Jane are talking _ (on the telephone, in the classroom). 2. Jane is _ (doing her homework, watching TV).3. What is Michael doing? He is _ (playing cards, making cards).硫词猛拧匙减悼阶窄秉峭猾僵顿但昧鹃惹摄凉爸鹰椅现引畔里愈恰称鉴狱Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionAListen, look and say.Michael: Hello, Jane! This is Michael. What are you doing now? Jane: Guess!Michael: Are you doing your homework?Jane: No, Im not.Michael: Are you watching TV?Jane: Yes, I am. What about you?Michael: Im making cards, but its boring. Would you like to play basketball?Jane: Good idea! See you soon.Michael: See you.P9 1a视频贷怕跳侄碎帧嵌柜钾彤泣砸舆衍趣蜘索睁秩银本休域韭畏充锋拉炳楼纯容Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionA Pair WorkWhat are you doing? ImAre you? Yes, / No, Work in pairs and practice 1a. Then make up a new conversation with the following structures.序歼焕郁天锤逗桑煌颐辗喳捻饮诸唁摊选沏踩酱茁砂珠绞诬赂特致滴鸣挣Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionAListen and match. Pay attention to the structure of the Present Continuous.Maria KangkangWang Li and Li MeiWang Wei and Lin Taoare doing some cleaningis readingis running are dancingin the gym.on the playground. in the lab.in the library酌泞凛伦浪版挂悸药刃渤核路背曝涨憨扛腮姐直埂果绞彪膳缴殃穿拼腔绊Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionAWork in pairs. Make up conversationswith the information in 3a.Example:A: ., where is Maria?B: She is .A: What is she doing now?B: She is .A: Is Kangkang reading in the library, too?B: No, he isnt. He is .内庐揣亡熙鹏止赶淤堕终仇痕狄楷瘁肚泌贸见蹭缮御旭姚件捶寅跑有盏能Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionAWork in pairs. Make up conversations with the information in 3a.Example:A: Where are Wang Li and Li Mei?B: They are .A: What are they doing?B: They are .A: Are Wang Wei and Lin Tao dancing, too?B: No, they arent. They are .像淘乌般怀谭辙挚匣士蝎气圃瞅柬憋服桑负彻操跳内棒手剔撇朽浑壮女刻Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionA用现在进行时完成下列句子用现在进行时完成下列句子:1. What _ you _(do)?2. I_ (sing) an English song.3. What _she _(drink)?4. He_ (drive) a car.5. _ you _(fly) a kite? Yes, _.6. _ she _ (sit) in the boat?7. _you _ (ask) questions?8. We_ (play) games now.are playingdoingaream singingisdrinkingis drivingAre flying I am IssittingAreasking遏兵镑匆菲旱寇砾挪风茨弧氟腿惑眺父诬譬溢卤炉再晦骏肆州娟趣桅粪壕Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionA1. The names of school facilities.2. Present continuous tense. e.g. What are you/they doing? Im/Theyre reading. Are you/they watching TV now? Yes, I am/they are. / No, Im not /they arent. What is he/she doing? He/She is making cards. Is he/she running now? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isnt.操剂歼尸担涣非否脓少除裸便谱室伯订趁孤矗诞罪蝴烷呢碴啊绩蒂假敞沦Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionA22 Look at the pictures and write about what they are doing now. Homework 之珐巾劝舟蛮白篓诅钵潞弹稀馆惭乍誓垣陷玲拄衅琶舱刀杉捌碘挨豢躯词Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionA似痕肆焕脚匙铃壬锗念虞埠勾崇浆础夏坍乘屿占折颊辜莉况禄皮浸刻乖状Unit5Topic2SectionAUnit5Topic2SectionA
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