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Getting the “scoop”Getting the “scoop” 抢发独家新闻抢发独家新闻抢发独家新闻抢发独家新闻 Do you want to get some information every day? How can you get the information? We can get information by watching TV, listening to radio, surfing the Internet, reading magazines and newspapers etc. Among these media, newspaper is one of the oldest. Read the text and try to get the main idea of it. The passage tells us the process of writing and printing for a newspaper article. Answer the following questions:1.What was Zhou Yangs first task?2. His first task was to write his story.2. How many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into film negative? Who were they? What did they do? Before it was ready to be processed into film negative, an editor from his department, the copy-editor, the native speaker, the chief editor and the news desk editor read his article.senior editor from his department:The copy- editor:The native speaker:The chief editor:The news desk editor:check the evidence, read the article and pass it on to the copy editoredit the piece and design the main headline and smaller headingpolish the styleread the article and approved itwork on all the stories and photos until all the pages were set Work out the writing and printing process of an article. And complete the chart in Ex1 on page 30. 1. You go to an interview to get the information for your story.2. You do some research to see if the story is true or not.3. You begin to write the story using notes from the interview.4. You give the article to a senior editor to check and a copy-editor to do editing.5. The article is given to a native speaker to check the use of English and improve the style.6. The article is checked /approved by the chief editor. 7. All the stories and photos are set and the color negatives for the printing are made ready.8. The first edition of the newspaper is printed. Language Points1.独家新闻独家新闻 scoop2.in this edition editor n. 编辑 edit v.编辑, 剪辑3.ahead of 4.interview a famous film star have an interview with sb give an interview 接受采访 interviewer5.国际新闻编辑部 the International News Department6.着手开始工作 set to work set to : begin doing sth7.直接指责他 accuse him directly 控告他谋杀 accuse him of murder He was accused of murder.8.精确而且简明扼要 be accurate and concise9.在电脑前坐下 sit down at the computer10.他比我大两岁。他比我大两岁。 He is two years senior to me. ( He is senior to me by two years.)11.核查证据 check the evidence12.把传、交、给某人 pass sth on to sb 把文章递给技术编辑 pass the article on to the copy-editor13.主标题主标题 the main headline 副标题副标题 the smaller heading14.被报社雇佣的母语为英语的雇员 a native speaker of English employed by the newspaper employ sb : take sb on employ your spare time ( make use of)15.给文章润色 polish an article 用布把家具用布把家具/鞋擦亮鞋擦亮 polish ( up ) furniture/shoes with a cloth16.对感到满意 be happy with / be pleased with be satisfied with / be content with17.头版新闻头版新闻 a front page article18.最后 last of all19.主编主编 chief editor20.清楚无误地了解 get sth straight / right get our facts straight21.新闻文字编辑 the news desk editor22.work on He is working on a new novel. work hard at my studies work out 23.All the pages were set. 确定,安排 set a date for the meeting24.被加工处理制成胶片 be processed into film negatives
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