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Unit 2UNIT 2LanguageStructuresDialogue IDialogueIIReading IReading IIGuidedWritingInteractionActivityListeningPractice1Unit 2LanguageStructureSee the following sentences and pay attention to the grammar rules they use:1.The fact was that John Brown had a car accident.2.The scissors are not what I need.3.Have you heard the news that all English students will have to a proficiency test before they can graduate?4.What I told him was that I would find him a good play.2Unit 2语法点:名词性从句语法点:名词性从句(nominal clause)的用法的用法1.What is nominal clause? 名词性从句是由名词性从句是由if, whether, that 和各种疑问词充当和各种疑问词充当连接词所引导的从句,其功能同名词一样。连接词所引导的从句,其功能同名词一样。 2. What roles can nominal cause play? 1) 1) 名词性从句充当表语名词性从句充当表语 表语从句在复合句中作表语的名词性从句,放在系动词表语从句在复合句中作表语的名词性从句,放在系动词之后,一般结构是之后,一般结构是“主语连系动词表语从句主语连系动词表语从句”。 可以接表语从句的连系动词有可以接表语从句的连系动词有be, look, remain, seem等。引导表语从句的等。引导表语从句的thatthat常可省略。另外,常用的还有常可省略。另外,常用的还有the reason is that 和和it is because 等结构。例如:等结构。例如: E.g. a. This is why we cant get the support of the people b. but the fact remains that we are behind the other classes. c. The reason he is late for school is that he missed the early bus. 3Unit 2语法点:名词性从句语法点:名词性从句( (nominal clause) )的用法的用法2) 2) 名词性从句充当同位语名词性从句充当同位语 ( (例句例句1 1,2) 2) 同位语从同位语从句句 同位语从句就是在复合句中作名词的同位语的名词性从同位语从句就是在复合句中作名词的同位语的名词性从句。句。 同位语从句对于名词进一步解释,说明名词的具体内容,同位语从句对于名词进一步解释,说明名词的具体内容,一般由一般由thatthat引导引导 E.g. a. The kings decision that the prisoner would be set free surprised all . b. The order that all the soldiers should stay still is given by the general. 同位语从句有时可以不紧跟在它所说明的名词后面,而是同位语从句有时可以不紧跟在它所说明的名词后面,而是被别的词隔开。被别的词隔开。 E.g. a. He got the news from Mary that the sports meeting was put off. 3) 名词性从句充当主语名词性从句充当主语 ( (例句例句1 1,2) 2) 主语从句主语从句 主语从句是在复合句中充当主语的从句主语从句是在复合句中充当主语的从句. . it it做形式主语。做形式主语。 4Unit 2语法点:名词性从句语法点:名词性从句(nominal clause)(nominal clause)的用法的用法E.g. It is a pity that you didnt go to see the film. It doesnt interest me whether you succeed or not. 注意区分与注意区分与itit引导的强调句的区别引导的强调句的区别 E.g. It is in the morning that the murder took place. It is john that broke the window. what what 与与thatthat 在引导主语从句时的区别在引导主语从句时的区别 : what : what 引导引导主语从句时在句时在从句中充当句子成分,如主语宾主语从句时在句时在从句中充当句子成分,如主语宾语表语,而语表语,而that that 则不然。例如:则不然。例如: 1) What you said yesterday is right. 2) That she is still alive is a consolation. 5Unit 2A: (Everybody is saying that John Breen had a car accident?)B: But that is not true. / But that isnt a fact. / Not exactly. / No, thats just a rumour. A: (It isnt? / Really? / What is the truth?)B: The fact is that John Brown had a car accident. LanguageStructurePractice 1-A : Seeking Clarification 6Unit 2Language point:rumour: information or a story that is passed from one person to another and which may or may not be truee.g. Ive heard all sorts of rumours about him and his secretary. Rumour has it that Jeans getting married again. Where did the rumour start? 7Unit 2Language point:critically: seriouslyAdj. critical: a.to judge or be judgmental about someone or something b. E.g. a man with critical eyec.b. serious E.g. a critical shortage of foodc.essential E.g. a critical element of the pland.capable of sustaining a nuclear chain reaction (in physics) e. E.g. critical point / conditionf.Phrases: be critical of sth. 对某事表示谴责对某事表示谴责 be critical about 爱挑剔爱挑剔 8Unit 2A: Lots of people think that in language study, accuracy should come before fluency. Do you agree? B: (No, Im afraid not. / I dont think so. / Not really. / No, I dont agree. /)A: Whats your opinion then?B: (My opinion is that fluency should come before accuracy.)LanguageStructurePractice 1-B : Giving ones opinion 9Unit 2Language point:competent having enough skill or knowledge to do something to a satisfactory standardopposite incompetente.g. A competent mechanic should be able to fix the problem. Shes a highly competent linguist.competent to do somethingI dont feel competent to give an opinion at the moment.He is the only party leader competent enough to govern this country.competently adverb10Unit 2A: (Philip told me to bring you these scissors).B: But they arent what I need.A: (What do you need?)B: A pair of shears to cut the hedges with. Practice 2-A : Seeking and making clarificationLanguageStructure11Unit 2Pictures:12Unit 2A: I always travel by plane.B: (Thats how I travel, too.)A: I do that because it saves time. B: (Thats why I do it too.)Practice 2-B : Expressing agreementLanguageStructure13Unit 2A: Have you heard the news that all English students will have to pass a proficiency test before they can graduate?B: (Yes, and Ive been informed that the test will take place in June.)A: Oh, dear! What shall we do?B: (What shall we do? Just be prepared for it. Thats all.)Practice 3 : Asking for and making confirmationLanguageStructure14Unit 2Language point:Proficiency: a good standard of ability and skillproficiency in/with/ata high level of proficiency in English Nicks proficiency with computers is well-known.Proficient: able to do something well or skilfullyMartha is proficient in Swedish. Theres only one way to become proficient at anything - practice!a proficient typistproficiently adverb15Unit 2A: (So youre going to act in a play. / So youre planning to act in a play. / You intend to, didnt you? / So youre thinking about / considering acting in a play? /)B: No, Im not. What makes you think that?A: (Harry said you told him so.)B: Oh, no. What I told him was that I would find him a good play. Practice 4 : Asking for the confirmation of somebodys intentionLanguageStructure16Unit 2Friday Evening or NotDialogueIWhat do you usually do on Friday evenings? What are stand-ins in a play?What will happen if a performance is a flop? What is the best way to avoid a flop?Think it 17Unit 2DialogueI1.Hong Kong Disneyland is the eleventh park built in overseas from 1995.2.The Park cost $ 1500,000, 000.3.According to the recording, the second Disneyland will be built soon.4.Hong Kong Disney is the second one in Asia after Tokyo got the first one in 1987.5.Hong Kong Disney is totally invested by Walt Disney Co.6.It is easy to find Chinese culture in Hong Kong Disneyland.7.If you are hungry, you can find hamburgers and soft drinks in it.VOATNow listen to an extract of a VOA report. Judge following statements, True or False?Friday Evening or NotFFFFFTF18Unit 2DialogueI1.Hong Kong Disneyland is the eleventh park built in the U.S. and overseas from 1995.2.The Park cost $ 3500,000, 000.3.It is planed that the second Disneyland in Hong Kong would be built.4.Hong Kong Disney is the second one in Asia after Tokyo got the first one in 1983.5.Walt Disney Co. holds 43% of the Park6.It is easy to find Chinese culture in Hong Kong Disneyland. (Fengshui, Chinese Character)7.If you are hungry, you can find hamburgers and soft drinks (and Asian food) in it. VOATNow listen to an extract of a VOA report. Try to fill in the following blanks.Friday Evening or Not19Unit 2DialogueIQuestionsBrowse through the text, try to answer following questions.Friday Evening or Not1.Why they want to put on an English play?2.What is the novel about?3.This is the second time in the history of the college to stage such a grand performance, isnt it?4.Why B is unwilling to rehearse on Friday evenings?5.Are all the members of the play asked to come to the rehearsal every Friday evening?6.What may happen if they dont rehearse often enough?20Unit 2DialogueIPlease read the dialogue loudly with feeling and expression.ReadFriday Evening or Not21Unit 2DialogueI Please retell the dialogue. Sample outline:1.A invites B to play a role in an English play. A explains what the play is about and proposes to have a rehearsal every Friday evening. 2.B objects to the proposal, citing many reasons:3. -Friday evening is not a good time for work.4. -Everyone goes home.5. -People have their personal engagements.6.3. A tells B what has been done to ensure successful rehearsals.7.4. B accepts the proposal willingly. RetellFriday Evening or Not22Unit 2Language PointsIts a very moving and uplifting novel1Dialogue I1)moving: adj. a.changing, not fixed b. E.g. a target, c. The parts of this machines should be oiled regularly. b.capable of arousing deep emotionc. E.g. This is a spectacle. d.synonym: stirring, touching, pathetic, affecting e.2) uplifting: encouragingf. v. uplift a. to raise, to elevateg. b. to raise to spiritual or emotional heights23Unit 2Language Pointssince China resumed sovereignty over his former British colony2Dialogue I1)resume: v.a.To begin or take up again after interruptionb. E.g. We resumed our work after a rest.c.b. To assume, take, or occupy againd. E.g. The dog resumed its post by the door.e. Phrase: resume the thread of ones discourse 言言归正传归正传f.2) sovereignty: n. 1.complete freedom and power to governe.g. the sovereignty of Parliament sovereignty over Spains claim of sovereignty over the territory2. the power that an independent country has to govern itself the defence of our national sovereignty Phrases: absolute / nominal / territorial / consumer sovereignty 24Unit 2Language Points Hongkong as a special administrative region that enjoys a high degree of autonomy.3Dialogue I1) special administrative region:administrative: a. v. administer n. administration / adminstrator phrases: administrative units under sbs administration / during the administration of sb.2) autonomy: n. the right of self-governed a. autonomous e.g. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region 25Unit 2Language PointsBesides, everyonell be homeward-bound.4Homewardbound: adj. 驶回本国的驶回本国的, 返航的返航的(指船、飞指船、飞机等机等)1) suffix. -ward(s): toward a specific position or place a. 构成名词和形容词,表示构成名词和形容词,表示“向、向向、向的的” b. 构成名词,表示构成名词,表示“向向的地区的地区”Please list some words: upward, downward, left-ward, right-ward, skyward, landward2) Homeward journey (列车或机车列车或机车)回程运行回程运行 adv. homewards 向家而(行);回家;回国向家而(行);回家;回国 Dialogue I26Unit 2Language PointsTheyll have some kind of personal engagement.51. an agreement between two people to marry, or the period of time they are engagede.g. Their engagement was announced in the paper.break engagement (=finished it) . engagement ring 2. an official arrangement to do something, especially one that is related to your worke.g. official/public/royal etc engagement The princess will continue to carry out royal engagements . 3. INVOLVEMENTe.g. a strategy of engagement and cooperation with China Many students pass without any real engagement in learning. military rules of engagement (=fight)Dialogue I27Unit 2Language Pointswell get catcalls from the audience, or worse!5catcall: n. A harsh or shrill call or whistle expressing derision or disapproval 嘘声嘘声 v. to make voice of harsh or shrill call 发出嘘发出嘘声声 有关有关 cat 的复合词的复合词 cat-and-dog adj. 好争吵的好争吵的, 不和睦的不和睦的, 投机性投机性的的 cat-and-mouse adj. 折磨的折磨的, 虐待的虐待的 cat-sleep n. 有关有关 cat 的谚语的谚语The cat did it. The cat is out of the bag. The cat jumps. The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet.The scalded cat fears cold water.Dialogue I28Unit 2Language PointsNone of us wants the performance to flop. 6to flop:1)To fall or lie down heavily and noisily 猛落猛落2) E.g. He flopped down into a chair.3) He flopped down the shopping bag and ran to help us.4)2) (Informal ) to fail5) E.g. The play flopped.6)n. The get-together was a complete flop and nobody enjoyed it.Dialogue I29Unit 2DialogueI Role-PlayFriday Evening or NotWhats your dream when you are little?Whats your dream when you are in middle school?Whats your dream nowadays?Why your dream change?30Unit 2Practice expressions about making invitations.InvitationsDialogueIIPractice 31Unit 21.How to invite someone to do something with you.2.How to accept an invitation and / or ask for further details.3.How to refuse an invitation but suggest an alternative day or time.4.How to turn down an invitation with an excuse.InvitationsDialogueIIAspects: 32Unit 21.alternative 2. a. n. The choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities.3. E.g. I wanted to go out, but I had no money. I had no alternative to staying at home.4. We have no alternative but to go on.5. There was no other alternative but to fight till the victory.6.b. adj. Allowing or necessitating a choice between two or more things = another 其他的,二者择一的其他的,二者择一的7. E.g. The way was blocked, so we went by an alternative road.8.2. sort out: pick out, tidy (a room, desk)33Unit 2Stunts in the CinemaReadingI1. What does the word “stunt” mean?2.Where did you see most stunts?3. Pleas use some words to describe the activity of “Stunt”.4. Do you want to be a stuntman? Why?5.Enjoy a short film about the “Bicycle stunts”. Broad Questions 34Unit 2ReadingIPicturesStunts in the Cinema35Unit 2Stunts in the CinemaReadingI1.Who are stuntmen and what do they do?2.How are action scenes made in films?3.What has to be done to make stunts look real on the screen?4.What is a “blood” pellet?5.How can an actor crash through a door or window without getting hurt?6.What types of stunts have been forbidden in todays film production?7.What is expected of an all-rounder?Specific Questions 36Unit 2ReadingIVideoStunts in the Cinema37Unit 2Language Pointsstunt, stuntman1Dialogue I1)stunt2) n. A skill displaying unusual strength, skill, or daring3) Phrase: to perform stunt (s)4)Adj. stunted = short 5)n. stuntman38Unit 2Language PointsThey work out their and they mime the fights.2Dialogue I1)work out = figure out2) E.g. He worked out how much he needed to buy that house.3)2) mime4) v. imitate 模仿模仿5) E.g. The man mimed the slaying of an enemy.6) n. a. a kind of performance 笑剧笑剧7) b. a performer 笑剧演员笑剧演员39Unit 2Language Pointsstands near a microphone and punches a leg of lamb3Dialogue I1. to hit someone or something hard with your fist (=closed hand)e.g. He punched me and knocked my teeth out. punch somebody on/in something He punched Jack in the face.2. Make holese.g. The guard punched my ticket and I got on. These bullets can punch a hole through 20 mm steel plate.3. Push buttonse.g. to push a button or key on a machine Just punch the button to select a track.Phrases: punch in (上班)打卡(上班)打卡 punch out (下班)(下班)打卡打卡 punch the sb.s ticket 剪剪(票票)40Unit 2Language Pointssomeone has to fall off a horse or tumble down a staircase.4Dialogue I vi. 1) to fall or roll, to drop, to collapse 跌倒跌倒, 摔摔跤跤, 倒塌倒塌 E.g. tumbled on the ice; The walls came tumbling down. Prices tumbled. 2) to come to a sudden understanding 突然明突然明白白 E.g. I finally tumbled to the reality that I was being cheated. vt. To cause to fall; bring down: 使倒下;使崩使倒下;使崩溃溃 E.g. A scandal tumbled the government. n. An act of tumbling; a fall. 摇摆;跌倒摇摆;跌倒 41Unit 2Language Pointssomeone has to fall off a horse or tumble down a staircase.4Dialogue IPhrases: all in a tumble 混乱到极点混乱到极点 have a slight tumble 轻轻跌了一跤轻轻跌了一跤 take a tumble 美俚美俚突然领悟突然领悟 tumble and toss 乱翻乱滚乱翻乱滚, 遍地打滚遍地打滚 tumble down the sink 美美牛饮牛饮 tumble home in (木工木工)嵌进嵌进; 俚俚上床倒下上床倒下就睡就睡 tumble over 乱扔乱扔; 打翻打翻; 绊倒绊倒; 反复思考反复思考 tumble to 领悟领悟, 明白明白 tumble up 使混乱使混乱; 俚俚起床起床; 42Unit 2Language PointsAir rifles are sometimes loaded with “blood” pellets.1)rifle: n. a kind of firearm2) 2) load with 装载某物装载某物 E.g. to load the tanker with oil to load the table with food to be loaded with worries5Dialogue I43Unit 2Language Pointssome kinds of activities :6Dialogue Itrampolineboxingjudokaratewrestling44Unit 2Language PointsAs the horse galloped the wire was stretched and it tripped the horse and made it fall.1)gallop2) vt. & vi. & n. a. to ride / riding swiftly 飞跑,疾飞跑,疾驰驰3) E.g. The horse galloped round the field. 4) I galloped the horse along the track. 5) b. to finish quickly 匆匆做完匆匆做完6) E.g. He galloped through the work. phrases: at a full gallop 用最大速度跑用最大速度跑, 飞跑飞跑 at a snails gallop 慢吞吞地走慢吞吞地走 go at a gallop 用尽快速度跑去用尽快速度跑去 go for a gallop 骑马跑一阵骑马跑一阵; 去跑去跑 一趟一趟 gallop through / over匆匆匆匆急急忙忙急急忙忙赶完赶完 7Dialogue I45Unit 2Language PointsAs the horse galloped the wire was stretched and it tripped the horse and made it fall. 2) trip vt. / vi. & n. a. to stumble / stumbling 绊倒;摔倒绊倒;摔倒 E.g. I tripped over the box on the floor and fell. b. to make / making mistake 出差错;犯过失出差错;犯过失 E.g. He tripped on that difficult question.7Dialogue I46Unit 2Language PointsTo be an all-rounder, you would have to learn7Dialogue Iall-rounder : n. 万能选手万能选手all-round : adj. 多才多艺的多才多艺的all round : adv. around 周围,四周周围,四周Phrases: all- adj. 多多/全全的的all-day / all-night 全天的,整晚的,全天的,整晚的,all-expense = all-in = all-inclusive 包括一切包括一切(费用费用)的的47Unit 2An invitation noteGuidedWriting 6 June, 2006Dear Mary and John, We have just moved to a suburban district in southwestern Shanghai. Now that everything is more or less orderly again, we are going to have a house-warming party this coming Saturday afternoon, 11 June. We want you to see for yourself that living in the country is not so terrible after all, what with the fresh air, clear sky and, above all, the subway that can take us to the city proper almost in no time. We will have a good time on Saturday, we are sure. Many old friends are coming, too. Give us a ring to say that you are coming. Yours, Jill and Jack48Unit 2City proper proper1. only before noun right, suitable, or correct American Equivalent: decent, real e.g. Everything was in its proper place (=where it should be) . When are you going to settle down and get a proper job ? 2. socially or legally correct and acceptable opposite impropere.g. I dont feel that it would be proper for me to give you that information. It is only right and proper that an independent inquiry should take place.3.only after noun the real or main part of something, not other parts before, after or near to itThe friendly chat which comes before the interview proper is intended to relax the candidate. the city centre proper49Unit 2BEST PICTURE DIRECTINGACTOR IN LEADING ROLEACTRESS IN LEADING ROLEACTOR IN SUPPORTING ROLEACTRESS IN SUPPORTING ROLEWRITING 50Unit 2BEST PICTURE DIRECTINGACTOR IN LEADING ROLEACTRESS IN LEADING ROLEACTOR IN SUPPORTING ROLEACTRESS IN SUPPORTING ROLEWRITING 51Unit 2A Friend in Need is a Friend IndeedInteractionActivities1.Whats the meaning of the sentence “A Friend in need is a friend indeed?”2.Talk about this sentence with your self-experience.52Unit 2ListeningPracticeSpellingDictationADictationBListeningComprehension53Unit 2Spellingprosperousautonomyrehearsalaudiencestuntstretchbulletexplosivescenegallopmicrophonewrestling54Unit 2 The motion picture is a highly complex art form which combines many other arts. The film-maker is a writer using language, a musician using music. He is a painter concerned with composition, light, and colour. He is a sculptor moulding forms in space, a choreographer shaping human movement. With the cinema as the major tool, the film-maker recreates the external world. Using the cameral and putting pieces of film together or separating them in the editing process, the film-marker powerfully controls time and space. A gunfight can become a ballet in slow motion. The act of climbing a short flight of stairs can be extended to seem like an endless journey, and an airplane can be made to cross continents in seconds. In the theatrical film, the film-maker uses these and many other artistic techniques to tell a story. Dictation A55Unit 2Dictation A Not all films are made to tell stories or to be shown in theatres. Film-makers can also use their craft for other purposes than to create a work of art and entertainment. 56Unit 2 An opera is a play with music. The actors sing some of the words instead of speaking them. In grand opera, they sing all the words. The music and singing portray the moods of the story and the feeling of the characters in it. To appreciate an opera, you should go and see one. Listening to opera on the radio or on records does not give much idea of what it is really like. Going to an opera can be very exciting. There is usually a large orchestra, and a chorus of singers as well as the leading singer. The scenery is colorful and the stage lighting often very dramatic. Although parts of an opera are treated in such detail that the action is rather slow. The beauty of the songs compensates for the breaks in the action.Dictation B57Unit 2 However, it is not always easy to appreciate opera. Sometimes the words are in a foreign language, often Italian. Even if the opera is sung in English, it is sometimes difficult to make out the words. It helps if you get to know the story first. The programme always contains an outline of the story, so make sure you buy one at the opera house or theatre and read it before the curtain goes up.Dictation B58Unit 2Listening Comprehension Messages from the MediaA.Radio:B.NewspaperC. C.Television:D.Video-tapes:E. Book:59Unit 2Listening Comprehension Messages from the MediaA.Radio:B.NewspaperC.Television:D. Video-tapes: lecturesE. Book: knowledge 1. a weather forecast 2. the sports news; international news 3. foreign languages lessons 1. advertisements 2. editorials and news 3. current events1. local news and events 2. consumer reports3. foreign language lessons 4. international news60Unit 21. What does the word media mean? Which is the plural form, medium or media?2. Give us many examples of media as you can.3. What do we mean by mass media?4. According to the passage, the author thinks advertisement is very useful in our daily life. True of False.5. Why mass media is so important in modern life?Listening Comprehension61
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