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第一课时第一课时主讲:田秀芹主讲:田秀芹四年级上册2012年新编PEP教材复习单词看图回答新词学习听听做做小 结听音找词听力练习国外的教室Whats in the picture?eraserpenpencilcrayonrulerLets learnclassroomdoorLets learnOpen the door.openthe door the bookthe pencil-casethe bag the windowclean the windowblackboardclean the blackboardpictureput up the picturelightturn on the lightLets do Whats in the classroom? Whats in the classroom? Hello! Im Zoom. Welcome to my classroom. In my classroom you can see_ , _ ,_ , _ , _ , _ and _ .Listen and writeatwosixtentwentyfoureight小小 句型:句型: Whats in the classroom? One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs .单词:单词: window door picture blackboard light 结结看一看外国学校的教室.个单词各抄写行并默写遍个单词各抄写行并默写遍.读背第一页和第二页对话,并说读背第一页和第二页对话,并说 给爸爸妈妈听给爸爸妈妈听
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