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高三英语Unitsl-16重点单词及词组Unit 1 That must be a record!一、本单元重难点单词及词组1. conclude推断 ( 结 论 ) ,缔结达成( 协定) ;结束;终止( 1) What can you conclude from the facts?从这些事实中你能得出什么结论呢?(conclude. from.)(2) He concluded that the theory was right at last.他最后得出结论这个理论是正确的。(conclude that.)相当于:It was concluded that the theory wasright at last.结论是. . .(3) He concluded by wishing everybody a happynew year.他讲话结束时, 祝大家新年愉快。( concludeby.)(4) The programme conclude with the nationalsong.节目以国歌结尾。( ended w油)派生词:conclusion n .结论相关搭配:draw ,cometo haconckisuNirach2 . 比较:hire/employ/rent( 1) hire:租用(pay money to borrow sth)egChnacamaax c to lh e s主要搭配: hire sth out to sb .把. . . 租给hire sth from sb .从. . . 租用雇佣,相当于employ,后接s b ,反义词为fire ( 解雇)The company hired 200 workers last year.这家公司去年雇佣了 200个工人。(2) employ:雇佣The factory employs 2,000 people worldwide.这家工厂在全世界雇佣了 2,000名员工。使用,运用They emDloyed this teaching method in theclassroom.他们在课常上运用了这一教学方法。(used)be employed in doing sth.忙于做某事Her days are employed in gardening.她的时间全花在搞园艺上。(3) rent:租用( 常指土地,房屋,机器等)常用搭配: rent sth out to sb .把. . . 租给. . .rent sth from sb .从. . . 租来. . .例如:The landlady rent her rooms out to thestudents.女房东把她的房子租给学生。相当于:The students rent the rooms from thelandlady.3. fade的用法使褪色( . & vi)The sun faded the curtain.太阳把窗帘晒得变了色。 (vr)相当于:The curtain faded in the sun. (vz) ( 使 ) 凋 谢 ,逐渐消失The flowers had faded.花早已经凋谢了。 (vZ)The sounds of the cars faded away in thedistance.车的声音消失在远处。(fade away)Her smile faded.她的笑容渐渐消失了。( 光线等) 变弱,变暗The lights of the room fhdes as it gets darker anddarker.室内的光线随着天慢慢黑下来而逐渐变弱。4. account叙述;账目,账户I bought the car on account.我赊账买了这辆车。 ( on account赊账)We couldnt go on account of the rain.因为下雨我们不能去。(on account of =because of因为)We must take local conditions into account.我们必须把当地的条件考虑进去。(take sth intoaccount把. . . 考虑在内)相当于: We must take account of local conditions(take account of 考虑到)No one could account foi the disappearance of themoney.谁也说不清楚这些钱丢失的原因。 (account for解释,说明)Smokers account fbr 20 percent of the wholepopulation in the world.烟民占世界总人口的20%。 (account fb r占. . . )5. confirms.证实, 确定, 确认, 批准The research has confirmed that the risk is higherfbr women.研究证实,这种风险对女性要大一些。 (proved)Can you confirm the dates we discussed?你能确认我们讨论的日期吗? ( make sure of)The king confirmed me in my possession of theland.国王批准我拥有这块土地。 ( 批准)相关习语:a confinned habit 积习a confirmed disease 痼疾6. burst vi爆炸;爆 破 ( break open)过去式,过去分词分别为 burst, burst.The balloon burst suddenly.汽球突然爆炸了。It was so cold yesterday that many water pipesfroze and burst.昨天太冷了,许多水管都冻裂了。突然发作( 一般指突然发出某种声音,出现某种现象等)burst into tears 突然哭起来=burst out cryingburst into laughter 突然笑起来=burst outlaughingburst into cheers 突然欢呼起来burst into applause 突然鼓起掌来burst into song 突然唱起歌来burst into bloom 开花burst into view / s ig h t景象/奇观突然出现burst into the room 突然闯入房间7. delight优使高兴, 使欣喜The news delighted the children.这消息使孩子们欣喜。(sth delight sb)相当 于:The children were delighted at the news.(be delighted a t.因. . .而高兴)I will be very delighted to teach you a song.我将会非常高兴地教你一首歌。( be delighted todo sth)I am very delighted that you are all here on time.我很高兴你们都按时来了。(be delighted that.)I have read your letter with delight.我高兴地读了你的信。( with delight)He takes great delight in teaching his students.他以教他的学生为乐。 ( take great delight in sth/doing sth.以做. . . 为乐)8. set down写 卜,t己 b (write down, put down)Set down what you saw at that time.记下你当时所看到的一切。( 司机等) 让乘客下车(let.get off the bus.)Passenger should be set down and picked up atofficial stops.乘客应该在规定的站点上下车。规定,制 定 (give sth a rule)The standards were set down by the governingbody.这些标准是由管理机构制定的。9. bid切 . & 成( bid, bid)( 拍卖时) 喊价;投标主要搭配:bid (sb) money for sth .为了某物出价They bid me 100 pounds for the Chinese Vase.为了这个中国花瓶他们向我出价100英镑。bid fo r投标争取Three firms bid fbr the contract on the newIfs time for you to settle your dispute with him.building.现在该是你解决与他的争端的时候了。三家公司投标争取承包新楼工程。(bid fo r投标争取)回忆settle的相关用法:China once bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, andwe won at last.定居,安家落户The old couple decided to settle in America at中国一度竞争举办2008年奥运会,最后我们中标了。 ( 胜利了)last.这对老夫妇最后决定在美国定居。b id 还可以用作名词。在某处停歇或停留Chinas bid for the 2008 Olympic Games is a greatfeat in Chinese history. (n.)The bird settled on a branch中国对2008年奥运会的申办在中国历史上是一项伟大的创举。那只鸟落在树枝上。The dust had settled over everything.二、本单元重难点句子到处是灰尘。1. In 1951, the then director of the GuinnessBrewery, Sir Hugh Beaver, wanted to settle anargument about the fastest bird in Europe.使平静/镇静Wait until all the excitement has settled.1951年,当时任吉尼斯啤酒公司董事长的休 比弗爵士想要解决一场关于什么鸟是欧洲飞得最快的鸟的争论。等到激动情绪平静下来再说。2. Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the( 1) the then director,中的then在这里作定语,意为“ 当时的,那时的工例如:story of Armstrongs struggle against disease.虽然这次记录令人难忘,但是它还是逊色于阿姆The then president of America was Bill Clinton.斯特朗与疾病抗争的故事。当时的美国总统是克林顿。Impressive as the record is ,是一个特殊句式。as还可用作though oopp present 现任的此句式可换成:Although/Though the record isThe present president of China is Hu Jintao.impressive,.中国现任主席是胡锦涛。注意:(2) settle an argument 意为 解决争端 , settle 在此处作“ 解决,处理” 讲。如:倒装后,不可用although,而用though或 as.只有在倒装句式中as作“ 虽然, 但是” 讲, 但在陈述句中,as没有此义。倒装主要句型结构如下:形容词+as/though+主语+谓语名词+as/though+主语+谓语副词+as/though +主语+谓语动词+as/though+主语/ 谓语 过 去 分 词 +as/though+主语/ 谓语例如: Young as she is, she knows much.虽然她很年轻,但她知道的东西很多。 ( 相当于:Though/ Although she is young, .)Child as he is、he can deal with difficultproblems.尽管他是一个孩子, 但他能处理一些难题。( 注意:child前不可带冠词a .此句相当于:Though/Although he is a child, .)Hard as / though he worked, he didnt pass theexam.虽然他努力学习了, 但还是没有通过考试。( 相当 于:Though / Although he worked hard,.)Surrounded as she was by fans, the singermanaged to get into the car.尽管被影迷们重重包围,那位歌星还是设法上了车。 ( 相当于:Though / Although she wassurrounded by fans, .)3. Skateboards have been around since the 1970s,but they have recently become popular again.从二十世纪七十年代起,滑板运动就开始活跃,但是它们最近又开始流行起来。be around在句中意为“ 在. . .领域或行业中活跃而突出例如:Yao Ming became a new basketball superstar,who could be around fbr the next few years.姚明已经成为一位新的篮球超级明星,以后几年可望大显身手。She has been around as a film star since the1960s.从二十世纪六十年代起,她就一直是个很活跃的电影明星。Unit 2 Crossing limits一、本单元重、难点单词及词组1. evaluate v t .评价;估计;估 值( to form anopinion of the amount, value or quality of sth. afterthinking about it carefully)Our research attempts to evaluate the effectivenessof the different drugs.我们的研究试图对不同药物的疗效进行评估。(evaluate sth)We need to evaluate how well the policy isworking.我们需要对这一政策产生的效果作出评价。(evaluate+wh从句)派生词:evaluation n .评估;评价2. in the name of 以. . . 名义;代 表(doing sth.as sb. elses representative)I claim this land in the name of the king!我代表国王宣布拥有这块土地! ( in the name ofsb.)I arrest you in the name of the law.我以法律的名义逮捕你。( in the name of sth.)I opened an account in the bank in your name, (inones name)我以你的名义在银行开了一个账号。拓展:by name /by the name of /name after /withthe name /of the name of /in the name of(1) by name:名叫;用名字;凭名字He met a man, John by name.彳 也 遇 至U一个名叫约翰的人。I know him only by name.我只知道他的名字。She asked for you by name.她点名要找你。(2) by the name of 也可作 of the name of 名叫. . . . . .例如:a U.S reporter by /of the name of Newton.一个叫牛顿的美国记者(3) with the name 名叫. . .例如:a girl with the name Mary 一个名叫玛丽的女孩(4) name after 以. . . 命名They named the boy after his grandfather.例1 们以祖父的名字为男孩取名。总结:“ 一个名叫汤姆的男孩” 可以有下列几种形式:厂 named/calod 、wShlbenamea boy a time/ date for it.appoint,4. expense”.花费;代 价 ( C & U )Its too much of an expense to own a car.拥有一- 辆汽车的花费太大。CWe went to a lot of expense to provide the safetyequipment, so please take care of it.我们在安全设施上花了很多钱,所以请好好照管。( go to a lot of expense to do sth.花大价钱去做某物)Julies parents had spared no expense for herwedding.朱莉的父母不惜代价为她筹办婚礼。(spare noexpense不遗余力,不惜代价)expense的相关短语:( 1) at ones expense由某人负担费用Bilfs just been on a computing course, all at thecompanys expense.比尔刚开始学习一个电脑课程,费用全部由公司来付。捉弄某人Louis kept making jokes at his w ilsexpense.路易斯不断地捉弄妻子。(2) at the expense of L U ( 损 害 ) . . . 为代价,相当于 at the lost of.High production rates are often achieved at theexpense of quality of work.高产出率常常是以( 牺牲) 产品质量为代价的。He built up a successful business but it was all doneat the expense of his health.他创建的企业很成功,但这一切都损害了他的健康。5. involve vt.( 1 )包 含(include)What will the job involve?这份工作包括什么? ( involve sth.)I didnt realize putting on a play involved somuch work.我没有想到演出一场戏需要做这么多工作。(involve sth.)Every day each of us makes decisions that involvetaking a chance.每天我们每个人作出的决定都包含碰运气的成分。(involve doing sth.)( 2 )涉及,影 响(affect)These changes will involve everyone on thestaff.这些变化将涉及每一位职员。The accident involves a coach and two cars.这个事故涉及到一辆长途汽车和两辆桥车。(3) involve sb. in sth. 要求/ 允许某人参与(ask/allow sb. to take part in sth.)Try to involve as many children as possiblein the game.尽量让多些孩子参与游戏。The USA has so far been extremely unwilling toinvolve itself in the crisis in Bosnia.直到现在,美国仍然极不愿意卷入波斯尼亚的危机中去。(4) be involvedMore than 30 software firms were involved inthe project.30多家软件公司参与了这个项目。拓展:involvement n . 卷入,牵连( 与介词in连用)involvement in the murder 卷入谋杀案6. abandon vt.( 1) 离开; 放弃 (give up because of somethingdangerous /impossible) ( 含有不得已而放弃之意)The heavy snow forced many drivers toabandon their cars.这场大雪使很多司机不得已放弃了他们的车。( 2)遗弃( leave sb. you are responsible fbr with nointention of returning)The baby has been abandoned by its mother.这个婴儿被它的妈妈遗弃了。( 3 ) 不再支持/拥戴(stop supporting /helping/believing in.)The people of the country abandoned theirgovernment.这个国家的人民不再支持政府了。The citizens have abandoned their lender.市民们已经不再拥戴他们的领导了。7. altogether adv.( 1) 总而言之( 相当于in a word)Altogether, it was a great evening.总之,这是一个不错的夜晚。( 2 ) 完全地( 相当于completely)I dont altogether agree with you.我并不完全同意你的话。( 3 ) 总共( 相当于in all)There are 79 students altogether.总共有79个学生了。辨析:altogether /all togetherall together(1 )相当于all in one place,意为“ 全部在同一个地方” 。Can you put your books all together in thisbox?你能把你的书都放进这个箱子吗?Put the plates all together in the sink.把盘子都放在水池子里。( 2 ) 相当于in a group,意为“ 每一个人都. . . ;一起来工Dont say it one by one, all together!不要一个一个地说,一起来!二、本单元重、难点句子分析1. As astronomy was one of the most importantbranches of science, it was the British governmentthat paid fbr all the equipment and expenses for thatpart of the expedition.由于天文学是最主要的科学分支之一,因此天文学部分所有的设备和经费是由英国政府赞助的。(1) as在此处表示原因,意思是“ 因为,由于,既然“ ,用作连词。比较:as /because /since三者都可以用作表示原因。because - , 般置于主句之后, 着重于从句。例如:I dont want to buy the dress because I hateits color.我不想买这条裙子,因为我讨厌它的颜色。as置于句首,也可置于句中,着重于主句 。I decided to send him an e-mail as I forgot hisphone number.由于我忘了他的电话号码,所以我就给他发了一份电子邮件。since可置于句首、句中,通常表示明显的,已知的原因或理由。Since this method doesnt work, Lets tryanother.既然这种方法不行,我们就试用另一种吧!Since you are unable to answer perhaps weshould ask someone else.既然你不能回答,我们就应该问别人了。(2)该句为强调句型, 强调成份为主语the Britishgovernment。 强 调 句 型 it is/was that中,被强调的部分可以是主语、宾语、状语等成分,不可强调谓语。强调的主语为人时,可 用 who或 th a t,其它一律用 thato强调句型的时态( 现在时或过去时) ,依照原句子的时态来确定。强调句型中的It is th a t,不可缩写为Its that” 。强调特殊问句时要注意语序。例如:Who did it yesterday?Who was it that did it yesterday?昨天究竟是谁做的这件事?How did he get the in formation? How was it that he got the information?他究竟是如何得到这个消息的?强调从句时,要注意判断整个句子的结构。He didnt come to school because he was ill. It was because he was ill that he didntcome to school. 强 调 until引导的从句或词组时,要注意主 句 not的否定转移。I didnt go to bed until my mother came backhome. It was not until my mother came backhome 如at 1 went to bed.I didnt realize the importance of E nglishuntil then.强调句型应该注意以下问题:f t was not until then that I realized theimportance of English.2. Banks was the first to move crops from onecontinent to another on a large scale, helping todevelop local economies with new imports.班克斯是第一个大规模把农作物从一个洲运到另一个洲去的人,从而用这种新的进口物资促进了当地经济的发展。( 1) the first to move crops意为 做. .的第一个人“ ,是固定表达。如:Tom is always the first to come and the lastto leave.汤姆总是第一个来,最后一个离开。类似的表达有:the first /second./last person(s) to do sth.做某事的第 一 个 ( 批 ) ,第 二 个 ( 批 ) ,最后 一 个 ( 批 ) 人(2) on a large scale 大规模地,相当于 in largenumbers /groups ( Some countries are preparing for war on alarge scale.有些国家在大规模地准备战争。They moved to America on a large scale.他们大规模地转移到美国。(3) helping to develop local economies with newsimports在句子中作状语,指结果。Her husband died, leaving her with fourchildren.He opened fire, killing oee tiger.他开枪打死了老虎。A terrible flood happened that year, making manypeople homeless.那年发生了一场水灾,使很多人无家可归。The firemen arrived in time, preventing a 打re.消防队员及时赶到,避免了一场火灾。说明:以分词形式出现的短语,一般与主句中的谓语动词的动作几乎同时发生,在功能上有用作结果状语的,也有用作伴随状语的。3. There were even differences between the speciesof the different islands; yet all showed a clearrelationship with those of America, thoughseparated from that continent by about 600 miles.不同岛上的物种竟然也有区别;但是所有的物种都明显地与美洲的物种有关。( 1) yet这是相当于but。with those of America 中的 those 指代前面的the species o( 2)英语中,如下文中需要重复上文的单词,通常用 one, ones, the one, the ones, that, those 等取代。ne指代可数名词单数( 泛指)。the one指代可数名词单数( 特指),也可 用that替 换the one。ones指代可数名词复数( 泛指)。the ones指代可数名词复数( 特指),也可用 those 替换 the ones。她丈夫去世了,给她丢下四个孩子。that指代不可数名词。例如:Taking everything into consideration, its a goodjob.A desk made of wood is much stronger than onemade of paper.The desk made of wood is much stronger thanJtheonel th i J made of paper.Desks made of wood are much stronger than onesmade of paper.The desks made of wood are much stronger thantheories. 也迎 J made of paper.The weather of Wuhan is much hotter in summerthan that of Changchun.武汉的夏天比长春的夏天要热得多。Unit 5 Getting the message一、本单元重难点单词及词组1. consideration 考虑;体贴主要用法:( 1) take sb./sth. into consideration 考虑到某人/某事相 当 于:take sb./ sth. into account例如: We should take everything intoconsideration.我们应该考虑到每个细节。总的来说,这是一个不错的工作。注意:taking.into consideration 作独立成份时,用现在分词短语形式,不考虑句子主语与此词组中take构成的逻辑关系。(2) sth. be under consideration.某事正在考虑之中例如: Your suggestion is under consideration.我们正在考虑你的建议。2. charge n.主要用法:( 1)主管;负责主要搭配:sb. be in charge of sth.某人负责/ 主管某事sth. be in the charge of sb .某事在某人的掌管或负责或支配之下sb. take charge of sth.某人负责某事( 动词词组)例如:Mr Chen is a headteacher, he is in charge ofClass Three.陈老师是个班主任,他负责三班。相当于:Mr. Chen is a headteacher, Class Three isin the charge of him.Mr. Chen is a headteacher, he takes charge of ClassThree.( 2 ) 充电( 气)The battery is on charge. 电池在充电之中。 ( be oncharge)相 当于:The battery is charging. ( v.)(2) sb. be to blame for sth.某人由于某事应受责备/ 谴责( 3 )价钱free of charge (77.)免费主要搭配:charge sb money for sth.由于某事向某人 索 要 多 少 钱(vr.)例如:The old man charged me five yuan forrepairing my shoes.这位老师傅收了我五元的修鞋费用。(vt)The tickets are fi*ee of charge.这些票是免费的。 ( . )( 4 )控告主要搭配:the charge against sb / sth对某人/ 某物的指控( 儿)charge sb with sth.指控某人某事相当于:accusesb of sth (v.)例如: How will you face the charge against you?你将如何面对对你的指控?She charged him with murder.她指控他犯有谋杀罪。( 相当于:She accused himof murder.)3. blame vt.& n .责 备 ,谴责,归咎于主要用法:( 1) blame sb for sth.某人由于某事受到责备/ 谴贝例如: He blamed me for my carelessness.他责备我的疏忽大意。例如:Mr. Smith is not to blamn for the accident.史密斯先生不应该由于这个事故受到谴责。注意:sb be to blame fbr sth.是一主动形式短语来表达被动含义, 相当于:sb should be blamed forsth .因 此( 2 )句可改为:Mr. Smith should not beblamed fbr the accident.sb be to blame fbr sth.不可写为被动式:sbbe to be blamed for sth .因 此( 2 )句不可写为:Mr. Smith is not to be blamed fbr the accident.(3) blame sth. on sb .把. .推到某人身上例如:Dont blame it on him, but on me.别怪他,该怪我。本句相当于:Dont lay/put the blame on him, buton me. (lay/ put the blame on sb.)(4) bear / take /accept / get the blame fbr sth.对某事承担责任例如:I should take the blame for the matter.这件事上,我应该承担责任。本句相当于:I should take the responsibility for thematter.4. annoy 使 烦 恼 ;使恼怒主要用法:派生词:annoy v.annoying adj. (sb/sth that annoys)annoyed adj. (sb/sth that be annoyed)(2) association n .协会,联合,结交,联想annoyance . ( 主要用于 to ones annoyance 令某人烦恼的是)in association with = in operation with 与. . . 合作/ 合伙例如:These mosquitoes are annoying me.拓展:associate .with这些蚊子真使我心烦。(sth annoy sb.)connect. with/to/and. 把连接起来此句子可写为:combine. with/and. 把. . . 联合/ 结合起来These mosquitoes are annoying.relate.to. 把. . .与. . .联系起来这些蚊子是令人心烦的。 (sth be annoying)join.to /with. 把. . .与. . .连接起来I am annoyed with these mosquitoes.6. profit & . 利润;赢利;有益于;有利于我对这些蚊子感到心烦。 ( sb be annoyed with sth.)主要用法:To my annoyance, there are so many mosquitoes( 1)w.C&U利润; 赢利around me.主要搭配:make a profit 或 make profits 版利令我困扰的是,我身边有许多蚊子。make handsome profits 赢利丰厚5. associate vt. & v i.把联合/ 接合起来例如:They make a profit of ten pence on every主要用法:copy they sell.( 1) associate.with.把. . . 与. . .联合起来( V/.)他们每出售一本赢利十便士。(2) sell sth at a profit 获利卖掉某物sth associate with sth. (vi.)例如:They sold their car at a profit.例 如:People always associate summer withholidays.他们出售小车获得了利润。人们往往把夏季和休假联想在一块。(3) A profit B ( 相当于 A benefit B)These words associate with happiness.也可写为:B profit froin/by A ( 相当于:B benefitfroin/by A)这些是与幸福有关的词语。例如:Taking much exercise will pro列 t you.He associates with criminals.多做锻炼将对你有好处。他和罪犯有来往。也可作: You will profit firom taking much exercise.7. appeal vi. & n .有吸引力;呼吁; 上诉主要用法:( 1 ) 有吸引力( 与to连用)主要搭配:A appeal to B ( 相当于 A attract B)例如:The ads on TV always appeal to manypeople.电视里的广告往往吸引很多人The ads on TV are always appealing.电视里的广告往往是吸引人的。 ( 相当于:attractive)( 2 ) 呼吁for sth.主要搭配:appeal to sb I d o 皿 呼吁某人去做某事例如: The Iraqi government appealed for help fromother countries.伊拉克政府呼吁其它国家来援助他们。Many experts appeal to the public to pay attentionto the environmental pollution.很多专家呼吁公众关注环境污染。( 3 ) 上诉例如:If possible, you can appeal to a higher court.如有可能,你可以向上级法院上诉。(4) make an appeal to sb for sth. 向. . . 呼吁/上诉appealing look / voice 求助的目光/ 声音8. make sense( 1) 有意义(to have a clear meaning which is easyto understand)例如:These sentences dont make sense:这些句子意义不清楚。 ( 难以弄懂)(2) 有道理;讲得通(be reasonable)例如:It doesnt make sense why she should dosuch a thing.真想不通她为什么做这么傻的事。( 3 ) 明智的例如:It makes sense to save money while you can.能省则省这是明智的。(4) make sense of sth = understand sth.例 如:Can you make sense of what this writer issaying?你能理解这位作家在说什么吗?二、本单元重难点句子讲解1. The development of radio, television and othermedia has gone hand in hand with the developmentof advertising.广播、电视以及其它媒体与广告业同步发展。(1) go w ith意思是“ 与同行” 。例如:例 go with you. 我要和你一起去。另外, go w ith还可表示“ 与相配” 。例如: Her hat goes well with her dress. 她的帽子和裙子很相配。(2) hand in hand在此句中充当状语, 意思是“ 手拉手地,同步地工主要用法:例如:The couple are often seen walking hand inhand in the evening.人们常在傍晚看到这对夫妻手拉手地散步。Dirt and disease go hand in hand.灰尘与疾病总是形影相随。拓展:hand in hand 手拉手shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩side by side 肩并肩heart to h e a rt心连心;推心置腹地face to face 面对面地arm in arm 臂挽臂地2. On the other hand、critics sometimes accusecompanies of using ads to mislead us by making usbelieve that a certain product is better than it reallyis or that we will be happier if we buy it.另一方面,批评者有时指责公司滥用广告误导我们,让我们相信某种产品比它的实际情况要好,或者购买某种产品会让我们更加愉快。( 1 )on the one hand.on the other hand. 一方面另一方面通常用来说明两个相反的意思或看法。onthe other hand与but和however的意思相近。 可与on the one hand连用,也可以单独使用。例如:On the one hand、he is an able man, but on theother hand he demands too much of people.一方面,他是个能干的人,但另一方面,他对人的要求太多了。I knew this job of mine isnt much but on theother hand I dont feel tired down.我知道我的这个活不太重要,但另 方面,我也没有感到很忙碌。(2) by making us believe. 是 mislead 的方式状语,believe that a certain product is betterthan it really is or that we will be happier if we buythe product.是宾语补足语,两 个that从句并列充当believe的宾语。(3) accuse sb. of doing sth.指 控 ( 指 责 ) 某人. . .相当于 charge sb. with sth.例如: He accused me of neglecting my duty.他指责我玩忽职守。比较:charge sb with sth.指控某人某事The driver was charged with speeding.那个司机被控超速驾驶。They charged him with dishonesty.他们指责他不诚实。3. If we cannot distinguish between fiction and facts,we will be come easy target for ad makers.如果我们不能够分辨真伪,就很容易成为广告商的靶子。distinguish between A and B 意思是“ 辨别 A 和 B”如:Can you distinguish between a tiger and a lion?你能辨别老虎和狮子吗?比较:distinguish A from BI cant distinguish him from his twin brother.我分不清他和他的双胞胎兄弟。The ability to talk distinguishes human beingsfrom lower animals.语言能力把人和其他低等动物区别开来了。归纳:( 1) distinguish between A and B 相当于:tell thedifference between A and B.(2) distinguish A from B 相当于:tell A from BUnit 6 Going west1. I dont lose heart when I fail to do something.lose heart 灰心,丧气 lose onesheart to 爱上lose face 丢脸 loseones temper 发脾气lose ones way 迷路 lose sightof 看不见;忘记,忽略lose ones weight 减轻体重 losetouch (contact) with 和. . .失去联系lose oneself in 迷上,陷入 ( lost in thought陷入沉思)Ex. Fill in the blanks with the proper phrases.( 1 ) 1 watched the plane go higher and higheruntil I of it.( 2 ) Johns careless work made himwith his boss.(3) Bill to the brand new carthe first time he saw it.(4) After Jones moved to the west coast, wehim.(5 ) The doctor suggested Mikeimmediately, otherwise he willget heart disease.( 6 ) Harry would aninteresting book fbr the whole afternoon.2. You are great! keep up the good work.keep u p 保持,维持an eye o n 瞧着点儿,照看keepkeep away (from) 避开,不接近doing s t h .继续做某事keepkeep in mind 记住keepin touch w ith 和. . .保持联系keep off 使避开,使不要keepout 使进不去,抵挡keep up w ith 跟上,了解( 最新发展)Ex. Complete the sentences with the properphrases( 1) Put on the coat. It can thecold outside.(2) on the stove in case thecoffee boils.(3) The only way to get your weight down isall the fattening foods.(4) Julie is one of those women who alwaysthe latest fashion.(5) The hurricane for several daysand left a terrible destruction across the area.(6) Teenagers should tobaccoand alcohol.(7 ) You have to be home by 11 oclock,that, Bob.3. This account of the wonderful land beyond theRocky Mountains gave him the idea to move there.beyond有以下几种意思:a) on or to the other side of 在. .的另一边b) later than ( 时间) 超过( 通常用于否定句)c) much more than, outside the limits of 程度超出,为 所不及d) besides, except 除. . . 以外e) beyond sb.=impossible fbr sb. to understandEx. Choose Ihe exact meaning of the followingsentences.He is such a naughty boy and is beyond mycontrol. ( )Why she wants to go and live there is beyond me.( )I cant see anything beyond the river because ofthe fbg. ( )Dont stay out beyond 10 oclock at night.( )I didnt notice anything beyond his accent.( )4. You are doing fine. You will do better if you takeit easy.take it e a s y 别紧张,放松 takea chance/risk碰碰运气,冒. . .风险take a seat 坐下take a step/measure 采取行动或措施take an interest in 对. . .感兴趣take a deep/long breath 深吸口气take action (on) ( 对. . .)采取行动take one飞place 代替某人的工作take advantage of 利用take into consideration 加以考虑take notice of 注意take for g ran ted认为是理所当然的take charge (of) 负责,接管take e ffe c t起作用,生效Ex. Choose the best phrases to fill in the blanks( 1 ) The salesman andstarted his talk.(2) Rock-climbing is an activity in which moreand more young people are.( 3 ) Jean always the lunchhour to finish her homework.(4) I dont think I will get the job but I amwilling to and ask fbr it.(5) He will in the footballtime because I shall be absent.(6) The two boys were talking together in theback of the room but the teacher_ them.( 7 ) Bob is a natural leader, and canin any emergency.( 8 ) It is terrible that some childrenall that their parents do fbrthem.(9) I had been working so hard for severalweeks, that I decided to and relaxover the weekends.( 10) The host asked me to come in and(11 ) The government has alreadyto protect the environment.( 12 ) It was nearly an hour before themedi ci ne.(13) How much time will we need to get to thelake? You have to the bad roadAnswer:1. lost sight lose face lost his heartlost touch withshould lose his weightlose himself in2. keep out Keep an eye to keep ofl/to keepaway fromkeep up with kept up keep away fromkeep.in mind3. c e a b d4. took a deep breath taking an interesttakes advantage oftake a chance take my place tookno notice oftake charge take fbr granted take it easytake a seattaken action took effect take.intoconsideration单项选择1. After a fierce budget, the buyer and the sellerA. come to an end B. come to a conclusionC. come to an agreement D. come to a decision2. The little boy was saved at last. Now he isthe reach of danger.A. beyond B. in C. to D. under3. The hurricane for several days, whichleft a terrible sight across the west coast.A. kept to B. kept away C. kept backD. kept up4. We decided not to climb the mountains because itwas r ai ni ng.A. badly B. hardlyC strongly D. heavily5. Some one called me up in the middle of the night,but they hung up I could answer thephone.A. as B. since C. untilD. before6. again and again but he didnttell me the truth.A. Having been asked B. He was askedC. Asking him D. Though hewas asked7. 一Oh, its you! I didnt recognize you.- I my hair cut, and Inew glass.A. had; was wearing B. have had; amwearingC. had; wore D. have had; wear8. Carol said the work would be done by October,personally I doubt very much.A. it B. that C. when D.which9. All the cars nowadays are equippedwith safety belts.A. produced B. to be produced C.producing D. having produced10. Hi, Jim. Could I use your computer?A. Of course you could B. Sure. GoaheadC. Sorry, you may not D. No, youmustntIL用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. His on Mt. Mckinley hasnt yetbeen confirmed. (survive)2. After walking for 3 hours, I really felt. (thirst)3. His safety was a great to me whenI heard the news of the air crash. (anxious)4. She told the boss she was.(quit)5. He looked to be the of all thechallengers. (tough)试题答案, 单项选择1. C 2.A 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. B 8.D 9. A 10. BUnit 7 A Christmas Carol一、本单元重难点单词及词组1. care for主要用法:( 1)照 顾(to look after sb. who is sick /old/young)She tried her best to care fbr her old parents.她尽力照料她年老的父母。(lookafter)( 2 )喜爱,喜 欢(love/like sth./ sb. very much)He doesnt care fbr my friends/sweet food.她不太喜欢我的朋友/ 甜食。( like sb./ sth.)Would you care for a cup of coffee?想要杯咖啡吗? ( 相当于Would youlike.?)I dont care for him to read this letter.我不愿让他读到这封信。( care for sb. to dosth. 相当于 want/expect sb. to do sth.)比较:care about担心(be worried about)She cares deeply about the environmentalproblems.她对环境问题感到深深的担忧。关心;注意,在乎(pay much attention to)The only thing that he seems to care about ismoney.他好像只在乎钱。The boss doesnt care for/ about his employees.这个老板并不关心他的工人们。2. anyway adv.主要用法:( 1)无论如何, 不管怎样(sb. will do sth./sth. willhappen in spite of a problem)He may not like my visit, but I shall go and see himanyhow.Why cant you leave me alone?他可能不喜欢我去拜访,但无论如何我还是要去看他。你为什么不让我一个人待会儿?(2) leave sth. alone 别碰某物(stop touching sth.)He said he didnt know much about computers butthat hed try and help us anyway.Will you leave the piano alone?他说他不太懂电脑,不过,他说无论如何也会设法帮助我们。别碰那架钢琴好吗?(3) leave it /this alone( 2 ) 对了;好吧( 用于改变话题或转到前一个话题上)Leave it alon。 , or you will break it.Anyway, what was I saying!别碰它,否则你会把它弄坏的。对了,我刚才说什么?4. admit (admitted, admitting)(3) 总 之 ( used when you want to finish sayingsth.)主要用法:( 1)承认, 赞 同 (accept and agree unwillingly thatAnyway, I must be going how.sth. is true /right)总之,我现在得走了。admit (to) sth./doing sth.( 4 ) 话又说回来,反正He admitted (to) the murder /murdering the person.Sam didnt get the job; but hes not worried becauseit didnt pay well anyway.他承认犯有谋杀罪/杀了这个人。admit that-clause萨姆没有得到那份工作,但他并没有闷闷不乐的,反正薪酬也不算高。He admitted that he murdered the person.(5)究竟; 到底( used to find out the real reason forsth.)他承认他杀了这个人。( 2 ) 准许. . .进入( 或使用)( to allow sb./sth. toSo anyway, what were you doing in the park at twoin the morning?enter a public place to watch a game, performance,etc)那么,你凌晨两点在公园究竟做什么?Only ticket holders will be admitted into thestadium.3. leave alone只有持票者才可进入体育场。主要用法:The UK was admitted to the EEC in 1973.( 1) leave sb. alone 不去打搅某人 (stop annoying/upsetting sb.)英国于1973年获准加入欧共体。He was admitted to the hospital on Tuesdaymorning with stomach pains.他星期二上午因胃痛被送进了医院。5. in want of 需要主要用法: sb. be in want of s th .( 相当于 sb. needsth.)The house is in want of repair. 这房子需要修理。拓展:归纳“ 某人需要/缺乏某物”sb. lack sth.sb. be lacking in sth.sb. be in need of sth.(相当于 sth. be in need 或 sth.be in demand)sb. be in short of sth.Theres a great demand / need for sth.sb. need/demand/want sth. badly/desperately6. badly off( 1) 潦倒,穷 困 (poor)People are better off than they used to be.人们要比过去富裕得多。Were too badly off to have a holiday.我们太穷,没有钱度假。( 2 ) 缺 乏 (lacksth.)The school is rather badly off fbr equipment.这学校相当缺乏设备。 (be badly off fo r相当丁 bein want of sth.)We9re well off for supermarkets in this area.我们这个地方有许多超市。 ( be well off for sth.相当于 have plenty of sth.)7. occupy vt. (occupied; occupying)主要用法:( 1) 占领;占有(seize and control)The enemy occupied the city soon.敌人不久就攻占了这座城市。 ( seized)( 2 ) 占据( 时间/空间)The bed occupied too much space.这张床占据了太多的空间。 (took up)The job occupied all my space time.这个工作占据我所有的课余时间。固定短语:sb. be occupied in doing sth. (with sth./doing sth.)某人忙于做某事She has been occupied with the research recently.她最近忙于她的研究。 ( 相当于She has beenoccupied in doing her research recently.)拓展:归纳词组“ 某人忙于做某事CBsthsb. be busy doing sth.sb. be busy with sth.sb. be engaged in sth./ doing sth.sb. be in buried in sth. /doing sth.sb. be employed in sth. /doing sth.apply oneself to sth./ doing sth.devote oneself to sth. /doing sth.put ones heart and soul into sth.keep sb. occupied /busy with sth.二、本单元重难点句子1. Am I paying you 15 shillings a week forwarming your hands?难道我一周付你15先令是让你来暖手的吗?pay sb. money for sth .由于某事付某人多少钱也可相当于:Am I spending 15 shillings a week inyour warming your hands?拓展:“ 花钱做某事” 的表达法sb. pay money for sth.sb. spend money on sth.sth. cost sb. moneysb. charge sb. money for sth.某人由于做某事向某人索要钱sb. offer sb. money for sth.某人出钱买某物sb. offer sth. for money某人以某价格将某物卖掉例如:I paid 20,000 yuan fbr the furniture.我花 了2 万元买这些家俱。相当于:pnttKnniwc.I spent 20, 000 yuan 1b6The furniture cost me 20, 000 yuan.I bought the furniture fbr 20, 000 yuan.The man charged me 20 yuan for carrying theluggage fbr me.这个人为我搬点行李向我索要20元。The man offered me 20 yuan for the book.这个人向我出价20元买这本书。2. If 1 hear another word from you, you will gowhere it is really cold.如果再让我听到你发出一点声音的话,那你就会到真正凉快的地方去。go where it is really cold 是 个 where 弓 I 导的地点状语从句。这个从句也可转换为一个定语从句,即:go to the place where it is really cold.地点状语从句一般放在不及物动词后面,由“where+主语+谓语等” 构成。 它与定语从句的区别是:地点状语从句前没有先行词,而定语从句前有先行词。地点状语从句中的引导词where不可用作“prep. + which, 而定语从句中的where 可以转为“prep.+ which”。例如:( 1)躺在有草的地方。Please lie where there is g ra ss.( 状语从句)相当于: Please lie in the place where there is grass.( 定语从句)( 2)在我们第一次见面的地方等我。Please wait fbr me where we met each other fbr thefirst tim e .( 状语从句)相当于:Please wait fbr me in the place where wemet each other fbr the first time. ( 定语从句)( 3)我们应该到最需要我们的地方去。1. stick (stuck, stuck) v.We should go where we are badly needed.( 状语从句)相当于: We should go to the place where we arebadly needed.( 定语从句)( 4)有志者,事竟成Where there is a will, there is a w a y .( 状语从句)本句原来语序为:There is a way where there is awill.相当于: There is a way in the place where there is aw ill.( 定语从句)3. Lefs observe another little scene, as you mighthave in your life to come.我们再来看一个镜头,这可能是你未来生活中会出现的镜头。as在此处引导一个定语从句, as替代先行词scene,在从句中作宾语。 as引导定语从句的时还可以指代整个主句。例如:As is known to all, Taiwan is part of China.众所周知,台湾是中国的组成部分。( a s 替代整个主句:Taiwan is part of China)He was a foreigner, as I detected from hisaccent.他是个外国人,我是从他的口音里听出来的。( a s 替代整个主句:He was a foreigner)Unit 8 Learning a foreign language一、本单元重难点单词主要用法:( 1)1 found a nail sticking in the tyre.我发现轮胎上扎了根钉子。 ( 刺)( 2) He stuck his photo on the application form.他把照片贴在这张申请表上。 ( 粘贴)( 3) Little Toms front teeth stuck out.小汤姆的门牙外突。 ( 伸出来)( 4) The car was stuck in the mud.这小车陷在泥浆里了。( 5) You may get stuck when you meet with somewords.如果你遇到些新词语, 你可能被卡住。( getstuck被难住)( 6) 一Shall we meet on Friday this week?我们这个星期五见面吗?No, Lefs stick to Saturday.不,让我们定在星期六吧。拓展:“ 让我们定在星期六吧。” 也可写为:ILdfs m aloe * Satunfagcsliest SatwiajL另外, 为. . . 定时间” 也可写为: fix/set a date forsth.2 . 辨析 effective/efficienteffective 意 ; 为 “ 有效果的”( producing a successfulresult) 强调效果,名词为effect,反义词为ineffective.You dont feel quite yourself.efficient 意为“ 有效率的”(do sth. well withoutwasting any time/money/energy), 名 词为 efficiency,反义词为inefficient.例如:4. anxious a d j.担忧的,渴望的,盼望的主要用法:When does the new system become effective?( 1) be anxious about sth. 对. . .感到忧虑/ 担心 (=be worried about)新制度何时生效?(2) be anxious for 想得到. . . (=be eager for)Our efficient new machines are much cheaper torun.(3) be anxious to do 想去做. . . . (=be eager todo sth.)我们这些效率很高的机器用起来省钱得多。(4) be anxious that-从 句 (sb should do sth.)3. awful adj.(5) be anxious for sb to do sth.渴望/ 希望某人做主要用法:某事( 1) 可怕的; 讨厌的(very bad; unpleasant)例如:I was terribly anxious about the childrenwhen they didnt come home from school.awful weather /book/food 讨厌的天气/ 书/食物孩子放学后没有回家,我非常担心。( 2 ) 极大的There are plenty of graduates anxious for work.an awful lot of 极多的, 相当于 a very largeamount of.有大量毕业生渴求工作。She was anxious to finish school and get a job.如:an awful lot of work相当多的工作她渴望毕业找一份工作。( 3 ) ( 身体) 不舒服的She was anxious that he should meet her father.look/feel awful 相当于: look/ feel ill她盼望他见她父亲。拓展:“ 你看起来不舒服” 可用以下句子表达:Im anxious for her to do as little as possible.You dont look well.我盼她尽量少干。You look awfol.You look pale.派生词:awfully adv.非常,很,十分Ifs awfully cold (very).天气真冷The disease is spreading, and all young children are/beauious Rrat risk.be eager flor这种疾病已在蔓延,所有儿童都有被染上的危b e h in d Bar险。 ( 相当于in danger)betting forIThey risked their lives to save the people trapped inbag firthe fire.hope fin-han a dame Bor他们冒着生命危险去营救被大火困住的人们。wtsh for( 相当于 They saved the people trapped in the fireat the risk of their lives.)拓展:“ 渴求/ 希望得到”派生词:risky a d j.冒险的派生词:anxiety n .忧虑,焦急,渴望,热望6 .辨析 experiment with /onanxiously adv.忧虑地,不安地experiment with 意为试用 (try to find whateffect will be caused),强调效果。5. risk v.& n .冒险experiment o n意为“ 用. . . 做实验,在. . . .身上主要用法:做实验“ 。(experiment by using sth.)强调做实验的途径。( 1) risk sth./doing sth.例如:They experimented with the drugs.r am ktiuks(2) take 冒险他们试服毒品。Japanese ever experimented on many Asians inWorld War II.(3 ) risk one life to do sth .冒险做某事 相当于do sth. at the risk of (doing) sth.在二战期间,日本曾在很多亚洲人身上做实验。(4) at risk在冒险之中7. 辨析:everyday /every day(5) at ones own risk 自担风险地everyday a d j.日常的;每 天 ( 发 生 ) 的例如: Youre risking your health by smoking.every day adv. 天天,每天你抽烟是拿你的健康去冒险。例如:English is important in our everyday lifb.By criticizing the boss he risked losing his job.英语在我们的日常生活中很重要。他冒着丢掉饭碗的危险去批评老板。We go to school almost every day.我们几乎每天上学。二、本单元重难点句式1. Td rather spend more time on maths and science,because I think those subjects are more important.我宁愿花更多的时间在数学和科学上,因为我认为那些科目更重要。该句中“spend+宾语+on +名 词 ( 有时用动名词 ),” 表示“ 在 上 花 费 ( 时间、金钱)”拓展:“ 花费时间、金钱” 的表达法OQSth.( n ) dDgslh.sb. spend time /moneySb. pay money for sth.Sth. take sb time to do sth.It take sb time to do sth.Sth. cost sb. money.It cost sb. money to do sth.Sb. buy sth. for m o n e y某人买某物花了多少钱Sb. sell sth. for m o n e y某人卖某物得了多少钱相关链接:Sb. charge sb. money for s th .由于某物向某人要多少钱Sb. offer sb. money fbr s t h .某人向某人出价买某物Sb. offer sb. sth. for m oney.某人以多少钱卖掉某物2. With greater control and a stronger sense ofachievement, active learners are able to acquire newskill faster and put what they know to better use.由于具有较好的自控力和较强的优越感,积极主动的学习者能够更快地学到新的技能,并更好地运用他们学到的知识。( 1 )本句引用了好几个形容词、副词的比较形式:greater, stronger, faster, better 表示两种学习者学习情况的对比。(2) with 引导的介词短语 with greater controland a strong sense of achievement,表示“ 原因” ,with 在此处的意思是 because of, considering thefact ofo 例如:With John away, were got more room.由于约翰走了, 所以我们有更大的空间了。 ( 相当于 Because John is away,.)With our luck well probably miss the plane.由于我们的运气一直不好,所以我们可能会错过这趟飞机。( 相当于 Considering our usual badluck, .)(3) put to use 意为“ 使用,put sth. to good use意思是“ 充 分 利 用 某 物 例 如 :He has put his training to good use in that job.他已经把他培训过的东西很好地运用到工作中去了。It is a pity to throw anything away when it can beput to use.当某些东西还可以使用时,把它扔掉是很可惜的。归纳:“ 充分利用某物“ 表达法make full use of sth.make the best of sth.make the best use of sth.put sth to good use联想:u s e相关短语come into use 开始使用sth. be of no use (sth. be useless)某物无用be in use ( 某物) 在使用之中go out of use ( 某物) 停止使用have no use for sth.不需要/ 用不着某物It is no use doing sth./ Theres no use doingsth.做某事是没用的例如:When did the word come intocommon use.这个单词是什么时候开始使用的?This kind of banknote is in use now.这种钞票还在流通。You may have the book; I have no use for itany longer.你把这本书拿着吧,我再也用不着了。The expression has gone out of use.这个表达已停止使用了。Its no use complaining.抱怨没有用处。 ( 相当于:There is no usecomplaining.)This map is of no use to me any more.Unit 9 Health care一、本单元重难点单词1. abuse主要用法:( 1) v t.滥用 (use sth. in a wrong/harmful way)abuse one power 滥用职权abuse his position as Mayor滥用他市长的权力abuse alcohol 酗酒abuse drug吸毒成隐;嗜毒(2) v t.虐 待 ,漫 骂(treat sb. in a cruel way)Dont abuse children/womcn.不要虐待儿童/ 妇女。The rude customer abused the salesgirl.那个粗暴的顾客漫骂了女售货员。(3) n .滥用drug abuse 嗜毒 alcohol abuse 酗酒The system of the law is open to abuse.这个法律制度很容易被人钻空子。2. lay o ff解雇,使下岗;不理会主要用法:这个地图对于我来说再也没用了。(nannmg SULsth.( 1) lay off sth. (stop ) 停止做某事Lay off abusing Tom!别再骂汤姆!Youd better lay off alcohol/fatty foods.你最好别饮酒/ 别吃油腻食物。(2) lay off sb. (stop employing sb., when there isnot much work to do)解雇某人;使. . .下岗He has been laid off for months.他已下岗儿个月了。(3 ) lay off sb .别再打扰某人(stop annoying sb.)Lay off me, it has nothing to do with me.别烦我,这件事与我无关。( 4) la y -o ff解雇;裁员;停工期during the lay-off in the factory 在工厂裁员期间the three-day lay-off三天的休息日/ 停工(5) laid-offworker 卜岗工人3. make matters worse 也可作 make thingsworse使情况更困难或更危险主要用法:( 1)在句子中使用。I tried to help him but I think I made things worse.我试着去帮他,但我觉得自己使事情变得更糟糕了。( 2 ) 作插入语,当独立成分用,to makematters/things worse相当于: Whafs worse/ Worse still/ Even worseMr. Wang was laid off last month. To make thingsworse, his car was stolen yesterday.王先生上个月下岗了。更为糟糕的是,他的车昨天又被偷了。归纳:插入语的其它常见形式whafs more或 besides而且;另外( 表示递进)in other words /that is/ that is to say 换句话说;也就是说by the w ay顺便说一下all in all 总而言之(in one/ a word)in short简言之generally / strictly/broadly speaking 一般/ 严格的/广泛地说to tell you the truth 实话告诉你to be honest /frank 老实说4. consult i”. & 应. 向. . 咨询;查阅( 特另U 指向专业人员请教)( 1) consult a doctor 向医生咨询(2) consult a dictionary 查字典归纳:“ 查字典” 表达法:consult a dictionaryturn to a dictionarylook up sth. in a dictionaryrefer to a dictionary(3) consult sb. about sth .向某人咨询某物(asksb. fbr sth.或 turn to sb. for sth.)We often consult him about how to cookdinner.我们经常向他咨询如何做饭。(4) consult with sb .与某人商量Before we can accept the management offer, wemust consult with the workers again.我们在接受投资方提出的提议之前应再同工人们商量商量。5. pressure n .压力主要用法:( 1) under pressure 在压力下(2) put pressure on sb./sth.给某人/ 某物施加压力例如: He only agreed to leave the country underpressure.他是在压力下才同意出国的。Were trying to put pressure on the government tochange the law.我们试图对政府施加压力使其改变这一法令。二、本单元主要句型1. Three months later, however, Wang Lin was toldabout a health care project that provides treatmentat half the cost or less, depending on the needs ofthe patient.三个月后,有人告诉王林有一种提供半价甚至价格更低的卫生保健形式,取决于病人对它的需求。( 1) Three months later 相当于 after three months.(2) at half the cost or less意为“ 以半价甚至更低的价格英语中在表示价格、价值的短语前都用介词at。例如:at a discount 打折at a profit赚钱,获得利润at a high/low/reasonablc price 以高价/ 低价/ 合理的价格at ones expense ( 或 at the expense of sb.) 某人自己出钱at the cost o f 以. . . 为代价at any price以任何代价at a price以很高代价(3) depending on the needs of the patient 意为“ 取决于病人的需要depending on sth. “取决于,在于” 是一固定短语,不管主句的主语与它是否具有逻辑关系。例如:The plant may grow to a height of several meters,depending on soil conditions.这种植物可以长到好几米高,视土壤条件而定。2. If I had had insurance, the sickness wouldnthave caused such a big problem.如果我买了保险,这个疾病就不会导致这么严重的问题。本句采用了虚拟语气。从句与主句都是指与过去真实情况相反的假设。英语中,如果所陈述的内容与事实完全相反,则须用虚拟语气。具体用法如下:时态If从句谓语主句谓语动词动词与现在相反were ( 谓语为be)动词为过去时助动词过去时(would /might/could/should)+动词原形与过去相反had+过去分词助动词过去时(would/might/could/should)+have+ 过去分词与将来相反动词过去时 were+ to+ 动词原形 should+动词原形助动词过去时(could/might/could/should)+动词原形例如:( 1)如果我是一只小鸟,我会飞到南方去。If I were a bird, I would fly to the south.( 与现在事实相反,注意从句谓语为be的相关词时,只用were,而不用was)( 2)如果我每天上班,我就会呆在家里看电视。If I didnt to go work every day, I would stay athome watching T V .( 事实上你每天在上班,与现在事实相反。)( 3)如果你来早点,你就会看到他的爸爸的。If you had come here earlier, you would have methis father.( 与过去事实相反)( 4)如果你采纳他的意见,你就按时完成工作的。If you had followed his advice, you would havefinished the job on tim e .( 事实上没有完成)efiDelaDomrwLIbeftoetomorow. Io be floc tomurov.If I wouldgo shopping注意:使用虚拟语气的混合语气。即:有时从句与主句所讲述是不同时候发生的事情。例如:如果过去努力学习,你的英语就不会这么差了。If you had worked hard in the past, yourEnglish would not be so poor n o w .( 从句指的是过去的事,而主句则指现在)。一些短语及词语,也可说明一种虚拟的语言环境,如:without, but for, as if, as though,otherwise, or 等。例如:Without his help, I would not have passed theexam.要不是他帮忙,我考试不会过关的。也可用:But fdr his help, I would not havepassed the exam.Li Ping speaks English well as if he were a nativeof American.李平的英语说得很棒好像是一个地道的美国人似的。He came in time, otherwise the child would havedied.幸亏他及时赶到,不然这个孩子早就死了。( 5)如果明天天晴,我就会逛商场。Unit 10 American literature一、本单元重点单词与短语 如:a furnished flat 一个配有家俱的套房1. penny n .便上主要用法:penny有两种复数形式, 即:pennies和penceopennies 指硬币的个数(a small bronze coin),而pence 即面值(value),缩写为 P ,如:40 pence,可写为40Po例如:The stamp is worth 4 pence.这枚邮票价值4便士。There are four pennies in my hand.我手上有4个便士的硬币。常用表达:A penny for your thoughts!你在想什么? (What are you thinking about?)2. furnish v t.为提供家俱;用家俱布置( 1) furnish place with sth. 或 place be furnishedwith sth.用家俱布置某地We should fUmish the room with some new desksand chairs.我们应该给这个房间配一些新桌椅。(2) furnish sb /sth with sth (supply/provide sb withsth.)给某人/ 某物提供某物He fbmishcd me with some important information.他给我提供了一些重要信息。派生词:furniture n .家俱( 为不可数名词)如:a piece of / much furniture 一件家俱/ 很多家俱3 . shabby adj.( 1)破I日的(of building, clothes, objects, e tc ,特指建筑物,衣服和物品等。)the shabby house/clothes 破旧的房子/ 寒酸的衣服(2 )某 人 ( 穿着褴褛的)(badly dressed in clothes)The old man was shabby.这个老人穿着褴褛的衣服。( 3 )卑鄙的;无耻的;不公平的What a shabby trick, driving off and leavingme to walk home!多卑鄙的恶作剧,把车开走了让我走路回家 !派 生 词 :shabbily adv.be shabbily dressed 衣衫褴褛be shabbily treated (badly)受到委屈的待遇4 . attend to( 1) attend to sb./ sth.处理/ 对付某人/ 某 事(dealwith sb./sth.)I have some things to attend to.我有些事情要处理。( 2 )照料;关 怀(take care of sb./sth., 一般指接待顾客等。)Are you being attended to, sir?furnished adj.配有家俱的 先生,有人接待你吗? ( 有人为你服务吗?)(3) attend a meeting/a party/school/class/church出席会议/ 舞会/ 上学/ 上课/ 上教堂( 做礼拜)相当于:be present at a meeting/a party.5. rare adj.稀有 的;罕见的( 1) rarely adv.The Queen is rarely seen at football matches.女王很少在足球比赛上露面。(2) a rare plant/animal 稀有植物/ 动物(3)It is rare for sb. to do sth.某人难得/ 很少做某事It is rare for her to go shopping.难得见她购物。Its very rare to have hot weather like this inApril.在四月,很少有这样炎热的天气。6. take pride in 感到自豪( 1 ) 相当于be proud o f ,例如:He takes great pride in his motherland.他为自己的祖国深感自豪。( 相当于: He is very proud of his motherland.)I took great pride in being a member of the club.我以身为那个俱乐部的会员而深感自豪。( 相当于:I was very proud of being a member ofthe club.)( 2 ) 拓展:be proud to d o 因做. 而自豪Im very proud to call you my friend.能够和你以朋友相称,使我感到自豪。be proud th at以. 为荣He was proud that he got the first place in theexam.他以在考试中夺得第一名为荣。(3 )其它: proud还可指“ 有自尊心的, 高傲的” 。He was too proud to borrow money.他很有自尊心,不会伸手向别人借钱。I got angry at his proud manner.我因他那傲慢的态度而发怒。(4) with prideThey talk about his country with obvious pride.他带着明显的自豪谈论着他的国家。(5) hurt ones pride 伤害自尊心(6) pride oneself on sth./doing sth. 以. .自豪;对感到得意Henry prides himself on his ability to cook.亨利对自己的烹饪技巧感到自豪。The school prides itself on its long history.这个学校为它悠久的历史而自豪。7. do up( 1 ) 固定住;扣上;系上This skirt does up at the back.这条裙子是在后面系扣的。(2) do oneself u p梳妆打扮;化妆 如果你象这样下去,你会吃不消的。Mary spent a long time doing herself up for theparty.为了晚会,玛丽花了好长时间打扮自己。(3) do sth. up 用. . . 固着. . . .He never bothers to do his jacket up.他总是不扣外衣的扣子。Mary looks more beautifiil after doing up herhair.把头发扎起来后,玛丽显得更漂亮了。( 4 )修理/ 重新装修( 房子,房间等)If we decide to buy the cottage, well have to doit up.我们若决定买这座别墅,就得重新进行装修。8. worn adj.破烂的;损坏的(wear- woreworn)( 1 )( 经常使用或穿戴) 破烂的;损 坏 的sth. beworn (out)These shoes are looking rather worn.这双鞋子破得不成样子了。a worn carpet /shirt 一个破旧的地毯/ 一件破衬衫( 2 )( 指人) 看起来精疲力竭的sb. be worn (out)She came back worn and worried.她回来时既疲惫又忧虑。Youll wear yourself out if you work hard likethis.(4) worn-outcoats/soil 破大衣/ 贫瘠的土壤拓展:“ 累,精疲力竭” 的表达法例 :“ 你看上去很累。”You are/look very tired.You are/look worn out.You are/look exhausted.You have given out.You are/look tired out.9. letdown 不支持;使 失 望( fhil to help/support)( 1) sth. let sb. down某事令某人失望This car wont let you down.这车子不会让你失望的。(2) sb. let sb. down某人令某人失望Tom will never let you down, you can alwaysdepend on him to help you.汤姆永远不会置你于不顾。你随时可以找他帮忙。10. fix ones eyes on sb .全神贯注;凝视( 被动语法:ones eyes be fixed on sb.)( 1) Her eyes were fixed on the gun.她眼睛紧盯着那支枪。( 相当于:She fixed her eyes on the gun.)(2) fix ones thoughts/attention on sth./doing sth.全神贯注于拓展:“fix”的用法:f ix .t o .把. . .固定在. . . . 上( 相当于fasten/tie.to.)fix a date for.确定. . .的日期fix a meeting安排一个会议fix (up) a chair修理一把椅子比较:他坐在那里,眼睛望着天空。He sat there, with his eyes fixed on the sky.He sat there, with his eyes looking at thesky.二、本单元重难点句子1. Pennies saved one or two at a time by bargainingat the grocery, at the bakery and the butchers untilones cheeks burnt.这些分子钱是在杂货店、面包房和肉铺里讨价还价争得面红耳赤从而一分、两分地省出来的。( 1) one or two at a time 每次一两个,at a time指 每次” 前面多与数字连用,指“ 每次几个We have to go and see the doctor one at a time.我们须一个一个地去看医生。Pass me two books at a time.每次递给我两本 B 0比较:at a time/at one timeat one time 指“ 曾经,度”(at a period of timein the past)。This place was a valley at one time.这个地方曾经一度是个大峡谷。At one time, she was my best friend.拓 展 : 与“time”有关的词组:at times=sometimes 有时from time to tim e不 时 地 ( 相 当 于 now andthen)most of the time大多数时候( 可用作名词或副词)He spent most of the time studying E nglish.他花了大多数时间学习英语。He is always at home most of the time.他大部分时间在家。(4)all the time 一直;始终Its time that sb. did sth .该某人做某事的时候TIfs time that you got u p .该是你起床的时候了。on time 按时in tim e及时from the time being 暂时( 相当于 at present)have a good tim e玩得痛快Time is u p .时间到了。take ones tim e不用急; 慢慢来应/ahead of time 提前(in advance)behind time 晚点(2) at the grocery= at the grocers 在水果店铺at the bakery =at the baker9s 在烤面包店铺她曾经是我最好的朋友。at the butcher9s 在屠夫店拓展:at the tailor9s (shop)在裁缝店at the barbers (shop)在理发店at the chcmisfs (shop)在药店2. She pulled down her hair and let it fall to its fulllength.她把头发披散开并让它完全垂下来。此处中的length是 long的名词,意思是“ 长度如: The rope is 3 metres in length.这根绳子 3 米长。相当于:The rope is 3 metres long.The rope has a length of 3 metres.The length of the rope is 3 metres.又如:我们走完了整条街。We walked the length of the street.拓展: at length是一个常见短语, 表示“ 终于; 详细 地 例 如 :At length he came back.他终于回来了。( at last/ finally/in the end)We have already discussed the matter at greatlength.我们已经详细地讨论了这件事。Unit 11 Key to success一、本单元重难点单词与短语1. stick with( 1)继续支持;保持联系( 以使得到某人帮助)(stay close to sb so that sb can help you)例如:If you dont want to get lost, youd betterstick with me.你如果不想迷路的话,最好紧跟着我。( 2 ) 坚持做某事(continue doing sth esp. sthdifficult)例如:Stick with it, and you will succeed.坚持做,你会成功的。( 3 ) 持续;坚持( 计划等)例如: They decided to stick with their original plan.他们决定继续他们的原计划。( 4 ) 留在某人的记忆里( remain in onesmemory)例如: The words that he said to me have stuck withme till now.他说过的话我还记忆犹新。2. through thick and thin( 1) 不顾艰难(in spite of any difficulties/problems)( 2 ) 患难与共;同甘共苦( share happiness andsorrow )例如:We promised to stick together throughthick and thin.我们许下诺言要患难与共。We should stick with our friends through thick andthin when our friends are in trouble.当朋友有难时,我们应该与他们患难与共。3. pull out( 1) 离 站 ( of a vehicle leave a station)例如:When will the train pull out (of the station)?火车什么时候离站?( 2 ) 脱 离 , 退 出 (move away from sth.或 stopbeing involved in it)例如:The project was so expensive that we had topull out (of it)这工程耗资巨大,我们只得退出The troops have been pulled out (of theareas).军队已经撤离这个地区了。4. in reality事实上, 实际上n.bciasamattfforfactM ffi.指 眩 上 “可用bdnfecl5. keep an eye o n 注视( 密切注意) 某人的举动,也可作 have /keep ones eye on(everything that someone does, esp. becauseyou do not trust them to do things properly.)例如:Fve got my eye on you now, so you do asyou are told!我盯着你呢,所以你要按吩咐的去做!We should keep an eye on procedures thatfollow it.我们须密切关注以后的过程/ 程序。Mary offered to keep an eye on the babywhile I went out.玛丽提出可以在我外出期间照看婴儿。拓展:keep an eye out fo r留 意 ( 想找到)某物( hope to notice/find sth.)例如: Can you keep an eye out for my red pen? Iseem to have mislaid it.你能留意卜我的那枚红钢笔吗?我不知道放哪儿了。联想:fix one eyes o n 目不转睛地盯着keep ones attention on 关注. . .make an impression on 给. . . 留下印象6. as a whole普遍说来;作为整体( as one thingnot as separate parts,强调整体与局部的对应关系)例如: The Olympic Games will be great for Beijingand for the country as a whole.奥运会对北京乃至对整个国家意义都很重大。The rule doesnt only apply to seniors, but also tothe school as a whole.这条规则不仅适用于高年级学生,也适用于全校。比较:on the whole/as a wholeon the whole总的说来; 大体上;基本上( ingeneral)On the whole, I agree with you.大体上我赞成你的说法。7. live up to 依照行事;做到;不辜负( 期望) ( 一般指水平、名声、诺言等)例如: His company was ruined, he was unable tolive up to his promises.他的公司倒闭了,他的诺言兑不了现。The book lived up to his expectations.这本书符合他的希望。8. suspect vt.( 1 )怀 疑 ( 某 事 物 ) ;不相信, 用于“suspect sbof sth /doing”结构中。例如:I suspect the truth of her statement.我对她那番话的真实性表示怀疑。( 2 )怀 疑 ( 某 人 ) 有 罪 ,认为某人有嫌疑,用于 suspect sb of (doing) sth 中。例如: What made you suspect her of having takenthe money?你凭什么怀疑钱是她偷的?She was suspected of being a spy.她被怀疑是间谍。( 3 )怀疑,觉得( 多指坏事) 可能是事实例如:I strongly suspect that theyre trying to get ridof me.我强烈地感觉到他们要除掉我。(suspectthat.)9. congratulate vz.向. . . 祝 贺 , 向 . . . . 道贺;庆幸;高兴常用于句型:( 1) congratulate sb / on (doing) sth .向某人祝贺某事(2) congratulate oneself on (doing) sth.庆幸某人自己做某事(3) .congratulations (to sb) on (doing) sth.祝贺某人做某事例如:Wc congratulate her on the birth of herdaughter.我们祝贺她生了个女儿。She congratulated herself on having thoughtofsuch a good idea.她为自己能想出这样的好主意而感到高兴。Congratulations (to you) on winning therace!恭 贺 ( 你 ) 比 赛 获 胜 !二、本单元重难点句型1. Not only will these qualities make you rise in theeyes of others, you will also feel better aboutyourself.这些品质不仅会使你在别人眼中的地位得到提升,也会使你感觉更好。not only.(but)also.不但. . .而且. . . . , 连接两个并列的成份。主要用法如下:( 1) not only放在句首时,句子用部分倒装,但连接的成分是主语时, 虽位于句首, 也不用倒装。例如:Not only does she like English, (but)also she learnsit well.她不仅喜欢英语,而且学得好。Not only I but also she likes English.不仅我而且她也喜欢英语。( 连接主语,不倒装)Not only连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数应用就近原则。即谓语动词的数与but also后面主语的数保持一致。Not only he but also I am to go there.不但他而且我马上会去那里。拓展:具有否定意义的词语( 主语除外)位于句首时用倒装。这类词有:not, never, seldom, rarely, hardly, not until,nor, no sooner . than hardly . when, by nomeans, at no time, in no case, on no occasion,in/under no circumstances 等。如:Never shall I forget the day.我永远不会忘记这一天的。Aino Imebi no caseOHDOOCOSWQn/Uhdo, DO cranmtances2 . School life is a preparation fbr our working daysto come.学校生活是为我们将来的工作作准备的。working days to come意思是“ 将来工作的时候 ,to come用来作定语修饰days,指将来。常用在“ 名词+ to come”结构中。例如:in the years to come意为“ 在以后的年代里” ,相当于 in the coming years.另外,这个结构也可用follow,如:任fiM况下中 叵2in the days to follow意为“ 在接卜来的几天里” ,相当于 in the following days.3 . As with sports teams, group work can only besuccessful when group members respect, help andsupport each other.正如体育运动队那样,团队活动只有在成员相互尊重、相互帮助和相互支持时,才能取得成功。此句中的as with表示“ 就而言” 。例如:As with the experienced participants, you willwant to use test tasks that are as natural as possible.对于那些有经验的参与者来讲,你将希望尽量采用比较自然的测试任务。拓展:表示“ 关于“ 还可以用:( 1) as forKittys got so thin. And as fbr Carl, he always,seems to be ill.w BChm belix tfcitlouseraidsarvrapou.不 会 善 确 拗 蜡I至于卡尔,他好象总是在生病。(2) as toHenry was very uncertain as to whether it was theright job fbr him.至于这工作是否适合他,亨利很不确定。Unit 12 Education一、本单元重难点单词及词组:1. load n. & v.(1) 负荷;载重;工 作 量(sth that is beingcarried by a person /vehicle/ animal, etc)There was a large ship on the river carrying a loadof grain.河上有一艘货船,满载谷物。a load of/loads ofsth (U&C)如:loads of? a load of friends/ lettersI have a fairly light teaching load this term.这学期我的教学负担相当轻。a full load 满载(carry) a heavy load ( 承受)重担/ 重物bear the load担负重任( 2) vi. & v t.装载;使充满;大量给予;使负重荷,使受重压Please Pad the furniture into the truck.请把家具装上卡车。(load sth into someplace)They loaded me with presents.他们给了我大量礼物。 ( load place/sth with sth)I was loaded down with all my books.我被书本压得喘不过气来了。(sb/ place be loadedwith sth)2. strict adj.( 1 ) 严格的We should maintain strict discipline.我们应当保持严格的纪律。 ( 作定语)Her parents are strict with her.她的父母对她要求很严格。( be strict with sb对某人严格/ 严厉)( 2 ) 严谨的,严密的Our teacher is strict in his work.我们的老师对工作非常严谨。 ( be strict in sth 对某事严格)( 3 ) 完全的,绝对的常用短语:strict secrecy绝密(4) strictly speaking 严格说来3. to begin with( 1)起初;开 始 (at first)I found it tiring to begin with, but I soon got used toit.我起初觉得很乏味,但不久便适应了。WeH go slowly to begin with.我们开始时会慢慢来的。( 2 ) 首先,第一点( 常用来介绍你想说的几件事中的第一件。)I dont like my house. To begin with, the rooms aretoo small.我不喜欢我的房子,首先是房间太小了。拓展:to tell the truth 说实话to be frank坦白地说to make a long story short长话短说,简而言之to my knowledge 据我所知to the point 切题4. tendency 倾向; 趋势; 秉性; 自然倾向( trend;a general movement /development in sth)( 1) 与 to /toward (sth)连用She showed musical tendencies from an early age.她从小就显示出对音乐的喜爱。There is an increasing tendency towards the use ofmobile phones by middle school students.中学生使用手机的趋势在上升。( 2 ) 与to d o 连用They have a tendency to be absent from school.他们都不太喜爱上学。或 There is a tendency for them to be absent fromschool.拓展:tend v i.有. . . 的习惯或倾向,倾向于;通向,朝方向发展Janet tends to get (=usually gets ) very angry if youdisagree with her.你如果不顺着珍妮,她往往容易大发脾气。tend to do sth = have a tendency to do sth此句相当于: Janet has a tendency to get very angryif you disagree with her.The road tends north.路向北延伸。5. absent adj.不在场的;缺席的(notpresent/away)( 1) opp. present adj. 在场的 (presence /?.)n. absence(2) be absent from (school/class/work/a meeting,etc)缺课,逃学,旷工,会议缺席等。(3) in/during ones absence 在某人缺席时,在某人不在场时( 相当于:When sb is absent.)(4) absent-minded adj.心不在焉的an absent expression/look/stare 心不在焉的表情/魂不守舍的样子/ 茫然的表情(5) absent oneself from sth ( 不参加. . vt.)例句集锦:He is absent from Beijing.彳也不在北京He is absent in Beijing.他外出了,目前在北京。He is often absent fh) m classes.他经常缺课。There was an absent expression on his face. 他脸上有漫不经心的表情。He absented himself fix) m the meeting.他没有出席会议。6. drop out( 1 ) 从( 活动、竞赛中) 退出(noSince his defeat he has dropped out of politics.他失败后就不再从事政治活动了。( 2 ) 中途退学/ 辍学( leave school/college esp.without finishing studies)He dropped out of college after only 2 weeks.他在学院里只上了两周就退学了。这部新机器播种又匀又快。(vt)7. expand vt. & v i .Our shops arc distributed all over the city.( 1 )( 使) 某事物扩大,增加,增大,增强,扩展 (become greater in size / number /我们的商店遍布全城。( % )importance/degree etc.)(3) distribution n .分 配 , 分 发 ,配给物Metals expand when they are heated.9. alongside adv. & prep.金属遇热则膨胀。( VL)( 1 )在旁边,与. . . . . . 一起Our foreign trade has expanded greatly in recentyears.We brought our boat alongside (their boat).我们把船靠到( 他们的船) 旁边。(adv. & prep.我国的对外贸易近年来有了极大的发展。 ( 泣)相当于 beside; next to; at the side of)expand a story into a novel把故事发展成小说(vt)We walk alongside.我们肩并肩行走。(adv.)( 2 )伸展开;张 ( 展 ) 开( 2 )除. . .之夕卜( apart from, together with)The petals of the flowers expanded in the sunshine.We have videos, recordings and other teaching aids花瓣在阳光下开放。(vi.)along side the books.8. distribute vt. (divide /give out among severalpeople/places. etc.)除了课本之外,我们还有电视、录音和其他辅助教学设施。(prep.)( 1)分配, 分 发 , 分 送 ( 用 于distribute sth among/to.中)10. select vf.选择,挑选, 选拔( 尤指最好的或最合适的)A leader distributed the prizes to/among theShe selected a diamond f?om the collection.winners.她从收藏品中挑选了一颗钻石。一个领导把奖杯颁发给优胜者。These oranges have been carefully selected.He was distributing leaflets to the crowd.这些橙子是精选的。他正在向人群散发传单。He was selected to play for England.( 2 )使某物散开,散布,分布,撒 播(spread outthrough an area)他被选中代表英格兰去参赛。The new machine distributes seeds evenly andquickly.比较:select 和 choosechoose用途最广, 指一般的“ 选择” , 有时特指“ 选择“ ,侧重意志或判断。I leave it to you to choose between the twomethods.我任你在这两种方法中间作出抉择。choose和select有时可以通用,主要不同在于:( 1) choose往往是以个人的好恶或对个人是否合适为标准;select则更强调客观优劣,或为了达到某- - 目的的条件上的优劣, 指“ 选拔” 时,只用 select o( 2) choose有选定后就要“ 坚守” 或“ 从事”的含义;select则没有。因 此 , “ 选择一生事业/爱人” 等应译作:to choose a career/ a husband/wife,etc.( 3) choose可接不定式表 宁愿; 决定 ,select不能。11. suit( 1 ) n. 一套 衣 服 ( 通常包括用相同衣料做的短上衣、裤子和裙子); ( 用于某活动的)套装a dark suit 一套深色衣服a business suit 一套西装a three-piece suit 一套三件式套装( 2)多构成合成词与其他名词连用专指某种用途的服装。a spacesuit 宇航服a diving suit 潜水服a swimsuit游泳衣a suit of clothes 一套 衣 月 艮L ordoiimgapiece J( 3) vt.适合, 合的心意, 对方便 多用于( sthsuit sb句型中,指某事对于某人是否方便等)Will it suit you if I come around at three?我三点左右来,你觉得合适吗? ( VL)Yes, thatll suit me fine.行,这对我来说挺合适。The seven oclock train will suit us very well.七点那班火车对我们来说很合适。与相 适 应 ( 相投合),对. . . . . . 有利That song doesnt sujt her voice.那首歌不适合她的嗓子。This climate doesnt suit me.这种气候对我很不适宜/ 我不适应这种气候。 ( 尤指衣服、发型、颜色等)不 适 合 于 ( 某人)Does the skirt suit me?这裙子我穿好看么?It doesnt sujt you to have your hair cut short.你不适合剪短发。比较:sth fit sb .指 ( 衣服大小尺寸等)合某人的身。The shirt of yours fits you very well.你的这件衬衫非常合身,不大也不小。What a nice f i t !( 这身衣服)多么合身啊!It must be admitted that. 必须承认的是. . . ( 气候、食物等)适合某人注意:此种句型it为形式主语,真正主语为that引导的从句,且that不可省略。The fbod/weather doesnt suit me.试题链接:这食物/ 天气不适合我。 ( 相当于agree with)Robert is said_ abroad, but I dont know二、本单元重难点句子what country he studied in (NMET 1999)1. Its reported that 99% of school-age children inChina had attended primary school by 2004.A. to have studied B. tostudy据报导, 到2004年,99%的适龄儿童都上小学了。C. to be studying D. tohave been studyingIt is reported that (It is + 过去分词+that)据报道解析:相当于:People report that + 从句动词不定式的完成式表示过去发生的动作,即study动作发生say之前,从后面studied所用或 : 主语+be reported to do.过去时态可知这一事早已发生。 所以须用to have例如:Its reported that 98% of the students in thisschool can go to key universities.done形式。表明:“ 据说罗伯特过去曾经在某个国家学习过,但 我 不 知 道 是 在 哪 个 国 家 答 案为A据报导,这个学校98%的学生可以上重点大学。2. There has been a shortage of teachers.刃IUL直相当于:People report that 98% of the students inthe school can go to key universities.缺教师。There be a shortage of sb/sth 缺某人/ 某物98% of the students in the school arc reported to beable to go to key universities.拓展:“ 缺乏,急需某人/ 某物 可用以下句型:拓展:There is a great demand for sb/sth.Ifs hoped th a t.人们希望. . .There is a great need for sb/sth.Ifs thought that. 有人认为. . .sb / sth be in great demand.Its ordered that. 已下令. . .sb / sth be in great need.Ifs supposed that. .据推测. . .sb / sth be badly wanted/needed.It,s well known that. 众所周知. . .sb / sth be desperately wanted/needed.Ifs pointed out that. 需要指出的是. . . .sb / sth be in short supply.r berint ofsb/sttL1. receptionpbcefsb lB i t a r t r a i ddrYbu astonish mllh e Dtwi astonishes me可推出:The news is /You are astonishing 消息/ 你令人吃惊。I am astonished 我感到吃惊。(3) be astonished at/by 对. . 感到惊讶I am astonished at the n e w s.我对这个消息感到惊讶。(4) astonished eyes/people/look 惊讶的眼神/ 人们/ 神色相关词语:吃 惊 (v.)令人吃惊的(adj.)感到吃惊的(adj.)吃 惊 (n.)surprisesurprisingsurprisedsurpriseastonishastonishingastonishedastonishamazeamazingamazedamazementshockshockingshockedshock注意:shock一般指“ 令人震惊的坏事工amaze 一般指“ 令人惊讶的好事词性变换:( 1) astonishingly ad也 令人惊讶的是( 常用作插入语)相当于:It is astonishing that.He is an excellent student. Astonishingly, he hasntpassed the exam.他是一个优秀的学生,令人惊讶的是,他没有通过考试。(2) astonishmentn .惊讶to ones astonishment令某人吃惊的是in astonishment = in surprise 惊讶地4. stubborn adj.( 1 ) 固执的;顽固的;倔强的He is a stubborn boy who wont obey his mother.他是一个固执的孩子,他不会听母亲的话的。Tom is stubborn in accepting new things.汤姆不容易接受新生事物。( be stubborn in doingsth.)( 2 ) 不灵活的;难以改变的The lock is rather stubborn; it needs oiling.这把锁相当难开;它需要加油了。词性变换:stubbornly adv.倔强地,顽固地stubbornness n .倔强,顽强5. enquiry n . 问询;查询( 也可作inquiry)主要用法:( 1) make/hold/set up an enquiry into sth. 进行/提出调查某事a murder enquiry 一个谋杀案调查(2) at enquiries 问询处You can ask at enquiries to see if your bag has beenhanded in.到问讯处看是否有人交来了你的包。(3) help the police with their inquiries 协助警察调查6. convince v t.使确信; 使说服(make sbcompletely certain about sth.)主要用法:( 1) convince sb. of sth.使某人相信某事。 (sb. beconvinced ofith.)I tried to convince him of what I said.我尽量使他相信我说的话。(2) convince sb that-从句(sb. be convinced that-从句)I tried to convince him that I was right.我尽量使他信服我是对的。词性变换:convincing。 力 :令人信服的a convincing speaker /speech 令人信服的演讲者/ 演讲7. assume v t.假定, 设想,假装; 承担主要用法:( 1) assume sth.We cant assume his guilt.我们不能假定他有罪。(2) assume that 从 句a telephone enquiry 电话查询We cant assume that he is guilty.我们不能假定他有罪。(3) Assuming that = Supposing/Suppose that.假定Assuming that you are wrong, what will you do?假定你是错的,你会怎么做呢?( 也可说:Supposing/Suppose that you arewrong,.)(4) assume your new responsibilities 就任新职二、本单元重难点句型1. Is it coincidence or is it the moonstones bad luckthat causes the tension and strange things thathappen during the rest of the evening?是巧合还是月亮宝石的厄运导致了那晚上后来的紧张和奇怪的事情呢?本句运用了“It is.that” 强调句型,本句原句型为:Coincidence or the Moonstones band luckcauses the tension and strange things that happenduring the rest of the evening.It is/wasthat句型中,被强调的部分可以是主语、宾语、状语,也可是从句。但不可以强调谓语。 特别要注意对从句、疑问词、短语的强调,例如:( 1) It was because he got UD late that he missedthe early bus.因为他起晚了,所以错过了早班车。原句为:He missed the early bus because he got uplate.(2) It was only in this way that he could solve theproblem.原句为: He could solve the problem only in thisway.(3) It was more the way he said it than what hesaid that made her displeased.是他说这件事的方式而不是他说的这件事使她不高兴。原句为:More the way he said it than what he said made herdispleased.( 被强调的是主语。)Where is it that you live?这就是你住的地方吗?How is it that you got the news?你到底是怎样得到这个消息的?2. First of all, one of the guests, Godfrey, asksRachel to marry him, but she declines.首先是有一个客人叫戈德雷的请求雷切尔嫁给他 ,但她拒绝了。decline指“ 拒绝” 时 , 多 指 “ 婉言谢绝主要搭配:( 1) decline sth.拒绝某事( 相当于 refuse/tumdown sth.)I declined her invitation.我拒绝了她的邀请。相 当于:I refused her invitation.I turned down her invitation.(2) decline sb.(错误)refuse sb.(错误)他只有用这种方法才能解决这个问题。turn sb. down ( 正确)He asked me to attend his birthday party, but I/ _ - uecnea. reftnedttraed bm down他邀请参加了他的生日宴会,我拒绝了。( 3) refuse sb. sth.拒绝给某人提供某物( 相当于:refuse to give sb. sth.)He refused her some money. 他拒绝给她一些钱。Unit 14 Zoology一、本单元重难点单词及词组1. get hold of 抓住; 拿住( 相当于: catch hold of )相关短语:prise bolder 措 动 作1住,ItatoeboklorIkxxplnldorlarboMorlose hold of 松手2. tell.apart 分辨,区别Can you teU Jane and Lucy apart? For they lookso alike.你能区别开简和露丝吗?她们长得太像了。tell A from B 把 A 与 B 区别开tell the difference between A and B 说出 A 和B 之间的区别distinguish A from B 把 A 与 B 区分开来make a distinction between 区别/ 分 A and Bpick out sb. /sth. among. 在. . . 认出/ 识别出Can you teH Jane from Lucy?你能把简和露丝区分开来吗?相当于:Can you tell the difference between Janeand Lucy?Can you distinguish a chimpanzee Com a gorilla?你能区分黑猩猩和大猩猩吗?Can you make a distinction between a chimpanzeeand a gorilla?I picked out my father among the crowd.我在人群中一下子认出了我的父亲。3. over and over again 一再,多次,反复(OW af OVdlOrmand Ogantine and tnieaiiIm e a a lv ii拓展:拓展:( 1) v .成群结队而行( move together in a group) DOW and Huma Kitte now and a Blie ttn crayDOTFwllin. 时而.不时mwaodqsaiat tinesxsomdiiKfIoccasumail7SKoocemawiiicf by chancebyaccidatJ happoitodo slh. S Bby coiBcMcncek come across4. surrounding( 1) adj.周围附近的in the surrounding area 在周围地区( 2) n .( 复数) 周围的事物( 或情况);环 境 ( 特别指在某个地方/ 人周围的东西, 而这些东西往往会影响到生活的质量)The house is located in very pleasant surroundings.那所房子所处的环境非常优美。She grew up in comfortable surroundings.她在舒适的环境中长大。5. troopnio the medhg roomHoop out oribc adnol(2) . ( 尤指行进中的) 群人, 一群动物(a groupof people/animals esp. when moving)a troop/troops of monkeys/children 群/ 成群的猴子/ 孩子(3) the troops 军队6. assumptions.假定;假设assume v.assumption常用于同位语从句和表语从句。My assumption is that he may be absent from class.我的假设是他可能逃学。相当于:I assume that he may be absent from class.拓展:assuming that常放在句首,不管下句的主语 与assume是否具有主谓或动宾关系。例如:Assuming that he is absent, what should we do?假如他不来,我们该怎么办?相当于 Supposing/Suppose that he is absent,.注意:supposing和suppose都可放在句首,引导从句,不管后面主句主语与它是否具有主谓或动宾关系,为固定搭配。7. apparent adj.( 1)明显的sth. be apparent to sb. = sth. beclear/evident/obvious to sb.it is apparent/clear/obvious/evident that.相当于:apparently/clearly/obviously/evidently,.It soon became apparent to everyone that hecouldnt sing.很快大家都明白他不会唱歌。It was apparent from her face that she was reallyupset.从面容上一眼就可看出她确实心绪烦乱。Apparently they are getting divorced soon.看样子,他们很快就要离婚。( 2 ) 表面上的the apparent improvement 表面上的提高8. kid( 1 ) 儿 小孩,年轻人a bunch of kids 一群年轻人/ 小孩a kid of 15 一 个 15岁的孩子(2) 口 ( 常用于进行时) 戏弄,开玩笑I didnt mean it, I was only kidding.我不是这个意思,我只是在开玩笑。You must be kidding.你是在开玩笑。9. as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上fin. factLCffiDCt相当于:.actuafhrI believe his words, as a matter of fact I dontbelieve in him.我相信他的话,但实际上我并不相信他的为人。二、本单元重难点句子1. Among the different kinds of bee, it is the honeybee that has interested scientists most because ofthe ianguagethey use to communicate with eachother.在各种不同类型的蜜蜂中,蜜蜂因其在彼此间进行沟通所用的“ 语言” 而使科学家们最感兴趣 。It is the honey-bee that has interested scientistsm o st是一个强调句。有关强调句型,特别注意两点。( 1 ) 强调句型夹杂着其他从句。例如:It was in the house (where they got married) thatthey quarreled bitterly.是在他们结婚的新房里,他们发生了激烈的争吵。It was not until they received their sons letter thatthey felt relaxed.他们直到收到儿子来信才感到轻松点。( 2 ) 区分强调句型和带有时间状语从句的主从复合句。例如:It was on October 1st, 1949 that New China wasfounded.新中国是在1949年10月1日成立的。 ( 强调句型)It was October 1 st, 1949 when New China wasfounded.那 是1949年10月1日新中国成立的时候。 ( 状语从句)2. He marked all the bees that came to the nearbyfeeding place blue, and all the bees that went to thefar-away place red.他把所有远处喂食的蜜蜂作了蓝色标记,把所有到远处的蜜蜂作了红色标记。far-away ( 远方的)与nearby ( 附近的)都是合成形容词,在此句中作定语。又如:a fhraway forest 远处的森林,far-away times遥远的时代,a nearby hotel附近的旅馆far-away做定语时通常连写,做表语或作状语时则分写可省略。nearby可作定语与状语。例如:He lives far away from the school.他住得离学校很远。I saw her going to a nearby post-box beforelunch.我看到她在午饭前去了一个附近的邮筒。Unit 15 Popular youth culture一、本单元重、难点单词及词组:1. voluntary adj.志愿的; 自愿的voluntary helpers义务帮忙的人They asked for his voluntary appearance.他们要求他白动露面。拓展:( 1) volunteer v.主要搭配:votateerto do sthvotanteoa for sth.volunteer fbr the army= volunteer to join the army志愿参军volunteer sth .自动/ 自愿提供He volunteered some information.他自愿去获取某些资料。(2) volunteern .志愿者Are there volunteers?有没有自告奋勇的人哪?2. acknowledge vt.主要用法:( 1)承认 - 一 . - -_ * _ _ -f adonwtaige stu/oong sr _ _ f admit/accept.asadotowtedge .as. - J r . . I recognize .asAc. co oe 、acknowtedlge IhaL.acknowfedge sbTsth. +#.voluntary societies 志愿团体I thanked your help.(错误)( 3)告 知 已 收 到 ( 某物)Hehis letter.我们必须向他表明收到了他的信。We dont acknowledge the independence ofTaiwan.我们不承认台湾的独立。(=We dont acknowledge Taiwan as anindependent country.)She is acknowledged as an expert on the subject.她被认为是本学科的专家。(=She is acknowledged to be an expert on thesubject.)She acknowledged herself puzzled.她承认自己不知所措。( 2 )表示感谢,致谢主要搭配:acknowledge sth.对某事表示感谢I acknowledged your timely help.我感谢你及时的帮助。拓展:“ 对某人表示感谢” 表达法:thank sb for sth/doing sth.be thankful to sb for sth /doing sthbe grateful to sb fbr sth/doing sth.派生词:acknowledgement n .承认,确认;感谢In acknowledgement of her help, he presented herwith a computer.为了表示对她帮助的谢意,他给她买了一部电脑 。3. elder/older/senior/elderlyelder不可用于比较级,一般用在指年长幼顺序, 特别指在个家庭中, 重在强调长幼顺序。反义词为younger。也可用在指父子同名时,指父亲。older强调年龄老,指两个人当中年老的一个 ,重在强调年龄。例如:He is my elder brother/younger brother. 他是我哥哥/ 弟弟。Mary is my elder daughter.玛丽是我的大女儿。William Pitt the Elder 老威廉皮特William Pitt the younger 小威廉, 皮特the elder of the two 年长的一位the older of the two 年老的一位He is older than me. 他比我大。不可用:He is elder than me.( 注意:thank后面的宾语只能为sb不可能是sth.)可. 用: He is senior to me.He is my senior.当你潜入水中时,记住屏住呼吸。senior不可用于比较级;可用在指“ 级别高,辈分高,年龄大等“ ,反义词为junior.William Pitt the Elder = William Pitt Semor/Sr.William Pitt the younger = William Pitt Junior/Jr.senior students 高年级学生junior students 低年级学生a senior officer 地位高的军官elderly指“ 年老的, 年迈的”( 是old一种的委婉说 法 ) 。My father is over eighty, he is rather elderly.我父亲已八十多岁了,他已是上了年纪的人了。4. breathless adj.气喘吁吁的,使人屏住呼吸的( 相当于 out of breath/ short of breath)厂 bivflifakcssL omortrath.f八.L i i rirartofbraalhWhen 1 amved at school, I was当我到达学校时,我气喘吁吁。a breathless silence 可怕的安静a breathless afternoon 一个闷热的下午拓展:( 1) breath n .呼吸hold ones breath 屏住呼吸Remember to hold your breath when you dive intowater.take a deep breath 作深呼吸take breath 歇歇,喘口气( =have a rest)catch ones breath 歇口气(2) breathe vt. & v i.呼吸,发出breathe in (sth)呼 进 ( 某物)breathe out(sth)呼出( 某物)breath in/out air 吸气/ 呼气(3) breathtaking adj.令人吃惊的( surprising)breathtaking beauty/rudeness 令人吃惊的美/ 粗鲁5. beneficial adj.有益的,有用的benefit v. & n有益于,有助于;利益,好处主要用法:( 1) be beneficial to sb .对. 有 益 ( =to one9sadvantage)=be of great benefit to sb.=be helpful /usefiil/good for sb.=do good to sb.(2)AbauftB A 对B有利 ApnftBVbB bmeft ftnmA B proft froiiiA、J(3) for the benefit of 为. 利益 相当于 in theinterest(s) ofMore exercise is beneficial to your health. 多锻炼对身体有好处。=More exercise benefits/ profits your healthYour health can benefit/ profit from more exercise.=More exercise is of great benefit to your health.=You should exercise more for the benefit of yourhealth.6. eager adj.热切的;渴望的,热心的比较:eager/anxious/worriedanxious往往包括eager“ 热切的,渴望的“ ,又包括 worried“ 担忧的” ,即:be anxious for =be eager forbe anxious about = be worried about( 1)可作定语,如:a worthwhile cause/discussion/job 值得为之奋斗的事业/ 值得做的讨论/ 工作( 2 ) 作补语,如:make sth. worthwhile使某事有意义make our efforts worthwhile使我们的努力有意义/ 值得(3) 作表语常用于句型: It is worthwhile to do sth(doing sth)值得去做某事r haw nwctingIt is worthwhile 这个会议值得开。having Ihe vnediieeager常用于以卜搭配:( 1) be eager for sth.渴望某物(2) be eager to do s th .渴望做某事(3) be eager for sb. to do sth.渴望某人去做某物(4) be eager that 从 句 希望.Tom was eager for you to come to the party.汤姆殷切期盼你来参加晚会。The president is eager that the project should bestarted early.总统希望这计划能早日着手进行。7. worthwhile a d j.值得的主要用法:注意:It is worth doing sth中d o in g 不可为不定式。worth while也可写为worth w hile,但作定语时不可拆开。8. fit in with ( 与在工作/ 生活中能否自然,容易地相处、合作等) 与合得来;适应( 1) fit in with sb.He is a new comer, Im afraid he cant fit in withother people.他是个新手,我担心他与其他人配合不好。(2) fit in with sth.Does my arrangement fit in with your plan?我的安排与你的计划相冲突吗?(3) fit in with sb= get along/on with sb.As soon as she came to kindergarten, she fit is withother children quickly.她一到幼儿园,就同其他小孩混熟了。9. due to 因为due to表“ 因为,由于” 可放在句首或句中。His success is due to his hard work.他的成功是由于他的努力学习。(=Due to his hard work, he succeeded. = Hesucceeded due to his hard work.)拓展:“ 因为” 词组归纳:/ due tobecause ofOQ account ofowing to( IteaDks toforlhermsonofarise fromrest* ftioinI ien二、本单元重点句型Denim jeans are a symbol of the globalteenager and it seems likely that they will remainpart of international youth culture for many years tocome.牛仔裤是全球青少年的一种象征,并且很有可能在未来的许多年里仍将是国际青少年文化的一部分。It seems likely th a t.似乎有可能.拓展:“ 有可能” 句型归纳( 1) sth. is likely to do. 有可能.(2) sb. is likely to do 某人有可能.(3) It is likely that. 有可能.(4) sth. is possible 某事有可能(5) It is possible /probable that. 有可能.注意:likely的主语可为sb, sth, it等。但possible /probable都不可用sb作 主 语 , 多 用sth或ito辨析:likely, probable 与 possiblelikely指“ 从表面迹象来看很有可能” , 指veryprobably 可能性很大 ,但 比probable的可能性要小,比possible要大。possible强调“ 客观上有可能” ,但常含有“ 实际希望很小” 的意思。probable语气最强,指“ 有根据、合情理、值得相信的“ 事物,带有“ 大概,很可能” 的意思。Success is possible, but hardly probable.成功是有可能的,但把握性不大。She is not likely to come next month.她下月很可能不来。 ( 主语为“ 人” 时,用likely)Ifs possible but not probable that he will cometomorrow.他明天有可能但又不太可能来。Unit 16 Finding jobs一、本单元重点单词与词组1. in touch w ith保持联系,了解常用搭配:an adoring look 爱慕的眼神keep in touch with 与. . .保持联系get in touch w ith 与. . . 取得联系lose touch with 与. . .失去联系be in touch with 与. . . 在联系之中be out of touch with 与. . . 没有联系拓展:keep track o f 与. . . 保持联系( 以便求助)lose track o f 与. . .失去联系contact sb. /s th .与. . . 联系;联络be in contact with 与. . . 在联系make contact with 与. . . 联系make approaches to s b . 与某人接触approach sb. about s t h .与某人联系商谈某事2. adore v t . 热爱;敬仰主要搭配:( 1) adore sb. =worship sb .崇拜. .,喜欢. . . .(2) adore doing sth. /sth.喜欢做某事(3) adoration n. the adoration for sth.对. . 喜爱She adores her elder brother.她很爱她哥哥。Jlhediiema.Sheadores I即 口111cd im 她喜爱看电影。拓展:adorer n. 崇拜者,热爱者3. assess v t . 评价;估价主要用法:( 1)估价assess sth.assess the damage caused by the storm 估计暴风雨能造成的损失assess sth. at + 价 钱 ( =value sth. at) 估某物为They assessed the value of the house at 200, 000yuan.他们估计这房子价值为20万元。( 2 ) 评价 assess sth.assess one飞ability 评价某人的能力4. occupation n .职业;占据( 1 ) 职业Tell me your name, address and occupation.告诉我你的姓名、住址和职业。lose ones occupation =lose ones job 失业( 2 ) 占据;占领常用于under occupation占领by occupation 职业The areas under occupation contained majorindustrial areas.adoring adj. 崇拜的, 敬慕的 被占领的地区拥有主要的工业区。( 4 )不耐烦地He is a teacher by occupation. (=His occupation isa teacher.)The clerk answered shortly.那个职员不耐烦地回答。他的职业是老师。6. nevertheless adv. & conj.虽然如此; 然而( evenso)拓展:occupy v t.占据;占 领 ( 时 间、空间)He said everything would go well. Nevertheless, Icouldnt help worrying about it.The piano occupies a lot of space in the room.他说一切都没事,可我还是禁不住担心。这架钢琴占据了房间里的很大空间。常用短语: 士修人忙于偏薄be occupied1皿M5He was occupied with /in writhing a novel.他正忙于写一本小说。This months fall in profits was not unexpected.Nevertheless, it is very disappointing.这个月利润减少是意料的事,不过还是让人很不痛快。What you said was true, but it was neverthelessunkind.你说的都对,不过你的话有点刻薄。7. addition?!.增加的人或事物;加法5. shortly adv.立亥l j ,叫上主要用法:( 1)相当于soon.I will come back shortly after I finish my work.主要用法:( 1)与to连用make an addition to做完工作我会马上回来的。( 2 )常与 after 连用,shortly after=soon after.一. . .就. . . .in additionin addition toTom is good at addition.I will come back shortly after I finish my work.汤姆擅长于做加法。我做完工作马上就回来。They5ve just had an addition to the family.( 3 )简短地;简洁地他们家里又添了一口人。to put it shortly =briefly speaking 简而言之In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulanceswill be on duty until midnight.除了这些安排外,另增救护车值班至午夜。There is, in addition、one further point to make. 他隐瞒了他病重的事实。此外,还有一点要说。派生词:additionally adv.此外Additionally, the bus service will run on Sundays,every two hours.此外,公共汽车将于星期天运行服务,每两小时一班。拓展:ad d .to .把. 力 口 至I . 上add t o增加;增添add u p加 起 来 ( 过程)add up to=come to 共计add that 补充说8. hold back( 1 )退缩,踌躇When danger came, no one held back.危险到来时,无人退缩。(2) 阻止 (prevent sb. from doing sth.)The police held back the crowd.警察阻止了群众。( 3 )阻 碍(sth. hold sb. back)His poor education is holding him back.他的教育程度阻碍了他的发展。( 4 )保 留 ( 实 情 ) ,隐瞒He held back the fact that he was seriously ill.拓展:hold down 抑制,压制hold on ( 打电话时) 等着,别挂断;继续,持续下去hold on to 抓住,不放弃;拥有hold out 提出;伸出;维持hold to sth. 忠实于,遵守hold up 延搁,阻滞9. instant( 1) a d j.立即的,立刻的,速成的The telegram asked for an instant reply.这个电报要马上答复。instant coffee 速溶咖啡( 2 )儿片刻瞬间,一会儿常用短语:fbr an instant 一时,暂时(2)in an instant 一 会 儿 , 马 上 , 立 刻the instant+从句=as soon asHe couldnt answer He an instant. 他一时答不上来。He will come back in an instant. 他一会儿就回来。I will write to you the instant I arrive. 我一到达就给你写信。拓展:instantlyadv.立即, 立刻The boss wants the job done instantly.老板要求马上把这个工作做完。co句 . 一. 就.I recognized her instantly I saw her.我一见她就把她认出来了。10. 辨析:salary /income /wage /pay( 1) salary “ 薪水” ,通常指年俸按月发给。( 2) incom e收入,收益,进 款 ( 统称)( 3) pay“ 薪水,工资”( 最普通用语),特指海陆军人及其他在政府部工作者的薪资,是salary和wage的统称。( 4) wage ( 常用复数)“ 工资” ,指对较简单的劳动或体力劳动,以每小时、每日、每周等单位支付的工资。二、本单元重、难点句子Every time he plays football he is. 每当他踢足球时,他句 中every tim e短语引导一- 从句来作状语, 意为“ 每当.归纳:1 .有 些time构 成 的 短 语 , 如the first /last time可引导一从句作时间状语,意为“ 第一次/ 最后一次. 的时候” 。如:The first time Tom met Mary, he fell in love withher.2 .还 有 一 些 名 词 短 语 , 如the moment/minute/second/instant也可引导一时间状语从句,意为“ 一. 就.如:I told you the news the instant I heard it.我一听到消息便告诉了你。3 .某些副词 immediately/directly/instantly 等也可引起时间状语从句,意为“ 一就I called him immediately I arrived there.我一到达那里就给他打电话。注意:在这一类时间状语从句中,不可用进行时态,要用一般现在时代替一般将来时。第一次见她的时候,汤姆就爱上了她。
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