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成人英语三级考试重点语法与词汇重点语法重点语法1.现在完成进行时 Over the past decades, sea ice _ in the Arctic (北极) as a result of global warming. A. had decreased B. will decrease C. has been decreasing D. is decresing 答案:C 过去的数十年间,北极的海洋冰川由于全球变暖而一直递减。 2. 条件状语从句: “主将来,从一般”If it _ tomorrow, we will stay indoors tohave our training class.A.rains B. rain C. will rain D. rained 答案:A 3. 情态动词+现在完成时 must have done should have done could have done would have doneExercises:1. He _ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside. A.should B. must C. wouldnt D. cant答案:B2. Tom, youre too lazy! The work _have been finished yesterday. A. would B. should C. must D. could答案:B3. Without your help, I _ have achievedso much. A. cant B. shouldnt C. wouldnt D. musnt 答案:C4. 强调句型:It is(was)被强调的部分)被强调的部分that (who)被强调的部分为“物”时用that,为“人”时用whoIt was on Monday night that all this happened.It is me who he blamedExercise:It was in 2005 _ we began to introducethis new technique into our company.A.which B. then C. when D. that 答案: D 5. 虚拟语气虚拟语气(1)wish+过去时:表示现在或将来的愿望 wish+过去完成时:一个过去没有实现的愿望 I wish I were as tall as you. I didnt go to the party, but I do wish I had been there. Exercise:- Did you see her off the day before yesterday?- No, but I wish I _.A.were B. did C. had D. would 答案: C(2) would rather+过去时,表示“宁愿,宁可” I would rather all of you came next month for a dinner. Exercise: “Shall I give you a cheque for 10?” A B“Id rather you give me 10 in notes.” C D答案:C give gave(3) It is (high) time (that)+过去时 (早)该了 Dont you think it is time you gave up smoking? Exercise: It is about time that we go to supper, for we still A B C have a meeting to attend this evening. D 答案:B go went(4) A. 隐含表示说话人主观意见的词,后面用隐含表示说话人主观意见的词,后面用 (should) do suggest, advise, propose, recommend, insist, require, request, demand, desire, order, command Polite manners in China demand that a person stand up when anyone enters a room. B. It is important/necessary/urgent that (should) do It is vital that enough money be collected to get the project started. Exercises:1. My suggestion yesterday was that a meeting _ to discuss the matter.A. should hold B. must be held C. would be held D. be held答案:D be held = should be held2. I dont think it advisable that Tom _ to the job since he has no experience. A. be assigned B. is assigned C. will be addigned D. has been assigned答案:A(5) in case, lest, for fear that引导的状语从句, should +动词原形He took his raincoat for fear that it should rain.他把雨衣带身上以防下雨。6. 倒装结构倒装结构 (1) 否定词在句首:by no means, in no case, scarcely By no means will Jane agree to move to a new place far away from her workplace. (2) Only开头 Only by practice will you be able to improve your spoken English. (3) nor, neither, so 位于句首,句子倒装 So little did I know about the stock exchange that the lecture was completely beyond me. 7. 同位语从句同位语从句The information which she was injured in A Bthe accident was given by Liz. C D答案:A which that同位语从句常跟在fact, evidence, information,idea, news后面,用that 引导从句 e.g. The fact came up that specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 mounths old. 8. 关系词的选择(1) 非限制性定语从句A container weighs more after air is put in, it A B C Dproves that air has weight. 答案:D it which (2) 先行词是 the time, the moment, 关系词用when(3) 先行词是 situation,关系词用where(4) who or whom? 定语从句中,指人的先行词我们用who或者whom做连接词,who用来做从句的主语,whom用来做从句的宾语. This is a nurse who wears a white skirt. This is the person whom I just saw.1)He is the driver_ I want to look for.2)This is the friend _ I often visit.3)I have a friend _ has much money.4)Its a thief _ was caught by us.5)Kate is a student _ studies well.6) This is the sportsman _ everyone says will win the gold medal.whomwhomwhowhowhowho9. 反意疑问句 (1) 在have to 结构中,反意疑问句要用助动词do/does/did We had to wait a long time to get our passport, didnt we? (2) 含有否定词hardly, scarcely, never, seldom等,反意疑问句要用肯定。 You never told me you have seen the film, did you?(3) 祈使句中,反意疑问句用 will you Dont forget to write to me, will you? Lets 与Let us 区别 Lets hurry up and try to get to the railway station in time, shall we? Please let us have more time, will you?(4) 从句中,反意疑问句和从句的谓语一致 I heard that you really had a wonderful time at Johns birthday party, didnt you?Exercises:1. His wife had the front door painted greenyesterday, _ she?A.did B. didnt C. had D. hadnt答案:B2. Dear Helen, please forgive him for his A B rudeness, can you? C D答案:D can you will you10. 主谓一致主谓一致 (1) 虽然形式以-s结尾,但表示单数意义 physics, maths, news, means(2) 动名词,不定式,从句做主语时,谓语动词用单数 When and where the new hospital will be built remains a mystery. (3) A number of 谓语动词用复数 The number of 谓语动词用单数 The number of mistakes made by him was surprising. (4) 主语+as well as, along with, together with, including, accompanied by +名词 谓语动词与主语保持一致 (5) 名词前有each, every, many a 修饰时,谓语动词用单数 In our country every boy and every girl has the right to receive education.(6) 就近原则 not onlybut also, neithernor, eitheror,谓语与最邻近的主语一致。 Neither you nor I am interested in the movie. Exercises: (1) A library with five thousand books _ to the nation as a gift. A. is offered B. has offered C. are offered D. have offered(2) Professor Smith, along with his assistants, _ on the project day and night to meet the deadline. A. work B. working C. is working D. are working 答案:A; C11.非谓语动词非谓语动词(1)一些惯用语中的动名词 a. cant help doing =cant help but do b. It/There is no use doing 做没有用 c. be worth doing 做是值得的 d. be busy doing 忙于 e. enjoy/feel like doing 喜欢/想 d. What/How about doing? 如何? e. have difficulty/trouble/problem in doing (2) 动词不定式 跟不定式做宾语的常用动词有: (p81) persuade, intend, pretend, manage, want 动词+宾语+不带to的不定式做宾语see, watch, let, have, make, would rather, had better have/let sb. do sth.(3) 动词不定式的被动式 have/get sth. done make oneself understoodExercises:1. Is there any possibility of getting the price _ further? A. reduced B. reduce C. reducing D. be reduced2. They are going to have the servicemen A B installed an electric fan in the office C D tomorrow. 答案:A; C(4) 分词 (现在分词,过去分词)现在分词表示主动或正在进行过去分词表示被动或动作完成Feeling tired after a hard work, she fell intobed and went straight to sleep.Today the police can watch cars running onroad by radar.Given time, hell become a first-class tennisplayer.We found the cake eaten by Tom.Exercise:_ at the bus stop, he found a lot ofpeople waiting there.A.Arrived B. ArrivingC. Being arrived D. To arrive答案:B重点词汇重点词汇1.倍数和分数 倍数:twice 两倍 three times 三倍 分数:half 一半 a quarter 四分之一 two niths 九分之二 eight percent 百分之八 (1)倍数/分数+as+adj/adv+as The train ticket is three times as cheep as the plane ticket. (2) 倍数/分数+the size, weight, height, amount of The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.(3) 倍数/分数+比较级+than The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year. Exercise:He would have paid _ for the house if thesalesgirl had insisted because he really wantedit.A.twice as much B. much as twiceC. as much twice D. twice much as 答案:A 2. 一些常考的固定动词词组一些常考的固定动词词组 (1) look into 研究, 调查 look after 照顾 ,照管 look over (仔细)检查 look through 翻阅, 看一遍 look back(upon) 回想,回顾 look down on(upon) 看不起 look for 寻找 look forward to 盼望 look out 查出, 找出 look out (for) 注意, 当心, 提防 It is reported that the police will soon look _ the case of the two missing children.A.upon B. after C. into D. out 答案:C(2) put away 收起来, 抛弃 put up 举起, 提供 put off 推迟, 拖延 put down 放下, 拒绝 put in 插话 put back,放回(3) call for 需求,需要 call on/upon 拜访,号召 call off 取消 cal up 召集,使人想起 call back 召回(4) run out 用完,耗尽 run over 浏览 run after 追赶 run away 逃跑(5) lay off 解雇,裁员 lay out 设计 lay down 建造,制定The factory had to lay off a number of employees bacause of the economic declinein the country.(6) bring about 造成,引起 bring up 提出,养育 bring out 取出The Internet has brought _ big changes in the way we work.A.about B. out C. back D. up答案:A (7) lie in, lie to,lie on Shanghai lies in the east of China. Taiwan lies to the east of China. Russia lies on the north of China. (8) spend, pay, cost, take spend 的主语是“人” spend time/money on sth./in doing sth. I spend two hours on this maths problem. cost 的主语是 “物” sth. costs/cost sb. +金钱 The new computer costs me a lot of money. pay 常与for 搭配 I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. take 常用于句型:It takes/took sb. sometime to do sth. It took me one hour to remember those new words.3. neither, either, none, both neither 两者都不 either 两者中的每个都 none 两者以上都不 both 两者都 either 与单数连用,both与复数连用 Both the boys are clever. Either of the two boys is clever. I made a call to my parents yesterday. To my disappointment, _ of them answered it.A.either B. none C. neither D. nobody答案:C 5. 特殊固定搭配 (1) keep an eye on 留神,注意(某人,某事) (2) takeseriously 重视,注意,当真 (3) regret to do regret doing (4) devote ones life to doing 献身于 (5) look forward to hearing from sb. 期待收到某人的来信(6) It remains to be seen Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains to be seen whether they will enjoy it. Thank You!
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