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-专注教育,服务教师-上海牛津上海牛津(本地本地)初中英语六年级下册初中英语六年级下册M1 U3课件课件a dragon boat racea rice dumplingMiss Guo, I would like to know something about the Dragon Boat Festival. Why do people celebrate it?Heres the story of the festival.这儿有关于节日这儿有关于节日的传说。的传说。郭老师,我想知道一些关于端午节郭老师,我想知道一些关于端午节的情况。人们为什么要庆祝它呢?的情况。人们为什么要庆祝它呢? Qu Yuan was born about two thousand years ago in China. He loved his country very much. His job was to give advice to the king. The king always took his advice. However, the king died and the new king did not listen to him. Later, the new king lost a battle because he did not take Qu Yuans advice. The country was in danger. Qu Yuan was very sad. He jumped into a river and died. It was the fifth day of the fifth lunar month of that year. Today, people eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to remember him on that day every year. 1.What was Qu Yuans job? 2.Why was he sad?3.When is the Dragon Boat Festival?4.How do people remember Qu Yuan today?His job was to give advice to the king. Because he did not listen to the king and lost a battle.Its the fifth day of the fifthlunar month every year.Today, people eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to remember him.Key phrases:be born 出生出生give advice to 给给提建议提建议take ones advice 接受建议接受建议/意见意见in danger 处境危险处境危险listen to sb. 听取某人的话听取某人的话 Homework: Recite the text & finish the workbook.Thanks for listening!
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