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新目标新目标 八年级八年级(上上)Unit 5Unit 5 Can you come to my party?Section B Period 1 A : Whats today? B : Its Monday the 14th. 询问日期可以说询问日期可以说Whats today? 但美国但美国人也说人也说Whats the date today?询问星期几要说询问星期几要说What day is it today?1a Write the dates on the calendar.Sundaythe 2ndMondaythe 3rdTuesdaythe 4thWednesday the 5thThursdaythe 6thFridaythe 7thSaturdaythe 8thSunday Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaytodayyesterdaythe day before yesterdaytomorrowthe day after tomorrowweekdayA: Whats today?B: Its Whats yesterday?C: ItsWhats tomorrow?D: ItsWhats the day after tomorrow?A: ItsPairwork 1. 与时间相关的短语有很多。与时间相关的短语有很多。 例如例如: today 今天今天 tonight 今晚今晚 tomorrow 明天明天Explanationthe day after tomorrow 后天后天yesterday 昨天昨天the day before yesterday 前天前天 two days ago 两天前两天前the day before last 前年前年after three weeks 三个星期后三个星期后 in two years 过两年过两年2. 问日期的句型有:问日期的句型有: Whats the date today? 今天是几号?今天是几号? 或或 What date is it today?3. “日期日期”的表示法有例如的表示法有例如 :11月月 5号号 November 5; November 5th; 读做读做November the 5th4. Monday (名词)名词) “星期一星期一” 在英语中表示星期的词有:在英语中表示星期的词有: Monday 星期一星期一; Tuesday 星期二星期二; Wednesday 星期三星期三; Thursday 星期四;星期四; Friday 星期五星期五; Saturday 星期六;星期六; Sunday 星期日星期日注意注意:表示表示“星期星期”开头的字母要大写。开头的字母要大写。表示星期的单词都以表示星期的单词都以“day” 结尾问结尾问“星星期期”的句型有:的句型有:What day is it today?What day is today?No2a ListeningCan Vince play tennis with Andy? Vinces Activities Days _ play soccera.todayb.tomorrowc.the day after tomorrow _ go to the doctor _ study for a test _ have a piano lesson _ babysit his sister baabc2b answers A: Vince, can you play tennis with me?B: When?A: Today.B: Sorry, I cant. IHomework Homework Make a calendar for next week, and write down your plans. Thank you Thank you for for listening! listening!
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