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Grammar 12018.03.19目录1Present simple2Present continuous3Past simple4Past continuousPresent Simple 一般现在时句型句型结构构例句例句肯定句v原原 / v + (e) sHe plays tennis.否定句do/does not + v原原She doesnt play tennis.疑问句Do/Does +v原?原?Do you play tennis?We use the present simple1)to talk about regular habits or repeated actions: I get up really early and practise for an hour or so most days. I use the Internet just about every day.Words that describe how often or when are often used(e.g. always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never, every day, every evening, generally, normally). 2) to talk about permanent situations My parents own a restaurant.We used the present perfect, not the present simple, to say how long something has continued: I have worked there since I was 15. (not I work there since I was 15.) 3) to talk about facts or generally accepted truths Students dont generally have much money. If you heat water to 100, it boils.4) to give instructions and directions: You go down to the traffic lights, then you turn left. To start the programme, first you click on the icon on the desktop.5) to tell stories and talk about films, books and plays: In the film, the tea lady falls in love with the Prime Minister.Present Continuous 现在进行时句型句型结构构例句例句肯定句am/is/are + v-ingHes living in Thailand.否定句am/is/are not+ v-ingIm not living in Thailand.疑问句Am/Is/Are + v-ingAre they living in Thailand?We use the present continuous1)to talk about temporary situations: Im studying really hard for my exams. My cousin is living in Thailand at the moment.(=he doesnt normally live there)Words like at the moment, currently, now, this week/month/year are often used. 2) to talk about actions happening at the moment of speaking: Im waiting for my friends.3) to talk about trends or changing situations: The Internet is making it easier for people to stay in touch with each other. The price of petrol is rising dramatically.4) to talk about things that happen more often than expected, often to show envy or to criticise with words like always, constantly, continually, forever. My mums always saying I dont help enough! (complaint) Hes always visiting exciting places! (envy)Activity verb State verbs 动作动词 和 状态动词英语中的动词就其词汇意义来说可分为动作动词(Activity verb)和状态动词(State verb)。动作动词强调主语在做的动作,而状态动词强调主语所处的状态,状态动词通常不用于进行时。例如:The girl is putting on a red coat. 那个女孩正在穿一件红色外套。(穿的动作正在发生,put为动作动词)。We have a second-hand car. 我们有一辆二手车。(have为状态动词)。【动作动词的分类与用法】1. 表示持续动作的动词表示持续动作的动词,如 eat, listen, read, run等。例如:She is listening to the radio. 她在听收音机。2. 表示短暂动作的动词表示短暂动作的动词,如 hit, jump等。这类动词一般用在现在时中,表示现时的一次性动作。表示短暂动作的动词通常不用于进行时态中,如果用于进行时的话,那就表示短暂动作的多次重复。例如:She jumped up into the chair. 她跳起来坐到椅子上。He was jumping up and down to keep warm. 他上下跳动来取暖。 3. 表示转变和移动的动词表示转变和移动的动词,如arrive, change, come, die, go, leave等。这类动词用于一般时和进行时中,往往在意义上略有不同。比如说The train leaves at nine,这是一种现在的习惯性动作,表示火车每天都是9点开车。如果说The train is leaving,则表示即将发生的事态,表示火车马上就要开了。【状态动词的分类与用法】状态动词一般不用于进行时。状态动词可分为四类:1. 动词动词be(是是)和动词和动词have(有有)。例如: The boy is 150 centimeters tall. 这个男孩150厘米高。 不可以说:The boy is being 150 centimeters tall. My husband has several shirts of different colors. 我丈夫有好几件颜色不同的衬衫。 而不可以说:My husband is having several shirts of different colors.2. 含有状态动词含有状态动词be和和have的意义的动词,的意义的动词,如:如:belong to, contain, differ from, matter, own等等。这类状态动词通常都不可以用于进行时。例如: That dictionary belongs to me. 那本字典是属于我的。不能说:That dictionary is belonging to me 3. 表示五官感觉的动词表示五官感觉的动词,如,如 hear, see, feel, taste, smell等。等。例如: The old man doesnt hear very well那位老人听觉不太好。 不能说:The old man isnt hearing very well The meat tastes delicious. 这肉味道真好。但不可以说:The meat is tasting delicious.4. 表示想法或心理的动词表示想法或心理的动词,如,如 agree, assume, believe, consider, disagree, forget, hope, know, expect, imagine, regret, remember, suppose, think, understand等。等。这类动词通常也都不用于进行时。例如: He does not believe in Howards honesty. 他不相信霍华德为人真诚。不能说He is not believing in Howards honesty.5. 表示情感状态的动词表示情感状态的动词,如,如adore, despise, dislike, enjoy, feel, hate, like, love, mind, prefer, wantDo you mind if I ask you a few questions?I love music.6. 表示描述或说明类的动词表示描述或说明类的动词,如:,如:appear, contain, look like, mean, resemble, seem, smell, sound, taste, weigh.You look like your mother. (=a permanent situation, not a temporary one)Notice: Some state verbs can be used in the continuous form when the meaning is temporary. Compare:What are you thinking about?(now)I think you should tell her exactly what happened. (my opinion, so not temporary)Im tasting the sauce to see if it needs any more salt.The sauce tastes delicious.Shes having a great time. (is having = is experiencing, not possession)Students dont generally have much money. (have = possession) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.1. Im busy right now. I (fill in) an application form for a new job. 2. My tutor (see) me for a tutorial every Monday at two oclock.3. John (not/study) very hard at the moment. I (not/think) hell pass his exams.4. What (he/do)? He (try) to fix the television aerial.5. Animals (breathe in) oxygen and () carbon dioxide.6. Be quiet! I (want) to hear the news.7. In my country we (drive) on the right-hand side of the road.8. My friend Joes parents (travel) round the world this summer, and probably wont be lack for a couple of months.9.The college (run) the same course every year.10. The number of wild butterflies (fall) as a result of changes in farming methods.m filling in seesisnt studyingdont thinks he doings tryingbreathe ingive outwantdriveare travellingrunsis fallingFill in the gaps with the verbs in the box in the correct present tense.agree catch up cause have go up know think use We 1 energy for three main things: electricity production, heating and transport. For the first two, we 2 options such as solar and wind power, and natural gas. But oil is still the worlds number one source of energy, and for transport at least, there is currently no alternative. In China, domestic energy consumption3 year by year and demand in similar regions 4 fast.We 5 how to use energy more efficiently now than in the past but the worldwide rise in demand 6 concern amongst experts. Some experts 7 that oil supplies will start to fall within the next twenty years. Most experts 8 that we need to find a new source of energy soon. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the box in the correct present tense.agree catch up cause have go up know think use We 1 use energy for three main things: electricity production, heating and transport. For the first two, we 2 have options such as solar and wind power, and natural gas. But oil is still the worlds number one source of energy, and for transport at least, there is currently no alternative. In China, domestic energy consumption3 is going up year by year and demand in similar regions 4 is catching up fast.We 5 know how to use energy more efficiently now than in the past but the worldwide rise in demand 6 is causing concern amongst experts. Some experts 7 think that oil supplies will start to fall within the next twenty years. Most experts 8 agree that we need to find a new source of energy soon. 扩展:扩展:catch 抓住,捕捉 catch the ballcatch up 赶上,主要是指“赶上汽车、火车等交通工具”或“赶上看节目” 聊天叙旧 e.g. Lets go grab some coffee and catch up for a while.catch up with (介词短语,with不可以省略,+ sb/sth) 赶上某人 e.g. I will catch up with you again in a few minutes. 几分钟后我会再次赶上你。补上工作 e.g. Can I catch up with the materials or it is too late? 我能对材料做下补充吗?或者是不是太晚了?catch up on事后得到关于的消息 e.g. He loves to catch up on the news after a trip abroad.赶完,补上 sleep 补觉 the bills 付清账单 work 赶工作 study 补课,补习Past Simple 一般过去时句型句型结构构例句例句肯定句v过去式去式+ -d/-edHe worked for the police.否定句did not + v原原She didnt work for the police.疑问句Did +v原?原?Did they work for the police?We use the past simple1)to talk about single past completed actions. Often the time is mentioned: A few weeks ago, a woman called to report a robbery at her house.2) to give a series of actions in the order that they happened: The burglar came in through the front door, picked up the womans handbag, emptied it out and stole her purse. 3) to talk about past repeated actions: When his son got older, he often went out to visit his friends after school.4) to talk about long-term situations in the past which are no longer true: Bill Murphy worked for the police force for over 17 years. Used to would 用法用法句型句型结构构例句例句肯定句 used to/would + v原原She used to/would lock the door.否定句 did not +use to + v原原 She didnt work for the police.疑问句 Did use to +v原?原? Did they use to lock the door?We use used to + v原原 or would + v原原 to talk about past repeated actions:She used to keep the front door locked. (but she stopped doing this)She would leave the door unlocked whenever she was at home.1)We use used to talk about permanent situations that are usually no longer true: Bill Murphy used to work for the police force.2) We dont use used to if we want to talk about how long the situations lasted: Bill Murphy worked for the police force for over 17 years.注意:注意:We dont use would with state verb. Past Continuous 过去进行时句型句型结构构例句例句肯定句was/were + v-ingShe was watching the news.否定句was/were not + v-ingThey werent watching the news.疑问句was/were . + v-ing?Were you watching the news?We use the past continuous1) to provide the background scene to an action or event (usually in the past simple). We often use words like when, while and as:It happened at five in the afternoon while she was watching the news on TV.He was doing his homework in his bedroom when the burglar came into the house. It is possible to have more than one background scene happening at the same time:He was listening to music and working on his computer.2) when we want to emphasize the activity without focusing on its completion. Compare:For a while last year I was working at the cinema, studying for my degree and uniting a column for the local newspaper, (we dont know if the actions were completed or not, or whether they happened at the same time)Last year I worked at the cinema, studied for my degree and wrote a column for the local newspaper, (suggests all of the jobs are now complete, and probably happened in that order) THANK YOU
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