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Period 1 Section A(1a-2d)人教版七年级上Unit 3 Is this your pencil?习题链接12345Excusemine; herseraser; pencildictionaryaboutIs this; it is; mineAre these; they arent; Theyre hersWhat aboutIs that yoursThank you for your help678910课内知识答案呈现温馨提示:点击进入讲评习题链接123456789CAre theseADAWhat about /How aboutDHow aboutC题组专训D101112Thanks forD答案呈现习题链接12345678DCCBAbookseraserWelcome课后巩固helpingmine910111213Are these; they areExcuse meare notfor helpingschoolbag; What about yours1415答案呈现习题链接课后巩固1617181920212223Is; yourWhat aboutThose boxes areNo; it isntAre these; dictionariesCADEB2425262728seebooksminefriendabout2930313233dictionaryteacherHisforhelp3435答案呈现课内知识一、根据汉语提示写单词一、根据汉语提示写单词, 并背记相应英语词汇并背记相应英语词汇 1. _ (原谅) me. Is this your key? Yes, it is. Thank you. 2. The book is _(我的) and the ruler is _ (她的). Excuseminehers课内知识3. Here is an _(橡皮) and a _(铅笔) in the pencil box. 4. I have an EnglishChinese _(字典). 5. 【新题】The news is_(有关) online classes (网课). eraser pencildictionaryabout课内知识二、根据汉语意思完成句子二、根据汉语意思完成句子, 并背记英语句子并背记英语句子 6. 这是你的铅笔吗? 是的, 它是。它是我的。 _ _ your pencil? Yes, _ _. Its _. Is this it is mine课内知识7. 这些是你的书吗? 不, 不是。是她的。 _ _ your books? No, _ _. _ _. Are these they arent Theyre hers课内知识8. 这本字典呢? _ _ this dictionary? What about课内知识9. 那是你的吗? _ _ _? Is that yours课内知识10. 安娜, 谢谢你的帮助。 _ _ _ _ _, Anna. Thank you for your help题组专训1. Hi, Jane. Is this your ruler? Yes, _. A. it isnt B. he is C. it is D. they are C题组专训2. These are my rulers. (变成一般疑问句) _ _ your rulers? Are these题组专训3. _, is this your pencil? No, it isnt. Its Toms. 【2021莱芜月考】 A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. Thank you D. How are you 【点拨】引起别人注意时, 先使用excuse me表示礼貌。故选A。A题组专训4. _, can you tell me the way(路线) to the bank? _, I dont know. A. Sorry; Excuse me B. Sorry; Sorry C. Excuse me; Excuse me D. Excuse me; Sorry 【点拨】引起别人注意要使用excuse me, 如果不能为别人提供帮助, 则使用sorry(对不起)表示歉意。故选D。D题组专训5. I like Chinese and English. _you, Mary? I like Chinese, but I dont like English. A. What about B. What time C. Where are D. How are 【点拨】根据答语可知是询问对方情况, 应该使用“What about?”。故选A。A题组专训6. 来杯茶怎么样? _ _ a cup of tea? What about /How about题组专训7. What about _ to school now? OK. Lets go. A. go B. to go C. goes D. going 【点拨】 about是一个介词, 后面要使用动名词作宾语。故选D。D题组专训8. What about your father? (变成同义句) _ _ your father? How about题组专训9. Thank you _ your family photos. They are very nice. A. to B. in C. for D. at 【点拨】Thank you for是一个固定句型, 意为“为而感谢你”。C题组专训10. Thank you for _ me with my English. A. help B. to help C. helps D. helping 【点拨】Thank you for后面可以接名词, 如果出现动词, 则使用其ing形式。故选D。D题组专训11. Thank you for your help. (变成同义句) _ _ your help. Thanks for题组专训12. Its very kind of you to help me. Thank you very much. _. A. Thank you B. Dont thank me C. Sorry to help you a little D. Youre welcome 【点拨】用情景交际法。回答别人的感谢时常使用“Youre welcome.”, 意思是“不客气。”故选D。D课后巩固一、单项选择一、单项选择 1. Are these pencils _, Jane? No, they arent. I think they are _. A. your; he B. yours; he C. your; his D. yours; his 【点拨】考查物主代词。因为两个设空处后面都没有名词, 所以需要选择名词性物主代词。只有D项符合题意。D课后巩固2. _, are you Miss Yang? Yes, I am. 【2020淄博月考】 A. Fine B. Please C. Excuse me D. Thank you C课后巩固3. Thank you for your help. _. A. Thats right B. Youre right C. Youre welcome D. Dont thank me C课后巩固4. Is this your pencil? _. A. Yes, it isnt B. Yes, it is C. No, it is D. No, she isnt B课后巩固5. What about _ those homeless kids(无家的孩子)? A. helping B. to help C. helps D. help A课后巩固二、根据汉语或首字母提示写单词二、根据汉语或首字母提示写单词 6. Are those your _(书本)? Put them away(把它们收拾起来). 7. My pencil and e are in my pencil box. 8. W to our school. Have a good day! booksraserelcome课后巩固9. Thanks for _(帮助) me with my English. 10. Your schoolbag is here and m is in the classroom. helpingine课后巩固三、根据汉语意思完成句子三、根据汉语意思完成句子 11. 这些是你的铅笔吗? 是的, 是我的。 _ _ your pencils? Yes, _ _. Are these they are课后巩固12. 打扰了, 这是你的橡皮吗? _ _, is this your eraser? Excuse me课后巩固13. 那些不是我的铅笔。 Those _ _ my pencils. are not课后巩固14. 非常感谢你帮助我。 Thank you very much _ _ me. for helping课后巩固15. 我的书包是红色的, 你的呢? My _ is red. _ _ _? schoolbag What about yours课后巩固四、按要求完成句子四、按要求完成句子 16. This is my English book. (改成一般疑问句) _ this _ English book? Is your课后巩固17. Im a teacher. How about you? (改成同义句) Im a teacher. _ _ you? What about课后巩固18. That box is Toms. (改成复数句子) _ _ _Toms. Those boxes are课后巩固19. Is this your English book? (作否定回答) _, _ _. No it isnt课后巩固20. Is this an English dictionary? (改成复数句子) _ _ English _? Are these dictionaries课后巩固五、情景交际五、情景交际 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。 A: Good morning, Alice! _21 B: Yes, it is. A: And is that your ruler? B: _22 Its Jacks. CAA. No, it isnt. B. Thank you. C. Is this your pen? D. What about this pencil box? E. Whats in your pencil box? 课后巩固A: _23 B: Its the same as(和相同) mine. Oh, mine is not in my schoolbag. A: _24 B: A red ruler and two yellow pencils. A: Thats your pencil box. B: _25 A. No, it isnt. B. Thank you. C. Is this your pen? D. What about this pencil box? E. Whats in your pencil box? DEB课后巩固六、六、【2021原创】原创】短文填空短文填空选择合适的词并用其适当形式完成短文。 Look at the picture! You can _26 some school things (学习用品) in it, some _27 and pencils, two erasers and two dictionaries. teacher, see, friend, book, dictionary, my, for, help, he, about seebooks课后巩固The blue eraser is _28. Its big. The green eraser is Lucys. She is my good _29. We are in the same (相同的) school. This is my English dictionary. What _30 the Chinese _31? Oh, its Lucys. My English _32 is Mr. Brown. _33 first name is Bill. He is a good teacher. We thank him (他) _34 his _35. minefriendaboutdictionaryteacherHisforhelp teacher, see, friend, book, dictionary, my, for, help, he, about
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