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宫宫 崎崎 骏骏 Gongqijun is a famous Japanese animation director, January 5, 1941 Born in Tokyo. 宫崎骏是日本著名动画片导演宫崎骏是日本著名动画片导演,1941年年1月月5日生于东京日生于东京. Gongqijun is Japans animation industry can be a legend, can be said that without him the cause of Japanese animation will be much the worse. 宫崎骏可以说是日本动画界的一个传奇,可以说没有他宫崎骏可以说是日本动画界的一个传奇,可以说没有他的话日本的动画事业会大大的逊色的话日本的动画事业会大大的逊色。 He is the first animation to rise to the human high thinkers. 他是第一位将动画上升到人文高度的思想者他是第一位将动画上升到人文高度的思想者. .Gongqijun of each work, themes are different, but the dream,environmental protection, life, survival of these people reflect on the message, including integration. 宫崎的每部作品,题材虽然不同,但却将梦想、环保、人生、生存宫崎的每部作品,题材虽然不同,但却将梦想、环保、人生、生存这些令人反思的讯息,融合其中。这些令人反思的讯息,融合其中。1.Laputa: Castle in the Sky 天空之城天空之城 (1986) (box office: 500 million 83 million yen, the number of visitors: 774,271 people) (票房收入:票房收入:5亿亿8300万日元,观众人数:万日元,观众人数:77万万4271人)人)2.My Neighbor TOTORO 龙猫龙猫 (1988) 票房收入:票房收入:5亿亿8800万日元,观众人数:万日元,观众人数:80万万1680人)人). 3Kikis Delivery Service 魔女宅急便魔女宅急便 1989 票房收入:票房收入:21亿亿7000万日元,观众人数:万日元,观众人数:264万万619人人4. Porco Rosso 红猪红猪 (1992) 5.Princess Mononoke 幽灵公主幽灵公主(1997)6Spirited Away 千与千寻千与千寻(2001) 7.Howls Moving Castle 哈尔的移动城堡哈尔的移动城堡8Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea 崖上的金鱼姬崖上的金鱼姬(2008)He produced some of the great classics of Japanese TV animation. 他曾制作了多部日本电视动画的经典巨作他曾制作了多部日本电视动画的经典巨作这是宫崎骏鼎盛时期的作品。一天晚上这是宫崎骏鼎盛时期的作品。一天晚上,小男孩看见一名少女从天而降,而从,小男孩看见一名少女从天而降,而从他接住她的那一刻起,他们的冒险开始他接住她的那一刻起,他们的冒险开始了。他们遇到了海盗,军队和政府的秘了。他们遇到了海盗,军队和政府的秘密特工,这些人的目的就是天空之中的密特工,这些人的目的就是天空之中的城堡城堡LaputaLaputa。Laputa: Castle in the Sky (1986) 天空之城天空之城 This is one of the most beloved Hayao Gongqijun films of all times. One night, a young boy sees a girl floating down from the sky. From the moment he catches her, their adventure begins. Together they will encounter pirates, the army, and secret officials eye as they all search for Laputa, the Castle in the Sky.In the film we can see, hes thinking is divided into two levels: At the first level, he thinks that the relationship between civilization and nature, just as same as the relationship between trees and soil. If the soil is not rooted in the earth, even tall trees can not survive. 我们可以看出,在本片中,宫崎骏的思考是我们可以看出,在本片中,宫崎骏的思考是分为两个层次的:在第一个层次中,宫崎骏分为两个层次的:在第一个层次中,宫崎骏认为文明与自然的关系,就如同树木与泥土认为文明与自然的关系,就如同树木与泥土的关系一样。如果不植根于大地的泥土,即的关系一样。如果不植根于大地的泥土,即使是参天大树也无法存活。使是参天大树也无法存活。In the second level, he think that the vitality of civilization will be given by naturally , then the vitality will be destroyed by greed until the complete destruction of civilization .在第二个层次中,宫崎骏认为如果说自然会在第二个层次中,宫崎骏认为如果说自然会赐予文明以生命力的话,那么贪欲则会夺取赐予文明以生命力的话,那么贪欲则会夺取文明的生命力直至彻底毁灭文明。文明的生命力直至彻底毁灭文明。【Gongqijun quotes 】 【宫崎骏语录宫崎骏语录】Even in the hatred and killing, there are still some things worthy of people in the live.即使是在憎恨和杀戮中即使是在憎恨和杀戮中, ,仍然有些东西值得人们为之活下去仍然有些东西值得人们为之活下去A beautiful encounter, or to the existence of beautiful things.一次美丽的相遇,或是为了美丽事物的存在。一次美丽的相遇,或是为了美丽事物的存在。We depict hatred, are more important things to describe.我们描绘憎恨,是为了描写更重要的东西。我们描绘憎恨,是为了描写更重要的东西。We depict a curse, is to describe the joy of liberation.我们描绘诅咒,是为了描写解放后的喜悦。我们描绘诅咒,是为了描写解放后的喜悦。幽灵公主幽灵公主When I decided to become an animator, I determined never copied anyone.当我决定成为一个动画师时,我决心绝对不抄袭任何人当我决定成为一个动画师时,我决心绝对不抄袭任何人。 Thank you
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