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Module 10 Unit 2 Shes got an orange sweater.Listen and say. Then chant.Red, blue, white, black.Have you got a yellow cap?Yes, I have. Yes, I have.Ive got a yellow cap.Green, brown, black, white.Have you got an orange kite?No, I havent. No, I havent.But Ive got an orange bike.Lets chant again. Lets play.拼拼单词(The words of Module 10 Unit 1)对抗抗赛 将全班分成两个小将全班分成两个小组,老,老师宣布游宣布游戏开始后,第一开始后,第一组的第的第一名学生立即用中文一名学生立即用中文说出一个出一个单词(如:帽子如:帽子),第一,第一组的第二的第二名学生名学生应立即将立即将这个个单词(hat)说出并拼出并拼读出来,并出来,并说一个一个句子句子Heres a hat. 说错或不能迅速或不能迅速说出出单词的的记负分,最后哪分,最后哪组扣分最少扣分最少为优胜。Free talk.What color are your clothes today?My coat isMy trousers areHave you got a red coat/ black trousers?Yes, I have/ No, I havent.Lets learn. She has got a white shirt.white 白色白色Lets learn. She has got a yellow skirt.skirt 短裙短裙Lets learn. Here is the photo of my skirt.photo 照片照片 Whats wrong with Sam?Sam发生了什么事?发生了什么事?Listen, point and say.Ive got a white shirt. Its for the class photo.Oh no! Now my shirt is black and white.Which panda is nicer?哪个熊猫更漂亮哪个熊猫更漂亮?Listen and say.Look! Heres got a green sweater. Its very nice. Has he got trousers? Yes, he has. Hes got brown trousers. Has she got a white coat? And a blue skirt. No, she hasnt. Shes got an orange sweater. Oh! A nice panda!根据根据课文内容判断正(文内容判断正(T)误(F)。)。1.The panda has got brown trousers. ( ) 2.The panda has got a white sweater. ( )3.The panda has got an orange sweater. ( )4.The panda has got a green skirt. ( )True or false.FTTF文本解读文本解读Has he/ she got a red/ coat/?该句是一般疑句是一般疑问句,主句,主语是第三人称是第三人称单数数时have got改改为has got,答答语为Yes, he/ she has. No, he/ she hasnt. 表表颜色的色的词可做定可做定语修修饰名名词。如:如:Has she got a green sweater? Yes, she has./ No, she hasnt.Listen and draw or.Play the game. Guess and say.Has he got green trousers? Yes, hes got green trousers.两人玩游戏,一人将图片中人物的衣物遮挡起来,让对方猜他穿两人玩游戏,一人将图片中人物的衣物遮挡起来,让对方猜他穿着什么颜色的衣服,仿照如下进行游戏:着什么颜色的衣服,仿照如下进行游戏:Draw and say.每人画一副自己喜欢的小动物并给她们图上自己喜欢的颜色,每人画一副自己喜欢的小动物并给她们图上自己喜欢的颜色,然后上台仿照例句说一说。然后上台仿照例句说一说。Shes got a red sweater, a yellow skirt and black shoes.Listen, repeat and trace the letters.X-rayyellowzoo找邻居找邻居找邻居找邻居 将卡片发给学生,由一学生上台读自己拿到将卡片发给学生,由一学生上台读自己拿到的字母如的字母如Bb, ,拿到拿到Aa和和Cc的幼儿也要上讲台,按的幼儿也要上讲台,按Aa, Bb, Cc的顺序排好,全班读这三个字母。的顺序排好,全班读这三个字母。Lets play.课堂练习课堂练习课堂练习课堂练习一、一、词汇互互译。1.一件橘色的外套一件橘色的外套 _2.一一件件红色的短裙色的短裙 _3.a yellow sweater _4.brown shoes _an orange coata red skirt一件黄色的毛衣一件黄色的毛衣棕色的鞋棕色的鞋1.father/ has/ got / my/ trousers/ brown (.) (连词成句成句) _2.Mary has got an orange skirt. (改改为一般一般疑疑问句句) _二、按要求写句子。二、按要求写句子。My father has got brown trousers.Has Mary got an orange skirt?三、三、选择题1. Where have you got? Ive got _. A. a red skirt B. red C. a red2. My sister _ got yellow shoes. A. is B. have C. has3. He has got _ orange coat and _ yellow skirt. A. a; a B. an; an C. an; aACCSummary1.white photo skirt2. Has he/ she got a/an+颜色色+衣物衣物? Yes, he/ she has. No, he/she hasnt.Homework1. Read the new words and the sentences.2. Listen and imitate “Unit 2”.Module 10 Unit 2 Shes got an orange sweater.1.white photo skirt2.Has he/ she got a/an+颜色色+衣物衣物? Yes, he/ she has. No, he/she hasnt.xx小学x年级x班xxx
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