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1Unit 1 Its more than 2,000 years old.The Pyramids of Egypt 埃及金字塔埃及金字塔Seven Wonders of the World The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus土耳其的摩索拉斯王陵墓土耳其的摩索拉斯王陵墓The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 土耳其以弗所的亚底米神庙土耳其以弗所的亚底米神庙The Hanging Gardens of Babylon 巴比伦空中花园巴比伦空中花园The Colossus of Rhodes 地中海的罗得岛太阳神铜像地中海的罗得岛太阳神铜像The Statue of Zeus (Jupiter) at Olympia 希腊奥林匹亚的宙斯神像希腊奥林匹亚的宙斯神像The Lighthouse of Alexandria 埃及的亚历山大灯塔埃及的亚历山大灯塔More Wondersthe Great Wall, China中国万里长城中国万里长城秦始皇陵兵马俑秦始皇陵兵马俑The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses 印度泰姬陵印度泰姬陵The Taj Mahal, India约旦佩特拉古城约旦佩特拉古城Petra, Jordanwonder奇观奇观;奇迹奇迹 n./wnd/natural大自然的大自然的 adj./ ntrl/ mnmeid/discussion讨论讨论;商讨商讨 n./dskn/man-made人造的人造的 adj.Words and expressionseastern在东边的;在东边的;来自东边的来自东边的 adj./i:stn/electricity电电 n./laud/loud(声音)响亮声音)响亮 adj./lektrsti/虽然;尽管虽然;尽管 conj.throughopinion看法;主看法;主张张 n./pnjn/in ones opinion按某人的意按某人的意见见; 据某人看据某人看来来/wow哇,呀哇,呀(用于表示惊用于表示惊讶或赞叹讶或赞叹) int./wa/ more than超超过过 millions of大量的,无数的大量的,无数的natural 自然的自然的man-made 人造的人造的wonder 奇迹奇迹discussion 讨论讨论 After hours of discussion, the committee let through his report.经过数小时的讨论之后,委员会通过了他的经过数小时的讨论之后,委员会通过了他的报告。报告。eastern 东边的东边的 loud 大声的大声的 electricity 电电in ones opinionIn my opinion, he is a good father.在我看来他是个好爸爸。在我看来他是个好爸爸。millions ofMillions of apples are sold in the market.超市里出售大量的苹果。超市里出售大量的苹果。a) The Terracotta Armyb) The Three Gorges Damc) The Giants Causewayd) The Victoria Falls1.Match the names of the wonders with the pictures on the right and on the next page.42132. Look at the pictures and answer the question Use the words in the box to help you.1.Which two are natural wonders? ancientman-made modernnatural wonder13Now listen and check.4. Which is a modern wonder?2. Which two are man-made wonders?3. Which is an ancient wonder?24423. Listen and read.Tony: Lets call Wonders of the World and join in the discussion. I think natural wonders are more interesting than man-made ones. And I think the Giants Causeway is the most fantastic natural wonder.Lingling: Hm, Ive never seen it, so Im not sure I agree with you. Why do you like it, Tony?Tony: Well, I visited the Giants Causeway two years ago. Its huge. Therere about 40,000 rocks, most of them with six sides. It runs for several hundred metres on the eastern coast of Northern Ireland.Jingling: That sounds great, though I think the Victoria Falls in Africa is even more fantastic. Its about 1,700 metres wide and 100 metres high. You can hear the loud noise a few kilometres away. Betty: Wow, thats huge! But in my opinion, man-made wonders are more exciting than natural ones. Look at the Terracotta Army. Its more than 2,000 years old.Daming: I agree with you, Betty. And I think the Three Gorges Dam is fantastic too. Its about 2,300 metres long, 185 metres high and 15 metres wide at the top. It produces electricity for millions of people in China.Betty: Now whod like to call first?Now check () the true sentences.1. Tony thinks the Giants Causeway is the largest natural wonder.2. Lingling thinks the Victoria Falls are more fantastic than the Giants Causeway.3. Betty and Daming are more interested in man-made wonders.4. For Daming, the Three Gorges Dam is more fantastic than the Terracotta Army.1. Lets call Wonders of the World and join in the discussion. 我们给我们给世界奇观世界奇观节目打电话,加入讨论节目打电话,加入讨论吧。吧。 (1).wonder n. 奇迹奇迹 The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders of the new world. 长城是新世界七大奇观之一。长城是新世界七大奇观之一。vi. & vt. 1). 觉得奇怪;惊奇觉得奇怪;惊奇 = be surprised I wonder that each man speaks a different language in England. 我感到十分惊奇在英国每个人都说着一种不同我感到十分惊奇在英国每个人都说着一种不同的语言。的语言。I wonder at her beauty. 我对她的美丽感到奇怪。我对她的美丽感到奇怪。 wonder at sth wonder that + 从句从句 2). 想知道想知道 = want to knowI wonder who he is, where he came from and why he came.我很想知道他是谁我很想知道他是谁, 从哪里来从哪里来, 来干什么。来干什么。 wonder + 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 想知道想知道I wonder what hes doing now.我想他此刻在做些什么呢?我想他此刻在做些什么呢? join in 的意思是的意思是“参加某种活动,加入到参加某种活动,加入到”。 例如:例如:We all joined in the game. 我们都参与了游戏。我们都参与了游戏。(2). call1).作动词时译为作动词时译为 叫,喊;叫,喊;称(某人称(某人)为为,取名,取名;给给打电话打电话 Call a doctor at once. (叫叫) 立刻叫个医生来。立刻叫个医生来。 His friends call him Bob. (称称) 他的朋友们叫他鲍勃他的朋友们叫他鲍勃 I called him this morning. (给给打电话打电话) 我今天早上给他打了电话。我今天早上给他打了电话。2).作名词时译为作名词时译为 呼声;叫声呼声;叫声;访问;电话,通话;访问;电话,通话 We heard a call for help last night. 昨晚我们听到呼救声。昨晚我们听到呼救声。He made several calls during the day.他在那一天中拜访了好几个人。他在那一天中拜访了好几个人。Ive just had a call from Tom.刚刚接到汤姆打来的电话。刚刚接到汤姆打来的电话。( (呼声呼声) )( (访问访问) )( (电话电话) )2. ancient adj. 远古的;古代的远古的;古代的 = very old an ancient civilization 古代文明古代文明 He is studying ancient history in the university. 他在大学研究古代历史。他在大学研究古代历史。 ancient 常用来修饰常用来修饰物物 old 可以用来修饰可以用来修饰人人、动物动物和和事物事物 adj. 自古以来的,古老的自古以来的,古老的 an ancient custom 古老的习惯古老的习惯 3. And I think the Giants Causeway is the most fantastic natural wonder. 我认为巨人之路是最神奇的自然奇观。我认为巨人之路是最神奇的自然奇观。 巨人之路巨人之路(Giants Causeway)位于英位于英国北爱尔兰安特里姆郡北部海岸,由大量国北爱尔兰安特里姆郡北部海岸,由大量多边形石柱组成,绵延数百米,呈阶梯状多边形石柱组成,绵延数百米,呈阶梯状延伸入海。延伸入海。1986 年,巨人之路及其海岸年,巨人之路及其海岸(Giants Causeway and Causeway Coast)被联合国教科文组织列入世界自被联合国教科文组织列入世界自然遗产名录。然遗产名录。4. That sounds great, though I think the Victoria Falls in Africa are even more fantastic. 它(巨人之路)很神奇,但我认为非洲的它(巨人之路)很神奇,但我认为非洲的维多利亚瀑布更壮观。维多利亚瀑布更壮观。 维多利亚瀑布维多利亚瀑布(Victoria Falls)位于非洲位于非洲赞比西河中游、赞比亚与津巴布韦接壤处赞比西河中游、赞比亚与津巴布韦接壤处,是是世界上最壮观的瀑布之一。瀑布上的水雾形世界上最壮观的瀑布之一。瀑布上的水雾形成的彩虹景色十分迷人,瀑布的声响可在数成的彩虹景色十分迷人,瀑布的声响可在数公里外听到。因此,当地人称之为公里外听到。因此,当地人称之为“莫西奥莫西奥图尼亚图尼亚”,意为,意为“霹雳之雾霹雳之雾”。Though conj. 虽然,尽管虽然,尽管Though he has the least experience, hes the best teacher.他虽然经验少,却是最出色的老师。他虽然经验少,却是最出色的老师。辨析:辨析:though 与与although1).用作连词用作连词意为意为“虽然虽然”,两者大致相同,可换用,只是,两者大致相同,可换用,只是although比比though更为正式更为正式Though (Although) it was raining, we went there.虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那儿虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那儿Though (Although) it was barely four oclock,the lights were already on.尽管才四点钟,灯已经亮了。尽管才四点钟,灯已经亮了。2).用作副词用作副词although 一般不用作副词,而一般不用作副词,而though可用作可用作副词,且一般放在句末副词,且一般放在句末(不不放在句首)放在句首) “可是;不过可是;不过” Its hard work; I enjoy it though. 工作很辛苦,可是我乐意干。工作很辛苦,可是我乐意干。 He is looking fit, though. 但他看起来很健康。但他看起来很健康。3).用于习语用于习语在在as though (好像,仿佛),好像,仿佛),even though (即即使,纵然使,纵然)等固定短语中不能用等固定短语中不能用although.She closed her eyes as though she was tired. 她闭上眼,仿佛很疲劳她闭上眼,仿佛很疲劳似似的。的。He is an honest man, I must say, even though I have opposed him.尽管我反对过他,我还得说他是一个诚实的人。尽管我反对过他,我还得说他是一个诚实的人。4).用于倒装用于倒装Though引导的部分让步状语从句可用部分倒引导的部分让步状语从句可用部分倒桩的形式桩的形式(注意注意:倒装后位于句首的名词之前不倒装后位于句首的名词之前不用冠词用冠词),但,但although一般不这样用。一般不这样用。Poor though I am, I can afford it.我虽然穷,我虽然穷,但这东西还是买得起的。但这东西还是买得起的。5. But in my opinion, man-made wonders are more exciting than natural ones. 但是但是, 在我看来在我看来, 人造奇观比自然奇观更激动人造奇观比自然奇观更激动人心人心。 本句中本句中natural ones 与与 man-made wonders 相对应相对应 ones 代替前面提到的代替前面提到的wonders。 in ones opinion 表示表示“按某人的意见按某人的意见;据某据某人看来人看来”。Who, in your opinion, is the best football player in the world today?在你看来,谁是当在你看来,谁是当今世界上最好的足今世界上最好的足 球运动员?球运动员?4. Answer the questions.1. Where is the Giants Causeway?Giants Causeway is on the eastern coast of Northern Ireland.Theyre about1,700 metres wide.2. How wide are the Victoria Falls?4. How old is the Terracotta Army?3. What wonders does Betty think are more exciting?Man-made wonders are more exciting than natural ones.Its mote than 2,000 years old.5. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.1.In my_ , natural wonders are more interesting than man-made ones.2. The Victoria Falls, about 1,700 metres wide and 100 metres high, are_.opinion hugediscussion, eastern, huge, opinion ,though3. Lets join in the_ about the wonders of the world.4. I think the Giants Causeway on the_ coast of Northern Ireland is a fantastic natural wonder. 5. To some degree, Lingling agrees with Tony about the Giants Causeway, _she thinks the Victoria Falls are more fantasticdiscussioneasternthough6. Listen and mark the pauses.1.Ive never seen it, so Im not sure I agree with you.2. That sounds great, though I think the Victoria Falls in Africa are even more fantastic.3. In my opinion, man-made wonders are more exciting than natural ones.7. Work in pairs. Make a list of wonders of the world. Say which one you would like to visit and why.Which wonder of the world would you like to visit?Id like to visit the Giants Causeway because I love wild places by the sea.一一.单词拼写,每空限一词单词拼写,每空限一词1.The Great Wall is one of the _ (奇迹奇迹) of the world.2. I dont think this building is _(古老的古老的) than that one.3. The _ (高度高度) of the building is 10 metres. 4.The sun _ (升起升起) in the east every day.5. _ (自然的自然的) means something is not made by people.wondersmore ancientheightrisesNaturalExercises二二. 句型转换,每空限一词句型转换,每空限一词1. Tony watched TV yesterday evening. (用用at nine yesterday evening改写句子改写句子) Tony _ _ TV at nine yesterday evening. 2. Please tell us what we are going to have for dinner. (同义句转换同义句转换) Please tell us what _ _ for dinner.wastohavewatching3. Tom likes playing basketball. Li Lei likes playing basketball, too. (连成一个句子连成一个句子) _ Tom and Li Lei _ playing basketball.4. Few of them were interested in the old story. (改为反意疑问句改为反意疑问句) Few of them were interested in the old story, _ _?5. Where does she live? Can you tell me? (连成连成一个句子一个句子) Can you tell me _ she _?wherelivesweretheyBothlike三三.单项选择单项选择 ( ) 1. Lets give our teacher a present for Teachers Day. A. Thats a fantastic idea B. Anyone else? C. Thats news to me! D. Whats it about? ( ) 2. _a Chinese athlete, Liu Xiang is looking forward the 2008 Olympic Games. A. For; at B. As; to C. With; for D. Of; to AB( ) 3. Fifty kilometers is not a long _ for people who have a car. A. length B. distance C. height D. weight( ) 4. Our geography teacher told us the sun_ in the east. A. gets B. rises C. faces D. lifts BBHomework Finish the exercises in the workbook
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