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Hao Yongyan Lets smile.on the booksin the roomLets smile.Lets smile.on the boxLets smile.on the bedLets smile.under the tree1. 以以 where 开头的特殊疑问句。开头的特殊疑问句。 用来询问人或物在什么地方。其结构为:用来询问人或物在什么地方。其结构为:Where is / are 主语主语(人或物人或物)?回答时回答时不能用不能用 Yes 或或 No,而应根据实际情况回答,而应根据实际情况回答出物品所在的位置。例如:出物品所在的位置。例如: - Where are your keys? 你的钥匙在哪里?你的钥匙在哪里? - Theyre in my room. 它们在我的房间里。它们在我的房间里。Lets learn.2. “Where is单数主语,单数主语,Where are复复数主语数主语”,谓语动词用谓语动词用is还是还是are取决于取决于主语的人称和数。如果主语是人,回答主语的人称和数。如果主语是人,回答时用相应的人称代词主格作主语;如果时用相应的人称代词主格作主语;如果主语是单数物品,回答时用主语是单数物品,回答时用“Its + 表示地点的词表示地点的词”;如果主语是复数物品,;如果主语是复数物品,回答时用回答时用“Theyre + 表示地点的词表示地点的词”。1. - Where _ the cat? - It is _ _ _.2. - Where _ the computer? - Its _ _ _.3. - Where is the family photo? - _ _ wall.4. - Where are the students? - _ _ the classroom.5. - Where are the books? - They are _ _ _. 一、一、看图完成看图完成下列对话。下列对话。isin the boxison the deskIts onTheyre inunder the chairGrammar Focus1. 地图在哪里?地图在哪里?_ the map?2. 它在你爷爷奶奶的房间里。它在你爷爷奶奶的房间里。 Its _ your _ room. 3. 我的书在哪里?我的书在哪里?_ _ my books?4. 它们在沙发上。它们在沙发上。Theyre _ the _. 5. 他他的铅笔盒在的铅笔盒在哪里?哪里? _ _ pencil box?WheresWhere areon sofa in grandparents Wheres his二、二、重点句型重点句型Grammar Focus6. 它在他的书包里。它在他的书包里。Its _ his _. 7. 你的尺子在哪里?你的尺子在哪里?_ your _?8. 它在椅子下面。它在椅子下面。Its _ the _.9. 他们的钥匙在哪里?他们的钥匙在哪里?_ are _ _?10. 它们在桌子上。它们在桌子上。 _ on the _.Wheres rulerin schoolbagunder chairWhere their keysTheyre table三三、根据图画提示,写出单词根据图画提示,写出单词。1. - Where are the books? - Theyre _ the chair.2. My book is on the _. 3. Where is the cat? - Its on the _. 4. I think my schoolbag is in my grandparents _.5. Look! The hat is on your _.6. The _ is very nice. undertablesofaroomheadbookcase四、四、 选词填空。选词填空。1. - _ is the computer game? - Its on the desk.2. - Whats her name? - Sorry, I dont _.3. - Are your keys in your parents room? - Yes, they are on _ bed.4. Look! The baseball is _ the dresser.5. My books are in the _. Whereknowtheirundertheir, where, under, bookcase, know bookcase1. 参照你房间里的东西用介词参照你房间里的东西用介词in,on,under写五个句子写五个句子。2. Review (Grammar Focus.)3. Game (Find the differences)
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