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WWhha at t s s hhe e l li ik ke e? ?ContentsContentsTheme: Describing peopleFunction:identifying people; describing appearance12ForewordForeword As an old proverb goes: dont judge a person by his appearance, people always turn their backs upon those who pay much attention to appearance. However, it is also important and practical sometimes, especially when it comes to get acquainted with someone unfamiliar, to introduce your friends and to evaluate them. Therefore, let us learn how to describe a person from all-round perspective. How do we Chinese describe a people? “两两弯弯似蹙非蹙罥烟眉,一双似蹙非蹙罥烟眉,一双似泣非泣含露目。态生两靥之愁,似泣非泣含露目。态生两靥之愁,娇袭一身之病。泪光点点,娇喘娇袭一身之病。泪光点点,娇喘微微。娴静似娇花照水,行动如微微。娴静似娇花照水,行动如弱柳扶风。心较比干多一窍,病弱柳扶风。心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。如西子胜三分。” 面若中秋之月,色如春晓之面若中秋之月,色如春晓之花,鬓若刀裁,眉如墨画,面如花,鬓若刀裁,眉如墨画,面如桃瓣,目若秋波。虽怒时而若笑,桃瓣,目若秋波。虽怒时而若笑,即嗔视而有情即嗔视而有情”;面如敷粉,唇;面如敷粉,唇若施脂,转盼多情,语言常笑。若施脂,转盼多情,语言常笑。天然一段风韵全在眉梢;平生万天然一段风韵全在眉梢;平生万种情思,悉堆眼角。种情思,悉堆眼角。 How do Americans describe a How do Americans describe a people?people? His suit was of a striped and crossed pattern of brown wool, new at that time, but since become familiar as a business suit. The low crotch of the vest revealed a stiff shirt bosom of white and pink stripes. From his coat sleeves produced a pair of linen cuffs of the same pattern, fastened with large, gold plate buttons, set with the common yellow agates known as cats eye. -From Sister Carrie 他穿的衣服是栗色方格花呢做的,在当时是刚流行的,不过不久便成了一般生意人的套装了。背心领口开得很低,露出白底粉红条子的笔挺的衬衫。上装袖口,露出一双花式相同的花袖口,扣着又大又扁的金纽扣,上面镶嵌着叫“猫儿眼”的黄玛瑙。layout layout character/ personality hightbuildouter featuresnegtivepositiveagefaceclotheseyesfacial featuresvHere is a list of useful expressions HightBuildAgeFaceclotheseyesfacial featurestall, tallish, short, shortish, medium heightfrail, stocky, slim, thin, plump, fat, skinny, well-builtyoung, elderly, middle-aged, teenager, in 20s, 30s, 40sround, oval, (鹅蛋脸)square, with scares, wrinkles, freckles, sun-tanned, palecasual, scruffy, (不整洁的)shabby, smart, tidy, messybig round blue eyes, large, small, bright, narrow.almond-shapedrefer to the textbook(参照书本)additional: moustache, beard, whiskerpersonalitypersonalityv1. careful, hard-working, worried, cheerful, broadminded, active, curious, secretive.v2. aggressive, tough, careless, practical, sensible, independent, strong-minded, stupidv3. dull, boring, imaginative, ambitious, crafty, sensitive, gentle, naivev4. generous, loyal, self-controlled, moody, trusting, modest, tolerant, friendlyv5. energetic, confident, selfish, shy, stubborn, reliable, clumsy, intelligentAttentionvwhen describing a person, you have to mind your words. similar in meaning as some words are, they differ from one another in range and colors. For example: skinnynegtiveanorexicmedicalunderweightnegtivethinnegtiveslimpositiveslenderpositivefatnegtivetubbynegtiveoverweightnegtiveplumpneutralstockypositivebonnypositivet th ha an nk ks s f fo or r y yo ou ur r a at tt te en nt ti io on n感感谢谢关关注注
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