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1Raising MoneyInstructor: 江江 玲玲Quanzhou No.11 High SchoolFor example:For example:For example:For example:I have some exciting news to tell you.后置定语后置定语to tell youRunning DictationRunning DictationOur task is to make a poster .It will take us a few days to get there by bike.I want to make a room reservation.Running DictationRunning DictationOur task is to make a poster .表语表语to make a posterDid you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?It will take us a few days to get there by bike.主语主语to get there by bikeDid you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?I want to make a room reservation.宾语宾语to make a room reservationIt is very common to raise money in schools.We can put on a show to raise money.She asked Kangkang to book the tickets.Running DictationRunning DictationDid you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?She asked Kangkang to book the tickets.宾语补足语宾语补足语to book the ticketsDid you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?It is very common to raise money in schools.主语主语to raise moneyDid you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?We can put on a show to raise money.状语状语to raise moneyThey have many special ways to raise money.The students can use the mobile phone to call home.It costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket.Running DictationRunning DictationDid you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?They have many special ways to raise money.定语定语to raise moneyDid you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?It costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket.主语主语to buy a ticketDid you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?Did you make it?The students can use the mobile phone to call home.状语状语to call homeIt is very common to raise money in schools.They have many special ways to raise money.The students can use the mobile phone to call home.It costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket.Underline them in the passage!17Read 1a and match the words with their meanings. 1bcommonraisespecialorderserveto collect moneyto ask for food or drinks in a restaurant or hotelhappening oftendifferent from what is normalto give somebody food or drinks during the mealYou can guess the meaning of a new word by looking at the words around it.Running GuessingRunning GuessingThere are 4 passengers and a driver in the car.In China, people are used to using chopsticks to eat.The roses began to wither because of the cold.You can guess the meaning of a new word by looking at the words around it.根据常识来推测根据常识来推测乘客乘客枯萎枯萎 筷筷子子根据转折、同义根据转折、同义等逻辑来推测等逻辑来推测Tom is homely, not as handsome as his brother .My mother is plump , but my father is thin.What is sound?Sound happens when something vibrates or shakes.Running GuessingRunning GuessingYou can guess the meaning of a new word by looking at the words around it.外表平庸的外表平庸的丰满的丰满的震动震动根据定义或释义根据定义或释义来推测来推测She is studying glaucoma, a kind of disease on the eyes.But sometimes, no rain falls for a long, long time, then there is a drought.She is a governess, she gives lessons to children at their homes.Running GuessingRunning GuessingYou can guess the meaning of a new word by looking at the words around it.家庭女教师家庭女教师干旱干旱一种眼病:青光眼一种眼病:青光眼Running GuessingRunning GuessingThe colors in Hawaii are unforgettable.We should feel the thankfulness for those who help us.When the little boy finished, his father was speechless.用构词法来推测用构词法来推测You can guess the meaning of a new word by looking at the words around it.无语的无语的感恩感恩难以忘记的难以忘记的-table -ful -table -ful 形容词后缀形容词后缀形容词后缀形容词后缀 -ness -ness 名词后缀名词后缀名词后缀名词后缀un- un- 否定前缀否定前缀否定前缀否定前缀 -less -less 否定后缀否定后缀否定后缀否定后缀Running Show Running Show King or Queen for a dayYou are really good at acting!King or Queen for a dayRunning ReadingRunning Reading It is very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools. Running ReadingRunning Reading在中国的学校,筹钱的活动不太寻常。在中国的学校,筹钱的活动不太寻常。Its not common to raise money in Chinese schools.Students, teachers and parents have many special ways to raise money for field trips. Running ReadingRunning Reading为了郊游,我们总是向父母要钱。为了郊游,我们总是向父母要钱。We always ask our parents for money for field trips. Some schools think of great ideas, such as “King or Queen for a Day”. Running ReadingRunning Reading于是,我们也想出了一个很棒的主意来筹钱。于是,我们也想出了一个很棒的主意来筹钱。So,we also think of a great idea to raise money.It costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket for the draw. Running ReadingRunning Reading抽签抽签我们花了一天的时间卖掉了所有的花。我们花了一天的时间卖掉了所有的花。(It take.)It took us one day to sell all the flowers. After all the tickets are sold, one ticket is drawn. Running ReadingRunning Reading所有的花卖掉之后,我们赚了所有的花卖掉之后,我们赚了(make)300块。块。After all the flowers were sold, we made 300 yuan.The student with the winning ticket will be the king or queen for the next school day.Running ReadingRunning Reading我们可以带着那些钱去春游。我们可以带着那些钱去春游。We can go for the field trip with the money.When the students arrives in the morning, the headmaster greets him or her and carries the students books. Running ReadingRunning Reading当我回到家,我父母说我太棒了。当我回到家,我父母说我太棒了。When I got home, my parents said I was great.The student sits in the headmasters chair for the day and even can use the headmasters mobile phone to call home. Running ReadingRunning Reading我们可以用这些钱来预订火车票。我们可以用这些钱来预订火车票。We can use these money to book the train tickets.At noon, the headmaster and other teachers order a special lunch and serve it to the student.Running ReadingRunning Reading这是一次特别的经历这是一次特别的经历(experience),我为我们感到骄傲。,我为我们感到骄傲。This is a special experience, I am proud of us.Raising money forRaising money for Who do you raise money for?What will you do ?Do you need any help? If so, who will you turn to?Do you think you will succeed?How much money will you get?How will you feel?These words and expressions may help you: We raise money for_. We would like to_ to raise money; My task is_. We think its a good idea because_.If we have difficulties, we will ask_for help.We believe we will make_.We will feel_.Raising money forRaising money for Running Report Running Report Thank you!We learn New words and phrases: raise (money), king, queen, common, Canadian, dollarWe can talk about money raising activities ;tell an activity We knowhow to use the infinitive;how to guess wordsSummaryHomeworkHomeworkMake a poster about your idea of raising money. 46
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